Translate Your .NET MAUI App with LocalizationResourceManager.Maui

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Don't you just love a good plugin? I know I do because it makes my life so much easier as a developer and it saves me a ton of time. So in this video, we're going to look at the LocalizationResourceManager for .NET MAUI, which makes it very easy to add localization, so translating your .NET MAUI app. LocalizationResourceManager.Maui is a plugin that will help you with translating your app, adding localization to your .NET MAUI application. Now, if you're watching this video and you're coming from the Xamarin world, this all might look very familiar because this functionality, I think it is almost identical lived and still lives in the Xamarin Community Toolkit, then a good question would be why is this not portable to the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit? Well, I'm glad you asked. So we didn't do that because now with the CommunityToolkit.Maui as we also call it, we have bundled our powers and everything with the Community.Toolkit.Net or Windows because there's also the Windows Community Toolkit and maybe there will be others in the future. So we're trying to look at like, hey, how can we leverage stuff that might have a broader audience? Right? So this functionality, this specific functionality, we've added a proposal to the broader Community Toolkit package so that other ecosystems like WinUI and other XAML based languages can also benefit from this. So that's why it hasn't been added to the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit yet. But as kind of a stop gap solution, Johan Svensson from Sweden, if I'm not mistaken, he has created this plugin which basically takes the functionality from the Xamarin Community Toolkit, makes it available for .NET MAUI while we are waiting for the implementation on the Community Toolkit one. So let's just dive into Visual Studio and let's see how you can use it right now, today to make your .NET MAUI app speak Spanish or English or Dutch or whatever you want. (inaudible). Okay, so here we are in Visual Studio 2022. I just created a File, New .NET MAUI application. You can see the beautiful, beautiful XAML in the background in Visual Studio. In the foreground you can see the Android emulator running that same app with the waving .NET bot that we've seen many times before. Now the first thing that we want to do is stop running. That's what we want to do because we need to install a plugin, right? I've been talking about this already. So let's go to the Solution Explorer and I'm going to right click on the project and I'm going to do Manage NuGet Packages. Then I'm going to go to the browse and I'm going to LocalizationResource Manager .Maui. And if you search for that, I think there's exactly one result which you can see here and there's a lot of contributors already. So that's great because this is a community packet, right? So that's really amazing. So, latest version at the time of recording 1.0.3. Let's just install that, make sure that we read all the license agreements here, click OK and it's going to be installed on our project. Now, as with many, many plugins third party libraries with .NET MAUI these days, we need to initialize this a little bit in the MauiProgram and that also gives us a lot of options already. So let's go over to our Solution Explorer and go to the MauiProgram.cs. And here we need to add a little initialization line so just after the UseMauiApp or you can do it after the ConfigureFonts or if you have other stuff in here, we're going to do add UseLocalizationResource Manager, and I think it's not going to add it automatically. So I'm going to use IntelliSense here, click the light bulb, do using LocalizationResource Manager.Maui; is going to add it here at the top so you can do that manually as well. And here I can configure actually I have to configure a couple of settings here, which has been done through a lambda. So let's just do settings. It's going to act as input here and I'm going to do a couple of brackets. And now I can say settings and we can see a couple of configuration options, so we can say RestoreLatestCulture. Which is a pretty cool option if you ask me, because this automatically restores the latest culture that has been used inside of the app. So you're going to switch, we'll see that in a minute. Switch through a different culture at runtime to make the translations in the app happen and the last one that the user picked is going to be restored automatically. No need for you to save that it's just going to be loaded automatically. You can do AddResources or AddResource rather, which takes a ResourceManager, I'll get to that in a little bit. You can AddFileResource so you can load things from a file if that's what you want. You can set the InitialCulture so the initial culture that's going to be used. So if you have a specific culture, let's stay in the cultures of Johan who created this library, let's say with Swedish, if Swedish is your primary language, your primary target audience, you're going to set the initial culture to Swedish and the app will startup with that culture basically. So you have a couple of those things and well I think in the documentation you should definitely check it out. I will put the GitHub link for this library down below as well. The InitialCulture and the RestoreLatestCulture, that kind of is kind of like conflicting functionality so I think one overrides the other. So make sure that you check the documentation on how to use that exactly. I'm going to say RestoreLatestCulture is true. Is this a setter? What is this? Is this not a property cannot assign because it's a method group. Okay, so, I forgot how to program. Right here right now. And what I'm also going to do is do settings and I want to of course add the resources. So AddResource and I'm going to say AppResources because that's already a thing. ResourceManager. Now I've already done a previous video on translating all this stuff on localization but then doing it manually. And there I've created the AppResources inside of your .NET MAUI app as you would do in any other .NET project basically. So the app resources is just something, it could be any name. Let me just click the IntelliSense here using MauiLocalizationResource ManagerSample. That's the name of my project, Resources. So when I import that it starts recognizing this. And here in my Solution Explorer there is under the Resources folder I have this So I'm going to do a little Dutch here and AppResource.resx which is the culture whenever all the resources that are going to be used whenever a culture is not found, right. And if we go in there you can see this designer. So I have already the CounterClicked setup which is going to translate our counter click button and a Hello World text which is going to translate our Hello World thing. So these app resources are already here and this resources file, this resx file generates some code in the background, right? And what it also does is it generates a ResourceManager and we're going to make this resource manager, these app resources, we're going to make them known to our localization resource manager by saying add resource. You can add multiples here, you can add multiple of these lines and it will just compile the whole list of resources here and it's called Amp resources just because I call this file App Resources, right? So if I would name this Gerald's Resources it would say Gerald's Resources here. So that's kind of like how that all works together. I go about it in a little bit more detail in the other video which should pop up on your screen right now. So we've got that set up, let's just save this. And now LocalizationResourceManager.Maui is ready for use. So the easiest thing and probably the most common thing that you're going to do is use this in XAML. So let's go over to our XAML right here and go to this label where we say Hello World. But now I'm going to actually import this plug in here in my example as well. So I'm going to add this XML namespace, that's how you typically do it. And I'm going to call this loc for localization. But I don't want to have the whole localization word in here. And then I'm going to just search here. LocalizationResourceManager.Maui. That's the one that you want to import. It will automatically fill that in for you. And now I can use that loc thing. So go back to my text and you're going to use the same syntax as for bindings and all kinds of other extensions. So I'm going to say loc and you can already see loc:translate. So translate is a thing that's built into this plugin and now I can just specify the key from the resources. So I have the HelloWorld and the CounterClicked. So I'm going to use the HelloWorld here and this is it. And this is it. Now I'm going to get the translation of this HelloWorld text. You also notice there is this string format. Also again check that other video that was just linked. It's also linked down below where you can do things with the string format that works exactly the same here so that you can use variables inside of your strings. We'll also see that a little bit later when I use this stuff from code. So if I run this again on my Android emulator, we're actually going to see the exact same app. So it's not going to be looking really impressive actually, but it's going to now load this from our resources file. Now while this is loading, let me take you through to the next step because we actually want to switch this stuff at runtime, right, right now it's already going to switch whenever I switch languages on the device. So whenever I say in my Android device. Of course this is also supported on iOS and all the platforms that are supported by .NET MAUI. Whenever I switch the language of my device and I restart the app probably, I'm not really sure if that's necessary, it's going to automatically pick up those resources and translate that stuff for me. But the chances are that you probably want to dynamically translate your app while the user is actually in here. So I was talking long enough for the app to be actually deployed. So let's go check that out first. And again we should see nothing changed. The Hello World string should just be there and nothing has changed. Right, here we go. So that's still there. But now what we can do if I stop running this and I want to switch the language dynamically, what the initialization line in my Maui program also did is add the ILocalization ResourceManager, the interface to my dependency injection container. So what I can do is just inject that here. The ILocalization ResourceManager. And let's call that localization ResourceManager, because why not? And I'm going to use ILocalizationResourceManager with _localizationResourceManager... I've said localization resource manager too many times At this point So here we have this private field and I'm going to assign it here so that I can use it anywhere and boom, we've done that. So now I have this LocalizationResourceManager and what I can do here whenever I click the button, which is a counter button, I can say, hey, if this _localizationResourceManager. CurrentCulture.TwoLetterIsoLanguage name is NL. So whenever it's Dutch, I'm going to switch it over, set the current culture to new CultureInfo and I'm going to set it to well en-US. That's kind of like also very specific. I'm just going to set it to en also there is a lot to discover with how all the localization actually works and else I'm going to set it to NL, right? So CurrentCulture is new CultureInfo and I'm going to set it to NL. So now it's going to toggle between English and Dutch and actually the English one is kind of funny because I haven't specified English as English. That's just going to be the default one. So it's going to fall back to the one without the identifier here, right? So the AppResources without any identifier here. So this should toggle that thing. So whenever I run it again, let's just do that really quickly. Whenever I tap the button you will see that hello world string going to toggle, right? So it's going to do that and there we go. Actually no parameterless constructor defined for type MainPage. That's because I forgot something. I'll just leave this in. This is fun. I'm not perfect as well, so I forgot something because if we want to use this constructor injection, I also need to register my MainPage, right? So let's go to our MauiProgram and I'm going to say builder.Services AddTransient. You typically want to add your pages as transient. And now it's able to resolve those things as well. I'm going to register this. Now it's going to see, hey, I need to create a MainPage and in my dependency injection container there's also the ILocalizationResourceManager. I'm going to inject that in my MainPage constructor and that's how the whole dependency injection works. I got a video on that as well. It should pop up on your screen or you can find it down below. I've got this and it says hello world. And whenever I tap the click me now it's going to go to Hallo Werld, right? So I didn't show you that value but this is the Dutch value for hello world. So that works. It Dutch now, switches around it, updates all the stuff at runtime. So pretty cool. Add the plugin, add three lines of code or something like that and boom. We have our localized resources right here. So now if you want to use this from code, you kind of like have to leverage that LocalizationResourceManager as well. But there is a cool thing. We have a LocalizedString which is a specialized version of a string basically. And let's call this, I don't know, _counterClicked, something like that. _counterClicked, it's not the best name but it'll do for now. And what I can do here is _counterClicked = new() so it's going to create a new LocalizedString. And then in the parameter in the constructor, I have to specify a function that will actually get the value for me, right? So I'm just going to do this lambda expression again and I'm going to say _localizationResourceManager. And you can use this as a kind of collection, right, as a dictionary. So whenever I do this block parentheses here, you can specify the key that you actually want to get from the resources. So here I also have that counter clicked one. And this is going to be used to actually get that counter clicked resource, put it in that localized string. And now I can use this as well. Actually this one has. So let's pull up open the resources. Actually here you can see that this has these brackets, the curly brackets zero. And that is what you can use with the string format. So whenever I do this, I have this _counterClicked. I'm going to use that here for the counter button. I'm not going to do things with the times and that kind of stuff. You can totally do that, but I'm not going to do it for now. And I can say here string.Format and I'm going to say that _counterClicked.Localized, right? So that's the actual string that's going to be the string value because the string format is not suddenly going to understand our LocalizedString object. So I'm going to do that and here I'm going to set that count, right? And this is important. So in that string, in the resources, I have that curly brackets zero, I could also add more angle brackets 1, 2, 3, 4. And then you have to have the same number of parameters here, right? So if I could do the count a couple of times, it's going to fill that in 0, 1, 2 now, right? And it probably doesn't make sense to have the same value in here, but that's how you can use string format and that's also how you can use the string format from XAML. It works the same way. So whenever I do this now you're going to see the CounterBtn.Text. Also flip around between the localized version and it will have the actual value of count in there. So that is pretty cool. Here we go. And click me, click, click. You can see "4 keer geklikt" that's Dutch and whenever I flip it around it's clicked 5 times. So you can see it flips around actually during runtime. So that is pretty nice. Now this is actually using the string from the actual like code behind, which is probably if you're going to show dialogues and that kind of stuff, this is very helpful. But you can also use still get some strings from your code behind and then bind it to your XAML, right? So you can definitely do that as well. Then you have to say something like you have to turn this _counterClicked into a property. So it's going to be a public Localized String and you're going to use the get and set, probably something like that. And then you want to set this to is new this. Okay, that works. Now the naming doesn't really match it and you should say something here like button, text, click me. But what you can now say is just use a regular binding and you can say that counterClicked.Localized string. I think this is how it actually works. And now you can use that. I think actually XAML doesn't like this stuff. So let's just do this and update it here as well just to see if the IntelliSense agrees with me. So now you can say localized string, it probably doesn't pick up on the IntelliSense localized string and now it will update at runtime also automatically. So that's another way of combining the code behind and the sample here as well. All this code you can find in GitHub, the link is down below. And that is how you can easily translate your .NET MAUI app with the use of this amazing plugin. I'm a big fan of understanding how stuff works under the hood, so I definitely recommend that you watch the other video on how to do the localization yourself where you're .NET MAUI app. And then basically forget about all of that and just install this plug in because it's freaking amazing, because it saves you so much time and it's so very easy to use. It just translates your whole app just like that. And I've just showed you strings. You can also use this for files, for images, for all kinds of things that you want to translate. I remember that one of the things that people were asking me on the other video is like, hey, how do I translate all the other system stuff? So for iOS you have some system controls, maybe for Android as well. If that's something that you're interested in or anything else, please just let me know down in the comments for this plugin. Thank you Johan, for putting this together. It's really amazing. And hopefully we can get this into a Community Toolkit soon so that it will probably reach an even broader audience. But at least now you know how to get used, get along with this basically. Thank you so much for watching again one of my videos. Please click the like button subscribe to my channel. If you haven't done so already and if you haven't had enough of me just yet, go check out this playlist with all kinds of video about .NET MAUI. This recommended video especially just for you on this day. And I will hope to see you for the next one. See you for the next one.
Channel: Gerald Versluis
Views: 5,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .net maui, dotnet maui, .net maui tutorial, dotnet maui tutorial, net maui, .net maui getting started, .net maui localization, learn dotnet maui, learn .net maui, maui tutorial, dotnet maui localization, c# maui, dotnet maui resx, .net maui resx, localization .net, dotnet localization, localization resx, localization xaml, c# localization resource file, localization resource manager maui, localizationresourcemanager, localizationresourcemanager.maui, translate maui app
Id: IBz9Ku24ZGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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