Getting 170/170 in Quant Section | GRE Prep | Graduate Exam

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before we get into this video there's an internship guide and a video made by one of the members of gladly dad will be linked below so go check it out it's a really good guide if you are planning to come to the u.s. and if you are looking for internships which you will be so it'll be really useful for you the export is staggering 338 out of 340 on GRE I was like he is the right person to give you tips and tricks about do Jeon exam I know a lot of you are preparing for either spring an idea of 419 so this is the right time for you to start and can you introduce yourself okay my name is Vivek Yadav I completed my ve last year from BITS Pilani Hyderabad campus I studied computer science there and currently I have bought an understanding to NYU carranza Institute of mathematical sciences again in Computer Sciences so I'm this clear biding waiting for that and also he's from head of Ashley's the third is the fourth person from this Palani approach yeah from BITS Pilani about your GRE score tell me about your two fields for tell me about your SATs code okay so I GI score is 338 out of 340 toughness code is 119 out of 120 I'm sad when I gave in sad when I got to 2350 out of 2,400 four five six years ago six years and seen and the third has given James Parkinson so why did you apply to us starting at that time sight was kind of my backup in bogus I didn't get anything because as we all know doing Bachelor than you experience expensive and you have to pay for four years and I was pretty sure I wanted to do Master's so it would have been six years for me because I knew that I wanted to pursue masters could have been six years you do it from that thing yeah because like my father is in academia okay so I've been kind of influenced by them too okay let's start with your first let's start with how you prepare for Court okay so for my preparation for want what what I would suggest anyone does when if they have not booked a date for GID first of all book a date for GRE because if you have a deadline you start preparing otherwise you it's just wasted I yes the second thing is once you have booked at it you can buy the ETS of the ship book or you can just go online and you find these free power trips I think that's the power trip is online and yeah just to just to clarify everything everything is going to say every day so she is going to say will be linked in the description and also he has made a guide which will be linden the description you can check that out he has mentioned every point there as well okay so you get the power except software it has two free tests and you give one of them at the beginning just to know where you stand at and what your weaknesses are so basically while GRE is worth preparing for chair is also about improving your stance is more about improving your weaknesses because you will not make a lot of mistakes as the example is ready you see in the strength you won't make make a lot of mistakes but your weaknesses is are what will pull you down eventually yeah so just give a mock test before preparing before doing anything so that you know how much you have to prepare yeah I score like 290 in my force mock test so I knew exactly how much I have to prepare now how much I have to put in efforts before given - witnessed and one more thing once you have given the mocktail just don't take this core and ladies and every question you will get to know which space Fick top picks your weekend don't be like on weakened quant in general you might be preparing for the wrong thing in quant in there so finally find out what your weekend in quant our weekend average every week in geometry and one more big thing that is a problem with most people is that they they are not able to keep up with the pace of the exam so you don't miss out you might not know the answer to that so this has been a few pages so go through the entire thing before even attempting to do questions from the 5 LP book or let first give the mock test of obviously then goes to that book do we eat the whatever amount of pages are there and how that helps is like most of us are given GRE four or five years after for three years at least after we have been in touch with those topics in geometry algebra and yarn that helps of fresh all the memories your memories and all the concepts you have concepts well the basic concept so you probably did all of this stuff like if you look at point at the first movement it will look really easy but it's not about how easy is the problem you can definitely solve the problem but it's about how you manage your time during the test because it's like many questions in 30 minutes 35 35 minutes so it's 20 questions 35 minutes then it gives you like a minute plus in every question and you can't spend much more than that you have to have like some five minutes for the questions you have left so it's about how fast you can do all those questions and not about if you can do that question or not and one more thing in quant and in verbal also in quantum HIV I will suggest or try to finish the questions as fast as possible you might make mistakes while doing that but if you finish the 20 questions in say 25 minutes you have ten minutes to go through not revise the questions to redo all the questions like that like if you are revising the questions you might miss out what mistakes you made what if you really do the question you will be doing it very fast because you have already solved it like just 10-15 minutes ago and you will like you can pick out what mistakes of like this this is the trick which I used to use as then when I'm doing the questions that I'll actually leave the questions which I can't do at once I can look at the question if I can't do it I just skip it and then move over to the next one and I'll mark it there's an option while you're taking GRE the computers that you can mark a question so that you like it with yeah flag it so you can go back to that this way at least I could do all the questions which I knew at one glance and not miss those so one more thing about corn questions most of us I think 90% of us are from an engineering background we have done very hard much and we basically tend to complicate things when a question giving to us and GRE is not at all complicated at such a good point dude that's such a good point that this happens to us like we we think so be no psalmist that makes us think so much and we mess up a really really easy question by dou P dou T would have to take it one I have had friends who have tried to apply concepts of what do calculus into statistics and or he is slope giggling is like we'll get the slope of the graph or something to find out how much change happening while all you have to do is take a pencil mark this point on the graph the other point of the graph just subtract and you get it's that easy so even when I was preparing quite a few of my friends were also giving GRE with me what they used to do they used to start applying hard concepts and all and all I used to tell them slick think like an idiot he'll get down so very good so marathon 5lb is like the topmost book I also read habilitated before even showing the community before the next one would be ETS official guide yeah that is a must like you can't miss out on the ideas of this filter you have to buy it yeah so there's two books ETS official guide and there's a ETS verbal questions as well yeah so it's up to you if you would like to buy but you can always go for it as well you just have to look for it please don't ask me I can't send you can be legal and this is a proper evidence of me saying that yeah so you can find that just have a PDF even manner to find healthy as PDFs sharing and getting around here you can check that out one more thing I would like to bring up here is that as well you guys be wasting your day exactly so focus on because the concepts are so simple the concepts are like 10th 11th grade so it says that you have to focus on bar book finish that book see where you are weak and see where yes from strong power just keep it aside this revive is it once before you go into the exam and just focus on the weak points and I think you'll be good too and one final thing before I forget this ah three the question very well they have the question will might be a bit complicated sometimes they might be asking something else and if you just give it a cursory glance you will miss what the question is asking and you will answer a completely different thing which also will have an answer and the options given so read the question very carefully if you have if I used to just quickly going through questions read the question twice just yeah read it once correctly length [Music]
Channel: Parth Vijayvergiya
Views: 230,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gradicle, GRE Quant, gradicle, Quantitative,, Quant, Gradicle study solutions, parth, parth vijayvergiya,
Id: Xc8ik5xGcLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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