Getting Personal! Our First Q&A

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[Music] hey good morning everyone I'm just going down to get the mail I thought I'd take you guys with us hope you're all doing well hope everybody staying safe and you know we're all in this together all around the world so it's sort of like a little unity thing we're going through let me get the mail and I'll tell you what this video is gonna be about on the way back yeah we actually get our mail in this box here everybody gets the mail has to come down and get the mail all right I got the mail I think you can see me okay it sounds kind of bright over there I'm gonna stop here for a minute and tell you what this video is all about let me just find a nice spot maybe yeah over here where you can see part of our backyard let me see how that works yeah that's not too bad let's take a break right here it's been tough you know it's been really tough we're all stuck in the house we're doing this together but it's really really been tough so we've been having a hard time coming up with ideas for videos and we really want to make positive videos stuff that makes you guys happy and not too sad about stuff that's going on around us and that's that's kind of hard to do I talked to a nice lady named Kath from the UK and she said why don't you guys do a video about yourself just talk about yourselves and I said honestly Kath I don't think anybody would be interested in in our lives at all other than what we do on YouTube and she said you'd be surprised and Paula said if we're going to do that let's make it a question/answer so she put up a little message up on Facebook and Instagram and she asked the fine folks over there to give us some questions and you would not believe how many questions we got had it has it's seriously unbelievable I did not see them this was filmed yesterday what we did but I had not seen the questions up to that time so I they're all spontaneous and I hope you enjoy it all right guys we'll talk after it's over hope you enjoy this please stay safe be positive and and we're thinking about you we love you guys so much we can't wait to get back down to the strip to film for you again but for right now we got to do stuff in our house so this adventure starts right now I take there's a question I know that's not a lot of people's minds but I didn't see it on any of the things I mean this is once for a pause so I inquire minds like to know like how old are you and what are you wait no I can't ask that TMI okay never mind next okay go ahead start here we go oh hold on all right yeah you might need her moral support all right you guys I grouped these into ascetic categories so let's start off with a category that was on a lot of your minds which is Dale's career and how he got started so Tina asks when did you first start as an entertainer David says are you a country singer actually I do country but I also do a lot of jazz some some show tunes things like that all these yeah and I got started very very young I was five years old I was very sick and my aunt used to bring over records for me to listen to it and I just started to copy the records and I actually don't have the Oertel when I was five years old yeah yeah but you would [Music] [Applause] so yeah anything else uh yeah how many different instruments can you play well I can Randy I'm not sure I can play a lot of instruments no play them well I played the guitar you know it's not too bad I don't do too bad on the banjo now Alan on Facebook asks what is your favorite guitar and what would be your dream guitar oh that's easy a Gretsch White Falcon or a Gretsch country gentleman we do go in Guitar Center and he dreams over those but he's never laid down the money to buy them but I'll be honest with you I'm gonna get misty on this because shouldn't ask this question my favorite guitar is the guitar that I have right now and it's gone with me everywhere and through the good and the bad in fact there was one time bad that I actually threw the guitar across the room tonight and he refused to break it he refused to break so I still play the guitar to this day yeah you did so how did you learn and when did you learn to play the banjo Monica asked oh all right I've never told this story to anybody should I tell it it's a fun story good it's a fun story I was a cook when I was really young in my early 20s and there was this fellow playing piano at this place we were playing he did the honky-tonk you know ragtime kind of music like that and I heard him and the manager say boy we really need to find us a banjo player we find us a banjo player and you know we can have the banjo and piano thing going and and all that nice thought to myself ok so I went to the manager after after they walked away and I said hey I played the banjo he said you do he said audition for us tomorrow I said I'll be there what time so I went home and asked my father if I could borrow some money because I didn't own a banjo in fact I'd never played a banjo in my life and I had an audition in less than 24 hours so I borrowed some money from my father I went in bought a banjo and I bought a book of banjo courts and I learned as many as I could overnight as like good and I work with that fella for a year and a half that's another topic that was on a lot of your minds is personal information about the two of us oh we get started so you're ready to dive in my heart's pumping good not that Clary miss Kelly Tracy everybody's asking on Instagram and Facebook where and how did you meet how did we meet how did we know I was singing at a party yes sure and there was this beautiful dark-haired girl looking at me like scaring them but she was like sitting on the floor sort of at his feet and off to the side yeah I was just you know playing the guitar and and and she was just staring at me and it was it was terrifying but that's the first time we ever talked right and then you left there and went and told your mother I went home and told my mom I met the guy I was gonna marry promise she never told me yeah well eventually eventually anyway make a long story short we were married to two months later yeah our first date was in June we got married in August of 1981 he whisked me away to the little Church of the West right on Las Vegas Boulevard she had never been to Las Vegas he was scared to death but that was that's how we met yeah got married yeah yeah we did so how long have you and married would love to see a wedding photo 1981 insert photo here we'll do that right yeah actually one of you had asked where he proposed where he popped the question that was that was in July that was an issue yeah I took her to Niagara Falls Canada and took her to the Table Rock restaurant Falls Canada yeah I was so nervous like I am here I'm very nervous we sat at the restaurant and people were all around us and well there was one woman that actually knew what was going on and she refused to leave her table till I actually asked the question but she had to wait a long time we sat at the table rock restaurant for two hours before I actually asked the question and when I did and she said yes I'm a get off misty the whole place erupted but they did it cheers that was quite a moment oh that's I'm getting all misty doing this stuff it's a walk down memory lane Elizabeth's on Facebook asks how many children do you have do you have any grandchildren we have one child's name Scott and no grandchildren yet Chris asks are you both retired yeah Dale retired from performing a few years back I am still full-time employed I'm an IT professional and actually Paul worked at the Luxor when I worked at the the westward ho and I did afternoons at the Western ho and she would come up and see me every night we would drive home together she would come up and help me tear down my equipment and we'd get in the car go home those were some good times actually I loved when we both worked on the strip that was some of the best time the best I'm sure some of you are asking and saying very lovely things about our relationship and how it comes out on screen so Daniella Horst marine you're all saying what is your secret for a happy marriage you look so happy together I married my best friend bottom line I married my best friend and we are in it thick and thin no matter what and we choose each other's company all the time from the beginning and we still do I'd rather be with her than anyone else in the world okay Paul what's next let's talk Vegas all right a bunch of you are asking about Vegas as a home so let's field some of those questions okay sure all right so Kristin on Instagram and Annie on Instagram as well or saying what is your favorite thing about living in Las Vegas oh that's easy a desert I love the desert I absolutely loved I love the strip I love our house but I absolutely love the desert it called to you as soon as you came out here from Becky's my back in the 1880s my great-grandfather from Canada came out here twice and mined in the Comstock Lode in Reno and he must have had something that pulled him here because he came here twice I love it absolutely is expensive to live in Las Vegas asks big red official me personally I'd say no the only thing more expensive here than anyplace else is gasoline because we pay California refinery prices but the offsets are we have no state and local income taxes and we have quite low property taxes yeah we do so it's very comparable to living everywhere else I think and and you know the other good thing about living here's the weather absolutely Brian really me on instagram asks what is it like to live in Las Vegas as in are there any natural disasters out there honestly the only one I can think of well we have the occasional earthquake yeah we're on a fault line yeah run for elective uh but the biggest danger out here is flash flooding when it rains you really really seriously have to be careful little boy not in this house but we live closer up towards the mountains but a little boy got washed away he was a next-door neighbor and a fireman caught him right before he went into the sewer pipe yeah if you're interested in August of 2003 there was a huge flood here in Las Vegas I'm sure you can google it we were in the midst of that the water was up to our door sills and I actually had to abandon my car and walk home it's a very serious thing yes she walked home did you hear that she walked home in a flood because she's afraid to drive through the water social walk through the water flooding alright so Tracy says do you ever gamble and Alfie Paul says what's the most you ever gambled won and lost i gamble I admit it I gambled I most I've ever played is that what they meant yeah like in a night probably probably $500 the most I've ever won is five thousand 5250 will never forget it it was the day before we left to go to college last year literally the night before talk about a lucky stroke and before we got on the plane we went and took the money and put it in the back we did they asked what is your best locals casino and you'll always say yes yes to Rancho yes to Rancho it's his favorite that's been 30 Celine says I just moved to Henderson from Canada what would you recommend doing in this area Oh Celine oh my gosh there's so much to do I tell you what when this is over let us know we'll pick you up and drive you around take your driving I'll take care of driving tour there's just so much actually explain a little bit of Las Vegas it's like living on an island it's like an island in the middle of the desert so five hours one way you've got la a seven hour five or seven hours you've got you've got Phoenix another eight hours or so you've got Salt Lake City but we are just a little place all to our own are we not yeah hemmed in by these mountains but within that area there is so much to doing so much to see I just I love it and one thing that we never fail to appreciate is the McCarran Airport goes everywhere in the world many many times a day for reasonable prices and we do take advantage of that yeah that's that's what's very that's alright I can't I can't skip this one TJ says when we get to come back can we buy you guys a gin and tonic yeah no I didn't ever think about that this section is about favorites so many of you asked all kinds of questions about favorites so let's move on Osby favorites in general I love this question from Celine as well an Instagram you had two good ones what is the first thing you want to do once all this self-isolation is over I want to go to Applebee's that's my favorite I want to sit at the bar I want to have a cold ice cold Bud Light and I want to talk to people face to face I just want to talk to people how about you for me this is killing me I'll tell you I want to hop in the car and drive to California because our son and daughter-in-law got a beautiful house in Thousand Oaks during all this disaster and I can't even go see it well first we were going to help them move we would of course we're forbidden from doing that so that is that is my number one wish for sure PD r66 on Instagram I'm coming to Vegas in June from the UK would like to know where you can get one of those awesome cowboy hats Oh simple boot barn down on the south end of the strip almost before you get to the outlet mall on south end of the strip come back just a little bit on the right hand side they have two stores there one is for work wear something and then they have the the cowboy wear stuff which is all western wear and there's an awesome fellow that man's the half area called Michael yeah Michael great guy yeah if you want a hat that can end he'll shape it because for you customize it for you yeah absolutely Lee asks what is your favorite English candy well I think that's no secret is it and in terms of chocolate if we were to go for a chocolate is those minstrels those little just melt in your mouth so big fans of English definitely several of us Jim Victoria miss Kelly Jesse John if you could only stay in one hotel in Vegas which hotel would it be Oh hands down for me be the plot so I mean I know there's others that have the fancy stuff but Palazzo they just treat you like a million bucks there yeah you come away absolutely feeling like you had a palatial experience you know about that that food thing Applebee's not my favorite place to eat I mean we love our favorite locals place yeah favorite locals place but as far as something we just absolutely love the road or the was it called Texas Roadhouse it may sound silly but but it's over there's a lot of people from from Nellis Air Force Base that go in there and they just treat you like a million dollars and you get a fabulous steak for 20 bucks and our other favorite place used to be the prime of the place where the Fleming's from steak house M it is still our special occasion spot notice none of these are on the strip these are the local places that we go to with regard to the strip I don't we don't tend to go there for fancy meals we actually love things like the Shake Shack and you just know California Pizza Kitchen Alif or new piece of kitchen yeah best salmon in town yeah let me just check the other favorites and see I mean I was very nervous when we started now I'm just half nervous happy blossom pictures on Instagram asks have you tried many of the Vegas buffets and what is your favorite actually no and I'll - and I'll tell you why and it's not because we don't like the buffets down on the strip I cost so doggone much money we can't eat enough to justify a 40 or $50 honestly we just can't when I'm when I moved here in 1978 we used to go to the Sahara and they had a buffet and it wasn't like a buffet you have now they just basically put on the table and put some hot plates and stuff down but it was it was like $2.99 and that was it and and you got all you wanted to eat like like they say in the vacation you can have all the yellow and blue you want what's great stuff but now it's kind of too expensive for us we're you know we're not we're not rich by any means and so you know where we'd like to go to the buffet this the Fiesta Rancho two for one for one yeah costs us nine dollars and we do our great turkey oh these are some really good questions let's see Christie Marie would love to know where you guys have recommend for awesome desserts oh that place at Planet Hollywood no I'm gonna go for Buddy V's at the Grand Canal Shoppes oh I thought that was that but that's what I was thinking I thought it Hollywood yeah no he's the Cake Boss yeah oh yeah absolutely goodies yeah yeah let's see if you had oh Sh xx Lee on Instagram if you had to pick a holiday weekend to experience in Vegas as a once in your life must do which holiday would it be oh so we talked about this offline because this is an interesting question because it's not actually holidays in Las Vegas it's more events it happened like there could be a big fight that might be coming in for the weekend and you get it you'll get the whole 300,000 people here that it'll sell out the place just for the fight and us of course it's the National Finals Rodeo the first two weeks of December is our very favorite time on this trip I think we've said that before some people love March Madness some people love NASCAR I don't know some people love Golden Knights playoff I mean what an exciting place to be when the golden lights are in the playoff but New Year's Eve yeah it's pretty special it's a pretty special I play you're like crowds I played down there it's not an easy job to play New Year's Eve but it's exciting the fireworks off the roof tops and stuff so but yeah I think more events than holidays I think you know and choose accordingly because I think that's like it's like a holiday every day pretty much doesn't change so JK done again this is a really good question do you ever meet any celebrities living in Las Vegas oh yeah I'll tell you a lot years ago they celebrities would walk through the casino and nobody would bother them nobody would ask them for their autograph nobody would hassle them or anything I might have a haven from all that I actually can stir check at Circus Circus next to Glen Campbell and Kenny Rogers was walking through the MGM Grand where Bally's is just walking nobody bothered me is with his manager and but I think today I don't think they there is prevalent out there just to see no I don't think they are but you certainly have met your share of them we could throw some photos up and show yeah yeah I'll put a couple pictures up yeah okay I can't resist on Instagram travel to my kitchen will you come to our bachelor bachelorette party in Vegas you're invited okay all right okay I tell you what if if we can if it's over by 8:00 and we could get to bed by 9:00 I think we'll be there right we're there you don't want us tools fogies over there but you bet your bachelor bachelorette party all right so here comes an interesting topic we got some questions on YouTube let's talk YouTube okay courious and Kristen one on Facebook one in Instagram says what made you decide to start a YouTube channel what got you into vlogging simple my son I was going crazy I was bored I'd retired from music and I just I didn't have anything to do and he said you've been here so long just get a camera and go vlog and I'd say his name Scott I said Scott I I never picked up a camera and I little more than a year ago I had never picked up a camera yeah I do all the rolled up photos in our family so he meant he means that he's never picked up a camera so I did and the first couple ones if you go back and watch them don't they're that you can tell that it's it's an amateur time but I love to be challenged and she she has challenged me from the day we were married challenged me to do and do better and try different things and this was a big challenge because I had to learn a whole new computer software yes we actually switched over to the back and so he had to learn the Mac operating system and Final Cut Pro we actually had a question from big aunt who asked who does the editing hmm I do right here I do that I do all the voiceover editing and Paula people aren't gonna believe this but this is a fact Paula writes the scripts every word that comes out of my mouth 99.9 percent of it is written by Paula and if you notice we don't have too many bloopers anymore and here's I'll tell you why because I got so embarrassed by that blooper reel that if you'll notice at the end of the videos I always go so Paula what do you think of that one and then I don't have to in other word which I just am learning now the method is baddest I did not know this because I throws it over the fence to me because I was you know I was embarrassed you know we'll see if we can find a blooper for I think you'll find one too okay everybody we are at the pool at the Palms we know we're not at the Palms where the heck are you oh I'm at the wrong place another for the blooper reel okay and there you go we had dinner at night try it again start again here you go hit the subscribe so big red official says are you ever going to do a subscriber Meetup oh we don't have it we meet people all the time people all the time basically on a one-on-one basis absolutely the thing about a meetup is that would presume that a bunch of you were here in Vegas at the same time and that's not necessarily the case so we'll meet you if you want to meet us we'll meet you sure yeah I mean if we're available yeah and honestly if we're down on this trip if I don't have the camera in my hand you know sizing up a shot or something like that come up and say hi please and it's not like you can't notice us yeah the cowboy hats a dead giveaway we have met so many of you fine folks and all everyone of you has been just super so they've been great all right serious question from Sam lens on Instagram what is the most challenging part of being a youtuber that you never expected how do you persevere through that challenge I think we'll both answer this separately cuz we might have a separate answer you go to your most challenging part you want me to go first okay I'm gonna be honest with you guys it is the sense of obligation the simple answer might be it takes a lot of time and yes it does because I work full-time but the more complex answer is the obligation we feel to you it is very easy it's very my partner you reach out to us with so much I want to use the word love because that's what it feels like on our end and you so look forward to our Sunday uploads and you say how you know it kind of makes your day or it cheers you up or and that is a heavy weight that we take very seriously and I never would have expected that it's a big responsibility it is and I feel compelled to answer all your comments or as many as I can maybe that'll overwhelm me someday but I really do try because I want to take the time to comment folks answers she answers she tries to answer every single comment I can't do it first of all if I hear and see a negative comment I just my heart melts I know I mean my heart just just just melts but yeah I think it's responsibility the other thing is there's a lot of work that goes into this it's not like we just go out and shoot one day and we just cut up the pieces and put them on on YouTube not that there's anything wrong that I think those guys loggers the other thing that's I couldn't do that no I like to I'm I was in show business so I like to add just the right music so that could take me hours to find the right music and so most of these vlogs take me four to five days to put together because what we've realized is that they are sort of a forever thing when you're performing live if you play the wrong note on the guitar solos or you don't hit the high note it's over and you there are no do-overs on that but these stay on YouTube for years so you want them to be as perfect technically as you can make them this is almost a legacy type of thing for me I mean I'm not that young I'm not that old but I'm not that young and I really have found out that this is this is something that I want to have as a legacy for one we do have grandchildren they have something look back on absolutely and we we get choked up sometimes looking at a video that we made three months ago or six months ago it's not like we watch them every day we don't so when we watch one it catches us off guard sometimes it is a nice legacy and let me say this also is that the ads thing are on there somebody somebody really had a problem with that the other day I don't look at these videos once they're done and they're they're up on YouTube I don't look at him in fact I don't even look back on any of them and he called me out he said boy you've got too many yeah it's just I think was the last one we did and I looked and I said I wrote him right back immediately I said I said I agree so I took one AD out so I just want you to know that the ad thing that's the only way we can make a revenue we don't have patreon we don't do that kind of stuff so that's the only way we make revenue so if the ads get to you you can oh you can tell us yeah we do have some control over how many not much but yeah a little control because they YouTube wants to make money too so hey that's why they put us on there all right so we have one last question from an adorable redheaded freckle-faced Harvey oh we love Harvey and Harvey sent the question in just about an hour ago via a video and he is asking us what is our favorite vlog that we have done so far I know what you're gonna say go ahead it's a personal thing but I love the McKenzie Land series I think they're beautiful not too many people have walked I tell you I get dislikes on that and oh just my heart thanks because I worked so hard on it I guess the one that I did only because I was in the music business for so long was when I went back and started to do I did a couple of folk songs from the 1960s and it's not the greatest video but it took me back to my roots and I think we got kind of misty putting that one together yeah and then I hope we'll do a few more of those about Dale's career and how it progressed because that that's a nice leg video and in terms of rewatching if we do rewatch I'll tell you what we watch for 10 minutes we go to Santa Barbara absolutely yeah we walk did we just escape go to the beach and just watch the Santa Barbara video for 10 minutes we loved that one so is that it that is what you think of that one oh don't be pulling that on me now that I know that trick know what I want to know is what did you guys think of that are you bored yet did you fast forward to the end yeah I think you would in fact those of you who stayed to the end boy thank you thank you so much anyway guys I hope you're staying safe stay positive I hope you like this video yeah and let me just say we were not able to answer all the questions so the day this goes up on Sunday I'll go back into Facebook and Instagram and I'll answer a few of them personally that we didn't get to yeah so if you're not subscribed please subscribe don't forget to hit that notification button we are almost at 8,000 you guys this is really exciting Facebook page I don't know if you knew this we had five 500 likes on the Facebook you're kidding me already oh my gosh alright guys I hope you had a good time we're definitely gonna see you next time stay stay well stay safe stay positive bye bye bye everybody hey I forgot to tell you all something you know what that what one of the downfalls of this being at home all the time is is gaining weight and I'm telling you we've run out of ruffles and I know it's it's one of those necessary things right isn't that what they said you have to have necessary with reasons to go to this essential yeah we may get bread and meat and stuff but if we need ruffles and Doritos please there's this guy named the real lost boss don't don't tell him I said that because he is a terrific weight loss management coach this guy is so full of enthusiasm I'm gonna put his link down in my description box so you can go check them out all right guys this is for real now I hope you had a good time we'll see you next time bye bye everybody don't don't eat too much [Music] you
Channel: Dale McKenzie
Views: 16,804
Rating: 4.9808221 out of 5
Keywords: Las Vegas Inside & Out, Content Creator Q&A, Las Vegas Vlog, Life in Las Vegas
Id: nebhc-PF9Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 41sec (1961 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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