Get The BEST Gas Mileage From Your Toyota & Lexus HYBRID!

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what is up guys sondren here and in this video I'm going to give you the best tips to get the best fuel economy and mileage out of your Toyota or Lexus vehicle so beside me I have like 2023 Lexus NX 350h and this is the hybrid model of this Lexus NX and I'm really excited to go ahead and talk to you about how you can all improve fuel economy and drive it as most efficiently as possible because that's why you bought this Lexus Hybrid or Toyota hybrid you're thinking about fuel economy you want to make sure you're sipping on that gas and not using more than you have to to get from point A to B so I'm going to give you all of the best tips to go ahead and increase your fuel economy from the outside to make sure that the car is prepped and I'm going to take you on a drive to go ahead and show you all the tips that I use when I'm driving to get the best gas mileage out of this vehicle so let's start off with these tips before we even get driving number one maintenance obviously you want to make sure your car and vehicle is maintained whether that's oil changes spark plugs whatever it is follow your manufacturer's recommended guidance on how to go ahead and do your maintenance if you can do it yourself great if you want to go ahead follow along on this channel I'll show you how to do maintenance on your vehicle all by yourself at home simple and easy to go ahead and do so make sure you subscribe like this video and you'll be able to check those out in the future but follow up with all your maintenance make sure that's up there number two is going to be around these tires right over here so what we want to do is make sure that for the tires we pump them up to the proper manufacturer recommended PSI and the reason why we want to do that before we even start driving is to make sure that we have the lowest amount of rolling resistance possible of the vehicle so this is my Michelin excise tires we're still in the winter here in Canada it's still pretty cold the recommended PSI is 33 PSI I've gone ahead and set this to 36 PSI it's a little bit you know more in terms of its pump but it's going to reduce the rolling resistance now typically you'd say you know if you're going on the track or something and you want to get more performance you'd probably reduce the PSI but I'm not doing that this is my A to B driver I want to increase the PSI just a little bit and to make sure I've removed the most amount of rolling resistance I can out of the tires to get even better fuel economy now when we come over to the back of the vehicle this is another one you definitely want to do you want to come back here and reduce as much weight as possible so you want to take out all the nonsense that you have back here let's see what I got you know we have a lot of nonsense back here like why do I need this I got bags I got a baby stroller I got camera gear I got a whole bunch of stuff back here so in an Ideal World remove all the unnecessary weight that you have in the vehicle so look some of this stuff okay I got a baby I gotta keep the baby stroller in here probably right but if you got like tools or oil and all this other stuff that doesn't need to be there remove as much of it as you can out of the vehicle you reduce weight you're gonna increase your fuel economy so those are the main things on the outside of the vehicle before we get started but now let's hop in into the Lexus and I'm going to show you how to properly Drive these hybrids so you can maximize fuel economy on the road so you can go from point A to B with saving the most amount of money all right so we're in the Lexus a few things before we get started number one obviously the one tip you don't want to go ahead and start the vehicle and let it idle for a long time I know in the winter a lot of people do that you know do that just know it's gonna impact your field economy so ideally you don't do that the other thing is you want to go ahead and reduce the temperature right the cabin air in a lot of vehicles is used to actually with a fan cool down the battery so the entire point is you're trying to keep the battery in its optimal operating temperature so you don't want it too hot because then it could potentially overheat the battery so those are some additional things that you should be thinking about when you're going ahead and driving your hybrid vehicle to get the best performance out of that battery now you can go ahead and see I have the energy monitor in front of me I've been getting on average about 5000 kilometers on this vehicle about 6.4 liters per 100 kilometers on mixed driving we're gonna go ahead and try to beat that using all of these tips I'm going to reset my odometer okay we're going to reset that reset this trip as well so we're on trip a we're gonna go ahead and take a stab at how we can go ahead and beat that average with these tips that I'm going to show you on how to drive this vehicle in the most efficient way so the number one thing you want to do is when you get started gradually e go ahead and accelerate you don't want to pump the acceleration right away because it's going to kick start the engine many of these tips I'm going to show you today is about making sure that energy monitor that we do not turn on that engine as we are driving we only want to turn on the engine as little as possible just to get us up to speed and then maintain speed through the battery so that's how we're going to get the most fuel economy and the mileage out of this vehicle we want to reduce the amount of time that the engine is running that's key so a big number one is let's say I go into drive right now I'm going to go ahead and start moving I'm going to slowly gradually move I'm not going to stomp it I'm going to slowly move and what that's going to do is just allow the battery to go ahead and drive the wheels perfect this is great now I'm releasing there's a stop sign coming this is the other tip you want to go ahead and use that regenerative braking as much as possible to get as much energy back into the battery gradually accelerates I know that I don't need to go fast here this is perfect and I'm fully using the battery the engine is not turned on this is perfect this is going to really increase that fuel economy there's a stop sign coming and now I'm going to let go and there's going to be the charge indicator on my tack I want to maximize this charge indicator as much as possible but not by going underneath the bottom line that you see here to make sure I get the most electricity and energy back into the battery now we're stopping here this is great this is where I'm going to show you the next tip which is pulse and glide so it looks like we're going to be clear in a second and now I'm gonna pulse which is using the engine we're gonna hit the accelerator not too crazy now you can see the engines on you could hear it we're gonna get up to the right speed so it's 70 kilometers an hour here I'm gonna get about to an 85 and I'm gonna release the gas now I've released the gas it's gone ahead started charging the battery now I'm just putting a little bit on the gas so maybe I put a little bit too much there a little bit on the gas right now and what should happen is that your battery three should just drive your wheels so right now the battery is driving the wheels I'm at the speed limit and the engine is off so this is the key now the battery in most situations depending on your incline is not going to keep you exactly at that speed and that's why it's called pulse and glide so now I'm at 62 I'm going to pulse turn that engine back on get me to that speed and then release and now it's charging the battery and I'm gonna press a little on the accelerator we can see just below eco that tack just went up just a little bit that's giving a little bit more energy to the wheels so that it's going to continue to try to hold that speed for as long as possible so this is what you want right this is the pulse and glide method and so right now I'm gliding and I'm not losing much speed at all and you can see the batteries driving these wheels the engine is completely off this is where you want to get to this is going to really improve fuel economy for you because the engine is completely off it's not burning anything on idle it's not driving the wheels this is great now once you do this over and over again you're going to know and get into a habit of it just like driving a stick it's going to be like you know breathing it's gonna feel like that so now I'm coming here I've released off I'm slowly breaking I'm getting the maximum charge back into the battery but now I've lost all that speed so I'm going to go ahead and kick it again look the engine's on so I don't want to just like lollygag with the engine on I want to put that power in get up to the appropriate speed that I need to and release perfect now I put a little bit of throttle back in because I saw the release had the engine stop and I have a truck in front of me so that's fine and right now I am slowly putting back some energy into the wheels from the battery and this is perfect I'm doing the speed limit I'm behind this truck I'm not engaging the engine and this is exactly what you want to do now if you're on the highway you can also leverage cruise control and the system will automatically kind of make sure it turns the engine on only when it needs to now obviously when you're on the highway you're gonna get a little bit less in terms of fuel economy because the engine is running more and really the hybrids really shine in the city streets when you're driving at these speeds but you could see we're on a little bit of a decline and so what that means is I'm able to actually keep my 60 kilometer an hour speed here simply through the battery just holding that momentum for me okay so now the engine just came on for a second I went a little bit too aggressive on the throttle there you're gonna learn right as you work with your vehicle of what that is so I'm just going to release off the engine's not cut back off but I'm gonna need to pulse I'm falling a little bit so I'm going to pulse use that engine to get up to speed and release perfect and now kick back into the battery to help hold a little bit too much there to help hold that speed so I'm going to release great and now it's holding that speed for me a bit more so this is really a very valuable tip now as we're coming to a stop again the other thing you want to do is make sure that you're leveraging all of that regenerative braking so you don't want to over break because if you start braking too hard and too fast and not gradually you lose a ton of the potential energy it's not harvesting that energy back into the battery this pulse and glide technique your use of regenerative braking these are really two of the big key tips when you're driving any hybrid from Lexus Toyota that you can go ahead and use to really improve your fuel economy right this pulse and glide it almost feels like it's a little counter-intuitive right you're to me at first it felt like okay I'm using the engine a lot is that not using a whole bunch of fuel especially if I'm quote unquote kicking it to get up to speed that's what I thought but in tests Consumer Reports Etc my own experience it's proven that doing this is actually much more efficient than keeping the engine idle the biggest enemy is having an idle engine doing nothing so again I'm slowly picking up I use the battery to get up to about 25 ish now the engine's on I'm pulsing this guy just came in front of me so I had to just break a little bit that's fine so I'm gonna pulse and let go and just put a little bit of battery juice in there just a little bit of throttle and every vehicle is just going to be a little bit different I noticed for me the maximum amount of throttle I can use in the battery in my Dash the Eco sign on the tachometer as soon as I touch that e that's the max limit in terms of the the throttle here or the tack so I kind of know that from my own vehicle that's the max I can go with the battery before it goes ahead and decides hey we need engine power here now again I'm coming to a stop I'm using the braking I'm using it to slow down it's just regenerating all that energy back into the battery for me and now I've come to a stop and again the other big you know reason why you get such great fuel economy in the city is that when you stop like this you're just on EV mode dungeon's off and you can go ahead and just you know move up a little bit with the battery no need for the engine to turn on you're immediately saving a ton of fuel just by removing the idling and in City Driving we idle all the time think about it you're going through the drive-through I do this all the time you go through the drive-through you maybe you're waiting on the drive through for 10 minutes God forbid I don't know you're at a Starbucks or whatever you're wasting all that fuel now you don't have to you just sit in EV mode and so now I'm gradually again with the throttle coming up and now I'm gonna pulse pulse pick up that speed that I want and release fully released and I'm gonna put back a little bit of power back in and I see another red light coming up so I'm just keeping this you know throttle right here the battery's holding me well and traffic is slowing down and I'm about to release the throttle now I've released it I'm gonna slowly break this car is coming in front of me maximize the amount of charge I can get here and come to a stop again it's like clockwork right you slowly accelerate up engine takes over you pulse and don't be too afraid all right give it that good pulse and release and now you're gliding but then put that throttle back in just a bit well I did that a little bit too much just a bit just to get that energy going from the battery to support the momentum for the vehicle that's what's happening right now and fully releasing now I see there's a red light we're coming down I'm breaking and I'm making sure again that charge indicator because look what happens if I do this I almost got there to the point where I wasted some of the charge but that's what that that line is there for right to help indicate how much of that charge you're getting and then if you're wasting any by you know over breaking breaking too late too hard you want to Coast right so always think about it like that right from starting up you want to go gradual then when you want to pick up speed kick it and then when you're slowing down you want to be gradual as well right everything needs to be gradual so again picking up speed gradually and pulsing the engine I just heard it turned on I didn't even have to wait for that now I'm gonna pulse I'm gonna switch Lane and I'm gonna release and then I'm gonna put a little throttle back in just to help the momentum I see we have another red light I'm gonna release off the gas the battery is fully doing its work but that is the big key right there is that pulse and glide pulse and glide now let's go ahead and take a look what has been our fuel economy so I'm going to go into the stats here trip average so we reset the trip you guys saw that we're at six liters per 100 kilometers so you know I've been driving this vehicle 5.9 it just ticked two you know very conscious on my fuel economy I'm pulsing now pulse and release and now we're back into EV mode slowly put that throttle back in so I just mentioned right I've been driving this vehicle about 5 000 kilometers my average fuel economy has been 6.4 liters per 100 kilometers if you've seen my previous videos again make sure you subscribe I will link them in the card above that's the fuel economy I've been getting without going into like the hyper Milling mode thinking about making sure I optimize for fuel economy every single drive that's been my average look how we improve that average by just employing these methods and by the way I know I'm in the city but I'm not doing the best city driving in the world because there's lots of you know green and red lights here well it's specifically a lot of red lights so it's not the best ideal situation and I'm still getting much better fuel economy just by employing these techniques and just thinking about it now I promise you once you do this for long enough you're gonna go ahead and this is just going to kind of fall in the back of your mind you're just going to do it automatically without even thinking about it it's going to be very simple and easy to go ahead and do and you're just going to increase that fuel economy more and more and more and I know with gas prices it's crazy right cost of living I don't know where you guys are in the world North America Canada the United States wherever gasoline prices are super high people are thinking how to get the most bang for their buck when they're driving and employing these techniques and tips is going to help you make sure you get the best fuel economy that you can get out of your Lexus or Toyota hybrid vehicles we just actually hit 5.7 liters per 100 kilometers again using this pulse and glide technique which I think is pretty amazing and finally my last tip before I let you all go is to make sure that you're driving at the optimal speed for your vehicle now the optimal speed for any vehicle is typically around the speed limit on the highway so Consumer Reports came out with this study they tested a whole bunch of different hybrid vehicles and the difference between 90 kilometers an hour and 120 kilometers an hour is 25 so you're burning 25 percent more fuel the faster that you go from 90 to 120 so that's big so if you're on the highway I'm not saying to go 90. what I'm saying is is to not go potentially 120 right you know depending on the flow of traffic and all that other stuff but if you can you know get over into the middle or or to the right lane set your cruise control set it to 100 to 110 if you're not in a rush you're going to save significantly more fuel on the highway and the same thing can be said by the way on these streets we're on these streets actually at 70 kilometers an hour this is kind of The Sweet Spot for many vehicles to get the most fuel economy out of their engines and performance but when you're talking about the highway the more the faster you go the exponentially more fuel you're going to start burning so think about that when you're on the highway the faster you go exponentially you're going to burn more and more and more fuel so you ideally want to stay at about 100 let's say 110 Max you know anything around that range because the faster you go you're going to burn way way more fuel so think about again calm start calm slow downs and on the highway you're driving at a quote unquote calm speed if you do all of these things you're going to save and improve on the fuel economy even by what is rated by many of these manufacturers especially if you use that pulse and glide technique so again I really hope this guys helps you out I know it's very tough out there with the fuel cost cost of living everyone's looking to save money where they can and this is one of the best ways that you can go ahead and just make sure that every dollar that you put into your vehicle you get the most efficiency and best bang for the buck out of it for I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you have any questions leave them down in the comment box down below if you have any other tips let us know in the comment box down below as well make sure you like this video again make sure you subscribe everything to do with cars I covered on this channel follow me along on the journey I'll definitely give my ownership update of this 2023 Lexus nx350h I hope you guys enjoyed I will catch you guys in the next video
Channel: Cars with Sonduren
Views: 22,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cars with Sonduren, scotty kilmer, toyota hybrid, the car care nut, toyota maintenance, Toyota, Lexus, toyota hybrid car, lexus hybrid suv, lexus hybrid car, hybrid tips, hybrid car tips and tricks, hybrid car driving tips bangla, hybrid car maintenance tips, how to drive a hybrid car efficiently, how to drive a hybrid car, how to drive a hybrid, how to maximize fuel economy, how to maximize fuel economy in a hybrid, how to maximize fuel efficiency, hybrid car, lexus hybrid
Id: R7wtgc3KdJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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