Ghostbusters Afterlife is Garbage - Hack The Movies

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it's time to pack the movies [Music] well here we are again guys and gals hello crystal hello tony hello justin hello tony from hack the movies thank you uh thank you it is thanksgiving yes this episode is airing on thanksgiving i hope everyone's having a wonderful thanksgiving or whatever holiday you celebrate if you don't like thanksgiving what's the what's the counter holiday to that thanksgiving would just be an american thing so if you're another country it's happy november 25th well there's people but there's people who like hate the pilgrims so what are they celebrating oh indigenous peoples no no they took away our italian holiday for that day so anyway i hope you're i hope you're having a great day no matter what day it is you celebrate uh i am thankful for a lot of things justin what are you thankful for i'm thankful that i found another nutty professor 2 mouse pad you can see my original gross one right here that i used for 15 years and i've spilled a ton of beer on it since yeah it's really great mind you it was already gross because i don't know if you knew this but i worked at a movie theater okay did you guys know i worked today i knew you worked at a movie theater please tell us about it and that was the main manager's uh mouse pad he tragically died a few years ago no but uh that was his mouse pad and i got it i'll use it for years just because it's funny i have a new one upstairs at my desk but i found another one oh so that way so now you have three of them when mine becomes stale in 20 years i can reboot it and look at it clever you know he's like hello miss purdy it's me eddie murphy that's clever that's clever very very smart what are you thankful for crystal not this man but this man right here paul rudd you're thankful for the sexiest man alive paul ryan paul ryan my baby oh he's so sexy crush for uh like on conan he loves the movie mac and me oh sorry you replaced me i replaced it i needed to make this more ghostbusters you replaced my poster with a ghostbusters answer the call well tony what are you thankful for well i'm thankful for a lot of things justin you know what i'm thankful for lately the all-female hack the movies episode where they covered ghostbusters 2016. and by the way we have this here all the girls i'm sorry ladies whatever girls get done yeah they signed it except for editor jessica but she will sign it we got trisha mint kira johanna you and then mint drew boobs on everyone including chris hemsworth that's man's house and i did a poll uh saying would people bid on this if i put it on ebay and people voted yes so i will be putting this on ebay idiots why the [ __ ] you guys can bid on it uh yeah now i'm very thankful for that episode that you ladies did on that movie oh thanks so what did you think of the movie ghostbusters 2016. yeah we didn't hear what you thought oh women aren't funny anyway let's get into the new ghostbusters film ghostbusters afterlife and one second okay okay ghostbusters afterlife guys it was great wasn't it uh yeah it was amazing it was amazing it was amazing and you know us fans we were real let down by that last one such a redeemer it really it really really brought it back it's what the fans wanted i think so it's in the continuity of one in two and that's very important to me that it's in the same continuity as one and especially two everything and it made sense it all made sense it all made sense and you know what can't get enough of a gozer i know who goes or is so when they were fighting gozer i was like that's gozer i leaned over to you and i'm like crystal that's gozer and you were like from the first movie from the first movie oh man it was great we got to see the proton packs so they look like they did in the first movie because i guess ghostbusters never updated their gear um justin what was your favorite thing from the first movie they put in this i love traps the traps were my favorite part they were great wow perfect like they haven't changed haven't skipped a beat i'm a big fan of poles and i love that the fire poles were on right in the movie yeah so many fire poles god every time i see that i'm like i want to ride those poles day and night it was really really really really refreshing i'm not refreshing really really uh just really great to see really great to see and um um i love the fact that they had their jumpsuits back yes yes the brown jumpsuits and the car and stay puft oh my god we all we all love scenes i don't know if i would have recognized the movie stay puft wasn't in it yeah we all love mr stay puft ghostbusters without oh thank god and the key and the gatekeeper yes they were all in this and uh stay puft the original it was a big stay puft in this one he got so many many stay positive because you have it you have to be a little bit different but still honor the original absolutely like baby yoda like baby yoda in the mandalorians yes i i love mandalorian and i say that all the time i love the mandalorian um and you know this show is kind of like that i mean this movie is kind of like that it really respects it's not like those awful sequel trilogy star wars movies that just [ __ ] all over star wars fans or this this film it really just you know it respects us yeah there's so much comedy in it i think oh my god it was so funny yeah humorous part and when bill murray hobbled on screen that was the greatest moment of my life guys because you know we were robbed in the star wars sequel trilogy of seeing all our favorite characters together we were because ryan johnson ruined it along with kathleen kelly yeah really really rain right rained on our parade yeah and then ghostbusters 2016 it brings them back but as different characters it just didn't feel right and they're never in scenes together in this movie because it respects the fans we got to see them all on screen and are you okay bring your tissues yeah we got to see oh yeah josh gad said bring your tissues yeah he did bring your tissues josh gad who we all love who plays muncher who we all love really i didn't know sorry yeah he did the voice of muncher um that was a voice so when i say they brought and i say they brought the ball back yeah tony tell us now let us tell us let i cried because he's dead in real life and i wanted him back in the movie and they it was so emotional the movie was so emotional it just it was everything i wanted it was everything i wanted it goes just it was beautiful and it really passed the torch to a new generation of those new characters and uh yeah oh sorry all right sorry the um the digital power ream is really i'm sorry for the spoilers but i just i had to get it out there yeah you're good you're awful you're so awful clumped oh okay okay that's done i can quit with the act guys this movie was [ __ ] awful it was pretty bad with that little joke there that was way too many layers of irony i don't know where we were i i didn't realize josh gad was in the movie i had no idea i do not like josh oh you didn't oh i shared that the other day um josh gad he apparently was on sony's lot for something else and they asked him to make sounds for the munchers all he did was he made sounds yeah okay yeah um so yeah this is how long that go like four or five minutes you know the retention i think we got all the people in yeah so this is what i really think um i've been saying this movie was gonna suck since 2019 yeah uh i've always said i've been i've been very consistent about this there's only one good ghostbusters movie this the second movie 2016. the second movie had all the same people come back and they couldn't recreate the magic yeah therefore they should have never tried to recreate the magic number two is a toy commercial yes and the cartoon is only good if you grew up with it and you were too young to understand what made ghostbusters one actually funny uh all the video games suck except for that one from 2009 and even the stories just whatever but that's a fun ghostbuster simulator but it took a a bunch of shitty games before that and yeah it's a really great movie that spawned an awful franchise which i've been very consistent about so i was not excited for this one no you were not and i i told i warned other fans and the funny thing is i feel like i feel like deep down most fans who see this are gonna know it's bad but for some reason they hyped this up that this was gonna redeem them as ghostbusters fans i have not heard one ghostbuster fan say i can't wait to see this like really real good fans of this show have been calling me an idiot for not being excited for afterlife for like two years i've seen comments was like i'm to hate this i'm going to hate this this is horrible i'm going to hate this maybe you hang around me are you only following me on twitter okay i follow a lot of ghost heads yeah guys who are really in the ghostbusters fandom yeah that's what they call themselves yeah they do there's a documentary on it that yeah our pal tony uh that tommy avalone made um and yeah uh they were actually really psyched about it and i've seen people post pictures of them at like in ghostbuster outfits as kids ghostbusters outfits nowadays and they're like who would go to the theater in a ghostbusters outfit paul's to show a picture of joe and sean from movie dumpster here did they actually do that they did what losers anyway keep going uh yeah and the ghostbusters fans even after seeing it are still super hyped and excited and it was a super berry situation oh yeah if you love if you love the first ghostbusters movie you'll love this because it's constantly telling you about the first ghostbusters movie yeah i like so i watched ghostbusters one uh it was the first movie i ever saw in theaters okay i was [ __ ] three months old okay i should not remember i don't think you're gonna remember that movie i didn't remember it but i was in the theater i believe i cried my dad was a jerk for bringing me to the theater yeah but i was there [ __ ] brings a three-month-old to that's too loud for a three-month-old to be fair he brought me to see robocop when i was three so i mean when uh you could punch the head too many times by tony the tiger tarantino you know you're gonna you're gonna make bad decisions but that was 1999 1984. oh i assume they had previous fights but anyway keep going uh yeah so i watched the first movie like this morning so did i and then i and then i went right to the theater to see the next one and having just seen it it just felt so repetitive yeah every single minute was another goddamn reference to the first movie like unbelievably so yeah it's got that superman return syndrome or it's like at least superintendents like try to do a few new things but yeah it's just it's force awakens superman returns it's just like hey remember this movie remember that movie you grew up with well this is like it again it's like okay tony and justin's side probably every five minutes oh i sighed a lot uh the theater did you probably heard oh oh at the very end oh yeah cause we were there with uh our good friend marshall which marshall marshall cried at the end he actually cried he sniffled and actually wiped tears away he actually did why why would anyone [ __ ] i learned why i heard you i looked over i was like wow they did everything in their power dramatically to make you want to cry that was their goal use everything everything just like the first movie remember the first movie where they made you cry ghostbusters is a comedy it's one of the best comedies ever why is anyone crying in this new movie why does the movie want to make you cry and be sentimental and emotional it's a comedy jokes there are no jokes in this i know there are jokes of this but there's no serious attempts at humor they don't want to make you laugh at all until bill murray as you said like bottles into frame looking miserable um [ __ ] it's just this it's the slowest [ __ ] most downer of a film i don't care about anyone i why did they do this i get it this movie failed and sony needs to pump out a product because they love money and everything and i get this movie failed but it seems to be they're like oh wow we told all these jokes in this movie and the jokes weren't funny so we'll just not do jokes in our new ghostbusters movie and it's like no you still have to have jokes and comedy and humor just because you made one bad movie doesn't mean the new movie has no cut like then it's not ghostbusters so you're saying you like the movie no i hate this movie this is the worst ghostbusters movie i'm sorry so you actually i still can't understand this you still prefer 2016 i prefer neither okay no if you had to pick if you had a gun to your head and they said you're either gonna die you can't [ __ ] pick die you have to pick 2016 or afterlife to sit down and watch no one speak all you should do is sit there and watch it i mean i 2016. really because i don't mind watching that and going like uh uh it's fun to make fun of i'd rather not something trample over something i really enjoyed i could not i would actually rather watch after life again than 2016. i could not watch one viewing in this stuff in this scenario if i have to pick between those two yes do i still have the option to also watch the original in addition to them no it's just one or the other oh you have to watch 2000 you've already seen them it's okay but someone came up right now and said tony from hacked movies you must watch afterlife or 2016 right now or you and everyone you know will die play kill us all kill us all do uh am i do i have to be awake watching the movie yes you must watch all of it oh then i have to go with 20 clockwork orange stuff i have to go 2016. i'm gonna fall asleep if i ever watch afterlife again really crystal what movie did we buy it was the most boring preferred that over 2016. i do i mean you lose both ways i get to watch pogba this is the airline versus predator tagline of us scenarios whoever wins we lose yeah paul road was great in this yeah but if you're gonna do that just reboot the movie put four guys in it yeah wait why don't you just take the lazy route and just have paul rudd be one of the four just haven't been to peter venkman like hey uh we're the because they always mention franchising and the other ones like hey we're uh ghostbusters too and um they're like oh well there's uh ray stan see he runs the new york one it's like i came here to help you guys out and you could do [ __ ] like that just do another team what the [ __ ] what is this family that's what the fandom does when you go to a convention and it's like hey we're the detroit ghostbusters yeah we're the baltimore ghostbusters yeah like and like they think they're part of the canon and that's great and whatever yeah it's kind of like the 501st like oh yeah we're vader's fist and he needs to do some fisting all right you know like right you know they are faders yeah yeah anyway yeah something like that but what is this the family so this movie by the way egon spangler is a deadbeat dad who abandoned his family and friends yes who was he married to who did he sleep with that like have the daughter yeah and then because they should who did she sleep with to have like there's two deadbeat dads there yes because that's he's the grandfather yes but like he she mentions him barely barely she explains it so ghostbusters 2 is canon in this but barely mentioned but it's just like so in because they say it hasn't been since they said like 30 years this is supposed to come out 30 years who's supposed to come out in 2020 so i know they they probably digitally change that one number on the [ __ ] wall thing that we'll talk about later um yeah so 30 years because ghostbusters is what um ghostbuster 2 is 1989 so that kind of makes sense yeah but they never say what happened in that film which i don't blame you that movie sucks 30 not 30 exactly oh yeah i know i know like 3 30. but that means but looking at that actress i'm like so that means aldor and ghostbusters too he had a family that we just she didn't know about right because she's older than me and now we find out that like if she's playing a character that's she has two kids the one kid's 15. so that means she definitely didn't have them when she was 15 right if you're doing the math i don't know he would have had to had a kid no she's older than me i'm pretty sure the actor yeah yeah so he would have a kid i was born in 1984. yeah so in the first movie egon has a kid it could be an illegitimate kid no maybe he spread some of his mold fungus and spores around around the whole city yeah it's weird to think like like why didn't they just make janine her mom yeah that would have been easier that would have been way easier janine is in this movie for no [ __ ] reason other than nerds could be like that's janine from ghostbusters in the first movie they were trying to set them up as like a couple where she wanted that but he was too like fine to see it and in the second one they did it was like weird because now she was kind of with tully and it didn't make sense kind of yeah that was like they were trying to were they a couple in two they were he was they were hooking up well they weren't a couple they went on like around each other they both babysat that kid and they were they started making out and stuff but that's because ghostbusters two are like well we gotta bring them back and it's like do we have anything for them to do no what if they're making out while babysitting the real winner of ghostbusters 2021 afterlife is rick moranis because he had the good sense to stay the [ __ ] out of it let's give it up for rick martin rick moranis you are stunning and brave thank you rick and thank you for leaving acting to take care of your family and [ __ ] that guy has balls he's come back recently for little things i assume i assumed he was gonna be in this thank god he wasn't he poor hal ramus he got dragged into this one did get dragged as a as a statue but and then way less than this and then dragged into this one i'm like oh rags and drag tape like like i was talking to um steiner our one friend and i was like hey don't give me any spoilers but if if there's a character from 84 that's in this i don't want to hear about it he's like and i'm like oh no this all right i don't know how it's the whole [ __ ] movie like like i thought he was gonna show up like a force ghost like in star wars six like i thought he was just gonna be like hey guys and that's it no but no it was like he's like he's almost like he he's a supporting character yeah [ __ ] it's the movie starts with him yeah him like by the way the depiction of egon and sorry this isn't like a regular episode we don't have any notes we saw this in an actual movie theater we did and i'm like i got my junior mints right here so like this junior mint no i'm okay there it's a peppermint wrapped in chocolate it's refreshing it's delicious i think so yeah yeah mints could be very refreshing mint salad mint salad it's a gingerman's salad [ __ ] a video of mint salad like talking about laundry is funnier than ghostbusters afterlife i'm sorry i love man i think anything she does [ __ ] um yeah so the depiction of egon in this and i'm shocked again everyone was like this movie's gonna fix everything so i have to like it and i think a lot of fans are forcing themselves to like this the depiction of egon in this is like on par with how they ruin luke skywalker i don't like that egon is a deadbeat dad that just abandoned his friends and then lived as a crazy person in the middle of nowhere i don't like that his friends just gave up on him and didn't believe he'd redeem himself like at the end when you figure out why he did that yeah no but like like i no i don't that's weird i feel like he would have brought him exactly yeah to save the world that's [ __ ] weird his reputation and family and stuff but that's not what that character would have done no people to do like yeah they explained it very poorly yeah he would have convinced the other ghostbusters to believe him yeah why did they all of a sudden think he was just crazy and was making up the whole world because like yeah like that makes me thought of twice they literally just went through all this crazy [ __ ] and now you don't believe it now you think what he's crazy you know it's real disrespectful to harold ramis and i'm shocked dan aykroyd let this happen [ __ ] uh fans considered the 2009 game canon and that was written by harold ramis and dan aykroyd while harold ramos was alive yeah that is essentially ghostbusters 3. i don't care if you considered it canon or not but a lot of fans do and this movie just throws that right away but it wants you to be like for harold and it's like all right well you kind of ignored the universe he was building with that game you could have picked up from there probably would have been a lot easier and they just threw it away and then they ruined his character it's it's awful not just that the whole world forgot about the what happened in 1984 and not even that yeah the statue of liberty walked through new york and we hacked the art museum the streets were filled with goop they they they forget and then they don't yeah like paul rudd's character is not the only one that remembers no no because then the brother she's like yeah the our dad was a ghostbuster he's like oh yeah i heard about the the manhattan ghost stuff the brother said that yeah it's like a throwaway line but it's like that would have changed the [ __ ] that's my problem with ghostbusters too when they try to pass it off like if nothing happened i'm like what yeah but then they go back to the youtube [ __ ] clips click but you look at the bottom it's like barely any views you're like that doesn't make sense that would be the most amazing like that would be like [ __ ] i think they're kind of story they're kind of pretending that they're kind of they're definitely pretending that two did not really happen but it does because ray's got the occult bookstore yeah but he could just be at an occult book like you don't really know yeah you don't need to watch too yeah like you can totally skip two solidifies them as like we're back the mayor trusts us again and we save the world again and the video game picks up from that right the video game does pick up from that and they talk about franchising so like harold ramis set up a universe that they could have used and ivan reitman's son who i guess need to work because his last few movies weren't a big deal just threw it all away just toss it all out yeah yeah it is what it is it's really upsetting like i just like why would they do this and it's just [ __ ] uh what's called the character phoebe all right so a little could someone describe the plot to this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] crystal can you tell me what happened in this movie i don't know the beginning confused me a little bit oh we're very beginning yeah egon is i was like wait egon captures a ray shoots into the sky right it's a proton it's a protein into into space and eg into the clouds and egon drives or someone who's clearly egon by the silhouette is driving a truck not an ecto-1 a random pickup truck way as quick as possible on the seat next to him there's a trap that's filled and he's driving and something's running and attacking him clearly you figure out later it's uh either zuul or vince clortho yeah so it's it's one of two of the dogs he has one dog in the trap he has the other dog coming after him goes there's nowhere to be seen yet yeah and he knows that if he traps those two or at least one of them goes or can never come back that's his plan he he didn't think about trapping goes or he wanted to trap one of both of them because the sack you know like in the first movie you need two human sacrifices to go into the two dogs someone was gonna um grab him though because he had that trap ready to go right yeah so he knew someone was gonna chase him i think he was hoping to get out that's where i was getting confused i was like well he had the trap and he looked like he was ready because at the very end she does the same exact thing where he's they're using his beat yeah no he wanted it to he just thought he would get there faster his issue was he didn't shoot a proton beam at his expensive seed capacitor things that powered everything he has you find out later it's a trap but like it doesn't work it's not strong enough in this movie they're very casual with the proton beams can power stuff yeah by the way the proton stuff it's like a dick joke a bunch of guys handling their tool and crossing streams yeah like it's a sci-fi weapon but it's also a dick joke yeah kind of weird to put in the movie with little kids a girl holding it yeah yeah yeah see that's the that's the problem though a lot of ghostbusters fans they don't get like the humor of the first movie like it's it's like very adult humor like again the dick jokes there yeah there's dick jokes throughout there's a bunch of weird sex stuff like it's there's like most of the comedy is that three guys trying to start a business [ __ ] one of them is a con man just [ __ ] on people not taking it seriously but then i feel like the people who grew up with the cartoon because the cartoon is kind of different cartoons way more family friendly yeah and they they care about like the weapons and stuff and it's like no those are glorified dick jokes you idiot so like watching the kids play with proton bags i'm like i don't think you guys got it yeah which is sad because it's the director's son maybe he gets it he just doesn't care but yeah anyway uh he's driving uh he gets attacked by the the magic ghost which you find out to be the dog flips the the pickup truck over he runs back to his place on foot he tries he you know he's he set up some sort of trap you don't know what it is yet but he set it up yeah the thing isn't working and but if the trap did work he would have opened up like 50 traps just to capture one ghost yes yes yeah because if if he has both dogs goser cannot come back yes because he needs all so he was just so he just decides like i'm just going to open up 50 traps see what happens right because you know because you don't know where it's going to be standing so you kind of have to be it seems to have a pretty wide radius that's wall yeah you know so uh that doesn't work so he runs in the house he sits on a chair much like dana barrett in the first movie yeah and and zuul comes from him oh wait like the first movie the first movie oh like the first movie but something they didn't show you is he has um the meter on him and he which other [ __ ] i didn't realize if it was in the meter or separately yeah it's in the media it's like a taser he has a taser in it and and then he they don't show it but he pretty much commits suicide to become a ghost and doesn't get taken over by zul or possessed or anything that's what happens they don't say it but that's what happens oh oh yes they said heart attack yeah so he gave himself a heart attack so that way zul wouldn't get him wouldn't you see the like the laser though because when did that burn you how did you know he was gonna be a ghost that's a good point he just died yeah and then nothing and then it was kind of all his life sacrifice would have been for nothing uh then it flashes to the family and they they're in an apartment it's the kid from stranger things i can't stand this i think it was in a horror movie i didn't say oh the turning was that what it is which was based off the turning of the screw which the second season of haunting was about his name wolf finn wolfhard why we're just gonna don't forget about little girl egon i don't like her so uh sophia what is that her name what was her name what her real name her movie name was phoebe her real name is mckenna grace who was mechanic grace so a few years ago a made for tv remake of the bad seed came out starring and directed by rob lowe and mckenna grace was the bad seed justin do you know any other bad scenes in your life you so so before we continue with the plot of stranger thing stranger things kid the the mom who's sad and um uh phoebe not sophia oh carla sofia so the movie ends and before we even see like the first there's a mid-roll and a post-roll credits scene yeah which you missed yeah because you got up and angrily yelled at the entire theater no no sorry sorry you left i left the step i left a piece i had to pee so bad okay and then i came back no this is after you came back is what we're talking about okay okay after i came back because i came back from my job oh gotcha yeah he comes with that yeah you do come back but then he starts screaming at the theater like it was our fault no no because marshall tells me he cried and i yelled at him for crying he yelled at the [ __ ] theater i yelled at you guys no but at a volume where the theater could hear you directed at the whole theater saying what the [ __ ] is this this is [ __ ] [ __ ] it was ghostbusters is supposed to be a comedy this is [ __ ] and storms and then you're like ow you're like i'm gonna go stand outside this is [ __ ] [ __ ] and everyone's looking at you in this theater there's like 30 people left in this theater and yeah they're probably all thinking like that guy's saying what we're all thinking no they so you leave they were all too afraid they're in denial they're like i wish i had the balls they were laughing the entire movie the people behind us they really i didn't hear one laugh i didn't laugh once because you were [ __ ] ahead i got angrier and angry anyway what did that one lady say to you so you leave and the lady behind us goes is that your friend or no she just says your your friend's a bad seed she says your friend's a bad seed yeah they said you shouldn't you shouldn't bring him the movies anymore yep uh what else did she say um you need a new friend need a new friend you should get rid of him you should get rid of him and then crystal said oh he just showed up like we didn't invite her and she's a good good he's a he's not a nice guy like he she did not like not like you she did not like you feel like that guy shouldn't be talking about movies no she's like i'll never watch a review show that he does so then we left and i think crystal filmed it on her phone yeah you're just standing outside not even inside where it's worn out they're angry i will say it's finally gone away but like i what didn't help what didn't help was midway through the film my head started [ __ ] pounding i had to get like a tylenol extra strength like so like the movie was pissing me off and my head was pounding now that it feels better i'm actually less angry i'm like i think maybe the headache might have been playing were you all so hangry because you also had to eat some food i was also happy i was like we need just food i just need like i need food and i need tylenol wow okay girl jessica can you play the video crystal recorded it's pretty funny yeah he's just standing outside in the cold like a pathetic baby it was the best thing i've ever seen and then you get this pathetic one god you look so cranky you look so sad and angry look at him he found the cold so sad sad boy did you know i cried yeah actually this time i don't care i don't care 2016 or this one 2016. guys all this was was a teary-eyed [ __ ] drama that just kept going do you remember the first movie we're too scared to make jokes it's like star wars but like star wars at least had star wars in the stars this one didn't have any jokes it didn't have any comedy ghosts she's a great comedian uh carrie [ __ ] cool where was that in this it was she was making some great dad jokes no did you hear it no there wasn't any joke what jokes are you talking about the one with steve did you hear about that one no there were no jokes she's joking with gozer there was no comedy there was no humor are you are you upset and angry i can't believe this is a movie that exists how does this exist who sat there and went like hey wait this is a comedy why isn't anyone being funny all right let's go and just leave him here why are people saying this is good forgive all your fathers they let you down my father's dead just like just like everybody uh unfortunately i recorded it yeah it's fine they don't care she knows how to fix it jessica's amazing you know what honestly i love you jessica honestly let's let's let's do a break break the character here i am thankful for jessica as my editor i love jessica for making my life easier and because she's great but mostly making my life he is that's why i'm thankful for jessica we're all thankful for jessica i am let's give it up for jessica give it up for jessica okay that's enough of that anyway yeah so i'm gonna get her out of the closet now no so little girl egon and stranger things kid they live with her their mom who has no money yeah and they're they're getting evicted from the apartment for not paying to rent she is such a bad [ __ ] mom dude this entire movie she's cursing her kids probably because her dad abandoned her i'm sorry not everyone with [ __ ] daddy issues is gonna be a [ __ ] mom we'll get to the end of the film hated her movie i hated her you find out that the kid uh stranger thing kid is a jerk and phoebe is a whiz kid who is splicing power in the wall of the apartment and doing all sorts of stuff and she looks exactly like egon yeah yeah so they get evicted because apparently that's just being a weird nerd with the same exact hairstyle it's skipped a generation yeah but it's all hereditary not really great for your female character to just inherit the traits of the male character and not have it yeah so they get evicted but they they got a farm a farm in the middle of oklahoma where uh they're gonna live now so they go to this small town yes and summerville somerville there's a burger place that'll come in later they keep showing like a silo yeah in all the trailers and everything they drive by well no in this movie they drive by it like 15 times and this is like something gonna happen there nowhere yeah nothing happens no i'm like i'm like is there going to be like a statue or monster in there is that where the state puff marshmallow man like what's going on there so they uh they go to the dirt farm and you know we just watched this so i don't really i didn't break down the order now the outline of this film sounds like yeah they go to the dirt farm and everything there sucks yes oh and when they get up to the gate the the prophecy that um from revelations uh 612 or whatever yeah the one from the one from the car ride between where rey and winston talk hey hey maybe it's the end of the world maybe revelations and they have a real conversation about it winston ernie hudson who signed my my dvd he's a nice guy so i so i like this actor i like ernie hudson and i like winston's you know what he was in a great reboot recently and i'm shocked i didn't bring this up well i didn't feel like it's not really a reboot uh twin peaks the return oh he has a he has a small part in that it's like yeah i don't know that was like a general yeah yeah shows up a couple times like already hudson well this old thing came back and it's good as ernie hudson and then you watch that and the new one anyway keep going yeah so uh uh there's just scary stuff written everywhere uh clearly whoever lived at this place egon or whatever was some sort of crazy person who just sketched bible things on the wall yeah like he wasn't there for that conversation and egon doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would be like go that crazy or care about the religious aspects of it no he would be like oh yes it was written in this uh what i think it like that's not how egon acts yeah like it's bizarre so they go to the house the house sucks um and they've no one has mentioned egon at all whatsoever too the kids have no idea that's their grandfather at all yeah they have no idea very odd so i'm guessing she complains that there's no photos of her in the house as a kid or anything or any photos did you have no photos of your dad then yeah like it goes both ways then it's weird that like because they don't tell you the kids last names and she never says her dad's name but it's like you all you can't you put two and two together i don't think the kids had egon's last name i think they were no they did no they didn't didn't they say at the end they said it was the girl says that like she's like i'm ray skywalker yeah that's what that's what they never say they never say her last name was spank the entire i mean it is palpatine yeah it is but like we don't know but like they tried and like i'm like was there a version of this movie where this was more of a mystery because it would be her last name the mom's last name would be spangler because that's her dad yeah so that they would have it again she probably changed her name no their names wouldn't be because they have a father so it would be her last name and they would have separate last names i don't think that she would have done she [ __ ] married and had two kids and yeah and then the dad left and i would bet you they [ __ ] kept she kept the name for them but yeah her name stayed probably no it depends it depends oh please no no like i know my own i know a lot of divorced women and they just thought and they just kept the last one oh yeah yeah my aunt did that too yeah oh sometimes you kill me i think it's easier for like the kids and whatnot i get it's easier for the kids but yeah actually everyone i know who did that they have kids and i wonder if they keep the last name just so they can match the kids well the dad just abandoned it up and left i think it depends on like the situation too spangler's kind of a dork name now people who don't have kids who get divorced i feel like they always change their name back but now people who aren't people who are divorced that have that have divorce that have kids and they change their last name back so uh they go to a burger place oh god yeah and uh uh stranger kid thing good guy decides to work there so he can get with the one girl yeah and he lies about his age his age and everyone there makes fun so is she one of the future ghostbusters according to this yeah because she's the only ethnic so is this like their winston replacement yup yes okay yup the one ethic ethnic person no no there's a second one podcast yeah i guess yeah yeah we'll talk about podcasts in a second yeah yeah um yeah so he gets a job there they make fun of him you forgot uh janine oh janine holy [ __ ] yeah janine literally shows up and goes hey guys it's me janine from ghostbusters what are you guys doing here oh i could ask the same for you who are you oh i manage his bill i didn't know he had kids she didn't no is that what she said yeah she's like oh i didn't we didn't know you're like yeah oh he has a family that's what that's the running thing that everyone in the town says nobody we didn't know he had a family we had no way janine which would be very odd yeah she pretended especially if she handled his bills and his taxes wait then wait or maybe or maybe she found out because who contacted who contacted the family oh by the way your dad's dead it might have been her they couldn't because she didn't what user said like she didn't know that he had kids that's what i thought right this is the ha there's a problem with seeing movies in theaters now we've been spoiled about movie with movies on demand where we just go back and check but now we're like i don't remember it it was really stupid though yeah and then she's out of the movie until the post-credits scene it's literally just there so you can go i remember janine yeah uh so a lot of different things happen between now and yeah um they have a chess set in the house and the pieces move by themselves because egon is a ghost and he's trying to make contact well that's the thing they they hype it up where like this girl is so smart and she's great yeah makes you smart though but then but then the rest of the movie she's just being handed stuff by her ghost granddad yes like oh she unders the whole thing i can understand like she understood what he was saying if you were to do it with [ __ ] stranger kid he wouldn't understand anything and just be like completely this reminded me of interstellar yeah yes holy [ __ ] they just took that from interstellar yes it is uh with young jessica chastain she's getting oh she well a little girl version eventually she grows into jessica chastain um yeah she's getting messages from a ghost and she's trying to figure it out and she's like this amazing scientist and her dad it's like an astronaut yeah but but but then the sun who turns out to be casey affleck he's more of like a you know salt of the earth kind of guy and and he's all about like mechanical and farming and then this movie just kind of just took those character dynamics holy [ __ ] it does sound like a rather be watching the interstellar great score a really good score this score was just ripping off the first movie it would be for beat for beat but without the ghostbusters theme until until the end just until the end i was actually expecting it in the beginning you didn't know you know what place though i think you walked out before you heard the ghostbusters theme didn't you i think you did walked outdoors oh so anyway a few things happen here the she's playing ghost chests with her ghost grandpa oh she also finds the meter though too in the floor yeah she finds them no no she finds the trap on the floor she finds the meter under the chair that's what it was meet her under the chair how the meter works is the meter tells you where the ghost is so hal ramus is just kind of walking around the house and she's following him to where the next puzzle clue is why does the meter i don't understand how the meter went he's they're playing chess the meter doesn't go off there's plenty of times where the meter doesn't go off and then it randomly does i mean he built the meter is very inconsistent he built the thing maybe he can figure out a way to yeah she's also in summer school yeah she's in summer school for some reason yeah yeah which i don't understand i guess because the mom needs to stay home and doesn't want the kids there so she can drink and be a bad mom yes she's not working yeah and uh finn rockhardt or uh stranger kid thing is working at the burger place yes so they go to summer school where we meet the sexiest man alive all right who is a uh seismitologist or no she's yeah he's like he's a seismologist or seismic which is you know who studies earthquakes because the whole town vibrates every once in a while but it's not on a fault line whatever so uh he wheels in the tv cart which is always my favorite activity as a kid for some reason this school still does vhs but like why is he showing them because he does it's summer school none of the kids care i can understand that part yeah or like sometimes you're in there for detention and stuff yeah yeah they're just like kids just do this you were talking about oh i feel like these tapes that they're watching they watch cujo and then child's play i feel like that could have played into the idea that we were having for the end but we'll get there right the gozer thing right yeah um yeah you're right we're just talking about that yeah because i when i went in this movie i i didn't write it down unfortunately but i had like five or six things i thought would happen and none of them happened they really subverted my expectations so they're in summer school paul rudd's showing them movies like cujo and child's play just to keep them busy while he studies the earthquakes uh super smart phoebe knows more about it for some reason and they look at maps and they do things and they become best of friends yeah well paul rotten her yeah and then podcast and then podcast is in the classroom a character literally called podcasts why do they call you podcast because of my podcast yeah so he has a podcast about supernatural stuff he has a podcast even though he's a [ __ ] loser anyway even though he's never heard of the ghostbusters which doesn't make sense nope yeah he knew about all the other events that happened at certain times toguska blasts yeah and yet doesn't know what the about the manhattan but he did later know about the manhattan whatever he called it uh the that was after they researched it something yeah cross dimensional rift or whatever that was after he researched it though sure but it sounded like he and the other thing if you have a podcast you use a mic like this yes he's walking around with a shotgun mic it pissed me off the entire movie which is for capturing like live sound from like a distance so you don't get the mic in the way um we have a ton over there yeah and and the reason why he had a shotgun like to walk around with so he looked like ray from the first movie like he walked around the camera in the first scene and the way he was talking into it if he actually had a podcast you want to be able to hear it because he was talking into it remember remember the first ghostbusters movie it starts off with a little lady in the library yeah she gets scared we hear the theme song and then like we see bill murray just tr lying to a woman to get in her pants and shocking a poor man shocking for a man and then they go and see a ghost really early on and then it's a really funny scene you see remember the door said peter frankman go to hell yeah and then on the door it said maid service please get it like you remember on the door it said maid service like we need this room cleaned yeah that was on that was in in the underground bunker wait egon's underground bunker had the the main service thing yeah and it was on the thing where she got all the uh redeemed redeemed so redeemed this movie is great it's for the fans so howard remus howard ramus is a six foot two man and he had all his jumpsuits with a maid sign please clean these even though there's no maids around i guess he put it on there because it was fun uh and for some reason all those jumpsuits fit children i don't unders yeah six foot two man yeah that wouldn't fit me let's try it out we have those lady ghostbusters outfits still you want to get in i look like melissa mccarthy in one of those so anyway um uh so podcast um uh phoebe and sexist man alive paul rudd are now walking around doing things yeah he finds the trap it was like let's open up this trap well this is when you found out he actually knows who the ghostbusters are he's like this is the best replica i've ever seen freaking out yeah somehow he knows what the ghostbusters is but no one else knows you're like we weren't born yet uh we were born we weren't born for 20 years hey you know i wasn't around for uh pearl harbor or uh the nukes dropping you sure about that tony yeah yeah where were you doing pearl i wasn't around for that i wasn't around for that um around the area we got it but you were no i wasn't around for the the uh the plague i wasn't around for that uh i wasn't around i wasn't around for pompeii going off um but i know about all those things you're around for 9 11. i was around for 9 11. you ever see the comics where it's like um the superhero ones where it's like spider-man couldn't stop 9 11. like you know you don't talk oh we talked about those before they make no sense where were the ghostbusters during 9 11. that's true um the the 911 marvel comic uh they show the juggernaut is one of the villains warning what happens because the writer of that comic didn't know that there was an earlier comic where the chugger not knocked down the tin twin towers and laughed about it anyway god those comics that comic was weird like i get what they were trying to do but like this doesn't fit in this universe like this just raises a lot of questions but ghostbusters keep going oh they let out gozer and or vince clark though they went out they let out um they're not goods they're zul or vince now i'm mixing them up like you did so they accidentally released zul because they think it's cool yeah they think it's hilarious and zul blows up the car blows up the school buses yeah and goes back to the mountain and and crashes through the babylonian [ __ ] yeah which makes everything open i know they yeah oh the kids go there at one point but i don't care i don't want to yeah because they are the evo chandor minds yes and evo shandor was mentioned in the first film he was the guy who made the cult to bring about gozer but he didn't live long enough to witness it he made the building yes and he thought uh well his reasoning was this movie apparently changes that his reasoning was in the first film that after world war one he was like humanity's too sick to survive so we have to wipe them all out uh that was his reasoning and he didn't live long enough and then eventually it just happened um yeah the video game evo shandor is in it he's the bad guy he brings back gozer in the very beginning and the ghostbusters beat him again and it's like well [ __ ] and it's brian doyle murray who was in ghostbusters 2 is the psychiatrist but that's bill murray's actual brother uh but yeah you find out like evo shandor mixes with like a demon and stuff and that's what the video game is about all that's thrown out they've reconned all of that out yeah because uh he um you find out in ghostbusters remember when they're when they're in the prison scene yes in ghostbusters and they're going over like oh like like i don't know metallurgy i don't know physics tell me like what's going on it's like well these cesium being or see selenium beams are used because they're a good conductor blah blah blah so this is like a ghost like antenna she was in the corner penthouse of spook central right um anyway uh so they're in and they remember they redid that scene in this movie yes where they're at the burger place and all the kids are coming up to like check them out like oh what are you guys talking about what are you looking at this map and it's the same scene as the jail scene so oh so oh was something in this movie similar to the first ghostbusters movie yeah yeah oh wow went right over my head these are the mines where they mined all that metal for the building in new york yes and like who gives a [ __ ] and then [ __ ] so zul goes back and like stranger things kid is there with lady and they look down he just sees the zul face say gozer or something this is later yeah yeah but i'm saying yeah yeah and he's just like huh what about that yeah why was that not for yeah i guess i think the idea is like all kids these days they're not fazed by it no no you know what a kid in the ghostbusters universe if everything was happening every day probably would have that reaction but these kids don't know what ghosts really are and they're like oh wow yeah there's a lot of back and forth to the minds yeah to like open like like to like because in the in the first movie he built that structure specifically for that and when it opens it opens to this magic dimension where gozer gets unlocked from it with the right sacrifice also in this one they built the physical actual steps and stuff and it all folds out like a picture book it doesn't make any sense yeah no less like a picture broken more like uh the uh the bleachers at a high school um [ __ ] yeah why did it have to be evo shandor it was a cult it could have been like oh these guys had their own gozer cult or it was like other because he said he had thousands of followers like oh yeah after evo died uh jim shandor took over year with this because they said that the map that they found was an ancient one that had ancient writing on it that no one understood yeah so was this place there hundreds like like like six thousand years ago somehow they don't like doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense it doesn't look ancient it just looks no because he died it oh okay yeah all right let's [ __ ] oh my god she finds the proton pack oh you should stop talking about that huh we're gonna stop talking about that because we're not we're not up to that yet yeah okay all right we're kind of all over the place but yeah she finds proton back and forth no no she yeah she she so egon's still walking her around the [ __ ] house and she um like she gets found finds a pole right yes which which is funny because later paul rudd said she might grow up to be a pole dancer remember that that was kind of funny that was a weird line yeah so she goes down the pole i thought the line after that because remember in the first movie the only reason they have a fire pole is this a little firehouse and in fact egon and venkman didn't want to be in that building they said it was no they didn't like it but because ray took his his house mortgage to pay for the place he's like let's do it it's so much fun and they're like [ __ ] fine so for some reason egon built the same exact poll system into his i guess because he's obsessed about being a ghostbuster into his underground bunker where he has all his gear and proton packs and all that and he ghost helps phoebe to make the proton pack work but how doesn't he's a much older gentleman i don't see many older gentlemen sliding down poles i don't see many silver sugar daddies you know slide down poles or i'd be he lived by himself why didn't he need a secret bunker it doesn't it doesn't repel ghosts as we find out so what was the [ __ ] point of having a secret bunker other than they're like oh [ __ ] we forgot to put the fire pole in here and some 45 year old man in the theater will be upset if he doesn't see a fire pole because that'll remind him of ghostbusters but a fireplace and he's gonna be hiding it from other people because it's clearly right there there's clearly a hole in the ground that has a [ __ ] pole they're not hiding at that as soon as there's two people that walk into there and they see it right away no one when they go in with the meter no one's like looking and then oh look at this it was just meter down yeah so then while she's finding all this stuff so there's like two things like she's finding all the equipment her brother found the ecto one oh my god one a or one b or whatever yeah it was the ecto and he's like fixing it up somehow well before that he lifts it it's like a tease the first time he sees it it's a tease where he lifts it up says like oh what a jump oh wait there's two t's yeah there's a cheese before that where they have the light he goes to lift it up and says how much of a junk it is yeah gee i wonder what movie i saw that in star wars the force awakens when they're like let's take that ship and she goes it's garbage and then the other ship blows up she's like oh we'll take the garbage one and it's the millennium falcon that happened it's like just that joke again yeah like this is literally like this is really misguided this movie like we'll make it like force awakens it's like well everyone hates that movie now because but like everyone hates and i don't hate force awakens but people hate that it led to two terrible films so it's like why don't be like that one don't be like that one i'll give credit to jurassic world at least that kind of like went in on its own universe like hey we've been doing dinosaur stuff for years now and everyone's cool with it and this is what we're yeah it could be doing more i'm not saying jurassic world movies are great but like they're having a little bit more fun with their universe it's not just like like for star wars if they had more movies like rogue one i would be happy boring yeah yeah afterlife it's boring like rogue one oh my god i'm saying they had more i liked rogue one i loved the ending of it the darth vader scene that they re-shot and put in because one when everyone died and they all like accepted their death oh i thought you meant the darth vader scene that darth vader seems like a reason they all had to die because they couldn't connect them to the first movie not because it was a good storytelling have you ever tried watching that in an episode like a new hope back to back it's very awkward that darth vader goes from being a ninja and then the next day all of that the same thing with [ __ ] yod there are so many um yeah so he's trying to fix up the car as she's finding all this stuff and as soon as she found the proton pack i was like i'm gonna go to the bathroom you did because she's gonna dick around with this thing for like 10 minutes stick around yes and when i get back i bet you her and podcasts are going to be testing it out and sure enough i walk it back in and they're firing the proton anything in between that was uh she was looking at the commercial the um okay commercial that they did on youtube oh yeah it was not on youtube but oh okay ghostbuster commercials on youtube they show that later on and i thought that was a weird scene to put it in okay so that there she was watching that one and that's why she wrote down the number she wrote down the number yeah uh and then the mom comes in and she's like what are you doing she's like you know science stuff she goes oh that's lame like she is so against her daughter her mom sucks her mom's like i hate all scientists because a scientist betrayed me my father yeah it was very much all men are scientists yeah very much hating all science and really really needs to forgive her father she seems to regret having her daughter though because she was saying she's later in the box yeah probably because her daughter looks exactly like her dad not just that is later and there's the date scene with her and paul right how she talks about oh yeah well uh the father you know he could deal with the boy but as soon as the girl came along he didn't know how to connect with her up and left because he had no idea how to connect with her like what that doesn't even make sense and then i feel like she now regrets her daughter resents her result and regrets resentment and regrets yeah both i'm going to go with both yes and then it's because they lost her [ __ ] whole husband so the first ghostbuster movie is one of the best [ __ ] screenplays ever written yes the movie has these amazing beats it goes from one scene to the next you know what's going on aside from the [ __ ] scene that sticks out weird which was part of a deleted scene but i guess they paid for that effect with the pants and zippering they're like well we gotta use it and they cut out bad scenes from the original ghostbusters like when dan aykroyd and bill murray suddenly play two homeless characters yeah they're completely different characters it's storing when the dog is chasing [Music] i tully rushing around all the time yeah it just cuts to homeless people that are just bill murray and dan aykroyd with weird accents and you're like what that's a very trading places thing to happen yeah you know what i mean where they play different people yeah but luckily someone was like this doesn't work cut it out um so anyway so yeah so anyway that's like one of the best scripts i've ever written right and it has these in-depth moments too like it has these deep it's comedy awesome awesome awesome and then random deep moments which makes it well there's like something different deep like like science stuff there's time to breathe in this they go from target practice to hearing their first ghost over there they're shooting the targets and they're like oh an enemy and they just run over you can't stand that yeah it happened a second [ __ ] later who wrote this it's weird that it happened so fast because the the first five hours before that was so [ __ ] slow and then suddenly they're speeding things up and it's like and there's overwhelming there's nothing in it that said oh now there's ghosts everywhere like just yeah just cause zul i mean okay so in the original they talk about like oh the reason we're so busy is because it's the end of the world so like zuul and vince clortho coming about are the reasons why the ghosts are coming so maybe letting zul back out is the reason ghosts are now everywhere but it's not really it doesn't make sense because they didn't let them out of like the um was it the sacrificial hole what are just that's just all of them because in the original it's just like them coming back just were respond like they were good because the first one they're like slimer yeah by the way no slimer in this movie i think muncher was basically that replacement and by the way they never call him slimer until the card i know i know i know because in the first movie he's just called this green gross blah blah blah they yell at him to make fun of him and stuff slimer made it into the lady one and see that and he had lady slime in fact the name slimer comes in because when he's um when uh egon or someone uh they're like showing winston how to use the trap or whatever he says slimers he says slimers and that's how they got the name from yeah but yes this is muncher josh dad that josh gad is the fat ass muncher muncher eats metal yeah yes however i do like muncher's bit he eats metal but then he can shoot it back out at you like machine gun bullets i like that muncher does look like a ghostbusters ghost a lot of ghosts in this some of the ghosts in this are actually from the toy series or the first movie yeah yes taxicab ghost is suddenly back he's a miner now yeah i guess so yeah so anyway i don't understand how she can have that strength though because did it in the first ghostbusters the grown men have issues with controlling it at first yeah they suck they sucked at it in the very beginning destroying an entire hotel yeah that's why i didn't like this one uh at the end they're doing backflips and doing ninja stuff and all the people defending were like it showed that girls could be tough too and it's like the ghostbusters weren't tough the whole joke was that they sucked yeah you're thinking of the cartoon where they're awesome superheroes but in the movie they're like fuck-ups but even in the in this one in the 2016 they were still trying to do it and they were showing their message trying for the first time yeah her she got it on the first try no issues podcast is the one that [ __ ] it up yeah and cause he can't throw the trap out in time this tiny little twelve year old house you know why this you know why because they're going star wars logic where it's like her grandfather was a ghostbuster therefore she will inherit good ghostbusters skills and i know i just said the original ghostbusters suck but the people writing this the strength and the how heavy is that [ __ ] pack for this little 12 year old i don't know ray can she shouldn't be ray can shoot forced lightning just because i thought that was something you have to learn but i guess this is following a race stance rape palpatine this movie really is trying to follow that like star wars thing it's like but everyone hates that so stop it uh munchie muncher munchie munchie gets away yeah and then the group of stranger kids thing in the car oh he happens to be driving the car as they're coming back with the proton pack yeah and then that his grandfather just happens to fix oh yeah it was ghost fixed the car was ghost fixed right um even though that car this is much like the jeep in germany that is one of the weaker scenes in jurassic world it makes no sense so i like jurassic world but that scene makes no sense there's a few jokes in this movie i like where they're like oh podcasts like oh can he drive and she's like no he failed the test three times funny joke and he goes get in the back that's okay there's a few times i went like okay i liked all her little nerdy jokes yeah like i loved them and it made me so mad when she when the mom let her into the summer school and she's like practicing these jokes and the mom goes don't be yourself and i was like right bad mom no that's good advice don't be yourself god i wish my parents gave me that can you stop being yourself now it's too late i'm already in there uh yeah when i was in the theater um my noises were either it was like it was like this it was like every five minutes oh mine was just oh mine was just i really do think you're just breathing you're just like i was sitting next to justin was on my last and i had marshall on my right and the only thing i heard from i heard marshall laughing a lot throughout the movie marshall laughing got me mad marshall laughed a lot and then at the end hearing him sniffling and wiping his tears i was like oh baby it is it is kind of crazy because now my headache's been gone and like the more we're talking the less angry i am i'm like wow i just i think that was just much like the coincidences in this film that headache came right at the same time i was getting annoyed with the movie and it made it seem worse i think you're just hanging out they go through the town and now they know how to use the car perfectly they they're which now has a gunner seat because you got to make a new ecto-1 toy was the gunner seat in extreme ghostbusters cartoon well i don't think that's canada was the mobile trap i know that one did a lot of weird stuff extreme ghostbusters sucked people do like it but um but yeah so now they're driving through the city with the rc car was the rc car already in the truck it was already in there so how old is that technology was that like an rc car from the 90s i i would assume so and like because i thought they like i thought it would have been cooler if they built that yeah you know like no i think there's a missing scene because he was lugging around something heavy i don't think it was just the trap did he have a car one with him no it was just the trap it was just in the it was just in the it was just in the car all right so now he somehow knows how to use that it's all batteried up yeah how is it battery wouldn't it these kids today aren't gonna know they're gonna use that but not just the kids these days but wouldn't those batteries be [ __ ] up by now oh yeah they'd be corroded that is a way better [ __ ] idea you just had yeah they should use their own technology to make their own stuff or like oh i i know how drones work because i'm a podcast i know video equipment and we have a drone he clearly didn't know you a [ __ ] equipment like [ __ ] mic he was using well he yeah he is an [ __ ] no because if you do that then it's going to be like you're going to have a bunch of nerves being like they're kids how would they be able to figure that out right and it's like oh they can't but they should have made sure they should have made they should take some of the gear and use it for their own way like oh like we we we like in reinvigorated this whole thing and oh now we have one that's a drone i use it on my phone or oh i figured out how to do the ghost stuff in ar so we don't need the goggles anymore yeah they could have done something just modernized or like the girl could have been like oh yeah you did a really good job making the proton pack but i figured how to make it smaller now i can have it in my smart watch like i'm surprised that didn't happen which i mean kate mckinnon kind of did [ __ ] like that in 2016. but she was she was using a distracting hillary clinton voice so you didn't really you're like what they go around the city and they just know how to use the car all of a sudden where paul rudd and the mom are on a date so they ruined the date and they destroy the city and they uh and they uh they catch munchie on the way back munchie on the way back wait you know what this scene was bothering me because they're so they have the rc car which is faster than the actual car which i do which i don't understand and they're constantly chasing and then they hit them with the beam and they continue to keep driving forward it's like no go in reverse yeah go reverse pull them back yeah boom back yeah they're not that smart but yet that you know how to operate this car they know they knew that that little ramp was there which made no he just literally hit it as if he knew i understand figuring out accidentally figuring out the um the sidecar or the whatever it's called but the ramp nope it's a 1958 cadillac hearse manual transmission they wouldn't be able to drive that right maybe he converted it to manual oh he no he so he sat there and put a tran transmission in a in a yeah 60 year old cadillac yes yep but yet the ghost all you saw the ghost do was put some wires together okay no i mean egon before he died converted it to manual i guess because or no automatic in the first movie they got that car because it was just like he got swindled to buy it yeah he's like oh it's four thousand but it was an ambulance on a hearse wasn't it was it it had like the little window thing i think it was like a i think no it was an ambulance because this one was a hearse yeah right maybe it was both i don't know it did it had a siren though on the in the original that's why i thought it was an old ambulance i i know i thought it was like like the cops like morgan mobile oh maybe maybe regardless the kids should know how to drive any of that [ __ ] yeah no they shouldn't uh so anyway he um uh they they trap they trap munchie uh they drive over the bridge and now they're hanging out next to the mountain that we're always hanging out next to the mines right and then they uh drive back sad for no reason wouldn't there be a lot more stuff to sport people were not going up this mountain don't you think there'd be a lot more like do not cross a lot more yeah especially when they're like yeah the miners who worked here all committed suicide it's like probably shouldn't hang out there no um they get arrested yes they get pulled over and arrested and then they get pulled over arrested i don't understand how all of a sudden the police literally hear what's going on and they don't arrest them as they're destroying them no one saw the ghost flying around or eating things no literally where that went through the wrap you find out that the sheriff is the uh dad of the uh winston girl yes i guess the girl wins who is the guy from spider-man homecoming he was the shocker in that and he's in wishmaster 2. he's in a lot of movies and you know girl wants to make her phone call and he goes up and goes are you going to call when he said who you going to call i i that was probably the biggest sigh i made i was like yes it was it was and once you get the terminator salvation john what should i tell your men tell them i'll be back it's annoying yeah so yeah they literally calls they impound yeah and ray stance is like egon he can burn in hell but he's all right i guess yeah until he finds out he's dead later oh well he died oh what a shame yeah and he's all like uh i actually didn't mind this excuse for them being out of business because i mentioned it in the ghostbusters 2 review i hate ghostbusters too and they're like oh yeah you guys are all con men that was all fake and it's like no i'm like you had a built-in excuse just say when goes are left there weren't enough ghosts to keep up business that's what this one says it's like we were getting less and less calls like they said our job too this one makes more sense where it's like okay that was an isolated incident on a block the mayor probably doesn't want to seem crazy later only the ghostbusters saw it happen on top of the building yes people saw the state puff marshmallow man walking around stuff but i think they'd be like oh that was just a parade float that got loose you know like everyone could be like being a little ah you know those new yorkers they're crazy but in the second one the statue of liberty walks through the town and smashes through the art museum and that's technically cannon in the shore and let's say okay that happened and then after the vigo was gone then all the ghost stuff and the slime stopped people would still know who the [ __ ] ghostbusters on they'd be they'd be signing deals and be like nike sponsorships for the rest of their life yeah did no one else see and i not sure if i was seeing things or not when the mom is letting phoebe into the summer school for the first time you see a little boy running wearing a blue hat i'm pretty sure it was a ghostbuster hat right it was a [ __ ] ghostbuster if they said something funny like oh he's wearing a ghostbuster like oh really i thought it was just vintage well the kids are wearing like nirvana shirts and [ __ ] i bet there's some amazing deleted scenes from this movie that are awful yeah i want to see those are you sure i mean the movie was forever long i'm pretty sure everything it was so long uh so then in the movie uh the mom and paul rudd come to bail them out even though i don't think you bail out kids and they they have to keep all the stuff there including the proton pack oh phoebe and phoebe almost [ __ ] kills the cop i don't know what this movie's thinking it's like yes our brave white female girl is gonna get angry and try to kill a black guy i'm like movie you're sending me a lot of weird messages here she straight up is about to murder him in the middle of the police station father was crazy yeah set her off who she didn't know and she's about to murder a guy who did nothing i'm like this is [ __ ] i'm surprised they just didn't let out muncher to prove that the ghost was real uh because they did that in this one and they killed bill murray and that would have been too close remember this would that would be the perfect thing that there was a ghost around even though you literally said some crazy thing just bit off half a truck yeah this movie is kind of like rise of skywalker where it's so embarrassed of this movie that it's desperately trying to do everything the opposite and you're right that would have been a cool scenario hated the fact that in that movie she opened up because that doesn't make sense you opened up to show something for a guy when that it defeats her she murdered him too what what is up she's ghostbuster movies yeah and murder people having their their good guys trying to murder into some people but i hated the reason but she opened it up during the [ __ ] police scene that would have made sense yeah that would make sense that didn't make sense that would have made sense very angry yes so is this where they finally go to the mine um no a few things happen between now and then she goes home they find out a little more things about how remus blah blah blah um she's like why didn't you tell me yeah why don't you tell me and she gets mad about scientists again and it's like because he left us like that's it i hate him and then also what's she saying she says well he was um he wasn't crazy well then he was an [ __ ] welcome to the family and i'm like you don't say that to your 12 year old daughter at some point um zul comes out and chases down paul rudd i forget where that happens in the walmart so they can get all their product placement out of the way baskin robbins doesn't work super happy dancing i don't love paul rudd in this entire movie he's funny paul rudd with baskin robbins that's like ant-man remember when he worked for baskin-robbins and ant-man gotta sell baskin robbins stuff and then he fight he gets uh in a little scuffle with the baby marshmallows i hated them why are there baby marshmallow men so you can put them on a cereal box and kids will want to buy them well but in the movie that doesn't make sense because that doesn't make any sense stay puft like in the movie if you watch ghostbusters uh 1984 you'll see steve puff marshmallow um containers and like like bags through the movie like they're on the counter when she's when the eggs are getting cooked on dana barrett's apartment and they're like in in the ghostbusters office like you see them every round it's like little they pepper them in right like it's an item that exists uh so when at the end of the movie when they choose your destructor ray accidentally thinks of the most friendliest thing he knows of which is the staff of marshmallow men which turns into the 50-foot killer staples i do like in the video game early on when shandor brings goes her back it's still the safe puff marshmallow man it's so in the game you can fight the safe off marshmallow but the idea is like that was the form that was chosen so that is the deep fault form that gozer will have on earth forever but so uh yeah but it doesn't make sense in this why why every bag of safe of marshmallows would turn into many staff of marshmallow men no like there aren't ghosts flying around it's like sure zuul or zul's hanging out in aisle eight eating dog food but and zul can affect the world around because remember they made like well no that's vince clark though um remember they made like uh dana barrett's like eggs pop and stuff but it didn't turn out it didn't turn the eggs into ghosts yeah [ __ ] california raisins yeah yeah and they're all evil and they love killing each other yeah and yeah and even when they explode they still have a smile on their face yeah they're all killing each other and it's all weird yeah literally making s'mores out of each other none of them have the little red bow fun fact about the little red bow uh trisha has worn that stay puft dress like three times and we noticed uh the last time she wore it she has never tied the red bow on the dress so it's just some sit there i was looking i'm like yeah what are those two red straps so that i saw like the staple marshmallow i'm like oh she just keeps forgetting to tie the bow and then i let her know and she's like i didn't realize that that's what that was wait so all the little staff of men are little sailors yeah you know they should head to new york get laid it'll be fine yes that is a that is a good reference adult joke an adult joke for a movie meant for adults that kids can also enjoy but the target audience was adults weird you're making a sequel aim toward little kids uh paul rudd runs away walks in the aisle eight and sees zul eating dog food because remember zul is a dog or a bear no it's vince clark though sorry vince cortez key master right sorry yeah yeah yeah daddy master the key master the gatekeeper get it it's a [ __ ] sex joke do you wanna do that again i don't i don't understand i'm good can you i'm good tell me a little bit more about the like that is like that is a sex joke right is that how sex works yes oh he's hanging out looking at the key master and the the roomba with the state of marshall men's crashed into his foot which i didn't think was funny that was funny i was like okay i love that one got smushed by and then um the gatekeeper looks keymaster sorry and goes oh no there he is i did he throws a pint of baskin robbins at his head someone in the audience laughed so hard at that too i did appreciate it kind of looked like a practical effect when it wasn't running it wasn't bad it might have been the effects were bad i don't think any of the effects were that bad they weren't too terrible i mean the original dogs when they're stop motion they are they are chroma keyed pretty poorly but i'll give that one a pass i didn't like that he was eating dog food i didn't damn bothers i mean i i checked out at the movie at this point so i don't he gets chased outside the walmart jumps into his car through the window which i thought was funny because he knew it was broken before yes and then he can't get his keys in time and he gets uh possessed by vince corleone and becomes the key master and then the mom becomes the gatekeeper yeah she goes into the bunker and she's like my dad had pictures of me like homer when he had pictures of maggie do it do do it for her uh and then i uh i'm surprised that didn't happen earlier though why didn't the dad show her sooner hey as she's complaining in the house how long has this happened for two because also i want to know because she's going to the summer school how long did it take to enroll oh no they keep saying like a week or two yes they're like my dad died last week [ __ ] kid in school for that quick it's only been like a week seriously this means harold ramus is just kind of walking around the house while his daughter is complaining and he can't talk or show himself or he doesn't want to i don't know yeah well i know why he can't talk because he's not involved in the movie but anyway he's like he's dead or something um so now you have a situation where um they get the gear back somehow oh the no the app they i don't know how they didn't show them getting the car back right no they did they did the girl the the the the winston girl shows stranger things she's like here's the car it's oh god i forgot i almost knocked this and i remembered it's glass it is glass oh don't throw it he was like a stranger things kid it's like oh there's the car it's on a lift in the police station uh but then the other ones they were like podcasts and phoebe they're like oh they locked our equipment in the thing and they prison within a prison they come with the idea to let muncher out be so we can eat the bars so they can get yeah because the whole town's being attacked now so they're able to like get out um i forgot what order it happens in but they figure out because they go to the uh mine that the proton packs are um rigged in a way and this is a rumbling of the earthquake oh yeah yeah they they find out you're right right they find out that that is the source of all the earthquakes eventually the evil comes up and the proton packs keep it down yeah why is the evil in the ground is that just happens i don't understand i don't because it always came from the sky or from like like like a yeah yeah but evo's another dimension it never came from the ground evo shandor maybe that's the signal that's supposed to sign goes it's not supposed to be hell right i don't know but evo shandor is in his little glass coffin yeah yeah he's been there since 1945 hasn't decayed for some reason yeah and he like starts to come alive as the evil was coming up yeah so why didn't you just destroy his body too if he's putting the proton packs in here he just leaves the coffin i don't know yeah let's just leave this dead yes and then that's when they have the dates for every time there's a cataclysm yeah and 2021 is there and i'm pretty sure that was just 20 20 and they digitally they were like oh cause this movie was supposed to come out in 2020 and they're like well yeah there was another date after it too and i thought they were gonna sql bait like oh at 2024 what's gonna happen then yeah but they don't mention 1989 so this is only gozer related yes it's like so the tunguska blast how they stopped goes or that time now it looks like gozer has a series of they bring up the uh the test i keep saying tuskegee like the tuskegee german the tuskung the russian the siberian blast yes um which turned out that in real life to be like like a meteor situation they bring it up in the first movie as oh like they tell um um rick moranis they say hey how's it feel to be in the you know the biggest incident since the blast you know but they didn't mean that to be oh yeah back when gozer came back yeah yeah 70 years ago and then they're like 1945 like oh what didn't happen it's like so did who stopped goser in 1945 did dozers start the holocaust like what are they trying to say with no no joke what are they trying to say with that i think we're involved with like the nukes or something i don't know they they were forcing away was a gozer incident like what the [ __ ] i don't know it's weird um but yeah like uh so uh yeah so so he said evo shandor will start to come to life but then doesn't and i didn't recognize who the actor was until later uh because he's all like zombie looking yeah but yeah so oh you also see uh paul rudd as yeah so then later later he comes back and he sabotages he unleashes all the ghosts so that's the first time you see them possessed yeah so this is basically the signal like when they blew up the containment unit that's letting all the ghosts out yes uh and then he finally meets the gatekeeper who the kids meet i know we're all over the place here and you're right this is very out of character yeah so she's like there is no mom only zoro oh yeah the mom is zul now yeah and their eyes are lighting up she tries to do his podcast which is uncomfortable everyone's always sitting in this chair this is like the chair you sit in when you're getting possessed yeah um but and then again the meter was right there when the mom hit on podcasts it was weird so somehow the mom azul because she gets up she gets abducted in the basement or sorry in the outside porta john yeah was that like an outhouse yeah so so they had to climb climb up the fireman pole i guess yeah i didn't understood that either maybe it connects to the house somehow i don't know um she goes back in sits on the chair but also brings the pk meter with him yeah because where else would that come from yeah he would have dropped it i don't know why would zul bring the pk meter with i don't know but then you made a good point zul starts breathing real heavy like dana did but dana was breathing heavy because he knocked her out with uh was a thorazine or yeah why did he bring that on date who's to say he's a psychiatrist sure but he knocks her out with it and like because she is like a dog that's why she's like breathing this wouldn't stop acting like a dog yeah like a doll yeah the new one she just started breathing like real heavily it's like okay yeah the way she her body moved she was just all in a dog so like they they set up a rule you know like yeah cuz like they didn't do the scene where she was like floating above the chair no surprise i didn't do any of that now she just turned into a dog and and later and up you know i'm gonna jump around with this one like she rips off her normal clothes and she's wearing an arm like golden gown because dana barrett when she answers the door is wearing like a red thing but that's because she like tore down the sheets or whatever and tried to look more like a babylonian yeah whatever it wasn't just a magical [ __ ] outfit no it's a magical outfit oh it's a magical outfit and then vince clortho talks in his real scary voice remember like louis tully he was doing the like i wanted paul rudd to talk like vince clarthol but he only has one line as vince clark though and then they because because vince cause um the the keymaster in the first movie was just being like hey i'm looking for the gatekeeper uh i'm kind of out of this world you know where are they at it's not like this evil presence yeah um this one was weird where he's like laying there with a flower in his hair their interaction was yeah he's like i like he's like i like your eyes it's like okay yeah so yeah they they bring it yeah and also does this before or after they get changed into oh the then so they get all the equipment and then they change into the ghostbusters outfits oh we forgot to mention okay sorry we're jumping all over the place you could not write down the movie anyway i had to mention dan aykroyd so he talks about egon he's just like yes egon wouldn't stop talking about the end of the road we didn't believe him and then he's like he's like venkman is teaching uh winston is rich i'm stuck in this bookstore uh [ __ ] uh egon took all of our traps all of our gear the actor one and left with it yes yeah but we know that we knew a few things one ray has the [ __ ] revelations tattooed on his arm yeah so he [ __ ] believes in it too unless you think he's just a cool you know i mean they got like a drunken tattoo i don't know two the um uh he said they took all the gear and and stuff like that but then later in the movie they show up with more gear and more outfits and they clearly have more than one ecto one because they had the ecto-1a unless that was just the upgraded version of the first one i don't think it was did they come in their own car know what they came in no but so egon either has the one from ghostbusters 2 that he downgraded or they just don't have the second car yeah i don't know because he said they took all the gear but they had more than one car yeah i don't know and not just that like he set up the the four protons like how many proton packs did they have i mean they probably had a bunch remember um no cause remember they had like four and then [ __ ] uh tully had one and two i don't know i assume they made it but they had at least and he was making at least 12 yeah because there was four in the ruins area it's just weird cause sometimes people say stuff like oh he took all the gear except for all this other gear we have yeah yeah because they literally show up in more gear yeah it's so stupid all the outfits magically fit the kids yeah this tiny little 12 year old this would be a good part for like the theme song to kick in but then it doesn't yeah this whatever i was waiting for the theme song to kick in at something yeah no they really want to work up to the theme song and when you hear it it's just not good i think much like how in in the second movie where they start dancing to the ghostbusters theme song they should they could have brought that back where paul rudd's like hey let's play the [ __ ] song remember this everyone says that song sucks and then like it gets remixed by who's popular now halsey uh who's who's the one girl that owns dads what's her name i don't know oh billy eilish billy island she did the james bond song yeah i do like billy irish remix ghostbusters theme what about little nas x yeah there we go yeah anything's better than missy elliott and whoever and phoebe they'd be popping because that song would have come is that what they say that's what they say yes they come now i hear that's we've we've learned from the youth of tomorrow uh oh my god are you all right nice please all right there you go i'm back uh yeah so they're there the rituals happening they turn into dogs no it wasn't that what i'm thinking about it more and more i'm starting to get a little bit more angry and a little bit more on your side which i hate to admit it's just like i'm very thinking and comparing i'm like wow ghostbusters had so much more fun and the music was so much more this isn't fun this isn't fun this doesn't have the fun music it has shitty music and in weird places yes it doesn't have that so gozer comes out doesn't look like gozer but i guess goes or doesn't it's weird that goes like i'm still gonna look like a lady with a mullet but i'm changing my outfit it's olivia wilde right it's olivia wilde but the spirit of gozer which i guess is when she gets separated is played by elliott page's ex-wife it was a motion capture from motion capture person you were telling me yeah yeah um yeah so gozer comes out and suddenly evo shandor is alive yeah and he's like my goddess i did this all for you and now he could be together and she just rips him in half and it's jk simmons there had to have been more with him like a prequel not a prequel but like more scenes because that's a weird cameo to throw jk simmons in i guess maybe he still has some contracts from like spider-man stuff like put him in more stuff like did he have yeah did he have like a day off between spider-man no way home in this like what the [ __ ] yeah and then like goes just hanging out and then it's like okay so we're gonna get to the destructor part and me and you are like oh well who's who could they have picked as the destruction yeah so the whole movie i'm thinking like in the first one we're like okay you see stay puft ray pick stay puft marshmallow man i'm looking at all the things they're watching or that um podcast is into yeah because podcast is supposed to be rey in this movie and i was waiting like oh who's he gonna pick is he gonna pick is cujo going to be is because chucky they watch cujo and chucky because if it was a giant hundred foot chucky that would have been funny yeah man chucky's had a big i didn't watch the tv show yet i heard it was really good yeah i thought would have been the most [ __ ] best thing they could have done is if it was a 200-foot spider-man because it's something because it's sony but what i think would have been funny is if they had bridesmaids on tv and the kids like hello melissa mccarthy's so funny and then he's like i thought of someone who couldn't hurt anyone melissa mccarthy and we just got a giant melissa mccarthy movie would have redeemed we would have redeemed it yeah yeah that would have been funny yeah so nothing happened or if ghostbusters 2016 is like a movie in this universe so they come up with a plan that no one talked about yeah where phoebe's going to go out and tell gozer bad jokes because my favorite joke what do you call a fish with no eyes it's an amazing jonathan joke yes i love that joke so i thought was going to happen is gosher was going to be like hey phoebe are you a god and she would have said why yes i certainly am and then something would have happened but that didn't no what happens is uh they they bring the the little um remote-controlled ghost trap yeah under uh zuul or whatever whatever one it is it was all it was all good that sapped half the power away from gozer yeah and they drive away with it and they go back to the house and they use that as bait right which is what uh egon did earlier in the movie yeah they're trying to enact his plot and it was exactly the same as that from there because they figured out that the dirt farm is actually a giant trap they saw the word dirt and they're like wait a minute it's like a bunch of traps all wired together yeah but it didn't work because the power source wasn't strong enough right set up yeah which egon probably should have told them as a ghost oh it didn't work and i figured out why no but he doesn't say [ __ ] no he hopes they figure it out he doesn't say anything because the actor died in 2014. that's why he doesn't say anything on valentine's day yes we're recording this on his birthday it's coming out on thanksgiving but this was his birthday wasn't it yes we should have cried do you have any more of those tissues i do thanks okay oh i need them down there because this movie comes oh my god so yeah um so yeah they lure zul there goes her shows up uh what you call it zul gets out of the containment thing she like breaks the containment thing i like how uh gosher looks as half gozer i think that's a cool effect yeah that is um she doesn't care about anything like at the end of her though um saying the jokes she's just like are you here for a sacrifice like nothing is fun yeah she's just like nothing i laughed at that yeah like are you here for sacrifices goes like this ancient being who's destroyed countless worlds and universes like nothing matters to them but yeah so i'm waiting like okay what's the form of the destructor that's the whole purpose you bring gozer into your world oh yeah evo shandor saying we're gonna rule together that was [ __ ] weird i'm like that wasn't his goal that doesn't make sense no he wanted to destroy all mankind yeah i do like in the video game when they're like what about gozer and like yeah he failed me twice and he holds up the skull and it's a skull with a mullet and he throws it away that would have been funnier if uh if if like she should have walked up the evos and everything hey every sandor guy who's right here choose a destructor yeah right and it'd be whatever he picked what's a guy from 1945 gonna pick like what's the guy who grew wrote in the 20s it's like here comes laurel and hardy well i like i like the idea of the video game where it's like it's just going to be stay puft that that's what it picked yeah but yeah so they don't do that and then all you know what i i also thought all the mini stay pufts would come together and make a giant staple yeah that would have made so much more sense i'm surprised that didn't happen no they were just cute and adorable making trouble they didn't kill anyone they didn't destroy anything they were just kind of like annoying they needed them so you had someone at the end covered in marshmallow yeah just like the first movie that's right so gozer is back the dogs are back uh it's it's about to kill everyone they don't have enough proton packs the one kid's proton pack gets destroyed by the stay puffs yeah the traps aren't the traps aren't working what's good who's who you're gonna call three old men three old men winston's still looking pretty good winter looks good but ackroyd is packing on the pounds and bill murray looks like he can't even stand like death he looks like terrible i was like ah so they show up and then the movie tries to be funny ten minutes before it's over yeah it actually tries their lines they actually had like d compared to the whole movie it was just so [ __ ] predictable like are you a god all right you better get it right and they're like oh yeah we're all gods yeah but then that was the original humor it's so weird that they bring the original humor into this movie it's just a humorless piece of [ __ ] yeah it doesn't it doesn't make it it doesn't mix at all bringing that it was so forced it felt weird no so they all use their proton and the recycling jokes they are recently instead of like by the state of new york it's like oh by the the city of oklahoma fishing department nostalgia nostalgia nostalgia it's just like jesus christ it doesn't feel like it's part of the same movie it doesn't but all the nerds are like we got to see the ghostbusters together again anyway yeah so they they're shooting the proton packs at her uh she takes them out little girl well they cross streams they cross the streets cross and across the streams which is only supposed to work against gozer's like base yeah in another dimension they're shooting to another dimension they're shooting it in the yard wait you're right hold on they forgot like gozer can disappear remember they try to shoot gozer and she just disappears and then she becomes a disembodied voice like she doesn't need the physical form he she could be anything right other than like once you decide what it is to destroy then they're stuck in that form but before that like as soon as they shoot she could just disappear into nothing yeah but instead she sits there and gets caught by the beans they're supposed they're supposed to they're supposed to cross the streams and shoot the place she came out of yeah or the ghost pit i guess yeah yeah but it said they crossed the streams there because they crossed the streams and the first movie yes but goser is now super strong for some reason and breaks the stream yeah because i guess you need four streams three's not enough yes but then they get a fourth stream because it's it's little lady egon and she's being helped by cgi face ghost econ yeah that was really scary it was terrible and then everyone started crying why would anyone cry at this so then what else happened uh the all the the all of a sudden um i was gonna say ipod oh no no no the cast gets the car working and also we got the proton pack and then stranger kid goes uh hits the power source which powers it instead of destroying it i don't know if that's how that works but okay they trap goser with the four beams because another little girl is doing it so now there's four on it and the mom's trying to hit the trap the hundred traps oh also uh power keeps [ __ ] up so somehow the proton pack can power a generator yes instead of just destroying it missed um the girl wednesday and getting now turning into oh right that the zul goes into girl wins yeah zul goes into girl funny how we don't remember any of these characters names eh sofia munchie that girl that guy yeah so that's it they capture gozer or the dogs are not turned to the people like the 100 traps take all the ghosts from the sky and split goes across 100 traps yeah so now they i guess i gotta figure out where they're gonna keep these hundred traps i recommend space or i guess we're just leaving them in the dirt and living there i guess you know someone's gonna open all them up um but yeah yeah and then they they're like chatting for a little bit and then it ends oh wait everyone like when when um uh uh egon is is smiling and nodding to everyone because he cannot talk yes and you see all four of the ghostbusters yeah i knew egon he was really good at in the moment when i think of ghostbusters i think of egon just nodding in approval yeah well they did show his mold spore and fungus collection yeah they did you needed to see that like that that was a joke it was him not picking up on signals that's what was fine so the part that made everyone cry is when rey turned when they all turn and rey turns to egon and says i should have believed you i'm sorry buddy and that's when everyone cried and i will say they did a pretty good job at making everyone cry it was really sad it was sad if you are not an original ghostbusters die hard ghostbusters fan you will probably kind of mind egon's my favorite especially from the cartoon so i'm like those [ __ ] i was more angry yeah no it wasn't sad at all no yeah i teared up because yeah it was it was it was pathetic and embarrassing and i felt bad for howard ramus oh yeah i really do think though if you're i honestly think you would enjoy this movie if you weren't if you're not a die-hard ghostbuster fan i think you were if you like ghostbusters you like it you have to be a die-hard ghostbusters fan to even know what the [ __ ] going on in this movie yeah and that's i don't think die hard but but then but then i think kids do you think kids will understand this movie when they see it no they're gonna be like what just happened but you just watch the other one they keep the talking about it a lot um so this this was the only scene i liked in the film do you like the scene yes it's when um the credits came no no it's when the mother finally forgives her father and i said and i said good on you movie and i looked at crystal and i was all like i'm like any minute now she's going to pick up the phone and be like dad i forgive you and then did it work no so this movie is a failure it's a failure okay there we go there we go did it work hollywood well it does tell you the age-old tale if you hug your father he will explode and turn into stars in space sure you don't want to forgive yourself and then yeah so the movie's still going on but it puts up text that says for harold yeah so they interrupt like because usually when you do your things like that your little like in memorandum things it's during the credits not in the like the movie's not over yet yeah but i think because everyone's so in the moment and crying and then you see that you're like even more tears for harold we made a sequel to your comedy that had no comedy and we ignored the universe that you set up in the last ghostbusters thing you wrote yes for harold so then it uh the ghostbusters theme song plays and they bring the car back to new york and then i walked out and then i got mad and then i left so what happened at the end of this movie there's two after credit scenes yes uh one is bill murray doing the card thing with the squiggly line so it was so odd because you're watching the credits and all of a sudden you see the name sigourney weaver and i was like did i miss that did i fall asleep or was i you missed it in the last didn't you turn off the movie i didn't i saw it did i yeah i saw a few others i think it was johanna that meant oh okay uh no you just see the name corny weaver and as soon as you see that you're like what and then it goes to that uh next scene are you just wait so she's doing the test to bill murray yes why no idea it's just so rare oh you know why because it happened in ghostbusters and he's like you know i used to trick chicks with this right and she's like zapping him and stuff but he's getting all the cards right right he's like uh a star with five points right how are you getting these all right did you mark the cards he's like yep and then he gets zapped again and then that's it that's it that was it you're just like what so were they at the ghostbusters house where were they doing apartment yeah it had nothing to do with any of that no so what's the post credit the post credit scene is janine is just hanging out in a lobby doing nothing you the very very first part of that is a clip from what it seems like yes it's a clip from ghostbusters 2 that was a deleted scene where they uh her and egon who she was into but then they made her part of rick moranis thing even though she's into him in the first movie she gives him a coin from the 1964 world's fair and they both have a copy of it like like a friendship necklace kind of thing like here you go you have one and i have one and she's holding on to it in in the waiting room of of some fancy looking futuristic place okay but they show that clip and i'm like i don't remember that from ghostbusters one or two it looks like two but that's weird anyway so she's holding that next thing you see winston talking to her in his ceo office yep and they're just kind of shooting the [ __ ] and they kind of make it seem okay so earlier this pissed me off they said that the old ray on the phone says that the ghostbusters um firehouse was turned into a starbucks okay that's funny unless you work at starbucks and you're like hey i like the ghostbusters oh i feel bad for taking over their plot or whatever anyway so is winston the ceo of starbucks he can't be no because okay so let's say they retrofitted that place into a starbucks right we see it like you find out that he's been paying rey's mortgage or like yeah on the bookstore and like still keeps in touch with peter and i guess decided not to help egon at or his family at all fine even though he's a trillionaire or something yeah uh so somehow he takes a starbucks retrofits it back into the dilapidated shitty version of the firehouse and then the car rolls in and then it ends with like see you next time in the next dragon ball z like so did rey lie about it being a starbucks was it was he confused and it wasn't a starbucks did winston convert it back into a shitty firehouse for some reason like the starbucks thing is what [ __ ] this all up yeah uh i have no idea that sounds terrible i'm glad i didn't watch that part and he he fixes up the ecto-1 and brings it home with who i don't know are the kids now ghostbusters in new york city instead of somerville i don't know stay tuned what's paul rudd doing i don't know i would love to know what paul rod's doing sony counting is [ __ ] money sony stop sony you're not good at it no one's good at it it only worked the first time stop it make make video games do cartoons stop it with the movies so these ghostbusters though this sets it up for a sequel in 2016 is set up for a sequel oh there was a tying comic where the real ghostbusters meet the girl ghostbusters and the cartoon ghostbusters there really was a multiverse yeah so are they gonna take both of these i don't know but they have that company ghost corpse yeah uh uh just shut it down and stop making ghostbuster movies you're terrible at it uh no one likes them well people are gonna pretend to like this one but no but you you can't combine both ghostbusters the lady goes now you can't yes you can you can't if they doesn't make sense if they move forward it's going to be with afterlife just don't make another one but now you have your ghostbusters are um winston girl uh girl league on girly gone so it is is stranger kids thing uh a kid supposed to be venkman there's no fun not really he's there's why because he was trying to flirt and stuff like that yeah he's another winston because he's just like the every man no no i don't think he's an every man so you got two winstons you got ray which is uh uh um podcast podcast so those are the four and then i guess they're janine as paul rudd yes yes yep so yeah it's uh terrible great job working around a certain dude i now in the movie i was like yeah that's fine i like you know it's fine like when you got angry i was like oh it's not that bad now i'm more angry yeah because we're talking about him picking apart and now you've calmed down thank you for giving up now i'm worried about the fourth matrix movie all right i know i i don't think it could be as bad as this to be honest is that a challenge this was bad because it shouldn't have been there is a way to do this right which is just reboot it straight up just have get paul rudd you can have a girl ghostbuster you can do whatever you want you can have four people and they're they're the new generation of ghostbusters you can connect it to that like oh the ghostbusters had a falling out years ago maybe this is the last branch in another city or maybe they were fanboys that are now doing it for themselves this seems like a mix of everything and nothing yeah it's there's way more ways you could have done this yeah and they chose every wrong answer yep they forced it they forced missiles i mean ivan reitman got a paycheck for his son so there you go the actors were some of the actors are good some of the writing was funny here and there no i like some of the songs i like some of the effects no no i do agree i do agree you i think if you go in hating it you're seriously gonna hate it if you go in with an open mind you're still gonna hate it oh no i think a lot of people are gonna like it i think if you don't know ghostbusters you're not gonna like it or you if you don't know gus posters you're gonna like it if you like ghostbusters you like ghostbusters too much and it can you can do no wrong that pisses those guys off because there's women it's also terrible it ignores so there's a lot of reasons why not to like that there are so many versus something like that this one because they fit it's kind of like a sonic the hedgehog where it's like oh they fixed them so now the movie's good i'm like that's still pretty paint by numbers not that good of a movie yeah and jim carrey doesn't save it and that's kind of what happened here it's like paul rudd does not save this no having the ghostbusters come back does not the original ones do not save this movie it's just it like what it was it's a it's it's a good six out of ten for me no it's terrible um but yeah but this show is great sorry i was so angry and happy thanksgiving happy thanksgiving thanksgiving i'm glad you spent your thanksgiving watching this with us i'm sure your family is huddle around your family is wondering why you've been in the other room for two hours listening to an angry man yell sorry about his friends yeah uh or if you're like apparently to uh that lady sat behind us you're not you're a bad scene um have anyone ever yelled at you in a movie theater for being angry at a movie now if you are in uh like your family living room and you're playing this on the tv and forcing your family and friends to watch this we apologize no we don't apologize i don't apologize whoever put this on you should thank them because this show is great and should all become patrons and subscribe and like and share and if you didn't get our style of humor well you got to go back and watch all the other episodes i think it just gets worse watch the all-female ghostbusters episode we all female hacked the movies everything about like most people only watched like the first like couple minutes of it yeah we noticed the audience retention went down a lot after the first like minute but yeah check that out look at that and uh oh no guys an ancient interdimensional god just came out of nowhere oh no it wants us to choose the form of our destructor quick no one think of anything clear your mind justin don't think of anything [Applause] justin what did you do i i just couldn't help myself it just popped in there what just popped in there i was just thinking of the roundest most happiest thing i knew and i i just didn't know what what what what is it oh my god crystal it's a giant professor club come to kill us all is the worst thanksgiving ever justin you ruined thanksgiving justin i'm not thankful for this at all i'm sorry oh god well we're all about to get killed by giant eddie murphy goodbye remember to like comment and subscribe check out our other videos and patreon page [Music]
Channel: Hack The Movies
Views: 84,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghostbusters afterlife review, ghostbusters afterlife, ghostbusters afterlife hack the movies, ghostbusters talking about tapes
Id: CaKelidPfJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 17sec (6857 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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