German Reacts to German (?) Scenes in American TV Shows! | Feli from Germany

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man okay now I want to know how this like all turns out kick ass Kick-Ass anyway I haven't even seen this but this is making me emotional was that German or English what huh I am German and I was convinced that at one point she's speaking another language she is like a Spanish accent if I didn't have the English subtitles I would have understood nothing [Applause] [Music] and welcome back to my YouTube channel my name is Philly I'm originally from Munich Germany but I've been living here in Cincinnati Ohio on and off since 2016. and today we're going to look at German scenes and Hollywood movies and TV shows and check how German those really are because for some reason even big film Productions often hire actors that have never spoken a single word of German in their lives to portray German characters and that's why in the end a lot of the German dialogues in these movies end up to be complete gibberish now this is actually the third time I'm doing one of these videos if you haven't seen the other two videos definitely make sure to check those out as well we already looked at some of the German scenes in Inglorious Bastards Die Hard James Bond JoJo rabbit and so many more I'm gonna put the links in the info box for you guys as always but you guys keep submitting more and more scenes that you want me to look at and that's exactly what we'll do today so I went through your comments and a lot of you suggested this scene from the TV show X-Files which is a classic both in Germany and the US it's called actor X in German and this is season 6 episode 3 with the title triangle where and I wrote this down Mulder ends up on a ship that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1939 so like he he ended up on the ship that is somehow stuck in time in 1939 on the exact day that World War II started and he gets swept up in a power struggle between the ship's crew and a group of Nazis who want to get their hands on a prototypical nuclear bomb okay I already hear some German like attention get back that's another German marshmallow it's like funny because for some reason Nazis and American movies always use the word schneid I mean it makes sense but Ben like that was one of the only words that he knew in German before he met me was schneid because they always say that in these movies so he said hurry up get up [Music] yeah there's no subtitles is that how they aired the episode like maybe it's not important that everyone understands everything okay so he said he's the other Nazi apparently he said we have a man on board a scientist advice who knows how to make a bond who would win the war a decision honest ask him who the man is there's a scientist on board who can make a bomb who is this man I don't know above a parade I get your guns ready [Music] okay is that the easiest to understand but I mean he's doing a really good job um he said tell him that we're gonna kill a passenger for every wrong answer Phil answer the question and we will begin killing passengers yeah which one is the scientist I don't know [Music] okay we're shooting that's an intense this video went you guys told me to watch this one no no he didn't even do anything or me I don't know I didn't watch the episode I don't know maybe probably not though he's fairly innocent frogging people personally how many lives are you willing to sacrifice okay I think he said I think he like said that a little bit wrong so ask him how many people have to die none son you have the answer like his German accent in English is kind of going in and out like some of the words he pronounce is very German like how I would say a German accent sounds like uh then you have the answer or answer what he just said but then some of the words like the vowels sounded very English like very American like the way that I think he said like passengers or something like that like a German would probably be more likely to say like passenger passenger or something like that but if I got seek into Newton what have I got secrets in Newnan huh maybe I'm like just in the wrong mode in my head but was that German or English for some reason I didn't understand that part she stuck Mal okay uh shoot again she's not Mala I think is what he said stop this man has no answers you're killing innocent people to learn that he knows nothing shut up for some reason when she just came in and screamed stop I mean first of all that sounded very German but for some reason I Associated Diane Kruger with that voice she just sounded exactly like Diane Kruger to me in a Dumber of C okay uh point the gun at the at the lady shoot her deep unfortunate he doesn't answer the question I'll answer the question now I kind of want to watch the episode they said again answer the question that man is the scientist smarts smart or maybe they won't believe him man okay now I want to know how this like all turns out I mean I don't even know where in the episode the scene is from I don't know if this is like right at the beginning if any of these people are actually involved if these people were innocent I don't know but as you could tell I could understand pretty much everything they said except for that one sentence I don't sometimes it's just like you're just not seeing the obvious so maybe that was super obvious if you understood that sentence let me know in the comments below um overall these two were definitely not German native speakers that was very clear however I think they did a really good job also just assuming that they don't usually speak German I looked it up and apparently both of these actors are usually other characters on The X-Files so they're kind of like bringing in regular characters to then now portray these Nazis in this episode and they're both Canadian Actors William B Davis is the cigarette smoking Nazi and Chris Owens I think is the other one um I never really watched X-Files I've seen like maybe one or two episodes here and there like not really my dad was always a big fan of of the German dubbed version so yeah don't quote me on anything but that's what the internet said that I think those are the two actors and I looked it up and it didn't say that they had any background in speaking German or anything like that but I think both of them did a really good job with like inflection like sometimes the people who don't actually speak the language when they then have to do these scenes they just mush it all together and they kind of like don't know where one word ends and the next word stars or where like the right point and the sentence is to make a pause in terms of emphasizing certain things and I felt like both of them actually did a really good job in terms of like yeah inflection like they knew where the words ended and stuff like that so they probably got good coaching or they're just really talented but yeah at the end of the day you could clearly hear that they were not German native speakers and that's okay I mean in a case like this you wouldn't really expect them to hire German native speakers to play these characters if they are supposed to be recurring characters from the actual show next up someone suggested Breaking Bad where the company madriga I don't know how that is supposed to be pronounced Madrigal is supposed to be a German one spoiler they're not doing a very good job unfortunately let's check it out they mustard from the portions of Thailand this is honey this is so funny that like they're adapting the sauces for the American market and they're saying well we made it like way sweeter and we added high fructose corn syrup which in a lot of other countries is banned like in Germany for example that's also why Coca-Cola and other drinks or products that exist in both countries taste very differently maybe you know if you're if you live in the US that Mexican Coke is always like something special it tastes different because again that's made with sugar and not high fructose corn syrup this here is doing a good job though but he's not German French French in marketing is rolling his R I looked it up and it said that this is supposed to be in Hanover so they wouldn't really roll their ass there it's more like a southern German thing if that most Germans just do the guttural are the but I mean for a lot of non-native speakers it's just easier to roll it but I can definitely understand everything he's saying he just has an accident in French thank you yeah Cajun kick ass ay to kick ass see again I feel like we wouldn't really say it like that with a German accent we would say Kick Ass kick ass kick ass anyway it's just really funny Smoky Mesquite BBQ with I don't know if I could follow what he was saying like I mean I see the English subtitles of course but he said something like maybe that's what he meant like it's stemming from yeah he's not responding at all ketchup what is his problem I honestly would like to try French I think I would like that if that exists maybe I'll just mix up myself at some point that sounds like a good combination due to silence whoo foreign okay I think he's a native speaker yeah he's a native speaker she isn't okay at least he can talk he said something dude that was awkward now I see why the person who commented that said that they're not doing a very good job because like yeah he's clearly not a German native speaker now again this is actually the case for I think all of the seats that I picked up for today's video so please don't come for me but I haven't seen the show either I tried watching Breaking Bad like years ago I just didn't really get into it and some people say you have to watch the first season to really get into it I just didn't really have the patience for that so I don't know if these are recurring characters I'm kind of assuming not if that's true that these are just characters that only show up in this episode I think they could have made the effort to actually hire German native speakers now apparently they did for the other guys so let's see how this continues I will say though like in comparison to other scenes that I've seen before the dude did do a pretty good job like kudos to him for getting that down I tried to find out who he is like I couldn't really find an episode description to find out who this scientists or lab guys um actor's name is to see if he has any background in speaking German but he definitely doesn't sound like a native Ah that's the company Madrigal electron okay so um Electro engines these are not real chains are they at least I've never heard of those what does this company have to do with all these Foods anyway please so he's definitely clearly in trouble or he's up to something or like his company is going down the drain and he concerned about it that's an interesting looking bathroom definitely German it definitely looks more German than it does American the red toilet has an interesting touch if you've seen my video about bathroom differences you notice the floating toilet and the water tank in the wall I think that was the lady from yeah [Music] decent manner decent Vehicles yeah you could hear it when she said that's a German voice but that makes sense okay deep stuff here oh I don't know if I want to show this on my channel uh flimsy well I'm gonna have to cut this off here so spoiler he ends up killing himself um I do not want to show that on my channel but I just looked it up and that guy was in fact a German native speaker so the actor's name is novad Visa he is from around Frankfurt but apparently has been living in the U.S since like the mid-1960s and was in a lot of English-speaking movies including Schindler's List that is a good cast props to that maybe the other guy could have been Castle a little bit better by the way if you want to stream Breaking Bad without any AD breaks on Netflix but it's not available in your country or you want to check out what this scene looked like in the German dub version or you just want to watch more authentic German content you can do all of that with the help of private internet access shout out to them for sponsoring this video and for offering the most amazing deal that I've ever had on my channel we'll get to that in a second private internet access is a VPN that helps you protect your devices and your personal data from hackers internet service providers and others that are on the same Wi-Fi network being on the internet without a VPN is kind of like using a public restroom with a see-through door it allows other people and entities to access things like your passwords sensitive information or even personal files like photos but private internet access hides your IP address and safeguards your internet connection through an encrypted tunnel that's why whenever I get to a hotel or airport or coffee shop where I have to use a public Wi-Fi network the first thing I do is turn on my VPN plus it allows you to access content from other parts of the world that is usually blocked in 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deals like for certain subscriptions or even when buying flights now as I mentioned before private internet access is literally giving out the best deal that I've ever had on my channel because with my link in the info box below you'll get an 83 discount 83 which means it's only two dollars and three cents a month and you'll even get four extra months completely for free and it gets even better because with just one subscription you can now protect unlimited devices so you can put it on your phone your tablet your laptop your spouse's laptop really all of your family devices and if that's not enough they even have a 30-day money-back guarantee so do yourself a favor get this deal through the link in the info box below and thanks again to private internet access for making this possible next up a bunch of people suggested for me to look into the Netflix show Wednesday that is a Adams Family spin-off that came out last fall I think Jenna Ortega portrays Wednesday Adams in that I think everyone has heard about the show I have not watched it again I'm sorry I think all of the shows that I have seen like the shows and the movies I have seen myself I used in the first part of this video series because like those were the scenes that came to my mind first this scene actually has been talked about quite a lot due to her German paragraph that she has in there this is episode three it's called friend or woe and the plot is that the students have an Outreach day which means that they all go volunteer somewhere and then Wednesday ends up in Pilgrim World which is this like fake tourist attraction place that's supposed to be a recreation of the first Pilgrim settlement in 1625 and the volunteers are supposed to sell fudge at this place that's called Ye Olde fudgery and if you don't know what fudges that's something that I feel like in Germany or other parts of Europe is not really that well known I think in the UK you guys might have that I'm not quite sure but it's this like sugary confection candy that is very popular in the US I think they have it in different flavors it has like almost like a nougat consistency like it's not fully hard but not fully soft and it's very sugary what what is 258. okay okay wow wow that was not only fast but compared to the other two scenes that we just saw not as good which is okay I I'm not quite sure why she's even getting German in this scene to begin with maybe it's just a group of German tourists and she's just like her character supposedly speaks German because the people also responded in German they were like fast but this is this is placed in the US and according to what I read about the episode and also clicked through the episode briefly it doesn't really seem like there's any other German here so I would assume it's just German tourists let's look at it again yeah it's interesting she has like a Spanish accent like a Latina accent rather than an American accent which makes sense because she has a Latina background but I mean she is also American and so you would kind of assume that she might have an American accent but I feel like she has no American accent whatsoever it's like 100 a Latina accent it's interesting I mean again makes sense too because like some of the sounds are more similar between Spanish and German so like the vowels she's actually doing a good job with the vowels like the a sounds for example the r she's just doing the rolled Spanish R which again is often easier for people to do if she was French for example she would have no problem doing the Gutta roll R because French people also do that but yeah if you speak Spanish then definitely the world R is you're gonna be your go-to sound to imitate that it is really like if I didn't have the English subtitles I would have understood nothing maybe like a word here and there it's really difficult to understand [Music] I think she said at the end um and I think einen Neiman was supposed to be I Naman according to the subtitles It's Tricky again 258 it would beat she just says it in English that's really the best sentence for like did they make her just rush through it so much that they just not care because I feel like that could have definitely been improved like it's probably not that hard to get that down a little bit better do another take or she says the number in German but probably just like for so many other Productions they just didn't really care as long as it sounds German to the viewers it's probably fine and that's actually my question for you guys if you don't speak German did this sound German to you like as a as a non-speaker did this have like a German sounding Vibe or did this sound like Spanish to you because I felt like she had such a strong Spanish accent okay so I just looked it up because I think we need that for context so the full paragraph in German supposedly is I don't think that when she said that was understandable at all but that is pretty tricky to say that is also a word that I did not under understand that even with the subtitles I knew that that's the word they were going for I don't feel like that's a very common word to use again and then the English translation of that was as you saw in the subtitles enjoy your authentic Pilgrim fudge made with the cacao beans procured by the oppressed indigenous people of the Amazon all proceeds go to uphold this pathetic whitewashing of American History so whitewashing was translated to us which doesn't have the word white in it at all it just kind of means like nice coloring like make it look nicer than it actually is also fudge wasn't invented for another 258 years any takers there's actually a few other Clips on the internet like here's a YouTube shorts clip for example where um people are commenting on this and I I totally agree with them someone said I own German and I was convinced that at one point she's speaking another language but then German is not an easy language LOL true 100 if I didn't have the subtitles which I think the subtitles are part of the episode but it's yeah it's not easy to understand I didn't even know some of the words she said in German with the subtitles this would be perfect for what German sounds like for non-german speakers sometimes you recognize the German words but most of the time it's gibberish laugh my ass off again is that did that sound German to you guys or did it sound maybe something else it was actually really good yeah that's true that's what I said the last sentence is good I'm German at the beginning and and were pretty understandable the rest sounded like Dutch to me LOL but I think she did a really good job memorizing all of this that is true that's probably a lot to memorize I don't know how much time she had to learn this almost seems like she did it just in a day and that's funny that this person said that about Dutch because I say that all the time and I've said that in a few other videos where I reacted to American celebrities speaking German or some of these other scenes where I feel like this sounds more Dutch to me than it does German and then other people disagree with me and say like in the comments they're like you don't obviously don't know what Dutch sounds like seems like I'm not alone I didn't think that this one sounded like that okay this is my comment right here I gotta give this a thumbs up it says it sounds like if German was Spanish that is what I was thinking American content creators are out here saying she's fluent in German cap okay I do also want to recommend a video by learn German with her Antrim because he actually went through the entire thing and took it apart and kind of explained how you should have said it instead um what was done wrong in this scene and um yeah kind of explains it as a German teacher super interesting I'm gonna put the link for that up here for you and down in the info box if you want to look at that overall I mean perhaps to her for doing that again I think that the people who made the show should have maybe cared a little bit more about accuracy because at the end like these German tourists are reacting as if they understand it all which there's like no way that they would but at this point I think we're kind of used to that in American Productions that it's all about just sounding as if it was German and it doesn't really matter if it actually makes sense next up we have one that was requested a lot it's Band of Brothers which is a mini series from the early 2000s about World War II I mean I'm actually surprised that I have a lot of scenes today that aren't World War II related because in a lot of cases these German scenes make their way into Hollywood movies and TV shows because they're Nazis right I mean we had the X-Files with it was Nazis um but then I think this is the only other one for this video today and actually got two different kinds of comments on this some people just said if you do another video on the subject would love to have you analyze Band of Brothers specifically the scene where the German general addresses his troops at the end of the war so that's what we're gonna do first Homeland and she hate the rank not the man Kim Nana here we go yeah he's German that's my analysis it's been a long War it's been a tough War fun bravely proudly for your country so he's just translating for him I don't know what this character is a special groups fan of one another a band it's a potato and they can come exists only in combat among Brothers the folks turn them guitars and this is this is a scene in the very last episode season one more off the show in general I'm not sure about each other in dire moments in death and suffered together very accurate I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you I haven't even seen us but this is making me emotional have you done the music too okay so my assessment is pretty clear this is full and authentic good job whoever produced the show he is a German native speaker and I just looked it up his name is Carla from here and I couldn't really find that much information about him but it seems like he was in a lot of English-speaking movies so I would assume that he also maybe lives in the U.S but he was in things like Indiana Jones Sherlock Holmes Wonder Woman Like the list is endless now some of the other comments that I got about this said in one of the last episodes of Band of Brothers there's a scene where a German general gives a speech to soldiers after surrender to U.S forces what we just saw an American soldier that understands German translates the speech for the Americans the problem here is in the German dubbed version because everybody speaks German it makes no sense to let the GI translate it what they did in the German version is that the GI makes fun of the German general by adding foul speech to the General's words odd but it works somehow alright so that's what we're gonna look at now let's find Lana Creek I wonder if he dubbed himself but honestly it sounds very different I feel like I don't think that's the same guy yeah in case you guys have never seen a full-on German dubbed version of something this is this is what most Germans watch when they watch American movies and TV shows the German dubbing Industries actually really good when you compare it to other dubbing Industries internationally it has a pretty good reputation and actually know a lot about the scene because I used to work in radio and a lot of people work in radio and are voice actors I think that is a fascinating field but of course to people who are used to watching everything in their native language in the original version that can be a little odd to like see that and like see how it's not 100 synced up of course because the lips are different than the words foreign and part of my God oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man yeah great Fighters dude this completely changes the dynamic of the scene I haven't watched it so I don't know if this fits in with the character maybe it does maybe they aren't on good terms and it makes sense that he would kind of like talk down on him while he gives the speech but it's kind of like a it's the right word for this like demeaning condescending way of commenting on his speech like he just keeps saying like yeah yeah keep talking oh yeah you're such a great hero like cynical this is that's good like in when you can't see him he doesn't have to say something so I think that's good that they made him just not say something here the littenham I don't know if he's saying something again the way that he looks he's never laid in the dirt is everything that he said we also experienced or also lived through okay well um definitely understand why people wanted me to check that out because that is a weird way to adapt it for the German depth version I understand that they had to do something um again I don't know how much this like really changes the dynamic if you've seen the show maybe it fits right in with the characters but at least from my point of view where I've just seen that scene I feel like in the original it's just very emotional and he's also emotional when translating it and then here he's like completely just bashing him now last but not least I picked a scene from The Crown which was also suggested and again I haven't watched the crown I don't know if you have but I think everyone kind of knows of it it's this Netflix show that has been on since 2016 and it is based on the British royal family it's not like a documentary but it does include I think a lot of true events where I think it's it's mostly supposed to show true events I'm not quite sure how accurate it is but in this episode apparently there's a little bit of German in it which makes sense because if you watched my video about King Charles visiting Germany recently I'm going to link the video down below for you I talked a little bit about the German Heritage of the British royal family and therefore Prince Philip was actually fluent in German King Charles can speak some German I don't know how much he actually speaks but he's decent at pronunciation and then here we have Queen Mary the grandmother of Queen Elizabeth II who just died last year and she was actually born as Maria fontech to a German father even though she was I think born and raised in the UK she definitely spoke some German and grew up with it so this is the scene I have no clue otherwise what's happening in this but let's see call him Bay's name if you have one this Royal Highness Prince and still August of Hannah for your majesty he's here but he apologizes for the lack of warning but said it was important of Hanover he said which there was also I think it was King Charles the first who was also fun Hanover like of Hanover he was King in like the 1700s because there was no other Heir at the time and he was German but he was related and uh took over the throne at that time and the British royal family actually even had a German last name until pretty late like until the 20th century which was from sax Coburg and gotha and they didn't change it to Windsor until like World War One sometime and it's funny because this episode actually has the title Windsor so I don't know if this is what this episode is about anyway same last name same family all right so I guess there must be somehow related she's not very happy to see him I guess yeah shooting one day after the funeral oh and Gilbert ends in the evening we gathered for dinner the food is normally quite good at Broadlands outstanding especially the dark family memory with oranges rums hooked raisins oh [Music] to brag about how the Royal house would soon be in his name nonsense the Royal wanted 1917 established the house of Windsor okay here we go yeah 1917 is when they changed it to Windsor Windsor would only be carried by the male descendants who did not take into account the female descendants they would take the name from their husbands which in this case would mean my baton aha yeah we literally just talked about that in the other video as well mountbatten was also actually translated directly from a German last name which was Button back and that is the last name of Prince Philip who is heavily of German descent that's why he was also very fluent in speaking German Prince Philip was our last Queen's husband who also only died like three years or two years ago or something like that and that's funny that they brought that up because yeah that was that's interesting they basically just anglicized the last name from buttenberg which literally means button Mountain to mount baton he had us raising glasses to it glass is containing but I mean they somehow must have solved this issue right because Queen Elizabeth did end up being a windsor but yeah okay to their German skills it's just a cute little German scene that not anything heavy they just talked about food basically neither of them are German native speakers they did a decent job I think could have been better I don't think she needs to sound like a German native speaker because from what I understand Queen Mary as I said wasn't raised in Germany but it seems like he is like literally of Hanover so I feel like he should be a German native speaker but hey at least they brought actual German language into this episode which is cool I mean they could have just kept it all in English so Props for that so those were all of the scenes that I had on my list for today let me know in the comments below which scenes I should check out next or we should check out next together in a video I already have on my list Indiana Jones uh the Marvel show the Falcon and the Winter Soldier and then lots of people always suggest Hogan's Heroes which I have on my list but I almost feel like there has to be its own video because there's just so much there but yeah let me know what other TV shows or movies I should check out in the next video and ideally let me know which scene it is give me a time code or at least like the episode title or something I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to support me and my channel by hitting the Subscribe button if you'd like to get notified about new uploads on here just activate the notification Bell you can also send me a super thanks underneath the video or become a patreon supporter on Philly from Germany and you can also check out my online shop at Bailey from for authentic Bavarian beer mugs you can even have them personalized we also have really cool t-shirts and many many other cool products with that thank you so much for watching and I hope I'll see you next time cheers [Music] thank you
Channel: Feli from Germany
Views: 261,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: USA, America, Munich, Culture Shock, Deutschland, Amerika, Kulturschock, USA vs. Germany, Living abroad, Move to Germany, Life in Germany, Move to Europe, Life in USA, U.S., German scene Inglorious, german scene inglourious basterds, jenna ortega speaking german, Wednesday Addams German, German scenes TV shows, German scene Breaking Bad, breaking bad german company, German general band of brothers, german heritage Royal Family, from saxe coburg gotha, Queen Mary, Maria von Teck
Id: Wp8BfGQuTjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 47sec (2327 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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