Get Started in Minutes with Amazon Connect in Your Contact Center - AWS Online Tech Talks

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hello my name is Mike Wallace I'm a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services specializing in Amazon connect Amazon connect is our cloud-based contact center platform if you've worked with connect before you probably already have an instance configured if you're new to Amazon Connect you need to configure an instance and there's a great video from my colleague Yasir that will walk you through how to set up your instance at this YouTube link there's a little bit of redundancy in that video but if you use this video to get your instance set up you'll be ready to go with what we're going to talk about today which is configuring your first use of your contact center once you've got that done we're gonna jump right into the demo here and once you've configured your instance this should be the first screen you see if you've been in your instance before it'll jump right to the dashboard but for first-time users this is the first screen and we're just gonna go from here so I'm gonna go ahead and click on the Let's Go button and the first thing you're going to get presented with is the option to claim your first phone number you're also going to get some pop-ups from your browser a lot asking you to share your microphone and speakers go ahead and allow both those settings and that'll allow your soft phone access to your audio for making phone calls in and out of Amazon Connect so in claimed phone number you'll see we have a few things we can select first is your country selector so you can go through and pick the country you want your first phone number to be in I'm in the United States so I'm going to go ahead and pick there so this list will vary a little bit depending on the region you choose for your Amazon Connect instance you can see a list of supported regions when you're in your AWS console and select your regional instance setup today I'm going to go ahead and select a direct dial number you can also select toll-free numbers and it'll give me a list of numbers I could choose as my first number so I'm gonna go ahead and pick this for seven though number because that looks like a nice easy number to remember and I'm gonna go ahead and click Next now I already have my number ready to go it's gonna give me the opportunity to make a test call I'm actually gonna go ahead and skip this for now talking about telephony a little bit further one of the great things about Amazon Connect is it allows you to manage your contact center without worrying about the infrastructure of telephony management we handle all that for you all you need to do is either use numbers that we have in our inventory toll-free and direct dial for whichever country you need that is supported by Amazon Connect or you can bring your own phone number to the platform through a porting process you can work with your account team or you can open a ticket directly to have numbers that you own port it into the connect service where we support that and you can continue to use your existing telephone numbers for now I'm going to go ahead and click skip for now and for the first time we're going to go ahead and see the Amazon Connect dashboard so we just walked through the claim a phone number process and you'll see this green check box here if you want to go in and claim more phone numbers or view the phone numbers you have you can click on view phone numbers and they'll take you right to this management list you'll see that number we claimed is here it has a default description and it assigns it to a contact flow we're gonna talk more about that in a little bit but I also want to show you the navigation around in Amazon Connect so you'll see here on the left side there's a menu that you can hover over we can go back to the dashboard there's also some other icons here you can explore those on your own we'll be going to a few of them today but I'm going to do all that from the dashboard so I'm gonna go ahead and click on dashboard this will take me back to that main view and now we have some more steps we can take the first thing we're gonna look at here after selecting our phone number is hours of operation so I was operation allow you to select the times of day and days of week that your contact center queues are open so if we wanted to define an hours table you could simply click on add new hours give it a name so we'll say normal daytime schedule whatever you want to put here is fine as long as it makes sense to you and you can use it later as you build out your contact center we'll give it a short description I'm just gonna call it test you can see here we can localize the time zone so I'm gonna go to my time zone and I'm actually gonna type Pacific and I'll scroll down until I get to the bottom and I'll grab us Pacific so you'll see here I have days of week start times and end types so you can simply select the start and end times of the days you want to be open I'm going to go ahead and leave these default values and click Save and you'll see now we have and hours of operation table ready to go you can create hours of operation tables and apply those to your contact flows which are your interactive voice response menus to see when your contact center is open or closed once you've got that I'm gonna go ahead and navigate back to our dashboard so the next thing we're going to talk about is queues so when we're talking about contact centers a lot of times we talk about skills based routing and in our world a queue and a skill are basically synonymous when we create a queue we're creating a skill that an agent is going to have so for example if you have agents that speak multiple languages they may have multiple queues associated with those languages if I have an english-speaking agent they may have a English cue call it like desktop support English if their desktop support technicians and if they also speak Spanish they could have a cue called desktop support Spanish so when we look at setting up cues we'll just click on View cues you'll see by default there's a basic cue I'm gonna go ahead and add a new cue you'll see there's some fields to fill in so following that example I just said let's just put desktop support English and we'll go ahead and type English cue and now we see hours of operation so we just created an hours of operations table that will see that normal daytime schedule populated here we can select that you'll also see we have something for outbound caller ID so we'll put a name in there that we want to send to the telephone company for outbound caller and line ID it'll also ask for up on caller ID number and then you can select your number from this list this can also be set dynamically in another fashion it's a little deeper than we're going to go in today's discussion if you have that requirement go ahead and talk to your solution architects your team and they can help you show how to do that so we're gonna also look at outbound whisper flow so whisper flows happened throughout Amazon connect to tree behaviors as calls go to customers and to agents so in this case this outbound whisperer flow will be what happens to a call when an outbound call was placed from this queue for something like a queued callback or an agent placing an outbound call we'll talk more about those whisper flows in a bit you also see here set contacts in queue that's a limit that you can select to say how many people you want to have on hold in a time before the queue goes into an overflow so if I select on that we can actually go ahead and put in there so if I put the number five that means only five calls can be queued for this particular queue before we can follow a limit threshold when we design our IVR script we also see down here quick connects these speed dials we can create four agents that are members of this queue to transfer calls to other agents to other queues or to external phone numbers we can set those up elsewhere and then add them to this queue and any agent that's a member of this queue will have access to those speed dial buttons so I'll go ahead and click add new queue then we see now we have our desktop support English queue I'm going to do the same thing but I'm also going to add a desktop support Spanish queue just real quickly go through here and as I'm doing this you'll see I'm filling in the same fields and I'm since I'm using the same contact center agents to answer this I'm going to pick the same schedule I'm going to fill in these fields that we had before pick my calling line ID name pick my whisper flow and save this queue so now I've got my queues configuring I can go back to the dashboard and we'll talk more about what to do with those queues in a few minutes as we process through this dashboard so the next thing we look at is creating prompts and there's a couple ways we can deal with prompts and Amazon connect in this particular menu we're gonna look at ways we can deal with recorded prompts like pre-recorded WAV files that you get from professional voice talent or if you want to record prompts yourself and we do that by clicking on the view prompts and now you'll see you have the option to create new props you'll also see some default prompts that are in here there's some open source music in here that you're welcome to use and some pre-recorded prompts in here so I'm gonna go ahead and click create new prompt and you'll see that here we have the option to upload so if you have an existing wav file that you want to upload to the service you can do that here or we have a recording tool built into the platform that allows you to record it also has some simple editing tools once you do a recording in here to crop out noise background noise or anything that you want to remove them from the recording make it cleaner I'm gonna go ahead and cancel this because we're not actually going to do this so the other way we have to deal with prompts is actually using an a AI ml service within Amazon services called Polly and Polly is a text-to-speech service that when you design your contact flows you can actually type into the service what you want Polly to say and using Polly voices it will actually be able to read back whatever you type into the service that allows you to do a lot more dynamic prompting it allows you to create prompts using attributes saying things like welcome to my company Mike Wallace or for example if you were to call Amazon it might recognize that you're a Prime member and say thank you for being a prime member so you can create dynamic prompting in Polly to do voices accents and language support using text-to-speech so I'll go back to the dashboard and we're going to look at some of that now so this is where you can get into building your actual interactive voice response contact flows so I'm gonna go ahead and click on View contact flows and we'll see here that you see a lot of default and sample contact flows the samples are here just for you to view to use as kind of a primer on how you might want to do things they're certainly not the only way to do things but they give you a good starting point on how to deal with the use cases given here things like an inbound flow an interrupt able cue flow there's also some up here called defaults and you'll see defaults throughout the system what these do is these give you a fail-safe in in the in the event that you fail to create something or the system doesn't really understand what you're trying to make it do rather than creating an error State or not processing the call it'll just handle it with whatever default behaviors are configured for example if you had not configured a default agent transfer but had given an agent the ability to do a quick connect to another agent it would use this default agent transfer flow so we're gonna go ahead and click on create contact flow and that's going to take us to our contact flow designer the great thing about the contact flow designer is this does not require any knowledge in coding scripting any proprietary knowledge in scripting languages this is a very simple drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create complex contact flows using nothing more than your left finger on the mouse button and a little dragon around so just kind of navigating this real quick the first thing we need to do is give this a name so I'm going to call this the Emma's prime flow so once i've given it a name you'll see that we have a couple other options illuminated so over here on the right side we see we have a save and then a menu of save you can also import flows so if you create a contact flow in another instance or in another service you can import that flow here that keeps you gives you the ability to manage content flows across multiple instances and reuse logics that you've created we also have a publish so saving the contact flow gives you the ability to save your work in progress but yeah it's not ready to use yet once you have your flow saved and you're ready to use it and actually create an IVR ready for consumption you can go ahead and click on publish if you click publish on a flow that has errors in it you'll actually see those errors and it will give you a big red box over where your mistake is and give you the opportunity to correct it it will not publish an incomplete or an inaccurate flow so that's a good error handling methodology so you see here on the left we have all these drop-down menus so this is a lot like working with Visio where you just find what you want in the menu on the left and you drag it into the drawing pane on the right so for example I clicked on interact and you'll see the options that we have under interact I can also click on set and see some options here so if you look at all these different blocks they all have different descriptions and you can see what each one of them does in detail in the administrative guides but for example let's say I wanted to log every call that comes through this menu I can just grab that set logging behavior block and drag it in here and I'll just go to start so you always start at these little circle and then drag the line over to the endpoint on set logging behavior so now I've turned on logging for this contact flow by default it's enabled but if I want to look at the behaviors I can go to the name of the block click on that and then I'll actually see the configuration of the block itself in set logging behavior there's not much to do here it's either enabled or disabled we're gonna leave it enabled and save it so now I'm going to actually go ahead and record all my calls so I'm gonna grab that set call recording behavior block and drag it over here and I'm gonna connect these together now you'll see in this case by default it's not enabled so when I click on the name of the block I'll see my options for this and here I have the option for not recording them at all I can do both sides of the recording or one or the other I'm gonna go ahead and select both agent and customer and save it and now all my calls are recorded into Amazon s3 you defined an s3 bucket when you built your instance and that video that I referred to earlier so now all your calls that come through this contact flow go into that call recording bucket the last thing I'm going to do we talked about Amazon Palio moments ago and I'm gonna go ahead and set the voice that I want to use for my text-to-speech by default the voice is set at us English the voice is called Joana I'm gonna go ahead and change that I'm gonna go ahead and pick a US English voice and you'll see we have several different examples of u.s. English voices but today I'm going to use Matthew and I'm gonna save that so now anything I type in here in text-to-speech props will be spoken in the Matthew voice if you want to experiment with Amazon Pali from your AWS console you can actually use that service directly and type things into the console and it will play back in real time what you're typing so you can hear what those voices sound like so once I've got some set blocks in here I'm actually gonna play something so we haven't really done anything with the customer yet we've only set some conditions so I'm gonna go ahead and grab a play prompt block and I'm gonna connect that and this is where I can start working with audio files so if I had a pre-recorded wav file that I wanted to use I could use the audio prompts I can also click on text to speech you'll also see in these cases there's the option to select dynamically so if you have a lot of different greetings you might want to play here based on conditions such as a customer level for example an Amazon Prime member might get a thank you for being a prime member or something of that nature you can change the behaviors of the props dynamically right now I'm just going to click on text to speech and in here I'm just gonna say thank you for calling on web services and I'm going to go ahead and save that so now that's the first thing that the customers going to hear when they call in now that way we want to get a little input from the customer so I'm going to go ahead and get customer input drag that in I'm just gonna move my menu here as I move along and this is where I can actually take and start getting input from the customer so I created two queues one queue was for desktop support English and one was for desktop support Spanish so in the text-to-speech I'm going to say if you flips in English press 1 now now I have two shamefacedly Amit I don't speak Spanish so I'm going to type this in English in Spanish that's two now so now we've told the customer they can press one or two but we do have to tell the system what we're actually going to allow so I can go ahead and click on add another condition and I can put one and I can put two in here now a quick note you probably noticed as I scrolled by there's a tab on here for Amazon Lex if you're not familiar with Lex Lex's our speech recognition natural language understanding environments it uses the same AI ml algorithms that Amazon Alexa uses to understand spoken word so you can actually create natural language IVRS using Amazon Lex they'll be follow-up webinars on how to configure Lex and today we're not going to cover that but it is an option that is fully integrated with Amazon Connect out of box you just simply click on this to change that behavior from a touch-tone input to a Lex bot so I've entered my two options that I'm gonna allow I'm gonna click on save and you'll see that now my input box has the press 1 option the press 2 option also has a timeout default in error timeout is what happens if the customer presses nothing default is what happens if the customer presses something other than one or two and error is what happens if something happens that we can't interpret so now as I continue on my logic here so now I know I want to send these calls to Q's that I created so I'm going to set working queue for option one and set working queue for option two so I can go ahead and option one there option two here and now I can say in set working queue I can pick the queue I want so I said one for English you'll also see here we have the ability to do this dynamically using an attribute so if you are getting this information from an external data source you'd be able to do that there or we can route directly to an agent so if you have particular agent relationships like one-to-one relationships for concierge service you can route directly to an agent bypassing the queue all together and I'll configure this one that we said was for Spanish and save that now we need to deal with these default timeout and air handlers so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to give them the opportunity to try again so I'm just gonna say play prompt and I'm in the text box I'm just gonna say please try again and of course you could make this work in any fashion that you wanted your logic to design I'm just doing this for the purposes of today I'm gonna connect default timeout and air to all of these another nice thing about this drawing pane is we can actually zoom out if we want to be able to see more using these plus/minus keys I don't want to make it too small so you guys can see everything easily but as I do this you can see I can now take these back to my input block and now they'll have the opportunity to try again there is the ability to put a loop counter in here too so I could actually under the branch menu I can put a loop counter in here so if I make a mistake in a queue and I want to change it I can just go to the line I had delete it run this through the loop counter and say I'm gonna let it loop three times that's the default behavior and go through there if they come out of that loop counter a third time and are still not able to interact I'm going to assume that something horrible has gone wrong with the caller's phone and I'm going to disconnect the call okay so now that we've set our working queues and dealt with our error handler and you'll see we have error handlers here too so I'm going to go ahead and connect all my errors to the same handler give them an opportunity to try again but once I've actually successfully done this I'm just going to transfer to the queue and now you'll see I only need one transfer to queue block because I don't need to set different conditions I've set the queue here and I'm just going to transfer it now remember when we configured the queue we had an a set a limit check box we configured that had five in it so that's this act capacity once I've hit my queue capacity meaning I've got my five calls in queue and I have no more room to handle calls what do I want to do with that there's a lot of different ways you could handle that you could send them to a different queue you could send them to a menu that says were over our capacity right now please try your call again later you could also send them to a callback to have them get a call back when the queue is not so busy today just for the sake of what we're doing today I'm going to be very very rude and I'm gonna hang up on them so hopefully you've seen here it's very very easy to create these modular call flows using these blocks and now we've created a very simple menu that will play in a US English male voice that if you need desktop support in English press 1 if you need it in Spanish press 2 hopefully you'll type yours in Spanish and then we set our working queue transfer to the queue and once they are in queue they'll just wait for the next available agent so now what we need to do the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to save this and it says contact flow saves successfully the screen will refresh and there's my saved queue now before we can actually use the queue we need to publish it I'm just gonna go ahead and create an error condition real quick to show you what that looks like so if I remove this block and hit publish first we're giving it a warning the same are you sure you want to do this today I am sure and you'll see right away I got a warning block that says that I've done something wrong here if I click on it it's gonna tell me that I have to get all my stuff transferred appropriately so I'm gonna go ahead and click my error and get that connected and I'm gonna try and publish it again and this time it says all right you're all good so now this flow is ready to use the last thing you need to do before you use the contact flow you just did is assign it to the actual phone number you want to be answered by this flow so if we go back to the dashboard you'll see that we can go under view phone numbers we'll take a look at our phone number here and then now I can find that Amazon Prime flow I just built and I'll go ahead and save that so now you see the contact flow IVR has changed to Amazon Prime flow so when you make changes to contact flows or you make changes to telephone number assignments to contact flows it does take about a minute or two for the system to propagate those changes all the way through all the services necessary but so before you test its give yourself a minute or two you'll save yourself a little bit of frustration if you don't wait long enough so once you've had about a minute or two please go ahead and call that you should see your ear flow in action so I'm going to go ahead and go back to the dashboard here so now that we've shown you how to create a contact flow we need to go back to the discussion about skills based routing so now that we've created the queues to sign up for queues now we need to get them to an agent so routing profiles are where we attach queues and then we attach agents to routing profiles so rather than having to skill all the way to the agent level which creates a lot of extra administration overhead what we allow you to do is create groups of queues into skill groups called the routing profile and then when you build your agent which we'll do in a minute you'll see how to assign an agent to a routing profile so if you have a hundred agents in your company and ten of them have skill group a and 90 of them have skill group B you need two routing profiles so to create a routing profile we're just gonna click on add new routing profile and give it a name we're gonna call it Desktop support profile in the description we'll just give it something that makes sense I'm keeping it simple today and then here you'll see we need to add cues to this routing profile so I'll go ahead and search for queue and I'm going to add desktop support English and then add another cue I'm gonna add desktop support in Spanish so now we have two cues you'll see here we also have options for priority and we have options for delay so when calls arrive at a routing profile the first thing it does is it examines the priority of the agents available and says do I have an agent available to take this call right now that matches everything one of those things it looks for is do I have an agent of the proper priority so priority one is the best priority so if I wanted this particular skill group so we're gonna go ahead and look at these priorities and in the support Spanish queue I'm gonna go ahead and change this group to priority two so if I have agents assigned to this priority and a call comes in for desktop support Spanish if agents in this queue are available the call would ring in here if there were no agents of a better priority available for example if I have another routing profile where Spanish is Priority One and agents are available there it's going to go to that profile first we also have the option for delays delays will actually give you a time that you can set to delay a call being presented to an agent so either another better matched agent becomes available or the customer has the opportunity to do something different like receive a comment so the delay is in seconds so if I go ahead and put thirty seconds in here when a call comes in to Desktop support Spanish and the call arrives in this particular profile it will wait 30 seconds before it sends a call to these agents so if a caller comes in for the English cue they have a higher priority and no delay so they'll be answered by agents in this routing profile immediately if a call comes in for the Spanish cue with a lower priority it will wait 30 seconds to see if a better priority agent comes available to answer that call before these agents answer it that gives you a lot of ability to control how your agents handle calls and how to skill your agents so they're not handling calls that are of a lesser important skill for that agent group the last thing you have to configure is a default outbound queue for this routing profile so we'll go ahead and send out English so when an outbound call is placed by an agent it'll be associated with this queue once we have that all done we can click add new profile and you'll see your new desktop support profile once we have that routing profile doesn't define I'm going to go ahead and go back to our dashboard and the last thing we need to do to get our contact center up and running is configure users so I'm going to click on View users and you'll see by default there was the user that was created when you built this instance the first time and we're going to go ahead and click add new users and when you see this you'll see you can create new users either individually or you can upload from a template this option will only show up if you're using internal directory if you're using single sign-on or Active Directory Integration you won't see this so I'll go ahead and create a new user what I'm going to go ahead and put a user in here and you have to give it a password and it has to match then once you have that you scroll down you'll see here's your routing profile that you built Desktop support profile so that means this agent will be available for desktop support English and Spanish and the priorities and delays that we configured in the last screen now we have security profiles so security profiles allow you to granularly control what this particular individual is able to do by default there's four levels of security you have an administrator who has access to everything you have an agent who has access to only the softphone and cannot do anything from a supervisor on up type role administered the platform or make any changes you have a call center manager and a quality analyst these have kind of middle-ground security policies and you can view those security policies in the security profile definitions so for this I'm going to click on agent then over here we have phone type you'll see soft phone and you'll see desk phone a word on desk phone this does not mean that you can connect a hard telephone directly to the service this is far like work at home or remote agents have poor internet connection or need to be away from their PC you can go ahead and put a full ten digit dial Obul phone number in here ten digit in the US if you're outside the US your dialling pattern may vary but we do support other countries so this would be if you had a work at home agent and they had poor internet connection you could put a desk phone or a cell phone number in there I'll go ahead and leave mine at soft phone you'll also see we have auto accept call so if you want your agents to answer the phone without actually having to accept the call with a click of a button this will just present to the agent immediately gives them a tone and they start speaking we also have after call work timeout some systems call this wrap time it's the same thing how much time does the agent have to conclude a contact either entering information into your CRM or entering information into a database before they're available for the next call zero in this field actually means indefinitely so if we leave this at zero the agent will have to manually put themselves back into available otherwise you can put in here whatever value you want in seconds for your after call timeout we also see Asian hierarchy agent hierarchy is for report grouping we're not going to cover in detail what report grouping is all about in this particular webinar but this allows you to divide contact centers into groups for reporting if you had agents and maybe two different locations that were members of the same queue you might want to report on them in in geographical segments for example if I had 30 agents in Los Angeles and 30 agents in Austin I may want to have a hierarchy that says show me only the agents in LA or Austin so I'm going to go ahead and save this user and you'll see that we have the opportunity to create more we'll just create users and we're done so now we've created the users we've added our users to the platform we've got our dashboard and we have successfully created a usable menu so now that we've followed these seven steps we've created the basic framework of the contact center we're going to go and do a little bit deeper on some of the optional steps now once I've completed all this you'll see in the next steps we have the option to set up quick connects security profiles and agent statuses so the way you do that is over here on the Left menu you can see all the different things you can do here we're going to start with Quick Connect so I'm going to go to this routing menu and I'm going to select quick connects so we talked very briefly about quick connects already and this was kind of a discussion around how these are speed dials that we can use for agents to be able to transfer calls to other agents to other queues or to external numbers so I'm gonna go ahead after I clicked on quick connects I'm gonna go ahead and click add new and I'm gonna give it a name I'm just gonna call this one test transfer you'll see on the drop down we have an external an agent or a Q Quick Connect option so I'm gonna go ahead and click external on this and I'm just gonna put a full a 164 number in here so plus one two oh six five five five one two one two and that is all you need to do for an external Quick Connect so I can save this and then I can add another quick-connect so this one I'm gonna make an agent quick connect and you're gonna see things are gonna change a little bit so now I have to search for an agent I'll make it this one and now I have a contact flow so remember I said we had some agent transfer flows we haven't created a new one so the only one available is default agent transfer you can look at the default in samples to see how those behave and you can then make your own transfer flow decisions on how you want these transfer flows to work using the same contact flow designer we built our flow end and we can give it a description if we want so we'll go ahead and save that we can also create cue transfer flows here I'll make this one a cute transfer and you'll see it says transfer to queue and there we go so now we've created these quick connects now we need to assign the quick connects to someone to be able to use them and if you remember we actually did that in the individual queues so I can go to queues and I can look at my English support queue so once you're down here at the quick connects menu you can just click on that and you'll see the quick connects that you have configured and you can just go through and add the ones you want to apply to this queue I'm going to go ahead and apply all three of them and then once I save it now I have those quick connects added to that queue so any agent that's a member of that queue will have those show up in their Quick Connect options when they want to transfer a call the other thing we need to look at is security profiles we talked a little bit about what these mean and you'll see under manage security profiles these are the four options that are created by default you'll see we have an administrator an agent a call center manager and a quality analyst so you can see these have granular permissions associated with them along with the description talking about what they are but we can also create our own security profiles by going in and let's call this one super agent and we'll give this one metrics access to an agent so this gives them the ability to access metrics too so now when we look down here in the permissions you'll see there are several subcategories that we can assign so this contact control panel that is our soft phone obviously we want to give an agent access to the contact control panel we're also going to give them access to outbound calls and then we also have a field for metrics and quality so if I open this you'll see we have a lot of options under metrics about what we want to allow people to do so I could give them access to everything and that'll give them access to all of these different fields or I could give them access to just contact search and view contact attributes login logout reports so I can go through and do all of these we're not going to give a manager monitor because these are agents we don't want them to silent monitor calls recording we can actually look here and see do we want them to have access do we want them to be able to download do we want them to be able to delete I'll say for these we wanted to be able to play them but not take any other action and for save reports will allow them to view only I'll go ahead and save this security profile and you can look at the other things that they're allowed to do in security profiles just by opening these menus I'm not going to make any changes there I'll just save this and now we have the super agent profile and you can go in and see all the things that we've allowed them to do the last thing we're going to cover is we're going to cover agent status so by default the system has two agent statuses they're either offline or they're available we're probably going to need to have more agent statuses for example if they're in a meeting or on a break or at lunch so we can go ahead and create new agent statuses and we'll call this one lunch break and we'll give this one a description of one hour lunch and save it so now when an agent goes into their contact control panel when they change their status they'll have the option to also change to lunch break when you create these statuses that they also become reportable so you can run reports and say how much time did agent ABCD spend in lunch break we can create another one that says team meeting give it a description of just meetings and save that and now we have four different statuses that agents are able to use so now back to the dashboard we'll see here that we've gone through all the steps that the dashboard suggests and you actually have a very simple working contact Center now as you learn and grow with Amazon Connect you'll be able to add more complexity in your contact flows just by going through the drag-and-drop creator you can create more and more complex skills based routing and do all kinds of interesting things with contact flows integrating Lex and creating a dynamic personable call flows that help you work the other thing that you'll see here is a button on the top right that says hide the guide so once you're comfortable that you've created all these steps and you know how to navigate using this menu over here you can click on this and now you'll see a simple dashboard that actually has your Q statistics so as soon as those cues start receiving calls you'll see this little cute card that shows those Q activities and this is the view you'll probably want going forward that'll show you how your call center performances working for you and give you the ability to manage and maintain it so hopefully we've given you a good chance to look through Amazon connect from the beginning simple creation of contact flows users and the ability to navigate the dashboard and feel comfortable moving around and creating a contact center thanks very much for your time and really appreciate it and good luck
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Views: 46,275
Rating: 4.9164491 out of 5
Keywords: Contact Center, telephony, call center, customer service, AWS, Webinar, Cloud Computing, Amazon Web Services
Id: yGJdYbwb8j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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