German Reacts to German (?) Scenes in Hollywood Movies! | Feli from Germany

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that is not something that any German has ever heard before it's just a madeup word why how Met Your Mother you know that there is a problem there when me as a German native speaker I have to read the subtitles to understand what he's saying do you guys want to know how to make a German accent cuz I can actually make a video on that and basically teach you guys how to do an actual German accent this part is just goosebumps in the worst possible [Music] way hello saos and welcome back to my YouTube channel my name is Felicia I'm originally from Munich Germany but I've been living here in Cincinnati Ohio on and off since 2016 now I think I've mentioned this a few times in my videos that in Germany non-germane speaking movies and TV shows are usually dubbed the German dubbing industry is really big actually and really professional too so if you want to see a Hollywood movie at the movie theater in Germany it'll be dued with only a few exceptions where they show it in the original version same goes for movies that are broadcasted on TV so for me growing up whenever there were Nazis or any other german-speaking characters in the movie it didn't really stand out to me at all because everyone was speaking German anyway in the depth version but nowadays I watch english- speaking movies in the original of course because I can understand it and I noticed how many German characters there are in movies mostly in the historical ones but also in sitcom sometimes and it's really interesting for me as a German to listen to the accents of the German characters because they don't always cast German native speakers for those roles for some reason and you know just paying attention to what they're saying what the word choice is and of course what their accent sounds like is just really interesting for me so I thought it would be fun to check out some of the most famous German scenes or Germany related scenes in big Hollywood movies and some TV shows and react to them as a German native speaker some of the scenes were actually suggested by you guys because I asked you on Instagram for input and I got a lot of suggestions so yeah let's just start with the first one so this scene is from D Jango Unchained by Quenton Tarantino and in this scene we can see Kristoff Vitz who is a native Austrian so like he'll definitely be able to speak German and he plays a German dentist named Dr Schultz who is now a bounty hunter in the US and he's traveling with the freed slave Jango and then they come up with a plan to rescue Django's wife bro Hilda uh played by Carrie Washington and in this scene Kristoff FES explains the situation to broomhilda in German in case someone else is listening and she knows German because her former owners uh were Germans the doctor here speaks German and I've been informed you do as well go ahead girl speak a little German [Music] astonishing sounds so shy when she says it please come inside Fine By the way quick note a lot of people I know also a lot of my viewers actually like to address me or other younger women as foine and just for your information they do this in the movie and it used to be a thing back in the day but for a few decades now that word is not used anymore fine would be like the equivalent in English would be Miss kind of in French it would be mm moiselle so it's like you know the address for an unmarried woman back in the day but nowadays we don't use that anymore so if you do it might be perceived as impolite almost in a way kind of like looking down on someone like we'll use it in a kind of sarcastic way or like when your parents are mad with you they might say like in like not a nice tone you know so yeah just for information don't address modern Germans with fine it's not necessarily a polite thing to do nowadays okay now the German Conversation starts for Fore fore [Music] for okay so obviously as I said kristo FZ does sound like an authentic Native German speaker um he was born in Vienna what I found interesting is that you really can't hear that he's Austrian I mean you can hear it maybe slightly here in there but um he doesn't have a strong Vienna accent so I'm wondering if like at the beginning of his in career here kind of had to get rid of that accent um cuz like even though austrians do speak German there are a lot of very very heavy dialects in Austria Vienna isn't one of those super heavy dialects but their accent is very strong actually like just their pronunciation is very different um so yeah I also always wonder if it's weird or how it feels for a German or like you know any kind of actor who went to Hollywood at some point and who basically plays all the RO roles in English usually to suddenly speak your native language on set with probably not a lot of people around you actually understanding what you're saying you know I don't know if that's like weird or if it's a cool experience um but anyway obviously Carrie Washington also speaks German in this scene and the cool thing is that I had no clue I've actually never seen the movie I know shame on me um but when she spoke German she definitely had an accent but she had more of a French accent so I'm just wondering if that's like you know on purpose if that was like part of the background story here or if that's just how she naturally speaks German I checked out a few interviews and she actually said that she learned German for the first time just for this role and she took German lessons to do so and she also said that it was a pretty difficult experience which yep I can see that German is not the easiest language to learn okay next up we have a scene from oceans 8 and in this scene we're going to see Sandra Bullock and hi Clum so let's see sorry we're a little backed up today your name H H Schneider there she is H here it is have a good night I love how she says because it's like the German translation of I love your dress the funny thing though is that we don't say that in German really um even though like Heidi clom might actually say that in real life cuz she's lived in the US for so long that she might literally translate things from English that we don't usually say naturally in German but it's just funny cuz like yeah we wouldn't say that we would probably just say your dress is pretty or something like that if anything cuz Germans aren't usually that outgoing anyway like we don't usually approach strangers a lot oh gosh oh go to excuse me we need to diam toilet diam which means uh ladies room that's good okay you right on the edge of the BL spot okay that was it so I've actually talked about cender Bullock German before in my video where I reacted to American celebrities speaking German you can click on it some up here but yeah Sandra Bullock was actually born in the US I mean she's officially an American actress she was born in Virginia but she did grow up in Germany partly and also in Austria for the first 12 years of her life because her mom was a German opera singer and then her dad was an American in the military which is like the typical story you know Army child kind of um but yeah most of the time she lived in numc and she actually says about herself that she has a franconian so a Frankish accent which um I didn't really hear that in the last video where I reacted to her and I didn't really hear that here either even though she only had a few sentences here so she'd be able to hide it but yeah she pretty much sounds like a native speaker here she might have like a like one or two% accent if I don't know is that a thing to measure accents and percent um but you know it's kind of like I would think that she's from somewhere else in the German speaking World maybe you know from Austria or somewhere else in Germany or from Switzerland I would think that she's an American so yeah obviously she is very good at speaking German and then Heidi Kum if you guys didn't know that you probably did is a fully a German model um yeah she just became very very famous so then eventually she moved to the US for her career but um yeah she's German and she's also very present in the German media she has I know she has like her shows on American TV and she's a judge for America kka talent but she also has a model show in Germany called Germany Next Top Model and yeah as I said she's just very present on German TV and in the German media okay so next up we have in glorious bastards the infamous bar scene that I'm assuming a lot of you guys have seen before but before we check that out together I want to say thank you to skillshare for sponsoring today's video as you guys probably know skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of video classes on literally all different kinds of topics whether it's something that you've always wanted to learn or something that you kind of know the the basics of but you want to become a pro or you might just discover a whole new passion while browsing through all the skillshare classes you'll find 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movies but he's also a very popular German filmmaker he's made a lot of romantic comedies and has kind of set a new standard or like a new style of romantic comedies in Germany um not everyone loves his movies a lot of people criticize them a lot a lot of people don't like him as an actor because he mumbles a lot when he speaks German but I always really like seeing actual German actors um in these movies like that's really cool it's about to go down for like super tense yeah so good for oh God she just placed that tension so well okay so for those of you who aren native German speakers everyone here speaks perfectly clear native German they're all native speakers except for Michael fun spender obviously who isn't supposed to be a native German speaker in the movie and who isn't a native German speaker in real life okay so now comes the part where things are going south uhoh okay so because he made this gesture to order three glasses they get busted because the skeptical Nazi here knows that Germans show three like this and only British people or American compl people show three like this and so yeah he knows that this guy is not a native German and then they start shooting and so on I actually played with this little cultural differences in my second video on my channel I'm not necessarily encouraging you guys to watch that I find it really hard to watch my old videos but I mean you know just don't judge me but I actually started the video with that because like as I said Germans do it like this Americans and other nations do it like this which honestly I do not find this comfortable to do like even though like when I'm here I do this a lot more because you know it's just the culture I adapt to the culture but um this is a lot more comfortable to do honestly but yeah so the cool thing about the scene is that Michael F Bender's German is really really good and his pronunciation is really good and it's really just this slight thing just like it's supposed to be in the movie so um the reason that he's able to play it like this is that he has a German dad his mom is Irish and he was actually born in Germany in heidelbach but um then he moved to Ireland when he was only two so he didn't really you know grow up in Germany he grew up in Ireland and then for this movie he actually worked with a Language Coach but yeah he did a really good job to kind of get this little Nuance in there but it's not too heavy it's pretty cool I'm also interested to know if the non-german speakers among you could hear his accent did you hear like a difference between the other German speakers and him let me know in the comments below cuz I think it's probably really hard to hear that okay next up we have two scenes from How I Met Your Mother which is a sitcom that you guys probably know and you might have heard me say that it's one of my favorite shows of all time um so yeah let's check it out hide a clf I can do it thanks for coming thanks for coming Heidi Clum I'm Barney oh nice to meet you gooy gooy gooy gooy is he okay ah he has The Yips he hasn't been able to hit on a woman all night he has The Yips that's bad you know in Germany we call this said that is bad he just found out that the woman he lost his virginity to only did it because his brother bribed her that's a rough one I mean the only thing I can think of to get rid of is you have to go out there and you need to find that woman and you need to earn it with her for real that is the only way how you can find yourself okay so the funny part about this is that first of all obviously hadum is an actual German we just talked about her before but this word is obviously it's not a real German word I can't even remember it now I think she said which like they censored so like it sounded really really weird um and I mean I do understand that like to other cultures the humor part of this the funny part about this is that a German word just going to be extremely long which in this case it would have been funnier if they had come up with an actual German word which they didn't this is just a madeup word that doesn't even make any sense honestly it's not even a word actually it's just a sentence she just said a sentence very quickly um but yeah I think I've said this before just like as some background information um German words are usually that long because when we create compound words in our language such as you know something simple would be school bus or high school or you know something like that I don't know why I'm thinking about school right now but in German whenever we put two words together to form a new word we don't leave a space in between and so like the more words you put together the longer the word becomes without any space in between if that makes sense I see little hamburgers I love little hamburgers it is him wow I just made out with he clue no you didn't head just okay just okay okay and then here is another scene where there's actually a German character who isn't played by a German actor so this is towards the end of the show I think in the last season or last two seasons um a lot of drans are very unhappy about this uh excuse me oh hey it's you yeah okay I'm not sure what kind of vibe I was given off before but I am not interested in your schnitzel no no no no God no I I I just have one quick question Victoria seems like a great girl why wouldn't you want to marry her okay Victoria is vundabar I'm sorry vundabar is a German word for wonderful no I I oh you speak German in America no just just just the one word um okay first thing I have to say I to this day do not understand why every American knows the German word vaba let me know in the comments below if you know why that German word is so famous but also like of course he started speaking German really fast suddenly um which I guess is like supposed to be funny like I don't know if that's like a cliche about Germans anyway you can hear clearly from the beginning that he is not a native German speaker not even close no so I just don't understand honestly in this case why they couldn't cast a native German speaker as the actor but yeah ah okay Victoria there is a word in German leik shots and the closest translation would be lifelong treasure of Destiny in Victoria isar but she is not my leik she is my B Shan you know you know V but you don't know B Shan that's something we learned in kindergarten I'm word for no no I I know that one oh okay but you don't know you are maddeningly inconsistent no it means the thing that is almost the things that you want but it's not quite death is Victoria to me okay I have to interrupt this so here's what he said the first word that he used is what he wanted to say which as he translated is supposed to mean lifelong Treasure of Destiny which as I said it's a compound word so they put it just all together in German it's not actually a real German word though that is not something that any German has ever heard before it's just a madeup word um I mean it makes sense if you hear it like you can pick up what the meaning is supposed to be but it's not a German word that anyone uses also he doesn't even pronounce it correctly he says like shikai shots which like he just you know messes up the consonants in there instead of shik shuts he says like shikar shuts I I can't even imitate It Anyway the second word that he says I actually have to go back and listen to it again because that one is also a madeup word but it doesn't even make any sense it doesn't make any sense okay so I just listened again and I still don't fully understand it um I think B honestly it's I don't even understand what he's trying to say either way it makes zero sense it's kind of like almost passion object which what what no uh we're not make that a word that sounds really wrong in so many ways and the other one like didn't even make sense it sounded like like the other version that I understood sounded like almost and then something life and then something object and I didn't even understand what the middle part would would have been so yeah why How I Met Your Mother I really love this show so much but this part is just goosebumps in the worst possible way the funny thing is also that even in the German dubbed version they kept the first word the Le say shots because like even though he's like already speaking German and he uses that word it still makes sense that he explains the word afterwards because as I said it's not an actual German word but then the second one because it makes zero sense and if anything sounds kind of like wrong and like sexist almost um they translated that with a different German word which like you know if the German dub version has to translate the German word from the original script into something else you already know you did something wrong so they actually translated it into by Al so that would be kind of like my almost everything and then another really funny thing is that in the German dub version they actually gave him a Saxony dialect or Saxony accent um because he's obviously supposed to have a funny sounding accent in the original version um but if you know the whole thing is already in German they try to accomplish this by giving him a German accident that within Germany is considered to be kind of like funny sounding and it's also I think ranked the least sexy dialect within Germany no offense to all people from zon but yeah that's what the servy say okay next up we got a scene from X-Men first Class which I've never seen before so let's check it out flower Al blond I'm [ __ ] B mm- I mean okay he's really good you can definitely hear that he's not a native speaker which he's not and I know that he actually took classes specifically for this movie and this is Kevin Bacon by the way um but yeah his accent at first I was like hm maybe this could like go through as some kind of regional German accent but then I listened more and it sounds pretty you know either like a Dutch accent or like an English native speaker accent yeah okay same for him same for him s okay you know that there is a problem there when me as a German native speaker I have to read the subtitles to understand what he's saying I feel like though if you're not a Gerri native speaker you might think this is authentic cuz I feel like he got the sentence Melody and everything pretty right but he just didn't pronounce the words in a way that I'm able to understand them as a native speaker okay now let's check out how Brad Pit is doing with German he too wants a prisoner to question um this is from the movie furry from I think 2014 oh I'll question him's father fenza shy thicker Viber step back loss be Heist to youngest ma Emma okay she's German okay so obviously Brad Pit is supposed to be an American soldier in this movie so he's not supposed to sound like a native speaker but I do have to say that he actually did a really good job like I had no problem understanding what he was saying like yeah he did have an accent but he did really well and he actually mentioned in a few interview use that he likes the language and has an interest in speaking it so that's pretty cool that's maybe also why he did a really good job next up we have sitcom again uh this is scrubs which is also one of my favorite shows by the way and there are different scenes in here sometimes it's um Sarah chock who plays Elliot in the show um and then there's also a patient who's supposed to be German you speak German I have a patient from Berlin and I need to tell the gentleman that he has fluid in his lungs Shen [Applause] shenon how are okay some things deserve so Sarah chalk does have an accent she grew up in Vancouver Canada um so she never actually lived in Germany but her mom is from Germany she's from L and she has mentioned in other interviews that um you know she used to spend like her Summers there with her grand parents um but yeah she definitely has an accent I mean I can still understand her pretty well what's also funny though is that the patient I mean he only had a really short sentence but um he definitely wasn't a native German speaker um the very first word I could just hear it where he said was instead of vas um and that's not a Berlin dialect either that's a very American dialect or accent deserve to be tossed out on their asses Shar and Bo Shar and Bo unfortunately Mr Mueller doesn't speak a word of English Mr Mueller hi Mr Mueller okay so Mueller how they pronounce it would be M if you pronounced it the German Way what dka what he duning you for I don't know okay so obviously he's supposed to be German and I think I looked it up before and it said that this actor is American um but has German parents or something like that or one German parent I don't remember um anyway he has a pretty strong accent actually and if anything he sounds like maybe I don't want to say Dutch again it might be even something like Danish or something like that like kind of sounds like a Danish person speaking German but he absolutely 100% does not sound like a native German speaker um I didn't even understand everything he said so I just don't understand it like why do the producers of these shows not cast a German native speaker for a small role like thisan I am a Ros brother Herman Herman the German you must get that all the time Herman the German no first time oh let's hope it catches on uh well uh I could really use your help translating oh sure uh I got the results back from your biopsy the lesions in your liver consistent with metastatic pancreatic cancer metastatic pancreatic CBS to Hearts oh my God okay um that was completely wrong grammar that didn't even make I mean it kind of made sense I guess but it it's it was just wrong grammar um and he also didn't translate it step by step you know how like the doctor JD tells him like the first part of the sentence and he also said something afterwards but he didn't translate that first part if you know what I mean um yeah just no scraps now he wants to know why his brother lied to him what no he doesn't what okay her dman is a lot better than his drumman um that is not even a German word that does not mean to lie no that he made that word up what okay next up um is a scene from this movie called JoJo rabbit which is a pretty recent movie I think 2019 um and I had never heard of this or seen this and they don't actually speak German in it um but they do it's like a Nazi setting so let's check it out a lot of you guys suggested it that's why I put it in herea you're looking fetching as usual oh okay wow it's because of view my son can't walk properly and has a messed up face he stole the angry L just took it yeah yeah yeah so you are going to look after him while I'm at work make sure he has a job and feels included got it got it okay hold on I mean I don't know the movie at all right so I don't know if she's supposed to have a German accent or a British accent but it sounds more like a British accent than a German accent so if she's trying to sound German she's not doing a great job actually do you guys want to know how to make a German ACC cuz I can actually make a video on that and basically teach you guys how to do an actual German accent because I feel like a lot of Americans do this pretty wrong in my opinion anyway let's keep watching but let me know in the comments Below Good Guys this is johanes betler a kid I told you about remember he stoed a h grenade and blew himself up and as a result I got demoted for negligence now I get to work in this office for all these wonderful kids so Jojo I'm sure we can figure out something for you to do oh ideas yeah guys yeah B okay well uh we need somebody to walk the Clones also I think maybe he could hand out this new propaganda and who delivers these conscriptions I don't suppose I could be okay so her German accent is actually a lot better but again I don't know if scholar Johansson is even supposed to have a German accent but yeah um her German accent was a lot better I'm totally lost with this movie if you guys have seen it and if it's actually good let me know I don't know if I want to check it out but we're going to get to the last scene now which is from another sitcom The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon records an episode for his YouTube format uh Fun With Flags and this one is on [Music] Germany good YouTube Bavarian pretzel this is Sheldon Cooper presents fun mint Flags Okay that was just really quick and um first of all it's funny because for a lot of Americans and that's what they did hear um Germany equals Bavaria in a lot of cases um which I think has different reasons historically but yeah that was the Bavarian flag that is not the German flag and for those of you who don't know Bavaria is a cultural region within Germany but it's also nowadays a state one of 16 States within the Federal Republic of Germany um but yeah so also it was really funny that they think I know a lot of Americans do this there's nothing wrong with that but that like a word becomes German as soon as you add Das in front of the word like he said Das YouTube no that's not something that we say I mean d is an article in Germany but um yeah you wouldn't have said that in this context and then they just use German words in between here and they they just say like fun M Flags so um yeah just really funny okay so that was the last scene for today um you guys submitted a lot more scenes I just couldn't squeeze them all into one video this is probably going to be way too long anyways it's just hard because like you guys sent me so many suggestions um and I think it's really interesting to do this but um I hope you guys enjoyed this let me know in the comments below what you thought of these movie scenes if you could hear the accents if you are not a German native speaker what you think of this if you are a German native speaker and um yeah maybe I can do a sequel off this video in the future do the rest of the scenes that you guys submitted to me on Instagram and also you can make new suggestions in the comments below of other scenes in movies or TV shows that I should check out where people are speaking German or are supposed to be native German speakers thank you guys so much for watching ing don't forget to subscribe you can also follow me on Instagram Facebook and Tik Tok you can support me on patreon and buy me a and with that I hope that everyone's staying safe and healthy and I hope I'll see you next time [Music] cheers [Music]
Channel: Feli from Germany
Views: 1,244,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Germany, USA, America, Munich, Cincinnati, Cultural Differences, Culture Shock, Kulturelle Unterschiede, Feli, Felicia, Deutschland, München, Amerika, Kulturschock, Ohio, USA vs. Germany, Comparison, Expat, Living abroad, Move to Germany, Life in Germany, Move to Europe, Life in USA, U.S., Deutschland USA Kulturunterschiede, Unterschiede Deutschland Amerika, nazi germany, speaking german, German scenes in Hollywood movies, Celebrities speaking German
Id: 6kv3rvik9EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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