Getting started with ESP32 development using the TTGO T-DISPLAY

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people getting into microcontroller development often ask me what platform I use or what they should use often a lot of people use Arduino I use ESP 32 when they start looking at them they see that there is just a ton of different options with features for all different kinds of application has become quickly overwhelmed with what to choose what do you get into and they ask me what I should choose so I went and thought about this what do you choose for beginner getting into ESP 32 and what I decided on is the TT go this particular model right here that we see this is the T display ESP 32 and this particular one happens to have an LCD screen and it is development board it does have less pinouts available less IO because a lot of it is being used for the screen as well as 2 buttons just as an example of what could be done with this here's a internet-based igniter for rocket working on with my nephew this one acts as a webserver because it supports Wireless also supports Bluetooth we could see that the screen is employed and this one the buttons aren't being used there is a relay back here off to the side that can't be seen right now we could see an interaction between the iPad in this case as I hit the button and it sees the devices connected the screen immediately reacts we get some tactile feedback there right there's a screen doing something and I've done some graphic work here which sprites to display the functionality the screen we see that the Bears bouncing like a old screensaver on a on a DVD player and again there's i/o available that could be used in this case hitting the fire button on the screen that allows the relay to function I've disabled the actual high voltage spark that we could see if I hit the button this relay turning on the bear spins around do it again see the relay turns on the bear spins around and then we have an app it does what it's supposed to do all finished so yeah it's a good platform you get visual representation of stuff you have an input and output all on one board you have wireless you have Bluetooth very nice setup so we'll get into this device and we do a real quick unboxing as it were see what it comes with ordered from banggood it arrives in a bag just like this open up the bag we see the contents inside he's the actual board itself here are the two buttons the buttons are connected to i/o already that's the reset button right there off to the side it takes a USBC connector for power we see an external power connector on the bottom I'm gonna touch on that in just a bit we could also see the headers do not have pins in them because again this board is more designed for an end product and not so much for prototyping so wouldn't assume that you'd want in but it does provide them and one side has a complete row of pins right and you could cut these as needed of course if you wanted to you will be required of course to solder them in if you want to put it in a breadboard or whatnot and it also has divided in half the two possibilities right so you could fit half or half of the other or any combination thereof should you choose to do so and this is the header for the battery if you're not familiar with these boards I wouldn't recommend doing it again you need the serial connection anyway to your computer to do any programming you're also getting power from the computer for newbies use this connection and that's the board right there really quickly I just wanted to show what the rocket launcher project looks like on my actual prototype board this is the prototype board as I generally use for doing ESP 32 projects so we can see it's a lot more wire connections associated with the hook up of a display and relay it's just about the same but there are no buttons hooked up in this those buttons are part of the actual board itself this all starts with the downloading of the arduino ide from arduino dot sees say i'm gonna be using the arduino ide for this demonstration so arduino ide is currently one 8-12 and it's available for Windows and Mac and Linux make some assumptions here that if you're doing development for the ESP 32 or getting into this you know how to install software so choose which one you're going to use and install the software and then we'll come back once this is installed once the arduino ide has been installed like it's shown here we're gonna have to add ESP 30 to support to it it's not there natively so we're gonna have to go to in this case arduino and preferences maybe file preferences depending on your operating system but it is preferences right we look down here and we see edy boards manager urls and I'm gonna put this on the screen as well as down below in the comments so we could see once I add that in we're gonna click okay once that's completed we're gonna go to tools and then down to board and then up to board manager once this completes loading the downloading platforms index below will look up top and we're gonna type ESP 32 into the search bar and we're gonna see that one result comes up here ESP 32 we can see mine is already installed you can hit that install button and wait for that to finish installing and once finish we're gonna click close at that point once it loads all of that information you will then have access to more boards ESP 32 type boards and we could see if we go to tools and boards we could go to the right as a multitude of boards you'll see ESP 32 a wide assortment but most importantly for our purposes we're looking for this TT go lower uh 32 - Oh led V 1 and that's the board we're gonna select so now we see the board selected this upload speed this flash frequency and then we'll get to this next this is the port before we continue a quick note about USB cables we have to ensure that the cable you get to use is not just a charging cable but also a dated cable if you're not sure you could try plug your phone into your computer with the cable if it just works for charging but you don't see any reaction from your computer like it's trying to sync up or whatnot with that cable that is probably just a data cable and it's not gonna work for using it with this device to move data into the SP 32 Mac of Windows would require this CP - 10 X driver listed at this URL here also in the comments below choose the one you need and download it Linux doesn't need any of this nonsense so if you have Linux don't worry about it what you've installed the driver on the Mac and rebooted if it necessary you could open up a terminal window plug in the device type sudo - s and then D mesg check the put to see if the driver latched onto a device in the devil directory on the Mac you'll see tty dot s lab underscore USB to UART this will confirm that you're ready to use the device we select that device for the port on the Mac and in doing so we should be ready to go then we see the Cu s lab USB to UART on Linux plugging it in and type in diem ESG will even tell you the name of the device that is bound to in this case TTY USB 0 and we can see looking at the port could figure on the linux box one of the available options on here is in fact DV TTY USB 0 as we know is bound to the interface that is RESP 32 all of you were doing well this as you had plugged in your new ESP 32 you'll notice that a demo first appears on the screen as it cycles through a bunch of colors sped up here indicating that this device is factory new so to make sure everything's working good we're gonna go down to examples and from examples we're gonna go all the way down at ESP 32 and to chip ID get chip ID this is a very simple program as you see we're going to push this arrow to the right that's going to push the code to the ESP 32 and we can see it's connecting I've sped this up a bit to make it quicker we can see it writing to the device and then finally resetting we can see that the code actually writes to the serial interface which is the same as the USB connection so we're gonna go straight to serial monitor and we can see that the program does exactly what it's supposed to which is display what the chip ID is over and over again every three seconds and it shows that everything is working just fine we've good connectivity but if you look at the SP 32 you'll notice there's nothing left on the screen anymore that demo program has been pushed out next we're gonna add libraries to write code for the display we're going to go to tools and down to manage libraries we for this to load on the bottom take a little bit of time I've sped up to eight times when it's time TFT underscore ESPI and we'll see this bottom one here in the example mine's already installed but it's a little bit out of date so instead of hitting Install I'm gonna hit update but there's an install button for folks who don't have it installed and we could see that it is in fact installing wait for that to finish once it's installed simply hit the close button and the installation is completed once installation is completed you're gonna have to go to the Arduino directory in my cases documents onward to the library directory and then to the TFT underscore ESPI directory at the bottom here is mine and then there's a file called user setup select dot H we're gonna load that file now under Linux this is found under home Arduino libraries TFTP underscore ESPI within that file we see this first include user setup dot H we're going to remark that file out immediately and then we're gonna go down to setup number 25 we can see right here we're gonna unremarked setup 25 and then save this file and close it and that's the only modifications we're gonna make now we're going to test it out so we're going to go over to file and down to examples then we're going to scroll all the way down to TFT underscore ESPI then we're gonna scroll up to generic and then all the way up to the top is the Alpha Blendtec's I'm gonna select that one then we're gonna hit the write our to push the code to the device once this code pushes completed we'll have a look at the ESP 30 to make sure everything is working properly and as a device is cycled we could see that the demo is working just fine we're gonna call this Porsche complete and move on to the next step now we're going to install an add-on it's the sketch data uploader we're gonna go to this URL to get this program we're gonna see that it's a zip file download the zip file when it's downloaded and it's not very big I'm gonna unzip it once you unzip it we're gonna end up with a directory and a structure that's already set up for what we want to do as I open up my folder here for the Arduino directory I'm gonna create a new directory in the Arduino directory and I'm gonna call this tools just like that and I'm gonna take this ESP 32 FS folder and drop it right in so what we got is tools ESP 32 FS and within that is tool and then the jar file and once that's done everything looks good we're just gonna close that if there's a version of Arduino open we're gonna have to close our do we know because we're gonna need to restart it so we're gonna quit and we're going to restart the arduino application once it's restarted would take a look under tools and we see the ESP 32 sketch data upload this portion of the project is complete finally we're going to go to tools we're going to go down and manage libraries once this loads we type it to the search JPEG decoder as shown with that to find it five objects installed it already you're gonna press install hit the close button once it finishes once that's finished we could go to examples scroll all the way down to we see JPEG decoder mine went off screen here in the example a little bit but we're gonna go to spiff FS underscore jpg as the example and this project here loads as I scroll down to the bottom of the project turn your attention to particular file the file is Tiger Die JPEG it is used in this example and I want to show in the directory structure that we see in the Arduino directory so I go to libraries jpg Dakota this library we just installed in the examples directory we see this under the libraries is this example program and this in fact has a data directory and of the two JPEG files that are in here one of them is that tiger JPEG and it's become relevant as we see that this data director was discussed just before in that program that add-on feature this sketch data upload and we're going to be using this because this program is selected and I chose the sketch data upload it's actually taking stuff in that data directory and pushing it to that spiff FS on to the ESP 32 and when that's completed we will then push the program itself on to the ESP 32 and as we've run the program there is a serial output as part of the program that this has more to do with showing information about the JPEG as it's drawn on to the screen how long it took and what not because it is in fact an example program we can see that tiger dot JPEG is drawn there's a two-second delay and it runs in a loop also showing the output as part of this program's function and that's exactly what it's doing as far as the serial interface is concerned as we see here off to the right but as we look at the actual device we can see that the picture is drawing over and over again every two seconds obviously this picture resolution is not one that is the same size as this device it's just being used in as an example you can see this picture of a lion is in fact drawing over and over again every two seconds showing that this example is working the jpg Dakota library is working and this step is completed I think that about ends this video I hope you found it informative and helpful in deciding which ESP 32 to build on please hit that like button and subscribe for more videos I think I'm going to use this platform if there's a new module I want to share because it already has a screen built-in and buttons so that'll be pretty cool so again I hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching thanks for watching 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Channel: Retro Tech & Electronics
Views: 62,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ttgo, #ttgo, ttgo t1, ttgo lora, ttgo test, ttgo t-beam, ttgo esp32, ttgo tcall, arduino, ttgo 32 oled, ttgo review, #ttgo t-call, ttgo lora test, gsm ttgo t call, ttgo t-beam test, ttgo t call india, ttgo-t display, ttgo esp32 camera, ttgo t-beam review, lora, ttgo t-call project, sim800l ttgo t call, ttgo lora32 review, ttgo tm music albums, ttgo t display board, ttgo t call projects, ttgo t call blynk app, esp32, bangood, howto, project, st7789, st7789v, lcd
Id: UE1mtlsxfKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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