GHOSTBUSTERS: Spirit Halloween GHOST TRAP Mod + Repaint

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all right got the security footage up here I'm gonna find out what this disturbance has been I knew it I knew it ah we are haunted for real okay perfect I have a plan I'm gonna I'm gonna make a trap I'll make a ghost trap yes all right let's do this [Music] here's the plan it's a ghost trap hey fellow maker welcome to stop bill here and today we're gonna modify and paint the spirit Halloween ghost trap this thing is crazy awesome we bought it back when we got our PKE meter these are both from spirit Halloween did a little mod on this fella we'll do some modifications of this guy especially on the paint job to make it look more like this one I have the toy which was 50 bucks and it's got lots of really great features it's powered got a light got another light the trap opens and it makes noises so we'll keep all of that functionality but we're gonna upgrade the aesthetics I think no matter what the first thing I need to do is take everything apart and I make sanding it and painting it a lot easier I'm gonna start with I think this is the battery door there's just a screw right there I'll tell you what I'm so excited about seeing more and more toys like this we didn't have toys that were this cool and complicated when I was a kid but recently we've seen just so many really good ones we did the proton pack and the PKE meter in recent memory but there's lots of other ones the the pip-boy kit we did was really fun to actually do you have a favorite toy kit for modifying there's so many out there and I would love love to get more ideas for more toys to to paint and mod these are such approachable projects so many of them can be upgraded very quickly with just a simple paint job so yeah if you have a favorite toy to mod let me know down in the comments oh I might have stripped that head the rest of these screws are coming out okay but that one what's giving me trouble it's almost as if something is working against all these wheels I think can come right off oh that's perfect beside this kind of work too if you don't have one of these magnet trays let me tell you life saver these things will roll off the side of your bench you'll never find them again highly recommended I think I got it the answer was a slightly bigger screwdriver all right this thing want to come apart oh it sure does okay let's try and be careful here make sure I don't lose anything okay there we go this is neat so these are LEDs that shine on the inside here there's tons of room to add electronics I don't have all the gear I would need to add like a smoke machine but you totally could there's so much room in there you could upgrade these LEDs or changing them to a different color if you wanted to so much you could do in here I'm gonna take a ton of photos of this area because I'm gonna take that out and I have a hunch that as soon as I do this is just gonna go scrolling and then I'll lose all the parts so I'm gonna take a bunch of photos of that before I pull it apart so that I can put it back together correctly okay this part I don't want to paint that at all so let's put that away and then I guess I can paint that this part let's be careful with oh that just comes right out and look at that it unplugs yeah okay that's handy cuz this part we don't want any paint on we can just set that aside and we won't need that until we put it all back together I had a minor freaked out because I saw this piece lying just all by itself but I figured out where it goes it looks like one of the pieces in a ballpoint pen a clicking pen so that goes in this hole here and then this part goes in there and if I give it a little pressure it goes back and forth save this little guy for sure don't want to lose that or that it'll put them in the same thing so we know they go together I am super impressed with this they've actually hot glued all of their connections which is something I usually do but that looks pretty sturdy to get this piece apart though this wire is soldered so I'm just gonna cut these and I'll solder them back together or I'll put connectors on them now I don't have to take this apart I can just tuck those away and tape them in there for our painting and then I think most of the wires for the other side can get just tucked in there as well all right so all these wires need to get tucked away the these lights up here you come right out so let's save that I could just unplug that that's kind of cool let me cut this zip tie I can always put a new one in later I'm gonna unplug a bunch of this stuff so I'm taking a photo of it so I know where they go later when I have to put this all back together yeah oh look this is a well that the whole thing comes out how about that these guys are hot glued and taped I just need to free them from that these are the LEDs that light the inner cavity of the ghost trap when it when you open it it's all animated and looks all cool like that and I guess I could take that board off too might as well right I probably could have just done this without unplugging everything but there's a lot of fun all right we have to mostly empty shells the last thing I think I want to try and take apart would be these doors and I think they're just pressure fit in there just gonna very carefully pry this and that this looks like it wants to Bend which is great for us yeah like that door came right off this is gonna make painting so much easier Pope so this is the front piece that goes in there I guess it's symmetrical so it doesn't matter which way it goes in cool that is what we have to work with all right let's start making some decisions one of the first things I'd like to do is upgrade this which part the real prop has this cool toggle switch I have a similar switch it's not perfect but it's a lot better than this guy so I need to take this switch out and I might as well take this LED out that'll make it easier to paint anyway oh look at that the hot glue just came right off why it's almost like they used the cheapest hot glue money can buy they didn't say in the plastic before they glued it for your props and for our props I always recommend sanding the spot where you gonna do any gluing so that the glue has something to grab on to okay so this switch will be replaced with this switch so I need to drill a hole that big right there and I need to remove these stems these posts there we go not going anywhere now I can safely trim those off having a vise like this to hold your piece means you can do something like this without pushing the blade towards your hand that's holding it highly recommend getting a vise like this these pan of Isis are awesome a little spendy but so worth it now we need to make room for the switch it should fit right in there I have my heart in another vise and my drill press and I have a half-inch bit in there that should be the right size for this let's drill the hole and find out [Applause] moment of truth yeah oh that's nice I'm gonna put it together just for a quick test I'll take it apart for painting yeah and then here's the piece make sure it still fits yes that's awesome I don't have to modify anything inside of there it fits just fine like that I'm just transferring the leads from the old switch to the new switch yeah now this heat drink can go over that keep it all nice and secure the toy came with this handy belt clip but I'm gonna get rid of it I won't be using a belt clip decided to make these cuts with a handsaw just so I have a little more control that buzzsaw my rotary tool is a little aggressive just got my needle file here to do the last bit of cleanup work that's looking pretty good we'll sand everything in a little bit I want to replace all these screw heads with actual hardware so I believe on the reference it looks like there's socket head and cap head hex screws on most of these so I'm gonna sand these down actually I could probably trim most of it away with my flush cutter yeah like that and then I can smooth that out with my file a little bit and then what I'll do is drill and tap those holes so that I can just thread my real screws in there doing a little bit of comparison now between my references and the toy couple things stand out this knob is clearly not the right knob I might replace that in the future but I think for now I'm gonna leave that this on the other hand there should be another raised panel behind this knob according to my reference image there I do want to add that so I think I want to cut this off glue down a piece of plastic with some more screws and then put this back on I can't use this saw because this spine makes it I can't cut it flush with with the surface here but a long time ago I made this it is a mini hacksaw blade that I installed in this wooden handle I should be able to carefully cut this out flush with this surface OOP hey there we go that's fairly clean I will say in all of this smooth I'll say in the back of this smooth so we can glue it back down but that's looking okay something else I want to do is if these will come off then I want to take them off will be easier to sand let's see if they want to pop off if not I'll leave them butt up sounds like the glue is cracking which is a good sign well something cracked not a problem I can just put screws from behind to Rhea fix that but I'm definitely gonna take the other one off okay that wants to come off alright wasn't even glued on way to go that makes my job a lot easier I want to add this panel here and my guest eyeballing is like two and a half inches by one and a half inches and I'm gonna cut that out of this piece of eighth inch thick styrene like that I think it needs to the aspect ratio is off a bit so I think it needs to come in maybe I'm just eyeballing this trying to figure it out this styrene is pretty tough to cut through I'm not gonna get all the way through it with just a little exacto like this but I can score it and then I can snap it I'm just gonna use the edge of the bench just like that that's so easy and I'm cutting across the entire surface of the plastic here so it's got a that fault that we're making it will go across the entire piece brilliant so I'm looking at this and I'm looking at my reference and I think it's close the more I look at this more I realize this part is way too big right here but I'm not gonna replace it so getting this scale perfect is kind of impossible so I'm gonna call this good and just move on our little panel piece is about ready to install but we gotta sand all this nice and smooth there's a little bit of a lip on there still use my file to clean that up and then I've got a sanding block over here with some 220 grit sandpaper and I'm just gonna stay in this whole thing nice and smooth while I'm at it I can stand both sides of this I want one side to be nice and smooth and the other side I want to have a little bit of grip so that when we glue it down got something to hold on to I can also kind of round over the edges a little bit here so it looks nice and sort of world worn if that were a real piece of I'm guessing aluminum you know you wouldn't want a nice sharp edge on there you'd hurt yourself while you're busting ghosts and nobody wants that the piece is ready to go I kind of trace it so I know where to set my piece I'll buy superglue I'm a accelerant ready time to glue just cover as much as I can and then carefully set the piece down right where I want it and then I can grab my accelerant huh weird you know what it's a good thing I keep spare one on me at all times time to drill some holes this has a couple of screws in it just have my compass here set up so that I can overhang the pointy bit and draw a couple of lines and that is where all drill my holes I can do this for anywhere on the model where I'm gonna put replacement screws in fact on the actual model there was no screw here so I can just leave that flat but I'll have to drill right there to add a real screw there are a number of screw heads on the original that I are not on the toy that I need to add so there's some on this place here there's looks like some around the light-up display right there there's another one right there a couple right there so I'm gonna mark all of those now with my handy white marker and drill them out there and then on this I'm gonna add one right there I'm just now realizing that my reference is this and this are different possibly one can Ghostbusters one and another from Ghostbusters - not sure so I'm just gonna pick the what I think looks the coolest the best I can do time to prep everything for paint or at least priming I've got these scouring pads which are awesome for scuffing up this plastic so it'll take paint a little bit better there's a couple things we have to sand with some sandpaper first I have some 220 I'm gonna use that to get rid of the text on the on/off switch I will also use that to get rid of some of the text from the manufacturer here made-in-china all that we can get rid of that on the red tubes that are gonna repaint it there's a seam line there so I'll sand that down first and then everything else on this kit will get hit with the scouring pad and then it'll get primed everything's all scuffed up just about ready for priming but first I want to clean all these parts off I have some isopropyl alcohol here and mmm just a paper towel and I'm gonna wipe everything down any loose paint that's still on there like I've sanded the yellow off of here it'll pick up that loose paint and any dust or anything it'll come off now I know that piece is nice and clean and ready for priming [Music] there we go there we go I'm gonna pull that one up [Music] Hey [Music] I gave the primer about an hour to dry it is definitely dry to the touch so we can move on to the next step I have some silver paint here this is golden iridescent silver and I'm gonna cover everything the idea is that this was all made out of metal we will then do some layering and paint chipping which would be really fun but for now everything is painted silver I gave our silver paint overnight to dry and now we're ready to do some masking so any of the parts in here that I want to stay silver like these big panels and amass those off entirely then I got some toothpaste aim got a bunch of masking tape ready to go it's time to lay it down this is the Tamiya masking tape really awesome stuff worth the money I get it in a couple of different thicknesses so there's this thinner stuff here for more detailed bits this slightly wider stuff covers a little more and I just want to be able to cover that edge right down to the seam and then I can just fold it over like that I got the edges all squared off there now I have a bigger piece of this frog tape which seems to be very similar to the Tamiya tape and that covers the bulk of it this panel is gonna be silver but the knob is gonna stay black so I want to mask that off and I have a piece of tape ready to go I just need to find the right diameter and then I can trim that out and it should fit right over that table now this circle is probably a little big but I have a plan I can cut a slit right there so that our circle opens up and then when I put it down I can close the circle a little bit if I have to just make sure that it follows the edge of that knob and sure enough it overlaps the tiny bit but now if it's perfectly nice now I'll just mess the rest of it this will be gold and I want this to say silver so I'm gonna mask all that off there we go if you want to get really good at painting then get really patient with masking and that's where the magic happens but it takes a very long time it's time to apply our chipping or masking medium we're using toothpaste for that so I'm looking at my reference pictures and trying to spot anywhere where the black paint is chipped off so a lot of the edges and the handle these doors anywhere that's gonna get some wear and tear is gonna have some paint chipping so I have my toothpaste I have a poking device and I'm gonna cover it up you can see there's the silver peeking through there and these are clearly two different props from the movie I'm gonna go for the more heavily beaten up on there and take my toothpaste just a little bit and just run it along the edge like that and that just that won't dry it'll stay that way I want to spray my paint over it and then it can chip it down to that I've tried different things for this like latex that's pretty good the toothpaste is cheap readily available I specifically got like the cheapest I can I don't want hydrogen peroxide in there I don't want baking soda and I want anything that's gonna mess with my paint job so I just got like super cheap toothpaste and it washes away with water which makes it really easy to remove and it's fairly easy to apply I can just kind of leave some scratches like that put some scuffs on our button here there we go I'm just gonna do it over and over again until I'm happy with the amount of chipping I have and then we can start painting all the masking is done and I'm ready to apply the black paint so I have more golden paints here in my airbrush I'm just gonna cover everything a hold of time spent masking means we can just douse it all so it's exactly what I'm gonna do turn on the airbrush woo while I'm working on that I'd like to take a quick moment to thank our patrons over at slash punished props it's because of your support that we can afford to work in this wonderful workshop and do these really ridiculous but fun projects if you'd like to become a patron help support us get yourself a little something extra like vlogs behind-the-scenes vlogs here in the shop early access to our build videos and extra credit videos or our build videos then you can head on over to patreon accomplished props consider tossing us a dollar helps us out tremendously and you get access to those awesome perks thanks again for the support let's get back to the ghost trap gold well I have the airbrush out I sprayed a little bit of gold paint on this one mass off piece on the side panel and I grabbed some light to me a clear red this is a transparent red paint and I airbrushed that over the light the LED is red but the case for it was white and on the original it stays red even when it's not illuminated so now we're good to go and finally now that the paint is dry we can take off all our masking tape I'm gonna start with this guy right here which is always so satisfying nice no oh oh then yes be the lord white oh here we go fantastic that looks awesome and voila up one more little piece right there I see you there we go this panel here took me like 20 minutes to mask off and now I'm just gonna rip everything off and cool you can see where we put toothpaste down there's this sort of gummy layer there we have to work our way through I'm gonna start by just trying to wipe a lot of it off with a damp paper towel you got to claw your way through your finish to get down to that toothpaste but then the water should break it up and you can wipe it away and you can see okay it's just magically oh look I'm gonna take a dry towel and just try it off but that paint chipping it's that easy it looks that good so I'm just gonna wipe all the toothpaste off of all the parts it smells minty fresh in here which is a refreshing change of pace oh you kidding me come on our paint is almost done on this guy and we're ready to start putting it back together starting with a couple of smaller parts I painted the light here and I painted this part so it no longer fits it's really snug what I'm gonna do is grab a drill bit drill this out a little bit bigger so that our parking fit back in there all right fantastic now that'll just get hot glued in with the assembly so I'll set that aside for now these guys had little stems that I cut off so I'm gonna drill those holes that we made earlier out a little bit so that I can fit a screw through there and that means on the inside now I can put a screw through there now we're leaving these silver because our reference picture here this is the one we're going off of and those are silver instead of red so that's how we're doing that now that our tubes are on there I want to add my decorative screws I have some little m3 socket head screws they're just gonna go in there I also have this great metric tap that I can run right in my drill to make some threads just like that then I can go in with my screw and screw it in now these are decorative it's not necessary to tap them but I find it quite easy to do it that way so I'm gonna do them all that way [Applause] little deburring there oh and look look a cat hair another one gives it that real authentic look some of the references have cap screws instead of socket screws so I'm putting some of those on there just a little bit of a different profile on there the decorative screws on this plate look good but there's a problem there sticking out the back and that's gonna run into the the main body I have a pair of mini bolt cutters here and I can take my screws and just cut them shorter a little less than half I think and then this can go like so and it's not protruding from the other side another problem I just found out was that this somehow I stripped the threads on that so it won't it won't thread in there but we can just glue it in and I'm gonna put a touch of superglue right there and that should be more than enough to hold it this piece is coming together it's held closed by this little hole there in this screw but I'm gonna replace it with one of these so that it just looks a little more like it fits it so I need to tap that with my m3 this hole needs to be drilled out a little bit so that we can fit this screw in let's see a 1/8 inch should be big enough yeah totally big enough and that should be able to fit in there perfect slot that together let's get rid of this here so our batteries go I can probably Chuck the batteries in there right now and now we should be able to close it right up oh yeah that looks really great next is this knob which needs to get glued down there I do want to put a screw through there so that when I fill this with hot glue it's got something to grab on to so let's just find the center you can drill and tap that and screw it in from behind now let's just grab our hot glue fill this up and then plop it down yep excellent just let that cool off move on the next step to keep this from coming loose I'm gonna sand this a little bit and then that'll go in like so one last thing I want to do before we assemble is put the stripes on here and I have some electrical tape this is just yellow electrical tape stick these two doors together from the back so they don't dance around on us while we're doing our tape work okay and then here's the reference I took of what they look like before I also have my references from the movie so I'm just gonna kind of eyeball these and then I can I can trim this the extra stuff later but for now I'm just gonna try and get everything placed correctly so I'm going with electrical tape because on the movie prop you can see that it's clearly peeling off so it wasn't painted also this is a lot faster than painting although I do think this tape is a little thinner than the one from the movie so it's not a hundred percent accurate but I'm okay with that I think it'll look awesome we can also scuff this paint up to whether it let me get like all chipped and ripped and awesome looking so I'm just going to press everything down into the surface so that it sticks nicely I can cut the middle apart here and if it like peels up or whatever that's fine this whole thing would be totally totally messed up from getting throw it around by the ghostbusters here we go you can take them apart now and then this can get wrapped over the edge and then trimmed off flush just run that over like that and carefully trim it flush there we go oh that's nice well that looks great that's awesome our tape is applied and it's looking great except it's a little clean so in the storytelling if this got chipped somehow then the tape would be a little bit scuffed up now wouldn't it so I've got some hundred grit here and I'm just scratching and you can even claw all the way through it like that that would look really cool yeah so just adding a little bit of edge weathering and scuffs to this thing it's alright if I hit the surface of the paint with this cuz you know those scratches would be on the whole thing not just a tape nice finally finally finally it's time to put everything back together starting with the doors that we just put tape on those can get kind of bent and stuck back into place got the rest of my guts here ready to go let's put this bad boy back together [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go yeah [Music] our trap is all together it still works we even added some aluminum tape on the inside to help reflect some of that green lights we get a little bit more of that effect the next thing will be to add the stickers and weathering but I'm gonna hold off because I want to make the foot pedal and fortunately my buddy Sean Charles worth of tested Fane has already built one of these and he has a whole kit and with 3d printed parts for the foot pedal so I went and printed out a couple of those pieces on my ulta maker using ABS those got sanded primed and then painted black like the rest of our trap now I can go through Sean's guide and put that whole foot pedal together so that we can attach it to our trap this kit that Sean put together is really great you can actually download the 3d files I'll find links for all of this and put it down in the description but Sean built his own ghost trap from scratch with lights and sounds and smoke and all sorts of crazy stuff and then made everything available and he sells the hardware kits on his Etsy store so you can go buy all the hardware that's nice and organized and a 3d print the bigger pieces for yourself to make your own ghost trap I'm not gonna follow his exactly because he wired his so that the foot pedal actually activates the trap mine isn't gonna do that but I do want mine to look really cool so all the hardware that we have here I'm gonna make it look pretty authentic once this is all together it'll look kind of like this with the foot pedal here able to push down on this bellows Sean has a design for a switch in there I'm not gonna add that mine's just gonna be cosmetic so I'm gonna hunker down and follow Sean's guide to put this whole thing together again link below if you want to see how he does the whole thing let's get started [Music] [Music] tada foot pedal is mostly complete the only other things we have to do we have some stickers and unfortunately since I added this panel here these stickers aren't gonna fit right there I may have to make some new ones I'll save that for a future project but I have some that can go on in fact this one right here was supposed to go right there but instead I'm gonna put it here on the foot pedal mmm there we go and these are the stickers that came with the toy trap ah get back here this one looks very similar to the one that's supposed to be on here so I figured I would go ahead and repurpose it good thing is at some point if I want to put a better sticker on here I could peel this off and put a different on but it actually looks really good Danger Danger Danger it works okay there we go these can get roughed up a little bit I've got some uh hit it with a scouring pad kind of I don't want to look perfectly shiny a little scuffing there we go that's pretty great so for the weathering on this I'm using oil paints I really really love these oil paints for anything mechanical like this and what's great is I can really just pretend like this thing got dropped in the mud and this looks really dirty and greasy and then you know maybe the ghostbusters clean it up all the Ghostbusters equipment is filthy by the way they're they're basically ghost janitors all their stuffs always covered in slime or dirt or dust or whatever so this thing is gonna be grimy this is the magic part where we wipe everything off and it looks dirty and awesome and like a fully finished problem the oil paints have that lovely greasy shine that will stick around for a good long time I love it I wanted this to be really dirty I'm gonna leave a lot of that paint down [Music] yeah it looks great and it still works so now I can finally go take care of that pesky ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gotta tell you this is an awful lot of fun to put together I love repainting props and toys the folks over at Spirit Halloween did a great job with this obviously not screen accurate but for the money it's really hard to beat of course huge thanks to Sean I bought this kit off of his Etsy store we'll have a link to that down below along with the full build of his full 3d printed ghost trap which is incredible you should go check it out that's gonna do it for me and the build today I really hope you enjoyed this one I hope this is the kind of build that you might go out and try yourself as always the tools and materials that I use will be linked down in the description if you want to jump in yourself and another thanks to our patrons for helping support us and afford this wonderful workshop so that we can do fun goofy projects like this and share them with you you can head on over to if you want to jump in get access to those behind the scenes vlogs early access on our build videos and extra credit videos for the build videos thank you again for hanging out with me in the shop today I hope to see you next time I'll catch you in the next build I gave the primer about an hour to dry it seems like it's dry enough that my glove I think it's probably my glove probably is looking pretty carrot here dude great it's looking pretty great
Channel: Punished Props Academy
Views: 505,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghostbusters, ghost trap, tutorial, how to, repaint, mod, toy mod, spirit halloween, movie prop, replica prop, electronics, foot pedal, painting, weathering, masking, airbrush, bill doran, chinbeard, punished props, DIY, Props, Ghost, Ghostbusters anniversary, proton pack, PKE, Punished Props Academy, ghost trap mod, ghostbusters costume, cosplay, ghost buster, spirit halloween ghostbusters, prop making, 3d printing, how to make, painting tutorial, how to paint, toothpaste weathering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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