Giant $7000 RC Boat Pushes for 100mph! "Push The Limits" Mystic 5000 Off-Shore Speed Boat

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liner up let her rip [Music] right we are here with Ultimate RC event we have got this gigantic boat uh it's called push the limit Blair do you want to fill us in a little bit on this guy um just very briefly how does one get a a hull like this first very good mate good good to see you again um this is a Mystique 5000 so it comes out from Germany Germany um it's an MHz Hull and it's an 1875 not to be mistaken with the 1850 so that's the length of them the common Hull is the 1850 the 1875 is actually slightly longer slightly longer and slightly wider more more Made For Speed running all right you want to pop that uh that lead so we can have a quick loot underneath the hood so to speak look at this thing so briefly in here you've got two MGM 400 amp controllers so that's those guys just there yep you got the LMT 3080 motors which are the size of uh Coke cans so these guys just recites which you just said you've got the receiver down the back uh got some batteries here what are these little batteries for that battery actually powers that Servo and receiver alone so it's got a back in it okay so this is a separate separate BEC yep which makes sure that Servo gets maximum amount of punch because we need a lot of kilo torque on a Rudder of a boat that's around 15 kilos and capable of 200 kilometers an hour we've currently done 154 kilometers an hour look at that so inlay it's an inlay Kevlar Hull so it's so that's what we're looking at here yep so that's all I'm ready if I'm saying that correctly I'm probably saying it wrong but uh same as what a bulletproof vest has um so pretty serious stuff what's with all the pool noodles and everything that you've got going on here uh so buoyancy if we were to sink this thing so we don't want to sink this thing but unfortunately we have actually flipped the boat and when you're talking this boat is upwards of around seven thousand dollars um okay and that's doing it on the cheap um these controls alone are a couple of thousand bucks so what you try to do is if it does flip and take water on all these points you keep the thing is as float as possible and give yourself yeah I guess it's a fighting chance you're going to get them wet but you don't want to soak them soak them and they um they can actually survive getting wet and so this is just to keep it as a float as possible if something was to go wrong all right now the server I noticed you've only got a single Servo here and you got like a pool pool system is that correct yeah so you're running to a single Rudder running single runner on a triangular pool system so there's two bars that go through there that are actually connected to a cable then the cables go through and back and they're tensioned quite quite tight to that okay to give you maximum amount of Rudder hold so the main thing with this speed machine is we need the rudder to say as still as possible or we'll get a Tail Wag yep which is why also we need a very high CLA standing torque so not so much when it's operating torque yeah just it's just that is to hold that position yeah now you've got a lot of tubing and everything here so can you explain the water pickup for these just very briefly like how does that work so underneath there's two pickups um per side so each side has exactly the same thing so I'll explain this side it's on the other side as well two pickups just under here one pickup goes into the motor and out of the motor so it doesn't do anything so that'll be that'll be in there so there's your pickups there yep and then you've got one that goes motor in and then out through the side correct yep and then the others pickup goes to the speed controller that comes through here in there out through this hose and outside so you've got two holes on this side for the same thing correct and two holes on that side and obviously there's a twin pickup down the bottom there as well okay the system as cool as possible nothing goes through so some people out there might have smaller radio controlled boats they'll go into the motor and then maybe into the Speedy as well then out the problem with a big boat like this it's generating a lot of heat is that can be picked up um and heat on heat is not cool we want to keep everything as cold as possible [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] milliamp hour six cells running two of them in series to give you 12 s per side okay so you got 12s on this motor yep 12s on that motor correct yep so you can see the connections here two batteries there is there yep Roger dodger now just a quick question yep um the batteries are going there now was this a custom Hull or like did you have to set all this up was there a way that you could work out where everything was going to go like how did that all came about so I mean why are the batteries not further forward or further back so these these holes have a seven center of gravity so there's there are stepped hole so there's step first second third do we actually count them from the rear so first second and third step some may not even count that as a step but it is between the first and the third so this second step there's a center of gravity just like an airplane so if you're like a flying wing so when I built this you just get a hull that's all you get you get all you buy all your gear you mock up all your gear in there not fixed to get the center of gravity right so you have to put everything in as weight even your batteries your trays even this small battery everything has to be placed in and then a PVC pipes placed under that step two to get the center of gravity right okay so it's so important to get the center of gravity right in these boats so the placement out of all this obviously has a purpose they're not just randomly put on the boat no it's not everything everything has a yeah everything has a bit of a purpose and the mounting for the motors can you explain a little bit about that as well yeah how's that how's that been done that's basically what happened there um is there's two three mil Carbon sheets that have been put together so there's one single three mil as a backing brace to the motor yep and then these two have actually been placed together and wedged together and glued together um to create a six mil plate okay um so research told me that a six mil carbon plate was a nice rigid way of holding those Motors because they're producing upwards of 40 horsepower the combined or 60 kilowatt wow that's okay I mean small cars have the sort of power yeah it's a lot about this he's got a a lot of Grunt and when you're trying to screw big props in a water in the water they're going to create a lot of torque so that's that's how they're held and they're held with a very special glue that um it's called side grip for anybody wants to know but uh it's uh it's a glue that I had to research to try and find the best adhesive but that would also take vibration okay so that's how that's all mounted so where are the props we run without props first no what we do is the reason is it's actually a real silly thing that we we spoke about a bit earlier bass but the props aren't kept in the boat because the cables behind they say the cable's just there a lot of people run these are just bigger cables in a radar control boat this size but they can suffer memory so they sit in the boat as a curve okay and if they sit over time like that they can actually hold that curve so if you were to take them out they'd have a curve in them problem is you end up with us and that yeah that prevents oscillation okay so 40 horsepower spinning these at a stupid rate of RPM you don't want vibration so after every run these are taken out okay the other reason they're taken out is a lot of people and myself included there's water that stays in here they're not actually made not to have water in them they'll have water in them that just corrodes and rusts so we take them out of every run blow all the water out and then these will get re-greased which are ready to go blow all the water out like you just put the uh an air hose straight in there and blow them blow everything out of there so we don't have tubing corrosion okay and that's your greasy so you're going to grease them up now fit them in literally just with your finger they just get Marine grease so I choose to use Marine grease not everybody does but it is a bit of pervious to water so and that down the shafts for and this is done every run yeah they're taken out cleaned off um inspected so we'll see if the bearings the bushings rubbing or on the on the shafts yep and then that one if I get them in the right order I always muck this up so you got counter rotating props I presume correct so that spins inwards that one yeah spins inwards so that spins inwards and then the other one will spin inwards as well that way yep okay [Music] all right [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] you're gonna make me want to get my boat out [Music] do that one more time if you can [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] [Applause] so good back towards us that's it oh oh [Applause] all right go deep go deep go deep so you can wind it up actually turn it around liner up let her rip yes that's the one [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there we go Blair how do you feel about that run right like I always do it's absolutely Adrenaline Rush running a boat that fast and with that much power is fun how much does this boat actually weigh because I don't think we talked about that yeah we mentioned it earlier on but it's only rough we haven't actually weighed it properly so we haven't put it on scale so we're estimating around 15 kilograms that's fully loaded uh yeah let's be fully loaded it may be more than that but that's it so I add a guess and a pretty good educated guess around 15 kilogram but I'll get back to you on the proper weight but um it needs a bit of weight actually to stay down okay um as you would have seen In Those runs yeah it's it's wanting to get it how do you feel about the run I mean you had it was a bit late in the afternoon it's been a 33 degree day today it's probably still 28 now and there was a whole lot of paddle boarders and kayaks down there so a little bit nervous running those sort of speeds with people around so it was um but they feel they're seed well clear of our path while we were doing that so that was good yeah five minutes or so yeah we're only here for a very short time and then we're gone so um and a new spot bass so I haven't run today we challenged ourselves to run in a different a different line because you're normally at the end of the run right so you're normally to the left of where we normally run there's another platform there so you're sort of seeing the boat come towards you correct now you're in the middle of the run and going left to right and as as we set off camera I was like oh my God it moves like you so I've been seeing it come towards me so I know it's moving but I I've always done that and then today we decided to get a different line to get a much longer length in the Run um and now I've of course I'm seeing the speed a lot more from side on um so that changed up a little bit too and I love it I want to continue running like that yeah we want to come back when it's quieter um maybe we'll do an early morning meet up next time and yeah definitely sun's not glaring anything behind us the water will be calmer hopefully and you'll be able to get up on plane and really keep the pedal for a little bit longer try and get maybe break 100 mile an hour well that's that's so at the moment our Target's 100 mile an hour mark for all the overseas people we want to hit the 100 mile an hour that's the magic mark for a lot of that we're about 10 K's away roughly give or take yep so but you have you have gone faster than today 154 kilometers an hour so fastest we've gone on these products but we have in the background our octurer 2 blades ready to go they're the 200 kilometer an hour props okay um so we still want to Max these out we think we can do better than 154 um and Max these props out but we are close to the limit of what these are but the octurers are there mate and so on we know this Hull can actually do 200 it's not it's not an Ask of it hasn't been done before it actually has over in Europe um so we want to do it and that that will be moving this thing is an absolute Beast so big it sounds I'm hoping that the camera does it justice but chances are it doesn't I mean we've seen videos I've seen the videos that you've done and seeing it live and hearing it live is very different yeah yeah unfortunately so I understand that so you hear this on a lot of YouTube videos the scale the size the sound doesn't do it just on camera you're not going to be able to do it just so sometimes we put on Facebook our page that we'll be heading out so there is a chance to come and see us um you know definitely we head out again bass we might put that out to your able to say that it's going to be out it's a very rare boat to see there's not a lot of them around um so it's a cool thing to watch so hopefully we can break some records in front of some people it'll be absolutely awesome I like the little rig that you've done here the little trolley to help you carry it because uh yeah walking all the way from here to the lake uh carrying 15 kilos would not be a lot of fun so awkward size too yeah so so just lift up and go in the van on its uh on its bottom all strapped up and then we collapse the middle Dolly up the old beach going well done good stuff no Pros thanks very much for uh you know showcasing this on the channel Blair really appreciate it mate thanks for coming down and seeing us and finally down my neck of the woods and yeah more action to come I'm sure we'll uh we'll pee this up again and and break well hopefully we'll break the 100 mile with those props it's going to happen all right thanks thank you cheers [Music] thank you
Channel: Aussie RC Playground
Views: 204,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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