5 Giant DIY Foods Challenge & How To Make The Best Avengers Endgame Pancake Art in 24 Hours

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- You challenged us to make giant food, and check out this pizza! You challenged us to make a giant slice of pizza, so right now, let's go! - [Devan] I'm kicking it off by kneading my dough. - And I'm kicking it off with some sauce. It's time to pulverize. - What, you're pulverizing tomatoes? - [Collin] Yep, pulverizing tomatoes to see that it needs a real, authentic juicy sauce. - We're gonna use this thing here to mash it all up. - Whoa, whoa. - So again, you know what, I gotta put this away and show you how to really do the sauce. First, you start off with the tomatoes. - Okay well you know what, instead of dicing them, I'm gonna use lil tomatoes 'cause like four little tomatoes equals one big tomato. So boom, give them little squeezes. - Can you just squeeze it with the other hand? - Yeah, sure, sure, sure, three, two, one, oh! - I thought that would be better! - I'm sorry, man, I'm not left handed. - Next step is to dice up the onion and man, it's already making me cry. Next step is to add all this in to the sauce bowl. Alright, so my eyes are finally starting to clear up, so I'm gonna add my balsamic and my olive oil. - [Collin] So we're going to add all of the balsamic. - Just a little bit, Collin, it's a seasoning. - [Collin] How much of the olive oil? - [Devan] Just a little bit. - [Collin] You gotta try to absorb some of the balsamic and olive oil right now 'cause it's a lot in there. So we'll add some cheese into my sauce. - Wait, I'm sorry- - This is an innovation Devan. Time to add some oregano, gonna get a big old scoop in here. We're just gonna go like this. - Now back to the dough. - The thing is, Devan, you're using pre-made dough. I'm making my dough from scratch. So I need one cup of flour right here. This is way that you win, Devan. Next up, we just gotta dash of salt. So here we go, just a dash of salt. The winning touch, some cheese. We're gonna have cheesy crust right here. Alright, now it's time to knead out my dough. So here we go, three, two, one, oh there we go, perfect. I gotta say, man, my dough is not turning out, so I got a different strategy, now yeet! - Whoa! - Oh snap, wait a minute, bro. The yeet looks like a self portrait of me, man. Now that that's over, time to grab the pre-made dough. - Wait a second, what are you doing? - I'm using pre-made dough, Devan. 'Cause my other dough, it didn't quite work right. - What? - Wrong step. Gotta get the flour on here first. So here we go, flour on first like this. - [Devan] Now it's time to put it in a pan and start shaping it. - [Collin] And I'm gonna add some cheese to this crust, because unfortunately this one doesn't have anymore cheese in it, so here we go, man. cheesy crust, it'll be an experiment, but I think it's gonna work out really well. - [Devan] So basically, you just wanna make this into a triangle shape. (laughing) What are you doing? - It just looks really funny. It looks like you're kneading a rug. - [Devan] My dough is done, and now it's time to turn this in to the giant pizza slice. And now it's time to move on to the toppings. I'm gonna start with the tomato sauce. Just gotta lather it on here. - [Collin] See the thing is, Devan, I'm gonna be creating my pizza with a full walled crust. I can basically have a tomato soup inside my pizza slice. - [Devan] Collin, that looks like a swimming pool! - Maybe like a community swimming pool. - [Devan] Next steps is we add the cheese. - [Collin] The cheese, okay, there we go. - [Devan] You just wanna lightly sprinkle it on top, just like this. - [Collin] Boom, cheese is on. - [Devan] Now it's time for the final toppings. - I'm gonna be kicking this off with pepperoni, so here we go, the thing about a giant pizza, it needs some giant toppings. So here we go, we're gonna get some broccoli. Oh, look, love a little broccoli mouth, man! - No one loves broccoli on pizza. - Everyone loves broccoli on pizza. You know what they love more than broccoli on pizza? Pineapple, boom, there we go. - What? - Pineapple pizza. - Okay, I know for a fact, nobody likes pineapple on pizza. - Oh boy, dude, look at this, brother. This is an innovation on the sauce. You've heard pineapple on the pizza, never pineapple juice in pizza before, look at this, man. - Yeah, nobody likes soggy pizza, Collin. - [Collin] Pizza is almost done. - It's gonna be okay, pizza, it's gonna be okay. Next up, we chuck these in the oven. - Alright, here we go! - Oh, not actually chuck, don't actually throw them. We place them in the oven gently. - Oh, okay, gotcha, then we'll find out how they turn out. That is the largest piece of pizza I have ever seen and it is steaming hot, so here's the big reveal. - [Both] Ready, set, go, ta da, dude! - That is a perfect slice of pizza man! - These look great. - [Collin] You get to comment down below. Whose giant piece of pizza do you think is gonna taste better? - Dude, how am I gonna eat this? - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, bro! We'll be doing that at the end of the video, and right now we're on to the next one. You challenged us to make a giant chicken nugget from Chick-fil-A, so let's go. My chicken nugget, I'm using a jackfruit. - What, I'm using chicken like a normal person. - Yeah, well see I got a crazy chicken nugget that's not even made out of chicken, bro. It's fhicken, fake chicken. Three, two, one, there we, wow! - [Devan] Whoa! - [Collin] This, Devan, is a jackfruit, that I am seeing for the first time as well. - [Devan] Next up, I'm gonna add these eggs here. - Next up, I gotta remove the meat. So I gotta chisel here, and here we go. It's gonna go in to it and just remove some good meat right now. So here we go, it's gonna go in like that, perfect. This does not come out easily. Maybe if I pulverize it first? - [Devan] You never cease to surprise me. - That's my goal, Devan, I never cease to do anything. - [Devan] I'm mixing things up over here, dude. - Let's see if it'll dump out. Three, two, one, there we go! - That, oh! Alright, next up is for me to add the flour. I think I have to add three cups of this. - And I got another jackfruit, I lost a jackfruit. - [Devan] I'm gonna mix as I go, because this is a lot of flour. - We got all the jackfruit meat, and now it's time to get rid of this, so ye! - Whoa, not with that! Last cup of flour and time to get in with my hands. - As you do that, time for me to make my sauce. So we're gonna kick it off right now with some honey. Squeet, squeet, squeet, yo, that's the sound of a new yeet, a squeeze yeet. You've heard of honey mustard dipping sauce, but deet. We're doing mayonnaise dipping sauce with honey. Here we go, three, two, well there we go. Boom, it's all coming at like that, nicely done. Except we are gonna add some mustard, because you can't have a great sauce without some mustard. We got some hot sauce because of course, as you know, I love spice, so what do we do? Just a dash of sriracha in here, oh man! Hey, Devan, I have a perfect name for this sauce. Because it helped create a new yeet, we'll call this the squeet sauce. 'Cause if you eat it, it'll make a squeet. You'll be squeeting everywhere. For my final step, got a whole bunch of eggs. I'm gonna crack them open like this, here we go. One handed crack, oh man chef school watch out. I just graduated. - [Devan] And as you're doing that, I'm gonna add the breadcrumbs. - We're gonna do two cups of flour. And I've actually found out recently, my hand is exactly one cup of flour. This is an exact measurement. I got very lucky with my hands. - Wait, really, can we test this? - [Collin] One cup of flour. And then here we go, I'm gonna dump it in. - [Devan] No way, when did you find this out? - I've kinda known since birth. - [Devan] Time to make my thousand island sauce. I'm adding ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise. - [Collin] The eggs and the flour's mixing together, oh boy. - [Devan] My dipping sauce is done. Now it's time to shape the nugget. - And my jackfruit is done, so now I gotta put my breadcrumbs down. - Whoa. - Yeet, alright, so let's get the breadcrumbs out like that, yeet. - [Devan] That was really cool, bro. It's keeping its shape and everything. - [Collin] So here we go, nice. - [Devan] Alright and now, it's time to shape it in to the nugget. - Oh man, bro, I'm gonna get it all breaded up. Hold on, let's get it all breaded up. Oh, dude, I'm getting some extra bread. I got some croissants, here we go. Devan, so these croissants is gonna add the extra bread. So I'm just gonna smash them up well. - [Devan] Collin, you know those are croutons, not croissants, right? - Wait what? - [Devan] Alright, two eggs for my egg wash. - [Collin] I've got a better way of doing an egg wash where you take the eggs, put it on a sponge, and then you just wash, wash, wash, wash, wash like this. You just gotta wash it all around. - You took what I said literally, Collin. - I always do, Devan. That's the way you take life, literally. - [Devan] The egg wash really helps the breadcrumbs stick to the nugget. - [Collin] It's a nugget volcano, man, here we go. It's gonna erupt, it's gonna erupt! Watch out man, whoa! That was some hot lava squeets, I mean nuggets. - [Devan] And finally I add breadcrumbs to the top. - [Collin] And I'm gonna add honey to the top, 'cause I don't have another step to do and I wanna be doing another step, so here we go. I think I'm definitely doing a solid on this one. - Now it's time for the most important part. We're gonna pop it in the oven and see how it turns out. - Our giant chicken nuggets are done and bro, yours is massive, so here's the big reveal. - [Both] Ready, set, go, ta da! - [Collin] That is so big, bro. You get to comment down below, whose do you think will taste better? Because we'll be eating them at the end of the video. You challenged us to make a giant Crunchwrap Supreme from Taco Bell, so let's go. First ingredient for my Crunchwrap Supreme is a whole bunch of beef, so here we go. Just gonna dump this in, whoa! Alright, well beef is in. Next up, we got some salsa, because we gotta have some salsa-ed beef for your Crunchwrap Supreme. I got a block of cheese I'm just gonna add here, so let- - Oh my! - Well we got the counter all sterilized. That was almost it again. So we're just gonna pop this in here like this. That should be perfect, here we go. Next up, we gotta add in just a little bit more salsa on top, there we go. Now I gotta turn it up to full heat and roast it. - Whoa, so I'm starting the right way, which is with the vegetables. - That's debatable, Devan. See, right now, I gotta mix up all my meat, my cheese, and my salsa. - Is that a piece of hair, oh no, it's just cheese. - [Collin] You kinda scared me there for a second. I'm like, I cannot have hair in my cheese. Next up, I gotta prime the workstation as I prepare for my giant Crunchwrap Supreme case. I want my Crunchwrap Supreme to be Crunchwrap Supreme salsa edition. I want to do a little dance. - [Devan] It's time to cut up these onions, and dude, my eyes are already watering. Is this not affecting you at all? - [Collin] It's not affecting me. See I've already experienced it once Devan, so I'm now immune to it, it's time for Frisbee time. Here we go, three, two, one, frisbee time! - Are you gonna use that tortilla? - Uh, where'd it go, oh, here it is, okay got it. Oh man, my beef is coming along nicely man. It's sizzling, you can hear it, ssh. - That's like a gurgle. Alright next step for me is adding the meat. - [Collin] And next step for me is using the cheese as glue. There's a little bit on that side. - [Devan] You hear the sizzle, bro? I'm gonna add my seasoning, oh. This seasoning's gonna be good. Alright, just finished up with the meat, dude! And now it's time to move on to the tortillas. - Fleet, okay, so next up I got some fresh cheese here. You see how this kind of wiggles? That's exactly what you're looking for. When you slap it, you want a slap back. Here we go, just gonna pop the cheese down like this. Here we go, block of cheese is down. So next step, I'm gonna place my other wrap right over here. My last one goes here at the back, and I must admit although I am confident, I am not 100% sure this is actually gonna work. So here we go, gonna steam it up first. - [Devan] I don't know if that's the best way to do it, Collin. - [Collin] And then we're just gonna see, let's get them all on the same one, and then just press it in. - [Devan] Yeah, uh huh, uh huh, yeah. - [Collin] Get a little bit of steam. It left a mark. - [Devan] If that's what you were going for, you did it. Now I'm binding the tortillas together, very much unlike that. - Alright the next step now that the juice is out, is to add all my meat, so here we go, three, two, one, oh! - [Devan] You burned it so bad! - [Collin] I didn't burn. - [Devan] How are you gonna win if you burned it? - That is crisp. Next up we gotta add in the veggies to my Crunchwrap Supreme, so first up is lettuce, 'cause lettuce is super crunchy, so here we go. - Whoa! - [Collin] There we go, this is art right here. Here we go, this is the painter move right here, just gonna. - Yeah, speaking from experience, I have definitely done that before. Next up it's time to assemble my Crunchwrap. That is how much meat you need. - [Collin] Devan, that is not enough meat, bro. You did not prepare enough. - [Devan] Wait, what? - [Collin] Next up, we got the tomato. So here we go, three, two, one. - This is all over the great space. - Here we go, tomato number two. That came shooting at me. - [Devan] Next up I add this cheese here that I melted down. - [Collin] It's gonna be so satisfying, oh yeah. - [Devan] Now that I've lathered this around, it's time to add the salsa. - [Collin] Let's get a little of these extra cooked right there. See that's how you make some good old meat. I think the fire alarm is gonna go off. And there goes the fire alarm. Here we go, use the tostadas to try to get the smoke out of here. Alright, let's take a quick pause and fix this up. - Ah, that's loud, time to sprinkle in the vegetables. - [Collin] And I got my tostadas, but I gotta get these things crunchy, so here we go. There we go, just all that crunch, bro look at that. Oh, the sour cream, here we go, three, two, one. Oh, there we go, oh! I'm gonna be using this thing here. I think this will help me get it all folded up, so here we go, so now, just gonna lift up and fold over like that. Boom, it stays, come on, work with me. - [Devan] Dude, mine's working! - [Collin] Mine is too, man! We're both winning together, Devan. I mean I'm winning more 'cause mine was more unbelievable that it would work. - Time to flip it, here we go, three, two, one. - Oh man, I thought you were about to do it on the counter. - Yes, yes, yes, dude, look at this. - [Collin] I don't wanna steal your thunder over here man, but I can't help it, bro, mine is just oh, look at that! It's missing one authentic Crunchwrap Supreme on top. You get to comment down below whose do you think is going to taste better, 'cause we'll be trying them at the end of the video. You challenged us to make pancakes from Avengers Endgame, so let's go. - [Collin] I'm making Iron Man. - [Devan] Alright, I'm starting with the head right now. - [Collin] So we're gonna start off here at his box head, so here we go. We're gonna have a lot of room for details in that hand. It looks like he's doing like a little dance move. - [Devan] Dude, he's got two ping pong paddles. - [Collin] Yo, that's like an upgrade to the Iron Man suit, man, Ping Pong Man. Next up we're gonna do the eyes, so here we go. We gotta go one line across like this. He looks like he's wearing some stoner shades right now. - [Devan] I gotta be very detailed here. - Oh, that's a skateboard bro. That's not even his legs right now. That's a little skateboard down here. So here we go, it's gonna do this. - [Devan] Oh boy, I made his arm really small. - So next up here, we're gonna give him the detailing that Devan has done on the insides, I don't know. Just kind of like a whole bunch of different lines. That's what he's doing, he's wearing a man satchel. It looks more like a guitar than a bag, so we're gonna turn it in to a guitar. Here we go, Guitar Hero Iron Man. - [Devan] Man, the mouth is really difficult. - [Collin] Next up gotta give him the little light blasters in his palm right here. - [Devan] Alright, detailing at the eyes. Gotta add some foreshortening. The arm's coming forward so much. - [Collin] Wait, what is foreshortening? - [Devan] Yeah, it's hard to explain. - [Collin] See fashion is his passion, and baggy shirts is absolutely what he loves to wear, so here we go. He's not laying on the grass. This is actually his style right now. Dude, yours is looking so crazy man. Alright, now time to get my skater boy's mouth. So here we go, we're gonna give him a big old mouth. Very confused and surprised at the same time right now. - He's like, huh, what'd you say? Alright, adding the reactor in the center. I think that's the reactor, right? - [Collin] I dunno. - [Devan] I think I wanna add some gray accents under here. - [Collin] The thing is this isn't Iron Man. This is Aluminum Foil Boi. You gotta hit it with that every single time. He comes down the boardwalk. He's like, wow, Aluminum Foil Boi. On his hand we're gonna give him a cool spider tattoo that he definitely doesn't regret. Of course we gotta give him a purple guitar, because that's really gonna bring this whole outfit together for him. I'm gonna try to add some muscles right now, because he's currently trying out the Hulk Bulk workout, which is he saw it on P-90-Flex. Alright now time to fully fill my guy in. So here we go, gonna fill in his hands. Next up we got the iron body, the suit right here. - Wait, he's red, oh right, he's wearing a suit. - [Collin] We don't actually know if it's a suit or if he's actually sunburned. We'll find out at some point, we'll have to ask him. - [Devan] Carefully, carefully, carefully, and done. - I think this may literally be the best pancake you have ever made. Initially the green was supposed to be a giant baggy shirt, but now it looks like he's kinda like tanning on a beach towel with a guitar across his chest. - [Devan] Mine's all filled in, and now it's time to let it roast. - Here we go, the flip, time to see how mine turned out. - [Both] Three, two, one, oh, whoa! - [Collin] He got super crusty bro. - Alright here we go, three, two, one. - Five second subscribe challenge. We wanna see if you can subscribe to this channel and turn on the channel post notifications in five seconds, you ready, here we go. - Five, four, three, two, one, done! - If you can do that, comment down below, Keyper Squad right now. - Ready, set, go. - [Collin] Oh, don't break it. Oh my gosh bro, what? That looks so crazy bro. You get to comment down below who won this round, and we'll be eating them at the end of the video. You challenged us to make a giant piece of sushi, so let's go. - [Devan] First up, I'm adding rice to my sushi roll. - And first up, I'm gonna be pre-seasoning my rice with a whole bunch of soy sauce. See the mistake most people make, they don't add soy sauce at the beginning, and then the customer has to dunk their sushi in soy sauce. Oh, there we go, almost all in there. - [Devan] Collin, control yourself. - I gotta cream my rice right here, so we got the soy sauce. - That's on the table. - It is very heavy, now I gotta get the hands in. Ah, it like burned for a split second. - [Devan] And I'm putting my rice on my nori sheet. - Alright here we go, just gonna add the rice here, so here we go. There we go, that's number one. I call this de-graining the rice, it's a terrible name. - [Devan] Alright well while you're making your soup, I'm gonna be adding my next ingredient. - It's sushi bro, how could this be soup, if I don't even use the bowl, I can't grip it. And ta da, there we go bro. Next up to make my sushi even more authentic, I have other littler pieces of sushi. I'm gonna go from this side, like that. And this side over here. - [Devan] Next up I'm dicing my pepper. - But first bro, can you hold that up really quick? No Devan, the board, so hold it up facing me. Now this is how you get the perfect texture wasabi. Three, two, one, oh, see look at it man! - Did you ever think about that might miss? - Devan, I'm a wasabi throwing champion. Boom, there we go, wasabi is in. Oh yeah, look how the wasabi just mixes right in. You gotta really cultivate it, just speak to the sushi. You know like, you're beautiful. You're everything you should be and more. Next up, we got some cucumbers, so ah! - You're so strong Collin. To be able to break a cucumber is just incredible. - Wait are you being sarcastic? - Maybe. - [Collin] Devan, is there anything my sushi is missing? - A plan. - No, not at all Devan. Some imitation crab meat, 'cause nothing says sushi more than this rubber looking stuff. So here we go, just gonna mash it all up. - [Devan] Next up I'm chopping up all my vegetables and putting them on my nori sheet. - [Collin] I got the majority of the ingredients. The one thing it's missing is the main ingredient of sushi besides rice, which is fish. - I got my fish. - And I got my fish. - Whoa, what are you doing with that? - This is my giant fish for my giant sushi, Devan. - You're not gonna be able to use that. - What are you talking about bro, I'm a sushi master bro. - [Devan] You haven't even made your sushi yet. - I'm part way there, and I just gotta add the fish in. - Oh man! - You know what, maybe I don't know how to handle a fish. I should probably go put this back. So next up I gotta construct the roll, and when you're constructing the roll, do not get your hands in the sushi. That's proper sushi etiquette. So you're gonna borrow your brother's spoon, just gonna, here you go, lift up a little scoop like this. - [Devan] Why your brother's specifically? - [Collin] Because this is what you gotta do. Three, two, one, boom, like that, here we go. - [Devan] Next up I'm gonna roll my salmon. - I gotta say Devan, all things considered, yours is looking pretty similar to mine right now. So now it's time to get in there with the hands, 'cause I got kind of bored with not using my hands. Get that out of here, so here we go, I got a whole bunch of salmon, gonna pick a spot. Just kind of lay the salmon down on the inside like this. - [Devan] You know you could roll it too, right? - Well you never prematurely roll your sushi, otherwise you lose. - [Devan] Alright the last thing for me is just to add the ginger. - Time to roll this thing up, so here we go. So this is where all the expertise, all the years of focusing, of training comes in to it. 'Cause see, here we go, gonna roll it like this. Boom, Devan, you're not paying attention, but things magnificently are happening here. I did it, wow, look at it! - If only all sushi chefs got as excited about their sushi as you do. - They'd probably have no one in the restaurant 'cause they would be freaked out. So next up, you're gonna be rolling yours. We're gonna see who actually created the better one. That is definitely the largest piece of sushi I have ever seen, and here's the big reveal. - Ready, set, go, ta da! - That is like 100 sushi rolls in one. You get to comment down below whose sushi roll do you think is gonna taste better. We got all the giant foods, and now it's time to see how they taste. Alright so what do you think is a strategy of how we're gonna eat this? This is heavy. - [Devan] Dude I don't know. I can actually kind of pick mine up. - [Collin] Bro you can pick it all up. - I think I got it. I got it. - Oh snap! - But the only problem is if I bite this, I just get tortilla dude. So I think I should probably cut this open. - Mine is not structurally sound enough to be able to remove it from this. We also got the mini Crunchwrap Supreme, so I might get a little piece of that on top right now. - [Devan] And plus it's gonna look super cool on the inside. - Do not try this at home, here we go. Just gonna slice it off 'cause if I can just score it down the middle here. Oh man, mine goes like butter throughout. I think it's 'cause of all the melting I did. - [Devan] Mine's really toasted dude. - [Collin] Yeah mine's not as crunchy as what I thought. It's got a lot more soggy. This is such a monstrous dish man, it is just massive. - [Devan] This is looking good. - [Collin] Yeah yours is looking a lot better than mine man. Oh snap, look at this bro, this is so good! - [Devan] Oh, oh, look at mine! It's creamy and melted, what's happening? - Put it back, you gotta grab another one bro, yeah! You know what, your piece is a little bit bigger than mine. I'm feeling a little bit insecure right now, so I'm gonna place my piece right over here to the side. I'm gonna go for a large piece right now. I'm gonna go for this piece right here. Oh snap bro, look at mine! - [Devan] Whoa dude! - It's all creamy and melty. - Yeah. - The moment you've all been waiting for. Time to find out what this tastes like. - Alright here we go, three, two, one. - Oh man, oh I can hear the crunch bro. It's really crunchy, is it good? You legit made an actual Crunchwrap Supreme bro. Well now it's time to find out how mine tastes, and I gotta say bro, I am an innovator. This is a Crunchwrap Supreme taken to the next level. There's even a real Crunchwrap Supreme on the front of it. So here we go, you ready? - Ready, set, go. - [Devan] Oh, how is it? - I am an innovator. - Is it really good, is it really cheesy though? - That was the best thing ever, and we're on to the next one. We've got the giant sushi but these chopsticks won't work, so yeet, we need to bring out the giant chopsticks. Yeah one here like this, one here like this. And Devan, I'll go first on mine. You know what, before I grab mine, I need to add some seasoning to it. Luckily we got a giant plate over here. Devan can you please hold it up? First we're gonna add some soy sauce to it. Devan, you gotta hold it, otherwise if you spill it- - [Devan] I am. - If you spill it, it gets everywhere. - I got you dude. - So next up here, I've got some, we got some wasabi, so I'm gonna, there we go, perfect. We're gonna add the wasabi in. - Can you hurry up dude, my arm's getting tired. - Next up we'll use the little chopsticks, just kind of mix it all around in here. - [Devan] Is that necessary? - [Collin] It's absolutely necessary, Devan. Otherwise it won't be mixed properly, you know what I mean? Now I got the giant chopsticks. Thank you Devan for holding that, oh, I'm sorry! Here we go, one on either side just kind of like this. So here we go, oh I almost hit Houdini, sorry Houdini. So I get a little pinch like this, oh it's gonna break it. You know what, we're gonna have to put these giant chopsticks off to the side, and we're gonna have to forget about those. It's definitely gotten soggier since I left it. So here we go, oh, man! I made that noise, not the sushi, so here we go. You have to get in and flip it up. Here we go, three, two, one, and flip up. Oh look at that bro, dripping, glistening with the juice. - Didn't you already put soy sauce on it? - You gotta always season, Devan. - But you said you pre-seasoned it. - You gotta pre-season and post-season, Devan. You gotta get all seasons in here, otherwise you're gonna get out of shape. I think I was talking about sports. Luckily I've infused the rice so whenever I take a bite, I'm getting all the flavors at once. That's a lot of soy sauce. Before you dunk yours, I'm gonna go for a bite of mine. Here we go, three, two- - Oh, wait. - What, what? - Good luck. - Alright, thanks. - You're welcome. - Can I eat it? - Yeah. - Okay, three, two, one. - [Devan] Oh, what, what, what? I thought you pre-sauced it, post-sauced it. It was supposed to be great. - But it's like the- - It's like the what dude? - Wow, it's so much wasabi man, and like the soy sauce. It's really like blasting my taste buds. - Time for mine, here we go. - Caution you Devan, go light on the soy sauce. Oh man that's perfect, dip it in the soy sauce. - I need to leave it in there. Alright, here we go. - How heavy would you say that thing is? - I don't know, it's gotta be like 20 pounds. - And I'm really wondering, how are you gonna be able to take a bite of this thing? I'm really confused right now. - I don't know, we'll figure it out, ready, set, go. - [Collin] And then we're on to the next one. - [Devan] We've got the giant Wendy's chicken nugget, and it's time to see how it tastes. - I gotta say bro, this would be the craziest Lunchables pack ever. The issue is I'm gonna have to add my squeet sauce to it. Three, two, one, oh, the squeet sauce. Oh man, it's just so many smells and so many ingredients mixed together, so here we go. I'm gonna cut it open, and do not try this at home. I just gotta break it open, let it just- - Oh, it's like soggy dough. - So let's just get a, let's get a spoonful here, there we go. And then of course, gotta dip it in my squeet sauce. So here we go, just dip, dip, dip in the squeet sauce, and oh my goodness, oh boy, here we go, three, no. - Just go dude. - Three, two, one. - [Devan] Get it over with man. Oh, is it spicy, is it really hot? - I think I made a huge mistake. No one should ever experience squeets man, those were tack. Let's hope yours tastes a little bit better, man. - I think it will, oh this dip is gonna look so cool dude. - Oh snap. - Yes, three, two, one. - If you wanna win a 15 minute video call with Devan and I, text the word giant to 81800 right now. So pause the video, text the word giant to 81800. You'll automatically be entered in to win. And let's see how this thing tastes bro. - Ready, set, go. - Oh my gosh! We've got our giant slice of Pizza Hut pizza, and it's time to see how it tastes, it is massive bro. Look at this, this is a normal pizza slice, compared to yours man, what, it's like 10 of them. Like even two pizza slices back to back is not even your full slice man. Are you gonna go in on the side, the front? I mean what are you thinking? - [Devan] I don't know, maybe I'll fold it in half. - How are you even gonna be able to take a bite of that bro? - I don't know man, but you should try yours first. - I gotta say, mine turned out a lot better than I thought it would. I'm just gonna get a hand under here, oh man. It's a lot of excess liquid and juices, I gotta say. - Oh yeah, it's all the pineapple juice. - Yeah, it's not quite cooked all the way through. At the bottom I can kind of feel it right now. Let me see if I just, oh boy yeah, look at that bro. - [Devan] That's what I told you dude. - I'm just gonna pick up a chunk here, and just kinda go underneath like this, and then just scoop and grab. - [Devan] Look at the inside. Look at the inside, look at that. - [Collin] Wait what, oh man yeah, that did not cook all the way through at all. So let's, what is this, it's like my whack looking crust. - What, your whack, I thought it was great? - Devan it didn't go according to plan. - Oh really? - I'm kinda desecrating it right now. I'll go for this one here. Alright so we got a bit of the crust here, so gonna place it on the top like there's a little bit of a topping for my crust. Let's hope my unique sauce tastes good, three, two, one. - [Devan] I mean to be honest it should taste good. It's got all the right ingredients. - Whoa. - What, is it really good? What, what happened? I knew adding the pineapple, the broccoli, and the salt was a terrible idea. - That's what it was is the pineapple juice, combined with the uncooked batter and like a weird burnt-ness. It was good for like four seconds, and then it got real bad. - Alright I hope mine tastes better, I think it will. - Yeah, me too, wait a minute, look at the bottom of it bro. - What, it's a little burnt. - Show them the bottom of it dude. - It's not a problem. - [Collin] Stop dude. - [Devan] It's just a little burnt. - You might chip a tooth on that. It looks like a paved road. Where are you gonna bite it though? That's where I'm really curious. - You know what I think you're supposed to eat it like this. I feel like that side's just too much crust. I think I should just bite the middle. What am I supposed to do, fold it into a taco or something? - Careful with the end, that almost popped me in the face. But right now, you wanna see how it tastes? - I'm ready dude, here we go. Alright here we go, three, two, one. - We just launched our brand new Keyper Club, and if you become a member, you will get exclusive access to live streams, merch discount codes, custom emojis, loyalty badges, and exclusive content you can't see anywhere else. So click the top link in the description to join. It's only $4.99 a month, and Devan, let's see how this tastes man. - Ready, set, go. - Are you okay? - I can't bite it, it's so brittle. I'm gonna have to break it in half. - What, you're gonna wreck your pizza? - [Devan] And the best part, we made all these foods in under 24 hours. Alright the piece is broken off, and now I can actually take a bite. Three, two, one, oh, oh my goodness. - It sounded like the perfect amount of crispiness. - It's so good dude. - And I'm guessing 'cause it's a giant piece of pizza, the flavor's even bigger, right? - Weirdly, yeah. - And don't worry, Devan and I will not be eating all this food by ourself. We're gonna be sharing with our friends and family. Comment down below what is your favorite food you would love to see us make a giant version of. And click over here right now if you wanna see another video. You got five seconds, here we go. - Five, four, three, two, one, done. - Love you. - Bye.
Channel: Collins Key
Views: 23,780,973
Rating: 4.7486753 out of 5
Keywords: 5 giant diy foods challenge & how to make the best avengers endgame pancake art in 24 hours, giant, diy, foods, target, food, challenge, lunchables, art, pancake art challenge, pancake, pancake art, challenges, fandango, how, to, how to, make, best, avengers, endgame, wendys, 24 hours, 24 hour, 24 hour challenge, pizza hut, eat, avengers endgame, chick-fil-a, collins key, collins, key, marvel, real, fun, movie, pizza, papa johns, funny, vs, walmart, chipotle, tutorial, cooking, epic
Id: wnBYo8ecbnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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This is why everyone else hates America

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