Gervonta Davis vs. Yuriorkis Gamboa | Full Fight | SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING

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Tank looked terrible in this fight. I’m not watching it again thanks.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/OldDocBenway 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2020 🗫︎ replies


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♪♪ ♪♪ Lennon: I-I-It's Showtime! [ Crowd cheering ] Ranallo: It's a big fight with a big-fight atmosphere! ♪♪ ♪♪ It is beautiful. It is brutal. It is boxing at its best. ♪♪ What a fight! ♪♪ --<font color="#FFFF00"> Captions by VITAC --</font><font color="#00FFFF"></font> Ranallo: 14,129 fans have congregated here at State Farm Arena in Atlanta, and we are set for the main event. Gervonta Davis stepping up to 135 to face Yuriorkis Gamboa, 12 rounds or less. I throw it to the classy Jimmy Lennon Jr. [ Bell dings ] Lennon Jr.: All right, fans, here we go with the main event of the evening, 12 rounds of boxing for the vacant WBA Lightweight Championship of the world. And now, ladies and gentlemen in attendance, and boxing fans joining us around the world, live from Atlanta, Georgia... i-i-it's showtime! [ Cheers and applause ] Introducing to you first on my left, fighting out of the red corner wearing red trunks, white-and-gold trim, fighting out of Miami, Florida, by way of Guantanamo, Cuba, he weighed in at 134 1/2 pounds; with a record of 30 wins and two losses; he has 18 wins coming by way of knockout. Tonight, making his seventh world title appearance, here is the WBA number two ranked lightweight contender. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the acclaimed former unified featherweight champion of the world -- introducing "El Ciclon de Guantanamo," Yuriorkis Gamboa! [ Bell dings ] And his opponent across the ring, fighting out of the blue corner wearing rose gold trunks with white trim proudly representing his home of Baltimore, Maryland! [ Cheering and applause ] He weighed in at 134 3/4 pounds. He is undefeated in his outstanding campaign of the ring with a record of 22 wins, no losses, 21 big wins coming by way of knockout. Here is the sensational young star of boxing, the WBA number one ranked lightweight contender. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the hard hitting, popular and undefeated two-time champion of the world, introducing Gervonta "Tank" Davis! [ Bell dings ] And once again, here's our referee in charge now to give instructions, Jack Reiss. Reiss: Right here. Come on, brother. You got it in? -Okay. I can't see it. -Yes, yes. Reiss: I can't see it. Right here for me. Right here, brother. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Right here. Look at me.<i> Mira.</i> Okay. Mouthpiece? Mouthpiece? These [Spanish]. I'm going to let them work in here, okay? Yours were right on the line.. If they come up, I'm going to let them work in here if they creep. I gave you both instructions. I want to remind you: Fight fair. Fight hard. Fight clean. Listen and obey my commands at all time. Protect yourself at all times. Good luck to both of you. Ranallo: Jack Reiss, 18 years a professional referee, working his 766th professional fight. One of the best referees in the sport getting set for this 135-pound affair... Scheduled for 12. [ Bell dings ] Bell and round 1. Undefeated Gervonta "Tank" Davis in the rose gold with white. Yuriorkis Gamboa in the red and white. Davis has stopped his last 13 opponents, has eight first-round knockouts. Gamboa, he's been floored 14 times in his career, eight times in his last nine fights. Bernstein: The interesting thing is, in those fights that he's been floored, he's 8-2 which is pretty extraordinary. Malignaggi: And you think about it, as you get in older in your career, it's harder to come back from those knockdowns as you get later on in your career, so let's see if he can avoid that tonight. It's hard against a big puncher like Davis. Davis lands, according to ShoStats, 50 percent of his power punches which is everything other than the jab, which is pretty extraordinary. Once you hit 50 percent, you're doing some impressive work. Man: Don't rush. Take your time. Take your time, baby. Take your time. Ain't no rush. Mauro mentioned that this is the first time Gamboa has faced a lefty since nine fights ago against Crawford back in 2014. He faced many as an amateur, but still, it's been a little while since he was in against a left hander. Yeah. Gamboa has faced only four lefties in 32 fights, Al, and you're right, the last time was against Bud Crawford, and against Crawford, the first four rounds, Gamboa did very well, and then Crawford switched to lefty and made his adjustments and came on in what was a fantastic fight back in 2014. Davis showing a big... Oh, straight left by Davis lands, and there's some punch resistance from Gamboa. Oh! Oh! More punching distance there. That was a big shot by Davis. Davis always looking to close the show in spectacular fashion. As we mentioned at the beginning of the telecast, knockouts sell, and he is all about that knockout power. Yes, he talked about wanting to show off the fact that he can also box, but Tank Davis knows what brought him to the dance, Al. Yeah. The good news is that Gamboa took those two left hands, but the bad news is also that he took those two left hands. Oh, another left hand. Oh, another counter by Gamboa. And Gamboa, you know, he is a little computer in his brain. He countered the left hand that time of Davis, and that's how he got his own right hand in. The issue is usually when you counter, you want to slip the shot. The left hand by Davis landed, and then Gamboa landed his shot. Okay, there's that. Gamboa one of 17 Cuban-born titlists utilizing the craft there. Nice pivot away from the ropes. Of course, spent some time on La Finca, the farm in Cuba, so really as... as textbook as they come, Yuriorkis Gamboa. And already tasting some of the pop of Gervonta "Tank" Davis here in the first frame. [ Bell dings ] Time. We will look at the keys to victory for this fight. Take a deep breath. Deep breath right there. ...and for Davis, using a strong jab, which he didn't quite get to there. He wants to use it as a weapon but also to set up the straight left hand. Don't lunge, and once in a while lunging with his left, and as you see, Gamboa can counterpunch. The left hand, he already did land it several times in round number 1. It is a very powerful punch. As for Gamboa, don't square up. Sometimes he squares his body, makes himself an easy target. Can't do that against Davis tonight. Combination punching, can he do this? He's a very good combination puncher, but as Paulie said earlier, you got to get into position to do that, and the right hand, which he did land one of, is his best power punch. Reiss:<i> Uno, dos.</i> Stay back in the<i> rincon.</i> Man: Hey, Tank. Tank! Let's go. Number 2 Ranallo: Round number 2, Gamboa entering the ring with a heavy heart mourning the loss of Jorge Hernandez, a 1976 Olympic gold medalist and former legendary Cuban boxing coach who coached Gamboa. Dedicating the fight to his memory and to his legacy, and Gamboa would love to dedicate a victory to the memory of Jorge Hernandez. Davis is a good body puncher. He lands over 30 percent of his punches to the body according to ShoStats, and he hasn't gotten in position yet to do that, but he wants to. Davis been targeting the head effectively of Gamboa. Again, lands the left. Pops the jab there. Gamboa moving to his left a lot, which is the right thing to do to stay away from that left hand of Davis. Sharp body shot, right hook to the body by Davis. Gamboa not really overly active. You know, he's sort of in a defensive position and probably trying to set traps for Davis. Yeah. Davis not really biting on anything, you know? He's been landing his own share of shots. Now, there was a case of him kind of lunging in with the left hand which we talked about in the keys and Gamboa... Double jab and then the left hand dropping Gamboa... <i> -Tres! Quatro!</i> -...for the 15th time in his career!<i> -Cinco! Seis!</i> <i> Siete! Ocho! Esta bien? Que paso?</i> [Indistinct] Box. Ranallo: Gervonta "Tank" Davis looking to stop his 14th consecutive opponent. 21 of his 22 fights have ended inside the distance, and he dropped Gamboa here in round number 2. Stop! Nobody punch! Nobody punch! Usually, the old-time Gamboa and the younger Gamboa, when you dropped him, you got to answer. You had to pay with some -- a fusillade of speed shots, and it usually would wake up Gamboa, but I don't know if at 38 years old that's a good thing that he got dropped just now. Man: Let him go. [Indistinct] Smothering there by Gamboa. He might still be feeling the effects of the shots. Stop! Stop!<i> Escuchame.</i> Ranallo: And Gamboa seems to be in a problematic state here trying to hold on. Having issues, it seems, with his leg, and Davis unloading as Gamboa just trying to hold on desperately, but it does appear to be an issue with his right leg, I believe. Yeah. Something is wrong with it. Yeah, something with his knee. And so if getting dropped wasn't a problem enough... ... Gamboa may now be fighting on one wheel as Davis lands a left uppercut to the ribcage. So a terrible round number 2 for Yuriorkis Gamboa. Still showing off some of his head movement, but it's all Tank Davis. [ Bell dings ] Interpreter: Sit down. Sit down. Sit down. Let's see what's happening. I can't walk. I can't walk! No, I can't. I can't walk. Ranallo: Wow. Interpreter: Something on the right feet. I think it's broken. Might be the shoe that's broken. No, I can't go. Let's see. You heat it up now. You heat it up now. No, we can't take off the shoe. I don't want water. I don't want water. Where is it? Where? -It's in the back. It's in the back. -The back of it. The back of it. -It's right there. What's wrong with it? What's wrong? I don't see it. I can't go. I can't go. There's something wrong with my leg. Ranallo: Referee Jack Reiss has called a time-out. Next round, next round. Everybody out. Everybody out. Get out, please. Hey. The round is over. Malignaggi: I don't understand this rule. Hold up. Hold up. Stay back. [ Bell dings ] Well, round 3 officially begins, Gamboa complaining about an issue with his right shoe, his ankle, but the fight continues. I think he's saying his shoe, but what's weird... I don't know. What's weird is it's... I don't know. I don't even know what the rule is to be honest. If your glove is broken, we saw in the Ali-versus-Cooper fight, they have to replace the glove, right, but... Stop! Stop! ...the shoe, I guess you just go on if it's broken. Stop! Stop! Stop! I've never seen this in my life. I don't even know what the rule is. It's hard to tell if he was talking about an injury. Man, he's having issues with it, though. He can't find his footing on that back foot. It's almost buckling repeatedly. If it is the actual shoe, they should be able to figure out a way to move forward with different equipment. I don't know. Yeah, but you got to be allowed time by the ref. Right, exactly. But I don't know the rule. We know, with the glove, they will give you time, like I said, all the way back to Cooper versus Ali or Cassius Clay at the time, but I've never seen a shoe malfunction to this degree. No. Oh, there's a counter right hand and a left by Gamboa getting the attention of Davis momentarily, Davis seeking to attack the body and Gamboa forced to fight on that back foot, that is... some kind of distress, even the way he's setting it up, Paulie. Look at the shoe. His foot is coming out the side of it. Is he wearing... Remember what happened to Zion Williamson at Duke when the shoe broke. Look at the back shoe. Look at the bottom of his shoe. That's crazy. It's coming out. It's coming out. The foot is coming out of the shoe, but it's not broken, but you can see the foot, like, pressing up against the side of the shoe. Wow, I've never seen this in my life. I don't even know what to say. Could cause an injury slipping there. Not to mention going to cause your footing... You can't defend yourself well. You can't sit on your... Not to mention he's facing Gervonta "Tank" Davis. Yeah, you can't sit on your shot. You can't sit on your shots the way you need to. Just when you think you've seen the last thing you could see in boxing, something happens... He's not injured, I don't think, because he's... No. ...he would be grimacing. He's not grimacing. This is literally the shoe. I agree. Under a minute left here in round 3. Gamboa was dropped... in minute 15 into round 2, and then experiencing some issues with his shoe and now Davis on the attack. He landed. Gamboa landed a counter left hook a moment ago that kind of just at least temporarily halted the assault by Davis. 30 seconds remaining in the third round, very measured, focused, Gervonta Davis, jab was blocked by Gamboa. Gamboa looking to escape the corner, being corralled by Davis, attacking with the left of the body, clubbing right hand by Gamboa as a counter. Stop! Everybody stop! Separate and start with the bell and stop with the bell. [ Bell dings ] We'll go back and look at the knockdown, and this will be courtesy of a straight left hand by Davis. We're wondering if maybe this is where the shoe malfunction happened, and he right away starts to look down, and we see him walking in kind of a strange fashion if, in fact, it is the shoe and not an injury. He's flexing his knee there as well, so it's hard to tell. Let's see if we can get a shot of the bottom of his shoe. Actually, you can see... And here is where the knockdown happens with the straight left hand, and he will go down. There's nothing that odd about the way he went down, but immediately he looks down at his right foot. Hey, number 4. -So... -Number four. -Gamboa's corner... -Hold up. Hold up. Hold up. ...talking about wanting to wrap up the shoe. Let's go! Come on, man. And Jack Reiss trying to maintain order, an interesting start to this lightweight affair between Davis and Gamboa. Malignaggi: I imagine you train with these shoes before you put them on. I don't know. Even when I would buy new shoes, and I'd use a lot of new shoes when I'd fight... Yeah. ...I'd always make sure I wore them the week of the fight in training just so my feet would get used to the new shoes. Well, we know these two fighters are explosive. We didn't know the shoe would be explosive as well tonight, Paulie. So weird. Yeah. I'm totally confused myself. It would be normal standard obviously to use the shoe and... Yeah. But of course something could've happened to the shoe in the knockdown. Well, it's conjecture at this point obviously, but in any case, he fights on, and we'll see if he can fight through the adversity of that. Oh, counter left hand, lands for Davis, pops the jab, the southpaw, Davis, again walking down Gamboa. Gamboa is moving to his right more and more, which is not a good idea because he's putting him right in range for that left hand again. The problem is, to move to your left, you have to push off the right foot. Yeah, correct. You're correct. Gamboa trying to land on Davis' body, Gamboa trying to find solid footing somehow, launches a right-hand block by Davis. And in the midst of all this, Gervonta Davis has not been super active in terms of volume of punches, which is intriguing. And you would think he must be aware that there's some difficulty. This would be the time to pounce on Gamboa. And then Gamboa is being... Oh, good body shot, good body shot by Davis, right to the gut, solar plexus. And there's a left hand by Davis! Come back with a right by Gamboa. Final 60 seconds here in the fourth round, methodical Gervonta "Tank" Davis avoids the right, counters the left. And Gamboa continues to go like how you mentioned, the wrong way, in terms of into the power alley of Tank Davis. There was a clash of heads there. Oh, straight left by Davis. Davis very enthusiastic with his power. If Gamboa does not at least start to counter some of those misses, it's only a matter of time before he takes another big shot because you've got to take away the enthusiasm of a power puncher like Davis, and in order to do that, you've got to create doubt by counterpunching when he misses. Davis has two, make that three, of his knockouts coming past the fifth round, so here we come up on the end of round 4. Davis has recorded one knockdown but Gamboa... Stop at the bell. ...continuing with the, well, some kind of malfunction. That's for sure. You got to move out of the round a little quicker. You got to get out a little quicker. Interpreter: Sit down. Sit down. They'll take care of it. They'll take care of it. You have the capacity to beat him. Come on. You're okay! Let's go! Keep nice and close and then throw it. Throw it. You need to block on top. You keep blocking him, and then you make sure you block it. He only has the left. That's all he has. When he comes with that right, you got to pass it through, and then you throw. Get closer. Get closer. Watch out for the right. Bernstein: That was Stacy McKinley down there doing whatever repair job he could on the shoe. Let's see. They got it full of tape now. Stacy McKinley has been in boxing for probably about 40 years. Amazing. Ranallo: Let's go to Jim Gray, who spoke to the Gamboa corner. Gray: I spoke to Stacy McKinley, and he believes it's the shoe, and they've been trying to re-tape it. It took him three rounds to tape this ankle up. Had this been an NBA game, they would've had him out, and this would've been done in 20 seconds. Why nobody had any tape over there or didn't address it for three rounds is really quite an issue, but they say it's a shoe and a wardrobe-malfunction issue at this moment. Ranallo: Gervonta Davis just popped Gamboa with the left and another left hand. The interesting thing that... You know, Gamboa has survived, and he's been a little more offensive in the last round and a half. It's not much more but a little. Minute gone here in the fifth, and Davis continues to come forward, short left uppercut on the inside, another left uppercut, but the punch resistance is there for Gamboa, oh, and that left-hand jab to jaw -- and Gamboa continues to come forward! Remember Davis moving up in weight to 135 pounds! But Gamboa also an ex-super featherweight. So Gamboa makes the same moves he did when he was younger in terms of trying to slip, but the problem is your reflexes are not as sharp, so you want to have better fundamentals. Gamboa was always the guy with the hands low at close range, and that's why he would get dropped at times, but his reflexes were much faster when he was younger. Now he's risking a lot at this age to try to use those same reflexes with the hands in bad position at that range. As Davis bringing his potent power to 135 continues to unload on Gamboa, Gamboa backing up, hits the ropes, another left hand, Davis but Gamboa holding on now! And that's his best move at this juncture to try and work his way through this round with a minute left to go. Another left lands for Davis and the right, Gamboa just having difficulty with his balance, oh, and gets jacked on the jaw again but eats the punch! I'll tell you, for a guy who's had chin issues... Wow. ...he's taking some good shots from Gervonta Davis. That's for sure. And again, not to belabor the point, but that move north by five pounds, that affected the power. Yeah, but Gamboa is still an ex-super featherweight and an ex-featherweight, so he himself is not a guy who's as natural of a lightweight as some of the other lightweights. Yeah, true. He is weathering these huge punches so far. Even Davis is looking at him like he can't believe he's still standing. Well, we are through 5 here in Atlanta. [ Bell dings ] Time. This is an experience for Davis too because he's got a guy now who's a little bit more resistant to his power. Interpreter: Let's go. Now he tasted yours. He tasted your punch now. Now you got to start going. Now you're starting to get your boxing going. Now you're getting back into the style. You need that upper hand, nice and tight, nice and tight. Davis landed some enormous power punches. He gets hit with that left hand but lands this terrific left of his own, and of course, his big power is mostly in the left hand, and then he lands a right hook as well. Later around... Wow. ...the uppercut comes from the inside. Davis has a good variety of punches. Amazingly, Gamboa is able to get through it. Has Gamboa has had a chin transplant? Well, he's been... Amazing. But it's incredible... I mean, those replays show... Yeah. clean he was hit. Again, Davis probably needs to punch in a bit more combination. He's loading up single shots, and maybe it's the combination that will get Gamboa out of there eventually. He's taking the single shots pretty well. I mean, I would say he's still feeling them, but the fact that they're in single and not in multiple fashion allows Gamboa to be able to take it and maybe possibly recover. Great points, Paulie, as we are here in round number 6, scheduled for 12, 135-pound main event, jab by Davis... But very methodical for two guys who have been known to be faster than caffeinated hummingbirds, Al, a rather slow pace. Yeah, to some degree, we haven't seen combination punching really that much from either man yet. Gamboa, of course, as we've pointed out in the past, has been able to punch in combination. We weren't sure that would happen in this fight in any case because of who he was facing. Gamboa may be looking to change it up, finally sneaks a jab to the body of Davis, utilizing a lot of feinting, a lot of movement and Davis looking to establish the jab, walking down Gamboa and moving to his left, and Davis lands a jab to the torso. You know, Gamboa's movement looks a little better, so whatever they... Stop. Stop. Stop. ...did to the shoe may have helped him a little bit. Yeah, the problem is he still looks like an older fighter who is a shell of himself. You know, he can't find his range, can't get his hands off, fighting like an older guy with veteran skills with veteran experience in terms of trying to figure out a way to stay and fight, and maybe an answer will come his way if he's in the fight. Yeah, Gamboa telling us that a huge edge in experience of the quality of opponents he faced will serve him well, but it's a double-edged sword, right, when you have so much experience. The problem, and trust me, I've been here, at this age is you know how to stay in the fight sort of in terms of trying to survive and to figure out, but you don't have the wherewithal, the youth, the explosiveness to create the openings yourself. You sort of try to stay in there, hoping that something creates on its own. Davis landed a left. What has presented itself in this round is there have been a couple nice left hooks that Gamboa has landed, and then he tried to land more left hooks. If there's going to be a punch that's going to get him back into this fight, I think it's going to be the left hook because he's found a place for it. The question is whether he can hurt Davis with it. Half a minute remaining in the sixth, very cautious as Davis lands that right hand over the top. The problem with Davis too, he's looking for one big shot. You know what I'm saying? That's another one. He's got to look for, like I said earlier, some combination shots. Oh, wow. He's going. He's putting some good shots to the body. Mustard to the body there for sure with that left hand. And that's been happening for quite a few rounds. Stop. Stop. Break. Break. He seems to be looking for one shot at a time, and his output is not maybe as much as it could be. Second half of the fight straight ahead. [ Bell dings ] ♪♪ We see him jabbing to the body and coming with that straight left hand on top. The thing about Davis is he's creative in what he does, and we talked about there haven't been a million combinations, but there is a beautiful one with the jab downstairs, and then he comes with the left hand over, so he is creative when he can do those kinds of things. Work, man, because when you make him work, then touch the body. Bring it to him? No, no, no, no, listen. Keep inching toward him. Make him open up. Hear? And make him work. When you get close, he can't fucking fight in the inside. Trust me. How long you been trusting me? Get close to him and just keep poking. When I say, "Penitentiary," put that knife there and put it in him, okay? Put them together. -To the body? -Yeah, go to the body, but remember protect the wild shots up here, hear? But do it off the jab, hear? Just keep going to him, man. Reiss: Number 7. Ranallo: Calvin Ford has done so much incredible work with the youth of Baltimore -- has been there for Gervonta "Tank" Davis throughout his career and some wise words for Davis from Calvin Ford, Al. Yeah, colorfully put, digging in the knife. Yeah, he wants him, Davis, to work the body as we begin the seventh round of the second half of this 135-pound affair, Gervonta Davis in the rose gold with white trunks, Yuriorkis Gamboa in the red and white. You know, Davis said, "I don't want to just overpower Gamboa. I want to hit him with shots he doesn't expect," and in a way, that's code for him saying, "I want to show my skill set in this fight." Unofficial score, Steve Farhood, how do you have it at the midpoint of this fight? Farhood: Mo, I don't think I'm going to surprise you with my card. It's a shut-out with a 10-8 round in round 2. All I can say is Gamboa, his shoes made a comeback. I don't know if he can. Ranallo: Well said. Gamboa, former Unified champion at 126 pounds, Olympic gold medalist, Davis held the title at 130 pounds, in fact, the youngest reigning American belt holder in 2017 when he delivered that star-making performance here on Showtime, taking out José Pedraza -- as the action picks up here in the seventh, an exchange, and there is Gamboa on the inside. Gamboa is trying to punch back and threw a couple combinations here. He just didn't land anything, and he's mostly throwing arm punches. He's not getting really leverage into it. Davis won his first title when he was 22, lost it on the scale before his second defense against Francisco Fonseca, became a two-time title holder in April of last year, knocking out Jesús Cuellar in the third round, made two title defenses before vacating to move up to 135 pounds. Final 60 seconds of the seventh and... Gamboa getting some good shots in there. Yeah. Gamboa's may... This has been by far his best round of the fight. And he's forcing Davis to start respecting him a little bit. Oh, got in the inside there by Gamboa, and Gamboa has Davis along the ropes. It's been the best round Gamboa has had in this fight. Whether he's winning it remains to be seen, but he certainly has done better, and he has thrown many more punches in this round than Davis. Davis very economical in his output. [ Audience shouting ] He almost had a takedown. Well... Hearkening back to... Worlds clash, worlds colliding. [ Indistinct chatter ] It's been a kind of interesting round. Gamboa has thrown 57 punches to 13 for Davis, but Davis has landed half his punches, but if according to ShoStats, Gamboa has done a bit more. I'll tell you what, Gamboa is forcing Davis to respect him a little bit. He can't just go for the gusto like he was trying to earlier in the fight. It seems like Gamboa has landed a couple of shots that I wouldn't say hurt Davis at all, but at least the fact that he can be hit has gotten his attention. And we'll look back at a few of the moments that Gamboa had. There's the hook. I talked about that punch being potentially something that could land. Here he lands the nice right hand and comes... And then later in the round, we would see some more life from Gamboa, using the jab and then, again, getting... halfway getting left-handed, and the right lands pretty well, and then the jab follows it. So... And then Gamboa would look for what looked a little bit like a takedown but the... Well, Davis pushing his head down. But the defensive abilities... Nice, yeah, takedown defense... Yeah, exactly. ...almost a sprawl. Oh, it was because Davis pushed his head down, so it was more of a retaliation. Davis has... Spearing in, I guess. ...done some stuff on social media with MMA fighters as, you know, all of these people, boxing to MMA to wrestling to MMA to boxing. Hey, we've got Tank Davis and Yuriorkis Gamboa here in round number 8, and we know that Davis punch output well below both 130-pound and 130-pound average weigh-in tonight, Al, throwing a total of 189 punches up to this point. Yeah. Now, okay, for whatever it's worth, Davis has never been past nine rounds in a fight. Gamboa is 4-0 in 12-round fights. But Davis threw, what, 15 punches last round? I agree. He's not setting a torrid pace, but I'm just saying he hasn't been there before, and we're in round 8, and Gamboa is certainly more emboldened, which we see there. Like that use of the word of the day there, by the way, "emboldened," love it. Right hand lands for Gamboa. What's happening here with Davis, Paulie? I'm very curious about why he's giving Gamboa so much respect, and I'm going to go a little bit out of the way here. He showed up all the way yesterday for the weigh-in first. He's looking like a tired fighter even though the pace of this fight has not been torrid. I don't want to say I'm questioning the way he trained for this fight, but I have to say it's on my mind a little bit now because he's got an old guy who is dying to get out of the fight early in the fight or at least asking him to basically do him a favor and get him out of there, and he couldn't do it because his output was never enough. And in this round... And now Gamboa has gotten enough confidence to get into the fight. Guess how many punches Davis has thrown in this round. How many? One. 25 years of age, enjoying the trappings of... We're halfway through it. ...fame, celebrity, but Davis' offense muted. Gamboa, after being down in round number 2 and having issues with his right shoe, is still in this fight. This has been an oddly intriguing match in certain ways. Not the explosive affair that we are used to seeing from Tank Davis albeit against lesser opposition Gamboa. The more experienced was supposed to be one of the tough tests despite the fact that he is now 38, but we saw Davis against, you know, José Pedraza, which was a fantastic performance. And certainly the fireworks were there early for Davis. And no fireworks in this round at all. No. Look at the punches on the card. We're, you know, 30 seconds left in this round. But you can make the case for Gamboa winning this round, and you can make the case for him winning the last one. Oh, there's a step in right hand by Tank Davis, left uppercut, but Gamboa coming back with a left, Gamboa and Davis now in the final 15 seconds, and Davis lands a left hand, dropping Gamboa again! ...four,<i> cinco, seis, siete, ocho --</i> [ Speaking Spanish ] Get back in the corner! [ Bell ringing ] Davis bringing the crowd in Atlanta to its feet with the second knockdown of the fight! Davis might have cost himself a shot at ending the fight by not staying in the corner. Sit down. Sit down. Let's see. Recollect now. Let's go. Collect yourself. You still have to be nice and tight. You were hitting him. You were getting him. Bernstein: Well, a very slow round to this point, and then Tank Davis showed his power and hurt Gamboa with that left hand, knocked him down. Credit to Davis, Gamboa was trying to smother him, but Davis took a little half step back to create the space if we're going to try and see it again. Let's see. You see Gamboa trying to smother. See, he's reaching out. He's trying to smother. He's trying to hold. Look at the credit for Davis, a half step back, creating space so he can get leverage on that left hand. Interesting. And that's the subtle things that cause that knockdown... Yeah. ...besides the obvious power Davis has. And the interesting thing is Gamboa landed an uppercut in the midst of all that. It wasn't enough to hurt Davis. That's the uppercut that landed, and then Davis would come with this straight left... Well, mostly a straight left hand, but it was a big powerful left hand. Seven of the 11 punches Davis landed came in the last minute of that round according to ShoStats. [ Whistle blows ] Man:<i> Nueve, nueve!</i> Ranallo: Ninth round! Gamboa has been down twice! There's a jab that lands for Tank Davis, the southpaw, again, pops a jab, counter right by Gamboa, Gamboa now going to the body and, oh, a rabbit punch delivered by Gamboa! Are you good? I think Gamboa just wants to let Davis know he's still in the fight. Ranallo: Sharp jab from Davis. Bernstein: Davis mixing in the right hooks, Davis has a pretty good right hook, and there it is. Two-and-a-half-inch reach advantage for Tank Davis. Davis starting to step in with some extra authority here. He senses the end. Davis bears a straight left and Davis' body language speaking volumes, hunting down, locking down Gamboa, Gamboa trying to avoid the attack, utilizing some bobbing and weaving now, just trying to close the gap, oh, counter left again by Davis! That left hand is about as sharp as we expected it to be! Gamboa showing a lot of power here. Oh, my God, yeah. And all he's got is his heart left. I mean, he's a guy who's a shell of himself. Olympic gold medalist champion at 126 pounds. It's almost a shame to watch. With Davis as such a young phenom and Gamboa in his prime, this would've been a terrific fight. Oh, yeah, exactly. Wouldn't we like to have seen the 2014 version of Gamboa? Here he is trying to stay in the fight but Davis again unloading and there Gamboa tackling Davis. And that's all the veteran stuff, all the survival tactics of a veteran. Hey, you okay? You good? Ranallo: Under a minute left here in the ninth. Davis with his mouth open, by the way, he's tired just from throwing all the power shots. Yeah, it's a very good point but Gamboa, probably not enough left in the tank to take advantage of that. Yeah, you know, Gamboa makes him miss and looks to hold instead of makes him miss and counter. It's all survival instinct instead of the killer instinct. 30 seconds left in the ninth round. Davis not used to going this deep into a fight, Al. No, this is... We're at the point where he's never been, but obviously he's in control of this match right now, clearly. Matter of fact, the longest he'd been before tonight was the last time he had trouble on the scale, right, with Fonseca. Fonseca, that's right. And he had to go into the eighth round. Ended it in the eighth, but here we are headed to the 10th. You're looking good. Give him a deep breath, Calvin. That's why we're holding him up. [ Indistinct ] Huh? [ Chatter ] Take a deep breath. Take breaths. Take breaths. Give me three deep breaths. Give me three deep breaths. Hey, Tank. Get back on your jab and collect yourself. -Yeah. -All right? Don't worry about knocking him out. When you set it up, a lot of feints off the jab, when you see it, take it. But don't go in there looking for it too hard. Right. He's still dangerous. You're throwing the right shots, Tank, but don't throw... DeJesus: You're a champion. Now you've got to hit him with the left hook in the body. Keep moving. Keep moving, and then that left hook to the body. You hearing me? Let's go. Ranallo: Set for round 10, Gervonta Davis, moving up to 135 pounds. Had issues at the weigh-in... Wondering how much the weight cut impacted him, Al, as we get set for round number 10, a little concern in the corner. Yeah, that's a very interesting point. You know, Roque telling Gamboa, try to go to the body. That's actually exceptional advice if he can get close enough to just try it. There's no reason not to because you'd think maybe you're in against a fighter who looks a little tired... Tired, yep. ...and can we hurt into the body? Might as well. How do you interpret what you're seeing form Davis in regards to the body language and the weight cut, Paulie? I already told you how I interpret it a couple of rounds ago. You know, I mean, this is a new weight class for Davis. The fact that he had trouble making the weight makes you question how he trained for the fight. And to double down on that statement, the fact that he was tired, throwing 15 punches a round, you know, also makes you question the same thing. It makes you double down on that belief. So, you know, early in the fight Gamboa was almost out of there. He just needed a bit more energy. No combination punching from Davis, looking for one shot at a time, and he actually allowed Gamboa to pick up some confidence for a few rounds to survive a little longer. Now, he's got him on the edge again. We'll see. He almost had him out, and he punched himself out again because, again, I don't know what kind of shape he's in. So now here we are, again, round 10, and they're kind of standing in front of each other. Gamboa, and as we mentioned before, never been past round 9, and, Al, Gamboa has many times. Yeah, you know, Gamboa, you can tell he's in a position where he's trying to get those punches off. He just doesn't quite have what it takes to do that. You know, you can tell the hesitation in throwing the right hand. Yeah. He can't close the gap the right way. I mean, even with a fixed foot, he falls in when he throws a right hand. He's always falling in with his shots because he doesn't have the legs on him. Oh! There is a three-punch combination that lands for Gamboa, and that captured Davis' attention. He doesn't have to close the gap right there. He was already inside. He's getting to be a little bit dangerous when he's not holding and wrestling. Under a minute left here in the tenth round. There's life left in Gamboa. Davis targeting the midsection with that left hand. Davis has thrown 15 punches to 16 punches this round, and, of course, there he's landing here at... I'm just going... I'm going to tell you he's fortunate he's in the tenth round at this pace because if he had a live guy in front of him coming like this, he'd be in serious risk of losing this fight. I mean, he's in the tenth round at 15 to 20 punches a round because he's got a guy who came into the fight already a shell of himself to begin with, and he's better than this. I say this because Davis is better than this. If Davis shows up in shape and Davis shows up, the Davis that we all know and love, it's a different kind of fight. There's a couple of left hands by Davis jumping in as we head to the eleventh round. Davis landing that left jab. [ Bell dings ] Gamboa ate it. Right here. Talk to him, pal. Let him catch his breath first. Think, man. Think. Control your breathing, baby. Control it. Control it. Take deep breaths. You know what to do. Take three deep breaths. Okay now... Bernstein: Here is, in the last round... Who's he looking at here? It seems like he was distracted. I don't know, and that left hand lands, then the right. He made the same mistake -- Wow. He made the same mistake Ricardo Nunez made last fight against him, oddly enough. He's looking outside in the clinch. He's looking outside. Like, Ricardo Nunez was doing this against Gervonta in July and got himself knocked out for it. Got just an odd... Man. This fight has been odd in many ways. That was the fight in microcosm. That was a pressured Gamboa. Good straight left hand by Davis. Of course, he's been landing those, in fact, two of them, and a counter from Gamboa. This is round number 11, scheduled for 12 at 135 pounds, and interesting to say the least, of what we've witnessed here tonight. 1:15 into round 2, Gamboa hit the canvas from a straight left to the side of the head. 15 seconds left in round 8, Gamboa fell to the canvas again from a left hand. You can tell by the way Calvin Ford is talking to Davis in the corner about his breathing and everything. He's concerned about his fighter's stamina at this junction. The condition... But our unofficial scorer, Steve Farhood, still has the undefeated "Tank" Davis comfortably ahead. I think that's without question. Right, as you would expect. But I think, again, it's more because Gamboa has been trying to survive from the start and not ever trying to win the fight. He's fighting like an older guy. How is "Tank" Davis fighting, Paulie? I mean, he's trying to... He's looking for the knockout the whole time, but, you know, in order to make adjustments, you also have to be clearheaded enough to be in shape, but when you're tired, your fatigue is on your mind, you know? Again, this is just... I wasn't in the gym with Gervonta, so I'm just saying that my assumption, based on what I'm seeing, is the way he trained for this fight is to be questioned. Well, and of course, we will remind you that he did miss the weight by 1 3/4 pound, for whatever that's worth... But, again, that goes a long way. He just moved up in weight. Yep. Shouldn't be missing weight at 135 when you move up in weight. Gamboa stumbling, trying, and there's Davis, but, man, a rough-and-tumbled affair here in the eleventh. This isn't MMA. Even though there's fighters that are across the street, you will still be compared to guys who fight on other networks. Teofimo Lopez is a young lightweight phenom, looks explosive as it comes in winning IBF lightweight title against Richard Commey, you know? Gervonta's performance will, undoubtedly, be compared to that because he's another young, lightweight phenom, so you want to... You don't just want to win these fights. You want to come in at your best because you will be compared to other phenoms. Well said by Paulie Malignaggi as 40 seconds remain in the eleventh round, and Gamboa, again, hanging on. And mind you, Commey was a much alive-r guy than a shot Gamboa. Yeah. Oh, 100 percent, yeah. And, you know, I mean, having Gamboa down and hurt a couple of times, had he stayed down, that would have been his statement, but he didn't... But he's just holding on. ...get these answers, you know? That's right. And now, maybe, Davis learns from tonight because if... Oh. Is this a sign of what's to come in the twelfth and final round as Davis comes to life at the end of round 11? [ Bell dings ] Because just maybe this is a learning experience Davis can take with him and become better from it. DeJesus: Sit down. Let's go. Listen to me. This the last round. Let's go. This the last round. Listen to me. Now is when you fight. Let's go. Now is when you know how to fight. Now we take him out of the ring. We take him out of the ring... Nice and tight, and your arms up. Keep those gloves up. He only has that one punch. Let's go. Nice and tight. Less holding. ...against him, hear? Tank, when he pushing you back, turn. You get it? When you turn... Announcer: round of this... Bernstein: Well, Tank Davis came to life in the last part of the last round, and landed that nice straight left hand, and then he had Gamboa hurt. Beautiful jab, it's a very solid jab, and now he came after him to try and end the fight. Didn't get it ended, but we head into the twelfth... Will that momentum continue into the final round? Ranallo: There's a combination by Davis backing up Gamboa momentarily. Gamboa hands down staying in the fight, exposing his chin. I tell you Davis didn't only miss those. Gamboa didn't make him miss those. I mean, Gamboa was just falling in. He was there right for a big shot. It was just missed. Gamboa's corner mentioning the fact that Davis has only one punch. That one punch, the left hand, has dropped Gamboa twice in this fight. Yeah, they were just being salesmen in Gamboa's corner. Of course, right. They were just trying to make him believe. Oh, short right hook by Davis, but Gamboa, it's like he's on ice skates, just still on his feet, and avoiding a couple of those shots, and then Davis falls off-balance. That was in the Gamboa corner. Maybe it put a little extra water there. A minute gone in the twelfth and final round. Uppercut, left hand, Gamboa still standing. Wow. [ Audience cheering ] Incredible. Oh! Oh, and down goes Gamboa! Whoop, there it is. I feel like Gamboa never saw the uppercut the whole fight. That was the most dangerous shot Davis was throwing all night, and it landed a lot when he did use it. And, of course, fitting that he ends it on that shot. It wasn't the easiest fight, but at the end, Davis smokes Gamboa like a Cuban cigar, drops him for the third and final time of the fight, successful at 135 pounds, and Yuriorkis Gamboa, amazing how many shots he took, Al. Yeah, obviously he took some huge power punches, and there's no question whether it's at 130 or a 135, Davis is a very, very potent puncher, and he showed that at the end when he was able to take him out. That's what happens, man, but he did what he did. Davis with his daughter, Gervanni. Well, Gervonta Davis finds himself in the twelfth round for the first time, and what does he do? He scores a knockout, and that certainly will warm his heart and those of his corner, even if he had problems getting to that point. The left hand lands. The uppercut that Paulie talked about, Davis has an excellent uppercut, and it was a punch that Gamboa had a hard time finding it, a hard time defending it, and Davis was able to end the fight. And credit to Jack Reiss. He took a look at Gamboa. He wanted him to get a chance to finish the fight. He felt like he'd earned it, but he took a look at him and he said, "You know what? Let me be merciful and stop it." And there was no objections from the Gamboa corner. No, good stoppage by Reiss. You could tell he thought twice about it. Gamboa was game all night. There's the uppercut. If we get a chance to see Reiss in this, he gives him a look before he stops it. It's almost like, "You're in the last round. Let me see if I can let you finish the fight." And he steps over him, and then he takes a look at him and he says enough, and, of course, a merciful stoppage. Yeah, an appropriate call by Jack Reiss. No question about that. No, no complaint. And whatever you say about the fact that Davis had his issues in the middle of this fight, at the end of the day, he was able to close the show. Yeah, and the reason I'm mentioning Jack Reiss is because he was aware enough to say, "Let me see if I can give this guy a chance to finish the fight." And here is, again, the uppercut. And there's the uppercut that did the job. And he loaded up... Davis was loading up a lot of big uppercuts tonight, and it was the shot that Gamboa was having the most trouble seeing. And normally, you wouldn't be able to throw that uppercut from that far out, but he wasn't worried about being countered by Gamboa, so he was able to throw it. Yes, yes, and the opposite stance, a lot of times you get that shot a little bit better. 23 fights, 23 victories, 22 knockouts, Gervonta "Tank" Davis, successful in his first fight at 135. And it's all about learning. It's all about experience for the first time going to the twelfth and final round. Let's revisit the stats, Al. And a look at the numbers. We talked a lot about the fact that there was not a lot of volume from Davis. Clearly, he was very effective landing 37 percent of his... or 48 percent of his power punches. He lands 50 percent under normal circumstances. That's everything other than the jab. So he showed that accuracy, and it ultimately would end up winning him this fight by knockout. Let's make it official with Jimmy Lennon Jr. Lennon: Ladies and gentlemen, we have the time of 1:17 in round number 12. Our referee in charge, Jack Reiss, stops the contest. He is the winner by way of technical knockout. He is still undefeated. He is the new WBA lightweight champion of the world, Gervonta "Tank" Davis!
Channel: SHOWTIME Sports
Views: 1,537,891
Rating: 4.701376 out of 5
Keywords: showtime, shosports, sports, Gervonta Davis, Tank Davis, DavisGamboa, Yuriorkis Gamboa, KO, Knock Out, Gervonta Davis KO, Gervonta Davis Knockout, Showtime Sports, Championship Boxing, WBA, lightweight, Atlanta, State Farm Area, Showtime Championship Boxing, 12 round, boxing, ufc, combat sports, Round 12, knockout, showtime sports, Showtime Boxing PPV, Boxing PPV, Gervonta Davis Leo Santa Cruz, Leo Santa Cruz, LCS, Santa Cruz, Davis Santa Cruz
Id: zIiqNIyVdoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 50sec (3410 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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