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[Music] good morning everybody how you doing today my name's Andrew I'm Joel I'm Lauren I'm G and we're some of the veggie boys here goes and we'd like to thank you for stopping [Music] by good morning ladies and welcome back everyone to another snowy day here on the farm at this point the rest of my family is on vacation for the past few days I have been taking care of the animals by myself things have been going relatively smoothly we did have the cattle get out one day I showed up at the farm one morning relatively early and this fence was laying flat and there was cattle everywhere but I got him back in I uh told them like hey if you get back in the pen I'll feed you and that usually uh works pretty good I had mentioned that everything was going relatively smoothly we have not had a day where the weather has been like this however even though it's snowing and it's on the colder side the cattle don't seem to be bothered by it they look like they're enjoying it first things first we're going to go around and check all of the the water bowls and see what do we have Frozen all right guys what about in here nope thought out we're good let's come over to here uh nope thought out that's one of the ones I'm worried about but because we have the manure piled up and around it it kind of insulates it so that's a big help well it's kind of dark in here from all the snow being on the roof but it's comfy what do we got here Yep this is what I was concerned about Frozen water bowls all righty no matter though because all the water bowls for the calves that are frozen I'm going to have to thaw those out because I'll be putting milk in this morning can't see there you go hey guys good [Music] morning it must have been a little cold older at the front of the greenhouse because none of these water bowls back here are Frozen that is something to keep in mind I did beted up that first calf really really well yesterday night just to make sure that they were going to be warm last night was cold now that all the buckets are cleaned out I'm going to run over and get their milk ready I like to wait until after I empty everything so that none of the buckets are cold from the water that was in there before and I don't have to waste any time because it's cold outside that milk that I'm bringing over it's going to cool down fast and tell them you guys like a warm breakfast don't you oh [Music] yeah calm down big boy there you go now this one on the end is one I just picked up last last night so he ate fine last night I'm hoping he's going to eat well again this morning oh yeah like a fish to water good we love it when the babies eat yeah this guy is only I think like 4 days old so I mean we got to keep a close eye on him yep you got it come on I'll help you never mind we're having trouble like I was saying this guy is very young but he's doing really really well he's he ate good last night he looks like he's eating good this morning we're just going to keep a close eye on him visit him a couple times a day make sure he's dry warm and has plenty to drink and eat haven't thought of a name for him yet but he is new oh the molasses in these bags is frozen so I got to bre it all up for more [Music] everyone has got their breakfast back here beding looks good in all of the pens and we were able to get all their food and water filled back up so it looks like the calves are done for the morning you know on a cold day I usually like to move through the animals pretty quick just get mat chores done however that's not a good thing to do because on a cold day you want to make sure all the animals are healthy and that everyone is eating which thankfully today it's looking like that even though the cold May bother me these animals don't seem to be affected by it the wind is what bothers these animals and today it doesn't seem too windy outside but this greenhouse really helps out these calves I'm going to let that warm up for a few uh I wanted to close my big door back up because I don't want my potatoes to freeze what's up everybody working hard are hardly working this morning looks like hardly working excuse me chickens oh no don't squat down just get out of the way come on come on come on oh thank you I'll take this no stay there thank you stay there okay back up chickens back up chickens please don't escape thank you back up chickens now at the chickens something I've been doing is collecting morning and evenings uh the reason for that is because two days ago I had some eggs freeze and they actually popped they were frozen solid so I uh don't want that to keep happening so I've been collecting in the morning and at night trying to prevent that I didn't find any Frozen ons today so that is good it's kind of neat they get frozen solid I don't know if you ever thrown like a pool ball or a c ball outside it sounds like that when a frozen egg hits frozen ground it I think it's cool but maybe you never grew up throwing pool cues outside I don't know why I was throwing P qes outside I just it happened and I remember the sound finally all righty so we have the chickens done we've got the Cavs all taken care of that leaves just the rest of the cattle so we've got to get some silage down here and maybe if I can get some help today we'll try and get these guys bed up um it's not too sloppy in here probably the biggest reason for that is cuz it's freezing so I would like to get some bedding in there that way the cat will have somewhere comfortable to lie down and the pens just look a lot nicer it makes me feel good but first we're going to go get some silage I may not have the front door attached on this thing but uh the heat is on and it's blowing right on my face it feels good it is definitely cold outside I can promise see that oh [Music] I don't know if it's a mental thing but I feel like the temperature has dropped a lot within the last hour like I feel a lot colder than when I first got here which is never fun I didn't check the forecast this morning I just knew it was going to snow I didn't know what the temperature was going to be like but I am feeling the cold [Music] a hey I think you're on the wrong side here what are you doing oh Joel must be getting his tractor what do you see you got snow on your nose so we're kind of taking an opportunity to get some of these cattle bed up right now Joel came over here to get his tractor he's going to be letting it warm up for about 10 minutes and I said uh would you mind watching the gate for like 10 minutes and what did you say I said you got eight oh yeah so I better get hurrying [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] up wow the snow is really starting to come down out here hey Joel thank you so much for the help no problem look at that beard that's a good looking beard oh my but anyway we got some bedding put in for the cattle here uh should be good for now I'll have to add some probably in a few days but for now that's going to be fine and then what I'm going to be doing with these guys is moving them all to one side and then coming through and beding up and then move moved them to the other side how is everything going over at the horse stable today nothing's Frozen all the horses are looking good and it's a kind of like a beautiful winter wonderland so nice I would agree Winter Wonderland is the word I would use for today now when it comes to the cattle in this pen it doesn't look like they need bedding too bad uh we had put a large round bail of straw in there the other day so that's looking pretty good this is where I had just gone through and dump some bedding in just trying to dry things up I don't think it's that wet I just think the ground is so Frozen frz and I just want them to be comfortable so some fresh bedding has been put in here wow it is gorgeous out sometimes you just got to stop and appreciate what you got around you you got beautiful animals here beautiful view the snow's coming down soft moo doesn't get much better than this I could stand here and look at this stuff all day but I am starting to get cold and I still got a little bit more work to do before I can head home now we're still going to get plenty of snow so I don't want to do too much plowing but I do want to get a little bit cleared out in front of the farm market just in case Grammy wants to head down there I want to make it easier for her to walk I will say I am pretty happy that this is not a heavy snow very powdery very light easy to move looks like Grammy already went through with a shovel but get some of the snow moved out of the way for her [Applause] well there we go I got Grammy shoveled out the only thing is I've seen Footprints all over the place up here which that can only mean one thing Grammy's been out and about anyway oh my grammy I mean but she's got things to do you know how it is uh I got her a little path down to the farm market so if she needs to go down there at all she can easier than before I might have to come back over later I don't know how much more snow we're going to get it's been covering the roads back up and it's been covering everything else back up it is what it is it's snowing so now that I got Grammy taken care of I was thinking about what I could do next and I don't think there's really much for me to do all the animals are taken care of there's nothing going on in the farm market so I'm going to take the skid steer loader down and put it away and then probably head home and then wait till this afternoon when I can feed again I won't lie I'm starting to get a little bit hungry I don't know what I'm going to do for lunch but it's going to be [Music] delicious yeah I've got to say it's uh snowing pretty good out [Music] here oh there is something amazing about playing in the snow I am home what are you doing princess i s that Tinker Bell oh wow cie it is very cold outside today a tinle bell yeah so now that I've made it home it looks like Lauren has been working on dinner it looks like a lemon herb chicken in there and uh I'm going to get started working on my lunch I'm not sure what I'm going to have yet but it's going to be delicious I am now back at the f for evening feeding it was nice getting home having some lunch warming up for a little bit but now I got some more work to do I don't think we're going to be getting too much more snow so it would be wise for me to do a little bit of plowing but I think I'm going to hold off on that until I'm done with the animals hey what's up ladies first things first I'm going to make my way over to the calves I'm going to get all their water bowls cleaned out then I'm going to also make sure that nothing is frozen if we can get them taken care of quickly then I'll take care of the large Cal and I'll do whatever I need to do with the chickens still nice and comfortable in [Music] here everything looks good over here and I think the calves are ready for their milk so we're going to run over and grab [Music] that this is my method for stirring it up oh yeah check this out there's many things that you could use a broom for I forgot to put my gloves back on for the walk over rookie mistake my hands are cold everyone in the cafeteria has food and water the Cals have got their milk for the evening so everything's done in here you look nice and comfy there oh don't get up on my account looks like everybody is enjoying the fresh bedding that we had put down earlier that's nice to [Music] see not too much changes when it comes to feeding cattle whether it's wintertime summertime uh they still get their grain and their silage now depending on how much grass has grown out in the pasture that will change what we feed but usually it's pretty standard we're always changing how many cattle are on the pasture ground how many are not so depending on what we have out in the pen well that's depending on how much food they get thankfully these guys are all growing so that's a wonderful sign and I think adding the headgates in the back has really dispersed how much feed the cattle get everybody's getting an even share and that's what we like to see we like to see an even share all the animals growing and everybody looking healthy we've got grain dumped in for all the animals chickens are taken care of Cavs are taken care of I think I just have some plowing I need to do I could have plowed a little bit more this morning but since then we've definitely gotten more snow so rather than doing the same job twice I think it's a good idea I [Music] waited well it looks like I'm not PL by myself Joel showed up with his tractor so that's nice we'll be able to get this done a little bit quicker [Music] I have no idea what we would do if we did not have all these machines to move this stuff around tell you what it makes farming a lot more enjoyable I'm going to close it in 1 minute Joel is on his way back and I don't want to make him get off and open it up again see look at that I'm a nice guy the potatoes are going to be just fine and Joel went home to plow out my driveway while I was plowing out my uncle's driveway so I mean come on the least I could do is leave the door open for him that's what we do here on the farm we take care of one another what's nice is the stable is right next to the Barnes here so if they need help over there they just yell to me if I need help from them I just yell to them and it makes working on the farm much more enjoyable when you have help and uh it also makes it much more enjoyable when everybody wants to help one another that's one of the biggest blessings we have everybody on the farm wants to help each other and when we all want to help each other well then you succeed all the animals are are done for the day the driveways are plowed the only thing I need to do yet is check on Grammy make sure she's okay and then I can head [Music] home you know I got the question in one of my videos why does Joel leave his bucket up so high when he's in here with his tractor and the biggest reason is we don't want to hit our head off of it and there's not that much room look at all that room I can walk under there yeah nobody's going to crack their head on that so that's why he leaves it up so high and we appreciate that Joel I don't want a concussion early in the morning yeah no one does you know what the greatest part about Grandpa being on vacation I'll show [Applause] you did I tell you there's no rules besides feed the animals woohoo and take care of grammy woohoo now that I'm getting ready to leave the farm but look at that view well everyone I am now home believe me it's been a struggle trying to get this clip done because my camera was like Frozen uh it would only turn on for a few seconds and then shut off but I've warmed it up and it seems to be working now we are sitting here at the dinner table Lauren has made a tremendous dinner and now I'm going to sit down and eat now hun since we have a moment how are you feeling today um yeah large she's starting to feel it my back has been hurting really bad all day I am kind of like a professional massage person what would that word be massage therapist but I'm only doing it for Lauren and cie because she sees her mom getting a massage and she's like uh my turn but a lot of people have been noticing something different about me do you like the beard or no I love it so whose choice was it to grow the beard it was mine yes it was because she wanted to see how it would look so I'm growing one with Joel and Gavin and a few other of my family members I like it yeah she likes it so that's why I'm growing it it's taking time but I like it my face was not near as cold as it normally is today do you like the beard I like the beard a thank you but we are now at the end of the day if you enjoyed the video please remember to leave a like and if you want to watch more farming videos you can look on my channel we got tons of videos there for you but this is where we're going to end the video today I would like to thank everyone for watching and we hope to see you next time by bye
Channel: The Veggie Boys
Views: 74,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegetable farming, the veggie boys, theveggieboys, vegetable farmers, family farm, real farming, how to farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, homesteading, homestead, farmers, day in the life, my day, day on the farm, a farmers life, farm life, farming life, american farmers, life on the farm, veggies, vegetables, big vegetables, growing tips, farm hack, garden hack, amazing, tomatoes, tomato hacks, vegetable tips, farming tips, garden, garden hacks
Id: wHaDUd6_tvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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