GETTING SOCKIE HER DREAM PET *Mega Neon Meerkat* ?? in Adopt Me Roblox Gaming w/ The Norris Nuts

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welcome back to those that's gaming today we're playing a dummy trying to get socky's dream pet so since we're getting my dream pet what exactly is my dream pet a mega neon bat dragon no it's a mega neon meerkat so today we're gonna be trying to get my dream pet by trading offering maybe even growing up me cat i'm a bit worried because those things are very rare because they were in the safari [Music] who has me cat said mirror when you get everyone's attention we need my dream pet talent do you have a meerkat all right so someone said they have a meerkat her name is silly pancake we need to find that person if i just ask a girl who has the meerkat can they tp to gifts there's so many neon dogs but no mega meal meerkats this is hopeless so if no one wants to try any meerkats now that doesn't mean we should stop because i actually do have a fair few meerkats that we can make into a mega neon maybe we should send a party no it's not yeah it's probably a better idea we all know something he wants people to come to guess if they have meerkats so we can make a mega neon meerkat guys while we're right back that's going to perform your little thing yeah go fat cat he's here oh no don't escape don't escape don't leave don't escape please don't escape do you have meerkat he left good meek has a really rare sock i feel like this is it's gonna be a really hard challenge right you know let's all split up and ask random people do you have a meerkat oh lots of rich server guys neon queen bees are around oh bat dragons no the suit is full someone sent me travel quests do they have a meerkat no i don't want lemonade so no i don't want cracked eggs come out of the meatback i just got it where did they go i saw it all right come on we need to get for my dream pet i need megan neal yeah so i was gonna be trying because please put in the meerkat please clean me cat burger everything oh someone's at abc so what have you got have you gotten me caught burger it's a bunny i thought give me a meerkat someone's picked me up i'm gonna ask them do they have a meerkat wow i'm definitely the training server oh it's a rhinoceros yes yes [Music] no they did climb well how about you leave and then say join ready set leave figgy no no no come on come on oh i better work we need to find this meerkat so high i know mikka's the most highest thing someone sent me a trade request do they have no they have a big head posted i don't want to trade that i want meerkats if i can't get me cause i should just grow up in the mid cap that i actually have because i actually have two neons and enough to make one more neon summer there's kenny what's cami want cami do you have me on me cat cammy we need attention kitchen we need to get them to trade with me so let's do some tricks see look at that steve look how cool this thing is this one looks like a rich one yes i'm doing this one train on your uni oh that's my jpeg look where i am yeah guys you've got a big hat am i the reserver i am yeah yes oh my gosh guys look at my screen i have a meerkat and i'm offering a golden rat that's like oh that's such a big offer come on please oh my gosh she's accepting yes we have a mini cat no no no i don't want this will she do it will she do it will she do it come on come on come on come on come on come on oh okay she has a full grown me account no what's the difference between a golden dragon a diamond dragon can you like this please tell me this can i offer again sorry please i need it honestly you have to accept that's like a great deal yes yes we have yet another meek out i need two more mikas then i could we'll be able to make four neons come one we need two more meerkats yes come on everyone let's get two more meerkats then we can all grow them up oh yes and then we'll be able to make a meal mega a come on we can do it no it's not if you look here i already have two neons and right now i need two more makeup to make another two neons and then we can grab them three yellows two i'm trying to stop the skills for the meerkat perfect oh almost got up doesn't it ah beauty for me cat yes yes come on it's gonna be the last make that we need oh it's a junior though no we need full grown maybe we'll get it though so we need one more meerkat she has a meerkat yes come on there's our last figure the best thing is a and she's newborn accepting my training you tried to make a neon cat a dream pet no but then she offered a star fish no but maybe your dream pet nothing can be better got it back okay now this girl's just expecting it for free no i need this you need something off for me come on come on we'll save get that meat cap wait we're laughing with me last week can we leave come on come on come on come on [Music] come on so i'm getting into a mirkay outfit because we're trying to grab a meerkat we're going to make this mega neon meat because we only have omg not much longer remaining so we're gonna make it quick if you want to see my me cat outfit oh no it's nuts come to my hair so i have three full grown meerkats and i also have a posting and i'm gonna try and grow this one up to make another neon meerkat who's ready to make him oh what are you doing biggie this is the best out of all of yours everyone throw up your pet we got school quick school questions we gotta okay um everyone hop into biggie's car look at the meg at the height it looks like it's wearing a little stuff quickly say hop in this one hop in this car are you with you right in mine wait why are you guys leaving oh you guys think that you're so cool with your amazing stuff look at mine that's insane what are you doing i got your meerkat you donuts it's so confusing which means that's ours and i just want to say thank you everyone for trying to help me make the mega neo mika this is my dream pet and it's going really well come on say i'm gonna block you hey no don't you damn it my outfit my outfit stop touching my meat cat stop touching it which because which mean cat just to be mika i have free meat caffeine oh my gosh mom's already getting pretty mine's a poster milo's a reborn first thing it's a pool party let me just get out my wife hey guys look at mine marawi has the coolest stroller oh yeah mine's so adorbs my you know what if i come to the north south i might as well just throw my me cat all right get that default strollers out everybody give you guys a deep ball and then we and then push a pet yes no so it's really good trying to flex on us but we're going to get our default shows out because that's the community oh okay yeah i have to give it back this is for the thing who else wants to finish me see when you are growing up me cats you want to go as fast as we get much time remaining to make my mega knee on me count my dream pet you need to make your meal cats live in luxury give me so i only had three bigs [Laughter] the frozen stroller guys fingers blocked us in we're locked guys looking actually we're gonna actually catch are we yeah no we're not no no no i stayed there's a teleporter he's i'm going to escort the four precious sneakers in my limo biggie stop taking my pumpkin cakes into pumpkin soup savory you make it doesn't look like it's having a very enjoyable ride everyone come close to me cause i can make me get sick guys we need bath shower and put it to sleep give me a big mac super suspense say but what's wrong with your meal cat what it's a beautiful butterfly biggie you're me guys needs to do what you've been doing you're then baby and this is actually the only second outfit i wear dot dot me and it's called happy wrappy quick no stuff let's get some playgrounds we gotta play about meerkat and legends do you think in this video we'll be able to make my dream mega neon meerkat everyone just mind me a count of ten okay me can't stop doing that oh it looks pretty good it looks exactly the same as mine no way i think because that program the same way listen to me put your meerkats on this thing where oh i see where this is going ready everyone next today me cat yes second everyone's pressing e eight yeah everybody has to press e z yes go all right everyone jump in three two one oh my god oh i have a brilliant idea is it good we normally have or is it better it's better because we should all go to the obby place and wait until our taskbar is really really full and then we go and help our pets stop it my siblings are so dumb i don't realize you can just go around here hey hi i've never made this far yeah let me bounce give me the boostie no let me bounce you'll never see her she's surprised this is my dream pet we have to make it no we gotta do it for sake i have a question should i end up eating my candy floss or dragon will become rare guys camping yes i made it i don't know if we're gonna make you guys i'm coming to tennessee child guys i've got three tasks in birth and shower where's my mickey go are you such an empty style but no me cats hey poor party quick it's not the fastest vehicle you can oh no we got one there quick throw them up yay ice cream yum this looks oh yes vanilla that's my favorite flavor besides caramel guys the time is up no does anyone have like any full grown neon so we can make it into omega well i think i might oh wait no meow's just vibing again no i've only got teams it looks like we failed to make one dream pet the mega neon meerkat no how could we have failed catch me knuckles normally when my head hits the pillow i go straight to sleep under the vessel staying upset
Channel: Norris Nuts Gaming
Views: 1,424,747
Rating: 4.9070973 out of 5
Keywords: norris nuts, norris nuts gaming, gaming, family friendly, sabre, sockie, biggy, naz, disco, sockie dream dream, sockie pet, dream pet, adoptme dream pet, adopt me dream pet, mega neon, how to get mega neon, mega neon shadow, sockie norris pet, sockie norris roblox, norris nuts adopt me, norris nuts dream pet
Id: 0LWHkwmSSzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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