Gettysburg Ghosts? Chilling Analysis Revealed.

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we are devil stand in gettysburg and i'm standing in the triangular shaped field we actually have the camera outside the triangular shaped field for fear that the camera will have a problem and not be able to process the image if it comes into the field for whatever reason you know ghost stories are very popular around the gettysburg battlefield and uh you know in the height of it maybe like in a 2013 there were like 13 different companies in town that were running ghost tours i think as a tour guide we're fortunate that in 1915 uh a role was established it only allowed licensed guides to do tours of the battlefield so this is probably not something that's well known but the ghost tours are not allowed on the battlefield and so that for that reason the town is filled with ghosts but there are very few ghosts on the battlefield but a lot of people do come out onto the field and look for ghosts and they hear these stories and there's book after book with story after story most of the stories i should mention didn't even come about until the late 1980s prior to that there were very few if any true ghost stories on the battlefield i never when i was young i never heard anything about ghosts on the battlefield but uh you know i wrote a book called devil's den and i got a lot i get a lot of fan mail and um and uh let's see what year it is in 1998 i got a letter that came through thomas publications and it's just fascinating to me and so i'll read it i still own the original envelope in the letter and it basically says it had my name on the envelope but it says to whom it may concern we came to devil's den in july 1998 and we came for the first time we loved it this little chip of rock like chip of rock what are they talking about and in the envelope there's a chip of rock this little chip of rock i took from the triangle close to the devil's den since we have taken this bad things have been happening to us the last draw for us was last night when somebody hit our 1995 taurus and demolished the back door i asked that whoever gets this letter please take this rock back to the triangle it will be bad luck forever cursed anonymous now i can see from the postmark that they live in sullivan indiana and here we are today in 2021 and i think for the first time i am actually going to return the rock to the field nah you know since i've gotten to rock in the mail i've had extraordinarily good luck and all my good luck is due to me saving the rock so i'm really sorry that the people continue to have bad luck who sent this to me but it's one of my prized possessions
Channel: Adams County Historical Society at Gettysburg
Views: 302,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle of Gettysburg, Ghosts, Gettysburg, Paranormal
Id: 8k5Oh56n744
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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