Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate PRO Survival Knife - REVIEW - Best Gerber Survival Knife? 31-001901

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hey welcome to ultimate survival tips I'm David well pretty jazz to get this full review and demonstration video the new gerber bear grylls ultimate pro survival knife out to you after a few weeks of research use and testing so today we'll dig in deep take a look at the ultimate pro survival knife from just about every angle see if this knife is garbage good for anywhere close to great as usual i've got a few surprises for you i take this knife up on the mountain and literally beat the tar out of it i use it to do some bushcraft cut down a tree break things and cut slice and chop stuff before we're all done we'll talk about who this knife is for who should consider a different knife as i compare it to the original bear girls ultimate survival knife and a few other great blades we've got a lot of ground to cover so let's get started so with the Bear Grylls ultimate Pro knife Gerber and Bear Grylls have made a pretty valiant attempt to raise the bar and upgrade their original ultimate survival knife while keeping it street price reasonable enough to appeal to the masses so the Bear Grylls ultimate pro is a finite survival knife with a fixed four point eight inch or twelve point 2 centimeter blade is very similar in shape and size when compared to the original Bear Grylls ultimate survival knife like its older brother the ultimate pro is more of a survival package than just a knife and includes a newly designed sheath and easier to use integrated filled sharpener a fire starter rod integrated land your whistle and the bear grylls priorities of survival pocket guide ok since the knife as only as good as its blade let's camp out here for a while the Bear Grylls ultimate pro knife is made out of 9 CR 19 movi high carbon stainless steel which is a nice upgrade from the original knife that was made out of 7 CR 17 movi steel compared to the steel is used in the original ultimate survival knife Pro knife should be a bit tougher hold an edge better now the big huge difference between these knives is a full tank construction of the ultimate pro versus a 3/4 tank design of the original ultimate survival knife full tang basically means the blade still runs full length of the knife from tip to button full tank construction is regarded by most experts as the strongest most durable way to make a knife so see how tough the ultimate pro steel Tang and pummel actually are I woke up one morning with a crazy knife test in my brain so here I am pounding the knife into a hardwood log as a sledgehammer to see what happens as you can see I'm whacking pretty hard on this knife to drive it into the log I'll be honest with you I thought this knife would take maybe 30 or 40 hits before something bad happened and I never expected that I would end up whacking it 72 times at different angles before I couldn't drive it into the log any further I think it's safe to say that this is a pretty tough Tang in pummelo upgrade now let's talk more about the blade ultimate Pro has a drop-point blade which simply means the spine side of the blade curves down till it meets the tip of the blade drop-point blades are common for survival and general purpose utility knives because they make for a strong tip a tough knife across the entire surface of the blade that's a spine the ultimate pro is about the same thickness as the original version around 0.2 inches or 5 millimeters both blades are covered with a pretty rugged PVD coating except instead of being gray ultimate Pro coating is black which actually looks pretty cool ultimate pro is only available with a hundred percent fine edge blade meaning no serrations the original bear grylls ultimate survival knife comes in both a half serrated and a 100% fine edge version now my knife came quite sharp enough out of the box to shave the hair off the back of my arm in our testing I was surprised at how well this edge held up performing a boatload of tasks and after some knife throwing a bunch of drops and rocks and frozen soil and stuff like that through it all my knife continued to slice skin and cut things well now here I am batani was this knife so long as the logs were not too thick splitting was a breeze this knife performed equally well chopping sticks it was a joy to use and some fine tasks like feathering some twigs on a spine side we have this notched out coating free-fire a steel striker area just like the original survival knife and on the edge side of the blade we have this choil choil is a cutout area between the edge and the handguard of this knife now this towel has enough space for my forefinger to wrap around steel for better leverage and control and fine cutting and slicing but if you do this just be careful however toils true purpose is to allow the blade to be sharpened all the way to the end of the edge out interference on the hand or handguard now as we move down the handle we see the Tang is cut to match the shape of the handle slabs perfectly and then it terminates with this pummel the ultimate Pro knife comes with a newly designed emergency whistle seems more durable than the previous one it's quite a bit louder and the whistle comes attached to the knife by its lanyard through this hole in the pummel although it can be easily removed now this hefty cast pommel is not only welded to the tang but it's also pinned for extra strength so to further test the pummel I decided to go break some pretty hard Pennsylvania field stone so here I am busting up some stone knife was pretty easy to handle it's very effective so add this to my sledgehammer test I can confidently say you shouldn't have any issues with this pummel or tank even in hard use situations the handle is made up of knife Tang and will appear to be too rugged polymer slabs are secured to the knife using these four star or Torx screws and two permanent metal sleeves that are inside the two lashing holes the handguard now you know me I'm curious so I wanted to see if I could take the handle slabs off but I quickly found out this was a dead end since the bolts are a bit of a challenge to get out and the metal lashing hole inserts are permanent keep the handle slabs from being taken off so it's best to just leave these handles alone now although the ultimate Pro handle looks a little different in style in color than the original ultimate survival knife feels about the same it is very comfortable to hold and use most of these polymer handle slabs are covered over in what feels like the same rubberized gripping material it's used on just about every other knife and tool in the bear grylls line only other really noticeable difference is the weight of the knife which doesn't feel heavy actually makes it an I feel a bit more substantial knife balance as well with the center of gravity around the area of the forefinger handle cut out okay now since I like to throw knives have found that a well-balanced knife can usually be thrown fairly well using a no spin technique so I decided to take this knife out and give it a few tosses Here I am throwing the bear grylls hold on my pro knife a few times at my target as you can see it's been a long winter and I'm a bit rusty but overall the knife was really easy to control and throw okay now back to business I like the original ultimate survival knife the ultimate pro handle flares out towards the pummel to help keep the knife in your hand during normal use when chopping Here I am chopping a decent-sized hardwood tree with the Bear Grylls ultimate Pro knife show you that it can be done in an emergency certainly take your camp axe and hatchet with you but if you can't or you find yourself in an emergency survival situation where this knife is your only tool it's nice to know that it's capable of chopping a tree in a pinch okay now on addition to the lanyard hole in the pummel we have two additional holes in the handguard go through the handle slabs and Tang and are strategically placed to help you lash this knife to a pole to make a spear this can be done with the length of nylon or paracord now the lashing holes of this knife also serve another important task as part of the friction lock system holds this knife in the sheath when it's not in use and like the previous version of this knife we have the strap with a Velcro like closure system to keep the handle tight against the sheath the sheath is designed for left or right hand carry it has this hole in the bottom of the knife compartment to allow water to drain out just in case you go for a swim or end up in a storm with this knife upper part of the ultimate pro sheath is made of two thick pieces ballistic nylon are sewn together to form a pouch as an opening at the top to hold the bare girls priorities of survival pocket guide the pocket guide is easy to get to by pulling up on this orange ribbon which is firmly sewn into the inside of the pouch this is a much better solution in the previous plastic pouch it's on the back of the original ultimate survival knife sheath which tended to make it hard to get the guide in and out especially in colder humid weather and made it necessary to take the knife off your belt to access the guide so I'm pretty happy about this upgrade okay to carry this knife around on the back of the ballistic nylon upper part of the sheath it was this nylon vertical belt loop that works well with belts up to about two inches wide I did notice that there are no horizontal MOLLE compatible strap sections like we had on the back of the previous version of the sheath so if you want to attach this sheath to some MOLLE webbing you'll have to get creative next we have this carbide blade pull through sharpener which is a better field sharpening solution because of its ease of use then the diamond stone sharpener is on the original ultimate survival knife sheath the sharpener is set up for you to hold the sheath upside down with your left hand and the knife with your right hand touch up your blade simply hold the sheath using these rubberized side grips like this okay now just lay the side of the knife blade against the back of the sheath covering these three orange lines while you insert the knife into the sharpener like this when you do it this way which is stupid simple sheets it's designed to perfectly align the edge of your knife with the carbide blades when you pull the blade straight through like this now there's no need to put much pressure down on the edge you want to take off as little metal as possible to achieve a sharp blade now one last thing about this sharpener Gerber added a really nice feature and made this pool sharpener so that lefties can remove these two small star head screws and reposition the carbide sharpening blades on the other side so if you're a lefty you'll be able to hold the knife in your left hand and the sheath and your right okay now last but not least on the front of this sheath we have this Ferro rod which is positioned right side up instead of upside down like in the original version of the sheath it's change alone should about ensure that the Ferro rod doesn't accidentally fall out of the sheath and get lost in the wilderness which could happen in the previous version of the sheath to further secure the rod in place Gerber added this wedge that snaps the rod firmly in place makes it about impossible to get it out unless you first pull up on the rod handle and then out like this most Ferro rod seems pretty high quality so starting a fire was it should be really easy when used dry tinder here my friend at Hin is using fire steel for the very first time with some dry grass seed heads birch barks that he collected for tinder okay so what's the cost well the time of this review Amazon's online street price is right around $70 us versus the original bear grylls ultimate survival knife that runs just shy of around $40 so even with this price difference the ultimate pros upgrades new features make it an attractive upgrade it should be considered if trends hold true price of this knife will likely come down over time so we're a to new gerber bear grylls ultimate pro survival knife at 4 out of 5 stars Gerber really stepped up to the plate took their best-selling knife beefed it up and improved it dramatically in just about every area by upgrading the steel going with full tank construction providing a better fuelled sharpening solution improving the storage of the pocket survival guide and the fire starter rod a bunch of other thoughtful design upgrades we took off a full star in this great knife because to make all of these upgrades the cost of the knife went from sub $40.00 us up to around $70 us so this is force to bear girl's ultimate Pro up into a more competitive price and performance category or it now has to contend with some heavy hitters in the survival general-purpose utility knife world like the k-bar becker BK to cold steel SRK SOG SEAL team elite and this knifes older brother the Gerber lmf - just to name a few honestly in this competitive category for survival knives 4 out of 5 rating is pretty darn good if this knife's price point comes down over time its rating only improves in our eyes if you compare this knife package to the original bear grylls ultimate survival knife there really is no comparison ultimate pro kicks its button every way so if you like your current bear grylls ultimate survival knife you're going to love the new Ultimate Pro so who's the Bear Grylls ultimate Pro survival knife or what was it steel upgrade full tank construction all the goodies that come with it this knife is a great choice for those who are ready to upgrade from the original bear grylls ultimate survival knife it's also a nice choice for camping backpacking hiking bug-out bags emergency kits responsible Scouts for bushcraft or as a very nice general-purpose utility knife have around the home or shop or to have handy just in case 70 bucks is a bit beyond your price range check out my reviews of the original bear grylls ultimate survival knife and fine or half serrated edge or the charade extreme survival knife if you want more of a tactical combat survival knife and appreciate a partially serrated edge check out my reviews of the SOG SEAL team elite Gerber lmf 2 and the Gerber lhr you want a beastly blade for hunting fishing or bushcraft check out the k-bar Becker BK - or my reviews of the Cold Steel SRK or sod Creed for those who think that bigger is better check out the Smith & Wesson Homeland Security or the buck hoodlum we're just taking a look at the gerber bear grylls ultimate pro survival knife for your convenience I've included links to all the gear that I've mentioned in the video description on YouTube so don't forget to subscribe to this channel and for more gear reviews survival tips and survival news check out ultimate survival tips calm while you're there grab our monthly survival emag like us on facebook and follow us on twitter to get the latest news and be the first to hear about the great gear giveaway contest we have planned ok this is David I hope to see you on the other side and remember be prepared because you never know
Channel: Ultimate Survival Tips
Views: 2,044,116
Rating: 4.7915001 out of 5
Keywords: gerber, bear, grylls, bear grylls, pro, ultimate, ultimate pro, survival, knife, ultimate pro knife, review, test, best survival knife, 31-001901, ultimate survival knife, ultimate survival knife pro, best knife, cutlery, knife blades, kabar, ka bar, bk2, bk-2, becker, cold steel, spyderco, kabar ka, bushcraft, kitchen knives, pocket knives, throwing knife, gerber knife, knives, camping, hiking, hunting, survival knife, gerber blades, fallkniven, buck, man vs wild, man vs. wild, get out alive
Id: Kw8JxaDQ9ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2013
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