How to score 119/120 on TOEFL Test | Prep Guide

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hey guys welcome to another video and in this video we are going to talk about dough filled and how to prepare for it and what is it I scored a 1:06 out of 120 but we're very cure which you might know from the GRE video which I already posted he's for a 119 mad about waiting so TOEFL is English language exam it just proves that you know that language well that you can survive in a u.s. University or survive in an English teaching yeah University and the whole exam is divided into four parts speaking listening reading and writing it's much easier than GRE I know this question will arise that can I take TOEFL or IELTS it doesn't matter it's up to you as token yeah because you're sending die I'll score is not because you know people have to send him by toast or something okay it's much harder to send ayats and also since when you're speaking and you're taking is right you have to talk to poor so yeah whereas when we are speaking we just have to talk in a microphone and it's much easier to talk in the microphone than you know you will not get nervous right you just can practice talking in microphone if you have taken GRE already if you're prepared for GRE you can easily score over 100 in TOEFL there's a list of 30 universities minimum requirements for TOEFL linked it in the description you can check that out it has minimum TOEFL and IELTS requirement and it's around 79 80 sometimes it's like 103 like on UIUC as hundred and here it depends it not only depends from you know you know it also depends from program to program some programs have their own requirements but mostly stem programs don't care much about your faith yeah just want you to cross the minimum with minimum requirement but TOEFL will affect you later when you are applying for a PhD for something if you have a good total score you don't have to give you oral English proficiency - which is think it's fine even if you scored low and if you have making the basically family it's totally fine because then you can just take away PT which is a free exam by the university up so good tapas good just saved you from that hassle nothing else yeah that's it and it's not difficult to clear off we peeking yeah that's what I've heard and I made a video as well I'm going to leave that leave the link here or there I always get confused whereas the link popping of stuff so yeah how did he score what was you're telling me a breakthrough what was your man did you lose one I lost one Martin speaking where that is the section like 99% of people from our country this much because the accent you have accent and the usage of words and and because you are in a time crunch there you have 15 seconds to think about the question that has just been given to you and you speak for the next 45 seconds okay so if you have already given your GRE TOEFL will be damn easy for you keep your TOEFL date by the two weeks before GRE or two weeks after that I said two weeks after I would have some more personal recommendation because relax yeah I would agree with you because it would be you would be giving you TOEFL in a better State but there are some people who are not always that confident about giving GRE exam or something so giving you to fill two weeks before that might in might boost your confidence because it is a much easier exam and once you get a good score there you will feel better about is your chances so choose however you want to but around two weeks is more than enough to recover from having given an exam and preparing for the next one so okay how did I prepare okay so what I did was I gave one or two Marcus the TOEFL IBT book that has I think four or five Marcus so I gave that and okay so often unlike GRE has very long reading comprehension passages and if you are not used to reading the pump the passengers much easier than GRE passages but they're longer so if you're not used to reading you face a problem there and the reading section of top will can be up to 90 minutes norm they have I think seven say seven or eight sections there I don't remember exactly if you can check on the UTS website for more details or even on screen yeah so so if you are not used to reading that much people get tired was reading section is the first section people get tired and miss the last few questions in the last reading comprehension because they lost time somewhere or something so what I did for reading is like you do not read the entire thing read just the first paragraph and the first two lines of each subsequent paragraph and like that and just write down like in G I just write down very small very compact notes about what you just read what each paragraph is about and then because they are like five to ten questions per reading comprehension so the first few questions should be able to first paragraph the first two three questions so you can easily answer them after that from your notes you can tab UK which paragraph does this question concern and you can just read it there or just find just give it and find where the words are coming and there will be a few keywords in the questions okay so where they will come in the paragraph the answer will 90% of the time will be within two lines before two lines after that yeah but if you don't find the answer there you can read more it's not but you just talk there and you have to find your answer there but most of the time you'll find the answer there and so like this it saves you time and you don't get tired from reading comprehension trying to remember it while you're answering the questions and you can just come back to other comprehension whenever you find a question for many paragraphs now I'd say to fools reading section is not too difficult it's not it's wrong result the only problem again you might face there is time if you're slow in reading so that's why I suggested that instead of like many people try to memorize or remember what was there in the entire reading of engine then answer yes so like that you might make mistakes or get something wrong but if you are finding the answer to each question right after breathing reading the question you won't make that mistake you are not answering from your brain yeah instead this reading or dancer what about the listening the listening section okay the first problem you will say is if you are not used to watching English movies or TV shows something with accent it will be an American accent so if you don't understand the American accent the only way you can get over that is watch once TV shows and movies so parents ask you why you are doing it you can just tell them you are standing like a red don't forget you are killing a red so you're not wasting your time like that and you're doing it for a reason and so that is one of the first problems the other problem people face is again trying to remember what was said so just write down notes you have to be very fast and very quick at note-taking because the in the reading section you can come back to the paragraph and find the answers later in the listening section that is not so so once it is said you will not hear it again if you missed it if you mind or somewhere else you're done for and if equation comes from that you can just guess it or something and most of the time topics are so obscure that you won't have read it beforehand that you can answer it because it powerful all the answers in reading and listening come from what has been told to you you do not expect you to know anything about the topic so there are a couple of resources which you can use your just YouTube videos there are so many you learn so we are not full videos as well I just use YouTube I score like 14 oh is that it is easy you just write notes and the questions are easy just practice once yeah practice and one more point about listening okay so this happens because in toefield people come at different times in fixham even seem slower so while you are doing a listening section or even the reading section someone might be doing the speaking section beside you and in the speaking section people are screaming on the top of the lungs I don't know why they do that but they do that and even the mic is like this close here so people screaming on the top of their lungs and it might distract you so you can either practice on that by running a movie in the background while you are giving Bob tests or something or just just don't get distracted by that because in the end it's you will be losing the mass is actually and they don't consider like they don't give a about yeah what's going on in the background yeah it's just you who are losing score their next section okay the next section is a speaking section this is the bane of the existence of most Indians they're like scared of it it's not hard you don't have to use fancy words or something together is easy dude yeah I know I know people like to use fancy words they don't take accent you with the fake accents and all that doesn't matter just be clearly Allah was walking through like I do I don't even know how to make natural yeah so one one thing about the speaking section is listen to the prom understand the prom variable and answer it accordingly and you have to answer all six questions differently they expect a different style of answer for all six I don't remember the types of questions but those six types are fixed types and you can find them online you can also find them great or something for them online so I'd say do one thing like what's the whole video once again when you take them off when you finish them off then you'll understand what we are trying to save much better yep so that's one thing I did for the speaking section which helped me a lot because otherwise many times because you only have 10 to 15 seconds to think about the prom in the beginning you get flustered or something or and yeah even if you have a slow beginning or you are not that good at the beginning make a strong gate thing don't end up standing in the end or something because the ending will don't they leave the last impression yeah don't think that if you because you messed up in the initial path you that the whole thing is messed up you can still save up yeah yeah under the people who are correcting that they understand that the only hard 15 seconds that you would expect a perfect would it free performance generally they expect something that 15 minutes of thought can get out they expect you to be able to speed it doesn't even need to be completely correct or something it needs to be clear and it needs to be like conveys information conveying the information that doesn't mean that you spray away from what the bread that they have it what if you make a mistake it's okay you don't need to think much about it and in the writing section yeah quickly because that is gonna go on okay so the writing section is the final section in TOEFL unlike GRE and it is much easier in TOEFL oh it is hoping in an argument so in one you have to give your opinion and second we have to compare to one I think they give a speech or something you have to write notes for that and you have to compare it with the paragraph that is given that is what I think so on those two are there the main thing about this is in TOEFL is quality is more important than quantity don't just speak gibberish stick to the points don't give your opinion unless the question asks for it in the argument I say you have to compare both you can give your opinion about the comparison don't give your opinion about what the topics are being discussed don't don't answer don't go off the rails while answering it you stick to what the question is asking you and if you have given a GRE AWA you have practice you can practice a bit more photo fill because writing can only be improved at that test shoot so yeah that's so ten minutes of total all right I'm gonna end it here because my battery is running out thank you so much guys for watching this video thanks to awake for telling us so much information I'm writing the guide which will be linked in the description go check it out if you want to contact awake I'll leave this Instagram right your and you can just ping him if you have doubts they are thank you so much for watching this video and under them and seen it [Music]
Channel: Parth Vijayvergiya
Views: 156,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parth, TOEFL, Gradicle, TEOFL speaking, parth vijayvergiya, GRE prep, Gradicle study solutions, TOEFL listening, Listeing toefl,, writing toefl, speaking toefl, TOEFL writing, OEPT, gradicle, TOEFL reading, TOEFL vs IELTs, toefl ibt,, TOEFL prep
Id: 0Ri3z8m_cfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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