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who is the holy spirit now the purpose of this sermon is to bring you into the knowledge of the person of the holy spirit so that you may be able to come into a full and complete relationship with him so that you may live with the reality of the indwelling god living in you one with you and that you may hunger and thirst to yield all aspects of your life to him so that you may be able to experience his love his care and his guidance the holy spirit loves you and he is with you the holy spirit is the third person of the trinity the first is god the father the second person is god the son and the third is god the holy spirit the holy spirit is probably the least understood from the holy trinity we know about our lord and savior jesus who was born of the virgin mary we know about god the father and the creator of heaven and earth it is not hard to identify or have an understanding of god the father and god the son the holy spirit is the third member of the trinity correct doctrine of our lord jesus christ is simple and that is what we must follow the doctrine is of love and that he died for us in calvary because of love and on the third day he was resurrected and he promised the holy spirit who will give us power acts 1 verse 8 but you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the end of the earth i believe that a lot of christians have gone to calvary for pardon many of us have gone to calvary for forgiveness of sin but have failed to go to pentecost for power i need to repeat that one more time many of us have gone to calvary for pardon many of us have gone to calvary for forgiveness of sin but have failed to go to pentecost for power and for us to receive power we need to go to pentecost my brothers and sisters we need to go to pentecost for power one of the most confusing things for the disciples must have been when jesus told them that it was in their best interest he was leaving them they must have wondered how on earth is it in their best interest that jesus was leaving them john 16 verse 7 and 8 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away for if i go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him onto you and when he is come he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment how does that make you feel that you have god living in you you have the comforter within you what a tremendous experience to have the holy spirit in you the first thing we must highlight is the reality that the holy spirit is not an it but a he he is not a thing he is not an essence he is not a power he is not a wind he is not a nature or even a concept but he is a real person you see if you think of the holy spirit as anything other than a person it will be impossible for you to develop a relationship with the holy spirit you cannot develop a relationship with a concept or an essence but you can develop a relationship with a person our lord jesus always referred to the holy spirit as a person he he him and you today can have a relationship with him each and every day of your life he has been sent by the father at the request of jesus to come and live each day to help you and to be with you he will be with you in your time of need [Music] now if there was ever a group of men who were in a time of need it was the disciples these disciples were troubled and in all honesty they had every right to be troubled their world had just been shattered because jesus had told them that one of them will betray him and that did not go down well with them following that he told them that peter was going to deny him and that hurt them because peter was their leader he was the strong one and then finally he told them that he was leaving jesus was leaving them circumstances were against them their enemies were against them their friends were against and the world was against them and on top of all that jesus was leaving john 14 16 to 18 and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you i will not leave you comfortless i will come to you what are the things that the holy spirit will do for us number one he will teach us things we believe we know all things until they overwhelm us until we become powerless when i was a teenager i remember at one stage i genuinely believed that i had life figured out but the more i grew up the more i found out there is more to this life than what i knew we cannot know all things because some things are spiritual our eyes cannot see beyond the physical except we are opened to the spiritual this is what the holy spirit will do for us he will teach us the things of the spirit sometimes you read the bible and it seems you cannot understand anything the holy spirit will teach us the word of god the holy spirit will teach us the ways of god [Music] the truth is the things of god are spiritually discerned and the bible is a spiritual book you cannot truly understand the bible without the holy spirit you can be educated from harvard and not understand the bible you can be as intelligent as stephen hawkins was and not understand the bible however a person who may not be highly educated can be filled with the holy spirit and can open the pages of this book and understand it understanding and reading the bible has nothing to do with your intellect you have a teacher who has opened your mind to spiritual things and one of those spiritual things is the word of god the bible the holy spirit will not just teach us things but he will also remind us of the things of god that we have ever learned [Music] secondly he is the comforter and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter this word comforter has been gravely misunderstood when the holy spirit is our comforter we think of him as our cuddle body we think of him as a soft safety net to protect us from the challenges of life this is incorrect in latin the word come means with and fought means strength did you hear that the holy spirit is there to come with strength are you tired and weary you need more of the holy spirit is your heart broken and alone you need more of the holy spirit in other words what the holy spirit does is instead of coming into your life to hide you away from facing the challenges of life the holy spirit allows you to fellowship with him and he strengthens you during that time and once you are strong enough again he sends you out with strength to face the challenges of life the holy spirit is not there to be a babysitter where the baby cries and he picks you up and says there there honey let me take all your troubles away but rather he says you are going through some trouble come here here is some strength now back to the battle too often christians perceive the holy spirit as someone who shields them from all the challenges of life the holy spirit does shield us from some things but more often than not he gives us the strength to overcome those challenges we face are you overwhelmed today spend time with the holy spirit are you about to give up spend time with the holy spirit are you brokenhearted spend time with the holy spirit yes you may be weak but the holy spirit will give you strength you need in whatever situation you find yourself in you can ask the holy spirit to strengthen you the holy spirit is interested in every part of your life you don't have to live this life alone you don't have to go through this life alone pray and say holy spirit i need you here please give me the strength to overcome this situation yield your life to the holy spirit and allow him in effects of the holy spirit on a believer after waiting and receiving the promise of the father on the day of pentecost the effect of the holy spirit upon the disciples and the believers was so evident the effects of the holy spirit as narrated in the book of acts was the cause of the spread of the good news of jesus christ now the emphasis on the holy spirit came from the lord jesus himself when he told the disciples not to depart from jerusalem not to embark or engage themselves in any work of the ministry before they receive power to minister according to acts 1 verse 4 jesus knew the effects that the holy spirit was going to have upon their life their ministry and the church at large the holy spirit still has the same effects today that were seen on the day of pentecost what are the effects of being indwelled by the holy spirit number one the power to overcome sin a christian has two natures a sinful nature received at their physical birth and a new nature received at their spiritual birth the flesh desires to sin against god but the new nature which is empowered and led by the holy spirit desires to be faithful and please god when you are born again it is your spirit that is born again not your body your body will still crave and desire fleshly things that is the old man too often people believe there is something wrong with them or they are not saved when they are tempted but that is incorrect being tempted is not a sin giving into temptation however is this sin but with the holy spirit we have the power to overcome sin romans 8 verse 14 says for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god the holy spirit helps the believer to fight the sinful desires this is why galatians 5 16 says walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh the holy spirit equips a christian to live a life of faithfulness to god it is the holy spirit who urges a believer to repent when he has fallen so that he makes things right again with god the holy spirit helps the believer to repentance give yourself over to the holy spirit and live life above sin now it is important to note that the holy spirit will not force you to do anything god is not in the business of forcing people to do anything it is your choice whether or not to allow the holy spirit to empower you and to overcome sin another thing the holy spirit does in your life is to give you the power to live a christ-like life being christ-like is a transformation that takes place from the inside to outside through the working of the holy spirit after one has received jesus christ into their life and the baptism of the holy spirit it is the duty the assignment of the holy spirit to produce a christ-like character in a believer a believer therefore gradually becomes more and more like jesus as he works out his salvation with fear and trembling philippians 2 verse 12 through sanctification the character of a believer comes from within by the power of the holy spirit it is the spirit who has come to indwell us that seeks to transform us by making us more and more like jesus for he foreknew us and predestined us so that we can be conformed to the image of christ [Music] romans 8 29 being like christ means that you trust and depend on your heavenly father for all things and the holy spirit will enable the believer to have the traits of jesus like humility forgiveness compassion and the like one cannot reproduce the character of jesus on their own or by their own strength it does not matter how many new year's resolutions that you make about living like christ philippians 2 verse 13 says for it is god who works in you both doing and to do for his good pleasure thirdly the holy spirit causes the believer to produce fruit the power of the holy spirit upon the believer enables him to have the fruit of the spirit galatians 5 22 and 23 says but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law the fruits of the spirit kindness now when the holy spirit comes into your life a change takes place there is a transformation that takes place an unusual transformation as a result of that transformation a person begins to yield fruits galatians 5 verses 22 to 23 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law in the king james version of the bible kindness is referred to as gentleness the greek word for kindness is tristotes when the holy spirit enters your life god's nature moves into you and this makes you different to the people of the world this makes you unique kindness is one of the characteristics of god the wonderful reality of salvation testifies to the kindness of god one of the reasons salvation exists is because god is a kind god titus 3 verses 4 and 5 but after that the kindness and love of god our savior toward man appeared not by the works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy ghost romans 11 22 behold therefore the kindness and severity of god severity indeed upon those having fallen but kindness of god toward you if you continue in the kindness otherwise you will also be cut off our god is a kind god if he wasn't the whole world would have a one-way ticket to hell right now for all have sinned oh how we need to thank god for his kindness when was the last time you thanked god for his kindness kindness is in god's nature and if you are born again the holy spirit will bear fruit of kindness in your life we see in galatians that kindness is one of the fruits of the spirit you cannot have the holy spirit and be as mean as a rattlesnake i have my time met people who were just mean everything about them was mean they would say they are christians but they were just heartless the world needs kind people but we have a limited number of kind people when the holy spirit comes into the life of a christian he produces these fruits in the individual all these characteristics are seen and experienced in the heart of a believer i am amazed that christians who say they did not change when they are born again my friend if you did not change when the holy spirit entered your life then you are not dealing with the holy spirit my friend you are dealing with something else when the holy spirit enters your life a transformation takes place a transformation that goes beyond this natural world you begin to change this change in turn becomes evidence that the holy spirit is living in us leading us and that we are walking in him just as the bible says in him christ we live and move and have our being acts 17 28 [Music] when the holy spirit comes upon a believer he gives him the ability to witness the goodness of the lord to others and one becomes fruitful by bringing people to the kingdom of god thereby fulfilling the great commission as well as what the lord jesus said in acts 1 verse 8 that you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the ends of the earth this therefore means it is impossible to evangelize without the power anointing and equipping of the holy spirit jesus said in luke 4 verse 18 the spirit of the lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering the sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised luke 4 verse 19 to preach the acceptable year of the lord one cannot act to be anointed a believer has to be anointed the spirit of god has to be upon a child of god in order for them to do the work of god in the name of jesus and to preach the gospel of truth the ministry of the holy spirit acts 1 8 but ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth the christian life is an empowered life there is no christian life without the holy spirit you cannot have one without the other without the holy spirit all an individual is involved in is religious practices we need the holy spirit and more ways than we know or can even understand he is the one who introduces us into the kingdom of god he is the one who works in us to transform us and change us he is the one that gives us the victory over sin he is the one that guides us into all truth he is the spirit that leads us he is the spirit that sanctifies us he is the spirit that empowers us he is the spirit that fills us he is the spirit that seals us unto the day of redemption he is the spirit that quickens our mortal bodies he is the spirit that cries in our hearts abba father he is the spirit that strengthens our spirits he is the spirit that teaches us to pray he is the spirit that bears witness in us that we are children of god he is the spirit that produces in us the fruit or evidence of his work and presence he is the spirit that washes and renews us he is the spirit that regenerates us he is the spirit that leads us he is the spirit that reveals christ to us and in us he is the spirit that glorifies and testifies of christ you can't come to know the lord jesus christ without him he reveals the deep things of god to us as a child of god you cannot live outside the holy spirit you need to breathe and live the holy spirit you need to walk according to the power of the holy spirit you need to only see according to the power of the holy spirit you need to do only what the holy spirit wants you to do life for a child of god only exists in the holy spirit be filled with the holy spirit i said all this to point to this one point my friend when the holy spirit enters your life a transformation takes place a transformation that is seen inwardly and outwardly one we experience new birth john 3 1-3 there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the jews the same came to jesus by night and said unto him rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from god for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except god be with him jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god the new birth that we must experience in order to see the kingdom of god is a work of the holy spirit just as a mother does all the work in physical birth so the holy spirit does all the work in the new birth when a person is born again in spirit he or she is born into the family of god like newborn babies and the transformation is brought about by only the holy spirit i have seen it in my own life before i was born again i was caught up in many of the dark things this world has to offer i enjoyed the world and everything the world had to offer me i knew every hell hole in my town like the back of my hand if you wanted to find me and i wasn't answering my phone just drive around the hell holes in my town and you would find me in one of them but when i was born of the spirit when i experienced the new birth brought by the holy spirit the type of person i was changed my thoughts feelings and actions all changed i believed and my eyes were opened the places i used to love going i didn't love going there anymore i saw what those places were truly i saw that those places were leading me to a path of destruction and hell and that was only because of the holy spirit and the new birth i was a new creature my perspective changed second corinthians 5 17. therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new two the second transformation is that we are empowered and emboldened the promise that christ made to the disciples when his ascension was nigh was that he will send them a comforter john 14 16 and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever what do you think of when you hear the word comforter most people think of a big teddy bear or a cuddle buddy or a person who comes to make you feel better in the middle of your troubles but that is incorrect the king james version described the holy spirit as another comforter because it comes from the latin influence in which comforter means to come alongside with strength this is what jesus meant i will preach on this subject in more depth another time but people have a completely incorrect view of who the holy spirit is in their life the holy spirit is not there to pacify you he is not there to make you a big baby and handle all life's challenges on your behalf he is there to strengthen you to fortify you let's say life knocks you down yes run to the holy spirit and the holy spirit will commune with you and then he will strengthen you and send you back into the fight and will fight alongside with you jesus never ever promised that this life will not have challenges in actuality he promised that it will in this life you will get black eyes you will take some losses you will lose loved ones it doesn't matter how rich you are at one point or another in this life life will punch you in the face and the thing about this life this life is merciless and cruel and mean but what the holy spirit will do is give you strength to overcome the situation i have seen in my years countless of christians who have faced impossible odds and even impossible situations but they overcame those situations because of the ministry of the holy spirit in their life you have the comforter you have someone who will strengthen you when you are weak you have one who is greater than this world living in you you have the holy spirit even in this moment you may be going through hell and high water i encourage you to spend time with the holy spirit open up the word of god and believe you find strength from source that is greater than whatever you are facing the holy spirit will change you it will empower you look at this after the disciples received the holy spirit in the upper room they all became bold and fearless the same disciples who couldn't perform a single miracle while jesus was with them who panicked greatly during the storm on the boat when he was sleeping and couldn't even watch for a short time when he went up to pray suddenly became fearless and unstoppable after they all received the holy spirit they were ready to take down territories for the lord go from place to place witnessing in his name at that point it didn't matter what obstacles they will face or challenges they will encounter they were ready to do it with all their heart might and every fiber in them they weren't only empowered to take the gospel to nations they also healed the sick cast out devils and brought men to christ through the leading and power of the spirit in them the boldness we need to sell through our christian journey can only come from the holy spirit if we still experience fear in any aspect of our lives it means we haven't given way fully to the spirit to walk in us the presence of the holy spirit makes us fearless the holy spirit helps us overcome our fears and makes us as bold as lions a coward became courageous a warrior becomes a warrior are you scared of something is the devil planting fear in your heart tormenting you in some ways let the holy spirit empower you to fight the battles of your life and lead you to victory because god hasn't given you the spirit of fear he has given you that of love power and a sound mind where there is genuine love there's no fear second timothy 2 7 for god hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind 3 we bear fruit of the spirit the presence of the spirit is the posture of our heart and the fruit that we bear the book of galatians 5 22-23 stated all the fruits that a spirit-filled believer should bear but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law the true confirmation of the presence of god in the life of a believer is through the fruit they produce by the fruits we produce our brokenness and disposition to the things of god we will know whether we have the spirit of god or just playing to the gallery the presence of things that we're not and fading away of everything that used to be priority is also a confirmation of the presence of god when the spirit of god is at work in us he needs no announcement men will see us and testify it's our actions and the change that has taken place in us for instance if you used to be a short-tempered person and the holy spirit begins to work in you he helps you to be more tolerating persevering loving and patient you become less triggered by those things that make you lash out in the past the holy spirit transforms you if you used to be a chronic liar you see that sinful nature disappearing in your life all the pleasures of sin become unappealing to you the disciples of jesus didn't have to announce the people saw them and decided themselves that indeed these ones are christians because they portrayed the exemplary life of christ the presence of the fruit of repentance in your life is the evidence that the holy spirit is at work in you 4. the holy spirit dwells in us romans 8 9 but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his a child of god is never alone when the holy spirit dwells in you your whole life is transformed your mind is renewed your peace is assured you are empowered what troubles every other person will come seamlessly to you by the indwelling of he who is in you you dwell in the spirit and not in the flesh you don't struggle to obey god or do his will anymore you are going through a growth process a journey with the holy spirit he becomes your teacher and your peace in the midst of turbulence and problems in a world where panic chaos evil and disorderliness are the order of the day you will have peace that surpasses all understanding the kind of peace that is beyond human comprehension the liberating and unconditional peace that comes from above the one that only stems from the indwelling of the spirit the type of peace where you know one day i am going to heaven that is real peace true peace the holy spirit will help you to stop sinning on many occasions i've heard christians lament on how difficult it is to stop sinning many people try to live a holy life but their best efforts never seem to be enough and this leaves them frustrated they desire to stop sinning but they simply cannot help it many people struggle with sin yet they find it difficult to seek help we all need god's help nobody can live a life of holiness to god without the help of god there are those who believe that it is impossible to live a holy life by human strength it is impossible but it is quite possible by god's strength we lack the ability to live without sinning therefore god has given us his spirit to help us overcome the power of sin if you try to please god or live a holy life in your own strength you will fail by your own strength no man will prevail it is only by the spirit of god that we can live the life intended for us in christ jesus god alone is holy he is infinitely unchangeably and eternally holy his holiness is un-derived and independent therefore nothing is holy unless it comes in contact with the source of holiness the holy god this explains why the ground surrounding the burning bush was called holy ground god's presence turned common ordinary ground into holy ground the same is true of people in order for a person to be holy he or she must connect to the source of holiness god himself my friend you need the holy spirit your inability to stop sinning by your own strength should never be a justification to sin rather it should make you embrace the gift of the holy spirit and trust him to help you live rightly living in sin will pull you farther away from god god's standards are unchanging he hates sin however he has given us the power to overcome the power of sin through the holy spirit we now have the power to say no to sin hebrews 12 14 follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the lord holiness is not optional for us it is a requirement we need to meet in order to spend eternity with god let us walk away from these teachings that attempt to water down the gospel holiness matters it matters if you sin it matters if you don't sin god does not turn a blind eye to sin we are to live holy lives and the bible preaches this to us time and time again first peter 1 13-16 wherefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of jesus christ as obedient children not fashioning yourself according to the former lusts in your ignorance but as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conversation because it is written be ye holy for i am holy living a holy life is a decision to live our lives for the glory of god it is not merely a matter of trying to imitate christ it is a matter of having god's spirit coming to dwell in you to live a holy life you have to embrace the life of christ in you galatians 5 16-17 i say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary to one another so that you do not do the things that you wish the christian is always torn between two choices yielding to the flesh or submitting to the holy spirit this is because he has two natures the sinful nature he received at his physical birth and the new nature he has in christ the reason why it is easier for young believers to give into the flesh is that they are used to yielding to the gratifications of the flesh having received the life of christ they have to start learning to yield to the spirit just as god hates sin the holy spirit also does not condone sin sin in a believer's life will hinder the movement of god sin hinders the ministry of the holy spirit in our lives we cannot continue in sin and say grace should abound the work of the holy spirit is unlimited and important in the christian life sin can hinder our walk with him we must avoid sin and pray for god's grace to uphold us the holy spirit resides in us to teach us and groom us in the new life he is there to hold our hands as we walk through the earth we cannot rely on our strength because our strength will fail us a reliance must be on the holy spirit our teacher our counselor without the ministry of the holy spirit a believer's salvation is incomplete the bible says god has sent the spirit of his son into us thereby we can cry abba father this tells us that we cannot have a relationship with god without the holy spirit being involved john 14 26 but the helper the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that i said to you the holy spirit also teaches us he brings to our remembrance what jesus said before leaving the earth he gives revelation and an in-depth understanding of the scriptures jesus told the disciples that there were some things he couldn't tell them because they could not comprehend but after he is gone he will send the holy spirit who will take what is of god which is also for christ and reveal it to them as a believer we are also disciples of christ and we have to access the things of god through the holy spirit when you walk by the spirit you no longer have to worry about what you should do or what you should not do because the holy spirit in you is a perfect spirit as long as you are being led by the holy spirit you cannot give in to the desires of the flesh as long as you yield to the holy spirit he will stop you from doing the things your flesh wants you to do the purpose of the spirits working on us is to bring out god's nature in us he is working in us to bring us into perfection because we cannot be holy on our own it is the holy spirit that helps us to obey god's word he helps us put the works of the flesh to death holiness simply means separated to god it's what you do with your life day by day it's ordering your conduct according to the word of god and the promptings of the holy spirit if you're separated to god you will obey his word not just some of the time and not just by obeying some of his commandments but all of the time obeying all his commandments to the best of your ability if you're living separated to god disconnected from darkness you will stand out and be distinguished many people are born again but they never disconnect from their old lives they never spend enough time hearing from god reading the word for themselves praying or learning how to listen to the holy spirit within themselves teaching them how to be separate from the world as a result they never change on the outside but the change on the outside is what enables you to walk free but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such things there is no law galatians 5 22 when you yield to the holy spirit you only produce the fruit of love sin finds no place in your life by walking in the spirit you are automatically saying no to the flesh when you find yourself sinning you are not walking in the spirit the character of christ is produced in us by the power of the holy spirit the spirit seeks to transform us inside out by making us more like jesus if we are not of this world we definitely should not live as people of the world our sinful nature dies and our new nature gains prominence in our life galatians 5 24-25 says and those who belong to christ jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires if we live by the spirit let us keep in step with the spirit when we were in the flesh we used to live in sin but now that we are in the spirit we should walk as led by the spirit we have been given the power to live without sin but this can only be achieved when we are conscious of the spirit within and are intentional about letting him guide us we must allow perfection in god's spirit to find expression in us we are no longer slaves to sin by the spirit we can live a life of holiness who is the holy spirit now the purpose of this sermon is to bring you into the knowledge of the person of the holy spirit so that you may be able to come into a full and complete relationship with him so that you may live with the reality of the indwelling god living in you one with you and that you may hunger and thirst to yield all aspects of your life to him so that you may be able to experience his love his care and his guidance the holy spirit loves you and he is with you holy spirit is the third person of the trinity the first is god the father the second person is god the son and the third is god the holy spirit the holy spirit is probably the least understood from the holy trinity we know about our lord and savior jesus who was born of the virgin mary we know about god the father and the creator of heaven and earth it is not hard to identify or have an understanding of god the father and god the son the holy spirit is the third member of the trinity correct doctrine of our lord jesus christ is simple and that is what we must follow the doctrine is of love and that he died for us on calvary because of love and on the third day he was resurrected and he promised the holy spirit who will give us power acts 1 verse 8 but you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the end of the earth i believe that a lot of christians have gone to calvary for pardon many of us have gone to calvary for forgiveness of sin but have failed to go to pentecost for power i need to repeat that one more time many of us have gone to calvary for pardon many of us have gone to calvary for forgiveness of sin but have failed to go to pentecost for power and for us to receive power we need to go to pentecost my brothers and sisters we need to go to pentecost for power one of the most confusing things for the disciples must have been when jesus told them that it was in their best interest he was leaving them they must have wondered how on earth is it in their best interest that jesus was leaving them john 16 verse 7 and 8 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away for if i go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him onto you and when he is come he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment
Channel: Lion of Judah
Views: 698,086
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Keywords: Amazing Bible Prophecy Everyone Must See! (It's Hidden In The Book Of Hebrews), Stop Blocking Your Angel | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, What You Need To Know About The Book Of Revelation, Seek The LORD While He May Be Found | | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, Stop Blocking Your Blessings | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, Who Is God? (THIS IS SO POWERFUL) ᴴᴰ, Motivation, Christian Motivation
Id: 6C0_hk0nOzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 55sec (3055 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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