How to Record Vocals in Studio One | Setting Up a Session

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you just downloaded Studio One and now you ready to record what you think you some type of engine or some just cuz you got into software waving ain't gonna help ya what's up YouTube welcome back to another way be way tip of the day I'm wavy Wayne and that's right this channel was all about helping you record better mix better and just be a better studio person in general man just get better alright today's lesson we go talk about recording in studio one professional studio one for and I'm sure this applies to all the different versions of studio one that's out there from artists to whatever the hell kind of version you got if you got studio one this video gonna help you out with getting started on recording alright if you new to the channel make sure that you hit the like button and subscribe and turn on the notifications cuz I'll be dropping new videos to help you out loud all the time alright I've also created some very helpful templates to help you get started a whole lot faster than starting up a blank session they've already got effect set up and tracks and all that stuff and they're very popular alright so just go to wavy and get you in them templates if you want to get the sounds of like rowdy rich and Drake and Eminem Rihanna all kind of stuff man you want to use they effects and stuff got away Wacom alright now let's get into studio one when you launch 301 you will reach a dashboard they kind of looks like this alright just to kind of start up windows so before we get into anything let's just confirm a couple of things so let's make sure that a if you're using an audio interface that you have it connected and turned on alright and if you plan to record using a microphone that requires phantom power then make sure that on your interface that you activate that phantom power switch alright now if we're looking at my Studio One dashboard here we can see the setup here and it shows what interface I'm actually using so my interface is the Universal Audio Apollo x6 and that's what is being shown here if you have multiple interfaces connected to your system or for some reason of your interface isn't showing up here you can click here to change what playback and recording device you'd like to use so maybe you have a USB microphone or something then your recording device is gonna be different than your playback device so the playback device that simply means what output do you want the sound to come out of and then the recording device basically means how do you want studio 1 to get the sound in okay cool now when it comes to device block size this is similar to Hardware buffer size and Pro Tools and this definitely matters ok when you starting out when you recording you want to keep this size low ok I recommend either 64 samples or 128 samples now basically what this does is determine how much information your computer is gonna process at one time if you have this block size set very high while you're recording then you will experience latency okay and then we can even calculate how much latency there's gonna be based on what we set this said alright so let's say if I set it at 2048 samples you can see that my input latency is gonna be 49 millisecond and my output latency is gonna be 44 milliseconds now that's a lot of time and it's gonna be very noticeable for anyone who's speaking into a microphone and they have headphones on trying to hear themselves back so while you're recording here's the rule of thumb - mixing low for recording setting these uh the block size higher while you're mixing is gonna allow your computer to process more tracks and use more plugins on each of those tracks and yes the latency will be higher but who cares as long as you're not thinking about a live input if I don't if I'm not recording to a microphone and trying to hear myself back then latency doesn't matter and if I if I'm not very clear on what latency is in case anybody's knew latency ultimately it's the time that it takes for your computer to process the information coming from your microphone once you're speaking to that microphone that goes down into your interface and then that analog signal is converted from log over to digital and then it's doing whatever auto-tune and compression and stuff you got going on in your session and then it's coming back out and being converted from digital back to analog to your headphones now at that time period that gap in time because it's not instantaneous that gap in time is what we call latency and we want to reduce that while we are recording so for today's lesson I'm just gonna go ahead and start off at 128 samples that's gonna bring us down to three point six nine milliseconds of latency which ain't gonna be noticeable for most people all right so that's gonna be great let's see anything in the processing tab that we need to worry about nah not today as long as you got the correct playback device and recording device you should be good here so just go ahead and hit okay and what we're gonna do we're gonna create a new song if you went away be if you downloaded one of my session templates then it will be shown here under user right so you can also use some of these other kind of templates that studio one provides for you but it might just be a little bit harder to get started with those so I'm just gonna go ahead and go to user and I'm gonna choose empty song alright now before we do that there are some parameters on the right side that we should definitely take a look at first and foremost is gonna be the song title and the location of where we're saving this man so many people skip over this and then you can't find your song later make sure that you have good file saving techniques all right make sure you name that song appropriately and then wherever you save your sessions at wherever you save your files choose a folder so in this case I'm gonna call this YouTube YT wavy alright and then I'm gonna choose a location by clicking on these little three arrows here and I like to save my sessions to let's say I save them all to My Documents folder and then I make a new folder in here called Studio One sessions all right so if I do that boom create that and now all of my sessions will be saved in one place now I'm just giving you out app because if you are running a professional recording studio you never want to lose a file okay sample rate basically separate is going to determine the quality of the file and if you know all this stuff skip on past this man but if you would like to know I like to give people background so that we know not only what to do but why we're doing it so that you can make better decisions for yourself in the future without having to rely on wavy alright the more you know the more you grow and the more you can leave me the hell alone so separate basically determines the frequency revolute resolution a revolution summer rate determines the frequency resolution it basically determines the quality as well so when you think about sample rate just think about digital snapshots right so right now my sample rate is 48 kilohertz okay that means every second my audio interface is gonna take 48,000 snapshots of the incoming analog signal so that it can translate that into a digital audio file that I can work with inside of my studio one here so again a sample rate the higher the sample rate the more accurate that audio is the more accurate it is represented inside the digital realm okay now studio CD quality sample rate is forty four point one and that is the minimum on most dolls that you can use I always step it up just a notch and go to 48 kilohertz is gonna just give you a little bit more information to work with it's gonna help your plugins and stuff process a lot better and your future proofing your files in case you need to go for higher quality mediums maybe you're gonna be doing something for television or who knows what it's gonna be for but recording a 48 kilohertz sample size just allows you to have a little bit better quality than your standard CD mp3 sample rate alright no resolution when it comes to this also known as the bit depth okay the bit depth is gonna determine the amplitude resolution or how basically how dynamic your recordings can be we always want our mixers to be as dynamic as possible so we're gonna go with the 24-bit alright 16-bit that's gonna be CD quality standard alright again so we're just gonna gonna up that just a little bit more to get a little bit more dynamic range out of our mixes and again it's gonna make our mixes feel a whole lot bigger a whole wider by amping that resolution up to 24 bit now 32-bit floating-point that is a different concept and we're not gonna get into that today but that's also a choice but here's how I set my set is 48k 24 bit now if you're working on a musical project it's cool to keep your time-based sets of bars if you're working on something that's not musical maybe a project for film or something you might need to have your time base in frames or samples or seconds but for music sessions we're just gonna keep that two bars that basically just means how things are gonna be counted in this session alright so instead of I was looking at one second in time we'll be looking at one bar in time and you know so forth and so on song length five minutes I don't know why they had this year I like how Pro Tools just basically determines the song length but it's just infinite until you stop it right logic does a similar thing to where it has a length of a song I don't like that I'll just keep it at five minutes you can always adjust that if you need to the tempo if you know the tempo before going in maybe you have a beat or you have an idea of what you want the tempo to be you can enter this in here otherwise you can always find it later and change it later in your session so I'll just keep that at 124 now same thing with the time signature unless most time signatures for popular music is gonna be four four so you probably can just keep that there unless you know something otherwise and key signature if you know the key of the song you can choose that and enter day here as well alright now some other stuff I typically don't mess with this stuff down here play overlap stutter that I don't mess with any of that now I'm ready to create I just go ahead and hit okay one of the first things that I need to do now is go ahead and think about what I'm gonna record so most of the time we're gonna be recording to a beat probably a beat that I found off youtube or something like that so we need to go ahead and get it into our session alright there's a couple of different ways to do this but before we do let's change one thing here in studio one especially if this is your first time rockin with studio one and if you're gonna be learning studio one from me your boy wavy then you need to do this because I'm gonna be give me on a bunch of shortcuts and all the shortcuts that I use come from pro - since I'm a native Pro Tools a user okay so I would go up to the studio one menu go over the keyboard shortcuts here we go right down here where it says he board mapping scheme I just changed that click there before it was at Studio One I changed my under Pro Tools and I hit OK okay so I'm not gonna change anything now but I recommend doing that that way when I'm giving you our shortcuts to start recording and playing back and doing all these different things zooming in and out your session and stuff like that I'm using shortcuts that I've already learned and memorized for them over a decade that come from studio one luckily we're able to kind of map those same shortcuts here I'm sorry they're from Pro Tools but we can map them off in studio one same way okay so the first thing that we need to do is go ahead and import an audio file alright so there's a few ways that we can import audio in studio one how I'm gonna do it right now we're gonna keep it simple I'm just gonna go over to my finder and I'm gonna find a beat that I want to use I'm gonna it's gonna go over to my little gateway V folder I got some YouTube beats from the noisy neighbors that they sent me I cou don't wanna work doesn't really matter which one iTunes so I'm just gonna drag this now from my finder and drop it right off into my session mister mp3 file so it's gonna be converted over into WAV or AIFF depending on what my session is set to so you're just gonna go ahead and take a second to convert once this beat is done converting one of the first things that I like to do is first let's just make sure that it's all the way to the beginning so if you drag and drop this somewhere in the middle you can just drag it all the way to the left to make sure that it's at the beginning and then what I also like to make sure that we do is make sure we have Headroom for the actual vocals that we're going to start to record on top of this beat so you can click on this little eye here so you can see your tracks fader and kind of see more information or you can just go ahead down to the bottom right corner of your Edit window here and click on the little mix control and that will open up a fader as well I like this view a little bit better so what I'm gonna do is just kind of go over to one of the loudest parts of the beat I'm gonna play it and I'm gonna just adjust the level a little bit to bring it now I do have other videos when I'm talking about my main input level and how we should record but ultimately when I'm recording I'm looking for my input level to be somewhere around negative 6 dB okay a lot of times when we bring a beat into a session that beat is gonna already be limited and maxed out and it's gonna be pretty loud so what I do to make sure that my vocals don't end up clipping to overcompensate for such a loud beat it's such a small thing but a lot of people miss this and that is simply turn the beat down gain staging it's very important let's turn that beat down so it's not so loud to where we already distorting and clipping before we get started please but if you see now before I was peaking it right about that zero and now I'm peaking right about negative 60 and as I said before that's why I want my vocals to pretty much live so now that I got that beat right up under that negative 6 range I know that if I give my vocals at a good level once I'm recording it it'll actually be you know a lot enough so that my client can hear themselves over the beat or I can hear myself oh whatever okay so that's the very first thing turn that beat now baby if you're using a wavy waiting template you can just drag and drop your beat directly onto the beat track that I provide you and it already has been attenuated alright now let's go ahead and get set up to record some vocals to get some vocals in here I'm just gonna go up to audio hook 9 I'm gonna go up to the track menu and hit add tracks or are we gonna use the shortcut if you and editing ninja on my editing ninjas make sure y'all check in and leave a comment say anything ninja in the comment if you use shortcuts alright so the shortcut to create a new audio track is gonna be shift command in if you want a PC is going to be shift control in and we can name this track lead box LD vo X cool it's gonna be an audio track I like this because when I create a new track I can actually assign presets to it so I'll have some presets coming up very soon for a different track so that when you are just making a track I can just at that preset right in there but that's gonna be very easy but also I like that I can change the input here so since my microphone is plugged into input 2 on my audio interface I need to make sure that my input is set to input 2 yours is probably set to input 1 or whatever maybe 3 or 4 but whatever it is just make sure that you set it correctly and the output can be set to main all right and we just create that one track for now I'll hit OK the next thing that we need to do is go ahead and arm this track for recording so if we take a look at some of the controls on the track we have mute we have solo mute will basically mute anything that's on this track so that you can't hear it you can hear all the other tracks solo will mute all the other tracks and only allow you to hear the track that solo the recording normal enable button is the magic here this is where if any tracks that you want to record to you click that button and then it enables that track or arms that track to be ready to record we also have this little monitor button here so if I just wanted to listen to what was happening on the input I can monitor it there okay cool so what we're gonna do for this track is just go ahead and hit the record enable button and we can see that I'm getting level if you're talking to your microphone after you hit the record enable button and then right no mine if you talk of the in microphone after you hit the record enable button you should be seeing some level if you're not seeing some level you probably need to go back and check and make sure that a your interface is connected be the microphone is connected see if the microphone needs phantom power or external power that it's powered or a whole bunch of other things consult a professional if you're having trouble alright cool so now that I got my level set I got my track record enabled I think I'm ready to record me so to start recording in studio one if you've changed over to the Pro Tools keyboard layout and all you have to do is hold the command key and hit the space bar in your session we'll start recording yeah his way a little silliness right there once you done recording then just go ahead and take that track cord so that you can didn't so that you don't risk recording over anything and that you can hear back what's been recorded right so now that we got it off record when it we're off monitor I can play this back I'll just play it back from this section here all right cool and as simple as that I just got my first recording in studio one now you can repeat this process as much as necessary by adding more tracks just hit the shift command in add more tracks and keep building onto your song alright that's how we recorded in studio one thanks for watching this video I really hope that y'all learned a lot I'll be dropping a whole bunch more studio one template so you can learn all about this software and get some really great recordings and mixes out of it alright if you need to record in a mixing template check out my website wavy where I drop the hottest templates out ever it's a whole bunch of imitators ain't no duplicators man if you want the sounds of writing rich Drake and a whole bunch of other people go to every right now check out the templates that I got for studio one logic and pro tools I also offer professional mixing services so after you get your recording done hit me up and we can talk about getting your joint mixed and ready for the radio alright if you new to the channel make sure that you subscribe like thumbs up turn on the notifications all letting and there's a little thing that we always say around here and that is be dope be real dope [Music]
Channel: Wayne.wav
Views: 223,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: studio one tutorial, studio one 4 artist, presonus studio one, how to use studio one, studio one recording vocals, studio one 4 recording vocals, presonus studio one 4, how to record vocals in studio one 4, how to use studio one 4, studio one artist, how to record on studio one 4, how to record in studio one 4, recording vocals in studio one 4, wavy wayne studio one, studio one vocal recording, how to record on studio one, how to record in studio one, studio one 4 tutorial
Id: E_74hNeceZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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