Get Started with MauiReactor - Component-based UI & MVU for .NET MAUI

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It seems that more and more people are looking for ways to not have to deal with XAML when building a .NET MAUI application. And with this framework MauiTeactor, you can do absolutely that. You can use MVU build on top of .NET MAUI. Let's go check it out! On my channel, I've been showing you already a couple of different ways how to build your .NET MAUI apps with code and not XAML. We have the C# for Markup extensions, which is in the Community Toolkit right now. Check out the video for that. I've already talked about Comet, which is also an MVU experiment that we've got going on from the official .NET MAUI team. But now there is the MauiReactor which is built by Adolfo. I'm not even going to try and pronounce his full name. He's from Italy and he's been building the MauiReactor. He's also done the version for Xamarin.Forms. I think it's called Reactive UI or something like that. But now there is the MauiReactor, which is a MVU framework built on top of .NET MAUI, which is really exciting. I've been looking into it for a little bit. I've been seeing tweets all over the place from Ado. We can call him Ado as well. Not too confused with ADO.Net. And he has been tweeting about it as well with all kinds of crazy examples that he has on his GitHub repository as well. So actually, let's switch to his GitHub repository first. So this is where you can find all the information. Adospace from Italy. He doesn't have the sponsorship enabled. So Ado Adolfo, if you're watching this, enable the sponsorships on your account because I want to sponsor you, I want to support you for this amazing work. And of course, as long as we can't sponsor him, make sure that you star the repository which is also a sign of you supporting this project. But for the rest, you can scroll down here, you can see what it is. He even has some documentation which is a work in progress. It's all open source. So if you love this, please consider helping Adolfo out as well. And a bunch of instructions that I'm going to walk you through here as well. And you can go through the samples that are here, the source that is here. So you can go check this out. Definitely do. Now let's open up a console window. So let's close this browser window right here. And I have this console window. And the first thing that we want to do is install the templates that are available for this amazing project. So what you want to do, I'm going to actually copy it here from off screen the command so that I don't have to type it here. dotnet new install. And I think this command comes from the official page. I think we want to do not --install, but just install because the other one is being deprecated. So dotnet new install Reactor.Maui.TemplatePack. And whenever we do it's going to install it. And you can use it from the command line or you can use it from Visual Studio. That's what you want. You can use this short name to dotnet new maui-reactor-startup create your project that way. But I'm going to do it through Visual Studio. Now the other thing that I'm going to do is install a global tool, dotnet global tool to enable Hot Reload. Because Hot Reload is enabled for this project as well by a custom tool that is built by Adolfo as well. So, dotnet tool install -g, for global, Reactor.Maui.HotReload. Just enter that and it will install this little tool for us as well, which we'll be using in a little bit. Now we've got that in place, let's just open up Visual Studio. I'm going to do that in the presentation mode so that the fonts are nice and big and you can see everything just fine. And I'm going to create a new project right here. And whenever we do, we're going to see this new project type which is the MauiReactor template. Here you can see it MauiReactor based app by Adolfo Marinucci. See, there we go. I still tried to pronounce your name. So we have this one and let's do next. We don't have any exciting options here. Projec1. So let's call this MauiReactorSample or something like that. MauiReactorGetting StartedSample, something like that. Maybe I'm going to do more videos about this. If you want to see more videos about getting started with MauiReactor, let me know down in the comments. And now I'm going to click Create and then let's go to create this new project type and I can run this MauiReactor app. So here we go. Let me maximize this window right here and we get this Getting Started with .NET MAUI which is totally useless for this project type. For other things it's very useful. Amazing new things here that you can go into the documentation. But for the MauiReactor, it's not going to link us to the right documentation for that. And let's have a look here at the Solution Explorer, we see a couple of new things but also a couple of familiar things. So we see the MauiProgram and if we dive straight into that, that's our entry point. For this MAUI application. You can see we have CreateMauiApp, MauiApp.CreateBuilder. But here we can see the UseMaui ReactorApp. So that's something new, right? That is something that Ado has built for us. It has like a couple of other things here #if DEBUG EnableMauiReactorHotReload, but for the rest it looks like pretty familiar, right? But we don't have example. So now he's doing this Add Resource. Well he's still adding XAML for the styles and the colors here, but that's about it. Right? Otherwise we're not doing xaml. So we have to add this through these lines of code. Everything you can do in XAML, you can also do in C#. So we've got that. And the other thing is, of course, like we have our Platforms folder, so we can still write our platform specific code. All the metadata for your apps is there. We have the resources. We have a GlobalUsings.cs. I'm actually not sure if that's in the default .NET MAUI templates. You can definitely add it and use it like this as well. But we have it here for the Mauireactor templates. And here under pages, this is new. We have our MainPage.cs. And this is the equivalent of the MainPage in .NET MAUI where we have all XAML with the waving .NET bot. Now we have the same thing, but built with MauiReactor. Now, while I'm walking you through this, actually let me deploy this to the Android emulator so that it's running in the background and we're not stuck waiting for that if I'm going to show you that. So let's just do that while I'm talking here and you can see a couple of things. So Mvu, if we dive into that a little bit, you know that that's all about state, right? We update the state and then that gets pushed to the UI, right? So that's how that kind of works. And here we have that main page state, in this case with the counter, because we have that counter clicked button. So we have that. And here our main page is actually a component which has this state object, right? So everything is built with states which you might know, or components which you might know more from ReactJS or I think Flutter takes the same approach as well. So we have all these components that we're inheriting from and we can specify the state object here, which will be used for the state of this actual page, which is actually a component. Are you still following? So we have all that. And here we have the override for the visual node, which is render. So whenever a page, whenever a component has to be rendered, it will call this Render method and it will render that on the UI. And that's kind of like how that MVU thing works, right? So on the render, we are going to return this new ContentPage with a new ScrollView, with a new VerticalStackLayout, which is all stuff that you know, from .NET MAUI, right? And Adolfo has added his own kind of implementation, his own layer on top of the .NET MAUI Core bits here. But it's still MAUI components. It still renders to the native components as they should show up on that platform, right? And for the rest, he's trying to mimic here, like the VerticalStack Layout. So a new Image, the new Label, the new Label. Welcome. Well, he changed the text here a little bit. Obviously Welcome to MauiReactor and the new button with this little counter thing, right? So we're going to say State.Counter because we know this state object, right, which is going to be placed in a State property apparently, which is probably a part of this component right here. And we know it's of the type MainPageState because that's what we say here. We can do State. Counter == 0 and it's going to say click me for the label. And else it's going to be clicked State.Counter. So the amount of times that it's been clicked, right? And here we have this new kind of like MVU style syntax, right? So we have this fluent syntax, the image HeightRequest HCenter. So that's probably the horizontal center of things. And we just have a kind of like generic set with which you can set the bindable properties. In this case, we also immediately get the support for the semantic properties, which is cool. So you can add that accessibility to your app here as well. So that is build right in accessibility for Mauireactor. Check, we got that. So you can see a couple of variations here. But for the button we also have like this on click. So we also have the events here that you can totally do. So event on click set state. We're going to increment that counter and boom. We got some other things here for the vertical stack layout, some padding, some spacing. That's all how it works. And if we see this in Android, you can now see here, this looks exactly the same as you would do File, New .NET MAUI application, but now with MVU style. And we have the same components. Really amazing. Now let's see if I can put this side by side a little bit here. Whoops. I want to have the Emulator on the right side and Visual Studio on the left side. So let's see if I can make that happen here a little bit. Typically I prepare these things so you don't have to watch me struggle with the UI here. But now I'm doing this live demo, just whipping up a Maui Reactor project. Here we are. And I can bring up a little terminal window here. So let's do, I think it's under View and we can do Terminal. And here this opens in my project folder. And here I can start that hot reload. So you also have the hot reload things here for while you're actually running your debug. So I have to go into my change directory, MauiReactor folder here so that I get to the actual you want to be in the C# project here in the same folder as the csproj that we have here. And then what you want to do. So let me, I was going to bring this up a little bit here. Then what you want to do is do... dotnet-maui-reactor -f. So let me paste that in here... dotnet-maui-reactor And then you want to specify like the TFM that you're running. So net-7.0-android, you can script this in Visual Studio to make this show up automatically. And I can press return here. So that's going to start setting up the build pipeline. It's going to inspect my thing, it's going to monitor my folder. And whenever I make a change, you can see monitoring folder. So whenever I make a change now it's going to light up in my emulator. So let's do here we also have background color and if I just do the dot, you can see that we have all the APIs of .NET MAUI here. So we have border color, we have character spacing, we have clip, we have flow direction, we have everything that's inside of .NET MAUI. But now with this fluent syntax MVU style, you can do all the things. And I want to do the background color and you can just specify colors, dot, I don't know. Let's do yellow just so that it's crazy. You can see it. And whenever I save that, you can see that it's replacing the syntax tree and it's becoming here yellow in the emulator, right? So it shows up near real time. It takes a little bit of processing here, but it shows up here on the emulator inside of your running application. Of course, also works on all the other platforms that are supported. So that is really, really cool. Hot Reload is in here as well. And for the rest, just go check it out for yourself. There's a couple of cool samples in the repository that I've just shown. And yeah, this is how you can get started with MauiReactor. Now this is just your very high overview getting started with MauiReactor video. But I'd love to know in the comments, is this something that you like? Is this something that you would use? Adolfo put this out as a GA version so you can use this inside of your applications. Applications are being built with this, which is really, really cool. Why do you like this over the C# for Markup extensions? Why do you like this over XAML? And do you want to see more videos about this on my channel? Basically, whatever your thoughts are, go inside of the comments and let me know. I try to get back to you, but I read them all even if I don't respond. So definitely make sure to do that. Also, please don't forget to like this video. Click that subscribe button and maybe check out this video about the C# for Markup extensions that I've been mentioning a couple of times. And here is the playlist with other .NET MAUI videos. See you on the other side.
Channel: Gerald Versluis
Views: 6,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .net maui, dotnet maui getting started, dotnet maui, dotnet maui tutorial, .net maui tutorial, dotnet maui mvu, mvu, mauireactor, maui reactor, .net maui reactor, .net maui mvu, .net maui component ui, dotnet maui component ui, dotnet maui ui, dotnet maui coded ui, .net maui ui c#, dotnet maui no xaml, .net maui no xaml, dotnet maui app, dotnet maui mvvm, .net maui getting started, .net maui example, .net maui app
Id: egklcAC9arY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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