Getting Started With Laravel Jetstream | 1-Hour Tech Talk

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hey everybody good morning or good evening wherever you're coming in from um hey well just let me get settled there's like this thing on my glasses that is just annoying me but um welcome to today's tech talk here it is what is today wednesday the 7th uh thank you for joining me chris sev and digitalocean here um really fun tech talk today i think this is a really fun topic laravel jetstream and uh let me know if you're excited in the comments to try out jetstream it's a very very cool starter kit that gets us from kind of zero to almost 100 really quickly hey david hey claudio welcome to the stream right hey john so yeah uh welcome to the stream everybody let me know where you're coming in from i am joining from las vegas nevada kind of uh west coast of the united states hey kristoff what's up today we will be talking about laravel's starter kit jetstream so laravel has actually two starter kits that are kind of part of the framework there is jet stream and there is breeze hey danny hey uweki i hope i said that right so if we go to documentation the cool thing about this is right here under getting started in laravel oh let me show my screen real quick sorry about that oh wrong one all right puerto rico nigeria welcome michael from germany awesome awesome adedoyan and mark awesome i love these names detroit welcome all right so the cool thing about jet stream now keep shouting out in the chat uh this has given me a lot of energy to keep going i love it good morning so the cool thing about jetstream is that uh i've built laravel applications i built one called as a blog i've built this whole dashboard where you have to manage profiles let people change their password let people change their email pretty much that entire settings slash account panel that you have to build in a dashboard not the most fun right laravel jetstream does it for us and i'll show you how cool it is um and how quick it is switzerland awesome brazil denmark welcome everybody antonio brian what's up from the internet brian is the internet so to get us started let's go ahead and install a brand new level app i have my terminal open right here and let me zoom in for you all real quick what's up sam good to see you here terminal where'd you go sometimes i can't find my terminal all right come here huh okay okay so ricardo what's up thanks for joining um let's go and create a new layerville app laravel new and we'll call this jet stream demo and we'll let that run and we'll go look at the docs real quick so here under getting started this is how cool jet stream is and how important it is to starting laravel apps is right here it's under starter kits under the getting started section of the docs laravel does a great job at getting us up and running and making sure that we can get apps built as fast as possible and taylor otwell and team have really really pushed us forward by creating these starter kits i really really enjoy using them romaine what's up hello good to see you so here under starter kits we have laravel breeze and laravel breeze is the minimal starter kit where it has um all the authentication features login registration password reset email verification and password confirmation and the cool thing about that is i just breezed over that sentence but if you've ever implemented all of these by yourself you know that this sentence actually takes a really really long time to build out so the cool thing about this is laravel breeze gives you a few blade templates for these screens login registration all that stuff but if we scroll down a little further there's laravel jetstream and it gives you an even bigger starting platform for your login registration email verification it even comes with two factor auth and then this is where it goes above and beyond breeze is it as in session management it adds an api support so that means that your users you can give your users an api token so that they can take that api token and maybe build their own apps and then connect to your database to get their data and this is all authenticated and authorized so that you can get only the data that you want them to have hey what's up bernard an optional team management and this is the big one we will do a little bit of this at the end of today's tech talk design with tailwind css and your choice of livewire or inertia and we do have a tech talk that i did previously on livewire if you want to make real-time apps in laravel really really cool so let's go to jet stream documentation and let's actually give the thing a spin and try it out muhammadu from senegal awesome welcome welcome so here's laravel jetstream to get us started this is what the starter app looks like and then i can actually show you the jetstream demo dot test that we just created here it is new laravel app let's go ahead and go into our laravel app and i kind of want to show you a little bit of what you would have to do before jet stream really hard to appreciate jetstream unless you have done all this stuff without jetstream right so let me open up this brand new app we will give this a little bit of color here i'm going to open up peacock oh hold on sorry wrong vs code give me two seconds laravel apps jetstream demo and this is the one i want right here all right sao paulo beautiful i need a visit but uh if you have any questions please throw them in chat i'm happy to answer them live as we go along uh the question we usually get is is this recorded yes it is you can come back and watch this it will live on the digitalocean youtube channel so the things that the jet stream can do for us uh let's go for a something different so the things that jet stream usually does for us if we go to routes right here and we go to web this is our web route these are our web routes we have route get welcome and we just saw that so let's say we wanted to implement the other ones that jetstream has we would need to say okay well route get login to show the login page right and then you would handle that show a view there you would get a route post login and that way you could handle anything that is going to be sent to the login which already these two alone are kind of a pain to deal with but then on top of that you have you have register on top of that you have a forgotten email password forgotten password so you can already see that this is piling up and we would still have to write the logic for this stuff in each one right we would have to go to the database check the username and the email and the password match let's get rid of all this we don't want to deal with that let's let laravel do it for us so i'm going to go over here i'm going to go back to the docs of jetstream and we'll go to the installation and we'll just say compose or require laravel jet stream now the thing to note which is kind of a bummer about jet stream is that it can only be added to new applications if you add it to already existing applications things might get a little um a little weird but uh new applications are the move right here you can install it with livewire or you can install it with inertia and both of these are ways to get our level apps to be real time feel more modern feel like that javascript type of app application i'm going to do inertia uh i did do a tech talk recently on livewire if you want to check that out love livewire and i do have a tech talk in two weeks on inertia so please check out this channel for that and this is how quickly you can add teams management so we'll do that in a bit but right now i'll just install it with inertia since we will be talking about inertia soon uh let me close this out i don't want that anymore and we'll do it right in vs code php arson well sorry let me go do the composer install first so we'll let that run what's up mr firo good to see you again so we'll let this run come on computer computer okay well we'll wait to see that run but what i also want to do while we're here is we definitely want a database because jetstream is going to need a database to add users to to run migrations on so i'm going to go ahead and do a database since i am doing this locally on my machine i will just go to dot env change all of these out to sqlite probably the easiest i think to get a database in a demo laravel application if you were doing this on digitalocean app platform i would definitely throw in a dev database which is postgres or you could do a database as far as like postgres or mysql so the last step to creating this database is i'm going to go to database new file database dot sqlite and that's all that is required to get an sqlite database in our application now and let's see if that was running let's see that's not good um it looks like there's a timeout connection somewhere a composer is looking for so let me go laravel apps jet stream demo try that again weird it works there okay well welcome to live coding composer has installed jetstream next up we need to install the views and all the things necessary for jet stream to work so i'm going to say right here php arson jet stream install with the inertia version of it and i'll show you exactly what this does adidon says are am i using silicon i am using the m1 chip using a mac mini so i am using apple's new silicon all right so that should be good please execute and run npm install and npm run dev so i'm going to do that npm install and npm run dev to get this up and running let me show you what that command did for us so what it did is it added a couple of routes to our web.php right here it added inertia and inertia says okay well let's render the welcome page and let's give these uh props over to the inertia pages and then here is off sanctum here is the dashboard for the dashboard section so what it did is it gave us two routes what i can do here is go to these routes and let's go see the render welcome and the dashboard views so let's go down here to resources views sorry resources javascript jet stream and let me zoom in here i think that might be a little small huh okay so inertia by default is going to install view templates there is a way to do react templates in inertia but jet stream right now i don't believe supports that so what you get is this jet stream folder in your resources javascript jet stream and what it does here is it gives you all of these giant view files right here so you might be thinking wow that's a lot of stuff but it is all the stuff that is required to show you a database or a dashboard and let's go see if we can't use that dashboard i believe we might have to run some migrations npm install npm run dev and php artisan migrate so let's run the migration real quick and then let's make sure that our entire app is going to run nicely for php arts and migrate we now get a users table right here thanks to laravel we now get a password resets table thanks to default laravel failed jobs two factor columns to users table personal access tokens comes from inertia and sessions comes from inertia as well okay so if you are running the inertia stack you can customize your svgs but mostly it's these view files that we're going to be working in okay so let's go over here let's run npm run dev again just to make sure our application is running okay so npm run dev it went and compiled our app.js and our css app.css okay so let's go back here and here's our app now what we can do is there's like this login button and this register button up here so let's go log in this is jetstream so jetstream gives you a pre-built login page how cool is that right so super super cool um let's go ahead and go register since we don't actually have a user in this table yet so i'm going to go to sqlite i'm going to open this is a tool to examine the database that we just created i definitely want to see the user get created when we do it open existing database here i'm going to go into database well that might be the wrong one so i'm in my batcave folder these are all my projects i'm going to go into laravel apps i'm going to jet stream demo and then we're going to go into the database folder and the database.sqlite so this is sql pro for sqlite is the app and this is on mac so here are the rows sorry the tables that we have we have the users table sessions access tokens so i'm going to go over here let's create a user chris um let's do chrisev chris c sabaleja at digitalocean and password let's just do some random you suggested password cool actually i won't remember that so let's i'm just going to type in password1 password1 and this is local so you should for sure never be using that as a password uh please don't use that as a password but since we're local and this is just in this sqlite um it's fine when you go to production you deploy this to wherever you deploy to maybe digital ocean uh definitely use good security so let's go register and check that out super super fast right there we have a brand new user in our sql pro if i go to users reloading database i go visit data there we are chris sev see c7 hot there's my password all hashed and nice and check that out right it is we have built a level app we have installed jet stream we have login and registration and all we did was run our laravel installation commands we did laravel new we did composer required jet stream and then we did um php artisan inertia install so let me log out let's try this again log in piece of valeja at there we go cool so this is the brand new dashboard that you get and the reason it looks so good and this ui looks good is because of the view files that inertia installed for us so check this out if i go over here and let's say i did a find all well here's the welcome page that we just saw all right close that out and let's um hide the status bar let's get a little more room so this is welcome to your jet stream application right here um and all the stuff that we need to see this right here so this will give you a dashboard and if i go to the routes this is in web.php and this is in the routes in the dashboard so if you need to show anything in your dashboard you can just start passing in data here through an array right and we can say me two seconds um we can say right here message and we're going to say hi everybody thanks for joining right if i could spell joining okay so that is a message that we're going to pass to the dashboard so this is probably the next step right we've done installation we've done login and registration oh we didn't really do it jetstream did it for us so next up is we have this cool dashboard route how do we actually show data in this dashboard we probably want to you know show people the number of posts they've created maybe some analytics all that good stuff so let's go ahead and see how we can show this we are passing in message through inertia render so the counter side to that on the view side of it is if you go down to your views where are you all resources let's find this dashboard dot view am i missing it there we go it's under resources js pages so here's dashboard.view i would have to go down here to my view component right here and say here are the components we're using now here are the props we're going to use i'm just going to pass it in as an array gold or an object called sorry messages message is going to be a string so this is how you take inertia and we will do an inertia tech talk in two weeks if you want to sign up and check that out um but basically this is how it works is you give your php laravel route a little bit of uh some data an array and then in view you say hey check it out the props that you will get this view component we'll get is going to be message so i'm going to go all the way up here dashboard i'm going to change that to message and in view that's how we interpolate that's how we show data and then we're going to go over here refresh well we're sorry we have to run this so let's make sure we can run this and have it watch we're going to run npm run watch so that way it will kind of run our assets as we go along so i'm going to run right here npm run dev and npm run watch all right so npm run watch will probably compile our assets keep going but cool so now it's watching for changes so if we go back to our dashboard refresh right here where did that message go well that's not what i wanted i might be in the wrong spot am i hmm okay this needs to go that way all right let's see if we can't get this to work so here is that here's this welcome oh i think it is in the welcome view so let's go to this welcome page and sorry everybody this is the problem with sort of this stuff is there's a lot of moving parts right a lot of moving parts so the benefit is you get all of these things but the the thing is is you have to kind of understand where all the movement is you have to understand where everything goes so let's see if this works refresh oh there it is maybe i had to refresh a few times so hi everybody thanks for joining a lot of moving parts is right here and this is the message that came from the php back end really really cool there so that's how step two we can get data from laravel into our new dashboard using inertia um yeah let me catch up on chat everybody if you have questions please throw them in chat um does inertia work with nuxed i don't believe it does um inertia is very much a laravel specific sort of thing right so inertia inertia's job is to give you the familiarity of view and react but also let the routing and the back end be handled by laravel if you love laravel as a back end so uh nux kind of separates itself from the back end and says look i am a one static site generator and i want data through an api so that kind of maybe is a little too different for the laravel and next connection that's not just like you could definitely build out a laravel api and then connect to it through next and using the api itself but laravel passes data to inertia a very specific way cool what do you all think of jet stream so far we have done a lot of really good stuff and we have written very little code so the other part to jet stream probably the biggest part to jet stream is you can go into your dashboard you can go to profile and check this out you have a full settings slash account section of the dashboard for you to handle your profile information um so i could change my name to like chris is live coding right i'll hit save check that out saved that was super fast like to the point where i didn't even know it happened and then let's see if we can't get our database to refresh and our database has refreshed chris's live coding is right here super cool question from the chat what is my preference livewire or inertia so i am doing a lot of react work lately i've done a lot on the front end a lot of really fun stuff as far as the javascript work but um my base where i started is very much php the laravel side of things so i'm a big fan of layerville and how fast it can get you stuff like this so to that question i haven't really done too much with blade components and i have done a lot with react components with view components so for me i'm a little bit more comfortable with view or react in the front end and more comfortable with laravel in the back end so for me i think inertia is going to be a great fit because it lets you do javascript components and it lets you write javascript but still get that real-time connection with laravel if you are not comfortable with javascript with vue with react and building out those components in javascript then by all means use livewire and then you can stay in kind of a laravel ecosystem you can use blade as your templating language so to that question mark is your preference livewire or inertia for me it's inertia but for you all if you are more comfortable with laravel blade as a templating language use livewire if you're more comfortable with javascript and front-end components use inertia i do need to test a little bit more i have heard some people say that inertia is a little bit slower than live wire but i do want to test that myself i haven't seen that firsthand they both feel very fast to me bernard am i able to explain how docker sale works unfortunately no i have no experience with docker sale and i have very minimal experience myself with docker itself um yeah i wish i could help more but definitely check out our uh digital ocean community and forum and questions and uh ask there i think there's a lot of people on our team that can help uh for that question for sure all right silas over here just popping out the chat real quick somebody on linkedin says inertia is slower but we're talking fractions of a millisecond yeah that's that's kind of what i've seen i haven't i haven't seen the slowdown but um the question there right is once our app gets to be gigantic and large will that difference be more apparent who knows um let's see from the inertia docs currently have three official client-side adapters react view and svelte and two are server-side laravel and rails oh so that's cool it works with rails um it is fantastic that it works with react vue and svelt the thing about this though in today's tech talk is i don't think that jet stream can do out of the box react components i think you would have to build them yourself but yeah inertia by itself does support react which is really cool thanks silas uh jetstreamer breeze it all depends that's a very good question and probably one i should have addressed earlier thank you ficar um jetstreamer breeze breeze doesn't give you this dashboard it doesn't let you like do all this update password to factor off is definitely not in breeze browser sessions is not in breeze and yeah so a lot of this stuff is kind of stuff you would expect from a larger scale application to be able to log out other browser sessions is pretty cool if you want the the dashboard to have a fully fleshed out settings page and you want a little bit more out of laravel um the thing we also haven't touched on is the teams so i actually haven't done too much with this in a while but let's go and see if we can't install the team's version of this and see how that works because that is a really big reason why you would choose jet stream over breeze is if you wanted to provide your users with not only a user account which they both do but a user with a team account where let's say you see a lot of products these days saying hey come here here's a freemium account but if you want to bring on your team members that's when you have to start paying for the service so jetstream can get us started doing that pretty quickly so let's go see what that looks like i'm going to go start a brand new app clear and this is a fun section because now we can see how fast we can start up a jet stream app right so let's go laravel new and i'm going to say jet stream teams demo so let's let's time it 31 minutes and 50 seconds into the stream let's see how far we go all right so there's that i'm going to do composer well let's see if i remember the command require laravel jetstream oh we've installed jetstream now we are going to install jet stream install inertia and i think you do teams to add in the teams feature oh i have to be in the folder of course jet stream teams and i'm going to do this command again php arts and jet stream colon install inertia dash dash teams um there are no streams jet stream interesting oh oops did the composer require in the wrong folder um okay so we have getstream installed now now we can do php artists and jet stream install and this is this command will just give us all of the dot view files that we need so migration created successfully i'm going to open this up here i'm going to open this up laravel apps jet stream teams demo right here so here we are in vs code i'm going to open up the env make sure we're using sqlite again make sure we create this database file um and then we should be good enough to run php artisan migrate migration is done okay now we can run npm install npm run dev check this out right it's only been two minutes and we're gonna have a dashboard in a second and we have teams we have the ability to log people out we have the ability to give them a dashboard with a ui that lets them update their profile accounts and all we've really done is run a couple uh command line commands there's npm run dev right there let that build all of our javascript really cool all right and i'm going to run npm raw on watch in case we do anything else beyond this now we can go back into chrome i'm going to say jet stream teams demo dot test and i'm using laravel valet right here so let's go register i'll create a brand new account again chris is here register there brand new jet stream account and check that out we are at 35 minutes um what did i say we started at 32 so that took us three minutes to build a brand new laravel app brand new jet stream uh add in a dashboard and then we go over here chris profile and we have all of these things here where are the teams oh here we go chris's team so this is what we add just by writing in dash dash teams how cool is that right so here what we're doing is saying here's team settings now we can have a team called chris's team we can have a team member and we can add them as admin or editor so just like that we have been able to do multiple accounts in a team and give them roles and permissions super super cool and that took three minutes and like zero code uh elliott murray very good question how about billing stripe for example you would have to one either build that yourself uh and then handle all of that stuff um as far as building it yourself you probably go into your web.php you would maybe have a well this would all happen in the dashboard right but you would need a couple of routes as far as one hooking into stripe and stripe checkout and then doing a lot of the laravel cashier thank you della for handling the payments so you would probably have in your api routes now or your web.php routes you just have a route like host checkout and in here you would sorry the zoom's a little weird um use laravel cashier to handle payments and then return data back and then show that right so the other part to this is laravel does have a tool built in which they announced version a new version for i forget what version it was but if we go to ecosystem here on the laravel site lots of great products spark so laravel spark is the way that i think it's paid now is the sas starter kit where they can give you the ability to um take payments take subscriptions have paypal support do invoices so all of this stuff is in spark um as far as spark in addition to jet stream i'm not too sure on that i know they decoupled it so that you could do this but um yeah we'll have to maybe save this for another tech talk as and see if we can pair up spark and jet stream together mark says paddle for payments is by far the easiest solution i am really excited about paddle i am building another project that i want to try paddle on um but yeah stripe to me was not the easiest to work with even though it is fantastic and uh braintree on the other side of that was not the easiest to work with either cool so there is team settings i want to talk a little bit more about like this dashboard oh what happened here oh it's because i put a bunch of random stuff in web.php let's go delete that this right here delete so let's go here and let's go to this dashboard once again i kind of want to show you what it's like to get data into your dashboard and i think this will be the last thing we do for this tech talk bernard asks how do you view role and permission in jet stream we can definitely do another tech talk on like going further into jet stream and doing authentication authorization and building more of a real world application but i kind of want to lean into that and get a little bit closer to that right so let's go here and let me see um let me see let's see if we can't get a little bit of data here so let's say here's our dashboard right let's do an array and we're going to call this um posts we're going to say posts is equal to an array and we're going to say first one will be like title is my first post we'll do that my second post and my fourth post so if you were if you had a full-sized laravel application where you had your database where you had models and migrations and all that fun stuff then you would just go hey post is equal to app models post all and then you would pass that in right here you would say posts is equal to posts right but since we don't have the database all set up for this and um we have previous tech talks on doing that so i'm going to leave that there it's not really the primary goal of this tech talk i definitely want to show you how you would get data out of there and into here though or into your dashboard and you could also do all of your authentication checks in the laravel side of things so that let's say if you have this role you're not going to pass in data to this dashboard route if like you would say check if user has correct um role verifications here and then like you would only pass in the post that they were able to deal with so that's one way to do it is handling it from the layer of all side of things and laravel has a lot of that great stuff built in where you could just be like user is equal to auth user and then you can check if if user like has certain roles and stuff like that um i dedian asks how do you make your text smooth this is sorry i'm going to take a quick detour this is a really fun setting i found if you go into your vs code settings it is called smooth smooth carrot animation so just turn that on and um your vs code will look way cooler so that's called uh just type in smooth in settings and you'll find it smooth carrot cool so we don't have that um we don't have that we don't have that so i'm just going to pass in posts right and then we're going to go to the dashboard.view go down to the view component right here out here and then we're going to say hey props you are going to get posts and that's going to be an array so then up here here's that welcome page we could just delete that welcome page and we can say oh i might forget v4 post in posts i believe that's right uh and then we can find a key we can say post.title a title so now we are looping over all the data that came from the laravel side of things that came from a laravel database which uh in this case it didn't but it should eventually let me go back over here refresh and check that out my first post my second post and then you could like show stats in here you could have everything you need you could click this and start navigating around your routes but check that out we have a brand new database you can update and change this logo on your own uh in the files that they give you but yeah super super cool stuff with jetstream um capturing i what is my current vs code theme it is monica dot pro and my current font is cascadia code so that's jetstream in a nutshell it gives you this really cool dashboard very minimal coding if you wanted to update a little bit of your jet streams functionality it is done here and let me close all these folders and show you where it starts from the beginning in your laravel app you go to app you go to actions and then you go to jet stream and these are where the functionality for your dashboard lives so if you wanted to say like um update team name or actually create team then here is where you would change out the logic for creating a team so this is also where they do gates for user authorize so this is where they do the permissions and roles like you can only create a team if you're able to create a team if your user has that role it adds a team using jobs user switches teams from the past team to the current team all that logic is here you can customize it in these actions files under actions jet stream and all these right here i got a couple questions about authentication we can definitely do more of an off scenario we get a lot of questions for auth and we really should do more tech talks on authentication so we'll definitely do that especially handling with inertia and jet stream different front end and back end users so here the cool thing about uh the cool thing about jetstream is it only really takes over the dashboard route and everything else here under like the get folder right here if you had a couple pages for like route get um features right if you had that you could have like pricing you could have um blog you can have a contact all of this stuff you can still do and jetstream only takes over the dashboard route so you can still build out your level application as you normally would but you get the benefit of the dashboard route and all that fun stuff and then you could do all of these you know using uh inertia render and then you could handle everything of your front end in view or in react but jet stream itself is going to take over the dashboard route and um and pass everything that way so there are no more controllers in jet stream from jake stewart just actions uh yes so i believe brees throws in controllers jets yeah i'm confusing my uh larry villa products uh yes jet stream it hides the controllers from you and you manipulate the functionality through these actions um let's see well yeah that's that's about all i had today the show off jetstream i hope you found this helpful um let me know in the comments if you think you'd use jetstream if you think maybe it's too complex even though you get a nice starter kit maybe there's a little bit too much logic happening in resources um javascript jet stream like this is a lot to dig through in these view files um and then if you'd use the live wire version it would have given you a bunch of blade files so do the benefits outweigh the cost of understanding the things that they gave us i'm not sure that all depends on you and your team for me i personally like to dig into the code and know every single part of what i'm building which is probably why it takes me so long to build things maybe i need to get rid of that um mentality i guess but for me this is a lot to dig through right it is cool that it gives you the back end and you can always come in here and change out your view files and everything you need but that does take a little bit of work um yeah so that's just my two cents uh yeah let me know if you like jetstream uh mark what's your favorite scotch you know what's interesting is i started a company named scotch and i had not drank scotch before i had the company we actually just bought the domain for fun and we were like you know what let's use this domain it'll be a placeholder we'll change it later and we never did so then i had to learn my scratches um i have traditionally been a fan of the islay smoky type scotches um pd type scotches but recently i have just been going for like the highland scotches i don't really have a specific one to call out right now but yeah i guess my taste changed a little bit this year um yeah so let me let me throw this up on uh definitely follow the digi lotion subscribe down below oh and hit that like button if you didn't uh if you did enjoy this one we will have an inertia talk in two weeks so definitely subscribe for that you can find me on twitter chris underscore underscore suv the single underscore was taken um but yeah let me know your questions we're gonna hang out for a little bit longer we're at 15 minutes we'll hang out for maybe 10 more um so please let me know what you're thinking what you're if you like jet stream um how your day is going and what else you want us to cover in the next one all right but yeah thank you for joining so much it's so much fun when you all are in chat and hanging out with me uh let's see sam jetstream also has first party support for the laravel sanctum so you can manage api keys and such yes we should really do a tech talk on deciphering laravel's authentication options because there's the built-in auth there is laravel sanctum there's laravel fortify there's passport there's another one i'm missing i forget hey you're welcome david thank you for joining um adidonian says his issue is scaling to a separate front end and back end i think the thing with laravel and inertia and jet stream and livewire you see people talking about this tall stack which socialite thank you dayla you see people talking about this tall stack which is tailwind alpine js which we will do a tech talk on alpine uh laravel and livewire right the idea between behind the tall stack and live wire and inertia and by extension jet stream is that the concept is maybe some people don't want a separate front end and back end the way that the jam stack is moving right is separate your front end focus there separate your back end focus there laravel's live wire and inertia kind of say look that takes a lot of work to do the separation merge them together use laravel routing use uh a modern front end like a javascript real-time type front end and merge those two so that you can have everything living in one repo in one app so i think that if you're gonna go the jet stream route it would take a lot of work to separate the front end and the back end unless you built out a laravel app and hosted it at like and then your front end was at you could do it that way it's actually not a bad option but traditionally i think livewire inertia lends to one uh i don't want to call it a monolith but a single repo uh adedoyen uh you want to write for digitalocean yeah let's let's talk about that so digitalocean has a right for donations program we call it we love talking to you all that want to do technical writing we have a great team that helps you along your journey of technical writing uh technical writing is pretty near and dear to my heart so let me drop a link in chat what we're doing for april is we are looking for articles on app platform which is digitalocean's platform as a service and on the jam stack so if you know either of those two topics please apply um and talk to our team mark says the uh various authentication packages would be a good topic i think so too i think i need to really really prep for that one anytime you talk about authentication is gonna be uh you gotta know what you're doing oh dan thanks for making the jump i'm sorry i i really should be better at like watching with the the facebook comments i'm so sorry uh let's see right for donations yeah we just dropped a link down below in chat would you also have a topic with kubernetes uh laravel in production we can definitely do that um me myself i'm not very versed in kubernetes but um a couple uh another dev advocate on my team can definitely do that yeah so as far as tech talks goes this was a fun one right it was very little coding but look how much we got done if we had to build this thing in by hand by ourselves we would have been doing uh the migrations we would have handled the login on registration forgotten password uh team account it probably would have taken us it would have taken me at least two days so this is really cool to see but yeah if there's no more questions i think we'll wrap it up here uh as far as request goes authentication and laravel the various options is a tech talk we can do the inertia js tech talk two weeks please sign up and uh come hang out with me there and what else do we have let's see we can definitely build out a bigger application instead of just saying hey let's focus on jet stream we can say hey let's build a sas app which may take longer than one hour oh maybe we should do a two-hour talk uh bernard what kind of admin templates do you use on building projects personally i usually build them all myself um jetstream is probably the one i would use if if i needed one that was pre-built also laravel comes with a different one you go to ecosystem there is nova which is an admin panel i believe nova is paid yeah nova's paid from the laravel creator taylor outwell but if you wanted a dashboard this is a really good one i believe it's like real time too for every thing that changes in your application oh docker and laravel sale would make a great tech talk silas with the with a very good question would you encourage using laravel forge to manage laravel hosted um i used to recommend laravel forge and still a great product digitalocean recently announced its own platform as a service called app platform so here it is right here what you can do is you go create app and just showing you real quick you can say okay well i have my laravel repo in github and you can say it's going to go fetch all my github repos i'm going to search for like a laravel app i think i have a test one yeah hello laravel you pick your branch you can auto deploy code changes which is really cool so forge does this for you digitalocean now does it for you you can click next you go down here you can add in your environment variables like your database and all that good stuff and then down here you can say well i need a database 2 we can add in one we'll call it db a database you can run your build commands in here which would be composer install closer install and then i believe you would run php artisan migrate right here um and that would be good enough well now we need database ur so database url is db.database url and then that's good enough to get your level app started so for me forge does a great job app platform now does a fantastic job yeah uh adidon you're very welcome thank you for joining let's wrap it up here um that was a really fun tech talk thank you everybody for joining really appreciate you all um ricardo thanks for joining bernard dayla david uh dan at the doyen uh have a great rest of your day everyone and i will see you in two weeks for the inertia one silas thanks for joining good to see you and uh sam thanks to thanks for joining i'll see you all later have a good wednesday everybody
Channel: DigitalOcean
Views: 7,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ti-KXAvrHvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 4sec (3544 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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