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what's the most entertaining Derby I'll give you the lowdown I thought we do a what I call get to know me what sort of football stuff do I like what type of person am I kind of video otherwise known as a Q&A how many of the 92 have I ticked off it's at least 60 of the 92 in England there is one stadium in England that I've not ticked off yet that I really want to I've still not been to fratton park what was the moment when you were most nervous for example meeting a legend well I mean every time I Meet myself in the mirror that was so Alan Patrick tiar onri was pretty nerve-wracking he is the Premier League greatest it was the fact that I was there representing a broadcaster at the time and I only had a couple of minutes maximum everyone looking at you wanting you to hurry up if I come across like a wet wipe that's it I am a wet wipe now to tiar omry once you're in full flow these are just human beings like anybody else at the end of the day my mom's as much a legend as tiar on re do you know what I mean would somebody else feel nervous approaching my mom yeah probably cuz she bat here no I'm kidding the countries I would like to visit I'm itching to go to Japan or India soon you haven't lived until you've had panak a sporting event outside of football that I would like to attend is a Wimbledon final ooh food reviews at stadiums I'd love to it might be a bit boring because I'm a vegetarian I can see in your profile picture you are a Manchester United fan that's Old Trafford will not be doing a food review there they've just been given a one out of five Food hygiene will not be participating in that what's the most entertaining Derby I'll give you the lowdown for anyone watching this that doesn't really know English football category is fierce you feel it in the air around you you feel the anger and the bitterness number five Wimbledon versus MK Don it's not local which is the whole point that's the whole point that's all I'm going to say we'll stick to rivalry cuz that's more exciting Liverpool versus Manchester United pure Blockbuster on the pitch and it's Blockbuster off the pitch the people in Manchester and Liverpool share a lot of the same values and away from football would probably be there for each other in terms of football no Sheffield United versus Sheffield Wednesday so they're about 3 to four miles away from each other the two stadiums they do have one thing in common at the moment they're both really bad if that came up as an FA Cup fixture I would recommend everyone sit down and give it a watch on TV just like you probably did and should have done when Newcastle went to the stadium of light and played Sunderland which is my number two that goes beyond the football p those those guys just don't like each other Newcastle is on one Club City but about 30 minutes on the Metro is an area called Sunderland and they do not like the people from Sunderland basically and vice versa my number one is a derby that I have been to I can promise you it is it's exciting it's exhilarating to be a part of it is Aston Villa versus Birmingham city I was stood in the Halen this is my opportunity to feel how it felt in the ' 80s and '90s on the British football Terraces you got 16y old 60 year olds everyone mixing in together there was not a moment to breathe in the entire 90 minute and the one I went to was an astonvilla win it was iconic Alan Hutton turned into Diego maradana Oliver has asked what era of football would I time travel back to which is an incredible question there is often a lot of credit given to the Premier League and often a lot of credit given to Italian 90 for that trendiness sort of almost gentrification of football what was it like just before that change when it was gritty it was almost the football underworld it was somewhere where Lads and the dads went to on The Terraces it's turned into a much different type of sport with a much different audience and I'd like to see how they were able to do that how how did you do that my favorite Stadium from the outside in the 92 is Villa Park and the inside is St James's Park and the best atmosphere I've seen at game is an international game it was England versus Germany in the Euros at Wembley when will you hit a moment when you think wow I've really made it the night that I can get in bed get all cozy under the covers and just fall asleep and just be at peace Jack ask who my first favorite football player was way Mooney which I don't know if I'm allowed to say that as a Bolton fan but it was because he did a show called Street Striker and it was so cool it was one of the coolest shows ever my favorite Bolton player of all time is yussi ascalon that's a throwback name for a lot of you I imagine the Bolton players between 2000 and 2008 could just sit around the table in a pub and just say them stos yeah yeah JJ cutcher Fernando hero yeah class good one yeah good one NE biggest misconception about you my height how tall do you think I am because the amount of people that think I am teeny tiny this is literally me in a picture with an actual goalkeeper Liams asked if I ever feel uncomfortable or intimidated working in a predominantly male industry uncomfortable and intimidated are probably not the right words but an already deep rooted impostor syndrome that just how I've always been as a human being that's the one thing that I've got to just get over in my head what's your favorite color green when is a wayday is having you on shirt shopping well when is he having me as always when I'm wearing a football shirt I shall tell you who it is take a guess firstly what do you think take a look at the colors what would you suggest not Barcelona It's s rang FC from Cambodia you should have got that really s rang FC at currently the best team in Cambodia today's lovely video sponsor sangalo kindly sent me one of their shirts sangalo are official jersey sellers of the world's most unique clubs Link in the description to check out Sango Alex my favorite non-f football event I've been to is the world darts Championship final at Ali palali Oh my days it was the one that Peter I beat Michael Smith in Nathan's asked about my favorite cheese I love talking about cheese number three is feta shout out to the Greeks number two is paneer shout out to the Indians and number one is provola shout out to my Italians my favorite underappreciated footballer is Roberto bachio if I had the opportunity to Shadow any manager for a week I would choose Steve Evans he's come to stevenage and they were going to get relegated from League 2 he stopped them from getting relegated then he got them promoted and now they could get promoted again there's no way that guy is any different to how he was 20 years ago well maybe he has changed his ways but there's no way that he's changed the execution his ways they've got a player stevenage who was at Tottenham who Antonio Conte said was a really intelligent footballer how' you get a young lad in his 20s right who's been told this kind of information who's played in the Premier League and now he signed a permanent contract with stevenage how do you get the most out of him is it really in the same way that you get the most out of your s of 34y old seasoned Pro do you go to town on all of them are you brutal do you present yourself as a father figure is there a line a boundary that you cross how do these man managers do it NE War CU well AB there could be some younger players that maybe don't want to be spoken to in certain ways that Neil War's spoken to professionals over the years times have changed so what do they do cuz they're still often very successful in those roles so they're doing something right the biggest sleeping Giants in English football probably now as sundland my favorite bands and artists are we beer all day music is the one thing I love more than football I love psychedelic stuff the zombies cream the birds sometimes I'm in the mood to just listen to a guitar with Jimmy hendri Eric Clapton sometimes I want to take it to a whole whole new level bit of sound garden typo negative System of a Down but sometimes you know I just really want to Bel out Whitney Houston I've been to see little mix three times I love that creative process that must have gone into a tune and getting to feel it on the other side music's so powerful I'm just so grateful that I've been brought up into a world of of music through my mom in which it means that much to me and it can invoke all those emotions and feelings at the moment in excess and Billy Idol and we'll finish it with Thomas's brilliant question who will be the next Len Town lower or non- League to the Prem the obvious answer would be rexon we don't do obvious answers in this business I picked Steve Evans for the manager peterb because their owner Daren macony who you often see on talk sport he's got the ego and the stubbornness to make it happen he's been a part of peterb for years he's not given up on them they've enjoyed promotions they've suffered relegations and he's never given up on them he's very outspoken character and he's always said he wants to get a team to the Premier League he's just totally consumed by football I think he's a sort of character that will not leave football retire from the game until he's achieved what he feels is enough in the game and I think he's the sort of guy that even when he's 104 all the other old bides are doing the Bingo cards and he's just there in the corner quietly bringing Darren Ferguson to say can you come back we eat you again but on that note I love you and leave you I'll see you in the next it's very very cool one the next video very cool
Channel: StuntPegg
Views: 245,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manchester united, football rivalries, premier league, stuntpegg, english football, english football rivalries, football derbies, fiercest rivalries football, We need to talk about, Football, Football England, Reality of English football
Id: eFPommyW-nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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