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the secret things belong unto the Lord Our God but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever that we may do all the words of this law Isaiah 558 to9 for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts to begin this sermon it is important it is imperative that we understand these two verses God's understanding and plans are Beyond human comprehension God is not a glorified man he is not slightly above humans he is far beyond our wildest thoughts far beyond our human comprehension our minds in their quest for understanding in are like children playing on the shore of an infinite sea unable to Fathom its depths our human Minds struggle to comprehend eternity how on Earth are we to fully comprehend a being who has existed in eternity past and this is one question I want to ask the Lord in heaven God what did you do in eternity past before there was a single Angel God was there before there was a creation before the heavens and the Earth before the Stars the moon and all the other planets God was there God is far far far above us God does not need a place he does not need a planet he does not need oxygen to breathe he does not need creation yet he has existed from Everlasting to Everlasting from age to age you need a place you need a planet to live on you need oxygen to breathe you need creation to live for my ways are not your ways sayth the Lord but by the grace of God if you have received received the free gift of Salvation and your sins have been forgiven a day will come a day will come where you breathe your last breath on this Earth and God will give you a new body a glorious one and you will be raised to the Glorious height where he is into the very presence of God where you will be able to see him in all of his glory in all of his majesty right now in the body you have which is made from dirt if you were to see God in all of his glory your spirit would leave your body faster than you can blink the Bible tells us no man has seen God and lived not one single man has seen God and lived for this human body cannot stand such Glory this human body with all of its sin and Corruption cannot stand the sight of such Holiness Purity and Glory but one day by the grace of God you will breathe your last breath on this Earth and God will lift you into his presence where you will be able to see him and you will no longer need this world to live you will no longer need air to breathe you will be able to see almighty God now one of the greatest mistakes which Christians and human beings make is to believe that God is a man he is not it is true that the Bible speaks of the mind of God but that is just to illustrate to our human mind that God is int Ence itself it is true of course that the Bible speaks about the hands of God but that is just a way to get it in our minds that he is powerful it is true that the Bible does speak about his ears but that is just the Bible's Way to convey to our Simple Minds that God hears it is true that the Bible speaks about the eyes of the Lord but that is just for the Bible to illustrate to us that God sees everything everywhere all at once it is indeed true that the Bible speaks of the mouth of the Lord but that is just to illustrate to our Simple Minds that God speaks and because the Bible uses these words to convey the fact that God sees all hears all and is powerful people make the mistake of viewing God as a man no the Bible reveals to us clearly that God is a spirit he is a real Spirit a spirit that you can come to know a spirit you can come to love and come to God Is Not An it he is not a thing he is a personal Spirit he is someone not in the sense of being a man no he is a someone in the sense that Wicked Sinners Wicked Sinners that deserve hell can come to know him and call him ABA father Wicked Sinners can come to know him and have their sins forgiven oh what a wonderful thing it is to have your sins forgiven and to be filled with the Holy Spirit it is an amazing thing for God to enter your life for his Spirit to reside in in you you are a new creature you are no longer seeking the things of the flesh you are no longer seeking the things of this world you are consumed with him you are consumed with knowing him the Apostle Paul said that I might know him and that is the true desire of all the saints in God to know him we can know God we see this in the Bible we see instances in the Bible where people became his friends and he became their friends and no man quite knew God like Moses Moses had a relationship with God that very few people have ever reached Psalm 1037 he made known his ways unto Moses his acts unto the children of Israel and no man quite knew God like Moses Moses had a relationship with God that very few people have ever reached and in Exodus we see God revealing himself to Moses Exodus 33: 17-23 and the Lord said to Moses I will do the very thing you have asked because I am pleased with you and I know you by name then Moses said now show me your glory and the Lord said I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you and I will Proclaim my name the Lord in your presence I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have comp passion but he said you cannot see my face for no one may see me and live then the Lord said there is a place near me where you may stand on a rock when my glory passes by I will put you in a cliff in the Rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by then I will remove my hand and you will see my back but my face must not be seen whilst the Angels stood by and observed God protected Moses as God passed by Moses God gave Moses a specific place to stand and he was not allowed to see the face of God Moses could only see God's back the idea is that Moses could only see behind God not God himself whil the Angels stood by and observed this moment this tremendous moment where a human man saw the back of God God had to protect Moses for if he did not Moses would have died to see the face of God our mortal bodies and all its sin cannot stand in such Purity and Holiness and Glory the secret things belong unto the Lord Our God he dwells in a realm of mystery a realm where no man knoweth and no man has seen you can see an angel and live but you cannot see God and live in the year that King Uzziah died Isaiah saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up just a glimpse of the glory of God moved Isaiah to mourn his own sin and unworthiness John experienced some of the glory of God and fell at the feet of Jesus like a dead man Paul experienced the glory of God on the Damascus Road but also in the experience described in 2 Corinthians 12 it was such an amazing experience that he could only barely describe it I knew a man in Christ about 14 years ago whether in the body I cannot tell or whether out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth such an one caught up to the third heaven and when Moses came down from Mount Si his face Shone Exodus 34: 29 and 30 and it came to pass when Moses came down from Mount Si with the two tables of testimony in Moses's hand when he came down from the mount that Moses Wiis not that the skin of his face Shone while he talked with him and when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses behold the skin of his face Shone and they were afraid to come nigh him Moses's encounter with God changed him physically Moses's encounter resulted in his face shining so much that both the leaders and the people of Israel were afraid to come near him his face shown so much that he had to put a veil before it the amazing thing about this is Moses didn't even realize what had happened to his face Moses was a humble Meek man but he experienced God in a way that no other person did humility and meekness will take you a long way with God indeed the essence of our understanding of God hinges on the realization that he transcends our human limitations the Bible in its poetic and profound wisdom uses human attributes to describe the Divine but this is merely a linguistic bridge to help us cross over into the realm of the spiritual this anth anamorphic language is not a literal depiction of God's nature but a tool to Aid our finite Minds in grasping the infinite consider the vastness of the universe the complexity of creation the intricacies of Life all these are but mere reflections of his Grandeur God's ways as mentioned in Isaiah 558 to9 are not just different from ours they are on a completely different scale they are as high above our ways as the heavens are above the Earth this is not a mere difference in degree but in kind when we talk about God's intelligence his power his vision and his hearing we are speaking in terms that are familiar to us but in reality God's intelligence is not like human intelligence it's not bound by the limits of time space or matter his power is not merely physical strength but the very force that sustains existence his vision and hearing are not sensory functions but symbol Iz his omniscience and all-encompassing awareness that penetrates the deepest secrets and the most Hidden Truths the portrayal of God as a man is a limitation imposed by human language and Imagination God is Spirit as clearly stated in the scriptures this spirit is not an impersonal Force he is personal relational and intimate he is a spirit who desires a relationship with his creation a spirit who loves and cares a spirit who reaches out to humanity and in various ways throughout history God's interaction with Moses as recorded in Psalm 1037 is a prime example of this personal relationship Moses knew God in a way that was unprecedented through Moses god revealed not just laws and Commandments but his character his Mercy his Justice his patience and his love the laws given were Not Mere rules but a reflection of the moral fabric of God's character in the New Testament this understanding of God is further deepened Jesus Christ God incarnate came to reveal the father in a way that was never known before through Christ we see the fullest expression of God's love a love so profound that it led to the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus the invisible God becomes visible the incomprehensible becomes comprehensible and the distant deity becomes comes an approachable friend the Apostle Paul's yearning to know Christ is the yearning to know God more deeply it is a journey from knowing about God to knowing God personally and intimately this journey is not just for the spiritually Elite but for every believer it's a journey into the heart of God where we discover his nature his desires and his purpose for our lives our relationship with God transforms us it changes how we view ourselves how we view others and how we view the world in him we find a new identity we are no longer defined by our past our failures or our limitations we are defined by his love his grace and his power working in and through Us in conclusion understanding God as Spirit as a personal relational being is not just theological knowledge it's a transformative experience that changes us from the inside out it's an invitation to a Journey of Faith where we get to know God not as a distant impersonal Force but as a loving father a faithful friend and a powerful savior this is the heart of the Christian faith a journey into the mystery and Majesty of knowing god
Channel: Lion of Judah
Views: 175,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazing Bible Prophecy Everyone Must See! (It's Hidden In The Book Of Hebrews), Stop Blocking Your Angel | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, What You Need To Know About The Book Of Revelation, Seek The LORD While He May Be Found | | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, Stop Blocking Your Blessings | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, Who Is God? (THIS IS SO POWERFUL) ᴴᴰ, Motivation, Christian Motivation
Id: dvZmxWkzw00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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