Getting Started with ACCUFACE for Iclone! (AI Facial Mocap Detailed Tutorial)

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what's up guys Justin here with the character Essentials so in today's video we're going to learn how to set up ACU face so that you can do facial motion capture from your webcam let's go ahead and just jump into it PR remember that ACU face is a plugin for iclone that you can use in order to do face tracking from either live or recorded video so I will link to this in the notes down below if you do want to give it a try um you can do it through real Illusions website um if you do end up purchasing through my link that is an affiliate link meaning that um I will receive a commission if you do purchase through that link but um basically the way that this works is this is a separate plugin that you're going to bring in and so you can see that this operates as kind of a standalone so I'm currently running the trial right now um but this is operating as a standalone um so when you do purchase that'll get downloaded and installed through your reill usion Hub but this is going to run separate from iclone itself and so this is just a simple character that I brought in this is just the Kevin character but you can see how right now we don't have anything to link this to so what you need to do is you need to have both acuf and iclone running at the same time okay so once you get acuf up and running you can see how this is a separate window and you're probably going to want to set this window so that it stays on top that's what this button can do right here um but now this is going to stay on top even if I click over here and I move around in iclone but what we wanted do is we want to select the webcam that we want to use so in this case for example I'm going to use this Elgato face cam and so in this case I want to select this Elgato face cam from the list cuz that's the webcam that I'm using and notice how when this pops up it's going to start tracking your face and so you've got settings over here for your different resolutions so it's recommended that you use the 1280 by 720 I believe um the manual says to use the 720p resolution but then it also says says to set your tra tracking frames per second to 60 um if possible so that's going to probably give you the best performance is what it sounds like right now and so then once you set up your camera settings it's recommended that you calibrate your facial capture so when you click on this what this is going to do is it's going to ask you to set a number of different Expressions right so it's going to ask you to do um an expression over here and you can use this to set so for me we've got neutral face brow Rays brow drop and brow inner rays which I don't think I can actually do um so that's just going to calibrate this so that it more easily tracks your face and notice how you can adjust those in here using the adjustment functions down below so if you didn't like the way that you did that you could click on the adjust button in order to reset that facial capture and so one thing I didn't really talk about is there is also this option over here for a video so you can upload a video of you talking and it'll do the facial tracking on the video as well I think we'll talk about that in a separate video um let's go ahead and get you up and running with your first facial uh capture here first okay and so now what we want to do is we want to connect this to iclone so we're going to jump back into iclone and we're going to select the option for motion live and so when you do that that's going to pop up this motion live window and you're going to have an IP address right here that IP address needs to be the the same as the internal IP address that's over here on the left hand side and if you do need to adjust this for whatever reason you can go into the set server TCP uh port and you can set the last number in here in order to give you something a little bit more unique one thing to note for me is when I first did this um there was an error over here it was giving me kind of a weird IP address I'm not sure what it was but there was an actually a hot fix version that I was able to download off of the support page for iclone uh that work just fine so just be aware that if you do have that issue which it seems like most people don't but if you do um then download that hot fix version and um you should be able to use that to fix this but once you're done with that and you've got your connection right here and by the way you might have to click on this and add ACU face in here but once you've got this connection set up you can click on this button right here in order to connect and so notice how once I set up connect this is going to work just fine so now this is showing me because it's green that this is connected between my gear list right here and ACU face so this is now sending data from acuas to iclone but now what we want to do is we want to go down into our character list and since we only have one character uh we only have one option in here um but if you had multiple characters in here um you can select which character these this motion should be applied to but in this situ situation we want to set it up so it's getting face data from acuas so if you click on this and specifically click on the Little Triangle right here it's going to start feeding that data from acuas into iclone and so there's two options in here there's an option for preview and an option for record and so there are also some guidelines on the manual page about the way that you should light this so my lighting is probably not ideal with my YouTube Lighting in the background um so if you are having issues with what it's picking up um you can definitely look at these facial mocap guidelines in order to kind of show what your lighting should be okay and so you've got two options in here down below you've got the option for preview and you've got the option for record so preview is a good way for you to start previewing what this is going to look like in your scene so I'm going to take this character move him over maybe set this back so that it locks right here but we're going to click on preview and notice how in order for the preview to start you have to press the space key and so what you can do is hit space and this is going to start linking to your face so notice how if I move back and forth like this it's actually starting to put these together in here now one thing I will say and this is probably something that gets better with the acuy I haven't really played around with this the one thing it's probably the worst and it's not bad um but it's the worst out of all the things that this is tracking seems to kind of be the mouth animation like it is picking it up but it's definitely not picking up like every tiny little thing that's in here um that that doesn't mean that it's not a super cool effect um right it's picking up like if I if I wink it's picking up the wrinkles on my face it picks up nose motions other things like that it's really picking all this up really well you can kind of move your face back face down and I ideally you're probably not wearing a hat either but um I am so here we are and it's picking this all up fine but this is doing a great job of picking this up so you can use it to kind of preview so that's going to give you the preview the record is actually going to record your facial capture in here and note that I'm getting a trial warning because I just downloaded this like ASAP this morning um because I wanted to get a video made about it but if I click on okay then I hit the space key this is actually going to record your animation as you go you can see how this is kind of slowing down a little bit but it's definitely picking up all of those different movements in here just like this so when you're done you can hit the space key to stop but notice how that's recorded all of these frames in here so if I click on Play It's actually recorded this animation and it's ready to go okay so one thing I didn't do that you can do is you can also set this to record audio so notice how I can select a microphone in here and I can record that then if I do a facial capture animation so if I do a record we'll just run another one we'll hit space and we'll go ahead and record like this so then it's going to pick up all that facial motion capture data and apply it but it's also going to pick up the audio so it's going to pick up the audio and sync it to this video as we go so once I'm done recording just going to hit the space key right here notice how it's going to convert your speech and so now if you were to play this video data and app it but it's also going a and so what it's done is it's actually applied the audio in here and I don't know how well you could hear that cuz it was just coming out of my speakers but you can use this to use the audio as well as the video in here at the same time so you can actually record yourself talking um or doing character acting or other things like that I think I've probably got too many video programs running cuz I've got a screen recorder going over here as well um but um that actually sets up really nicely um without you having to do a whole bunch of additional setup or anything like that all right so that's where I'm in this video that should give you kind of a basis for setting up acuf face if you have any questions feel free to leave them down below um I will link to ACU face on this page as well but as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and I'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Character Essentials
Views: 2,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reallusion, iclone, reallusion iclone, iclone accuface, iclone rigging, iclone facial rigging, iclone motion capture, iclone facial mocap, iclone AI mocap
Id: -qd8bQTdxJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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