Get Started In Presonus Studio One 4 - In Less Than 20 Minutes!

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a couple of years ago I created a getting started in studio one in less than 20 minutes video and as I said that was a couple years ago it was for studio one three now here we are it's 2018 and we are up to Studio one four so I thought I would go ahead and make an updated video for those of you who may be just beginning with Studio One so let's go ahead and get started with that now this is what we are going to see when we first launched studio 1 this is the start page and from here we can actually connect with SoundCloud and we would just click on this button and input our account information and in this way we can add tracks directly from within Studio One I'll close that out we have an area for working with our macros an area for any transfers that we're doing from our personas account the start song and project buttons these are going to be visible whether you're on the start page song page or project page and provide you access to navigate to any one of these areas at any time we then have create a new song or a new mastering project opening an existing document our recent files that we've been working on are going to show here these will update as you continue to create songs but if you'd like for one of these to stick around or if we're multiple to stick around just hover to the left and click that pin icon and that will stick around in the center area we have an artist profile where you can actually click on the ellipsis here and then add an image that will represent the artist that you're working with or for yourself we then have an artist name genre and website so this is all metadata that will be included with your song once you export it we have a SoundCloud tab here then we have a news feed which is directly from Presonus we have demos and tutorials that you can make use of to help you become more familiar with Studio One now at the bottom in the center area here it's going to display the currently active audio device we can click there to take us to the options menu the audio setup tab and we can make a change here to a different audio device that we may have connected the control panel is going to take us to the proprietary software for that device where we can make additional changes I'll go ahead and cancel out then configure audio device is going to take us to the same area that we just took a look at we can check for updates and I am currently running the latest version so let's go ahead and create a new song and head over to the song page because this is where we will be working at least most of us I'll just call that song page and I'm actually going to click this button here to change the location to where this song file will be stored my desktop I'll select that folder and then below that we can choose the sample rate resolution time base song song length and so on now we have a stretch audio files to song tempo so this with any audio files that you bring in to studio one as long as it has BPM data encoded into it it's going to stretch that file to whatever you have your song tempo set to so let's hop on over to the song page by clicking okay now if you feel a bit overwhelmed by the song page we're gonna break everything down really quickly here so there are four main areas and in the center we have our arrange view where all of our MIDI and audio data is going to be displayed and available for editing and arranging to the right of that we have our browser and if you notice down at the bottom we have browse and this is how we can show or hide that we can also press f5 on our QWERTY keyboard to show or hide as well now we have these instruments effects loops links in the center home tab by clicking we're taking to that tab we can also click on the tabs directly at the top so if we'd like to bring an instrument in most of the actions within Studio One are drag and drop so we can simply click hold and drag say this my tie synthesizer into our song that's loaded up and we can and choose a patch from up above here there are a variety to choose from but I'm going to go ahead and close that out for the moment and we can see that we have an instrument track that has been created for our my time if we'd like to work with a loop then we can click on the loops tab and then navigate to wherever our loops are or the particular type we can sort by instrument these are based by tier so if I choose style then that is going to change to the various styles that are available and what you have here is going to depend on your version of studio one I'm using Studio one professional so this is going to have more content than say if you're working with all the artists the artists version so we've set that to style we can see style now if I open up the Blues folder the next way that we're sorting is by character so we can see the character here if I were to change that to instrument then this will update in a second we can see we're sorted by instrument and then finally if I open up say the bass folder were sorting by vendor and we can change that third sort version here but I want to go ahead and bring a loop in again just drag and drop I'll close out the browser and we are we've created an audio track for our loop just by dragging it in and at any time we'd like to add a track say for recording a vocal or a live instrument we can press T on the QWERTY keyboard and we're presented with the add tracks dialog we can also click on the plus symbol here to get the same window and then we can choose the type we can name it and choose the type here we can add audio instrument automation or folder if we're going to choose audio we can choose the format whether it's mono or stereo by default it's going to be on auto color but if we deselect that we can open up this color palette and make that track whatever color we'd like I'll just choose this red color and click OK to create that track we can adjust its size by hovering at the border when we get these double arrows clicking and dragging we also have a global control for adjusting the track size down below we see normal is listed if we click that arrow we can change that to large on down to minimal which is incredibly tiny or small and then we have tiny it's there if I hold shift and press E we can zoom in vertically like so he is gonna zoom in w will zoom out and that's when you're holding shift if I just press E without holding shift we zoom in in the arrange view horizontally pressing W we zoom out and in the bottom right corner we have a slider which will accomplish the same thing now we also have this ruler up above that we can click hold and drag up or down to zoom in or out or navigate within our song now we've seen the Browse button that we can use to access the browser next to that we have mix which will bring up the mix console and we can see our my Thai synthesizer our channel for that is brought in and these are identified with this kind of keyboard icon our instrument tracks then here is the loop that we brought in and this is kind of a waveform icon here which is going to denote our audio tracks we can right click to insert a bus channel and we can see that this icon denotes a bus channel right click and we can add an effects channel and we can see that we just have effects to represent that if we'd like to send any of our tracks that we created earlier to our bus then we can simply highlight that and then if I come here and pull that up we can see that it's being sent to the main house but if I click there we can then send that to bus one or we could have chosen our one which would be a fun effects send now we can add inserts to our instrument tracks or our audio tracks or even our bus and effects by clicking up above the plus symbol here for inserts I'll go to the personas folder and just put on an alt auto filter and that loads up and we can see that that is listed here at any time we'd like to access it we can just double click to open that up and I'll press mix the mix button to close out the mixer and the inspector we can access by clicking the I and I just wanted to show that we have access to the inserts and sends here as well so if we highlight our loop or I put the auto filter we can access it from here as well as well as adding new inserts or sins we can control our tempo and time stretch for the loop here and now go ahead and close out that inspector for now and come back down to the bottom right corner just to show you that the final button that we have is edit and that's for accessing our editor we can also if we have a audio sample or a loop loaded here we can just double click on that to open up the editor as well and from within here we can do some finer edits to our audio we have tools that are listed here and these are similar to the tools that we have in our arrange view so let's start with the tools in the arrange view and these are married to the number keys on your Cordy keyboards so number one is going to be our smart arrow tool number two will be our range tool three is the split tool for the race tool five is the paint tool six is the mute tool 7 is the Bentall and eight is our listen tool so if I open up the Edit window again we can see that these are pretty much similar for audio but if I let me activate the arrow tool again and I'm going to double click on our my tie synthesizer track to create a MIDI part which is basically a container for our MIDI performances or MIDI data if I double-click then I can go ahead and add some MIDI notes into here and I just wanted to show that our tools change up a little bit we lose our range tool which is this one when we are working with a MIDI part and MIDI notes and we've got another ruler here that we can use to navigate and click hold and drag zoom in and out we've got a slider here for the same thing so similar controls as the arrange View when we're working in the editor we've got our velocity information here in our parameter automation Lane we've got modulation pitch Bend and aftertouch so these are all things that we can automate if there is a particular parameter that is not listed here we can always right-click on one of these tabs and click Add or come to the ellipsis here and open up the automation control so this is for the Maitai and these are all of the parameters on the Maitai that are available for automation so if I come to the filter the cut off I can double click that's added here we close and now we have cut off so at this point I can come to the paint tool and if you notice this down arrow if we click and hold on that we can choose a separate mode for the paint tool so if I choose sign then when I click hold and drag we're creating sign automation for our filter cut off okay so if I were to play that back we can see that there the automation for the cutoff is being applied and we know that a perimeter has automation because it has this circle that shows up in the middle whereas these other ones do not show that if we'd like to remove the automation we can right click and that's actually not showing up as being able to remove for some reason but we can always come down below here activate our arrow tool and just be sure that everything is selected press the Delete on your keyboard and we take those out of there now I'm going to go ahead and hide the editor by pressing f2 let's move back up to the top and take a few or take a look at a few of these other tools here available so this question mark here is going to open up the info view and that's going to display different information about things you can accomplish depending on the tool that you have in the area that you are hovering over we'll go ahead and hide that and then next to that we have audio Bend which will open up the bend panel which we can use for stretching and compressing our audio as well as finding the transience of audio samples or loops that we bring in and studio one can automatically create slices by using this bin panel next to that we have strips silence and this is going to allow you to strip out any silent areas of recordings you may have done based on the settings that you have made here say to the open and close threshold etc next to that we can access a in depth quantize panel for our song we then have an area or a panel for working with and managing our macros next to that we have IQ which is input quantize now as long as this is active when we are recording MIDI that MIDI will be automatically quantized upon recording based on whatever we have our quantized value set to here now this quantized panel is similar to the other one that we saw here it's just you know not as in-depth but more easily accessible so right now our quantized value is set to 16th notes and if i zoom in a bit we can see in our ruler as well as our range view this grid here is based in 16th note subdivisions if I were to click this down arrow and change that to say quarter notes we can see that our ruler updates as well as our arranged view to show our change we then have a setting for time base and snap next to that we can toggle our snap function on and off with this icon here we can also press in on the quarter keyboard to turn that on and off next to that we have ripple edit so if we drag in MIDI or audio parts it will push the other parts out of the way and allow you to insert that we then have our auto scroll cursor follows edit position we have a scratch pad so if we activate that then we can use this to experiment with a song that we're working on by highlighting this area here then we have a video player so if we'd like to compose to video we can access the video player by clicking this icon here we then have start song and project and these three buttons are going to be available whether they were on the start page or the project page this takes us back to the start page as we just saw if I want to get back to my song if we had multiple songs open we can click this down arrow and access any of them here since I only have the one all I need to do is click on song and we're taken back to our song now at the bottom we have our transport controls traditional controls that we see in most dolls stop play record we have a loop function so if I let's come back to this area here in the ruler area I'm going to click we see the pencil tool when we hover on this gray line this is going to give us our loop markers and we can click hold and drag to set those and now that they've been set around our MIDI part and loop I can click this icon to activate looping so now this is going to continue to cycle over and over next to that we can see our left and right loop position mark our positions there we've got our click or metronome with this icon we can turn on and off our click track we've got our timing which is in 4/4 we can set the key for our song here our tempo so if I click once I can then put in a new value or I can repeatedly click on tempo to manually tap in a tempo and this can actually be mapped to MIDI as well we have our master meters master fader here this if I open up the mix console this ties in with the main out I'll control click to set that back to zero DB and high that mix console and we're just about out of time to the left here we have performance where we can monitor the performance of our CPU and disk if we choose to show devices we can actually see what's going on with our Maitai and our our auto filter effect I'll go ahead and deselect that and close this out and so I think we are about out of time here that's about 20 minutes and this has been the updated getting started in studio one in less than 20 minutes for version 4 I hope that it's been helpful and I am also offering one-on-one training with Studio One for and this is done over the web through a web conferencing program called zoom so if you are just getting started and feeling overwhelmed and you'd like one-on-one training where I can see your actual desktop and you can choose to allow me to control Studio One and I can guide you through the different functions features and how to layer tracks down that is available information on that can be found in the description area below if you're interested and want to reach out and I think we will wrap up here so I hope this has been helpful for you and thanks for watching
Channel: Quanta
Views: 287,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: studio one 4 beginner, learn studio one 4, studio one 4 tutorial, how to use studio one, presonus studio one 4, studio one four
Id: gEjolf59TDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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