Getting Started with reCAPTCHA Enterprise

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hello everybody and welcome thank you so much for joining us my name is Nick I'm a program manager here at Google cloud and I have the pleasure of bringing to you today our getting started with recaptcha Enterprise series now before we jump in just want to quickly note that we're going to cover a ton of information in this session uh there's going to be a lot of hyperlinks there's going to be a lot of uh areas I ask you to explore but don't worry you don't have to do that during the session so whether you're watching this live or you're watching this as a playback we are going to have all of the necessary links and all of those Explorations will be linked in the post inside of the community as well as on our YouTube channel so don't stress sit back try to absorb some of the information because I'm going to throw a lot at you today and then you can reference it and take it back at your own pace anytime you'd like we'll have the slide deck in there as well so no stress but with that being said let's jump straight into it so let's talk about the session goals today first and probably most importantly I want to talk about the key phases of how to actually Implement recaptcha Enterprise then from there I want you to know how to get help if you have any questions or issues that come up you can learn about all the resources that are available to you at any time on demand and then how to get connected with your peers and other experts in our security community space awesome so we've got three main pillars I want to touch on that first area is going to be our documentation this is where you can find frequently asked questions any recapture fundamentals that you're looking for or just generic product information the documentation is where it's all going to live we've poured tens of thousands of hours into making sure this documentation is comprehensive and to making sure that it meets the needs of you the customer so if you aren't sure where to start you aren't sure if you should reach out to support I highly recommend starting in the documentation first seeing if your answer is already there because chances are 90 of your questions are likely answered in the documentation that second pillar is our recapture events those are coming soon we've got meetups that are going to be happening with like-minded customers webinars are already happening such as this event here and then we all have additional events like amas or um I believe it's called cue the questions with security industry experts where you can engage with them inside of our community which is that third pillar there so this is a space where we're encouraging all recapture customers and users to go join us we have lots of awesome discussions that are happening in there we have experts and googlers alike that are inside of the community as well so with that being said let's jump into the step one here which is learning about the recapture Enterprise onboarding phases so we break it down into four main pillars on this first set um and that's just simply installing and configuring recaptch Enterprise and that'll also be based on your hosting environment and there's a link there that describes that um and kind of goes into more detail and once you've done that you'll enable recapture Enterprise as well as the API Plus off and then that will also be dependent on whether or not you are running it on the gcp side or not if you're not running it with gcp at all so again documentation hyperlinked there then from from that space you'll move over into creating a site key pretty straightforward there's a link on step by step on how to create a site key and you will choose whether it's just a score based site key or check box based and then you'll create an assessment and once you've created an assessment you're then able to interpret that assessment and again more documentation everything hyperlinked here you have the choice on whether or not you annotate that assessment once it's been interpreted then of course you then push it into production it goes live and then you can monitor monitor it and if you need support there's lots of different avenues for that so with that being said let's talk about some of that documentation and support that's available to you for free at any time the first space is going to be our developer guides now these are incredibly comprehensive and I highly recommend spending some time inside of these developer guides they cover most of everything you would need to know with recaptcha from A to Z so spend some time in there we've poured a lot of man hours into making sure that those are applicable and they're updated regularly now if you're looking to get more specific support in that same space you'll just navigate to support as highlighted by that red box and that will walk you through step by step what you need to do in order to receive support so next I just want to talk through a little bit of the frequently asked questions that we receive in support and that we're seeing in the community as well first we actually have FAQs documented and inside of our resources within the documentation so if you just go to resources highlighted by the green box then you click on frequently asked questions you'll see that all of those frequently asked questions already exist in the documentation they're answered there's quite a few of them so if you're not sure whether or not your question has been answered again check out the documentation you likely could even find it via a Google search if you just put recaptured documentation at the end of whatever it is you're looking for but I want to cover just a couple of those FAQs while we have time today so for example how many domains can I add in the verified domains list within the Google Cloud console as it stands today there's currently a limit of 250 domains per site key the next question here is can I use recaptcha Enterprise at a global level yes you can and we've already got a script written for you you just simply need to replace the existing script in there and then after that you just apply that logic everywhere else on your site so that in and of itself is pretty straightforward one of the other Hot Topics that we get a lot is how does the pricing model work what does this look like of course it's going to be a little bit dependent on whether or not you have utilize if you're utilizing a recapture with account defender or maybe just password leak detection or fraud detection even there's a lot of incredible information that can be found on that pricing page and even better is the new recapture or I'm sorry the new Google Cloud pricing calculator so you can have a very complex instance as we all are aware you can have a lot of moving pieces and a lot of that can affect the pricing model here inside of that pricing calculator you can uh you can get a really good general idea of what it's going to cost depending on how many assessments and how you're utilizing recaptcha so next and selfishly probably my favorite because this is where I spend the most of my time is in our security community so really quick just want to touch on what exactly is the Google Cloud Community the Google Cloud Community was created to be a public online Forum so that our customers and our partners alike can come find answers you guys can make meaningful connections share some ideas and help build each other's skills you guys can ask questions inside of this community we post the latest news and events if you got feature ideas we have lots of great discussions happening around that and of course if you want to learn and grow build your reputation the Google Cloud Community is an amazing place for all of those things inside of the security space in Google Cloud Community we've got three main pillars that we're really focusing on the first one is our product discussion forums so that's where you as a customer or a partner can come in ask a question we've got googlers in this discussion forums answering questions uh peers other customers Security Experts are answering questions in that Forum highly recommend you can even search it and I'll show you a little bit about what that looks like if you've got a question and you're not sure if somebody's already asked it you can search and see we've got our Google Cloud Community blogs this is where our leadership is posting crazy amounts of awesome technical content specific for customers and we've let we've left it open on purpose so that it can be accessed at any time and then finally we've got the amas we are going to be setting up new events all the time just like this one for example but one of the ones that we're most excited about is doing some sort of Ama or quick take that's going to be our product managers our customer success managers customer Engineers we'll be doing an AMA series called cue the questions we may have Security Experts we may have customer spotlights as well so stay tuned inside of the community we'll have all the connect all of the information that you'll look for will be there so I've got a snippet here on how to use the Google Cloud Community but instead I'm just going to go ahead and share my screen and we can cover it that way so once you log into the Google Cloud Community you'll know you're logged in by this Avatar in the top right corner and once that's there you'll know you're logged in you'll also see your username pop up here what you're going to do here is you're going to scroll down to the discussion spaces and click on security this is where you're going to find the most pertinent information for a security Command Center now if you're looking specifically for security command center items you will find that we have a label created right here you can click on that it'll navigate you to all the posts that have that label if you're still not sure that you're you're unable to find the answer you're looking for you can search it and it's all indexable the whole site is indexable so it'll pull from all the different forums um maybe start there that's a great place to start if you're still not sure of course you can always ask a question yourself very simply give it a subject be as descriptive as possible in the body and then you have to give it a label so specifically if you're looking for security Command Center you'll give it a label if you want to give multiple labels you are able to do that say you're trying to figure out something with Chronicle and security Command Center or recapture you can give it multiple labels the only other area that I do want to call out here is the learning and certification Hub we have poured incredible amounts of man hours into making sure that our certifications are applicable they're relevant and I can't recommend getting certified enough there's incredible incredible opportunities that come from being Google Cloud certified there's lots of information in here if you have questions you can jump into the learning forums ask questions see if any questions that you already have might have been answered so that's just a really quick snippet on the Google Cloud Community highly recommend that you guys jump in get familiar with the security community and start a conversation get to know one another but your next steps are really simple first and foremost I encourage you guys to sign up and engage with the security Community uh share some tips ask some questions find answers to some of your questions check out what events are coming see what's happening next and then after that jump in familiarize yourself with that support documentation those how-to guides because that's going to be kind of the lifeblood of what you do if you want step or if you need step-by-step guides that's where everything's going to live is in the guides in the documentation and then lastly create your first assessment give it a go if you have questions if you have concerns if you've got comments don't stress about it you can find us at any time in the Google Cloud Community we're looking forward to meeting you there again if you uh if you have any questions concerns join us there meet us in a forum we're looking forward to it and we'll talk soon
Channel: Google Cloud Events
Views: 7,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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