Getting My Hair Cut, Sharing An IKEA Haul, & House Hunting 2 Home Tours!! + More!

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[Music] do [Music] hello pretty people today's the day i'm gonna cut my hair i'm thinking um chin length which is what i've done in the past love that except for today i'm probably just gonna get a trim and when i say trim i mean probably four or five inches how much is this how long has it been since my last haircut i want to say almost a year and i do this every time where i'm like oh yeah i'm going to get a haircut and i'm not going to wait a year until my next one i'm going to go in you know a couple months and then a year goes by in the blink of an eye and here i am with hair in down to my knees shorts are black so you can't get an accurate representation but it is long i'm working with like day 17 hair over here so nothing is fancy nothing looks good but there is the length am i even in frame there you go down to here i know i do enjoy long hair i've always pretty much had long hair unless i'm like postpartum and i go crazy and i chop it to my chin but i am trying to keep the length so i'm thinking here which is still super long just that right i'm just gonna chop a little bit off anyway i have quite a busy day today i'm gonna bring eleanor with me oh i actually made an appointment at the aveda institute i've never gone there before normally i spend like 65 on a haircut and with nothing special i don't get it dyed nothing else i just get a washed and cut and not even blow dried sometimes yeah 65 plus a tip and at the aveda institute it's like a student driven thing i asked for an honor student or i don't really know the verbiage behind that but i asked for someone who did extra it's like three dollars extra and it's like 15 for a haircut it's crazy so i'm gonna bring eleanor with me i normally just cut her hair on my own but i feel like she'll benefit from a salon experience i was gonna bring avelena but she has something else this morning what else i guess i need to go so nothing else but i hope that back there didn't distract you too much i kind of don't want to talk about it can you even see it back here my ikea cabinet broke so i went to ikea to buy a new cabinet uh sad to report they're sold out so now all of our shoes are just dumped there oh by the way do you remember the halloween shirt debacle if you were here then if you were my friend back then edward has to wear this shirt next week on you know almost the last day of school and so i just hung it right here so it doesn't get lost i bet it's still going to get lost but it's like in a fall and then it'll get wrapped up into something else and who knows what's gonna happen but for now that's my safe place okay say goodbye actually don't say goodbye it's still gonna be so long you guys aren't even gonna notice that i got a haircut here all the way down man there you go now you can see it is past past do you know it's a little extreme okay let's go i have to go here we are at the school of paul mitchell i think i saw the veda before oh the supply supplies all right let's do it [Applause] [Music] okay we just got our hair cut what do you think eleanor well hers is up so you can't really tell but um she loved the little chopstick that the lady had so she asked for it mine looks basically the same i mean it looks nicer because it's cut and everything but yeah i'll show you the back i'm actually oh ever levine moment i'm going to um turn around have eleanor take pictures all right i'm back the big reveal here we go it's actually been about seven years since i last uh since i got my hair cut my hair has grown back out i'm just kidding i probably should have brushed it for you so short story long here we go i got like five six inches cut off i think at least four but with my measurements when i like measure it to where here i'll put in the back oh i haven't brushed it and i washed it okay i told you it was a short story long if you want to see what my hair actually looked like because they did like blow dry it and they made it look all nice but that's not the way i live my life but i did film a couple videos with it so like my thrift store you could see my hair or my thrift store haul you can see my hair looking all fancy and i think we i did an intro for like house tours so if you really want to see that it's not anything spectacular but i figured i would show you real life what it's going to look like let me just brush through it with my fingers okay here we go here it is right so it's here and it was here so if i do this and then move it along that's about six inches oh i know i already shared it on my instagram obviously but i know a lot of people were like oh i was hoping for a big change i've done the make big change in the past three times to be exact every time i postpartum i just literally chop it all off and donate it but i always kind of just it's a waiting period for me i'm like okay now my hair's super short and i just wait for it to grow back out again so this is just this is me long hair and all you probably can't even tell that i cut it you're probably like kim did you actually cut it uh you got me i didn't i actually have a dentist appointment today so i'm gonna run to that i don't know what the rest of my day will bring i'll probably make some food for the family i will probably maybe run into home goods because my dental office is right next to home goods maybe we'll clean some stuff i don't know so let's just spend the day together oh what do you think of my outfit is it too much are the shoes too much if you follow me on instagram you saw that i got these tvs can you see them and they're basically amazing should i start my own fashion channel here but this isn't how people show off their shoes okay now i'm late for my appointment let's go i mean i'm not late yet but you i like to be early let's buy the same place i got the shoes i got these glasses i played darling i didn't even know dsw sold you a sunglasses glimpse of what they look like in real life in action [Music] oh my gosh i hope you're laughing as much as i was the first 200 times i watched that i don't know what the heck happened to my audio but basically what i was trying to tell you was i i got new sunglasses i got new tivas i justified the purchase it was a long story but let's get into the dentist appointment [Music] [Music] done with my dental cleaning my teeth always look so much whiter i don't know if it's because i'm in the car did they look this white when i was talking to you before i don't think so my teeth aren't this white in real life i have been a hypocrite i have not been flossing my teeth okay i always tell you guys only floss the teeth you want to keep that's what my dad always told me i haven't um been doing other things with my time but count cavity free so that's something to be proud of okay let's go to home goods it's right there we've made the long journey to home goods let's see what kind of goodies they have for us inside oh feel like that's what i've been looking for my whole life i mean is that me in a ceramic it's words to live by right there look at all this wooden stuff i saw some oh that platter is really nice i saw ooh these yellow oh my gosh there's bees on them why do i love this oh it's only six dollars for two of them do i need them i mean i could use them you know what i mean i saw some father's day stuff oh look at those with the daisies are these not the cutest laundry baskets you've ever seen or storage are they laundry baskets i think they are i always like to look at the office supplies just for no good reason plants are my therapy ooh a guided journal do we need a guided journal wait a plant portfolio is that a thing that's like next level plant mom you know growth chart oh i can barely keep up with measuring my children oh look at this one be here meow a self-guided journal all right is this one all about cats or something oh my gosh look at her she's working out oh a wellness tracker this is cute daily plan oh to make today great i will oh this is so cute what i really need here are frames oh stools over here whoa they have a lot of furniture they normally i feel like don't have this much furniture it's interesting well i guess since we're here we'll look at some artwork well this is clearance artwork oh i love i don't know why i'm very drawn to like abcd prince the alphabet some people like to call oh look at this one united states of america 25 bucks on clearance all right this one has been hanging around for a long long time uh okay we need some bigger frames like that one oh remember we saw that one last time so pretty oh wait this one's on clearance 12 bucks so this is the frame that i have in need but in like a 16 by 20 not that size so it's not the frame i need but it is do you know what i mean our entryway shoe cabinet broke and i'm in the market for a new one ikea's out of stock on it so i thought oh maybe this would work but it's 129 it's gonna be a no for me dog look at all these funky chairs though they have a ton of furniture pieces over here i'm seeing this rattan everywhere it's pretty trendy a lot of a lot of people i don't feel like i there's ever this many furniture pieces i mean it's nice to have a ton of options nothing that i want you know what let's get that oh gosh 129 okay bye all right father's day is coming up so you know your dad wants a pillow with a bunch of beach boys on it oh he doesn't how about a pillow with a helmet oh no okay how about a mug that says number one dad no okay man we're running out of options all right how about a pillow with a dog oh the dog playing football i saw this i had to share drink like a pirate dance like a mermaid but mermaids don't have legs oh look how pretty this is this ottoman that you can store stuff in it's got flamingos look at that surfboard table they must have got a new shipment of stuff i've never seen this much stuff here this is like giving me lemonade at your grandma's house vibes right do you see all of this give me some sugar i'll continue to look over for those frames until i find frames someone's calling me i'm gonna head home hey girl so i just got home from the dentist well i didn't just get home it's been hours uh you know life and kids and motherhood and i ate i ate and the film whatever they put on my teeth it's gone so do they still look white enough i was actually just planning meal planning for a like barbecue side dish meal prep video because it is memorial day weekend so we have a couple of get togethers that we're going to so i'm just going to make a couple of side dishes and i need to run to the grocery store maybe i'll do that tomorrow morning anyway before then i have figured out what we're doing the rest of the time we have a couple house showings which i'll talk more about before we get there and then uh oh i need to paint my nails and what else i thought i wrote it down but i didn't so really maybe what i wanted to show you was my ikea haul so you guys know i went to ikea a couple weeks ago i've been hoarding the stuff just in the corner shoving it away so people who come over don't see it even though the rest of my house isn't you know i do my best over here do my best to try to make it not look like a mess yet here we are oh and the shoe cabinet that's a whole debacle it's a it's a whole debacle i'm not gonna get into it right now i'm just gonna show you the crap i bought from ikea one of the main reasons i want to show you all this crap is so i can finally one use it and two put it away so you know when i was walking around ikea for 85 years by the end of the journey through the maze i don't even know what i'm thinking about i don't know what's going on through my head but i bought this and you know what i thought oh wow the rug in our garage that we use it's getting kind of cruddy crusty so we could use the new one and this one was cute and it was only ten dollars and i like the detail on it and now that i'm like kicking myself i saw the flatter ones and now i'm thinking i could like do a cricket design on this thing so anyway i got that smells kind of weird i got this for you know from our garage to our inside i also grabbed this oh maybe i'll put all of our wrapping paper inside of it it is just a little scub and you put the wrapping paper and it has two inserts wrapping paper and then like gift tags and gift bows and tape and maybe store some scissors in there and all that good stuff but this goes under the bed and the wrapping paper storage that we have now it's big and but i mean it's not that big and bulky but it's bulky enough because i don't have a lot of closet space and it's in our closet and i need it out of our closets i've been wanting this forever last time i went it was out of stock the shoe cabinet was out of stock i just bit my tongue when i said shoe cabinet this is not a shoe cabinet this holds grocery bags i'm mad because the shoe cabinet is still out of stock it says it's available online but they won't ship it to me and they won't ship it to my local store and they're wanting me to drive all the way to orlando for it and that is just not going to happen i mean to be honest it might happen because i've been looking around for shoe cabinets i can't find a good solution over there so you know what alex might be doing a long drive to ikea orlando but this uh supposedly store what is it store plastic bags right right now in my laundry room oh and it attack oh i have it backwards i think you attach it to the wall it's got some i don't know some strip up there you could nail it with some screws ironically i got a lot of screw kits last time i went to ikea and they have come in handy one thousand percent when i hang all my all my fancy stuff you see my handiwork up there i'll get to it one day that's why i need frames you got i'm just a mess i'm a mess all around but i do my best and that's all i can do anyway this holds plastic bags right now in my laundry room i have a plastic bag holding all of my plastic bags and i thought this might look a little nice it might not look much nicer because it it's see-through but i don't know maybe i can contain it a little more or maybe this is where i can put all of our lost socks we have a ton of lost socks and i tried i tried my best to buy all the same color socks and maybe what i need to do is just throw all of them away but hey we don't have any matching socks well i do because i know how to take both of my socks and put them in the hamper at the same time so they get washed at the same time and dried at the same time and folded and put away at the same time but my kids have yet to learn that anyway socks or plastic bags that's what that's for oh what's this oh a drill speaking of all the tools that i have in my collection alex's tools he keeps them i never know where anything is to be honest he doesn't really know where anything is i have all of my tools and hardware and screws and all that good stuff in that cabinet closet whatever it is and i'm gonna add this to it because normally when i have to um do stuff um it takes me longer because my muscles are kind of weak i also grabbed some more hangers for avelina okay well i only got three sets of hangers oh my gosh i actually forgot that i got some of this stuff but what gems okay so this well let's just open it up shall we my fingers hurt kim everyone's watching teeth to the rescue my dentist is cringing i still can't open it up there we go like when you buy scissors and you need scissors to open the pack of scissors okay these aren't scissors ooh wow what the heck oh three of them in here so apparently what this is it like keeps your food from spoiling so like if you cut chop off some onion and then you want to put it back in the fridge you just flop this over it and that keeps it from going bad amazing instead of using like a single-use plastic or something like that which ironically i bought a lot of i would say a year supply at least of plastic ziploc bags in all sorts of different sizes and varieties i will tell you my favorite one did i only get one of these oh no i got two oh yes i got three these are my favorite ones they're the teeny weeny little tiny snack bags 10 ounces should i pull one out for you i guess i'll inevitably open it so i have a lot of the silicone and reusable uh bags for the kids lunches and for storing stuff whatever but there are times where i am in need of just some single use when i'm like sending someone out of my house who doesn't belong in this house something and i'm like well i don't want to give you this ten dollar reusable silicone bag that's when this will come in handy isn't this the cutest i don't know why it's so baby it's just a little baby ziploc bag and the fact that it says ikea in it and the fact that it like just will sit up on its own do you see how it has structure to the bag i just thought that was so adorable and i love the color i mean ziploc will you get on this already because this is ingenious so anyway i got really teeny teeny ones i got really large ones and these have actually come in really handy when i'm like storing games and i got i got a couple of other sizes too this one has two different sizes in one box but these you know how sometimes like you get a board game and your kids just completely destroy the box or is that just me maybe it's just me in my house so then you try to store the game and inevitably you lose pieces because they're all over the place so i just needed super large ziploc bags i want to say this is more than a gallon it definitely looks larger than a gallon so anyway i got those and i'm happy about it and ironically i was watching someone the other day on youtube i cannot remember for the life of me who when i say the other day it's been like two months but i saw someone use like they like bought this stuff oh maybe jamie jamie's journey or she was maybe organizing her kids playroom and she bought these bags off of amazon to put board games in and i thought oh that is great but also that is probably a cheaper more affordable option as well and then i got some of these bag clips because i ours just get lost and whenever i need one i'm like where are they i don't know they're usually at the bottom of our pantry so if i clean i find them all you know that kind of thing and i did get a smock one of these smocks i wonder if it's big enough for me oh it is oh my gosh i feel like uh who is that guy's name give me a hug alex what's that guy on uh like black sheep [Applause] oh chris farley chris farley i feel like chris farley when i initially put this on doesn't it look so silly maybe recipes maybe rest in cheese maybe i can wear it as a raincoat oh [Applause] yes i can this is stylish that you know what ikea does not um advertise this to be used in such a manner but they should really jump on that look at this style hello anyway this is for meredith when she eats or does artwork so she doesn't get paint all over herself and then i did grab these cups and i am pretty excited about these and you know what i was looking through a cup cabinet this morning thinking i should declutter some of these because our cup cabinet is getting pretty darn full because i just thrifted a few cups and then i realized oh the top shelf is nearly empty so then i rearranged and i got a whole bunch of more space left so happy to report these kind of remind me of cups that i used growing up with and when i would eat like pudding out of them my mom would put pudding in them and i just like them they're just eight ounce cups and the design on them is super sweet so we'll see how long they take to break around here because i don't think they're corel quality well we're gonna find out okay four cups for like i don't i want to say it was like 3.99 what a deal what a bargain you can't find this quality at dollar tree or can you i don't all right that's all right oh no oh okay wait are these the bags i was thinking of this is 2.5 liters and this is 4.5 liters those uh blue bags that i showed you and then i got 2.5 liters which is probably close to a gallon how many liters are in one gallon one two three point seven eight five liters three point convert from liquid so it's a little less than a gallon okay that's enough thank you what do you want to say oh you found money what are you gonna do save it are you gonna invest it in some crypto currency oh i'm sweating it's like wet from sweat if you want to try it on [Applause] there we go where are your hands where where is meredith all right so i guess it's a little big for her all right you're done okay cool bye okay so i am actually going to finish the meal planning the next thing you see is probably going to be the house that we see uh and we're going to see two okay popping in to say i sometimes i forget what i update on instagram you're probably thinking wait kim you have more house tours what happened to the offer you put on the last house uh your dream house the wonderful house the one with the four cubbies the one that was perfect and had property and that's the dream to have some property and land and just tell the kids go play outside and you have all this luscious land to do it on uh yeah that one we didn't get and there's actually kind of a beautiful story that goes around it a very beautiful short story beautiful take that how you will but we didn't get it and you know what it just wasn't our house and we i've come to the realization that that had happened it's sad and disappointing but that's what it is and if we had a bigger budget sure could we have gotten the house probably but that house specifically was at the top of our budget and uh we have like a pretty quite a large range where we're looking for houses so some of the houses that we're looking for are bottom of the budget so we do have the space to like offer way more if we need to uh but that one just happened to be at the top of our budget so anyway we didn't get that house i will share the ikea haul with you but before i start it i forgot to add that we got the alex drawers do you see them in the back there that's probably the best purchase from ikea i got it on clearance if you didn't see my ikea shop with me amazing they look better than the wire drawers the wire drawers that is an ikea find i think they're like 15 20 alex drawers i got for around 60 on clearance normally i want to say it's 80 and they do sell a different alex drawer set for like a hundred but i think normal price that one's 80. okay back to the ikea haul the first one has been on the market forever forever munson i want to say at least four months what 120 days 120 days it's been on the market which is basically four decades in this kind of real estate so we always like look past it we're like oh it's a little bit out of our budget but it's been on the market so long maybe they'll take lower offers and also we thought oh it's been on the market so long maybe something's wrong with it or slash and we don't really like the kitchen but now we're at the point where we think you know what we can make a couple renovations even if it's not right away down the road we could um so we're gonna go see that one fingers crossed it's fantastic and then we're going to see a second one which i don't know anything did you already break it oh no it shows a penny good luck uh yeah and then we're gonna see that oh and i'm gonna paint my nose okay let's do that does anyone else have a nail polish bin like this where there's like blush because when you paint your nails you try to occupy your kids with some toys and maybe a straw cleaner that is clearly doing its job all right what color are we feeling what's our vibe summertime fun i feel like maybe some pink all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we got ready for the day my earrings you like them you see my earrings you say flamenco yeah we are headed to go look at another house today i think we have two house tours scheduled one is an open house the other is not i'm assuming the okay the other the first one we're seeing i think is the one that has been on the market forever so let's go and i don't know about the second to be honest i know it looks and i don't know a lot about it so let's just go let's find it bye we made it to the house man it's a beautiful day look it's waterfront does this count alex's waterfront okay let's start with this pool area stepping out into the lanai into the lanai i love i don't know how much it would cost to keep these running all the time but i love the noise of it i walked in the house and said what's that noise just that lovely waterfall feeling um yeah okay so it's pretty spacious back here i mean enough for a six-seater table and then this was not pictured but they do have an outdoor kitchen area a nice little stove top this is nice and oh my gosh a door right off into the kitchen so should we go inside here might as well so here is the eden kitchen gary and alex exploring around so this is a very nice size eat-in kitchen this house is huge i'll tell you that right off the bat it's bigger than we are typically looking for this was a huge um thing that we when initially we were looking at the house we've been looking at the pictures for months now and we thought oh i don't know if the kitchen is up to snuff it seemed really small in the pictures but in person oh it is a super large kitchen bigger than mine and i have a decent sized kitchen as it is so uh yeah this is really nice and spacious plenty of room for activities alex just went upstairs oh my gosh this pantry am i dreaming wow a walk-in pantry oh my gosh who lives here look how organized they are people actually do live like that music is blaring i love having an intercom system and it actually works and that is dreamy in and of itself okay this is like a mudroom right off of the oh it's not just a mudroom oh my gosh okay that is there's two garage spaces that is one garage this is the laundry room with a sink oh my with built-ins wow this is so nice i love the window in here for the natural light to come in all right i'm coming out here should i show you guys that oh okay i didn't know this was here the bathroom a nice half bath look how they decorated oh my gosh some people be so fancy all right what is this just under the stair storage oh not so much maybe this is under the stair storage all right just kidding oh wait it is oh look they still iron do you still iron because i definitely don't all right well you know what let me bring you over here this is the formal dining room and that is the front foyer area we'll walk through it in a second but this is a very nice size formal living room or dining room this is the not to get any faces so that's just a little uh den area so we can go multitude of ways the kitchen is that way i don't know what's that way because i haven't been there yet i just came right through this living room at first and i said oh wow what is that noise and i went right to the pool okay so this is a nice size living room wow oh my gosh so much to explore here i'll give you a little 360. look at those stairs hold on back up into this corner oh that is gorgeous i love the openings i love the banister i love the railings oh look at that fireplace so much to see i'm i can't even take it all in under the stair those little nooks down there that would be so fun to have a little hideaway for the kiddos so um there obviously is a way to get upstairs that way but there's also a way to get upstairs right off of the kitchen i love this i love that so much okay but there is more downstairs so we're gonna finish exploring downstairs first do you hear the waterfall like that is such a fun touch nice wing all right some people are exploring in the main wing of the house uh so that means it is a split floor plan which i wasn't sure of because sometimes they don't specify what is that oh this must be the other garage oh yes it is that's a nice little walkway to the end of the garage and then out here oh my gosh you have your own little oasis a backyard oasis there's a door to the um rest of the yard what on earth look at this i can have my herb garden i could kill all the vegetables back here that is a door to the main uh wing of the house the main suite uh but again there are people in there but you know what maybe they're gone so let's just head in that way i'm i'm making a maze that this house is basically a maze it's pretty huge like i said oh i'm locked out oh great oh gosh i hope this didn't like lock automatically okay i didn't okay coming back down this hallway that is the front entrance living room and then we'll head down here maybe they're out of it yeah i don't know maybe they're still exploring ooh let's open these double doors up okay oh my god wait there's a bathroom here there's a bathroom here what's happening and then this is the main attraction oh man i love that noise right there look at the jewelry cabinet will they be keeping it here wait is this there's no chimney must be a fake fireplace i don't know about all these fake fireplaces we're seeing a there's a huge main bedroom over here what do we have like his and her bathrooms this is one bathroom okay give you a little peek it does have a lot of doors i just heard alex say there's so many doors uh there's a lot of spaces to explore this is uh a dream nice double vanity look at these um doors too how they're like mirror and stuff all right huge closet back here absolutely huge coming back out here there's another hallway what's what's over here another house oh another hat oh my gosh there is another house over here what an office holy fajoli well that is a pretty cool look at this floor wow ah an intercom in here that's when we say breakfast is ready come on so that is the door to the garden outside and then there's another bathroom oh my gosh how many bathrooms does this place have we have seen three so far and we haven't even gone upstairs okay now we're gonna head up here to the second story i love how the stairs connect right here oh so nice oh my gosh it feels like florida living right now oh gosh you scared me i saw you over there but you still scared me uh what do you think of this place yeah why didn't we come see it earlier okay so let's explore this side of the house first of the upstairs whoa holy holy holy moley what is over here what oh all those windows i thought it just kept going well oh my oh my gosh oh my god it's a bar you guys west wing stuck gosh that is so heavy oh my word that i can't even lift it with one hand it is a legit bar up here full service oh my gosh you can just scream downstairs hey alex what's your order did you see this what's your order what would you like love and affection love and affection have you seen this unstinking look there's a sink there is a refrigerator there is place for water bottles and a place to store snacks okay or tissues this is amazing i love how open it is hey you over in that bedroom what's your order oh my god what's your order are you oh gosh i'm blinded blinded by the light look at this balcony i lit it's so white and bright i can't see anything but my lord this is luxury at its finest okay so this is a nice living area now i'm like kicking myself i'm like why didn't we not see this place sooner like what there must be a reason right oh my dragon jew dragon gym doesn't connect to two bedrooms but um it is a lovely bathroom and hello uh what is this space an office oh holy ma what what what happened here what's okay what is happening what is this room what the heck is this room there's a door here to the hallway there is an opening here looks like they made this is the bedroom oh oh my heart my heart can't take much more of this luxury luxury do you see this balcony um hi 90210 vogue okay hold on there's another bedroom over here it's a jack and jill balcony never thought i'd see one of those you just run across one room to the next okay so this is a nice bedroom and then office area homework station for the kids this is a very very large opening so i don't know that would be really fun for the kids coming back out here we still have way more to explore oh my gosh what's down here oh okay flowers my cardio i'm getting it in for the day can barely walk around this house getting my steps in for sure how many bedrooms is this place a lot i actually think it's six so this is another bedroom oh wow with an old swing oh okay almost lost my mind for a second i thought it was a jack and jill it's just an old suite but it isn't ensuite with another opening which i kind of love just as much as a jack and jill um i love this house oh my stomach i don't know you guys i oh now my head hurts my stomach hurts i need some alka-seltzer some tums what else do we use for those kind of achy breakies and this is another bedroom last bedroom okay how many bedrooms have we seen and then this is the living room we actually just found out that it's under contract why did they let us in i don't know uh they said they're still accepting offers and it's been under contract once before so and you know anything can happen i guess there's an inspection uh next week so you know they never know if they're gonna back out or whatever so they would rather have too many people interested than not enough oh my god this kind of scares me leaning over it reminds me of that one scene in clueless would you catch me if i fall what alex is pointing to the ceiling okay we're at the second house and there was a van in the driveway and the back of the van was written summer fun in my mind i was like summertime fun is that a sign but they're people who didn't live here so anyway uh okay so about that house a lot of pros and cons it's beautiful obviously but it is very open which is a pro but also a con because if the kids are being loud then you hear it all throughout the house there is a cdd fee there's nine years left on the cbd fee so that's extra money also because the house is so open i feel like the electricity bill would be a little higher than if it was more compartmentalized other than that we really like it aside from the fact that there's already what is on my hand oh my gosh what is on my hand i'm a mess i'm a mess you guys i'm a burst i think it's chocolate it's chocolate okay so anyway about the house cbd feed uh anything else you want to add uh there wasn't a big play room for the kids oh right and out outdoor play air play space was limited as well there's a ponds on both sides alligators do come alligators would be very close yeah hello meredith we swung by and picked up meredith on the way so she'll be viewing this house with us the other kids we just can't bring them anymore because it's a lot to like look at a house and dream and then get your hopes up and not get it oh the fact that the other house was under contract oh yeah yeah what the heck but they do want a backup offer they said they don't have any backup offers so that would be us should we choose to put it in i was really aggressive he's like you are that i mean he's like you in the eye you got it he really he was eager he really wanted he's like i'm looking both of you okay so let's head into this one and see if it's ours okay we just walked in we used to have this in our house is that a sign okay this is a formal living room it is very large the front door is off right here we'll travel on to the formal dining room it's a nice uh nice size feels pretty spacious this is oh well you know what what i'll do this is the actual front door i'm standing right up against it so the stairway is beautiful coming on over here a nice little landing area into oh this is oh wait the kitchen's over there where are you okay uh this is the living room this is lovely right here the pool area back there alex a nice little built-in spot for all of uh all of our things the tv and such that's a great entertainment stand so wait what's on the other side of that wall did i miss it i don't i haven't been back there either okay so eat in kitchen very lovely oh alex is excited is it about the laundry room okay oh stairs another set of stairs how ironic that we would see that at the same uh day oh i see nutella they're ready for me guys do you store your chips like that that is an amazing idea i've never seen anyone else on youtube do this oh my gosh look at these people people do live like this wow okay alex is shoeing me over laundry room craft room office all in one cricket oh a youtuber lives here a youtuber what is it what if it is a youtuber it's oh you might you know what it might be look at this craft room slash laundry room ooh the life of luxury uh i do like this nice little storage area welcome home oh i love that so much actually that's a great idea to put a dry erase in a mud room area like this i mean our little kids would smear the heck out of it but if you put it up high enough don't you oh my gosh little kid speak of little kids my bicycle my bicycle is here i almost bought one of these off facebook marketplace the other day maybe they're selling it maybe they're the ones selling it maybe you try and negotiate that negotiate the bicycle okay so nothing like spectacular nothing extraordinary other than the staircase right off of it and that pantry was pretty nice meredith is doing something crazy over here oh you want to go upstairs hold on there's one more room exploring this back room over here okay so back here on this side of the house okay down here bathroom oh right off of the pool area so it's a full bath right off of the pool area okay oh another youtuber over here filming uh nice nice area this is a nice spot okay can we envision ourselves lounging around again with the outdoor space there's not like a ton of yard but i mean plenty for our kids to run and jump and we just wouldn't have any like play equipment do you know what i mean again with the noise the waterfall oh meredith saw it hey okay coming back inside the house is an office area a den oh quite large okay this could be a bedroom there's a closet space if you just want to add the doors but it is a pretty small bedroom large office uh small i mean bigger than all of our kids bedrooms right now so small as subjective i will say look at all that organization i should find that on amazon buy one for myself hashtag influenced have you ever seen this before the closet goes that way yeah all the time yeah all the time yeah look at all that storage space that you you could just lose stuff in why would they do that i bet you these the shelves were added that could be a good like vacuum storage spot right okay did we see all of the downstairs so let's head on upstairs oh and i really really love the double-sided staircase semi-split floor plan where the main bedroom is on this side of the house oh i like the salt lamp feeling the vibes uh okay so this is the main bedroom couple of closets over here closet numero uno closet numero dos and then over here this is the bathroom so double sinks separated i like that see-through shower that is the thing of course and then the bathroom oh my gosh is this a sign i have that although i don't use it it is not my favorite okay let's check out the other side of the hallway wait this is they fit six bedrooms upstairs oh no there's one downstairs okay bedroom number one or two i don't know it's a bedroom hold on see this is a great opportunity oh my gosh they go to disney look how fun that is oh that is so fun oh it smells so nice up here wow is this a laundry shoot wouldn't that be amazing i don't think so it's the expense ah what a shame all right here is another bedroom oh three kids in one bedroom i like that this is a very large bedroom nice it smells nice but different a different scent for every bedroom and uh you know what i'm here for it bathroom up here that's nice and another bedroom over here all the bedrooms are upstairs which could be good but also the laundry room is downstairs this is a workout room or something so this is another bedroom oh smells good also different scent okay headed on back out here all right this is all the bedrooms upstairs except for one that one bedroom was downstairs oh what's her face oh you she smells it what's that smell yeah it is strong isn't it alex said this is a kitty litter box what this is turn of the century they didn't have anything like this when i had a cat that's pretty incredible i thought that was like a workout this house definitely took advantage of all of the space that it had six bedrooms if you count that like downstairs office as a bedroom which is nice so six bedrooms and it was like 3600 square feet it was a lot smaller than the first house but very large in terms of house size so we're gonna have to think on that one i love the double staircase i wish there was more backyard space obviously our dream would be more property for our kids to run around and there is a bit of a yard back here which is nice i think it i mean that's plenty of space for them to run around i feel like okay we have looked at some property before and alex and i were driving by we thought oh let's just go this is an acre and a half someone is selling for twice as much as like the value of it even like today's crazy value um this would be our dream i did film this one day when we were looking around at properties and maybe one day i'll show you that but back there is a gem this is an acre and a half so we dream about this all the time and building on here there's more up there but um yeah i mean lumber costs are through the roof so the house that we would want would just be crazy and then getting an architecture is so expensive guys so we do look at all these things and we do think about like what can we do what should we do what are our options so we're definitely looking at all of our options so this is definitely a spot of land that we think about a lot it's an acre and a half did i say that and bonus not only is it an acre and a half but beyond those trees and stuff that is i forgot what it's called but it's a spot where the county can't build on it or anything so it's gonna be woods and stuff and there's a little trail back there that's really sweet so maybe i will share that with you soon it's pretty interesting but we're headed back to the house now okay so we're back at the house i'm just throwing uh lunch together for the kiddos i grabbed some corn dogs i'm trying to eat through our freezers right now i threw some corn dogs in the oven uh with some what are those like pizza bagels those i just found them in the pits of my freezer out there the corn dogs are probably four years old you know what a little frostbite is never gonna hurt anybody but i do have these fresh cherries so corn dogs and cherries it's a good balance i would say oh wait i have this really amazing cherry pitter it's six cherries at a time where are you going gosh you guys my button was down that whole time why didn't you tell me about it i say my button was down my button was undone okay let me tell you another house came on the market at the same time these houses did i feel like houses pop up on thursday friday saturday maybe um i should probably wash these so a house came to the market and i looked at it and there aren't a lot popping on the market maybe like three four oh so i looked at the few that came on and there was one that i said oh my gosh that is it right beautiful gorgeous in our time frame distance away that we like unfortunately we scheduled a showing and then like i think two hours later or maybe right before the showing i can't remember it the details don't really matter all that matters is it's sold within 24 hours that is the market i know a lot of you are with me looking for a house i know a lot of you are moving and all that good stuff and you feel me can you dig so it's just tricky cherry pitter six at a time it's like what it's incredible i just make sure the pits happens and then i cut them in half just because i feel like if they're whole and the kids eat them they get cherry juice everywhere and cherry juice stains so i should probably get a cutting board here we go i have enough of them don't you think uh anyway i came home to a few packages at the front door which is always a nice treat so it will round out my ikea haul because i or technically it's an ikea item that i wanted when i was at ikea well it's not the same item are you following this do you follow anything that i say so it's it's a similar item it's a cooler i found when this ikea trip this last ikea trip and i thought oh my gosh that looks incredible but ah they were out of stock surprise surprise i went on amazon and i found a different print and i thought oh that's amazing so i ordered it and it actually isn't supposed to arrive until next week so way to go amazon so i'll open that as soon as i'm done pitting all these cherries you like those meredith is munching on these bear bites and i like to get them they're kind of like animal crackers if you will but they have a little bit more protein if you can see it there they have a little bit more protein a little bit more fiber i don't know i can't read that so i don't know if you can i'm just always on the hunt for uh you know healthier junk food is what i call [Music] cause it you go is where i go [Music] i don't need nobody else i got you and you got me too okay moment of truth let's round out the ikea hole i actually i think it's this item are you guys let me know if you guys are this lazy where sometimes well like i wasn't home when this one came but sometimes um an amazon purchase will be dropped at my front door okay it is um anyway sometimes the ups guy or amazon guy will come to our front door and i will be like oh i wonder what's out there so i'll look on the amazon app to see what was dropped off and if it's like something for me i'll go and run and get it but if it's like something for someone else i'll just say yeah you got it back in anyway this is what i ordered oh my gosh this is so fun and oh my goodness it is still like brand new in the ikea bag which is crazy then they sell ikea items on amazon for i don't know double what they should okay is this is different than the cooler that i uh saw at ikea that one day same idea i think it's pretty much the same size as the one that i saw but what got me is this print and initially i'm an idiot i thought it was flamingos i think probably just because they were pink but they're just uh birds but look how big this is i thought this would be perfect for the beach or perfect for i whenever we need to bring stuff uh cold food cold drinks even when we're going to the park some days where i know it's going to be a long day we're going to splash pad park we're lounging there for a while i will bring probably this amount of food because we are a lot of people and typically we do bring extra like cousins or friends with us as well so yeah and then we have to feed them so i always bring snacks and i fell in love with this bag and i feel like the cooler that i bought a couple of years ago okay my camera died anyway that one i was talking about the other cooler that i bought a couple of years ago it's can you believe it's been a couple years if you remember when i got that cooler and you believe it's been a couple years you've been my friend okay uh so i just thought this one is bigger and would hold more stuff you like the birds the flamingos i think aren't they i thought they were too they're not they're just birds here you take it you go pack pack some snacks for us okay oh it's big enough to pack a marriage let's see hold on tight big enough to pack a meredith a big bird that's right baby a baby all right well needless to say i am still on the market for a shoe cabinet still searching for one might have to drive to a kia still on the market for a house still in the market for a bicycle i really want a bicycle like a cool looking bicycle anyway that is it thank you guys so much for watching and hanging out if you want to subscribe i will say one more thing about the cherries i i pitted all the cherries we're about to eat lunch right now uh i pitted all the cherries and while i was putting them i thought there's a reason i bought these cherries brownie friday which i totally forgot about this friday because it was like the last day of school there was just chaos everywhere but i found these brownies that i wanted to make or maybe i made them up in my head i don't know brownies with cherries inside i mean how can you say no to that so next time we hang out maybe we'll make those together how about that does that sound good sounds really good to me i actually can't wait i and i bought frozen cherries too just in case because those are the first cherries i found of the season how off how much more can i say about cherries oh well one more thing i'll say one more thing the cherry pitter so it pits them it works 99 of the time but i cut them not only so it doesn't get juice all over the place but also because if the pit didn't get uh pitted when you cut it that's how you'll find out so anyway thank you guys again for watching and hanging out if you want to subscribe put a little happy in your day and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: THE WADS
Views: 123,576
Rating: 4.9367275 out of 5
Keywords: house hunting, the wads, thewads, around the house happenings, get it all done, getting a hair cut, cutting my hair, hair cutting, haircut vlog, house tour 2021, house tour florida, house hunting vlogs, looking for a house to buy, ikea, ikea haul, new at ikea, what i bought at ikea, mom vlog, mom of 4, sahm, hang out with me, weekly vlog, june 2021, kitchen tour 2020, luxury home on a budget, dental appointment, dentist cleaning
Id: Q9vOPoJsDag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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