Getting Started RENDERING IN TWINMOTION (EP 9) - Setting Up and Exporting Photorealistic Images

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what's up guys Justin here with the rendering essentials compaq with another twin motion tutorial for you so we've been going through the basics of everything from modeling to adding plants and setting up lighting now I wanted to make a detailed video walking you through creating your actual image export and how those settings work inside of twin motion so let's go ahead and just jump into it all right so I don't want it to do is I wanted to create a video talking you through how the actual export process for images works inside of twin motion so I've gotten some questions about things like image resolutions and things like that and I wanted to kind of talk through some of that stuff with you so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through and we're going to start off by creating an image and so one thing I want to know and we're in medium mode right now we're gonna leave medium mode for just a second medium mode us are you preview or you preview your different settings and things like that so you can adjust these settings all day long your lighting and your weather and but where you're actually going to set these up to be a part of your image and a part of your export is going to be under the media option and so I will probably get into some of these other settings a little bit later but for right now what we want to do is we want to create an image and so this is going to be where you're going to set up your actual image export inside of twin motion so in order to do that what you're gonna do is you're gonna go into media and then you're gonna click on the button for image and so this is where all of your different images are going to live and so each one of your images has a series of settings that live inside of it that are gonna dictate how that image looks so if I was to click through each one of these you can see how I have exterior views I have interior views I have night views so each one of these is its own image and it has its own different look to it and the reason for that is because each one of these images has settings associated with it they're gonna set up your scene and so one thing I want to point out when you're doing this is you're gonna notice that whenever you have one of these images selected you're going to get this little pink button right here that says quit media mode and what that means is that means that currently you are in media mode which is a mode that's inside of twin motion that allows you to change your image settings so the other thing about that though is that means if you go into like your nature settings and you can't change your localization weather or lighting inside of those settings because those actually live inside of this image that you currently have selected so all of those things are gonna get set in here but if you ever get in here and you can't get back to any of these settings you can just click the button for quit medium mode in order to get back to your normal editor space so let's go ahead and take a look at this image that we're working with over here on the right hand side and so what I want to do is I want to look at just some of the settings and what's contained in here and what you can do with this so to start off you can adjust your time so just like you can in your model you can also use this to adjust your time for your actual rendering itself so this is where you're gonna set the time of day so this would be a night time view this would be a morning view you can see how you can adjust this to really whatever time you want and so this is how you're gonna adjust your sunlight settings in your time of day in here so in addition to that there's a little button over here that says more and so what more is gonna do is that's going to get you into this window right here that's gonna allow you to adjust all of your different image settings kind of like the ones that we looked at before like your localization and all of these settings are getting saved inside of this particular image and it's gonna be different for each one of these images and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start off we're gonna take a look at our camera settings and I've gotten this question a lot so the way that you adjust your your image size is by clicking on this button right here for output size and selecting one of these options so this is where you would set if you want like a 4k image in addition you can also set a custom width and height by clicking on the more button right here so you're gonna be able to adjust that here you can also set your field of view so how much you're gonna be able to see with your camera so maybe I'll set this field of view - something like 70 and maybe adjust my camera view over a little bit so perspective correction we're not gonna worry about too much right now and then vignette is gonna is gonna affect if you want to have like a darker shade around the outside of your image so in this case I'm not really too worried about that then you can also if you have multiple phases of something in here you can adjust the look of that here I don't so we're just going to kind of ignore that for right now we've already talked about localization that's where you can set what direction your son is facing as well as your actual location of your model in a physical world so whether you can adjust if you're gonna have clouds in here the one thing I want to focus on here is you can see how because this is more of a morning scene in the way the sunlight is coming through you're getting kind of a you can see how out on your horizon here your son is kind of being blocked by this smog setting so you can adjust the smog in here that's basically gonna adjust if you have like particles in your air that are gonna kind of scatter the light I like having a little bit of that in the background just because if you turn it all the way off you can see that this has kind of a tiled texture on here and it doesn't look super realistic so having a little bit of smog in there is gonna bring up your overall brightness and it's also gonna block some of this tiling that's contained in this scene so you do have to be a little bit careful with how strongly you use that but you can definitely have that in your scene in order to generate a little bit of that effect so if you drag it all the way up then it's gonna be super smoggy so we're not gonna worry too much about wind speed and direction right now those are more video type things but again you can set you can set things like how much clouds are in the background and if it's raining and that kind of thing so I'm gonna add a little bit of cloudiness here and part of the reason I want to do that is because I want to show you something that we can adjust in order to make this look a bit more realistic and a little less contrast so now let's go into our lighting settings and we talked about the exterior lighting settings in a previous video that I will link to in the notes down below but and so we're not gonna talk too much about these sunlight settings other than what you might want to consider doing is playing around with your Sun brightness and also your ambient light to adjust the different contrasts that are in here so you can see how the ambient light is gonna adjust how bright or not bright the contrast is between your shadows so the areas where the Sun isn't shining directly are gonna get controlled by your ambient and then the areas where your sun is shining those are gonna get controlled by your Sun power so you can kind of adjust those in order to get the look you're going for there we've talked about these other settings so let's not get too in-depth with these right now but you can adjust these until you kind of get the look that you're going for so if you've got some areas that are really bright you can turn your GI up in order to get more light into those areas so like for example if I turn that all the way down you can see how it's a lot dimmer on the interior of my building then if I was to turn this up so that's because the light is bouncing into this room and lighting it and the higher your GI is the more of that you get in your scene the shadow slider is going to adjust how defined the edges on your shadows are so if you want soft shadows you can turn this up if you want more defined shadows you can turn this down and then ambient occlusion is gonna affect how much how much detailing you get in the little nooks and crannies and corners and that kind of thing and again I just want to know all of this is being saved inside of this particular image so you can also turn depth-of-field on so that might be something that you do in this case maybe instead of using the smog you could turn your depth of field on and adjust that distance so that all of your close-up stuff is very clear but then way off in the distance you've got a little bit more of a depth of field effect making these look a little bit blurry so and you can adjust the near blur and the far blur settings and how far out it's going to be using these sliders right here so you can also adjust the background that's being applied so if you want you can have your mountains or your countryside or it's case this is blocked by terrain so we don't necessarily need to worry about that at the moment and then your visual effects you can add things like filters and other things to make this look different I don't want to get too deep into those for this particular image but you can see how there's some interesting settings in there as well but all of that stuff gets saved inside of your your actual image itself and they're gonna be different for every single image but once you've got this set up kind of the way that you want it to look what you're gonna do is you're going to go into your export settings in order to export your image so and this is a little bit confusing but what you do is you set up your image inside of your media mode and then you export your image inside of export mode so once you've got this all set up and you've got it set up the way that you want it to oh and one other thing you might want to think about doing is inside your images you might want to think about renaming them so like we might call this living room we might call this one kitchen night kitchen day so if you change those in here and then you go into your image mode you can see how now these can be named based on what you called them so it's a lot easier to pick the right image out of this list and so you can adjust a couple other settings in here I honestly haven't dug too deep into these I just left them as on but you can adjust those as well but then finally what you're going to do is you're just going to click the button for start export and pick your folder and you're just gonna select that folder and so what that's gonna allow you to do is that's going to allow you to export your image and so once you've done that you can just go find that image in that folder and you can bring it up and take a look at it so and one other thing that you can do is if you want you can export multiple different images at once so if I start this export this will export all of these however that's gonna take a lot longer because it's gonna export three image three images instead of just the one so you can export multiple images at once if you need to like do a batch render or something like that but I'm not a hundred percent sure that's gonna be super helpful just because each one has individual settings so I don't really know why you would want to batch export these images but you can definitely do that so now all of those images have been exported and you can open them all up inside of that folder so I'm gonna make a separate video talking about the actual settings for exporting video in the future but for right now this is how you would export a still image inside of twin motion leave a comment below and let me know what you thought was this helpful to you have you been able to achieve good results with twin motion let's love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new rendering content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it that will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Rendering Essentials
Views: 38,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rendering tutorials, SketchUp rendering, Vray Rendering, the rendering essentials, therenderingessentials, rendering lessons, photorealistic rendering tutorials, architectural visualization, twinmotion photorealistic rendering settings, twinmotion image export, twinmotion render export, twinmotion export images, twinmotion image size, twinmotion render size, twinmotion render resolution, twinmotion render settings
Id: 8r8uvKPeM4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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