Geronimo's Story of His Life - FULL Audio Book by Geronimo - Autobiography Native American History

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dedicatory preface an introductory of Geronimo's story of his life this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit recording by Sue Anderson Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by M Barrett and translated by ASA Dec loogey dedicatory by Geronimo because he has given me permission to tell my story because he has read that story and knows I try to speak the truth because I believe that he is fair-minded and will cause my people to receive justice in the future and because he is chief of a great people I dedicate this story of my life to Theodore Roosevelt President of the United States Geronimo preface by SM Barrett the initial idea of the compilation of this work was to give the reading public and authentic record of the private life of the Apache Indians and to extend to Geronimo as a prisoner of war the courtesy due any captive that is the right to state the causes which impelled him in his opposition to our civilization and laws if the Indians cause has been properly presented the captives defense clearly stated and the general store of information regarding vanishing types increased I shall be satisfied I desire to acknowledge valuable suggestions from major Charles Taylor Fort Sill Oklahoma dr. J M Greenwood Kansas City Missouri and president David R Boyd of the University of Oklahoma I especially desire in this connection to say that without the kindly advice and assistance of President Theodore Roosevelt this book could not have been written respectfully SM Barrett Lawton Oklahoma August 14th 1906 introductory by SM Barrett I first met Geronimo in the summer of 1904 when I acted for him as interpreter of English into Spanish and vice versa in selling a war bonnet after that he always had a pleasant word for me when we met but never entered into a general conversation with me until he learned that I had once been wounded by a Mexican as soon as he was told of this he came to see me and expressed freely his opinion of the average Mexican and his aversion to all Mexicans in general I invited him to visit me again which he did and upon his invitation I visited him at his teepee in the Fort Sill Military Reservation in the summer of 1905 dr. J M Greenwood Superintendent of Schools at Kansas City Missouri visited me and I took him to see the chief Geronimo was quite formal and reserved until dr. Greenwood said I am a friend of general Howard whom I have heard speak of you come said Geronimo and led the way to a shade had seats brought for us put on his war bonnet and served watermelon alle Apache cut in big chunks while he talked freely and cheerfully when we left he gave us a pressing invitation to visit him again in a few days the old chief came to see me and asked about my father I said you mean the old gentleman from Kansas City he has returned to his home he is your father said Geronimo no I said my father died 25 years ago dr. Greenwood is only my friend after a moment's silence the old Indian spoke again this time in a tone of voice intended to carry conviction or at least to allow no further discussion your natural father is dead this man has been your friend an advisor from youth by adoption he is your father tell him he is welcome to come to my home at any time it was of no use to explain anymore for the old man had determined not to understand my relation to dr. Greenwood except in accordance with Indian customs and I let the matter drop in the latter part of that summer I asked the old chief to allow me to publish some of the things he had told me but he objected saying however that if I would pay him and if the officers in charge did not object he would tell me the whole story of his life I immediately called at the fort Fort Sill and asked the officer in charge lieutenant Purinton for permission to write the life of Geronimo I was promptly informed that the privilege would not be granted lieutenant Purinton explained to me the many depredations committed by Geronimo and his warriors and the enormous cost of subduing the Apaches adding that the old Apache deserved to be hanged rather than spoiled by so much attention from civilians a suggestion from me that our government had paid many soldiers and officers to go to Arizona and kill Geronimo and the Apaches and that they did not seem to know how to do it did not prove very gratifying to the pride of the Regular Army officer and I decided to seek elsewhere for permission accordingly I wrote to President Roosevelt that here was an old Indian who had been held a prisoner of war for twenty years and had never been given a chance to tell his side of the story and asked that Geronimo be granted permission to tell for publication in his own way the story of his life and that he be guaranteed that the publication of his story would not affect unfavorably the Apache prisoners of war by return mail I received word that the authority had been granted in a few days I received word from Fort Sill that the President had ordered the officer in charge to grant permission as requested an interview was requested that I might receive the instructions of the War Department when I went to Fort Sill the officer in command handed me the fall in brief which constituted my instructions Lawton Oklahoma August 12th 1905 Geronimo Apache chief SM Barrett Superintendent of Schools letter to the President stating that above-mentioned desires to tell his life story that it may be published and requests permission to tell it in his own way and also desires assurance that what he has to say will in no way work a hardship for the Apache Tribe first endorsement War Department the military secretaries office Washington August 25th 1905 respectfully referred by direction of the acting chief of staff through headquarters Department of Texas to the officer in charge of the Apache prisoners of war at Fort Sill Oklahoma Territory for remark and recommendation signed EF Ladd military secretary second endorsement headquarters Department of Texas military secretaries office San Antonio August 29th 1905 respectfully transmitted to first lieutenant George a Purinton 8th Cavalry in charge of Apache prisoners through commanding officer Fort Sill Oklahoma Territory by command of Brigadier General Lee signed CD Roberts captain 7th infantry acting military secretary 3rd endorsement Fort Sill Oklahoma Territory August 31st 1905 respectfully referred to first lieutenant GA Purinton 8th cavalry officer in charge of apache prisoners of war for remark and recommendation by order of captain dade signed james longstreet first lieutenant and squadron adjutant cavalry adjutant 4th endorsement Fort Sill Oklahoma Territory September 2nd 1905 respectfully returned to the adjutant Fort Sill Oklahoma Territory I can see no objection to Geronimo telling the story his past life providing he tells the truth I would recommend that mr. SM Barrett be held responsible for what is written and published signed George a Purinton first lieutenant 8th Cavalry in charge of Apache prisoners of war v endorsement Fort Sill Oklahoma Territory September 4th 1905 respectfully returned to the military secretary Department of Texas San Antonio Texas inviting attention to 4th endorsement here on it is recommended that the manuscript be submitted before publication - lieutenant Parrington who can pass upon the truth of the story signed al Dade captain 13th cavalry commanding 6th endorsement headquarters Department of Texas San Antonio September 8th 1905 respectfully returned to the military secretary War Department Washington DC inviting attention to the preceding endorsement here on which is concurred in signed J M Lee brigadier general commanding 7th endorsement War Department office of the chief of staff Washington September 13th 1905 respectfully submitted to the Honorable the Secretary of War inviting attention to the foregoing endorsements signed J C Bates Major General acting chief of staff 8th endorsement War Department September 15th 1905 respectfully returned to the acting chief of staff to grant the necessary authority in this matter through official channels with the express understanding that the manuscript of the book shall be submitted to him before publication upon receipt of such manuscript the chief of staff will submit it to such person as he may select as competent to make a proper and critical inspection of the proposed publication signed Robert Shaw Oliver acting Secretary of War ninth endorsement War Department the military secretaries office Washington September 18th 1905 respectfully returned by direction of the acting chief of staff to the commanding general Department of Texas who will give the necessary instructions for carrying out the directions of the Acting Secretary of War contained in the 8th endorsement it is desired that mr. Barrett be advised accordingly signed Henry P McCain military secretary tenth endorsement headquarters Department of Texas military secretaries office San Antonio September 23rd 1905 respectfully referred to the commanding officer Fort Sill Oklahoma Territory who will give the necessary instructions for carrying out the direction of the Acting Secretary of War contained in the 8th endorsement here on this paper will be shown and fully explained to mr. Barrett and then returned to these headquarters by order of Colonel Hughes signed George Van Horne Mosley first lieutenant first Cavalry aide-de-camp acting military secretary early in October I secured the services of an educated Indian ASA de kludgy son of whole chief of the net nee Apaches as interpreter and the work of compiling the book began Geronimo refused to talk when a stenographer was present or to wait for corrections or questions when telling the story each day he had in mind what he would tell and told it in a very clear brief manner he might prefer to talk at his own teepee at a sadoglu Gees house in some Mountain Dell or as he rode in a swinging gallop across the Prairie wherever his fancy led him there he told whatever he wished to tell and no more on the day that he first gave any portion of his autobiography he would not be questioned about any details nor would he add another word but simply said write what I have spoken and left us to remember and write the story without one bit of assistance he would agree however to come on another day to my study or any place designated by me and listen to the reproduction in Apache of what had been told and at such times he would answer all questions or add information wherever he could be convinced that it was necessary he soon became so tired of bookmaking that he would have abandoned the task but for the fact that he had agreed to tell the complete story when he once gives his word nothing will turn him from fulfilling his promise a very striking illustration of this was furnished by him early in January 1906 he had agreed to come to my study on a certain date but at the appointed hour the interpreter came alone and said that Geronimo was very sick with cold and fever he had come to tell me that we must appoint another date as he feared the old warrior had an attack of pneumonia it was a cold day and the interpreter do a chair up to the grate to warm himself after the exposure of the long ride just as he was seating himself he looked out of the window then rose quickly and without speaking pointed to a rapidly moving object coming our way in a moment I recognized the old chief writing furiously evidently trying to arrive as soon as the interpreter did his horse flecked with foam and reeling from exhaustion dismounting he came in and said in a hoarse whisper I promised to come I am here I explained to him that I had not expected him to come on such a stormy day and that in his physical condition he must not try to work he stood for some time and then without speaking left the room remounted his tired Pony and with bowed head faced ten long miles of cold north wind he had kept his promise when he had finished his story I submitted the manuscript to major Charles W Taylor 18th Cavalry Command and Fort Sill Oklahoma who gave me some valuable suggestions as to additional related information which I asked Geronimo to give in most cases the old chief gave the desired information but in some instances he refused stating his reasons for so doing when the added information had been incorporated I submitted the manuscript to President Roosevelt from whose letter I quote this is a very interesting volume which you have in manuscript but I would advise that you disclaim responsibility in all cases where the reputation of an individual is assailed in accordance with that suggestion I have appended notes throughout the book disclaiming responsibility for adverse criticisms of any persons mentioned by Geronimo On June 2nd 1906 I transmitted the complete manuscript to the War Department the following quotation is from the letter of transmission in accordance with endorsement number eight of the brief submitted to me by the commanding officer of Fort Sill which endorsement constituted the instructions of the department I submit here with the manuscript of the autobiography of Geronimo the manuscript has been submitted to the President and at his suggestion I have disclaimed any responsibility for the criticisms made by Geronimo of individuals mentioned in quote six weeks after the manuscript was forwarded Thomas C berry Brigadier General assistant to the chief of staff sent to the president the following quote memorandum for the Secretary of War subject manuscript of the autobiography of Geronimo the paper here with which was referred to this office on July 6th with instructions to report as to whether there is anything objectionable in it is returned the manuscript is an interesting autobiography of a notable Indian made by himself there are a number of passages which from the departmental point of view are decidedly objectionable these are found on pages 73 74 90 91 and 97 and are indicated by marginal lines in red the entire manuscript appears in a way important as showing the Indian side of a prolonged controversy but it is believed that the document either in whole or in part should not receive the approval of the War Department end quote the memorandum is published that the objections of the War Department may be made known to the public the objection is raised to the mention on pages 73 and 74 of the manuscript of an attack upon Indians in a tent at Apache pass or boy by u.s. soldiers the statement of Geronimo is however substantially confirmed by Elsie Hughes editor of the star Tucson Arizona on pages 90 and 91 of the manuscript Geronimo criticized general Cooke this criticism is simply Geronimo's private opinion of General Crook we deem it a personal matter and leave it without comment as it in no way concerns the history of the Apaches on page 97 of the manuscript Geronimo accuses general miles of bad faith of course general miles made the treaty with the Apaches but we know very well that he is not responsible for the way the government subsequently treated the prisoners of war however Geronimo cannot understand this and fixes upon general miles the blame for what he calls unjust treatment one could not expect the department of war to approve adverse criticisms of its own acts but it is especially gratifying that such a liberal view has been taken of these criticisms and also that such a frank statement of the merits of the biography is submitted in the memorandum of course neither the president nor the War Department is in any way responsible for what Geronimo says he has simply been granted the opportunity to state his own case as he sees it the fact that Geronimo has told the story in his own way is doubtless the only excuse necessary to offer for the many unconventional features of this work and of dedicatory preface and introductory section one of Geronimo's story of his life this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit recording by Sue Anderson Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by s/m Barrett and translated by a Sadiq loogey Section 1 part 1 of the Apaches chapter one origin of the Apache Indians in the beginning the world was covered with darkness there was no Sun no day the perpetual night had no moon or stars there were however all manner of beasts and birds among the beasts were many hideous nameless monsters as well as dragons lions tigers wolves foxes beavers rabbits squirrels rats mice and all manner of creeping things such as lizards and serpents mankind could not prosper under such conditions for the beasts and serpents destroyed all human offspring all creatures had the power of speech and were gifted with reason there were two tribes of creatures the birds or the feathered tribe and the beasts the former were organized under their chief the Eagle these tribes often held councils and the birds wanted light admitted this the beasts repeatedly refused to do finally the birds made war against the beasts the beasts were armed with clubs but the Eagle had taught his tribe to use bows and arrows the serpents were so wise that they could not all be killed one took refuge in a perpendicular cliff of a mountain in Arizona and his eye changed into a brilliant stone may be seen in that rock to this day the Bears when killed would each be changed into several other bears so that the more bears the feathered tribe killed the more there were the dragon could not be killed either for he was covered with four coats of horny scales and the arrows would not penetrate these one of the most hideous vile monsters nameless was proof against arrows so the Eagle flew high up in the air with a round white stone and let it fall on this monsters head killing him instantly this was such a good service that the stone was called sacred a symbol of this stone is used in the tribal game of Kaah they fought for many days but at last the birds won the victory after this war was over although some evil beasts remained the birds were able to control the councils and light was admitted then mankind could live and prosper the eagle was chief in this good fight therefore his feathers were worn by man as emblems of wisdom justice and power among the few human beings that were yet alive was a woman who had been blessed with many children but these had always been destroyed by the beasts if by any means she succeeded in eluding the others the dragon who was very wise and very evil would come himself and eat her babes after many years a son of the rain storm was born to her and she does for him a deep cave the entrance to this cave she closed and over the spot built a campfire this concealed the babes hiding-place and kept him warm every day she would remove the fire and descend into the cave where the child's bed was to nurse him then she would return and rebuild the campfire frequently the dragon would come and question her but she would say I have no more children you have eaten all of them when the child was larger he would not always stay in the cave for he sometimes wanted to run and play once the dragon saw his tracks now this perplexed and enraged the old dragon for he could not find the hiding place of the boy but he said that he would destroy the mother if she did not reveal the child's hiding place the poor mother was very much troubled she could not give up her child but she knew the power and cunning of the dragon therefore she lived in constant fear soon after this the boy said he wished to go hunting the mother would not give her consent she told him of the dragon the wolves and the serpents but he said tomorrow I go at the boys request his uncle who was the only man then living made a little bow and some arrows for him and the two went hunting the next day they trailed the deer far up the mountain and finally the boy killed a buck his uncle showed him how to dress the deer and broiled the meat they broiled two hindquarters one for the child and one for his uncle when the meat was done they placed it on some bushes to cool just then the huge form of the dragon appeared the child was not afraid but his uncle was so dumb with fright that he did not speak or move the dragon took the boy's parcel of meat and went aside with it he placed the meat on another bush and seated himself beside then he said this is the child I have been seeking boy you are nice and fat so when I have eaten this venison I shall eat you the boy said no you shall not eat me and you shall not eat that meat so he walked over to where the dragon sat and took the meat back to his own seat the dragon said I like your courage but you are foolish what do you think you could do well said the boy I can do enough to protect myself as you may find out then the dragon took the meat again and then the boy retook it four times in all the dragon took the meat and after the fourth time the boy replaced the meat he said dragon will you fight me the dragon said yes in whatever way you like the boy said I will stand 100 paces distant from you and you may have four shots at me with your bow and arrows provided that you will then exchange places with me and give me four shots good said the dragon stand up then the dragon took his bowl which was made of a large pine tree he took four arrows from his quiver they were made of young pine tree saplings and each arrow was twenty feet in length he took deliberate aim but just as the arrow left the bow the boy made a peculiar sound and leaped into the air immediately the arrow was shivered into a thousand splinters and the boy was seen standing on the top of a bright rainbow over the spot where the dragons aim had been directed soon the rainbow was gone and the boy was standing on the ground again four times this was repeated then the boy said dragon stand here it is might time to shoot the dragon said all right your little arrows cannot Pierce my first coat of horn and I have three other coats shoot away the boy shot an arrow striking the dragon just over the heart and one coat of the great horny scales fell to the ground the next shot another coat and then another and the dragon's heart was exposed then the dragon trembled but could not move before the fourth arrow was shot the boy said uncle you are dumb with fear you have not moved come here or the dragon will fall on you his uncle ran toward him then he sped the fourth arrow with true aim and it pierced the dragon's heart with a tremendous roar the dragon rolled down the mountainside down for precipices into a canyon below immediately storm clouds swept the mountains lightning flashed thunder rolled and the rain poured when the rain storm had passed far down in the canyon below they could see fragments of the huge body of the dragon lying among the rocks and the bones of this dragon may still be found there this boy's name was Apache usin taught him how to prepare herbs for medicine how to hunt and how to fight he was the first chief of the Indians and wore the Eagles feathers as the sign of justice wisdom and power to him and to his people as they were created Yuson gave holmes in the land of the West Chapter two subdivisions of the Apache Tribe the Apache Indians are divided into six sub tribes to one of these the bohdanka I belong our tribe inhabited that region of mountainous country which lies west from the east line of arizona and south from the headwaters of the Gila River east of us lived the Cecchini or HOH Caliente Hot Springs Apaches our tribe never had any difficulty with them Victoria their chief was always a friend to me he always helped our tribe when we asked him for help he lost his life in the defense of the rights of his people he was a good man and a brave warrior his son Charlie now lives here in this reservation with us north of us lived the White Mountain Apache zhh they were not always on the best of terms with our tribe yet we seldom had any war with them I knew their chief Qashqai Allah personally and I considered him a good warrior their range was next to that of the Navajo Indians who were not of the same blood as the Apaches we held councils with all Apache tribes but never with the Navajo Indians however we traded with them and sometimes visited them to the west of our country ranged the cheer hen Apaches they had two chiefs within my time besito and coda hi-yah they were friendly but not intimate with our tribe south of us lived the Chico Ninh Chiricahua Apaches whose chief in the old days was Cochise and later his son Nike this tribe was always on the most friendly terms with us we were often in camp and on the trail together Nike who was my companion in arms is now my companion in bondage to the south and west of us lived Annette and I Apaches their chief was hole called by the Mexicans Capitan hole they were our firm friends the land of this tribe lies partly in Old Mexico and partly in Arizona ho and I often camped and fought side by side as brothers my enemies were his enemies my friends his friends he is dead now but his son ASA is interpreting this for me still the four tribes padalka hey Chico Ninh Jia hen and net nigh who were fast friends in the days of freedom cling together as they decrease in number only the destruction of all our people would dissolve our bonds of friendship we are vanishing from the earth yet I cannot think we are useless or Yuson would not have created us he created all tribes of men and certainly had a righteous purpose in creating each for each tribe of men usin created he also made a home in the land created for any particular tribe he placed whatever would be best for the welfare of that tribe when usin created the Apaches he also created their homes in the West he gave to them such grain fruits and game as they needed to eat to restore their health when disease attacked them he made many different herbs to grow he taught them where to find these herbs and how to prepare them for medicine he gave them a pleasant climate and all they needed for clothing and shelter was at hand thus it was in the beginning the Apaches and their homes each created for the other by usin himself when they are taken from these homes they sicken and die how long will it be until it is said there are no Apaches chapter 3 early life I was born in the doyen Canyon Arizona June 1829 in that country which lies around the headwaters of the Gila River I was reared this range was our fatherland among these mountains our wigwams were hidden the scattered valleys contained our fields the boundless prairies stretching away on every side were our pastures the rocky caverns were our Burien places I was fourth in a family of eight children four boys and four girls of that family only myself my other porreco whitehorse and my sister MoDOT see are yet alive we are held as prisoners of war in this Military Reservation Fort Sill as a babe I rolled on the dirt floor of my father's teepee hung in my so Apache name for cradle at my mother's back or suspended from the bough of a tree I was warmed by the Sun rocked by the winds and sheltered by the trees as other Indian babes won a child my mother taught me the legends of our people taught me of the Sun and sky the moon and stars the clouds and storms she also taught me to kneel and pray to usun for strength health wisdom and protection we never prayed against any person but if we had aught against any individual we ourselves took vengeance we were taught that Yuson does not care for the petty quarrels of men my father had often told me of the brave deeds of our warriors of the pleasures of the chase and the glories of the warpath with my brothers and sisters I played about my father's home sometimes we played at hide-and-seek among the rocks and pines sometimes we loitered in the shade of the cottonwood trees or sawed the shot up a kind of wild cherry while our parents worked in the field sometimes we played that we were warriors we would practice stealing upon some object that represented an enemy and in our childish imitation often performed the feats of war sometimes we would hide away from our mother to see if she could find us and often when thus concealed go to sleep and perhaps remain hidden for many hours when we were old enough to be of real service we went to the field with our parents not to play but to toil when the crops were to be planted we broke the ground with wooden hose we planted the corn in straight rows the beans among the corn and the melons and pumpkins in irregular order over the field we cultivated these crops as there was need our field usually contained about two acres of ground the fields were never fenced it was common for many families to cultivate land in the same Valley and share the burden of protecting the growing crops from the destruction by the ponies of the tribe or by deer and other wild animals melons were gathered as they were consumed in the autumn pumpkins and beans were gathered and placed in bags or baskets ears of corn were tied together by the husks and then the harvest was carried on the backs of ponies up to our homes here the corn was shelled and all the harvest stored away in caves or other secluded places to be used in winter we never fed corn to our ponies but if we kept them up in the wintertime we gave them fodder to eat we had no cattle or other domestic animals except our dogs and ponies we did not cultivate tobacco but found it growing wild this we cut and cured in autumn but if the supply ran out the leaves from the stalks left standing served our purpose all Indians smoked men and women no boy was allowed to smoke until he had hunted alone and killed large game wolves and bears unmarried women were not prohibited from smoking but were considered immodest if they did so nearly all matrons smoked besides grinding the corn by hand with stone mortars and pestles for bread we sometimes crushed it and soaked it and after it had fermented made from this juice a tizwin which had the power of intoxication and was very highly prized by the Indians this work was done by the squaws and children when berries or nuts were to be gathered the small children and the squaws would go in parties to hunt them and sometimes stay all day when they went any great distance from camp they took ponies to carry the baskets I frequently went with these parties and upon one of these excursions a woman named chick Olli got lost from the party and was riding her pony through a thicket in search of her friends her little dog was following as she slowly made her way through the thick underbrush and pine trees all at once a grizzly bear rose in her path and attacked the pony she jumped off and her pony escaped but the bear attacked her so she fought him the best she could with her knife her little dog by snapping at the Bears heels and attracting his attention from the woman enabled her for some time to keep pretty well out of his reach finally the Grizzly struck her over the head tearing off almost her whole scalp she fell but did not lose consciousness and while prostrate struck him for good licks with her knife and he retreated after he had gone she replaced her torn scalp and bounded up as best she could then she turned deathly sick and had to lie down that night her pony came into camp with his load of nuts and berries but no rider the Indians hunted for her but did not find her until the second day they carried her home and under the treatment of their medicine men all her wounds were healed the Indians knew what herbs to use for medicine how to prepare them and how to give the medicine this they had been taught by usin in the beginning and each succeeding generation had men who were skilled in the art of healing in gathering the herbs in preparing them and in administering the medicine as much faith was held in prayer as in the actual effect of the medicine usually about eight persons worked together in making medicine and there were forms of prayer and incantations to attend each stage of the process for attended to the incantations and for to the preparation of the herbs some of the Indians were skilled in cutting out bullets arrowheads and other missiles with which warriors were wounded I myself have done much of this using a common Dirk or butcher knife small children wore very little clothing in winter and none in the summer women usually were a primitive skirt which consisted of a piece of cotton cloth fastened about the waist and extending to the knees men wore breech claws and moccasins in winter they had shirts and leggings in addition frequently when the tribe was in camp a number of boys and girls by agreement would steal away and meet at a place several miles distant where they could play all day free from tasks they were never punished for these frolics but if their hiding places were discovered they were ridiculed and of part one of the Apaches section 2 of Geronimo story of his life this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit recording by Sue Anderson Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by M barrett and translated by a sadoglu G Section 2 part 2 of the Apaches chapter for tribal amusements manners and customs to celebrate each noted event a feast and dance would be given perhaps only our own people perhaps neighboring tribes would be invited these festivities usually lasted for about four days by day we feasted by night under the direction of some chief we danced the music for our dance was singing led by the Warriors and accompanied by beating the acidy Denny buckskin on a hoop no words were sung only the tones when the feasting and dancing were over we would have horse races foot races wrestling jumping and all sorts of games gambling among these games the most noted was the tribal game of Kaah foot it is played as follows for moccasins are placed about four feet apart in holes in the ground dug in a row on one side of the camp and on the opposite side a similar parallel row at night a camp fire is started between these two rows of moccasins and the players are arranged on sides one or any number on each side the score is kept by a bundle of sticks from which each side takes a stick for every point one first one side takes the bone a symbol of the white rock used by the eagle in slain the nameless monster puts up blankets between the four moccasins and the fire so that the opposing team cannot observe their movements and then begin to sing the legends of creation the side having the bone represents the feathered tribe the opposite side represents the beasts the players representing the birds do all the singing and while singing hide the bone in one of the moccasins then the blankets are thrown down they continue to sing but as soon as the blankets are thrown down the chosen player from the opposing team armed with a war club comes to their side of the campfire and with his club strikes the moccasin in which he thinks the bone is hidden if he strikes the right moccasin his side gets the bone and in turn represents the birds while the opposing team must keep quiet and guess in turn there are only four plays three that lose and one that wins when all the sticks are gone from the bundle the side having the largest number of sticks is counted winner this game is seldom played except as a gambling game but for that purpose it is the most popular game known to the tribe usually the game lasts four or five hours it is never played in day time after the games are all finished the visitors say we are satisfied and the camp is broken up I was always glad when the dances and feasts were announced so are all the other young people our life also had a religious side we had no churches no religious organizations no Sabbath day no holidays and yet we worshiped sometimes the whole tribe would assemble to sing and pray sometimes a smaller number perhaps only two or three the songs had a few words but were not formal the singer would occasionally put in such words as he wished instead of the usual tone sound sometimes we prayed in silence sometimes each one prayed aloud sometimes an aged person prayed for all of us at other times one would rise and speak to us of our duties to each other and to usun our services were short when disease or pestilence abounded we were assembled and questioned by our leaders to ascertain what evil we had done and how Yuson could be satisfied sometimes sacrifice was deemed necessary sometimes the offending one was punished if an Apache had allowed his aging parents to suffer for food or shelter if he had neglected or abused the sick if he had profaned our religion or had been unfaithful he might be banished from the tribe the Apaches had no prisons as white men have instead of sending their criminals into prison they sent them out of their tribe these faithless cruel lazy or cowardly members of the tribe were excluded in such a manner that they could not join any other tribe neither could they have any protection from our unwritten tribal laws frequently these outlaw Indians banded together and committed depredations which were charged against the regular tribe however the life of an outlaw Indian was a hard lot and their bands never became very large besides these bands frequently provoked the wrath of the tribe and secured their own destruction when I was about 8 or 10 years old I began to follow the chase and to me this was never work out on the prairies which ran up to our mountain homes wandered herds of deer antelope elk and Buffalo to be slaughtered when we needed them usually we hunted Buffalo on horseback killing them with arrows and Spears their skins were used to make teepees and bedding their flesh to eat it required more skill to hunt the deer than any other animal we never tried to approach a deer except against the wind frequently we would spend hours in stealing upon some grazing deer if they were in the open we would crawl long distances on the ground keeping a weed or brush before us so that our approach would not be noticed often we would kill several out of one herd before the others would run away their flesh was dried and packed in vessels and would keep in this condition for many months the hide of the deer was soaked in water and ashes and the hair removed and then the process of tanning continued until the buckskin was soft and pliable perhaps no other animal was more valuable to us than the deer in the forests and along the streams were many wild turkeys these we would drive to the plains then slowly ride up toward them until they were almost tired out when they began to drop and hide we would ride in upon them and by swinging from the side of our horses catch them if one started to fly we would ride swiftly under him and kill him with a short stick or hunting club in this way we could usually as many wild turkeys as we could carry home on a horse there were many rabbits in our range and we also hunted them on horseback our horses were trained to follow the rabbit at full speed and as they approached them we would swing from one side of the horse and strike the rabbit with our hunting club if he was too far away we would throw the stick and kill him this was great sport when we were boys but as warriors we seldom hunted small game there were many fish in the streams but as we did not eat them we did not try to catch or kill them small boys sometimes threw stones at them or shot at them for practise with their bows and arrows Yuson did not intend snakes frogs or fishes to be eaten I have never eaten of them there were many Eagles in the mountains these we hunted for their feathers it required great skill to steal upon an eagle for besides having sharp eyes he is wise and never stops at any place where he does not have a good view of the surrounding country I have killed many bears with a spear but was never injured in a fight with one I have killed several mountain lions with arrows and one with a spear both bears and mountain lions are good for food and valuable for their skin when we killed them we carried them home on our horses we often made Quivers for our arrows from the skin of the mountain lion these were very pretty and very durable during my minority we had never seen a missionary or a priest we had never seen a white man thus quietly lived the bohdanka Hey Apaches chapter 5 the family my grandfather and maeko had been our chief I never saw him but my father often told me of the great size strength and sagacity of this old warrior their principal Wars had been with the Mexicans they had some wars with other tribes of Indians also but were seldom at peace for any great length of time with the Mexican towns Mako died when my father was but a young warrior and mangas Colorado became chief of the medaka hey Apaches when I was but a small boy my father died after having been sick for some time when he passed away carefully the Watchers closed his eyes then they arrayed him in his best clothes painted his face of fresh wrapped a rich blanket around him saddled his favorite horse for his arms in front of him and led his horse behind repeating in wailing tones his deeds of Valor as they carried his body to a cave in the mountain then they slew his horses and we gave away all of his other property as was customary in our tribe after which his body was deposited in the cave his arms beside him his grave is hidden by piles of stone wrapped in splendor he lies in seclusion and the winds in the pines sing a low Requiem over the dead warrior after my father's death I assumed the care of my mother she never married again although according to the customs of our tribe she might have done so immediately after his death usually however the widow who has children remains single after her husband's death for two or three years but the widow without children marries again immediately after a Warrior's death his widow returns to her people and may be given away or sold by her father or brothers my mother chose to live with me and she never desired to marry again we lived near our old home and I supported her in 1846 being 17 years of age I was admitted to the Council of the Warriors then I was very happy for I could go wherever I wanted do whatever I liked I had not been under the control of any individual but the customs of our tribe prohibited me from sharing the glories of the warpath until the council admitted me when opportunity offered after this I could go on the warpath with my tribe this would be glorious I hoped soon to serve my people in battle I had long desired to fight with our warriors perhaps the greatest joy to me was that now I could marry the fair elope a daughter of Nepal she was a slender delicate girl but we had been lovers for a long time so as soon as the council granted me these privileges I went to see her father concerning our marriage perhaps our love was of no interest to him perhaps he wanted to keep a low pay with him for she was a dutiful daughter at any rate he asked many ponies for her I made no reply but in a few days appeared before his wigwam with the herd of ponies and took with me a low pay this was all the marriage ceremony necessary in our tribe not far from my mother's tepee I had made for us a new home the teepee was made of buffalo hides and in it were many bear robes lion hides and other trophies of the chase as well as my Spears bows and arrows a low pay had made many little decorations of beads and drawn work on buckskin which he placed in our tepee she also drew many pictures on the walls of our home she was a good wife but she was never strong we followed the traditions of our fathers and were happy three children came to us children that played loitered and worked as I had done chapter six Castilla in the summer of 1858 being at peace with the Mexican towns as well as with all the neighboring Indian tribes we went south into Old Mexico to trade our whole tribe badonk away Apaches went through Sonora towards Casa Grande our destination but just before reaching that place we stopped at another Mexican town called by the Indians Castilla here we stayed for several days camping just outside the city every day we would go into town to trade leaving our camp under the protection of a small guard so that our arms supplies and women and children would not be disturbed during our absence late one afternoon when returning from town we were met by a few women and children who told us that the Mexican troops from some other town had attacked our camp killed all the warriors of the guard captured all our ponies secured our arms destroyed our supplies and killed many of our women and children quickly we separated concealing ourselves as best we could until nightfall when we assembled at our appointed place of rendezvous a thicket by the river silently we stole in one by one sentinels were placed and when all were counted I found that my aged mother my young wife and my three small children were among the slain there were no lights in camp so without being noticed I silently turned away and stood by the river how long I stood there I do not know but when I saw the Warriors arranging for a council I took my place that night I did not give my vote for or against any measure but it was decided that as there were only 80 warriors left and as we were without arms or supplies and were furthermore surrounded by the Mexicans far inside their own territory we could not hope to fight successfully so our chief mangas Colorado gave the order to start at once in perfect silence for our homes in Arizona leaving the dead upon the field I stood until all had passed hardly knowing what I would do I hadn't a weapon nor did I hardly wish to fight neither did I contemplate recovering the bodies of my loved ones for that was forbidden I did not pray nor did I resolve to do anything in particular for I had no purpose left I finally followed the tribe silently keeping just within hearing distance of the soft noise of the feet of the retreating Apaches the next morning some of the Indians killed a small amount of game and we halted long enough for the tribe to cook and eat when the march was resumed I had killed no game and did not eat during the first March as well as while we were camped at this place I spoke to no one and no one spoke to me there was nothing to say for two days and three nights we were on forced marches stopping only for meals then we made a camp near the Mexican border where we rested two days here I took some food and talked with the other Indians who had lost in the massacre but none had lost as I had for I had lost all within a few days we arrived at our own settlement there were the decorations that alofa had made and there were the playthings of our little ones I burned them all even our teepee I also burned my mother's teepee and destroyed all her property I was never again contented in our quiet home true I could visit my father's grave but I had vowed vengeance upon the Mexican troopers who had wronged me and whenever I came near his grave or saw anything to remind me of my Happy Days my heart would ache for revenge upon Mexico as soon as we had again collected some arms and supplies mangas Colorado our chief called a consul and found that all our warriors were willing to take the warpath against Mexico I was appointed to solicit the aid of other tribes in this war when I went to the Jacana Chiricahua Apaches Cochise their chief called a council at early dawn silently the warriors assembled at an open place in a mountain del and took their seats on the ground arranged in rows according to their ranks silently they sat smoking at a signal from the chief I arose and presented my cause as follows kinsmen you have heard what the Mexicans have recently done without cause you are my relatives uncles cousins brothers we are men the same as the Mexicans are we can do to them what they have done to us let us go forward and trail them I will lead you to their city we will attack them in their homes I will fight in the front of the battle I only ask you to follow me to avenge this wrong done by these Mexicans will you come it is well you will all come remember the rule in war men may return or they may be killed if any of these young men are killed I want no blame from their kinsmen for they themselves have chosen to go if I am killed no one need mourn for me my people have all been killed in that country and I too will die if need be I returned to my own settlement reported this success to my chieftain and immediately departed to the southward into the land of the net my Apaches their chief hole heard me without comment but he immediately shoot orders for a council and when all were ready gave a sign that I might speak I addressed them as I had addressed the Chacon and tribe and they also promised to help us it was in the summer of 1859 almost a year from the date of the massacre of Castilla that these three tribes were assembled on the Mexican border to go upon the warpath their faces were painted the war bands fastened upon their brows their long scalp locks ready for the hand and knife of the warrior who would overcome them their families had been hidden away in a mountain rendezvous near the Mexican border with these families a guard was posted and a number of places of rendezvous designated in case the camp should be disturbed when all were ready The Chieftains gave command to go forward none of us were mounted and each warrior wore moccasins and also a cloth wrapped about his loins this cloth could be spread over him when he slept and when on the march would be ample protection as clothing in battle if the fight was hard we did not wish much clothing each warrior carried three days rations but as we often kill game while on the march we seldom were without food we traveled in three divisions the padalka hay Apaches led by mangas colorado the Chacon 'n Apaches by Cochise and the net night Apaches by hole however there was no regular order inside the separate tribes we usually marched about 14 hours per day making three stops for meals and traveling 40 to 45 miles a day I acted as guide into Mexico and we followed the river courses and mountain ranges because we could better thereby keep our movements concealed we entered Sonora and when southward passed Kotaku naka sati and many smaller settlements when we were almost at a rebate we camped and eight men rode out from the city to parley with us these we captured killed and scalped this was to draw the troops from the city and the next day they came the score machine lasted all day without a general engagement but just at night we captured their supply train so we had plenty of provisions and some more guns that night we posted sentinels and did not move our camp but rested quietly all night for we expected heavy work the next day early the next morning the Warriors were assembled to pray not for help but that they might have health and avoid ambush or deceptions by the enemy as we had anticipated about 10 o clock in the morning the whole Mexican force came out there were two companies of cavalry and two of infantry I recognized the cavalry as the soldiers who had killed my people at Castilla this I told to the Chieftains and they said that I might direct the battle I was no chief and never had been but because I had been more deeply wrong than others this honor was conferred upon me and I resolved to prove worthy of the trust I arranged the Indians in a hollow circle near the river and the Mexicans drew their infantry up in two lines with the cavalry in reserve we were in the timber and they advanced until within about four hundred yards when they halted and opened fire soon I let a charge against them at the same time sending some Braves to attack their rear in all the battle I thought of my murdered mother wife and babies of my father's grave and of my vow of vengeance and I fought with fury many fell by my hand and constantly I led the advance many Braves were killed the battle lasted about two hours at the last four Indians were alone in the center of the field myself and three other warriors our arrows were all gone our Spears broken off in the bodies of dead enemies we had only our hands and knives with which to fight but all who had stood against us were dead then two armed soldiers came upon us from another part of the field they shot down two of our men and we the remaining two fled toward our own warriors my companion was struck down by a saber but I reached our warriors seized a spear and turned the one who pursued me missed his aim and fell by my spear with his saber I met the trooper who had killed my companion and we grappled and fell I killed him with my knife and quickly rose over his body brandishing his saber seeking for other troopers to kill there were none but the Apaches had seen over the bloody field covered with the bodies of Mexicans rang the fierce Apache war hoop still covered with the blood of my enemies still holding my conquering weapon still hot with a joy of battle victory and vengeance I was surrounded by the Apache Braves and made war chief of all the Apaches then I gave orders for scalping the slain I could not call back my loved ones I could not bring back the dead Apaches but I could rejoice in this revenge the Apaches had avenged the massacre of Castilla end of part 2 of the Apaches section 3 of Geronimo's story of his life this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit recording by Sue Anderson Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by SM Barrett and translated by asa dick Liu ji part one of the Mexicans chapter seven fighting under difficulties all the other Apaches were satisfied after the Battle of Castilla but I still desired more revenge for several months we were busy with the chase and other peaceful pursuits finally I succeeded in persuading two other warriors a coach ney and cordini to go with me to invade the Mexican country we left our families with the tribe and went on the warpath we were on foot and carried three days rations we entered Mexico on the North line of Sonora and followed the Sierra they are two nice mountains to the south end of the range here we decided to attack a small village I do not know the name of this village at daylight we approached from the mountains five horses were hitched outside we advanced cautiously but just before he reached the horses the Mexicans opened fire from the houses my two companions were killed Mexicans swarmed on every side some were mounted some were on foot and all seemed to be armed three times that day I was surrounded but I kept fighting dodging and hiding several times during the day while in concealment I had a chance to take deliberate aim at some Mexican who gun in hand was looking for me I do not think I missed my aim either time with the gathering darkness I found more time to retreat toward Arizona but the Mexicans did not quit the chase several times the next day mounted Mexicans tried to head me off many times they fired on me but I had no more arrows so I depended upon running and hiding although I was very tired I had not eaten since the chase began nor had I dared to stop for rest the second night I got clear of my pursuers I never slackened my pace until I reached our home in Arizona I came into our camp without booty without my companions exhausted but not discouraged the wives and children of my two dead companions were cared for by their people some of the Apaches blamed me for the evil result of the expedition but I said nothing having failed it was only proper that I should remain silent but my feelings towards the Mexicans did not change I still hated them and longed for revenge I never ceased to plan for their punishment but it was hard to get the other warriors to listen to my proposed raids in a few months after this last adventure I persuaded two other warriors to join me in raiding the Mexican frontier on our former raid we had gone through the net night Apaches range into Sonora this time we went through the country of the Czech onin and entered the Sierra Madre Mountains we traveled south secured more rations and prepared to begin our raids we had selected a village near the mountains which we intended to attack at daylight while asleep that night Mexican Scouts discovered our camp and fired on us killing one warrior in the morning we observed a company of Mexican troops coming from the south they were mounted and carried supplies for a long journey we followed their trail until we were sure that they were headed for our range in Arizona then we hurried past them and in three days reached our own settlement we arrived at noon and that afternoon about three o'clock these Mexican troops attacked our settlement their first volley killed three small boys many of the Warriors of our tribe were away from home but the few of us who were in camp were able to drive the troops out of the mountains before night we killed eight Mexicans and lost 5-2 warriors and three boys the Mexicans rode due south in full retreat four warriors were detailed to follow them and in three days these trailers returned saying that the Mexican cavalry had left Arizona going southward we were quite sure they would not return soon soon after this in the summer of 1860 I was again able to take the warpath against the Mexicans this time with 25 warriors we followed the trail of the Mexican troops last-mentioned and entered the sierra de sac Arriba Mountains the second day in these mountains our scouts discovered mounted Mexican troops there was only one company of cavalry in this command and I thought that by properly surprising them we could defeat them we ambushed the trail over which they were to come this was at a place where the whole company must pass through a mountain defile we reserve fire until all of the troops had passed through then the signal was given the Mexican troopers seemingly without a word of command dismounted and placing their horses on the outside of the company for breastworks made a good fight against us I saw that we could not dislodge them without using all our ammunition so I led a charge the Warriors suddenly pressed in from all sides and we fought hand-to-hand during this encounter I raised my spirit to kill a Mexican soldier just as he leveled his gun at me I was advancing rapidly and my foot slipping in a pool of blood I fell under the Mexican trooper he struck me over the head with the butt of his gun knocking me senseless just at that instant a warrior who followed in my footsteps killed the Mexican with a spear in a few minutes not a Mexican soldier was left alive when the Apache war cry had died away and their enemies had been scalped they began to care for their dead and wounded I was found lying unconscious where I had fallen they bathed my head in cold water and restored me to consciousness then they bound my wound and the next morning although weak from loss of blood and suffering from a severe headache I was able to march on the return to Arizona I did not fully recover for months and I still wear the scar given me by that musketeer in this fight we had lost so heavily that there really was no glory in our victory and we returned to Arizona no one seemed to want to go on the warpath again that year in the summer 1861 with 12 warriors I again went into Mexico we entered Chihuahua and followed south on the east side of the Sierra Madre Mountains for day's journey then crossed over to the Sierra the sahadeva range not far east of Casa Grande here we rested one day and sent out scouts to reconnoiter they reported packed trains camped 5 miles west of us the next morning just at daybreak as these drivers were starting with their mule pack train we attacked them they rode away for their lives leaving us the booty the mules were loaded with provisions most of which we took home two mules were loaded with side meat or bacon this we threw away we started to take these packed trains home going northward through Sonora but when near casita Mexican troops overtook us it was a daybreak and we were just finishing our breakfast we had no idea that we had been pursued or that our enemies were near until they opened fire at the first volley a bullet struck me a glancing lick just at the lower corner of the left eye and I fell unconscious all the other Indians fled to cover the Mexicans thinking me dead started in pursuit of the fleeing Indians in a few moments I regained consciousness and had started at full speed for the woods when another company coming up opened fire on me then the soldiers who had been chasing the other Indians turned and I stood between two hostile companies but I did not stand long bullets whistled in every direction and at close range to me one inflicted a slight flesh wound on my side but I kept running dodging and fighting until I got clear of my pursuers I climbed up a steep canyon where the cavalry could not follow the trooper saw me but did not dismount and try to follow I think they were wise not to come on it had been understood that in case of surprise with his booty our place of rendezvous should be the Santa Rita Mountains in Arizona we did not reassemble in Mexico but traveled separately and in three days we were encamped in our place of rendezvous from this place we returned home empty-handed we had not even a partial victory to report I again returned wounded but I was not yet discouraged again I was blamed by our people and again I had no reply after our return many of the Warriors had gone on a hunt and some of them had gone north to trade for blankets from the Navajo Indians I remained at home trying to get my wounds healed one morning just a day break when the squaws were lighting the campfires to prepare breakfast three companies of Mexican troops who had surrounded our settlement in the night opened fire there was no time for fighting men women and children fled for their lives many women and children and a few warriors were killed and four women were captured my left eye was still swollen shut but with the other I saw well enough to hit one of the officers with an arrow and then make good my escape among the rocks the troopers burned our teepees and took our arms provisions ponies and blankets winter was at hand there were not more than 20 warriors in camp at this time and only a few of us had secured weapons during the excitement of the attack a few warriors followed the trail of the troops as they went back to Mexico with their booty but were unable to offer battle it was a long long time before we were able to go on the warpath against the Mexicans the four women who were captured at this time by the Mexicans were taken into Sonora Mexico where they were compelled to work for the Mexicans after some years they escaped to the mountains and started to find our tribe they had knives which they had stolen from the Mexicans but they had no other weapons they had no blankets so at night they would make a little teepee by cutting brush with their knives and setting them up for the walls the top was covered over with brush in this temporary teepee they would all sleep one night when their campfire was low they heard growling just outside the teepee Francisco the youngest woman of the party about 17 years of age started to build up the fire when a mountain lion crashed through the teepee and attacked her the suddenness of the attack made her drop her knife but she fought as best she could with her hand she was no match for the lion however her left shoulder was crushed and partly torn away the lion kept trying to catch her by the throat this she prevented with her hands for a long time he dragged her for about 300 yards then she found her strength was failing her from loss of blood and she called to the other women for help the lion had been dragging her by one foot and she had been catching hold of his legs and of the rocks and underbrush to delay him finally he stopped and stood over her she again called her companions and they attacked him with their knives and killed him then they dressed her wounds and nursed her in the mountains for about a month when she was able to walk they resumed their journey and reached our tribe in safety this woman from was held as a prisoner of war with the other Apaches and died on the Fort Sill reservation in 1892 her face was always disfigured with those scars and she never regained perfect use of her hands the three older women died before we became prisoners of war many women and children were carried away at different times by Mexicans not many of them ever returned and those who did underwent many hardships in order to be again United with their people those who did not escape were slaves to the Mexicans or perhaps even more degraded when warriors were captured by the Mexicans they were kept in Chains for warriors who were captured once at a place north of Casa Grande called by the Indians allness were kept in Chains for a year and a half when they were exchanged for Mexicans whom we had captured we never changed prisoners or kept them in confinement but they seldom got away Mexican men when captured were compelled to cut wood and herd horses Mexican women and children were treated as our own people chapter 8 raids that were successful in the summer of 1862 I took eight men and invaded Mexican territory we went south on the west side of the Sierra Madre Mountains for five days then in the night crossed over to the southern part of the Sierra the Safari Perrine's here we again camped to watch for pack trains about ten o'clock next morning for drivers mounted came past our camp with a pack mule train as soon as they saw us they rode for their lives leaving us the booty this was a long train and packed with blankets calico saddles tin wear and loaf sugar we hurried home as fast as we could with these provisions and on our return while passing through a Canyon in the Santa Catalina range of mountains in Arizona met a white man driving a mule pack train when we first saw him he had already seen us and was riding at full tilt up the canyon we examined his train and found that his mules were all loaded with cheese we put them in with the other train and resumed our journey we did not attempt to trail the driver and I am sure he did not try to follow us in two days we arrived at home then mangas Colorado our chief assembled the tribe we gave a feast divided the spoils and danced all night some of the pack mules were killed and eaten this time after our return we kept out scouts so that we would know if Mexican troops should attempt to follow us on the third day our scouts came into camp and reported Mexican cavalry dismounted and approaching our settlement all our Warriors were in camp mangas Colorado took command of one division and I of the other we hope to get possession of their horses then surround the troops in the mountains and destroy the whole company this we were unable to do for they too had Scouts however within four hours after we started we had killed ten troopers with the loss of only one man and the Mexican cavalry was in full retreat followed by 30 armed Apaches who gave them no rest until they were far inside the Mexican country no more troops came that winter for a long time we had plenty of provisions plenty of blankets and plenty of clothing we also had plenty of cheese and sugar another summer 1863 I selected three warriors and went on a raid into Mexico we went south into Sonora camping in the Sierra de Sahadeva mountains about 40 miles west of Casa Grande is a small village in the mountains called by the Indians cross Ana's we camped near this place and included to make an attack we had noticed that just at midday no one seemed to be stirring so we plan to make our attack at the noon hour the next day we stole into the town at noon we had no guns but were armed with spears and bows and arrows when the war hoop was given to open the attack the Mexicans fled in every direction not one of them made any attempt to fight us we shot some arrows at the retreating Mexicans but killed only one soon all was silent in the town and no Mexicans could be seen when we discovered that all the Mexicans were gone we looked through their houses and saw many curious things these Mexicans kept many more kinds of property than the Apaches did many of the things we saw in the houses we could not understand but in the stores we saw much that we wanted so we drove in a herd of horses and mules and packed as much provisions and supplies as we could on them then we formed these animals into a pack train and returned safely to Arizona the Mexicans did not even trail us when we arrived in camp we called the tribe together and feasted all day we gave presents to everyone that night the dance began and it did not cease until noon the next day this was perhaps the most successful raid ever made by us into Mexican territory I do not know the value of the booty but it was very great for we had supplies enough to last our whole tribe for a year or more end of part 1 of the Mexicans section four of Geronimo's story of his life this is the librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit recording by Sue Anderson Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by SM Barrett and translated by ASA Dec loogey section for the Mexicans part 2 in the fall of 1864 20 warriors were willing to go with me on another raid into Mexico these were all chosen men well armed and equipped for battle as usual we provided for the safety of our families before starting on this raid our whole tribe scattered and then reassembled at a camp about 40 miles from the former place in this way it would be hard for the Mexicans to trail them and we would know where to find our families when we returned moreover if any hostile Indians should see this large number of warriors leaving our range they might attack our camp but if they found no one at the usual place their raid would fail we went south through the juco Ninh Apaches range entered Sonora Mexico at a point directly south of Tombstone Arizona and went into hiding in the Sierra they are two nice mountains we attacked several settlements in the neighborhood and secured plenty of provisions and supplies after about three days we attacked and captured a mule pack trained at a place called by the Indians Ponto Cole it is situated in the mountains due west about one day's journey from our East Bay there were three drivers with this train one was killed and two escaped the train was loaded with mezcal which was contained in bottles held in wicker baskets as soon as we made camp the Indians began to get drunk and fight each other I too drank enough my skull to feel the effect of it but I was not drunk I ordered the fighting stopped but the order was disobeyed soon almost a general fight was in progress I tried to place a guard out around our camp but all were drunk and refused to serve I expected an attack from Mexican troops at any moment and really it was a serious matter for me for being in command I would be held responsible for any ill luck attending the expedition finally the camp became comparatively still for the Indians were too drunk to walk or even to fight while they were in this stupor I poured out all the may skull then I put out all the fires and moved the pack mules to a considerable distance from camp after this I returned to camp to try to do something for the wounded I found that only two were dangerously wounded from the leg of one of these I cut an arrowhead and from the shoulder of another I would threw a spear point when all the wounds had been cared for I myself kept guard until morning the next day we loaded our wounded on the pack mules and started for Arizona the next day we captured some cattle from a herd and drove them home with us but it was a very difficult matter to drive cattle when we were on foot caring for the wounded and keeping the cattle from escaping made our journey tedious but we were not trailed and arrived safely at home with all the booty we then gave a feast and dance and divided the spoils after the dance we killed all the cattle and dried the meat we dressed the hides and then the dried meat was packed in between these hides and stored away all that winter we had plenty of meat these were the first cattle we ever had as usual we killed and ate some of the mules we had little use for mules and if we could not trade them for something of value we killed them in the summer of 1865 with four warriors I went again into Mexico heretofore we had gone on foot we were accustomed to fight foot besides we could more easily conceal ourselves when dismounted but this time we wanted more cattle and it was hard to drive them when we were on foot we entered Sonora at a point southwest from Tombstone Arizona and followed the Sierra they are two nice mountains to the southern limit then crossed the country as far south as the mouth of yaki River here we saw a great lake the Gulf of California extending beyond the limit of sight then we turned north attacked several settlements and secured plenty of supplies when we had come back northwest of our estate we secured about sixty head of cattle and drove them to our homes in Arizona we did not go directly home but camped in different valleys with our cattle we were not trailed when we arrived at our camp the tribe was again assembled for feasting and dancing presents were given to everybody then the cattle were killed and the meat dried and packed chapter nine varying fortunes in the fall of 1865 with nine other warriors I went into Mexico on foot we attacked several settlements south of Casa Grande and collected many horses and mules we made our way northward with these animals through the mountains when near our East Bay we made camp one evening and thinking that we were not being trailed turned loose the whole herd even those we had been riding they were in a valley surrounded by steep mountains and we were camped at the mouth of this valley so that the animals could not leave without coming through our camp just as we had begun to eat our supper our scouts came in and announced Mexican troops coming toward our camp we started for the horses but troops that our scouts had not seen were on the cliffs above us and opened fire we scattered in all directions and the troops recovered all our booty in three days we reassembled at our appointed place of rendezvous in the sierra madre mountains in northern sonora mexican troops did not follow us and we returned to Arizona without any more fighting and with no booty again I had nothing to say but I was anxious for another raid early the next summer 1866 I took 30 mounted warriors and invaded Mexican territory we went south to Chihuahua as far as santa cruz sonora then crossed over the Sierra Madre Mountains following the river course at the south end of the range we kept on westward from the Sierra Madre Mountains to the Sierra the sahadeva Mountains and followed that range northward we collected all the horses mules and cattle we wanted and drove them northward through Sonora into Arizona Mexican sauce at many times and in many places but they did not attack us at any time nor did any troops attempt to follow us when we arrived at our homes we gave presents to all and the tribe feasted and danced during this raid we had killed about 50 Mexicans the next year 1867 mangas Colorado led eight warriors on a raid into Mexico I went as a warrior for I was always glad to fight the Mexicans we rode south from near Tombstone Arizona into Sonora Mexico we attacked some Cowboys and after a fight with them in which two of their number were killed we drove all their cattle northward the second day we were driving the cattle but had no scouts out when we were not far from a respite Mexican troops rode upon us they were well armed and well mounted and when we first saw them they were not half a mile away from us we left the cattle and rode as hard as we could toward the mountains but they gained on us rapidly soon they opened fire but were so far away from us that we were unable to reach them with our arrows finally we reached some timber and leaving our ponies fought from cover then the Mexicans halted collected our ponies and rode away across the plains toward a repay driving the cattle with them we stood and watched them until they disappeared in the distance and then took up our march for home we arrived home in five days with no victory to report no spoils to divide and not even the ponies which we had ridden into Mexico this expedition was considered disgraceful the Warriors who had been with mangas Colorado on this last expedition wanted to return to Mexico they were not satisfied besides they felt keenly the taunts of the other warriors mangas Colorado would not lead them back so I took command and we went on foot directly toward a respite in Sonora and made our camp in the Sierra they saw horrible mountains there were only six of us but we raided several settlements at night captured many horses and mules and loaded them with provisions saddles and blankets then we returned to Arizona traveling only at night when we arrived at our camp we sent out scouts to prevent any surprise by Mexicans assembled the tribe feasted danced and divided the spoils mangas Colorado would not receive any of this booty but we did not care no Mexican troops followed us to Arizona about a year after this 1868 Mexican troops rounded up all the horses and mules of the tribe not far from our settlement no raids had been made into Mexico that year and we were not expecting any attacks we were all in camp having just returned from hunting about two o'clock in the afternoon two mexican scouts were seen near our settlement we killed these Scouts but the troops got underway with the herd of our horses and mules before we saw them it was useless to try to overtake them on foot and our tribe had not a horse left I took 20 warriors and trailed them we found the stock at a ranch in sonora not far from knockos re and attacked the cowboys who had them in charge we killed two men and lost none after the fight we drove off our own stock and all of theirs we were trailed by nine Cowboys I sent the stock on ahead and with three warriors stayed in the rear to intercept any attacking parties one night when near the Arizona line we discovered these Cowboys on our trail and watched them camp for the night and pick at their horses about midnight we stole into their camp and silently led away all their horses leaving the Cowboys asleep then we rode hard and overtook our companions who always travelled at night instead of in the daytime we turned these horses in with the herd and fell back to again intercept anyone who might trail us what these nine Cowboys did next morning I do not know and I have never heard the Mexicans say anything about it I know they did not follow us for we were not molested when we arrived in camp at home there was great rejoicing in the tribe it was considered a good trick to get the Mexicans horses and leave them asleep in the mountains it was a long time before we again went into Mexico or were disturbed by the Mexicans chapter 10 other raids when reading the foregoing chapters of Apache raids one not acquainted with the lawlessness of the frontier might wonder how this tendency of the Apaches was developed to such a marked degree but one acquainted with the real conditions the disregard for law by both Mexicans and white men along the border line of old Mexico and Arizona in early days can readily understand where the Apache got his education in the art of conducting lawless raids in order therefore that those who are unacquainted with the conditions as they were in southern Arizona during the 80s may understand the environment of the Apaches this chapter is given events here and narrated are taken by the author from many accounts given him by reliable men who lived in this section of country during the period mentioned raid by white men in 1882 a company of six Mexican traders who were known as smugglers because they evaded duties on goods which they brought into the United States and sold in Arizona were camped in skeleton Canyon ten miles north of the North line of Old Mexico they were known to carry large sums of money but as they were always armed and ready to defend their possessions they were not often molested however on this occasion just as they were rising in the morning to prepare their breakfast five white men opened fire on them from ambush and all save one of the Mexicans were killed this one though wounded finally made his escape a few days after the killing some Cowboys on a roundup camped at this place and buried the remains what the Coyotes had left of these five Mexicans two years later at the same place a cowboy found a leather bag containing 72 Mexican dollars which small amount of money had been overlooked by the robbers the men who did this killing lived in Arizona for many years afterwards and although it was known that they had committed the depredation no arrests followed and no attempt was made by any of the Mexicans to recover the property of their fellow citizens mexican raid in 1884 a cattleman and four Cowboys from his branch started to drive some fat cattle to market at Tombstone Arizona the route they took led partly through Old Mexico and partly through Arizona one night they camped in a Canyon just south of the Mexican border next morning at daylight the cowboy who had been on her duty the last half of the night had just come in and aroused the camp when the Mexicans opened fire on them from ambush the cattlemen and one of the Cowboys were severely wounded the first volley and took shelter behind the camp wagon from which position they fired as long as their ammunition lasted the other three were only slightly wounded and reached cover but only one escaped with his life he remained in hiding for two days before his comrades found him he saw the Mexicans robbed the bodies of the dead and lead away their saddle horses after having cooked breakfast for themselves in the deserted camp he was severely wounded and all his ammunition was gone hence he could only wait on the second day after this raid some of the cattle strayed back to the old ranch thereby giving notice to the Cowboys that there had been foul play they found their wounded companions lying delirious near the decaying bodies of their comrades no arrests were ever made in Mexico for these murders and no attempt was made to recover damage or prosecute the robbers the two instances above narrated will serve to show the reader what kind of an example was set for the Apaches by at least a portion of the inhabitants of the two Christian nations with whom they came in contact Apache raids it is thought well to give in this chapter some of the depredations of the Apaches not told by Geronimo they are given as told by our own citizens and from the white man's point of view in 1884 judge McCormack and wife accompanied by their young son were driving from Silver City to Lordsburg when they were ambushed by Apaches the bodies of the adults were found soon afterward but the child's body was never recovered years afterward an Apache told some of the settlers in Arizona that the little boy about 8 years old cried so much and was so stubborn that they had to kill him although their original intention was to spare his life in 1882 a man named hunt was wounded in a row in a saloon in Tombstone Arizona during this raw two other men had been killed and to avoid arrest hunt and his brother went into the mountains and camped about ten miles north of Willow Springs to await the healing of his wounds a few days after they came there Apache Indians attacked them and killed the wounded brother but the other by hard riding made good his escape in 1883 to Eastern boys went into Arizona to prospect their real outing began at Willow Springs where they had stayed two days with the Cowboys these Cowboys had warned them against the Apaches but the young men seemed entirely fearless and pushed on into the mountains on the second morning after they left the settlement one of the boys was getting breakfast while the other went to bring in the pack horses that had been hobbled and turned loose the night before to graze just about the time he found the horses to Apache warriors rode out from covered toward him and he made a hasty retreat to camp jumping off of a bluff and in so doing breaking his leg a consultation was then held between the two Easterners and it was decided that perhaps all the stories they had been told of the Apache raids were true and that it was advisable to surrender accordingly a white handkerchief was tied to the end of a pole and raised cautiously above the top of the bluff in about ten minutes the two Indians one a very old warrior and the other a mere boy evidently his son wrote in to camp and dismounted the old warrior examined the broken limb then without a word proceeded to take off the shirt of the uninjured youth with strips of which he carefully bound up the broken leg after this the two Indians ate the prepared breakfast and remounted their ponies then the old warrior indicating the direction with his thumb said dr. Lordsburg three days and silently rowed away the young men rode 25 miles to San cemani where the Cowboys fitted them out they wagon to continue their journey to Lordsburg 75 miles further where a physician services could be secured in 1883 two prospectors Albert's and Ries by name were driving a team consisting of a horse and a mule through Turkey Creek bottoms when they were shot by the Indians the wagon and harness were left in the road and the mule was found dead in the road 200 yards from that place evidently the Indians had not much use for him the guns of the prospectors were found later but the horse they drove was not recovered in none of the above named instances were the bodies of the victims mutilated however there are many recorded instances in which the Apache Indians did mutilate the bodies of their victims but it is claimed by Geronimo that these were outlawed Indians as his regular warriors were instructed to scalp none except those killed in battle and to torture none except to make them reveal desired information in 1884 two Cowboys in the employment of the San cemani Cattle Company were camped at Willow Springs 18 miles southwest of skeleton Canyon and not far from Old Mexico just at sundown their camp was surrounded by Apaches in Warpaint who said they had been at war with the Mexicans and wished to return to the United States there were about 75 Indians in the whole tribe the squaws and children coming up later they had with them about 150 Mexican horses the Indians took possession of the camp and remained for about 10 days getting their supplies of meat by killing cattle of the company with this band of Indians was a white boy about 14 years old who had evidently been with them from infancy for he could not speak a word of English and did not understand much Spanish but spoke the Apache language readily they would allow but one of the Cowboys to leave camp at a time keeping the other under guard they had sentinels with spy glasses on all the hills and peaks surrounding the camp one evening when one of the cowboys William Bern had been allowed to pass out of the camp he noticed an Indian dismounted and as he approached discovered that the Indian had him under range of his rifle he immediately dismounted and standing on the opposite side from the through his own Winchester across his horse's neck when the Indians sprang on his horse and galloped toward him at full speed making signs to him not to shoot and when he approached him dismounted and pointing to the ground showed Bern many fresh deer tracks then as an understanding had been established the cowboy remounted and went on his way leaving the Apache to hunt the deer one day when this cowboy was about ten miles from camp he found two splendid horses of the Indians these horses had strayed from the herd thinking that they would in a way compensate for the cattle the Apaches were eating he drove them on for about five miles into a canyon where there was plenty of grass and water and left them there intending to come back after the departure of the Indians and take possession of them on the tenth day after the arrival of this band of Indians United States troops accompanied by two Indians who had been sent to make the arrangements arrived in camp paid for the cattle the Apaches had eaten took the Indians and their stock and moved on towards Fort Bowie the Cowboys immediately started for the canyon where the two horses had been left but had not gone far when they met two Indians driving these horses in front of them as they pushed on to overtake the tribe evidently the shrewdness of the pale-faced had not outwitted the red man that time Geronimo says he was in no wise connected with the events here and mentioned but refuses to state whether he knows anything about them he holds it unmanly to tell of any depredations of red men except those for which he was responsible such were the events transpiring in quotes Apache land during the days when Geronimo was leading his warriors to avenge the quotes wrongs of his people this chapter will serve to show that the Apache had plenty of examples of lawlessness furnished him and also that he was a very apt scholar in this school of savage lawlessness and a part two of the Mexicans section 5 of Geronimo story of his life this is the librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit recording by Sue Anderson Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by M barrett and translated by asa deck loogey section 5 part 3 of the mexicans and part 1 of the white men the mexicans part 3 chapter 11 heavy fighting about 1873 we were again attacked by Mexican troops in our settlement but we defeated them then we decided to make raids into Mexico we moved our whole camp packing all our belongings on mules and horses when into Mexico and made camp in the mountains near a quarry in moving our camp in this way we wanted no one to spy on us and if we passed a Mexicans home we usually killed the inmates however if they offered to surrender and made no resistance or trouble in any way we would take them prisoners frequently we would change our place of rendezvous then we would take with us our prisoners if they were willing to go but if they were unruly they might be killed I remember one Mexican in the Sierra Madre Mountains who saw us moving and delayed us for some time we took the trouble to get him thinking the plunder of his house would pay us for the delay but after we had killed him we found nothing in his house worth having we ranged in these mountains for over a year raiding the Mexican settlements for our supplies but not having any general engagement with Mexican troops then we returned to our homes in Arizona after remaining in Arizona about a year we returned to Mexico and went into hiding in the Sierra Madre Mountains our camp was nuna kori and we had just organized bands of warriors for raiding the country when our scouts discovered Mexican troops coming toward our camp to attack us battle of whitehill the chief of the net Knight Apaches ho was with me and commanded one division the warriors were all marched toward the troops and met them at a place about five miles from our camp we showed ourselves to the soldiers and they quickly wrote to the top of a hill and dismounted placing their horses on the outside for breastworks it was a round hill very steep and rocky and there was no timber on its sides there were two companies of Mexican cavalry and we had about 60 warriors we crept up the hill behind the rocks and they kept up a constant fire but I had cautioned our warriors not to expose themselves to the Mexicans I knew that the troopers would waste their ammunition soon we had killed all their horses but the soldiers would lie behind these and shoot at us while we had killed several Mexicans we had not yet lost a man however it was impossible to get very close to them in this way and I deemed it best to lead a charge against them we had been fighting ever since about one o'clock and about the middle of the afternoon seeing that we were making no further progress I gave the sign for the advance the war-whoop sounded and we leaped forward from every stone over the Mexicans dead horses fighting hand-to-hand the attack was so sudden that the Mexicans running for this way and then that became so confused that in a few minutes we had killed them all then we scalped the slain carried away our dead and secured all the arms we needed that night we moved our camp eastward through the Sierra Madre Mountains into Chihuahua no troops molested us here and after about a year we returned to Arizona almost every year we would live a part of the time in Old Mexico there were at this time many settlements in Arizona game was not plentiful and besides we like to go down into Old Mexico besides the lands of the net night Apaches our friends and kinsmen extended far into Mexico their chief hole was as a brother to me and we spent much of our time in his territory about 1880 we were in camp in the mountains south of Casa Grande when a company of Mexican troops attacked us there were twenty-four Mexican soldiers and about forty Indians the Mexicans surprised us in camp and fired on us killing two Indians the first volley I do not know how they were able to find our camp unless they had excellent Scouts and our guards were careless but there they were shooting at us before we knew they were near we were in the timber and I gave the order to go forward and fight at close range we kept behind rocks and trees until we came within 10 yards of their line then we stood up and both sides shot until all the Mexicans were killed we lost 12 warriors in this battle this place was called by the Indians Coolatta when we had buried our dead and secured what supplies the Mexicans had we went northeast at a place nuna Corre Mexican troops attacked us at this place called by the Indians Nakota there were about 80 warriors padalka hey and etna Apaches there were three companies of Mexican troops they attacked us in an open field and we scattered firing as we ran they followed us but we dispersed and soon were free from there then we reassembled in the Sierra Madre Mountains here a council was held and as Mexican troops were coming from many quarters we disbanded in about four months we reassembled at Casa Grande to make a Treaty of Peace the Chiefs of the town of Casa Grande and all of the men of Casa Grande made a treaty with us we shook hands and promised to be brothers then we began to trade and the Mexicans gave us mace Cal soon nearly all the Indians were drunk while they were drunk two companies of Mexican troops from another town attacked us killed 20 Indians and captured many more we fled in all directions chapter 12 Geronimo's mightiest battle after the treachery and massacre of Casa Grande we did not reassemble for a long while and when we did we returned to Arizona we remained in Arizona for some time living in San Carlos reservation at a place now called Geronimo in 1883 we went into Mexico again we remained in the mountain ranges of Mexico for about 14 months and during this time we had many skirmishes with Mexican troops in 1884 we returned to Arizona to get other Apaches to come with us into Mexico the Mexicans were gathering troops in the mountains where we had been ranging and their numbers were so much greater than ours that we could not hope to fight them successfully and we were tired of being chased about from place to place in Arizona we had trouble with the United States soldiers explained in next chapter and returned to Mexico we had lost about 15 warriors in Arizona and had gained no recruits with our reduced number we camped in the mountains north of a respray Mexican troops were seen by our scouts in several directions the United States troops were coming down from the north we were well armed with guns and supplied with ammunition but we did not care to be surrounded by the troops of two governments so we started to move our camp southward one night we made camp some distance from the mountains by a stream there was not much water in the stream but a deep channel was worn through the Prairie and small trees were beginning to grow here and there along the bank of this stream in those days we never camped without placing Scouts for we knew that we were liable to be attacked at any time the next morning just at daybreak our scouts came in aroused the camp and notified us that Mexican troops were approaching within five minutes the Mexicans began firing on us we took to the ditches made by the stream and had the women and children busy digging these deeper I gave strict orders to waste no ammunition and keep under cover we killed many Mexicans that day and in turn lost heavily for the fight lasted all day frequently troops would charge at one point be repulsed then rally and charge at another point about noon we began to hear them speaking my name with curses in the afternoon the general came on the field and the fighting became more furious I gave orders to my warriors to try to kill all the Mexican officers about three o'clock the general called all the officers together at the right side of the field the place where they assembled was not very far from the main stream and a little ditch ran out close to where the officers stood cautiously I crawled out this ditch very close to where the council was being held the general was an old warrior the wind was blowing in my direction so that I could hear all he said and I understood most of it this is about what he told them officers yonder in those ditches is the red devil Geronimo and his hated band this must be his last day right on him from both sides of the ditches kill men women and children take no prisoners dead Indians are what we do not spare your own men exterminate this band at any cost I will post the wounded to shoot all deserters go back to your companies and advance just as the command to go forward was given I took deliberate aim at the general and he fell in an instant the ground around me was riddled with bullets but I was untouched the Apaches had seen from all along the ditches arose the fierce war cry of my people the columns wavered an instant and then swept on they did not retreat until our fire had destroyed the front ranks after this their fighting was not so fierce yet they continued to rally andreadd Vance until dark they also continued to speak my name with threats and curses that night before the firing had ceased a dozen Indians had crawled out of the ditches and set fire to the long prairie grass behind the Mexican troops during the confusion that followed we escaped to the mountains this was the last battle that I ever fought with Mexicans United States troops were trailing us continually from this time until the treaty was made with general miles in skeleton Canyon during my many wars with the Mexicans I received eight wounds as follows shot in the right leg above the knee and still carry the bullet shot through the left forearm wounded in the right leg below the knee with a saber wounded on top of the head with the butt of a musket shot just below the outer corner of the left eye shot in the left side shot in the back I have killed many Mexicans I do not know how many four frequently I did not count them some of them were not worth counting it has been a long time since then but still I have no love for the Mexicans with me they were always treacherous and malicious I am old now and shall never go on the warpath again but if I were young and followed the warpath it would lead into Old Mexico part three the white men chapter thirteen coming of the white men about the time of the massacre of Castilla 1858 we heard that some white men were measuring land to the south of us in company with a number of other warriors I went to visit them we could not understand them very well for we had no interpreter but we made a treaty with them by shaking hands and promising to be brothers then we made our camp near their camp and they came to trade with us we gave them buckskin blankets and ponies in exchange for shirts and provisions we also brought them game for which they gave us some money we did not know the value of this money but we kept it and later learned from the Navajo Indians that it was very valuable every day they measured land with curious instruments and put down marks which we could not understand they were good men and we were sorry when they had gone on into the West they were not soldiers these were the first white men I ever saw about ten years later some more white men came these were all warriors they made their camp on the Gila River south of hot springs at first they were friendly and we did not dislike them but they were not as good as those who came first after about a year some trouble arose between them and the Indians and I took the warpath as a warrior not as a chief I had not been wronged but some of my people had been and I fought with my tribe for the soldiers and not the Indians were at fault not long after this some of the officers of the United States troops invited our leaders to hold a conference at Apache pass Fort Bowie just before noon the Indians were shown into a tent and told that they would be given something to eat when in the tent they were attacked by soldiers our chief mangas Colorado and several other warriors by cutting through the tent escaped but most of the warriors were killed or captured among the badonk ahey Apaches killed it this time where Sansa quad ate ah hey Nick oka hey and Gopi after this treachery the Indians went back to the mountains and left the fort entirely alone I do not think that the agent had anything to do with planning this for he had always treated us well I believe it was entirely planned by the soldiers from the very first the soldiers sent out to our western country and the officers in charge of them did not hesitate to wrong the Indians they never explained to the government when an Indian was wronged but always reported the misdeeds of the Indians much that was done by mean white men was reported at Washington as the deeds of my people the Indians always tried to live peaceably with the white soldiers and settlers one day during the time that the soldiers were stationed at Apache pass I made a treaty with the post this was done by shaking hands and promising to be brothers Cochise and mangas Colorado did likewise I do not know the name of the officer in command but this was the first regiment that ever came to Apache pass this treaty was made about a year before we were attacked in a tent as above related in a few days after the attack at Apache pass we organized in the mountains and returned to fight the soldiers there were two tribes the bohdanka Hey and the Chacon --an Apaches both commanded by Cochise after a few days skirmishing we attacked a freight train that was coming in with supplies for the fort we killed some of the men and captured the others these prisoners our chief offered to trade for the Indians whom the soldiers had captured at the massacre in the tent this the officers refused so we killed our prisoners disbanded and went into hiding in the mountains of those who took part in this pher I am the only one now living in a few days troops were sent out to search for us but as we were disbanded it was of course impossible for them to locate any hostile camp during the time they were searching for us many of our warriors who were thought by the soldiers to be peaceable Indians talked to the officers and men advising them where they might find the camp they sought and while they searched we watched them from our hiding places and laughed at their failures after this trouble all of the Indians agreed not to be friendly with the white men anymore there was no general engagement but a long struggle followed sometimes we attacked the white men sometimes they attacked us first a few Indians would be killed and then a few soldiers I think the killing was about equal on each side the number killed in these troubles did not amount to much but this treachery on the part of the soldiers had angered the Indians and revived memories of other wrongs so that we never again trusted the United States troops end of part one of the white men Section six of Geronimo's story of his life this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit recording by Sue Anderson Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by SM Barratt and translated by ASA Dec loogey Section six part two of the white men chapter fourteen greatest of wrongs perhaps the greatest wrong ever done to the Indians was the treatment received by our tribe from the United States troops about 1863 the chief of our tribe mangas Colorado went to make a Treaty of Peace for people with the white settlement at Apache Tejo New Mexico it had been reported to us that the white men in this settlement were more friendly and more reliable than those in Arizona that they would live up to their treaties and would not wronged the Indians mangas Colorado were three other warriors went to Apache Tejo and held a council with these citizens and soldiers they told him that if he would come with his tribe and live near them they would issue to him from the government blankets flour provisions beef and all manner of supplies our chief promised to return to Apache Tejo within two weeks when he came back to our settlement he assembled the whole tribe in Council I did not believe that the people at Apache Tejo would do as they said and therefore I opposed the plan but it was decided that with part of the tribe mangas Colorado should return to Apache Tejo and receive an issue of rations and supplies if they were as represented and if these white men would keep the treaty faithfully the remainder of the tribe would join him and we would make our permanent home at Apache Tejo I was to remain in charge of that portion of the tribe which stayed in Arizona we gave almost all of our arms and ammunition to the party going to Apache Tejo so that in case there should be treachery they would be prepared for any surprise mangas Colorado and about half of our people went to New Mexico happy that now they had found white men who would be kind to them and with whom they could live in peace and plenty no word ever came to us from them from other sources however we heard that they had been treacherously captured and slain in this dilemma we did not know just exactly what to do but fearing that the troops who had captured them would attack us we retreated into the mountains near Apache pass during the weeks that followed the departure of our people we had been in suspense and failing to provide more supplies had exhausted all of our store of provisions this was another reason for moving camp on this retreat while passing through the mountains we discovered four men with a herd of cattle two of the men were in front in a buggy and two were behind on horseback we killed all four but did not scout them they were not warriors we drove the cattle back into the mountains made a camp and began to kill the cattle and pack the meat before we had finished this work we were surprised and attacked by United States troops who killed in all seven Indians one warrior three women and three children the government troops were mounted and so were we but we were poorly armed having given most of our weapons to the division of our tribe that had gone to Apache Tejo so we fought mainly with Spears bows and arrows at first I had a spear a bow and a few arrows but in a short time my spear and all my arrows were gone once I was surrounded but by dodging from side to side of my horse as he ran I escaped it was necessary during this fight for many of the warriors to leave their horses and escape on foot but my horse was trained to come at call and as soon as I reached a safe place if not too closely pursued I would call him to me during this fight we scattered in all directions and two days later reassembled at our appointed place of rendezvous about 50 miles from the scene of this battle about ten days later the same United States troops attacked our new camp at sunrise the fight lasted all day but our arrows and Spears were all gone before 10 o'clock and for the remainder of the day we had only rocks and clubs with which to fight we could do little damage with these weapons and at night we moved our camp about four miles back into the mountains where it would be hard for the cavalry to follow us the next day our scouts who had been left by to observe the movements of the soldiers returned saying that the troops had gone back towards san carlos reservation a few days after this we were again attacked by another company of United States troops just before this fight we had been joined by a band of Chacon and Indians under Cochise who took command of both divisions we were repulsed and decided to disband after we had disbanded our tribe that the donkey Hey Apaches reassembled near their old camp vainly waiting for the return of mangas Colorado and our kinsmen no tidings came saved that they had all been treacherously slain then a council was held and as it was believed that mangas Colorado was dead I was elected tribal chief for a long time we had no trouble with anyone it was more than a year after I had been made tribal chief that United States troops surprised and attacked our camp they killed seven children five women and four warriors captured all our supplies blankets horses and clothing and destroyed our teepees we had nothing left winter was beginning and it was the coldest winter I ever knew after the soldiers were through I took three warriors and trailed them their trail led back toward San Carlos chapter 15 removals while returning from trailing the government troops we saw two men in Mexican and a white man and shot them off their horses with these two horses we returned and moved our camp my people were suffering much and it was deemed advisable to go where we could get more provisions game was scarce in our range then and since I had been tribal chief I had not asked for Asians from the government nor did I care to do so but we did not wish to starve we had heard that chief Victoria of the Cecchini Ojo Caliente Apaches was holding a council with the white men near Hot Springs in New Mexico and that he had plenty of provisions we had always been on friendly terms with this tribe and Victoria was especially kind to my people with the help of the two horses we had captured to carry our sick with us we went to hot springs we easily found Victoria and his band and they gave us supplies for the winter we stayed with them for about a year and during this stay we had perfect peace we had not the least trouble with Mexicans white men or Indians when we had stayed as long as we should and had again accumulated some supplies we decided to leave Victoria's band when I told him that we were going to leave he said that we should have a feast and dance before we separated the festivities were held about two miles above hot springs and lasted for four days there were about 400 Indians at this celebration I do not think we ever spent a more pleasant time than upon this occasion no one ever treated our tribe more kindly than Victoria and his band we are still proud to say that he and his people were our friends when I went to Apache pass fort boy I found general Howard in command and made a treaty with him this treaty lasted until long after General Howard had left our country he always kept his word with us and treated us as brothers we never had so good a friend among the United States officers as general Howard we could have lived forever at peace with him if there is any pure honest white man in the United States Army that man is general Howard all the Indians respect him and even to this day frequently talk of the happy times when general Howard was in command of our post after he went away he placed an agent at Apache pass who issued to us from the government clothing rations and supplies as general Howard directed when beef was issued to the Indians I got 12 steers for my tribe and Cochise got 12 steers for his tribe rations were issued about once a month but if we ran out we only had to ask and we were supplied now as prisoners of war in this reservation we do not get such good rations out on the Prairie away from Apache pass a man kept a store and saloon sometime after general Howard went away a band of outlawed Indians killed this man and took away many of the supplies from his store on the very next day after this some Indians at the post were drunk on tizwin which they had made from corn they fought among themselves and for them were killed there had been quarrels and feuds among them for some time and after this trouble we deemed it impossible to keep the different bands together in peace therefore we separated each leader taking his own band some of them went to San Carlos and some to Old Mexico but I took my tribe back to Hot Springs and rejoined Victoria's band chapter 16 in prison and on the warpath soon after we arrived in New Mexico two companies of scouts were sent from San Carlos when they came to Hot Springs they sent word for me and Victoria to come to town the messengers did not say what they wanted with us but as they seemed friendly we thought they wanted a council and wrote in to meet the officers as soon as we arrived in town soldiers met us disarmed us and took us both to headquarters where we were tried by court martial they asked us only a few questions and then Victoria was released and I was sentenced to the guardhouse Scouts conducted me to the guardhouse and put me in Chains when I asked them why they did this they said it was because I had left Apache pass I do not think I ever belonged to those soldiers at Apache pass or that I should have asked them where I might go our bands could no longer live in peace too and so we had quietly withdrawn expecting to live with Victoria's band where we thought we would not be molested they also sentenced seven other Apaches to chains in the guard house I do not know why this was done for these Indians had simply followed me from Apache pass to hot springs if it was wrong and I do not think it was wrong for us to go to Hot Springs I alone was to blame they asked the soldiers in charge why they were imprisoned and chained but received no answer I was kept a prisoner for four months during which time I was transferred to San Carlos then I think I had another trial although I was not present in fact I do not know that I had another trial but I was told that I had and at any rate I was released after this we had no more trouble with the soldiers but I never felt at ease any longer at the post we were allowed to live above San Carlos at a place now called Geronimo a man whom the Indians called Nick goalie was agent at this place all went well here for a period of two years but we were not satisfied in the summer of 1883 a rumour was current that the officers were again planning to imprison our leaders this rumor served to revive the memories of all our past wrongs the massacre in the tent at Apache pass the fate of mangas Colorado and my own unjust imprisonment which might easily have been death to me just at this time we were told that the officers wanted us to come up the river above Geronimo to a fort Fort Thomas to hold a council with them we did not believe that any good could come of this conference or that there was any need of it so we held a council ourselves and fearing treachery decided to leave the reservation we thought it more manly to die on the warpath than to be killed in Prison there were in all about 250 Indians chiefly the medaka hay and net nyeh Apaches led by myself and Howe we went through Apache pass and just west of there had a fight with the United States troops in this battle we killed three soldiers and lost none we went on toward Old Mexico but on the second day after this United States soldiers overtook us about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and we fought until dark the ground where we were attacked was very rough which was to our advantage for the troops were compelled to dismount in order to fight us I do not know how many soldiers we killed but we lost only one warrior and 3 children we had plenty of guns and ammunition at this time many of the guns and much ammunition we had accumulated while living in the reservation and the remainder we had obtained from the White Mountain Apache 's when we left the reservation troops did not follow us any longer so we went south almost to Casa Grande and camped in the Sierra the Safari pollutants we ranged in the mountains of Old Mexico for about a year then returned to San Carlos taking with us a herd of cattle and horses soon after we arrived at San Carlos the officer in charge General Crook took the horses and cattle away from us I told him that these were not white men's cattle but belonged to us for we had taken them from the Mexicans during our Wars I also told him that we did not intend to kill these animals but that we wish to keep them and raise stock on our range he would not listen to me but took the stock I went up near Fort Apache and general crook ordered officers soldiers and scouts to see that I was arrested if I offered resistance they were instructed to kill me this information was brought to me by the Indians when I learned of this proposed action I left for Old Mexico and about 4 Indians went with me they were the Boudicca hey Jay Conan and net nyeh Apaches at this time Hall was dead and night she was the only chief with me we went south into Sonora and camped in the mountains troops followed us but did not attack us until we were camped in the mountains west of Casa Grande here we were attacked by government Indian scouts one boy was killed and nearly all of our women and children were captured after this battle we went south of Casa Grande and made a camp but within a few days this camp was attacked by Mexican soldiers we skirmished with him all day killing a few Mexicans but sustaining no loss ourselves that night we went east into the foothills of the Sierra Madre Mountains and made another camp Mexican troops trailed us and after a few days attacked our camp again this time the Mexicans had a very large army and we avoided a general engagement it is senseless to fight when you cannot hope to win that night we held a council of war our scouts had reported bands of United States and Mexican troops at many points in the mountains we estimated that about 2,000 soldiers were ranging these mountains seeking to capture US General Crook had come down into Mexico with the United States troops they were camped in the Sierra de unas Mountains scouts told me that General Crook wished to see me and I went to his camp when I arrived general cook said to me why did you leave the reservation I said you told me that I might live in the reservation the same as white people lived one year I raised a crop of corn and gathered and stored it and the next year I put in a crop of oats and when the crop was almost ready to harvest you told your soldiers to put me in prison and if I resisted to kill me if I had been let alone I would now have been in good circumstances but instead of that you and the Mexicans are hunting me with soldiers he said I never gave any such orders the troops at Fort Apache who spread this report knew that it was untrue then I agreed to go back with him to San Carlos it was hard for me to believe him at that time now I know that what he said was untrue and I firmly believe that he did issue the orders for me to be put in prison or to be killed in case I offered resistance chapter 17 the final struggle we started with all our tribe to go with General Crook back to the United States but I feared treachery and decided to remain in Mexico we were not under any guard at this time the United States troops marched in front and the Indians followed and when we became suspicious we turned back I do not know how far the United States Army went after myself and some warriors turned back before we were missed and I do not care I have suffered much from such unjust orders as those of General Crook such acts have caused much distress to my people I think that general crooks death was sent by the Almighty as a punishment for the many evil deeds he committed soon general miles was made commander of all the western posts and troops trailed us continually they were led by Captain Lawton who had good Scouts the Mexican soldiers also became more active and more numerous we had skirmishes almost every day and so we finally decided to break up into small bands with six men and four women I made for the range of mountains near Hot Springs New Mexico we passed many cattle ranches but had no trouble with the Cowboys we killed cattle to eat whenever we were in need of food but we frequently suffered greatly for water at one time we had no water for two days and nights and our horses almost died from thirst we ranged in the mountains of New Mexico for some I'm then thinking that perhaps the troops had left Mexico we returned on our return through Old Mexico we attacked every Mexican found even if for no other reason than to kill we believed they had asked the United States troops to come down to Mexico to fight us south of Casa Grande near a place called by the Indians for soda there was a road leading out from the town there was much frating carried on by the Mexicans over this road where the road ran through a mountain pass we stayed in hiding and whenever Mexican freighters passed we killed them took what supplies we wanted and destroyed the remainder we were reckless of our lives because we felt that every man's hand was against us if we returned to the reservation we would be put in prison and killed if we stayed in Mexico they would continue to send soldiers to fight us so we gave no quarter to anyone and asked no favors end of section 6 section 7 of Geronimo story of his life this is the librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit recording by Sue Anderson Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by M Barrett and translated by ASA de kludgy section 7 the white men part 3 after some time we left the soda and soon were reunited with our tribe in the Sierra they are two nice mountains contrary to our expectations the United States soldiers had not left the mountains in Mexico and were soon trailing us and skirmishing with us almost every day four or five times they surprised our camp one time they surprised us about nine o'clock in the morning and captured all our horses 19 in number and secured our store of dried meats we also lost three Indians in this encounter about the middle of the afternoon of the same day we attacked them from the rear as they were passing through a prairie killed one soldier but lost none ourselves in this skirmish we recovered all our horses except three that belonged to me the three horses that we did not recover were the best riding horses we had soon after this we made a treaty with the Mexican troops they told us that the United States troops were the real cause of these wars and agreed not to fight any more with us provided we would return to the United States this we agreed to do and resumed our march expecting to try to make a treaty with the United States soldiers and returned to Arizona there seemed to be no other course to pursue soon after this Scouts from Captain Lawtons troops told us that he wished to make a treaty with us but I knew that general miles was the chief of the American troops and I decided to treat with him we continued to move our camp northward and the American troops also moved northward keeping at no great distance from us but not attacking us I sent my brother Perico white horse with mr. Jorge ratin on to Fort Boy to see general miles and to tell him that we wish to return to Arizona but before these messengers returned I meant two Indian scouts kaya Tasha Conan Apache and Martine and etna Apache they were serving as scouts for Captain Lawtons troops they told me that general miles had come and had sent them to ask me to meet him so I went to the camp of the United States troops to meet general miles when I arrived at their camp I went directly to general miles and told him how I had been wronged and that I wanted to return to the United States with my people as we wish to see our families who had been captured and taken away from general Miles said to me the President of the United States has sent me to speak to you he has heard of your trouble with the white men and says that if you will agree to a few words of treaty we need have no more trouble Geronimo if you will agree to a few words of treaty all will be satisfactorily arranged so general miles told me how we could be brothers to each other we raised our hands to heaven and said that the treaty was not to be broken we took an oath not to do any wrong to each other or to scheme against each other then he talked with me for a long time and told me what he would do for me in the future if I would agree to the treaty I did not greatly believe general Myles but because the President of the United States had sent me word I agreed to make the treaty and to keep it then I asked general Myles what the treaty would be general miles said to me I will take you under government protection I will build you a house I will fence you much land I will give you cattle horses mules and farming implements you will be furnished with men to work the farm for you yourself will not have to work in the fall I will send you blankets and clothing so that you will not suffer from cold in the wintertime there is plenty of timber water and grass in the land to which I will send you you will live with your tribe and with your family if you agree to this treaty you shall see your family within five days I said to general miles all the officers that have been in charge of the Indians have talked that way and it sounds like a story to me I hardly believe you he said this time it is the truth I said general Myles I do not know the laws of the white man nor of this new country where you are to send me and I might break their laws he said while I live you will not be arrested then I agreed to make the treaty since I have been a prisoner of war I have been arrested and placed in the guardhouse twice for drinking whiskey we stood between his troopers and my warriors we placed a large stone on the blanket before us our treaty was made by this stone and it was to last until the stone should crumble to dust so we made the treaty and bound each other with an oath I do not believe that I have ever violated that treaty but general miles never fulfilled his promises when we made the treaty general miles said to me my brother you have in your mind how you are going to kill men and other thoughts of war I want you to put that out of your mind and change your thoughts to peace then I agreed and gave up my arms I said I will quit the war path and live at peace Hereafter then general miles swept a spot of ground clear with his hand and said your past deed shall be wiped out like this and you will start a new life chapter 18 surrender of Geronimo On February 11th 1887 the Senate passed the following resolution resolved that the Secretary of War be directed to communicate to the Senate all dispatches of general miles referring to the surrender of Geronimo and all instructions given to and correspondence with general miles in reference to the same these papers are published in the Senate executive documents second session 49th Congress 1886 1887 volume 2 numbers a hundred and eleven to 125 for an exhaustive account of the conditions of Geronimo surrender the reader is referred to that document but this chapter is given to show briefly the terms of surrender and corroborate at least in part the statements made by Geronimo upon assuming command of the Department of Arizona general Nelson a miles was directed by the War Department to use most vigorous operations for the destruction or capture of the hostile Apaches the following extracts are from instructions issued April 20th 1886 for the information and guidance of troops serving in the southern portion of Arizona and New Mexico quote the chief object of the troops will be to capture or destroy any band of hostile Apache Indians found in this section of country and to this in the most vigorous and persistent efforts will be required of all officers and soldiers until the object is accomplished a sufficient number of reliable Indians will be used as auxiliaries to discover any signs of hostile Indians and as trailers to avoid any advantage the Indians may have by a relay of horses where a troop or squadron commander is near the hostile Indians he will be justified in dismounting one-half of his command and selecting the lightest and best riders to make pursuit by the most vigorous forced marches until the strength of all animals of his command shall have been exhausted end quote the following telegrams show the efforts of the United States troops and the cooperation of Mexican troops under governor Taurus headquarters division of the Pacific Presidio of San Francisco California July 22nd 1886 adjutant general Washington DC the following telegram just received from general miles captain Lawton reports through Colonel Rall commanding at Fort Huachuca that his camp surprised Geronimo's camp on Yankee River about 130 miles south and east of campus Sonora or nearly 300 miles south of Mexico boundary capturing all the Indian property including hundreds of pounds of dried meat and 19 riding animals this is the fifth time within three months in which the Indians have been surprised by the troops while the results have not been decisive yet it has given encouragement to the troops and has reduced the numbers and strength of the Indians and given them a feeling of insecurity even in the remote and almost inaccessible mountains of Old Mexico in absence of division commander C McKeever assistant adjutant general end of dispatch another dispatch headquarters division of the Pacific Presidio of San Francisco California August 19th 1886 adjutant general Washington DC following received from general miles dated 18th dispatches today from governor tourists dated Aramis seal Sonora Mexico from Colonels Forsyth and Beaumont commanding Huachuca and Bowie districts confirms the following Geronimo with 40 Indians is endeavoring to make terms of peace with Mexican authorities of Fronteras District one of our scouts in returning to Fort Huachuca from Latins command met him Nike and 13 other Indians on the way to Frome Terrace had a long conversation with them they said they wanted to make peace and looked worn and hungry Geronimo carried his right arm in a sling bandaged the splendid work of the troops is evidently having good effect should hostiles not surrender to the Mexican authorities Lawtons command is south of them and Wilder with G and M troops 4th Cavalry moved south to Fronteras and will be there by 20th lieutenant locket with an effective command will be in good position tomorrow near Guadalupe Canyon in Cajon bonito mountains on the 11th I had a very satisfactory interview with governor tortoise the Mexican officials are acting in concert with ours Oh Oh Howard major-general end of dispatch general Oh Oh Howard telegraph from Presidio San Francisco California September 24th 1886 as follows the 6th of September general miles reports the hostile Apaches made overtures of surrender through lieutenant Gatewood to Captain Lawton they desired certain terms and sent two messengers to me miles they were informed that they must surrender as prisoners of war to troops in the field they promised to surrender to me in person and for eleven days captain Lawtons command moved north Geronimo and night Chi moving parallel and frequently campaign near it at skeleton Canyon they halted saying that they desired to see me miles before surrendering end of telegram after miles arrival he reports as follows quote Geronimo came from his mountain camp amid the rocks and said he was willing to surrender he was told that they could surrender as prisoners of war that it was not the way of officers of the army to kill their enemies who laid down their arms night she was wild and suspicious and evidently feared treachery he knew that the once noted leader mangas Colorado had years ago been Fowley murdered after he had surrendered and the last hereditary chief of the hostile Apaches hesitated to place himself in the hands of the palefaces continuing his report general Howard says I believed at first from official reports that the surrender was unconditional except that the troops themselves would not kill the hostiles now from general miles dispatches and from his annual report forwarded on the 21st instant by mail the conditions are plain first that the lives of all the Indians should be spared second that they should be sent to Fort Marion Florida where their tribe including their families had already been ordered in quote Diaz Stanley Brigadier General Telegraph's from San Antonio Texas October 22nd 1886 as follows Geronimo and night she requested an interview with me when they first ascertained that they were to leave here and in talking to them I told them the exact disposition that was to be made of them they regarded the separation of themselves from their families as a violation of the terms of their Treaty of surrender by which they had been guaranteed in the most positive manner conceivable to their minds that they should be united with their families at Fort Marion they were present at the talk they had with me major JP right surgeon United States Army captain J G Balance acting judge advocate United States Army George reiten the interpreter Nike and Geronimo the Indians were separated from their families at this place the women children and the two Scouts were placed in a separate car before they left in an interview with me they stated the following incident which they regard as an essential part of their treaty of surrender and which took place at skeleton Canyon before they had as a band made up their minds to surrender and before any of them except perhaps Geronimo had given up their arms and when they were still fully able to escape and defend themselves general Miles said to them you go with me to Fort Bowie and at a certain time you will go to see your relatives in Florida after they went to Fort Bowie he reassured them that they would see their relatives in Florida in four and a half or five days while it's skeleton Canyon general miles said to them I have come to have a talk with you the conversation was interpreted from English into Spanish and from Spanish into Apache and vice versa the interpreting from English into Spanish was done by a man by the name of Nelson the interpreting from Spanish into Apache was done by Jose Maria Jos case Jose Maria Montoya was also present but he did not do any of the interpreting dr. wood United States Army and lieutenant clay 10th infantry were prayer and general miles drew a line on the ground and said this represents the ocean and put in a small rock beside the line he said this represents the place where Chihuahua is with his band he then picked up another stone and placed it a short distance from the first and said this represents you Geronimo he then picked up a third stone and placed it a little distance from the others and said this represents the Indians at Camp Apache the president wants to take you and put you with Chihuahua he then picked up the stone which represented Geronimo and his band and put it beside the one which represented Chihuahua at Fort Marion after doing this he picked up the stone which represented the Indians at Camp Apache and placed it beside the other two stones which represented Geronimo and Chihuahua at Fort Marion and said that is what the president wants to do get all of you together after their arrival at Fort Bowie general miles said to them from now on we want to begin a new life and holding up one of his hands with the palm open and horizontal he marked lines across it with the finger of the other hand and said pointing to his open palm this represents the past it is all covered with hollows and ridges then robbing his other palm over it he said that represents the wiping out of the past which will be considered smooth and forgotten the interpreter ratin says that he was present and heard this conversation the Indians say that captain Thompson fourth cavalry was also present night she said that captain Thompson who was the acting assistant adjutant general department of Arizona told him at his house in Fort Bowie don't be afraid no harm shall come to you you will go to your friends all right he also told him that fort Marion is not a very large place and is not probably large enough for all and that probably in six months or so you will be put in a larger place where you can do better he told them the same thing when they took their departure in the cars from Fort Bowie the idea that they had of the Treaty of surrender given in this letter is forwarded at their desire and while not desiring to comment on the matter I feel compelled to say that my knowledge of the Indian character and the experience I have had with Indians of all kinds and the corroborating circumstances and facts that had been brought to my notice in this particular case convinced me that the foregoing statement of Nike and Geronimo is substantially correct in quote extract from the annual report 1886 of the division of the Pacific commanded by Major General Oh Oh Howard US Army Headquarters division of the Pacific Presidio of San Francisco California September 17th 1886 adjutant general US Army Washington DC general I have the honor to submit the following report upon military operations and conditions of the division of the Pacific for the information of the lieutenant general and to make some suggestions for his consideration on the 17th of May 1885 a party of about 50 of the Chiricahua prisoners headed by Geronimo Nike and other chiefs escaped from the White Mountain Reserve in Arizona and entered upon a career of murder and robbery unparalleled in the history of Indian raids since then and up to the time of my assuming command of this division they had been pursued by troops with varying success after the assassination of captain Crawford on January 11th by the Mexicans the hostiles asked for a quotes talk and finally had a conference on March 25th 26th and 27th with General Crook in the canyon of lausanne Bhutto's 25 miles south of San Bernardino Mexico on which date it was arranged that they should be conducted by lieutenant manis with his battalion of scouts to Fort Bowie zona the March commenced on the morning of March 28 and proceeded until the night of the 29th when becoming excited with fears of possible punishment Geronimo and Nike with 20 men 14 women and two boys stampeded to the hills lieutenant manis immediately pursued but without success simultaneously with my taking command of the division Brigadier General Crook was relieved by Brigadier General miles who at once set out to complete the task commenced by his predecessor Geronimo and his band were committing depredations now in the United States and now in Mexico and being separated into small parties easily eluded the troops and carried on their work of murder and outrage early in May general miles organized the hostile field of operations in two districts each with its command of troops with specific instructions to guard the waterholes to cover the entire ground by scouting parties and give the hostiles no rest an effective command under captain Lawton 4th cavalry was organized for a long pursuit on May 3rd captain label 10th cavalry had a fight with Geronimo span 12 miles southwest of Santa Cruz in Mexico with a loss of one soldier killed and one wounded after this fight the Indians retreated southward followed by three troops of cavalry on May 12th a serious fight of Mexican troops with the hostiles near plan chills Mexico resulted in a partial defeat of the Mexicans on May 15th captain Hatfield's command engaged Geronimo's band in the Corona mountains suffering a loss of two killed and three wounded and the loss of several horses and mules the Indians losing several killed on May 16th lieutenant Brown fourth cavalry struck the hostiles near buona Vista Mexico capturing several horses rifles and a quantity of ammunition the usual series of outrages with fatiguing chase by troops continued until June 21st when the Mexicans engaged the hostiles about 40 miles southeast of Magdalena Mexico and after his stubborn fight repulsed them about the middle of August Geronimo and his band were so reduced and harassed by the tireless pursuit of the soldiers that they made offer of surrender to the Mexicans but without coming to terms the locality thus being definitely known disposition of the troops was rapidly made to act in conjunction with the Mexicans to intercept Geronimo and force his surrender on August 25th Geronimo when near from Terrace Mexico recognizing that he was pretty well surrounded and being out of ammunition and food made overtures of capitulation through lieutenant Gatewood 6th Cavalry to Captain Lawton he desired certain terms but was informed that a surrender as prisoner of war was all that would be accepted the Indians then proceeded to the vicinity of Captain Lawtons command near skeleton Canyon and sent word that they wished to see general miles on September 3rd general miles arrived at Lawtons camp and on September 4th night she the son of Cochise and the hereditary chief of the Apaches with Geronimo surrendered all the hostiles with the understanding it seems that they should be sent out of Arizona I am not informed of the exact nature of this surrender at first deemed unconditional I am served very respectfully your obedient servant no Howard major-general United States Army and of report statement of WT Melton and d'arco Oklahoma quote from 1882 to 1887 I lived in southern Arizona and was employed by the San cemani Cattle Company in 1886 I was stationed in skeleton Canyon about ten miles north of the boundary line between Arizona and Old Mexico with JD Pruitt it was our duty to ride the line south of our range and the cattle of the company from straying into Old Mexico one afternoon when returning from our ride we discovered an Indian trail leading toward our camp we wrote hurriedly out of the hills into a broad valley so that we could better discover any attacking parties of Apaches and if a sailed have at least a fighting chance for our lives we knew the Apaches under Geronimo were on the warpath but they were far down in Old Mexico however our knowledge of the Indians led us to expect anything at any time to always be ready for the worst when we reached the valley we struck a cavalry trail also headed for our camp this was perplexing for neither the Indians nor the soldiers seemed to have been riding fast and both trails led toward our camp in skeleton Canyon this Canyon was a natural route from Old Mexico to Arizona and almost all bands of Indians as well as detachments of United States troops passed and re-passed through this valley when going to Old Mexico or returning therefrom but never before had two hostile bands passed through here at the same time and traveling in the same direction except when one fled and the other pursued what this could mean was a mystery to us could it be that the troops had not seen the Indians were the Redskins trying to head the troops off and attack them in their camp were the troops hunting for those Indians could this be Lawtons command could that be Geronimo's band no it was impossible then who were these troops and what Indians were those cautiously we wrote to our camp and nailed on the door of our cabin was this notice be careful Geronimo is nearby and has not yet surrendered captain Lawton then we understood a short distance above our cabin we found the camp of the troops and we had just finished talking with captain Lawton who advised us to remain in his camp rather than risk staying alone in our cabin when up rode the chief Geronimo he was mounted on a blaze faced quite stalking done horse he came directly to captain Lawton and through an interpreter asked who we were and what we wanted as soon as the explanation was given he nodded his approval and rode away Pruett and I wrote away with him we were well armed and well mounted and Geronimo was well mounted but so far as we could see unarmed I tried to talk with the chief in English but could not make him understand Pruett wanted to shoot him and said he could easily kill him the first shot but I objected and succeeded in restraining him while we were arguing the chief rode silently between us evidently feeling perfectly secure all this time we had been riding in the direction of our horses that were grazing in the valley about a mile distant from our corral when we came to a place about a half mile from Lawtons camp where a spur of the mountain ran far out into the valley Geronimo turned aside saluted said in fairly good Spanish adios senores and began to ascend a mountain path later we learned that he was going directly toward his camp far up among the rocks we wrote on drove our horses back to the corral and remained in our cabin all night but were not molested by the Indians the next day we killed three beeves for the Indians and they were paid for by captain Lawton on the second day two mounted Mexican Scouts came to Lawtons camp as soon as these Mexicans came in sight the Indians seized their arms and vanished as it were among the rocks captain Lawton wrote an account of conditions and delivered it to the Mexicans who withdrew after they had gone and their mission had been explained to Geronimo the Indians again returned to their camp and laid down their arms on the next day word reached camp that general miles was approaching and the Indians again armed and disappeared among the rocks many of the Apache squaws had filled glasses and were stationed every day on prominent mountain peaks to keep a lookout no one could approach their camp or Lawtons camp without being discovered by these spies soon after general miles joined Lawtons command Geronimo wrote into camp unarmed and dismounting approached general miles shook hands with him and then stood proudly before the offices waiting for general miles to begin conversation with him the interpreter said to Geronimo general miles is your friend Geronimo said I never saw him but I have been in need of friends why has he not been with me when this answer was interpreted everybody laughed after this there was no more formality and without delay the discussion of the Treaty was begun I remember distinctly of the treaty is that Geronimo and his band were not to be killed but they were to be taken to their families I remember this more distinctly because the Indians were so much pleased with this particular one of the terms of the treaty Geronimo Nike and a few others went on ahead with general miles but the main band of Indians left under the escort of Lawtons troops the night before they left a young daughter-in-law of Geronimo gave birth to a child the next morning the husband Geronimo's son carried the child but the mother mounted her pony unaided and rode away unassisted a prisoner of war under military escort on the afternoon of the day of the treaty captain Lawton built a monument about ten feet across and six feet high of rough stones on the spot where the treaty was made the next year some Cowboys on a roundup camped at the place and tore down the monument to see what was in it all they found was a bottle containing a piece of paper upon which was written the names of the officers who were with Lawton after the Indians left we found one hundred and fifty dollars and 25 cents in Mexican money hidden in a rat's nest near where the Indians had camped about ten o'clock in the morning after the Apaches and soldiers had gone away 20p most Indians accompanied by one white man surrounded our camp and demanded to know of Geronimo's whereabouts we told them of the treaty and they followed the trail on toward Fort Bowie that afternoon thinking all danger from Apaches past my partner Pruett went to ride the lines and I was left in camp alone I was pumping water by horsepower at the well when I saw three Indians rounding up our horses about half a mile away they saw me but did not disturb me nor did i interfere with them but as soon as they had driven that bunch of horses northward over the hills out of sight I rode quickly off in another direction and drove another bunch of horses into the corral the rest of the afternoon I stayed in camp but saw no more Indians the next day we wrote over the hill in the direction these Indians had gone and found that they had camped not three miles away there were evidently several in the party and they had kept Scouts concealed near the top of the hill to watch me and to shoot me from ambush had I followed them this we knew because we saw behind some rocks at the crest of the hill in the loose soil the imprints left by the bodies of three warriors where they had been lying down in concealment at their camp we found the head and hoofs of my favorite horse digger a fine little sorrel pony and knew that he had served them for dinner we followed their trail far into Old Mexico but did not overtake them we had been accustomed to say it was Geronimo's band whenever any depredation was committed but this time we were not so positive in quote note by SM berried we do not wish to express our own opinion but to ask the reader whether after having had the testimony of Apaches soldiers and civilians who knew the conditions of surrender and after having examined carefully the testimony offered it would be possible to conclude that Geronimo made an unconditional surrender before passing from this subject it would be well to consider whether our government treated these prisoners in strict accordance with the terms of the treaty made in skeleton Canyon and of section seven section eight of Geronimo's story of his life this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit recording by Sue Anderson Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by SM Barrett and translated by asa deck loogey section 8 the white men part 4 and the old and the new part 1 chapter 19 a prisoner of war when I had given up to the government they put me on the Southern Pacific Railroad and took me to San Antonio Texas and held me to be tried by their laws in 40 days they took me from there to Fort Pickens Pensacola Florida here they put me to sign up large logs there were several other Apache warriors with me and all of us had to work every day for nearly two years we were kept at hard labor in this place and we did not see our families until May 1887 this treatment was in direct violation of our treaty made at skeleton Canyon after this we were sent with our families to Vermont Alabama where we stayed five years and worked for the government we had no property and I looked in vain for general miles to send me to that land of which he had spoken I longed in vain for the implements house and stock that general miles had promised me during this time one of my warriors fun killed himself and his wife another one shot his wife and then shot himself he fell dead but the woman recovered and is still living we were not healthy in this place for the climate disagreed with us so many of our people died that I consented to let one of my wives go to the Mescalero agency in New Mexico to live this separation is according to our custom equivalent to what the white people called divorce and so she married again soon after she got the Mescalero she also kept our two small children which she had a right to do the children Lenna and Robi are still living at Mescalero New Mexico Lenna is married I kept one wife but she is dead now and I have only our daughter Eva with me since my separation from lenez mother I have never had more than one wife at a time since the death of Eva's mother I married another woman December 1905 but we could not live happily and separated she went home to her people that is an Apache divorce then as now mr. Jorge ratin superintended the Indians he has always had trouble with the Indians because he has mistreated them one day an Indian while drunk stabbed mr. Radin with a little knife the officer in charge took the part of mr. Radin and the Indian was sent to prison when we first came to Fort Sill in October 1894 captain Scott was in charge and he had houses built for us by the government we were also given from the government cattle hogs turkeys and chickens the Indians did not do much good with the Hogs because they did not understand how to care for them and not many Indians even at the present time keep hogs we did better with the turkeys and chickens but with these we did not have as good luck as white men do with the cattle we have done very well indeed and we like to raise them we have a few horses also and have had no bad luck with them in the matter of selling our stock and grain there has been much misunderstanding the Indians understood that the cattle were to be sold and the money given to them but instead part of the money is given to the Indians and part of it is placed in what the officers call the Apache fund we have had five different officers in charge of the Indians here and they have all ruled very much alike not consulting the Apaches or even explaining to them it may be that the government or the officers in charge to put this cattle money into an Apache fund for once I complained and told lieutenant Parrington that I intended to report to the government that he had taken some of my part of the cattle money and put it into the Apache fund he said he did not care if I did tell several years ago the issue of clothing ceased this too may have been by the order of the government but the Apaches do not understand it if there is an Apache fund it should someday be turned over to the Indians or at least they should have an account of it for it is their earnings when general miles last visited Fort Sill I asked to be relieved from labor on account of my age I also remembered what general miles had promised me in the treaty and told him of it he said I need not work anymore except when I wish to and since that time I have not been detailed to do any work I have worked a great deal however since then for although I am old I like to work and help my people as much as I am able the old and the new part one chapter 20 unwritten laws of the Apaches trials when an Indian has been wronged by a member of his tribe he may if he does not wish to settle the difficulty personally make complaint to the chieftain if he is unable to meet the offending parties in a personal encounter and disdains to make complaint anyone may in his stead inform the chief of this conduct and then it becomes necessary to have an investigation or trial both the accused and the accuser are entitled to witnesses and their witnesses are not interrupted in any way by questions but simply say what they wish to say in regard to the matter the witnesses are not placed under oath because it is not believed that they will give false testimony in a matter relating to their own people the chief of the tribe presides during these trials but if it is a seer offense he asks two or three leaders to sit with him these simply determine whether or not the man is guilty if he is not guilty the matter is ended and the complaining party has forfeited his right to take personal vengeance for if he wishes to take vengeance himself he must object to the trial which would prevent it if the accused is found guilty the injured party fixes the penalty which is generally confirmed by the chief and his associates adoption of children if any children are left orphans by the usage of war or otherwise that is if both parents are dead the chief of the tribe may adopt them or give them away as he desires in the case of outlawed Indians they may if they wish take their children with them but if they leave the children with the tribe the chief decides what will be done with them but no disgrace attaches to the children Salt Lake we obtained our salt from a little lake in the Gila mountains this is a very small lake of clear shallow water and in the center a small mound arises above the surface of the water the water is too salty to drink and the bottom of the lake is covered with a brown crust when this crust is broken cakes of salt adhere to it these cakes of salt may be washed clear in the water of this lake but if washed in other water will dissolve when visiting this lake our people were not allowed to even kill game or attack an enemy all creatures were free to go and come without molestation preparation of a warrior to be admitted as a warrior a youth must have gone with the Warriors of his tribe four separate times on the warpath on the first trip he will be given only very inferior food with this he must be contented without murmuring on none of the four trips is he allowed to select his food as the Warriors do but must eat such food as he is permitted to have on each of these expeditions he acts as servant cares for the horses cooks the food and does whatever duties he should do without being told he knows what things are to be done and without waiting to be told is to do them he is not allowed to speak to any warrior except in answer to questions or when told to speak during these four Wars he is expected to learn the sacred names of everything used in war for after the tribe enters upon the warpath no common names are used in referring to anything a pertaining to war in any way war is a solemn religious matter if after four expeditions all the Warriors are satisfied that the youth has been industrious has not spoken out of order has been discreet in all things has shown courage in battle has borne all hardships uncomplainingly and has exhibited no color of cowardice or weakness of any kind he may by vote of the council be admitted as a warrior but if any warrior objects to him upon any account he will be subjected to further tests and if he meets these courageously his name may again be proposed when he has proven beyond question that he can bear hardships without complaint and that he is a stranger to fear he is admitted to the Council of the Warriors in the lowest rank after this there is no formal test for promotions but by common consent he assumes a station on the battlefield and if that position is maintained with honor he is allowed to keep it and may be asked or may volunteer to take a higher station but no warrior would presume to take a higher station unless he had assurance from the leaders of the tribe that his conduct in the first position was worthy of commendation from this point upward the only election by the council in formal assembly is the election of the chief old men are not allowed to lead in battle but therein is always respected old age means loss of physical power and is fatal to active leadership dances all dances are considered religious ceremonies and are presided over by a chief and medicine men they are of a social or military nature but never without some sacred characteristic a dance of thanksgiving every summer we would gather the fruit of the yucca grind and pulverize it and mold it into cakes then the tribe would be assembled to feast to sing and to give praises to usun prayers of Thanksgiving were said by all when the dance began the leaders bore these cakes and added words of praise occasionally to the usual tone sounds of the music the war dance after a council of warriors had deliberated and had prepared for the warpath the dance would be started in this dance there is usual singing led by the Warriors and accompanied by the beating of the ASA dedenne but the dancing is more violent and yells and more hoops sometimes almost drowned the music only Warriors participated in this dance scalp danced after a war party has returned a modification of the war dance is held the Warriors who have brought scalps from the battles exhibit them to the tribe and when the dance begins these scalps elevated on poles or Spears are carried around the campfires while the dance is in progress during this dance there is still some of the solemnity of the war dance there are yells and more hoops frequently accompanied by discharge of firearms but there is always more levity than would be permitted at a war dance after the scalp dances over the scalps are thrown away no Apache would keep them for their considered defiling a social dance in the early part of September 1905 I announced among the Apaches that my daughter Eva having attained womanhood should now put away childish things and assume her station as a young lady at a dance of the tribe she would make her debut and then or thereafter it would be proper for a warrior to seek her hand in marriage accordingly invitations were issued to all Apaches and many Comanches and Kiowas to assemble for a grand dance on the green by the south bank of Medicine Creek near the village of Nike former chief of the Chacon an Apaches on the first night of full moon in September the festivities were to continue for two days and nights nothing was omitted in the preparation that would contribute to the enjoyment of the guests or the perfection of the observance of the religious right to make ready for the dancing the grass on a large circular space was closely mold the singing was led by chief Nike and I assisted by our medicine men directed the dance first Eva advanced from among the women and danced once around the campfire then accompanied by another young woman she again advanced and both danced twice around the campfire then she and two other young ladies advanced and danced three times around the campfire the next time she and three other young ladies advanced and danced four times around the campfire this ceremony lasted about one hour next the medicine men entered stripped to the waist their bodies painted fantastically and danced the sacred dances they were followed by clown dancers who amused the audience greatly then the members of the tribe joined hands and danced in a circle around the campfire for a long time all the friends of the tribe were asked to take part in this dance and when it was ended many of the old people retired and the lovers dance began the Warriors stood in the middle of the circle and the ladies two and two danced forward and designated some warrior to dance with them the dancing was back and forth on a line from the center to the outer of the circle the warrior faced the two ladies and when they danced forward to the center he danced backward then they danced backward to the outer edge and he followed facing them this lasted two or three hours and then the music changed immediately the Warriors assembled again in the center of the circle and this time each lady selected a warrior as a partner the manner of dancing was as before only two instead of three danced together during this dance which continued until daylight the warrior if dancing with a maiden could propose marriage and if the maiden agreed he would consult her father soon afterward and make a bargain for her upon all such occasions as this when the dance is finished each warrior gives a present to the lady who selected him for a partner and danced with him if she is satisfied with the present he says goodbye if not the matter is referred to someone in authority medicine man or chief who determines the question of what is a proper gift for a married lady the value of the present should be two or three dollars for a maiden the present should have a value of not less than five dollars often however the maiden receives a very valuable present during the lovers dance the medicine men mingle with the dancers to keep out evil spirits perhaps I shall never again have cause to assemble our people to dance but these social dances in the moonlight have been a large part of our enjoyment in the past and I think they will not soon be discontinued at least I hope not end of section 8 section 9 of Geronimo's story of his life this is the librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit recording by Sue Anderson Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by SM Barrett and translated by asa det Liu ji section 9 the old and the new part 2 chapter 21 at the World's Fair when I was first asked to attend the st. Louis World's Fair I did not wish to go later when I was told that I would receive good attention and protection and that the President of the United States said it would be alright I consented I was kept by parties in charge of the Indian Department who had obtained permission from the President I stayed in this place for six months I sold my photographs for 25 cents and was allowed to keep ten cents of this for myself I also wrote my name for ten fifteen or twenty five cents as the case might be and kept all of that money I often made as much as two dollars a day and when I returned I had plenty of money more than I had ever owned before many people in st. Louis invited me to come to their homes but my keeper always refused every Sunday the president of the Fair sent for me to go to a Wild West Show I took part in the roping contests before the audience there were many other Indian tribes there and strange people of whom I had never heard when people first came to the World's Fair they did nothing but parade up and down the streets when they got tired of this they would visit the shows there were many strange things in these shows the government sent guards with me when I went and I was not allowed to go anywhere without them in one of these shows some strange men with red caps Turks had some peculiar swords and they seemed to want to fight finally their manager told them they might fight each other they tried to hit each other over the head with these swords and I expected both to be wounded or perhaps killed but neither one was harmed they would be hard people to kill in a hand-to-hand fight in another show there was a strange-looking negro the manager tied his hands fast then tied him to a chair he was securely tied for I looked myself and I did not think it was possible for him to get away then the manager told him to get loose he twisted in his chair for a moment and then stood up the ropes were still tied but he was free I do not understand how this was done it was certainly a miraculous power because no man could have released himself by his own efforts in another place a man was on a platform speaking to the audience they set a basket by the side of the platform and covered it with red calico then a woman came and got into the basket and a man covered the basket again with the calico then the man who was speaking to the audience took a longsword and ran it through the basket each way and then down through the cloth cover I heard the sword cut through the woman's body and the manager himself said she was dead but when the cloth was lifted from the basket she stepped out smiled and walked off the stage I would like to know how she was so quickly healed and why the wounds did not kill her I have never considered bears very intelligent except in their wild habits but I had never before seen a white bear in one of the shows a man had a white bear that was as intelligent as a man he would do whatever he was told carry a log on his shoulder just as a man would then when he was told would put it down again he did many other things and seemed to know exactly what his keeper said to him I am sure that no grizzly bear could be trained to do these things one time the guards took me into a little house that had four windows when we were seated the little house started to move along the ground then the guards called my attention to some curious things they had in their pockets finally they told me to look out and when I did so I was scared for our little house had gone high up in the air and the people down in the fairgrounds looked no larger than ants the men laughed at me for being scared then they gave me a glass to look through I often had such glasses which I took from dead officers after battles in Mexico and elsewhere and I could see rivers lakes and mountains but I had never been so high in the air and I tried to look into the sky there were no stars and I could not look at the Sun through this glass because the brightness hurt my eyes finally I put the glass down and as they were all laughing at me I too began to laugh then they said get out and when I looked we were on the street again after we were safe on the land I watched many of these little houses going up and coming down but I cannot understand how they travel they are very curious little houses one day we went into another show and as soon as we were in it it changed into night it was real night for I could feel the damp air soon it began to thunder and the Lightning's flashed it was real lightning too for it struck just above our heads I dodged and wanted to run away but I could not tell which way to go in order to get out the guards motioned me to keep still and so I stayed in front of us were some strange little people who came out on the platform then I looked up again and the clouds were all gone and I could see the stars shining the little people on the platform did not see me an earnest about anything they did so I only laughed at them all the people around where we sat seem to be laughing at me we went into another place and the manager took us into a little room that was made like a cage then everything around us seem to be moving soon the air looked blue then there were black clouds moving with the wind pretty soon it was clear outside then we saw a few thin white clouds then the clouds grew thicker and it rained and hailed with thunder and lightning then the Thunder retreated and a rainbow appeared in the distance then it became dark the moon rose and thousands of stars came out soon the Sun came up and we got out of the little room this was a good show but it was so strange and unnatural that I was glad to be on the streets again we went into one place where they made glassware I had always thought that these things were made by hand but they are not the man had a curious little instrument and whenever he would blow through this into a little blaze the glass would take any shape he wanted it to I am Not sure but I think that if I had this kind of an instrument I could make whatever I wished there seems to be a charm about it but I suppose it is very difficult to get these little instruments or other people would have them the people in this show were so anxious to buy the things the man made that they kept him so busy he could not sit down all day long I bought many curious things in there and brought them home with me at the end of one of the streets some people were getting into a clumsy canoe upon a kind of shelf and sliding down into the water they seemed to enjoy it but it looked too fierce for me if one of these canoes had gotten out of its path the people would have been sure to get hurt or killed there were some little brown people at the fair that United States troops captured recently on some islands far away from here they did not wear much clothing and I think that they should not have been allowed to come to the fair but they themselves did not seem to know any better they had some little brass plates and they tried to play music with these but I did not think it was music it was only a rattle however they danced to this noise and seemed to think they were giving a fine show I do not know how true the report was but I heard that the president sent them to the fair so that they could learn some manners and when they went home teach their people how to dress and how to behave I am glad I went to the fair I saw many interesting things and learned much of the white people they are a very kind and peaceful people during all the time I was at the fair no one tried to harm me in any way had this been among the Mexicans I am sure I should have been compelled to defend myself often I wish all my people could have attended the fair chapter 22 religion in our primitive worship only our relations to usun and the members of our tribe were considered as a pertaining to our religious responsibilities as to the future state the teachings of our tribe were not specific that is we had no definite idea of our relations and surroundings in afterlife we believed that there is a life after this one but no one ever told me as to what part of man lived after death I have seen many men die I have seen many human bodies decayed but I have never seen that part which is called the spirit I do not know what it is nor have I yet been able to understand that part of the Christian religion we held that the discharge of one's duty would make his future life more pleasant but whether that future life was worse than this life or better we did not know and no one was able to tell us we hoped that in the future life family and tribal relations would be resumed in a way we believed this but we did not know it once when living in San Carlos reservation an Indian told me that while lying unconscious on the battlefield he had actually been dead and had passed into the spirit land first he came to a mulberry tree growing out from a cave in the ground before this cave a guard was stationed but when he approached without fear the guard let him pass he descended into the cave and a little way back the path widened and terminated in a perpendicular rock many hundreds of feet wide and equal in height there was not much light but by peering directly beneath him he discovered a pile of sand reaching from the depths below to within twenty feet of the top of the rock where he stood holding to a bush he swung off from the edge of the rock and dropped into the sand sliding rapidly down its deep side into the darkness he landed in a narrow passage running due westward through a canyon which gradually grew lighter and lighter until he could see as well as if it had been daylight but there was no Sun finally he came to a section of this passage that was wider for a short distance and then closing abruptly continued in a narrow path just where this section narrowed two huge serpents were coiled and rearing their heads hissed at him as he approached but he showed no fear and as soon as he came close to them they withdrew quietly and let him pass at the next place where the passage opened into a wider section were two grizzly bears prepared to attack him but when he approached and spoke to them they stood aside and he passed unharmed he continued to follow the narrow passage and the third time it widened and two mountain lions crouched in the way but when he had approached them without fear and had spoken to them they also withdrew he again entered the narrow passage for some time he followed this emerging into a fourth section on which he could see nothing the further walls of this section were clashing together at regular intervals with tremendous sounds but when he approached them they stood apart until he had passed after this he seemed to be in a forest and following the natural draws which led westward soon came into a Green Valley where there were many Indians camped and plenty of game he said that he saw and recognized many whom he had known in this life and that he was sorry when he was brought back to consciousness I told him if I knew this to be true I would not want to live another day but by some means if by my own hands I would die in order to enjoy these pleasures I myself have lain unconscious on the battlefield and while in that condition have had some strange thoughts or experiences but they are very dim and I cannot recall them well enough to relate them many Indians believed this warrior and I cannot say that he did not tell the truth I wish I knew that what he said is beyond question true but perhaps it is as well that we are not certain since my life as a prisoner has begun I have heard the teachings of the white man's religion and in many respects believed it to be better than the religion of my father's however I have always prayed and I believe that the Almighty has always protected me believing that in a wise way it is good to go to church and that associating with Christians would improve my character I have adopted the Christian religion I believe that the church has helped me much during the short time I have been a member I am not ashamed to be a Christian and I am glad to know that the President of the United States is a Christian for without the help of the Almighty I do not think he could rightly judge in ruling so many people I have advised all of my people who are not Christians to study that religion because it seems to me the best religion in enabling one to live right chapter 23 hopes for the future I am thankful that the President of the United States has given me permission to tell my story I hope that he and those in authority under him will read my story and judge whether my people have been rightly treated there is a great question between the Apaches and the government for 20 years we have been held prisoners of war under a treaty which was made with general miles on the part of the United States government and myself as the representative of the Apaches that treaty has not at all times been properly observed by the government although at the present time it is being more nearly fulfilled on their part than heretofore in the treaty with general miles we agreed to go to a place outside of Arizona and learn to live as the white people do I think that my people are now capable of living in accordance with the laws of the United States and we would of course like to have the Liberty to return to that land which is ours by divine right we are reduced in numbers and having learned how to cultivate the soil would not require so much ground as was formerly necessary we do not ask all of the land which the Almighty gave us in the beginning but that we may have sufficient lands there to cultivate what we do not need we are glad for the white men to cultivate we are now held on Comanche and Kiowa lands which are not suited to our needs these lands and this climate are suited to the Indians who originally inhabited this country of course but our people are decreasing in numbers here and will continue to decrease unless they are allowed to return to their native land such a result is inevitable there is no climate or soil which to my mind is equal to that of Arizona we could have plenty of good cultivating land plenty of grass plenty of timber and plenty of minerals in that land which the almighty created for the Apaches it is my land my home my father's land to which I now ask to be allowed to return I want to spend my last days there and be buried among those mountains if this could be I might die in peace feeling that my people placed in their native homes would increase in numbers rather than diminish as at present and that our name would not become extinct I know that if my people were placed in that mountainous region lying around the headwaters of the Gila River they would live in peace and act according to the will of the president they would be prosperous and happy until in the soil and learning the civilization of the white men whom they now respect could i but see this accomplished I think I could forget all the wrongs that I have ever received and die a contented and happy old man but we can do nothing in this matter ourselves we must wait until those in authority choose to act if this cannot be done during my lifetime if I must die in bondage I hope that the remnant of the Apache Tribe may when I am gone be granted the one privilege which they request to return to Arizona end of section nine end of Geronimo's story of his life by Geronimo transcribed by SM Barrett and translated by ASA Det Liu ji
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Keywords: Geronimo's, Story, of, His, Life, FULL, Audiobook, Audio, book, by, Geronimo, Greatest Audio Books, Reading, Library, Writing, Autobiography, biography, History, Native American, Geronimo's Story of His Life, Author, Novel, 85686856, audiobooks, audiobook, Native Americans In The United States (Ethnicity), Geronimo (Author)
Id: iAoUR69gLoM
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Length: 228min 56sec (13736 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2012
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