How To Get Your Prayers Answered // Randy Skeete

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[Music] we're delighted and we hope and believe that God will bless you I had a quiet afternoon thinking of what I should say to you now and I believe God has given me a message for you the title is how to get your prayers answered what did I say how many of you are praying for something right now can I see your hand you pray oh all of you okay how to get your prayers answered this is the kind of message where you need pencil and paper but before I get into that I want to answer a couple questions but before I do let us pray dear God in heaven as I answer these questions I ask ask you truly and sincerely give me the right words de God what I say may affect someone in some way so please give me truth in its Simplicity in Jesus name I pray amen all right question number one greetings in jesus' name how come Moses Elijah and Enoch went to heaven and they're supposed to go back to the dirt okay interesting question that person was present when we delivered the message when you die now Elijah did not die Enoch did not die Moses died but the Bible gives us evidence that God raised Moses from the dead uh in the book of Jude verse 9 uh the Bible tells us yet Michael the Archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses DST not bring a railing accusation against him but said the Lord rebuke thee that verse tells us there was an argument at least the devil was the one doing the arguing because Jesus clearly had come to claim Moses the verse said they disputed about the body of Moses Satan does not know when we confess our sins particularly if we pray quietly he cannot read your mind God can read your mind Christ can read your mind the spirit can read the mind the Angels cannot read the mind but they can read the expressions and come to very amazing conclusions soak in the devil but he cannot read your mind had confessed and so Christ came to claim his body to resurrect him and take him to heaven and the devil came to argue with Jesus and Jesus had to rebuke him and so in that battle for Moses of course Jesus won it's interesting every time Christ and Satan clashed Satan lost somebody ought to say Amen am we serve a risen savior who has won every battle he has fought against Satan so Christ has a 10 and Zero fighting record against the devil so uh Moses was risen from the grave was raised from the grave whoever sent a question and so will we when the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first the same power that raised Moses will raise us Lazarus was in the Tomb he had been there 4 days and when Jesus said take you away the stone I think it's John 11:38 Martha said Lord by this time he stinketh for he ha been dead four days but Jesus said said not I unto thee if thou should believe thou would have seen the glory of God and then Jesus said Lazarus come forth and Lazarus who probably had begun to stink came forth fresh as a daisy at the call of the power of the lifegiving word of God and that same voice will call the righteous dead when Jesus comes back all right uh question number two uh hi Pastor on the subject of tongues your statement may have sounded like you said a person praying in privacy along alone may utter unintelligible words and not do so in public I am sure that's not what you meant but I can feel it needs clarification yes that's what I meant that's really what I meant when I say unintelligible unintelligible to other people remember we're quoting from 1 Corinthians 14:27 If any man speaketh in an unknown tongue Let It Be by two or at most by three and that by course in other words one after the other and let one interpret if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to God so if there's no interpretation that person can speak to himself or to God in a tongue no one understands the person himself may not understand but it's just between you and God in private so yes you can utter something in private that is unintelligible to everyone else but that's okay because since it's just you and God there's no need for interpretation so yes that is what I meant the third question hi Pastor how do you forgive someone who does wrong to you and doesn't admit that he or she is wrong and never comes to us forgiveness good question I'm sure some of you have had that experience the carnal mind does not like to admit wrong at all so that is a condition we all suffer from you didn't hear me no one naturally likes to confess that he or she's wrong so when God said to Adam Where Art Thou he said I heard thy voice in the garden I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself and he said who told you that thou was naked hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded that thou should not eat Genesis 3:1 and a man said the woman whom thou Gest to be with me she gave me of the tree and I did it he did not confess his wrong God said to the woman what is this that thou Hast done verse 13 and the woman said the serpent begil me and I did eat neither one confessed wrong at that point clearly they confess later that's why God covered them with the coats of skin in verse 21 it is not natural to say I am wrong your mouth goes dry your blood pressure goes up your heart rate increases and you need 3 weeks to before you talk to that person again because it affects us so powerfully we hate to say we're wrong but we're called to act in a Divine Way not a human way so if there's someone who has wronged you and will not come and ask for forgiveness you should not be waiting for the person to come and ask come on come on are you with me that's not God's way when Adam sinned God didn't wait for Adam to climb up to heaven God came down into the sewer of this sinful World on hands and knees to Adam begging Adam to accept his forgiveness if someone has wronged you you are required by God to make the first move to make it right so the carnal nature Works in both ways the carnal nature hates to say I'm wrong and the caral nature hates to take the make the first move if the person has not been the one to act improperly either this way the carnal nature is operating so if someone has wronged you you act like God and move first you may have to pray a lot fast a couple days but uh that's what the Bible requires somebody say amen for the Bible mhm it's not what you and I require but it's what the Bible requires our subject for this afternoon how to get your prayers answered before I begin do three little favors for me favor number one please turn off your cell phones please you've done very well and let me publicly thank you again for cooperating in every congregation when the preacher says please do that there's someone who says quietly he can't tell me what to do and I'll do the opposite but apparently none of you have adopted that attitude which is not of God by the way so thank you very much for your cooperation favor number two while I'm speaking pray for me and say Lord put your words in that man's mouth and favor number three what's that think think let's pray Holy Father in Heaven thank youday God for loving us so much that you sent your only begotten son Jesus Christ to die to suffer you gave him up father we thank you for his life sinless his death voluntary his resurrection powerful and Grave shattering father the power that brought him from the grave is the power he makes available to us to live and Overcomer life we open our hearts now to receive that power de God forgive our sins cleanse our hearts father give us a love for truth give us a love for that which is holy and righteous bless us speak through me I pray in Jesus name and for his sake let God's people say amen and amen subject is how to get your prayers answered first question we must ask is why is it necessary for the Christian to pray when Adam stood in a sinless condition in the Garden of Eden there was no need for him to pray Adam could talk to God face to face and he did Isaiah 59: 1 and 2 said God's hand is not short that he cannot save or his ear heavy that he cannot hear but your iniquities have separated between you and your God and His sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear you it is because of sin that prayer became necessary let me say it again by saying it this way in the new world according to Revelation 22:4 and they shall see his face we shall speak to God face to face when you talk to your mother and you say mom or Daddy I need school fees you not praying praying although if you it may sound like that but you're not praying you're asking someone in the new world there'll be no need for prayer we will just talk to God face to face no mediator just talk to him the way I'm speaking to you because of sin prayer became necessary because now we could not come right into the presence of God because he would destroy us sin cannot enter the presence of God and secondly we can not speak face to face and there therefore we needed someone could represent us Before the Throne so prayer is necessary because of sin and Jesus who took our sins he prayed and straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and to go before him over to the other side while he sent the multitude away and when he had sent the multitude away he went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone the Bible tells us Matthew 14:22 23 that Jesus Christ would go off by himself and would pray John 6 when Jesus fed the 5,000 he lifted up the basket he offered thanks the Bible said then he break and he distributed at the raising of the tomb of Lazarus when Jesus told him removed the stone and they removed it he said pray the father I thank the thou has heard me he prayed to his father then he said Lazarus come forth Jesus lived a life of Prayer and if it was good enough for Christ it has to be good enough for us if it was necessary for Christ sometimes he would spend all night in prayer one of his favorite locations was the Mount of Olives where there was a garden The Garden of Gethsemane where of course he sweat drops of blood he would go there and pray for hours prayer is essential now how do we get our prayers answered let's I'm going to give you eight things to keep in mind have your pens ready because I'll be quizzing you rule number one pray to God the Father I can't tell you how many times I've heard people pray to the Holy Ghost and pray to uh you know when Jesus the disciples said Lord teach us how to pray Matthew 6:9 the Bible says after this manner therefore pray our Our Father which art in heaven but the classic example of how to pray is John 17 where Jesus prays to his father and in John 17 from verse one these words spake Jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour has come glorify thy son that thy son Also may glorify thee Jesus prayed to his father and in that prayer all of John 17 he mentions the father six times look at verse one I believe it is look at verse 5 look at verse 11 look at verse 21 verse 24 and verse 25 Jesus prays father righteous father Holy Father always to the father he did not pray to the spirit let me be a little more emphatic but express myself differently God is a God who does things a certain way God is never halfhazard there is a science of prayer there's a science of Salvation there's a science of soul-winning in other words there is this particular way to do things and if we do things the Bible's Way the results will amaze us let me say it again there are certain ways to do certain things and the ways are laid out in the Bible if we will study carefully you know El frequently talks about the science of Salvation the science of prayer there's a certain way that God forgives and so there's a certain way we must pray and rule number one pray to the father let me tell you why we broke when we sin we break the Father's Law it is also the son's law the spirit's law but the Bible identifies it peculiarly as the Father's Law now because we broke the Father's Law we must repent to the father now it wasn't the father who died literally it wasn't the Holy Ghost who died literally it was whom Jesus his life death and Resurrection is the basis on which God can do anything for anyone in any part of the universe because the death of Christ was not just for this Earth this world which ELO calls an atom of a world or a speck of a world the death of Christ secured the entire universe because of his sacrifice which again I say included his life sinless life his voluntary death his tremendous Resurrection all of that combined represents the sacrifice of Christ the infinite sacri because of that God can bless us and so we go to rule two we pray in the name of Jesus on the basis of what he did you look lost and you're not objecting so you are lost are you lost okay half of you are half of you are not let me say it again in order for God to answer a prayer he has to have a good cause a good reason he has to have a just reason follow me closely he must have a just reason to answer prayer the sacrifice of Christ which pay the penalty for sin which satisfy the claims of God's law and God's Own claims himself his death is the just cause why God can answer a prayer so when we say in the name of Jesus it is not this j s u s there are many people in in a Hispanic country is called Jesus it's spelled the same way j s u s but you don't pray in their name it is not just Jesus in ma uh Acts chapter 19 there were a few professional uh exorcists who tried to cast out a demon in the name of Jesus and it didn't work because Jesus is more than j s us s so when they said to the demon come out in the name of Jesus that Paul talks about that's how they prayed you can't talk about Jesus based on somebody else's experience you better know him for yourself and so the demon said Jesus I know Paul I know but who are you and the Bible says the demon beat those men and the men ran out of the house so you just can't say Jesus Jesus Jesus as many churches tend to do in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus and you have no relationship with Jesus and you don't know what his sacrifice means this is not open sesame or Abracadabra you have to know what you're saying when you say in the name of Jesus Jesus the Savior the one who was tempted more fiercely than anyone ever has and will be the one who resisted the one who died a sinless life who went to the Grave who conquered death hell the grave sin and Satan who came up from the grave by his own power who is equal with God and one with man the name of Jesus and so we pray to God the Father to God in the name of Jesus Jesus said in John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life finish the verse no man cometh unto the father but by me rule number one how to get your prayers answered what is that pray to God the Father rule number two pray in the name of Jesus John 1413 and 14 and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if he shall ask anything in my name I will do it but I said earlier you have to understand what is meant by the name of Jesus rule number three pray through the spirit Romans 8: 26 likewise also the spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought now that's the Bible speaking not me the Bible says many things we ask for we have no right asking for I'm just paraphrasing what I just read it said we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit maketh intercessions for us with groanings which cannot be uttered when I was a little boy I heard my mother praying once and uh she wasn't saying anything here's one woman four little children husband across the sea somewhere for a long time years and and she's groaning and the door was locked so I couldn't get in so I'm at the door of the bedroom and she's I'm a little boy 7 8 n whatever it was and I'm I'm just a little worried why she but she's praying to pray and sometimes the the right words don't come but God doesn't always need words he needs your heart and he sees he knows what the heart is trying to say and the Holy Spirit of the Bible says maketh intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered you're a child of God and the phone rings your son was in an accident is in the emergency room of the hospital and you and God knows exactly what you mean come on somebody say Amen because the spirit has taken that and like Google translate has put it into the language of Heaven are you following me he maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered and he that searcheth the heart knowing what is the mind of the spirit because the spirit maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God Romans 8:27 the spirit maketh inter Cession for the Saints according to the will of God so we pray to God the Father we pray in the name of Jesus understanding what that means on the basis of the infinite sacrifice of Christ and we pray through the spirit let me get back to number two the infinite sacrifice of Christ listen to this verse if we confess our sins he is faithful and just what does faithful mean give me another word for faithful he's what okay faithful and just what do you Faithful what does that mean in that context give me another word trustworthy give me another word Dependable you can depend on him to forgive reliable in other words camera where's the camera cameraman I'm moving can I move they say this is Jesus or this is God oh you can't see sorry okay is this steady all right and you say God forgive me you pray with a confidence you can just lean on God and know that he won't what he won't move he is faithful he won't move lean on him but he is also just me meaning when he forgives you he does what is right and it is only right if it is in harmony with God's law let me tell you something clearly differently God's forgiveness must not go against his law and the only reason why God can forgive a sin and not offend the law is because Jesus died are you with me so next time you say God forgive me me and you remember 1 John 1:9 he is faithful and just thank God that it is the right thing for him to do to forgive you and me because Jesus died and Rose because the dead Jesus can't save anybody and so to the father in the name of Jesus meaning on the basis of his sacrifice and through the spirit rule number four how to get your prayers answered pray according to the will of God 1 John chapter 5 reading verse 14 and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us now that's uh no government can give you that Assurance government make promises at election time they when they're in power there's a different story in every country on the face of the Earth listen to what the Bible says this is the confidence that we have in him remember he's faithful and just if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us and if we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him 1 John 514 and 15 the key there is we must ask how according to his will how do you know how to pray according to God's will let's go to First John the same author of 1 John 5 let's go to the Gospel of John chapter 15 The Gospel of John you must read the Bible a little in one area a little in another if you don't do that you'll get into Error 1 John 5 reading from verse 4 not 1 John sorry John 15 sorry please you must correct me when I do that John 15 reading from verse 4 abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me it's you in Christ Christ in you I am the vine he the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me he can do nothing we skip six and we go to seven if he abide in me keep reading and my words abide in you ye shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you now I there's something so powerful in that verse let me point it out in case you haven't seen it just in case perhaps you already have we read in 1 John 5:14 if we ask anything according to his will listen listen carefully to what I'm saying 1 John 5:14 has whose will God's will listen to John 15:7 if he abide in me and my words abide in you he shall ask what ye whose will is in John 15:7 we have two Wills God's will in 1 John 5:14 our will in John 15:7 but the Bible says that what we will in verse 7 of John 15 will be given to us which means there is a state at which you and I can reach where our will and God's will finish it our one how does that happen if my words abide in you ah you missed it I mean you're well dressed but you missed it good-looking and missed it do you understand the tremendous privilege to have your will and God's will be one so that you and I are thinking like God and God knows oh that's okay whatever he has I know he's going to agree with what I'm thinking because we are so close it's like Adam before he sined every name he gave the animals God agreed did not change one name because Adam's will and God's will were one and so 1 John 5:14 says if he has anything according to his will John 15:7 says if what you ask whatever you will it will be done your will and God's will become United when God's word is an active force in your life not something that sits on the shelf and so when you ask a question how do I know what God's will is when his word abides in you the word instructs you how to pray because the power of the word is the spirit of God through whom we pray my brothers and sisters when our prayers are not answered in 199 % of the time it is our fault not God's fault God longs to answer the prayers of his people he earnestly desires to bless us so that those looking at us may see our blessed life and come to know our God if none of us are blessed why would anyone want to be one of us ah you missed what I just said if God's people lived a cursed life no one is blessed always sick and broke and miserable why would anyone want to be a part of that God's desire has always been to bless his people so much that others will say I want to be part of them people always want to be a part of a good thing how to get your prayers answered rule number one quickly pray to God the Father rule number two pray in the name of Jesus rule number three pray through the Holy Spirit rule number four pray according to God's will rule number five pray in faith Mark 11: 24 therefore all things what re whatever you ask if you believe it shall be done unto you whatever you ask if you believe it shall be done unto you believe pray in faith let me tell you something about faith faith is not an instrument we use to control God I was in a Sabbath School class at my home church we discussing faith and one member said faith is believing God will do what you say did you understand the arrogance of that statement faith is believing that God will do what I say so I am telling God what to do instead of the other way around no faith is not believing that God will do what I say faith is believing that all will do what he says Ah you didn't you you didn't get it that's three times you haven't gotten it faith is believing that God will do what he says that's why the Centurion and when Jesus was entered into the capernium Matthew 8 from: 5 they came un him a centurion be seizing him and saying Lord my servant life at home sick of the py and grievously tormented and Jesus saith unto him I will come and heal him the uan answered and said Lord I am not worthy that thou should come under my roof but speak the word only and my servant shall be healed because your word will do what you say faith is not God will do what I say because the Bible is clear I don't know what to say didn't we read that in uh Romans 8:26 we know not what we ought to pray for as we should how can then God do what I say when I don't know what to say faith is believing God will do what he says now let me give you a little insight When you pray you search your heart you've confessed your sins you've done try to live your prayer what do I mean by live your prayer living your prayer is an Act of Faith for instance when I'm preparing to preach I'm always rustling with God struggling struggling struggling Lord be with me be with me and one of my favorite promises is in uh Exodus 4:12 where God told Moses now therefore go and I will be with thy mouth and teach thee what Thou shalt say so I pray that prayer and I pray that verse and I say Lord Moses doesn't need that anymore but I need it I didn't ask for this invitation you sent it so you are saying to me now therefore go and so I get up off my knees now and I begin to act as if God is literally speaking through my mouth I have my part to play stay close to his word I can't speak for 20 minutes giving my own opinion I must verse verse verse verse so I'm close to the source of authority are you with me but I have to speak with the belief that God is with my mouth and so in that way I live the prayer so if you say God give me victory over alcohol you have to get up off your knees and begin to live that Prayer by throwing out the bottles of alcohol by cutting off your friendship with those who still drink by taking a different root take a root to your home that has no bars on it by whatever you begin to live that prayer because you believe God is answering and so you live have an expression of faith in that prayer you offer he said Lord help me to stop beating my husband then you have to live that prayer are you following me you beat that man all over his head because he's short and you say Lord ah you bring him flowers now you see you see what I'm saying and then you wash his clothes and then you cook his favorite food and you treat you live the prayer let me stop beating up that man he's a deacon in the church why do I beat him up you live the prayer as an Act of Faith how to get your prayers answered rule number one pray to God the Father rule number two pray in the name of Jesus The Only Name whereby we must be saved rule number three pray through the spirit he is the spirit of God and the spirit of Christ Romans 89 rule number four pray according to the will of God rule number five pray in faith because whatsoever is not of faith is sin Romans 14:23 listen to me Hebrews 11:6 but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh unto God must believe that he is the only way to please God Is by faith and Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God you cannot have faith in God outside of faith in God's word because all you know about God you got from his word rule number six pray without ceasing we give up too easily I ask God for favor I'm tired praying how long have you prayed once one day twice in a day go to Genesis 25 let me show you something now God deals with us individually but go to Genesis 25 we read from verse 21 of Genesis 25 pray without ceasing you have Genesis 25: 211 is that a Bible you're looking at is that a Bible oh good God bless you you'll be a good preacher all right Genesis 25: 211 I says and Isaac did what entreated the Lord for whom why because he was Barren and the Lord was intreated of him the Lord heard him finish the verse and Rebecca his wife conceived now that sounds instant it sounds as if God heard answered immediately but go to verse 26 how does that verse end and Isaac was what verse 26 of Genesis 25 what does it say the last part of that verse and Isaac was what three score years when she bear them now look at verse 20 verse 20 says what and Isaac was what 40 years old when he took Rebecca to wife the daughter of bethuel the Syrian of p and Aram the sisters of lean the Syrian he was 40 when he began to pray his prayer was answered when he was how old 60 Isaac prayed without ceasing now God has called the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Isaac is a special man in the line of God's people he's the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob those three but for some reason God allowed Isaac to pray for 20 years now I said earlier God deals with us individually he may have you pray for 20 days Daniel Prayed for 3 weeks but the prayer was answered on what day the first day but what happened the devil stopped Gabriel that's why we have to pray and pray and pray there is a battle going on in The Invisible world where the devil is always trying to hijack God's answers to our prayers and there's a constant battle between the angels of God and the angels of the Satan to frustrate the delivery of our prayers someone sent me a parcel from Germany Elder berbert is with me that experience sent it about a week ago it has been at the Customs for almost a week he and I went down there gave my passport gave that give that they said everything is fine then I got an email everything's not fine I called it's not fine I took a picture of my passport on my iPad send it to them everything's fine then I got an email from the person in Germany uh there's a fee to release it so there there seems to be a battle for me not to get my parcel I'm saying that to say God sends answers sometimes immediately but God just can't destroy the evil angels He sometimes allows them to hold up the answers to test us to test us and so the Bible says pray without ceasing Jesus said in Luke :1 men ought always to pray and not faint don't give up remember Jacob in Genesis 32:25 and 26 and 27 God said let me go what did Jacob say I will not let you go finish the verse except you bless me learn to get a grip on God and don't let go even if God tells you let go when Hannah wanted a child 1st Samuel 1: 10-1 17 she began to pray God knows how long she prayed she prayed so hard the priest thought she was drunk just praying just praying too many of us we converse with God we don't pray we chat you know Skype that's not praying you you set a a bowl of rice beans whatever and you say for what we're about to receive amen that's not the way you pray Pray when your child is in the hospital are you with me that's not the way you pray when you're about to be thrown out of school because you have no fees you start to shake you cry you plead with God and in that experience you come close to God and sometimes God allows experiences that we may understand what it means to pray pray in a way that moves the Throne of God literally your prayer must create an earthquake that moves God not because he's hard but because that brings about spiritual benefit to us and so we pray without ceasing don't stop until you get your answer if you're tempted start praying until the Temptation goes ah you didn't hear me on that side did you hear me let me say it again if you're tempted to steal start praying yes the Lord commandment is says Thou shalt not steal and have this Ur as you walk away from the thing you want to steal I am sorry dear God and I ask you to put away this this desire from my heart give me the mind of Christ who gave and did not steal you walking away and you're running leaving your court behind like Joseph and you're praying and that Temptation will go because the Bible says resist the devil and what will happen now it doesn't say he'll flee forever he goes catches his breath and comes back while he's gone you catch your breath to get ready for him when he comes back and you hit him with prayer again are you with Me Like Jesus it is written it is written it is written and so you pray until that urge goes literally you try that you'll be amazed you will come back with testimonies you don't just resist a Temptation like that's not how you resist you resist through determined prayer and the word of God the word of God how to get your prayers answer rule number one rule number two rule number three rule number four rule number four prayer what to the will of God rule number five pray in faith rule number six pray without ceasing rule number seven uh Psalm 66:8 let's go there Psalm 66 Verse 18 how to get your prayers answered Psalm 66 Verse 18 do you have that let's read it together if you have my favorite version which is the King James version are you ready reading with me if I regard iniquity in my heart finish the verse the Lord will not hear me what is Iniquity sin now we're not talking about ignorance sin where you're not aware of what's going on we mean willful deliberate sin of which I am aware exists in my life and I hold on to it not only do I hold on to it I view it highly I regard or I cherish that sin the Lord will not hear me that's why we must never blame God for an unanswered prayer never there's several reasons why it is our fault we're not praying the right way there's sin in the life we're not praying in the name of Jesus the fault is always ours and one of the biggest faults is that we regard iniquity in our hearts let me add to that when I say add to that explain it you never add to the Bible to regard iniquity in your heart can concern a sin you commit or a sin somebody else has commit commits you can regard somebody else's sin in your heart for instance here's a church member who is uh what should I say what's a common problem we have you know I like to hit personal relationships here's a man living with a woman who's not his wife and you say well you find all kinds of sociological reasons to defend it he needs help and he's he has one leg and all sorts of reasons what's wrong with it he's faithful to her it's just one woman what's wrong with it you are regarding his iniquity in your heart you see the Christian must hate sin not only in him but wherever he sees it come on somebody talk to me you must hate it and I must hate it if I regard iniquity in my heart finish the verse the Lord will not hear me no matter how loud I shout there are times when God goes deatha rule number seven put away sin the only problem God has with me is sin not that my hair has fallen out the only problem he has with me is sin the only problem God has with you is not that you're jobless is sin the only problem God has with you it's not that you're single it is sin God he hates me because I'm a Zulu no M God hates you because you sin he doesn't hate you God is angry because you sin and I say not because you're Zulu or Shauna or Massi or American Indian it is sin let me say differently God has one problem in the universe sin Christ didn't come to die because people have no academic degrees he came to die because of sin Let Me Tell well no I won't tell you I don't want to take your mind away from what I'm saying so let us not regard iniquity in our hearts the story is of a rockar a singer you know rock stars they smoke so much dope they don't know what they're doing this rockar at a concert he would pass around a ball and I have people spitting it then it bring the ball to him he drink it you see how you react that's how we must react to every sin ah come on talk to me that's how we must react to every sin that's what God wants I hate sin mhm not just to some to all sin come on say Amen we must react the very thought of sin must make us vomit if I regard iniquity rule number one how to get your prayers answered rule number two rule number three rule number four rule number five pray in faith rule number six pray without ceasing rule number seven yes don't regard sin in the heart rule number eight Proverbs 27 no 28:9 I think it's 28:9 Proverbs 28:9 is the book right after Psalms we were in Psalms 6618 now we go to Proverbs 20 it's 289 I think it is you'll correct me if I'm wrong you have Proverbs 28:9 what does that say he that turneth away his ear from hearing the law finish it even his prayer shall be Abomination now I told you a couple nights ago the difference between Abomination and sin remember all sin of any size and shape and color and order will get you lost if it's not confessed are you with me the sin the size of a grain of rice will get you lost if it's not confessed but the punishment you suffer varies depending upon the severity of a sinful life a person lives but their sin and then they are Abominations an Abomination is something God absolutely despises he hates sin but he loves Abominations and the Bible says anyone who deliberately this is not accidental this verse turns away from hearing the law meaning obeying it even that person's prayer so here you are kneeling in a suit your hands nicely clasp with manicured fingers and you praying to nobody because you have animosity in your heart to God's law let's add to that by going to 1 John chapter 3 read verse 22 it clarifies Proverbs 28:9 1 John 3:22 will clarify what we just read do you have that verse 1 John 3:22 read with me and whatsoever we do what we read receive of him why because we keep his Commandments finish the verse and do those things that are pleasing in his sight which bring me back to one brings me back to one of my favorite statements the basis of a blessed life is what obedience you know when April the 8th comes and I fly out back to United States I'll Wonder did I say it often enough how quickly human beings forget the Israelites crossed the Red Sea chapter 14 of Exodus chapter 15 they sing the song of Deliverance with Miriam and her tambourine at the end of that chapter they're thirsty there's some water a pool it's bitter they complain they just saw God part the Red Sea that's one Miracle they came through while the waters stayed where they were were another miracle as soon as they crossed the waters came back drowned all the Egyptians three miracles in one they just saw that and a few hours later they're complaining as if they're saying The God Who did that can't give us water that's an insult to God and so I'll wonder how many of my brothers and sisters in brickton will remember that the Foundation of a blessed life is obedience to God and so 1 John 3:22 says and whatsoever we ask we receive of him because we keep his Commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight Jesus lived like that listen to the words of Jesus he that have sent me is with me the father hath not left me alone for I do always the things that please him Hebrews 11 verse 4 or verse 5 by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God the only way to please God is by faith and Faith cometh by hearing and hearing means heeding and obeying the word of God how to get what are you praying for that you've been praying for for a long time remember Isaac prayed 20 years God called Abraham when he was 75 and uh he got his child when he was 100 how many years of praying was that 25 25 we do not know why God deals with individuals the way he does but if God can have Abraham now God could have answered his prayer earlier are you with me but he messed up with what's the lady's name Hagar at the recommendation of Sister Sarah when you pray to God don't try to answer the prayer for God ah you missed it you missed it let me say it differently don't do what God is alone qualified to do you do what you're qualified to do which is pray trust study obey be patient believe live an upright life that's my part God's part is I want to answer his prayer but if I answer it now it won't benefit him as much as if I wait 6 more weeks when he is coming to the right place in his life if I give a million Rand now he leave the church so let me wait five more years until he has grown in Grace by studying the word and teaching a Sabbath School class and he has grown then he can handle a million Rand are you listening to me God knows what he is doing you've been praying for a husband and God sees you can't cook let me wait until she learns to cook then I I've got a man ready I've got him ready I've got him ready he he's he's nice he's he's everything I've got him says God but I'm waiting for her so that when they come together they match like an enzyme and the receptor Site For You Scientist are you with me and so I urge you from my heart don't give up praying look at what you're praying about again and submit it to God father through your word instruct me is this your will because God has been known to answer prayers that are not his will simply because someone was hard-headed and determined and prayed contrary to evidence that this is not what God wants for you go okay okay here it is then the person suffers then the person wishes I had never prayed for this thing so by constantly staying in the word of God the powerful Spirit-filled Divine Living Word of God will in its own way instruct you what to pray for and what not to pray for for the last time how to get your prayers answered rule number eight I said rule number eight the Christian must always be alert what's rule number eight obey God's law rule rule number seven do not regard iniquity in our hearts rule number six pray without ceasing rule five pray in faith rule four pray according to the will of Jesus rule one pray to God the [Music] father and I'll tell you something else don't just pray for what you want pray for other people James 5:116 confess your faults one to another and pray for one another you know um I think it's the book The Life of Paul there's a statement by the author which says when Paul was in prison the Reason God did not bring him out the church did not pray for him Ellen White writes that the church did not pray for Paul remember how they prayed for Peter or they prayed and God brought him out they did not pray for Paul so God left him in prison now I didn't say God left him I said God left him in prison do you get the difference God was with him in the prison but he left him physically in the prison listen to me a lot of people suffer because we don't pray for them we are so busy praying for ourselves and asking God you know we have a gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme that we forget to say give him give him give him if you want God to smile pray for other people your own household your friends your colleagues pray for Jacob Zuma don't just criticize him pray for him the Bible calls us to pray for the leaders of the the countries that they may make decisions that are in favor of the gospel's progress pray for your pastor pray for your associate pastor pray for your head Elder pray for Ted Wilson the general conference president that's not an easy work he has he has tremendous opposition pray for pray for all those who have a genuine heart to advance the cause of God you just think father who can I pray for and forget me for a while develop the Habit you're driving a car we were coming down myself from brother pwell and I saw this man walking like this I said Lord this this was not what you had in mind when you said let us make man in our image drunk as a fish does know where he is he can be attacked he can be robbed he can be killed no CL and I said father have mercy on that man and I saw a woman walking like that and I thought of the woman in Luke 13 who was bent over 18 years and I said God ah Lord this was not what you had in mind when you put Adam in a world that you described as very good please let Angels walk with her so that no gangster or no criminal hits her over the head and takes a purse that probably has nothing pray for people make prayer the breath of your soul pray as you work pray as you drive pray as you stand in the line in the bank prayer isn't something you do when a need arises suddenly prayer must be a lifestyle are you with me pray all the time you don't have to be on your knees always stay in contact with Heaven because when you do that the devil has to wait for an opening because he sees you busy are you with me but when he comes you're not busy then he said it's my turn and he comes in but let him wait let him find you always in contact with God pray about everything pray for your Salvation let's pray prayer is the breath of the Soul it is cheap it costs nothing it is one of the most powerful things you can do when the weakest sinner prays all of the kingdom of Satan shakes how many of you will say Lord help me to pray more and to pray the biblical way can I see your right hand you mean that from your heart stand up with me stand up with me here's what I'd like to suggest to you recommit your life to God now this is something we should do every day our High Calling page 215 paragraph 2 genuine conversion is needed not once in years but daily to follow Jesus requires wholehearted conversion at the start and a repetition of this conversion every day Christ triumphant page 122 paragraph 3 and so recommit your life to God confess sins and then make sure what you're praying for by the authority and the light of God's word is according to God's will make time in your prayer life to pray for others that is the spirit of God pray to God in the name of Jesus Through the spirit according to his will by faith without ceasing sins confessed respect for God's law heads bowed eyes closed loving father in Heaven we thank you for the gift of prayer Jesus needed it and we need it therefore Father in Heaven through your spirit create in us a greater love for prayer a heightened appreciation for the power of that spiritual exercise because the more we pray the more power there is and so God let us come to you with every concern we have big and small because we cannot weary you nor do you make us wait in a line so help us to pray de father to you in the name of Jesus Through the spirit according to your will in faith with great precision we since confessed and love and obedience to your law bless every man woman boy and girl and those who've been praying a long time for one concern or another they God in your mercy answer them Father according to your will and for their blessing watch over us now de God when the sun sets and the holy day has passed help us to keep in mind that the sun sets on a day it does not set on our personal Holiness we are to be holy 7 days a week 24 hours a day so whatever plans we may have made for tonight that do not correspond with a holy life let us change those plans dear God bless your people bring us back tomorrow night I pray in Jesus name and for his sake let all God's people say amen [Music]
Channel: Rock Of Ages Tv
Views: 26,633
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Keywords: randy skeete, seventh-day adventist church, randy skeete sermons, randy skeete sermons 2024, randy skeete sermons live, randy skeete sermons latest, Pastor randy skeete, Pr Randy Skeete, Pr randy skeete sermons, sda, sda sermons, adventists, adventist sermons, Jesus, Bible, Bible study, Prayer, Faith, answered prayers, how to get my prayers answered
Id: UtXLty4qyUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 17sec (3857 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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