Getting Started with SketchUp Pro for Beginners 4 - MODELING A HOUSE!

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what's up guys Justin here with the SketchUp so in today's video we're going to put together some of the things that we've learned and model a house inside of SketchUp let's go ahead and just jump into it all right so remember that you can download that free beginner keyboard shortcut guide at the SketchUp beginner but what we want to do is we want to go ahead and we want to start by drawing the footprint of our house and to do that we're going to use the rectangle tool so you're just going to tap the r key on your keyboard and then we just want to move our Mouse and set a base Point somewhere in this case just somewhere in space is going to be fine a lot of the time I might try to do it off of the origin but it doesn't really matter so I'm going to tap the r key then I'm just going to type in a value of 20t comma 20t and what that's going to do when I hit the inner key is it's going to draw a 20t x 20t rectangle and we're just going to make this a very simple house for right now um probably in the next video I'm going to talk a little bit more about maybe modeling a floor plan plan for now we're just going to draw a simple house and so what we want to do is we want to use the push pull tool to extrude this up to the height um before our roof starts sloping for the sloped roof so to do that you can tap the P key on your keyboard mouse over a face and remember that we just activated the push pull tool but we want to single click we want to move our Mouse and we want to type in a value so in this case I'm going to say that it's going to be 10 ft right here here so what we've done is we've drawn a box that's 20t by 20t by 10 ft and now what we need to do is we need to add our roof slope in here and so there's a couple different ways that you could do this you could just draw a line across the middle and then use the move tool to move that line up um the only problem I have with that is it's not super precise what we want to do instead is we want to use the protractor tool which is a tool over here in the large tool set if you don't see the large tool set you can just rightclick and you can click on the option for large tool set but I'm going to click in here and that's going to allow me to use the protractor in order to draw a line or a guide at an angle so notice how if I Mouse over these different faces this is going to align to those faces I just want to stay aligned to this front face um if you put your mouse over this corner and it's kind of laying down like this what you can do is you can tap the left Arrow key in order to lock this protractor vertically but then I'm going to click on the middle here I'm going to click on the central point to set a base Point kind of like we do with the rotate tool and then I'm going to move my mouse up and I'm going to type in a value of whatever I want this to be for my roof slope so say this was going to slope at an angle of 30° I could type in a value of 30° then we can do the same thing over here so just move our Mouse type in a value of 30° and now we have kind of the footprint of our roof well then you can just come in here and you can just draw edges right here in order to fill this in so now we've got a face that's standing up like this and what I want to do is I want to tap the P key on my keyboard in order to push pull this back and single click now one thing to note about this is occasionally when you do this right if you tap the P key and you push pull this back and it's not doing it right now but sometimes this face shows up as a hollow face if it does that just tap the control key in order to um inter create new face mode and you should be fine but then you just want to move your mouse right here to the back of your wall and you want to click and then you can tap the E key and click and drag across these guides in order to erase them and in this case we can actually erase this Edge and this Edge as well but you might want to wait for a second actually so what I want to do now is roofs don't really look like this right roofs roofs have a little bit of a thickened portion to them and they kind of overhang the face of your building so what we want to do in this situation is we want to use the offset tool in order to offset this out so that we have a better face to extrude so to do this I'm going to tap the F key on my keyboard or you could click on the offset tool but then you want to single click on that face and move your mouse and notice what that's going to do is that's going to offset all of the edges of your roof out and in this case we're going to tell it to offset these by whatever the thickness of your roof is supposed to be in this case I might type in a value of like six in and hit the enter key well then what we've got is we've got a face in here and I'm going to tap the space key to get back to my select tool but we've got a face in here that we can extrude in order to create our roof now one thing that you might do depending on the style of roof that you want to create is you might use the line tool and go ahead and continue this Edge down like this and then you could even draw your line up from there in order to get more of a vertical face in here but now I'm going to use the Eraser tool to clean up so I'm going to tap the E key I'm going to click and drag across these edges so all of these extra edges in here that I don't need I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to delete them out like this well now I can use that Push Pull tool to extrude the roof forward like this and you can extrude it to whatever depth you want so I might say that there's going to be a 12in overhang but then I'm going to do the same thing where I'm going to push pull this to the back side of my wall right here and then I'll just do it one more time to give me that 12 in overhang so I'm going to type in a value of 12 hit the enter key and I'm going to tap the E key and I'm going to erase out this extra geometry that's being created in here just like this so now we've got a very simple house model right and what we want to do now is we want to add a door to our house model so to add the door what we want to do is we want to find the location that that door is going to go first and I like to use guides to do this so what we can do is we can activate this tape measure tool right here single click on it and notice how this is going to give me this tape measure in here here you want the little plus that's in here that means that this is in create guide mode so what that means is that means you need to tap the control key if you don't see the little plus until it shows up now what I can do is I can Mouse over this line right here I can single click and I can set a distance so in this case I'm going to say the door is 36 in off of this wall well notice what that does is that allows me to create a vertical line or a vertical guide 36 in off of this wall then I'm just going to click on this again notice how I can create another guide in this direction I'm going to type in a value of 36 in hit the enter key so now it's giv me a 3ft wide door well then I can also create a guide based on the bottom so I'm just going to move my mouse up I'm going type in a value of 7 ft and hit the enter key and so what that's done is that's given me a basic space where my door is going to go and some I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to draw a rectangle so I'm going to tap the r key on my keyboard I'm going to single click move my mouse and then click again and so now I've got the outline of a door in here so the problem with this door is it's a little bit boring and it also doesn't have a lot of detail associated with it well what we're going to do is we're going to tap the F key and we're going to go ahead and we're going to offset this in in order to give us the frame and so you can either offset it in if your door is going to be less than 3 feet wide um on the leaf or out if it's going to be more but we're going to offset this in by a value of we'll call it 2 in and so what that's done is that's given me a general door shape in here but notice how this Frame doesn't go all the way to the ground like it would in the real world so this kind of looks like a window frame so I'm just going to tap the L key and draw a line down from this corner and down from this Corner then I'm going to erase out these edges and so what that's going to do is that's going to give me a hole in my wall well in this case what I want to do is I want to push pull this back to whatever the thickness of your wall might be so in this case we might say that it's a 6in wall so I'm just going to draw my frame in like this and sometimes you might push pull this out just a bit to get a little bit of depth on the front of your building um just kind of depending on the way that this might actually sit in here but then I'm going to take the whole thing I'm going to select it I'm going to right click on it and I'm going to make it a component and we're just going to call this door frame- 3T by 7ot right here and so basically what I've done is I've just kind of grouped this out so that it's own it's its own geometry it's not merged with the face of this building anymore but then the other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to draw a door leaf in here and so to do that I might just um draw a rectangle from the midpoint right here to the midpoint right here and notice how this should snap to that because I'm using the inferencing well that's going to be my door Leaf well in this case I'm just going to push pull my door Leaf back by whatever the thickness of your door is going to be again we can call it 2 in but in this case what I want to do is I just want to Triple click on it and so when I triple click on it that's going to pick up all of the the connected geometry and since this geometry is separated from my building geometry by the frame which is grouped I'm only picking up the geometry that's in my door Leaf but I'm going to right click on it I'm going to make this a component and we're just going to call this door Leaf 3T by 7t and in this case that leaf is actually a little smaller than 3T X 7t but that's fine for right now and then what I might do is I might take both of these so I'm just going to click on this one do a shift click and select this one I'm going to right click and I'm going to make it a group and if I jump into my outliner over here notice how I can see that group I can rename this door so I'm just going to right click on it click on rename I'm going to type in door Das 3T by 7t and notice how if I click the little drop down here I can see those two components in here I might actually want this door to be a component so I'm just going to either right click on it here or or in the outliner those kind of work interchangeably and I'm going to click on make component and we'll go ahead and click on create make sure you've checked this box for replace selection with component when you do this but now I have a door in my wall well I've already got a guide in here working with the height um that like a window might go to so let's go ahead and let's add a window so I'm just going to use the tape measure tool and I'm going to set up a window location so say this is also going to be 3 ft off the wall and say that my window is going to be 4 ft wide like this I can use those guides in order to rough out the entire size of my window so say this is going to be a 4T X 3T window I now have these guides in here that I can use in order to draw this so we're just going to use the rectangle tool to draw a rectangle and in this case we're going to make this a very simple window right we don't want to get too crazy with it for right now um we can definitely talk about more complex ways to create Windows but I'm just going to tap the F key to offset this in and we're going to offset this in by a value of 2 in and then we're going to do the same thing I'm going to go ahead and delete out this face for right now just so I can see what I'm doing but I'm going to push pull this back 6 in and notice how this is doing that thing I was talking about the roof where this face is hollow so if you ever get it where the face is hollow like this all you want to do is just tap the control key on your keyboard to go to create new face mode and when you do that your window is then going to create a new face on that surface instead of Shing showing up Hollow I'm just going to type in a value of 6 in right here and again I'm going to push pull this out just a tad um so that it'll lines with the frame over here notice how that way it's not just sitting completely flush with the wall but in this case I'm going to take this whole thing I'm going to select it make sure you drag the Box around all of this and none of the geometry in the back when you do this but then I'm going to right click I'm going to make it a group or you could make it a component actually so we're going to right click and make it a component um notice how this gave us the option to glue to a face and cut an opening I'm going to uncheck this and set glue to none for right now we don't want this to do that just cuz it gets a little bit confusing but we can talk about that in a future video but in this case I'm just going to type in window Dash 4T by 3T and hit the create button right here now notice that this came in here and this added a face in the middle of this that's because I converted this to a component well you may need to come in here and just redraw a rectangle from this point to this point and delete out this face because it basically healed the face back in inside of this wall and then within this within this assembly I'm going to go ahead and come in here and draw a rectangle from here to here in order to set my window glass and so I might double click on that window and make it a group or make that glass a group um that might make that might make adding materials a little bit later a little bit easier but now we've got a house with a door and a window and we're ready to start adding some textures so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go up to edit and I'm going to click on the option for delete guides that's going to get rid of all of the guides that we have in this um in this model cuz we don't really need them anymore and so we haven't really talked about adding materials yet in this series so what we're going to do is we're going to use a tool called the paint bucket tool so the paint bucket tool is a tool that you can access over here up here or by tapping the b key on your keyboard so notice how when you do that you tap the b key that's going to pop up a little window over here in your tray or for my Mac users it's just going to pop up a window in space right here but what we want to do is we want to add some materials and notice that there's a number of preset materials in here and we can select any of them well in this case let's start by adding some Roofing so I'm going to click under Roofing right here and I'm going to select one of these shingle materials so maybe this one right here and all I'm going to do is just come in here and click on that surface and that's going to paint that material on this surface now you can definitely download custom materials but we're not going to get into that in this video in this video we just want to add some simple materials to our house so in this case say that this is going to be a brick house so we're going to click in here we're going to go into the brick clading and siding we're going to pick a brick material so maybe we'll go with this tumbled brick right here well notice what I can do is I can rotate around using the orbit tool and I can apply a brick material to all of these surfaces just like this so that was really easy to do but I don't necessarily like the way that this is just an uninterrupted brick material right so what I want to do is I want to split this up and we're going to say maybe that the brick only goes up to a certain height in here now what you could do to do that is you could come in here and you could draw lines all the way around here just like manually um that's a perfectly valid way of doing this but it's kind of time consuming right so what we might do instead is I'm going to undo that and I'm going to select the edges on the bottom of my house like this so I'm just going to do a shift click shift click shift click I'm going to use the move tool and copy mode so I'm going to tap M I'm going to tap control to make sure I'm in copy mode and I'm going to copy this up like this so when we do that I can move up to the bottom of my window right here well notice what I did when I did that is I split out this bottom face and this top face so we can use that in order to split this out and then apply a different material to the top part of our house so say we wanted this to have a white siding material I could click in here and I can apply that white siding material to these top areas because they're now separate faces because we split them now one other thing that I want to do is I want to create a brick or a stone cap around here so to do that what I want to do is I want to select all of the edges like this and remember there's no way to like extrude edges out in SketchUp so what we want to do instead is I want to use the offset tool and so when I offset this notice how this is going to let me offset this in or out well in this case I'm going to offset It Out by whatever I want my St Stone cap overhang to be in this case I'm going to call it 4 in so I'm just going to type in a value of four right here well then you can just come in here and just draw a line back and a line back and because these are all co- planer this is going to have a face associated with it now one thing I might do is I might double click on that right click and make it a group so that this geometry doesn't start merging with the other geometry and causing me problems but then I can just push pull this down by whatever the thickness of my stone is going to be call it 2 in right here but now I've got a stone cap in here and then this face or all of these bottom faces have all been separated out so what that means is that means that now I have brick I have stone and I have siding in here and so one of thing that I want to do is I want to color in my frames and my doors so to do that right now like if I was to come in here and go into my Windows settings or actually it's my glass glass and mirrors so there are transparent materials in here but notice how if I try to apply that transparent material to this whole thing like this that's not really going to work because this is a group and so if I apply that to this group notice how it's applying it to everything in this section and that's not what I want what I want is I want to double click into this group and I want to apply the glass just to this glass object right here and then I'm just going to click and drag across this whole thing I'm going to do a shift click in order to deselect this interior glass because I don't necessarily want to color that but then for this other object I'm just going to add a gray color so we're going to go into colors we're going to pick a gray color like this and now I've got my frame and I've got my window in here and so we could do the same thing for our door so we could double we click in here we could take that frame color it a gray material you take that door and we could make it a wood material and I obviously you would probably want to for a residential style door do a little bit more detail in here but this should give you kind of an idea of how you can do this so now we've got a full-on house with a roof with walls doors and windows and materials applied to it all right so that's where I'm going to end this video in the next video we're going to talk a little bit about how we might create a floor plan inside of SketchUp if you do want to learn more about how to use SketchUp make sure you check out my course at the SketchUp where you can get a lot more help on your particular projects and what you're working on but as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and I'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: TheSketchUpEssentials
Views: 15,370
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Keywords: thesketchupessentials, the sketchup essentials,, sketchup tutorials, sketchup lessons, sketchup modeling, architecture, sketchup 2017, sketchup tutorial, justin geis, sketchup, sketchup 2021, sketchup 2020, sketchup pro 2024, sketchup pro tutorial, sketchup 2024 pro tutorial
Id: 7el3o5BLuRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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