GeorgeNotFound Minecraft Championship 7

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first is cheering you on we believe in you thank you okay let me join the server is it this one okay yeah it is i'm here don't worry oh no i need my texture pack where's the texture pack okay there's the texture pack we're fine i'm nervous okay who's not here fondy and wilbur typical hi you're amazing love you thank you emmy um hi george me again good luck you guys are gonna smash the competition chat manifest the win yes manifest the win everyone we need this i'm watching you with my friend please say hi to b and nasty hello be in natalie hope you win thank you we're gonna win we're gonna win i sub to you and during recently because of techno i love you and i oh i love you all i can't you decide i think you need to choose a side and it's us we will win and you'll change your mind how did the meetup go with dream describe to us how he looks i don't know if i can if i can do that i think the the description of dream is known but we'll have to wait for the video for the vlog okay i'm gonna unmute and discord um so anyone that donates from now on i'm sorry but um i might i'll read them i'll try to read get them later but for now i'm gonna have to stop okay fans he's holding a girl's hand hello oh hello hello i am here about to start my stream in a minute okay all right bye guys my my chat's gonna go down to one viewer about there's 30 000 people waiting let's go did you see my stream my plaque yeah look at my stream right now i'm not gonna do that right george i'm sorry i can use george how it how was it with 20k viewers how many views are you at now i'm at 24k right now i have 35 000 waiting all right i'm starting i'm starting i'm starting i don't know bye-bye viewers but if anyone leaves if anyone leaves if you guys leave right now okay you are banned all right we have to get the most view hit the viewer record before we have to hit my stream at the viewer records i stream too yeah a hundred thousand years hundred somehow just now in the wait i'm nervous now i can't do this i'm scared [Music] wow tommy's the only one not here tommy is here he was just here he's gone he's quit wait is he oh he is one here yeah they all have matching skins the orange ocelots all have matching he's probably going that's why that was their downfall that was there what is this why would we do i'm good luck you guys are going to smash the competition thank you manifest the win yes oh i already read where i don't like this uh oh it says like it's got their initial on it on the back tee everyone practice killing him get him get him get him get him get him he's running he's running he's running he's scared all right george you got him oh look at these orange people look at these look at these things they have coats no this is not good they've got team synergy look at them look at them look at them all look at there's a cute picture together picture together that could be us okay we can still do it where is he everyone go find a dream there's dream stream there's so many better places to take than on the surroundings wait where are we going where are you guys well let's go over here okay me and dream are getting our own screening oh he's no george george george come here okay everyone line up all right hold on hold on get in get in get in get in get in get in sorry screenshot wait boom i got it boom wait like sylvia's name is like cutting off dreams i know like oh god oh my god you're going to subscribe to him he doesn't care about us no he hates us it's fine it's fine oh tommy finally arrived tommy idiot captain spock take a picture with us oh he has a k look captains they changed it because they all start with k than you is everyone on your team ready yes purple pandas already wait what does that oh says baconator everyone type baconator okay exactly this could be yes hey george congrats we do we do thank you oh wait oh we're ready we're ready look hello how do they know we're ready because we well i thought like everyone had to vote yes that's true they should probably do it like that but it's okay that's fine it's just the it's just a flaw to change the color of your name to purple color blue vitamin or one word and then reload the screen that is the trick what's your pep talk go ahead wait i was hoping you would say where is that message i don't have one all right oh no it's cool what the heck compress this button so messed up come compress yeah it goes over you're like oh this thing this thing confused me so much last time yeah last time what is that noise no techno does not know my plan okay techno does not know my plan he's he's a fool what is this oh dream you're number three oh it's from last time wait oh my god the last standings the last stance i was 11th i think i was i'm here just imagine look i'm here i'm here there's george wait wait silvia's like so he's like 35th i don't know it was seventh it was quite it's glitched you shouldn't be yeah yeah that was my last skin and my last username but i changed it so i knew that most eliminations most eliminations in one event maybe not on any of these dudes so who are you waiting for to ready up one two three four five six seven eight nine oh pink parrots jerome and wait jerome and gizzy gaza aren't even on are they oh now jerome's they're just re-logging it's just the pink parrots that need to ready up he took the first livestream i wish you the best of luck carry the team i'm gonna try this took like three you're thousand can you tell daisy i love you daisy also how did you start programming um i taught myself i wanted to i actually learned because i wanted to code minecraft george come down here um and i just taught myself i looked up videos online it's a chicken oh chimken chat what's that chicken doing the color of your name is a purple dude guys this is everyone come over here come down here quickly we can get this oh this is awesome come down here come down here wings down here quickly downstairs in like the the downstairs of the room and like the hall of fame wait where oh go to the hall of fame and there's like a oh yeah i forgot we didn't we did this last week yeah we did this last time we need to do it again oh look we're already here oh everyone get on please yeah there we go perfect [Music] okay come on guys ready up where i want to start i want to play i want to start i know i want to play i'm hyped let's go wait what these guys have matching skills too the dream team yeah everyone has matches they have matching skills sylvie is an honorary member of the dream team for this uh forever what the heck look at these guys yes thank you manifest the win wait you can't say the the hell word that's not allowed is it not i'm just gonna look at these guys yellow jack you look dumb oh my god it's going to start it's going to start all right okay i'm going to turn you're like in the background nook screw oh wait something in four minutes fifty okay all right four minutes fifty count down back to spark practice parkour over here okay okay we're already ready no there isn't actually parkour practice where is it where i'm following everyone follow the dream no don't leave don't leave the server 100 focus yes i agree i agree with you over here uh it hasn't updated yet i don't know when it'll update it might be during the event awkward jungle oh it's over here it's over here awkward jungle dream that's planned oh yeah here we go perfect aqua jungle all right let's go dream wonder if they have any new if they have any like new jumps or anything in here they accidentally that'd be epic oh wait there's the rocket plate i'm the master parkour i was just looking i was trying to look and see what it was and i realized i was on a pistol where the heck am i supposed to go i guess we'll go i'll go to georgie i go to georgie it's not like this oh you got that just go wherever you want oh it's like a uh okay where do i go now we got 90 000 people no no oh this this is the hard this that's the hard one i found the i found one of the final stages wait oh yeah oh what the where are you [Music] george complete it for yeah but where i want to practice it's just somewhere around the map parkour it's just that's so not helpful we need to get back to um to like the gate though wait how do we get back how do we guess we don't have to because it does teleport us but we should because it'll be fun it'd be fun we can be a part of running in yeah exactly how do i get back back i'm stranded i'm running back in the ocean no um i see a ladder uh george i've never done it before but i saved my some money oh there's one ben and jerry's oh i love ben and jerry's no just the one that's uh to have while i watch good luck thank you they just changed everybody yes ben and jerry's eat that ice cream not sponsored let's christmas where do i go just run back what are the chords of swan i'm like so disoriented i'm such a it's it's like 250 200. it looks cool it's stuck in my hand says who laughs rye guy rocky he's like getting a skin on probably he wants to look like he looks like he already looks like them they all had the yellow yak skins okay well it looks dumb that's all i can say what what is happening here oh oh i think they're punching like right here oh no it's coming down it's counting down one minute a minute and 20 seconds that does seem a bit this is where this is where legends are moving wait no even everyone's here look at this look at this buffoon look at this this he's standing here he's just he's just standing still he doesn't even know what i'm saying this guy is actually like oh my gosh yeah this man this man run run run run run go away go away you're right he's seen us you seen us we will not fail we will slay the pig and eat the bacon we do not lose here all right okay dream let's go let's go three thirty seconds three seconds george try not to die still let's go [Applause] fireworks [Applause] good luck george the bridge is coming down the morning six i'm gonna be first stepping in four first ten three two one i'm gonna off oh let's go go oh the other one the other one the other elevator wait what other elevator why yeah we have to make it fall okay [Applause] much oh rocket split rocket spleef what is that one that one sucks okay bingo but fast more like bingo but suck we don't want that well there's a multiplier we want to do the games we like live oh my god oh my god okay which one should we do let's do ace race vote for eight vote for the new game but for the new way everyone's ready for spot everyone's going to skype blocker what it's either skyblocker or we need a vote for not skyblock it's going to be skyblock just throw it just throw it okay throw it with them that's fine it's the first games that's fine it's worth less poke at the beginning yeah oh they moved all the chickens moved did you get to the other side two of our chickens i really don't want i was going to vote for it to get the other side too yeah i hope it's to get to those which one won i think it's oh no it's sky blocker no all right no i've never that's fine and i have no idea it's the first campaign the strat is that the tester is recommended that we stack one player up because there's no armor nobody has armor one person can just go to the middle thank you that's right that's fine it's the first game we need to read this here's how you play do you guys know how to play no yeah aim is to remain as the last team spanning standing all players begin on their own skylock island gather resources your opponents to survive like we we all are on our own island not just a team island no we're all we're together we're together okay yeah there are plenty of resource islands some of these islands have chests containing various equipment you get creative to make it through the game how are we number nine that's not good over time the map quarters will start to decrease okay i think you get one like you've never played it like this this is the techno has an advantage right he's played this like three times or something i've played it before but i've done that the tester said the tester is what they said is they say go to the island behind because it has blocks like they said ignore going to like the enchantment stuff go to the one with blocks first and then stack one player up with any armor you can get because there's not much armor and then have that one player go to middle everyone go to mid but that one player two and the one player just like carries the teams to the people so so there's an island behind us that has stuff cobble generators yeah well we need to get that because we need to go to the college and then also to the there's that thing over there so we're gonna go behind us just don't get what's in this chest i was just like cobble generator i'm scared so don't fall off zap nap i'm john i'm i'm jumping off okay it says ignore the gender go for the stone island where's the stone island oh you can ride all that stone yeah you can might we can mine all that coffee go go go go go name the top one get through the top one get dirt get over there here toss me possibly do not speed bridge there's no reason to speak what else do we need about dropping it should i make a wood no i'm not going to make a wood sword okay i'm getting the coffee here while i'm coming over all right look out look outside just stand there so you pick up some stuff if you get it be careful not to push each other off as well yeah yeah okay i'm putting the coffee we want to go to the jet we need to make a should we make a stone pick is it worth it probably yeah crafting table is here by the way give me what i'll make a stone pick oh my god okay there's a lower bucket here can you make me one two no we just want one for now we just need we just need one for now we can all just like mine everything okay whatever actually how much wood do we wait should we tower over to that place i have like four pieces of wind now yeah start towering over get dirt from the starter island here make make pickaxes we should make a shovel right here give me no no no we don't there's not there's not there's only dirt on that one island so we don't make a shovel don't make a shirt quicker okay getting like some getting like a couple dirt he wants a picture we need a lot of diet here i'm breaking right now so toss me okay just drop it below you okay oh this is i don't like this don't do that just chill don't fall or anything okay oh it's going fast this is the winners this is the winner's pov come on when is pov i'm towering give me give me some blocks yeah we need a tower we need to tower over to this thing here george no no other way other way what are you doing we don't want to go down that's why george's going to want to get let's get that chest hold on do we get this george you go get it i'll go to that one divide and conquer yeah i'm going to that one if you see anyone just back off i feel nervous even just carrying all right guys get over here and start mining this with me getting the stuff here oh there's a chest in here too okay where's diamond remember we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna we're stacking up you dream right wait oh that's okay let's go ahead and stack up dream give him all the iron all the resources yeah um do we is it worth it is there only one okay there's two diamonds is it worth it to make an iron pick or we should save the iron for armor there's three diamonds because they can you give me face down the sword well two now but i think the the chest might have enough for like diamond swords wait am i going off i don't know i have no clue get the diamonds get the diamonds make an iron pickaxe because then we can just mine stuff faster anyway i don't know about that but there's not much armor that's the problem it's like i heard there's like literally no armor on this then we're gonna be using eight stone for a using eight stone for for a furnace and we'd be using so are we just mining right now yeah we're just getting dropped be careful we're just getting blocks can we have apples because there's all this gold there's nothing wrong with that i have six apples i have six apples okay so maybe it's worth to get the iron right did you make one someone's start smelting here i have the iron oh crap why am i i'm sweating and start smelling it i'm gonna cook some food okay food's cooking in this bonus in the top left one oh did someone shoot at me no okay just make sure we don't get like memed off the edge um i have a lot of ways to get the chest that's on the sand we can also get like the which chest the golden block why aren't you getting the gold careful about your food be careful about your food can i eat this yeah i'm going to make an iron pickaxe i need a sword the diamonds but the diamonds make a difference i'm putting a um in this chest can we make an anvil oh there's enchanting stuff there i'm i don't know what to do so i'm just going to mine this cobble oh my god my dream i made you an iron chest i'm gonna make you full iron okay well actually i don't have enough room for lion but close enough who is that over there who's that what okay that's dream over there oh dreams i'm shooting you somebody shot all right we're fine we're fine who was shooting at you it was i don't know we don't we need to get to we need to oh these guys those guys made shields oh yeah we should make sure they said they said we should make slabs what's up guys i can't like i was going faster because i have wait you have a lot of balls so we have a lot of blocks should we make shields for everyone's dream um yeah yeah shields are good those are good give me one someone give me one i'll allocate i have three wood yes i'm not just give me give me away did you get the gold to start smelting it yeah [Music] um i have two wait what the i have a shield guys i have two i have two shields i have two shields so okay wait do you have um you have apples i can make an apple um take this okay oh i have an i have an i know i need to score a diamond sword okay there's apples i gave you the jewelry got them i have them why am i getting everything sylvie do you have the diamonds yeah i four all right should i make two diamond swords dream two diamond swords um yeah yeah yeah okay um what do we do what do we do should i tower somewhere i feel like we need to we need to get to the enchantment island that's over there you see where i started towering but we need to like make it safe like run to the end and then make it safe i guess like a little safe platform maybe you have an iron um there's one in the photo oh no not mine yeah i have a lemon iron why is my eye give me one iron and make an iron helmet and then we'll use the rest for everyone else okay so grab all the stuff and then come to the island and meet me here guys okay i took everything guys come give me the sword and the border's starting to shrink guys you need to grab the stuff and i'm grabbing i'm grabbing here give me the sword i need to know what it is let me get oh i need this like this okay guys i need a sword wait we can make a shield we can make a shield hold on somebody have an axe or we can just use all right or um here george take this and this because i have all the stuff i started building who has a sticker no you don't need a sword or start to build you have to make it like a stone sword i don't have a stick just give me a stick i need wood george there there's two wood listen we need you to start building because i if i die i have all this stuff so okay skeleton spawn is it is it weird towering with sloppiness we need to go dude this thing is in closing so we need to be top top yeah is it losing yes okay wait i'm towing over am i i'm gonna get i guess it's getting closer if it's stationary let's stop stop it's stopped we need to be ready to move though i'm so gonna get off i'm going you're fine you're fine you're fine just go go go go go go go go go someone's shooting you're gonna try you're gonna try should i make two iron my headphones just turned off what oh my god two iron swords or iron boots take this do this wait build like a little safe platform so we can't get shut off at the very end go go go take that wait wait i need to change the battery no no at the very end don't waste blocks like that don't waste walks like that just put it behind you behind you you see one block i don't know what you're getting about give me the diamond sword there's potion makers we can make what potions we make someone's getting shut up watch out guys we need to get this is the diamond sword i gave you all right we need to get there i have it take this look somebody sylvie please do we have a crafting bench no i can't get here i'm getting this quickly quickly quickly we we lose if we don't get to this thing because technically it's right snowballs i don't have any enchantments yet if we can't get to this thing if we can't get to this thing they're gonna they're gonna own us don't break the stuff don't break anything no i need him what do we want the passing table down there is drinking oh it's right here it's right here we need to go right um they're gonna just shoot us off because the board is like hit these take these boots thank you okay are we going wait take this one okay i didn't get it okay are you done oh that's [Music] it's right behind us i don't have blocks i don't have a block hey someone swap out this is so unorganized the one game we didn't prepare for quickly get to the enchantment stuff go go go go go all right over there yeah okay i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming this two xp do we have any lapis in this thing we don't over get xp because it gets harder and harder you know wait do you have the crafting punch it's backwards i have that yeah what are the stuff what are the books i'm looking for there's a sharpness one sharpness we're getting arrows we get arrows oh wait i need should i go because i need to i need to make a i need to make food okay i'm going back for it i'm going back for it i'm risking my life wood here it's fine it's fine there's not enough wood i can't see them hurry don't hit me off don't hit me off don't do it i'm in what is that there's a hole [Music] in he's not going to last dude the thing's right there they're not going to let us through does anyone have stuff here somebody take these slabs and then they're sand i'm making it to sandstone is there a shield somebody needs to build that stuff give me no but you need to you need the weights you need to not waste any materials can we make wood slabs i'm making wood slabs i know we need to the idiots are up there they're going to hit me at the trident here take this sacrifice yourself no no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine here's what we do i i can do it i can fire fire i can do return fire yeah this is not gonna work i think i hit one of them no i didn't i don't know does it make a sound i don't know i can do return fire they don't have much food so just go go go go go go go go go go i'm watching i'm watching the fighter in the tank coming back coming back watch out watch out watch out oh no go back go back george don't talk let dream talk you're fine i think i did i hit one i can't tell if that's done the speed bridge just go just go you're good you're gonna make it everyone everyone come everyone come on my way watch out phil's looking quickly he's got lava he's probably he's pulling over the top over the top take this golden apple do you have any spare iron what's up here there's someone above us it's wilbur ah kill him oh i kind of want that anvil whatever i have a lot of extra i took his lava right now go get him good hey what's up here i'm breaking it wait move it there's this spread out we need to go here fighting red team techno is fighting the red team right i broke it nice um oh they're low they're pretty low they're pretty low in here pizza is in here i don't know what pizza hut has oh he's looted he's looted oh people in that one of them's really low wait we gotta be careful we don't have drinks every texting fails without protecting you dream is all the way up by himself no there's like dreams coming off the people guys this way this way yes there we go dream guys i need food i need food i need food nice nice i need food i need food just wait we didn't just buy any food we have food oh we don't have food yeah dream dream take this into pro i can't i need water i need water water here here oh my god i can't get the stuff out there's food in here i need we have do you have a crafting bench i have wheat oh i'm burning i'm dying oh no oh no [Music] uh oh where was i okay i need food i need food now i need to do the lava or what what happened guys there's two people up there they're low though well i'm trying to get george's stuff i can't like what is my stuff they're dropping love everywhere okay there we go whoa what like flows um i need i need fruit [Music] oh god i was low okay give my stuff now pick up my stuff okay wait he's i don't know where he's six health he's on the ladder he's coming up yeah we're boned wait why are they killing him he's right there what what okay why am i dying why am i dying oh oh you're in the border you're in the border you're on the border i have one you're good you're good you're good just stay alive is that pointless nice oh get hit low health get get a food if you can get food if you can okay oh i could have killed funny money was on one heart and i was just missing my hits for some reason if i had killed him he wouldn't have shot me and that would have been game over i would not take more kills i just need food that's literally all i need i need her too he's over here wait is he i have no idea where he is no one has any food like all down there do you have more arrows they're just like you can knock them up look break the glass uh your only chance is to try and knock these two people off to get two extra kills okay in front of you not those guys the guys that are below you in front okay look look straight down bit full go forward go forward go forward you see them there shoot forward shoot again just come on just let me play all right behind you behind you oh you're oh you're in the vote i'm in the zone you have to say right now he's on zero health nice try nice try nice try we're second okay shrinking again oh i'm so mad i died i'm so mad i died that's such a good that's such a we we could be good at this game dude if that wasn't my first time playing i didn't i didn't think about the food problem we should have cr i should have crafted food earlier yeah you would have died you're fine you had zero health you're good you're perfectly fine all right we're gonna get started this is the one game we were scared of we were talking about this foreign we were like so scared of this game because we thought techno would dominate in it we came ahead of techno's team one second we got segment that's good okay the the sign creep we've never played this game before and techno's team has played this game like three times and we finished ahead of them that's all that matters okay 143 143 000 people i can't believe that all these people none of them had food i was looking at all these things for food yeah because there's like no food i should have the problem the biggest problem the biggest mistake i made was not crafting bread right at the beginning i would have been able to dream mean you got the one and two i got 460 you got four thirty nine man i would have gotten two more kills if i had just if i had just had bread how do i get out of this bread eat the bread do i just sit here i'm confused this way this is ending in a second one second okay okay well that was good for the team i suppose we came second not so good well no it doesn't matter because the whole the whole point is stacking up one person and letting them kill the stronger teams that's what we did like if i just not to chase up and i took a lot of fall damage i hadn't taken as much fall damage and i had bread i would have gotten two more kills and we would have we would have there's no way would have lost that like no one else had armed maybe they were all camping though so yeah they were all camping it would have been fine i would have just them up with the tridents let's go in the elevator elevator i'm in it in it to win it i forgot to change the battery in my headset i was like i need to remember to change the battery it's low no i forgot that was good i was so i was so afraid of that game oh it broke [Laughter] let's go down here exit the joke's on you there is no elevator joke or is there oh all right what what are we in second place that's good yeah we're doing good we're doing good i want survival games is there survival games on here no i think so not yet but it could be this this question mark one that replaces it the parkour thing isn't here either yeah which means it might have to happen later all right what are we voting for um rocket science that one's so bad i'm down for like to get to the other side or something yeah that was that was our first try that was our first try at skyblock also i'm impressed with how we did like now i feel like if we played that again we'd dominate like we did so well and it was our first time what's the mystery one i want to vote for the mystery one that's the one i don't think it works wait what are we doing just vote ace race cause if it gets played early it's better what is that heart thing i think it attracts the chickens i think it might be ace race or maybe bingo that would suck i don't even know what bingo it's not just luck no one voted that they just the chickens moved it's rigged the the organizers rigged it what how do you even play this so if you kill people you get everything that they've crafted if they have it in their inventory oh i like this actually i don't like this i don't like the people speed fighting too i don't like how this sounds i'm going to get targeted i'm going to no you're a speed runner that's easy you just craft everything well maybe what is it what do you craft um there's like a list that you haven't read just read and you put it in a second hand yeah but you put it in your second hand wait what how do you respond to the map and the inventory this map we'll show you guys items for crafting them how are you pressing what is it oh yeah yeah okay let's go because it gives us we're starting with two games that we've never played before at least for me though that i've never played before so we do one of these i don't understand what's going on that's a good sign for the rest you get a map and it's going to be it's like everything you have to craft you have to go through the world and craft that it's probably good if you go like mine oh your team plays if you get them first i think there's like a limit to how many people can craft oh pvp is disabled but let's say never mind you can't connect with a single item so we need something we need to assign who's crafting what because only you can only get it once per team all right i'll dig i'll dig straight down at the beginning if it depends what they are it depends what they are actually to be fair i'll go to the temple i guess because okay how do i put this on my offense can i okay there we go all right steak and stuff what can you get from underground you can get iron stuff like pistons and crap okay i'm going underground i'm going underground i'll get iron and stuff okay what do i go for should i just go above go for the food go for the food enjoy now go for the diets go for the diet and george goes for the food okay what do i go for i don't know you have speed two so don't jump speed two you don't jump i'm going for the die i'm getting the die right now so i'm just getting food [Music] we've trained for this guys we've trained sylvie speed run training how do i oh i don't have dyes hey george today is the best day of my life for not only is it my birthday but all of oh my god guys there's so much none if you could oh yeah happy there's no red mushrooms here i need a more coal that's fine i'll get it why am i still getting mushrooms i need a chicken a cow you need 45 of them or what's the number yeah that's how many points that's that's how many that you left i guess easy wait try crafting oh nevermind what does the red say to you huh wait can someone look up what's a piston crafting a crafting recipe anyone remember it's like uh i can't describe it right now all right i'm getting nothing yet okay i can make paper i just need wood get this before someone else takes the points okay so i need cow and chicken i'm paying i need a lot of iron i need granite well i'm making i make paper right now i have the sugar cane i didn't get any wood [Music] that was a mistake you cut down one tree and you get all the wood from it i didn't get any wood though wait once it goes that color you can't get any more points from it um once it goes whatever color that is yellow guys i need a crack i need a crafting bench so should i just come up should i just come up i'm low though yeah just come up just come out i need a chicken where are you i'll tower up with dirt and gravel that way i can get down quickly okay okay the chicken's gone that was a mistake that's the perks of having played this game before so wait no it's different wait what is that wait what dye is it i think it's purple it's not lavender yeah don't get the oh god red and blue so far behind on points is that purple is this one over here purple the 45 or magenta what is that um i mean magenta doesn't work so i guess it's purple how do you get blue you need a whatever flower piston wait how do you make a piston you need redstone maybe i should look for a cave um i'm looking for like what is that is that a diamond hoe or an iron hole what is that that's a diamond tower what's that gold block oh it's at the top of the tree it's glitching it's it's throwing i mean why are they red what is the red name we can't get them anymore okay yeah we just need to combine it any more pink oh i can do that without a crafting bench i should have done that how do i do it okay i did it um how do i do what else what else can you do okay you can't get that stuff anymore everyone's getting like pistons and stuff obsidian's left the dies wait we've already done there's no there's no sugar cane anywhere [Music] nice um yeah how do you make a clock what's the recipe for a clock gold you can check it in your thing clog where you can't oh it's a wait what wait tell me tell me what you need tell me what you need i'll look it up i have one gold ingot is that enough um you need four and a redstone in the middle uh yeah i don't have i'm not oh there's a temple there's someone to get somewhere temple yeah they definitely got the temple compass recipe do you have do you have any redstone dream do you have any redstone block do you have redstone dream i don't have any redstone do you have iron i don't make a compass no it's for iron and like a diamond shape and redstone in the middle for a compass four iron and redstone in the middle yeah it's so dull it drops ingots you don't even have to switch okay oh my bad what's the middle a redstone okay i can't get that yet i have redstone is that a dropper minecart what is that how do you make a dropper apparently slash top is the thing and i mind all the way up that is oh my god oh it's well i didn't know no it's not oh well my chat's saying that my chat's dumb that's not nice wait all right what else can you make hello i don't know even what i'm looking for i need um is that a dropper minecart dropper minecart um uh i have a minecart how do you make a dropper is that even a thing i dropped a minecart what is it wait what is that is it a dropper minecart i don't even minecraft oh it's a hopper minecraft how do you make a hopper it is seven iron right five iron and a chest easy chest yeah yeah where what's your car you can't do it you can't do it anymore it's gone okay um [Music] does anyone know where obsidian is you should have made a diamond hoe oh i'm trying to find we already have it i mean i already made a diamond hole okay good wait we can still get upside down there's some sugar cane though what is this it don't oh it's an iron pack obsidian it's actually faster it's actually i just need some sugar cane do any of you guys have no i don't think there's anything else i can even get down here right oh i found sugarcane perfect gold why is it how do we go back to the spawn can we just are you kidding me we have to keep inventory right yeah i just died i just died how do we die well i didn't die on purpose but that's fun no but can you do like um all right obsidian what else what else do we need can we do we need gold block diamond block can i just drown myself we need iron for anything i just found iron yeah can we make a block and we already got the one first wait how many how many diamonds do you have where the diamonds wait i found gold we don't need it no no we can't make it oh wait you can it's for gold blocks yeah i get the gold i need three more blocks i don't like this one i found diamonds i found diamonds wait to come break screen and then go to kill yourself break three and then kill yourself how no no him him him no but i have six uh i won't get them in time oh yeah you should kill yourself too there's nothing down i can't there's no way i might oh diamond i can't i can't there's no diamond it's [Music] i didn't have any gravel that's not that's not bad again it's a game that we never played but i did so crash became sick i don't particularly like that game but i don't think it's gonna be last and we're gonna win i don't even wanna know where i can sit they did six how many did i do i did i did did i do four bruh i did four we did three i'm sorry these games are not my games now now i'm gonna pop off it takes so long for it to end look at this tunnel i build it's massive okay so i wonder what the next game will be what's our team placement right now our team placement is very good yeah but it's in the beginning yeah it's at the very to get it out of the way because it's worth less points in the beginning yeah they began to be fair at the beginning people vote the games they don't want so we're probably i don't know why they would vote but i don't think i don't think anyone really voted that game i think the chickens just ran over into it like everyone was voting for ace race but now the points are starting to get decent like it's the third it's third so far okay here we go it's time for me to make my comeback all right what do we want like this is good because last time we were in first the whole time but then like we got the games we didn't want at the end but now we're kind of getting out of the way maybe we do build more now maybe let's do battle battle yeah well we're really good at battle box we'll we'll finish like we're probably going to do but we don't know like these guys might not vote i kind of want to do ace or everyone i feel like ace race or build mart ace race or build mart i'm gonna vote no no no one's fighting bill dwyer i'm gonna i'm going to everyone's going ace racing my thing went in the battle boxing right a lot of people are voting ace race it's like it's unknown so we want to get out of there don't like these unknown games oh so there's a fox i was gonna eat the chickens i'm pretty sure the unknown means that it can't go on it it's not that it's unknown no i think it's just a no it's a game that we played yeah yeah but it like exits this out so it's not even like an option i thought they're supposed to add the new ones like when do they when does it add like parkour and stuff to here there's like a half time i think yeah all right battle box battle box how many games oh we got battle wait what oh how did we get battle box they voted for didn't go for it oh we put like there was a there were so many chickens we need this guys this is our game we need to your mic is cutting out but i think i got you i said if we don't dominate this game we're going to be in really bad your mike's cutting out again dude you're such a liar [Music] well one i'm gonna grab crossbow i'm going with the crosstalk i'm my crossbow he's got me the bow i want the bow well we're gonna we we should just kill yeah you get the bow and then and we should just kill them we're gonna kill all we can kill all four of them before um it's time to go ham okay wait that is all i care about going ham wait yeah why is it so quiet we don't place the last block unless like we're we're losing like we need to kill our goal is to kill everybody each round that way we get a lot of points yes maximize the points maximize the this one with this this this one the strat is to kill everybody yeah um before replacing the final before placing the wool yeah and then place the wheel after well do we get points for killing people i thought it was just who's alive okay so we want to kill everybody before we place the last wall unless we can't i'm just falling in the void all right it's tommy and fundy all right which uh wait what they changed it it's a difference everybody gets a bone a crossbow maybe i think okay should i be the health one again i want knock back yeah oh there's a t i'll take speed i guess hey i'll be the health um i guess i get tnt there's no sword i don't know how i don't know oh we get everything no yeah we get we get everything oh they're just going for it watch out watch out is that going to kill them got one we killed that one wait wait wait don't play don't wait don't forget i'm not waiting i'm waiting all right place okay i feel like i did a lot of damage that game and got no kills i know me too i don't like that the wrong wooden axe they wouldn't actually have to wait so long because you can hit yeah preload your crossbow in like the waiting room i think it's gonna race well not right now but yeah but like right before it oh yeah i think it would reset it now but like right before so we have the maximum point so we killed everyone and got the thing we gotta be careful for that for them just like going in there and just like placing that's fine they're not gonna be able to do it before we can fight them in dream you gotta be careful not to go two-handed you can't just get preview london died i got scared just jumping in there and i'll say all right i didn't i don't think i got hit a single time yeah i didn't get hit i'm on full hearts or i mean maybe maybe i lost like maybe i hit once like i don't think i even got hit like i'm fine like don't worry about me don't worry about him oh it still just stays loaded i don't know mine alright this is a good team captain this thing's good we need to win videos okay well yeah but you don't want to underestimate all right so do we right now we're shooting like as soon as the glass pops out we it's hard shoot it's hard to hit a shot just don't get shot is what i would recommend i guess i no i guess maybe there's like cobwebs down there there's a healing potion down there okay ouch hit one oh my god oh i need help george oh my god there's one left there's one left oh wait what oh that did a lot of damage that did a lot what would i just get hit by i just got i just got a lot of damage i'm sorry stop that one person left he's placing it he's placing it nice get it nice he's good we're gonna throw that in you have stairs yeah use your shirts use your shoes okay did i get an instant damage potted i don't know what i feel like maybe i would you guys i got like one shot i thought i thought i was on like almost i killed three of them that one is it just me or does it like feel likey yeah it's a little laggy it's a little laggy for sure and it's all the fire and stuff and look at all the people all around i wonder why they did that i feel like that's laggy there's like 30 people all in the top those are fans all right this this should be okay who is that okay sylvie you have a simp on the other team wait is this the green guardians or no this is the line [Music] yeah it's laggy i don't like this someone's pushing over here oh he's doing instant damage watch out watch out dream you're going a little hard that's the lag oh it's so laggy it's so laggy all right you know what look out look up whoa okay can i just place it the last one i'm sorry it's fine don't place it i know i'm sorry no don't we're fine we had all of us left and there's two of them we're fine sylvie don't place it don't do that it's okay but don't do it we'll get way less points for doing that well it seems not we still are in the lead but we could have gotten 80 more points we could have gotten a big lead i'm sorry if we lose by 80 points you know whose fault it is this should be anyone good on that specifically very good okay i got one kill i was like did i get no kills it is so laggy yeah it is it's like it's kind of all right um we only lost out on a few points it's fine but yeah we just like to get the most because it'd be better we can get a bigger lead and make sure we're in the finals who are we even playing we're playing they've lost the poor lime llamas they have 68 points in this so far but yeah i know my back is hot oh that's why you said my face is warm i'm nervous okay i guess we're just waiting why are you nervous you're i think you're you're doing well overall on like the leaderboard i was five but then after that last game what i got i don't how do you even see well right now you're doing well you have like probably the most kills restart whole game we just start yeah that's so we gotta be careful the teams that are like like not as good might just try and rush mid so we have to be careful oh i broke the thing what'd you do i'm just opening everything i broke the lantern george don't do that hey oy i might what's it here all right come on i want to play the game are we going to play um i have to go pp no it starts in two seconds oh wait do you have time i wouldn't go right now i wouldn't go you probably don't have time i can't go bad just oh i have a water bottle right here oh i don't like this way just practice on each other here i'm gonna i'm gonna boom i don't like like since like the problem with the wood axe is that uh when do i ever pvp of the wood actually it's hard to still know the timing like i have no idea for the timing i have to just that's why honestly i've been like spamming with the bow it just because you can do way more damage with the bow yeah if they get on top of you i'm just using a crossbow in my axe i should just actually just use a bow i guess that's what i mean i've just been using a bone i've been like jumping i've been because i've just been jumping over blocks and shooting them aiming for this yeah this is probably probably why because i'm like like i'm you're getting in there and i'm like oh my god can you place wall no i'm getting in there and i'm like i'm not killing anybody can you use the wall outside of the middle like to build with yeah wait i don't know i tried i don't think so no you can only place one in the capture area if you place it it says don't kill your teammates what apparently there's a bug you can kill your teammates i guess and get points i guess yes i can kill george yes don't kill your teammates okay oh what is happening oh you think i have time for pp it seems like a big issue i don't know i really don't know just p in between games see peaky's not even in the game i compete i surely just know oh you're not gonna have enough time and you're gonna be okay just hurry ronnie he's fast go i gotta go gotta go fast wait i need him no wait come back oh my god there's more dead people what we can't no they're moving on they just they're asking for points back and he's saying no we can't give the points that's not fair so oh my god i have to pee so bad i drink too much water cause i was like whatever we can uh they're four we should i guess i wasn't so we can maybe win anyway but bro you're trolling i think we could i think we probably would i mean i think you probably could but it's not worth the risk we could do what take a 2v4 more like a 1.5 before george isn't i'm sorry i don't know i'm not gonna roast anyone oh my god this is like eight the blue bats will not go down like oh my god this is like so stressful waiting saying last round wasn't fair because the lag but everyone had the lag so therefore it was fair ah i can't take this come on we're going to avoid the game and restart it bro who's complaining fruit berries yes we're like we're in first place we're gonna we're gonna avoid the game let's just because he's in ninth he's in ninth crying what fruit berries everyone lagged therefore it's fair yeah what what um everyone was lagging i know yeah it's the people at the bottom probably yeah i guess they want to reset that's fine but well i guess now i won't place the wool um no one can blame me for the last oh my god just do something just restart it it's fine we're gonna win anyway he's like we literally have dead team members right now it's like didn't they kill each other they killed each other right yeah yeah how was that how was that our fault that they were dumb enough to kill each other oh bruh wow wow oh okay it's a draw we all win here are the winners for the next round we all won wait are we restarting the whole thing or just this last round i'm fine with just this last round yeah oh no it's oh yeah no it does seem like we're doing just this right thank you okay okay interesting interesting okay we go against fruit berries last round no we're gonna go get some now target our stuff get our stuff guys oh i didn't i got that it's fine just just use it go go he's going in the middle that's still laggy he's breaking okay i'm coming behind nice oh my god hey come here we killed them we got it okay do it wait okay nice what bro what is going on the whole thing that'll be so dumb what is happening oh my god i don't know why they spawn this didn't happen last time oh my god they're pretty good about bugs but this is a bro moment are they are they actually restarting if we're doing the whole thing i'm i'm going to be mad like because we were in first but we were also like yeah everyone was dealing with lives yeah and we just won again even farther away yeah and like it restarts like there's no way they're going to count that because it like oh that was dumb so what now is it still restarting for you guys i'm in but i don't have the resource packs though it looks really yeah no one does i guess this is kind of fun okay oh i'm gonna go right now oh yeah there's an error i don't have the resource pack rejoin um still no okay so you just chill for a bit well this tournament is more disappointing than my son i'm gonna restart my minecraft i guess let me know if it does anything i think it will that's what i did earlier and it worked all right i'm back what happened we just restarted join the server see if you have a texture back or not i didn't got to restart my whole mind restart your minecraft i think that'll fix it and try to relog that's what i'm doing and we'll see all right come on guys put you on the afk um i guess i washed my hands i don't have it i restarted my minecraft still no rpg oh that's so frustrating if they don't count that okay okay i guess we always have to wait just to wait and they'll fix it so are we just restarting battle box or bro i don't even want them to they just pick it up from there they probably should that's what they should do will they do that [Music] yeah probably it's probably gonna have unless they found out what the problem was it might have the same problem there was like a lot there's like 30 or something and that's 30 per team per two teams so divided by two there's tens that's five times thirty that's a lot who just did that to me he pushed me out oh my god i want to play i want to play i want to play game i want to play games let me play games i think i'm doing terrible right now is everyone on your team ready bro i cannot did you see that i have no texture you guys you guys have texture packs i don't have an extra pack it's like there's like japanese characters it chinese something not having a short back is not a deal breaker bruh looks everything it'll make it easier for us actually i don't know probably not no because everything is like strange oh my god okay well i have dropped i have dropped 15k viewers please fix to help me bring them back oh what why did he keep leaving oh i think i have the texture pack now yeah i have the texture pack i'm in that's a box round three i'm not i don't have anything oh i got the texture pack what does the scoreboard say zero we're not everything's zero oh no i don't have an x though why don't i have the sidebar oh wait now do i is this working i have it i have it okay cool i'm so confused i don't know before i guess we're redoing it i don't know bruh it looks like we're but it's it it's unfortunate let's do it again okay it's fine it's fine that's not good but everyone has no one has any points oh is this just the game right now prepared we get a little more experience yes but like we could get unlucky now entire battle box that's kind of dumb but yeah no with the entire game we have zero i think that much oh my god okay i guess we're just restarting all right even though we had a amazing did we lose any games if we imagine we just we go in three of the first three games we'll just i'll just leave i'll just leave would you really wait we won the first we won every single round right yeah yeah we won everyone and we killed every every time except for once well now we can kill everyone that's true we'll do better we'll kill everyone i don't know i feel like we're going to get me there's a chance well it's not like we can do any better really yes yeah we can get 80 points scion creepers scion all right here we go all right let's go we just beat them we just yes we just beat them handily we better beat them again yep all right we got this it's fine it is fine oh my god let's go let's go let's go people start okay and i'm gonna lose it go go go they might be placing yeah they're placing somebody help me help me behind you what are these arrows but it's still laggy yeah it's so laggy the arrows are like useless give fruit get fruit i got him it's mine [Music] the arrows are like they just drop out the sky um i got a kill in like i don't even know how i got the kill yeah the arrows i didn't even do anything i was just like it's like laggy so like you're so laggy it's even but it's laggy for like when you're replenishing your ass the wooden axis so why would they do wooden axe like that's so bad did they test that that's so bad like you have to you can't you basically can't melee like like how are you gonna immediately with the wooden i hit this guy like 15 times with the wood knife oh i didn't grab the speed okay it gave it to me okay i think it's still laggy so no yeah it's definitely still lagging for pizza oh the arrow seems to be better now they're going he's going in the middle they're going in the middle ah i'm dying they're going into the middle guys they're going to win i hit him away coming back i'm coming back [Music] they had one block and i placed my block in the middle so they can't place it i've knocked them away like i knocked them let's go that was close that was waited last time we need to beat them we have to beat them right now okay i don't care what you say we are beating them 1 000 ping edition he's making excuses already guys he's making excuses already excuses you didn't you didn't hear me say that just be careful why teams are just going i hit someone off the bat i hate as well watch out dream you're low i'm going low do you have health thoughts oh hello wilbur why is he sneaking no oh see peek is on one health see peak is on one hole see pikachu's on one house get in they're ganging up at me i'm sorry i have to have to have that no no no bro what is this lag okay it's so laggy it's fine get it next time wait what are they doing wait why did he do that what wait wait guys yes guys let's go wilbur frozen died i know because like i was like hitting techno and i could like it wasn't registered like i don't even need a speed pod because it's just like i can't combo or anything because the wood acts what am i gonna do yeah i don't know i don't know why they did a wood axe to be honest wait we're second what's up with that guys yes wait how oh i heard him off the start they're going for the middle they're going for the middle ah this guy's dead i got one bro these axes man what that was so okay dream one run run run i'm fine i'm fine what do you mean fun you want zero hell nice i'm fine you're like seeing that one zero health he's chasing you they were on they were on two health too so i knew i was gonna kill him like they weren't gonna kill me they were spamming it's fine oh my god i hate i'm gonna use the bow the axes are not the move yeah no the axes are not the move for sure you just gotta use your bow you have to wait but it's so i'm so not used to like i'm not used to all right this team is good we beat this team last time but i'm pretty sure it was close no we didn't beat them we didn't beat them wait did we fight them did we i'm pretty sure we farted we never freaked them we never faced them um oh there's potions that spawn on the thing you fight everyone yeah yeah i know i know i've been grabbing the damage potion at least oh i just drank a little that's fine i thought you fight everyone there's nine rounds yeah but i think we fought them before where should we oh you mean like today last time yeah oh i thought you meant okay oh did you take the potion from me how's that missing what is happening they're so dumb oh my god what was that strap they just placed the tnt so you can't go near the middle you can't go near the middle and they just spam it because they know that the guy doesn't care if he dies because he just spams it that is like that's like busted that's busted that's how many points you get from winning without you get left if you kill everybody like but but but fair they're like doing bad so no that's such a like scaredy cat strat yeah all right it's fine it's fine i couldn't even get in there we beat them last time do we face them i don't know i'm pretty i thought we faced oh well oh well we're facing the guys with the dumb skins we have to beat them if we don't beat them it's embarrassing okay we got this we got this all right come on three seconds go get mid control dude people there i wasn't no one wants to fight us so they're gonna do makes sense yeah they're going for it again uh quick yeah they're going for the mid strat guys i'm coming up i'm coming up i'm dead what bro it's i think i didn't even get i didn't even get a chance i didn't even get a chance to get in there dude it's so laggy like i drew back my crossbow like three times and it didn't fully draw back and that's the only reason i got to i didn't get to the middle i drew back back my crossbow three times and i didn't get to the middle yeah i don't know we're still doing good we're still doing good like the crossbow last time was so good but this time it's trash because of the lag so dumb it's so dumb we're three and six when we were what 4-0 or something like like wait yeah no we were yeah we were four and oh no yeah we were four now we were four enough yeah i do like that or five and not wait no we were four now we were four now we were four now and we're three and six and we were 4-0 last time whatever they shouldn't have reached they should not like it's gonna be lag anyway then why restart that's so dumb yeah that's like it's it's it's more fair to restart over one or two dead teammates then then literally let it go on and restart everybody who didn't have literally the same lag in the middle right now they're going for the middle doing the same crap getting away from the middle i'm sorry i can't even we would have okay that's whatever it's fine they were like all low and there was only three of them yeah four of us i think we needed it's fine whatever i think it's better like i guess it's too late but we lost like the last few just by them going in we'll just well yeah but you have like the middle yeah we if we had middle control it was fine we had the middle control if we had all of it like they're not going to break all them and place all theirs before we can go oh we're killing them like we're there that doesn't make sense bro the axe is so small like they need like what do they think giving a wooden axe does it just makes the like makes this game like this was my favorite game mode last time and like i think this is trash or like this because there's no like there's no melee how can you kill people with a wooden axe you have to use your bow and blue bats like it's lordy why is this so laggy i'm telling you must well like what's the difference guidelock it's the npc's i think there were this many people last time anyway all right blue bats just don't even use your crossbow dream please stop using it it's literally garbage i i haven't i'm going to use it once [Music] they're going from the middle oh my god they're all doing it get them out just spam hitting because i can't do anything without that with the axe oh my god that's i mean with the wood back we can't hit that you watched it that's dumb with a wooden axe you can't kill somebody in time before they place all the blocks like we can't like that's dumb that is actually a dumb game mechanic that is like the worst mechanic did they even test this bro well i'm sure they definitely tested it three times i think that's such a mechanic a wooden axe like you can just rush the middle that is so dumb that's the third time we've like gone in fighting them and they're just rushing the middle like we just lost legitimately once and that's the techniques team bro this is just such a bro moment why what yeah the tnt's op just get in there i don't know can someone else get the tnt yeah i'll take it here take the i can't just i can't take it i already clicked on this one have the tantrum i'm just gonna spam it around the middle yeah what else are you supposed to do [Music] i hit someone i go in the middle is probably going to kill me yeah i'm dying i can't tell who's who oh it's because they're pink too oh the arrows are just falling yeah i hate health spotted no get out of here oh he had health pots okay i can't even like dude i mean what what are the cup what are these colors this is this pink and purple pink kill fundies in the middle [Music] this is this is actually unplayable oh yeah it's not even fun okay well that was okay that was not it was not the last round third but we could have gone you just killed sat nap am i right guys absolute garbage he killed me as i 2b1 him and his teammate congrats that's tommy techno on the top of the leader his techno's whole team on the top of the leaderboard look who carried as expected and that's so annoying because i did so much better the first time too yeah no like we got one more win than we got the first time before they restarted like like we were us to foreign so we didn't we just literally just got like fricked that was so dumb yeah i'm triggered i'm triggered i was i'm actually kind of tilted like and like if you're doing any like any sport any game they're not gonna go let's just restart the season there was like a bad game or whatever they just say sorry for the bad game move on they always do that you look at any game the nba the nfl college football no matter like literally any sport tennis whatever if there's a bad match they don't go oh we're gonna go and redo the match did you say it's a bad match we'll take it it's fine yeah i don't know why they restarted it they should just kept going they they restarted it and it was still lagging i mean if they fixed it then maybe but even then i would still say just i'm not i'm not amused no yeah irritated we have to get some points guys catch up but it's fine like the the the multiplier isn't gonna stop coming better games too as long as it's not laggy if it's laggy though if it's laggy then it doesn't even matter because like we can win with like the last two games if we pop off we can be fine no 2.0 multi multiplayer we had a bad start that was fine though but it's not even a bad start we had a good start and then they restarted it oh yeah we were at a really good start we had a really good start we were 4-0 on top of the leaderboard and then we and then techno's team just they got they get a redo because they their teammate like yeah because their teammate wasn't ready i want to vote i want to vote one of the mystery yeah it's going to be a race quick is hitting all the chickens that's cool and i don't know this is i don't know if it will it's not going to be ace race is it no it's going to be it's going to be this question mark what's the question where nothing it's me rocket spliff we're not going to get survival games oh no ace race right it's a tie i think it's a tie all right bulmar okay we have the strat let's go let's do it we really need it to work okay here we go it also depends on what the what the builds are and stuff like if they're easy we'll look at the first builds we'll see if it's if it's if they're if they're like new or easier what they are 12 minutes wait 12 minutes it's 12 minutes like 12 minutes instead of 15. yeah interesting is that new i don't know i thought it was 15. yeah i'm pretty sure it was 15. maybe they sped it up to make it better so what are the games we've we've played like so many weird games this time well new games i guess battle box is the only like what was the first one was sky block goal okay we need we need to go do one on this okay we'll do it we'll do it okay okay we're fine okay okay all right we're perfect so i go colors yeah yeah everybody everybody go we everyone go with what we assigned before okay is there anything i can grab nothing's close there's no flowers or anything this time okay [Music] okay in the middle oh my god one one two three four five six two five [Music] six four okay oh wait i need four eight hair okay you should get extra stone stuff and put in some george you need to get coal um okay just so we can cook it so okay go go go go glass panes we need more glass panes we need um we need uh that's fine it's fine they come in whatever it's orange glass panes for uh basketball any other colors no orange glass pane is the only glass is the only glass okay so six yeah and then we need the red um terra cotta and the blue it's black right oh yeah well it's black and red whatever it is yeah whatever whichever one that one actually is and then the black concrete and the orange concrete yeah three black concrete one orange three black three black concrete three black concrete one orange concrete three black concrete i no three no no two black terracotta three black concrete all right okay hey get to work on the um the sea temple okay and then toss me the andesite and stuff okay there you go you're good all right i'll do that one oh no um here just give me the orange stuff okay stick that um okay i'm coming back use the thing george if you need to look into this all right yeah okay you're good okay um i'm here okay i'm dropping it on should i put in the chest or drop it drop it drop it drop it drop drop it i've got loads of extra [Music] come um i'm going to go get more stuff what color clay okay we have um island um okay sand we're good there is it cooking you can cook the stone i just gave it to you i dropped it fine it's fine it's fine i thought you did it's fine okay i'm gonna get more some blocks and i'm gonna come back and i'll be back i just need a little bit um orange okay oh there's stone brick here that's so op what is there stone brick yeah there's stone brick and getting some hey that's good let me get the stone break i'm gonna get some anti-sight in my head back come on mining mining mining right or no do you think enough i'll get another site franchise and extra stone do you have extra iron oops how much extra iron do you have jeremy i don't have i have a little bit of extra iron yeah how are some of these people building this stuff so fast come on what's wrong here oh it's forward one [Laughter] you have some stuff that you can give me or um what do you need all right i'll grab something oh my god okay i'm putting the terracotta and just a bunch of stuff in here i need some logs do you have sand i have tons of lights and sand and green okay i'm dropping logs right here give me a little dropper [Music] okay perfect treasure chest or um what else do we need all right i just sent it to you i got the sand in the chest um okay this is good give me did you would you put the wood did you drop it on the forest george or no or do you think oh yeah something that might have taken it stop that drop the wood drop wood uh which one just drop all the way through that that's all the wood i have here how many spruce logs do you have doesn't matter i'm just getting tons i need an acacia fence i don't have birch any birds george okay i'll get botched wait just do you have stuff do you have it some up no it's not i don't have do you have it sylvia no okay i'll bring it bro what am i missing here it's definitely it's off it's all off wait is it oh the tree's off so i thought the tree's off the sand now the trees off and there's no sand here i put sand in the chest like nine is there any bird in the lot in the chest because i feel like i got tons of birch you missed at the top any birds in the chest anyone no that's good that's good no you know you know you didn't go like this oh yeah you're right you're right a nice nice nice nice nice is that butch in the chest or should i get a horse there's no birch i already looked wait no there's birch there's work you missed it there is who could have guessed it was budge all right i'll make it make an offense i got it okay i'm here i have a ton of stuff dream take that iron ball i gave you i gave you iron it's right behind you i have it i have it i have it okay one two three that's there i need flowers this one is yellow pink are the right bars rainbow rainbow go get rainbow oh oh i can build rainbow right now yeah okay build it build it build it um where's the treasure stuff is it in the chest george i dropped it here we need you're good you're good we need we need like the blue flowers that's like multiple wait what all right we're good four minutes left we don't have the right blue flowers guys which blue flowers do you need i need the flowers that like it's like are you out should i get them um you can get them i don't have them okay which okay well this might be hard which which blue flower is okay i'll get them i'll get them okay no don't oh my god someone almost glitched me into the thing oh we need that right i'm gonna go get that right dream okay come on um is that all you need just those blue flowers or any other blue flowers that's just all the ones that i saw i'm just gonna get all of the flowers you never know four blocks in the right place is there anything else i need to get that stone like more stone or what just that you see at the top right um no idea we need to build we need to build we're seven what's wrong i don't know what's wrong with that we got it we're in ireland and courts i don't know what's wrong you look at treasure look at treasure silly can tell me what's wrong with that yeah you're missing what what's wrong i don't see anything wrong right here is that oh it is we just like skipped up like three places just try to finish any builds if we can do we need to finish the at the end here i put a bunch of is this enough one more one more forward i was checking oh my god i'm sorry it's fine it's fine it's fine go go build that build that build i have smooth stones circling that build stuff there's moose down in the furnace wait i'm going to put out what okay i'm going to put down quickly bringing them back now no no no no okay i'm here i need i need iron bars quickly yeah iron bars here take this take this iron bars on the floor we don't have a granite you have the smooth granite i just dressed up a ton of stuff jeremy yeah smooth i didn't know we needed granite someone go grab granny i'm building this george go grab granite now i need green clay i don't have it do you have a green clay wait give me green are you sure it's the right chest the one in front of the do you have a stuff do i need something what should i get how much can it do iron iron blocks on the floor iron blocks you need to get anything do you need me to get anything not that i know of i would rest in peace i'm just kidding um all right okay i'll just get random stuff green do we need green clay clay do we need green clay i just need guys we need to bring the ground here we need the granite now now george this is the last build we can get i need one more green clay one more green clay i'm here it's not crazy concrete one more green concrete wait what do we have to place okay here oh there's no time wait which one is it uh granite you need granite right here right here right here right here no the other side how much granite i need i just need one smooth branch off quickly george i'm going as far as i can quickly i'm like so far away there's no way yes [Music] okay six that's not good wait bad granite that's good though that's better than it's like in a cage oh bad granite okay oh it's in a cage oh my god i had granite oh no that's so that's much better than we did though that's much better did i get like zero points for that no no no we got team points we got team points six is better than before last time we got ninth like build battle was is definitely not our game but what's happening but there are multipliers there's multipliers so we're going to come we're going to come back at the end now when for sure let's do it okay okay well that strategy didn't work that well it worked okay but oh it's the the paulie let me see which one do we get to vote for check out twitter that's their twitter okay so the things why is parkour not on there they're not we're not are we just not playing parkour at all because like parkour is not on the vote either ace race hole in the wall d to the other side which one do we want out of those ace race to each other side are hole in the wall i have no clue um i'll do to get to the other side well hold on all right i just don't want to do really good at that though i just don't want to do rocket spliff like maybe we should just should we just go ace race should we it's a new game we could what should we do i have to we have to decide quickly though what are the options ace race to get to the other side or hole in the wall what should we do i don't know like on the wall technical team they're really good at but so they will to get to the side let's just do hole in the wall to get to the other side because it's like basically parkour and nobody has like experience in that one everyone has experience like phyllis is really good at it techno's really good at it but they changed it what are we voting all right holding the wall boat hole in the wall okay everyone huh okay someone put the twitter link in the chat uh here's the link in my chat if anyone wants that vote hole in the wall vote holding the wall everybody we need everybody to click that link and vote hole in the wall if you don't vote hole in the wall you are a traitor a traitor he's winning it's winning now i'm on the wall i need i need the collective power of my audience to vote vote vote vote retweet with comment vote hole in the wall the vote is ours come on epic so what games have we done so far we've done four games right yeah and those games are build mart which we're not good at so we got out of the way sky block goal which we've never played before so we we thought we were actually good we did we did pretty decent at it and then we did um what was the other game we did uh a battle box but we usually yeah we usually would have done good but it was really laggy and yeah so we didn't do so great we had wooden axes for some good wooden axles and then what was we did one more game bingo yeah and again we had no experience or we have an evil loving plane playing field which is very popular thank you once played it if you want to give it something cash out make sure to say thank you that is a lot of subs thank you so much thank you team is ahead of us though now it wasn't before we need to we need to take that back we're not that far behind i don't even know what rock is how's rockets not winning no way what is winning right that is what all right you keep winning they're not you have a minute every minute everyone click the link and vote click the link and vote you need to vote right now don't vote dream team is disbanding we cannot play rockets please it's an elite it's an elite it's an elite of zero minutes come on vote guys you need to vote it's actually no rockets in the league on the wall needs to win vote quickly quickly quickly quick everyone vote please everybody comes quickly and vote wait log into your your your rant twitter is winning it's winning it's winning just vote hole in the wall vote on the wall what hold the wall yeah vote holding the wall holding the wall quickly holding the wall we've never played rocket swift we don't want to play rockets it's going home on the wall is it no way by like two percent wait no rocket wait the whole normal one i'm telling you hold on one i don't know i'm telling you it won we'll see i think it will win anyways uh all right we got one eight one eight one hundred percent of one it's all on the wall let's let's go everyone good job guys we get it i think we got it i've never played this though so hopefully i don't troll hopefully we do good at it who thinks some cash up should gift another hundred that's the thing it's like they wanna i think they wanna like techno strat is like let's go for all the games that drink what's holding the wall one on the pole wait what what this is rigged this is rigged in techno's favor definitely one coordinated with tech now it literally won the last event that's why they're doing this wait they're gonna they're gonna like they reset that event they're going to reset this right i mean it might be fair they reached the argument that we were crushing it the server i'm going to leave the server if they don't reset this event it won that is not fair that is actually not fair we need to be awarded at least like 3k one point wow we got because we got ripped off because we were 4-0 and we started yeah like they reset for tech news and then we then we win like idiots but then they don't reset when they make a mistake and actually put the wrong game that didn't even win bro uh uh how does this even work okay i how does this work i don't even know how this works i didn't even read it i didn't even read because i was like you guys made the poll too close like super delegates strike again okay okay wait what a one hour they're restarting it's kind of fun just playing around though electoral college okay i think they're resetting it so we're fine how did how does a rocket sweep even work that's probably gonna be like the next chance no because they're not gonna do another vote so it's not going to be the next one don't worry i'll make an executive okay i'll make an executive decision ace race it is no recounts recounts please counts it's rigged the system is rigged it's rigged against us this is so sweet you're up four and oh on on the other one and there we go i'm actually we only won one more like we would have won more than one yeah that's actually kind of frustrating it does that does bother me but it's fine we'd be much closer to that it's a really good event rockets belief doesn't have the votes how does rocket swift even work i silly i have no idea um yeah so it's like you have a a rocket and then you split joking you're a rock then you sleep you have like we can't move the hole in the wall so we'll play rocket sleeve what what is wrong with these people they didn't wait until the twitter vote was official you voted so much that it broke our code that's bs that's not how code works knock site okay you can't just vote too much and the the code doesn't work might have been too close you had it determined because you didn't think in the last second it would flip over i'm i'm gonna i'm i'm actually i'm like should i just log no no well i don't even know what to do i might just laugh i don't know what i'm doing here hang the air stay in the air and try to shoot people off but try to stay like everyone shoot oh okay yeah it's like sleep that is actually so not cool and if you shoot like hello someone that is you you literally you reset for techno earlier but then you don't reset when you when there's actually like a guaranteed legitimate reason that's unfair like a legitimate reason that like your your code messed up but you don't reset we get kills for killing people and then i don't know how to play this just don't shoot me just don't shoot me off i'm just chilling up here like the things don't even fly where you're locking really hey who is this person whoa wait you can you can melee i think can you mealy is that a thing i don't think so i just killed that major god oh you can you can shoot it below you yeah yeah like a rocket jump oh i just died dude oh i fell just i just fell so far down you can melee i don't know well you didn't know oh george i told you you can really i'm sorry no oh my god i'm following you where's dream is he still alive that didn't really work in my favor there's three rounds wow we got eight places there's three rounds oh it's three rounds okay i'm dead where are you i can't believe they like that that is the dumbest like executive decision you could make on an event like let's reset like the precedent will set that you'll reset if there's a problem and then there's a problem and you don't reset but you reset earlier so you don't reset now yeah you reset because i think i did pretty good okay i guess i didn't do that good but i did okay he's still alive like there's only like top ten players left i do okay i'm not complaining because i'm bad at this event i'm complaining because we whatever whatever i'm mad that's unfair i would expect better fondue just memes techno blade what is pizza doing why isn't he they're probably thinking like oh it makes it more scuffed if we restart no it makes it ten times more scuffy it's just favoritism i don't know whose teams are i want to go back and watch whose team's glitch but i guarantee it was just somebody's teams were glitched that has a voice and they're like oh protect this team right now i was 100 i know it for once one of the teams that is so dumb like i like this event this event is very fun i've i've spoken very highly of it everywhere that i've ever spoken about it but twice so far in this event they have screwed our team specifically out of something and there's only been there's been five games in two of the games they've they've totally screwed us it's almost 50 rates it's it's so 40. the large percent of the games well i got 35th place oh my element had zero opponents and came 34th surrender for us sounded funny players players yeah but if you hit the block that they were on and they fall then you also get points for that oh it's like a different map okay i'm just gonna like float around and it's lagging that's fine oh george george over here what you flew right next to me george i'm on there oh shoot what dude oh my god absolutely i don't know how to do this no oh my god that's so annoying i keep like missing my landing i are you serious what how do i oh god that is so infuriating come on land okay i gotta i missed my landing somehow why is it like what why does it bounce you like that come on this is very sad oh my god i don't know like i feel i i feel like i know how elijah's work but like is it lag that's making you like bop off like that when you like yeah it's making me just like i'm giving a picture huh i think it's just supposed to do that i don't know i feel like it doesn't just like push you up like that normally oh god oh that tnt totally destroyed me no okay [Music] sorry almost top ten eleven it's like a fifty percent log off fifty percent stay on like um and like obviously you vote for the ones you know you're gonna be like you're going to have the most fun on and you're going to you're going to enjoy the most it's going to have the advantage like at the end yeah and also that you're going to be better at and like techno's techno team knows they're really good at this event and that we've never played it and so like obviously they're going to want to do this it makes sense like they're going to want to play and we're going to want to play something else and then the fact that it won it won and then now like their team is getting such a huge advantage because like this is a huge advantage like playing this game this is the fifth game there's a two times multiplier on coins and it's and it's like their favorite game that is just that that aggravates me strongly i'm a very reasonable person actually doesn't mean much me saying that about myself but i'm not being unreasonable it is dumb like i'm sure that i'm sure that probably the admins would just be like yeah it's just a game for fun like would you care yeah but obviously if i if i i probably wouldn't play if i was just playing for fun like i said there's a competitive nature to it too you practice you put time in to try and win it's like it's it's mc championship not mc get together you know so it makes sense you're gonna be competitive in the fact that like they did two things that are very anti-competitive 37 place that's pretty good step now like i was looking forward to this yeah let's just get out of it whatever let's just [Music] somebody already used their rocket are they done how's this me only get one he didn't use it george did you actually oh yeah i just want to go higher no you're me george is meaning is it because we have jump boost that like makes you go weird yeah like speed i know oh oh come on don't do this to me again not again how is that guy so high did he use the firework i don't know but i want to kill this person right here no i'm just gonna do my own thing i don't need to fly i'll just stay down here dream team twitter came together and did something and then the admins were like nope oh no i don't even know how to use my rocket i mean did you die nope never die hey get out of here ah whoa dude i can't control the elixir to save my life oh my god oh thank you i'll take that and now go off the map get out of here oh my god oh my god [Music] oh soviet double kill triple kill okay oh god i don't even know how to kill people i've been trying you should just chill and hide something for a sec there's still so many people left oh did i seriously miss that if you look down though then like you you lose ground so it's like i don't want to look look down at all how is fundy okay uh come on dream misjudged there all right quicks just oh no nevermind oh god there's only six people left just just float around i guess there's a tnt do you have your rocket i don't i don't remember using it but i guess i did quick's right above you oh did i just get knocked down oh yeah just fly around as long as you can if you can last 10 more seconds it's all right though four players left wow we came eighth uh this is we got eight yikes and i got so little points this is 39th i did so terrible on this a bit yikes who voted for this unfairly got second place wow dude okay it's not it's not their fault though i'm saying unfairly but i don't mean like they're cheating or something i see techno and wilbur and them they didn't bro i got 92. that's so bad it's not their fault at all i did start this this stream shouting out techno on youtube so did he hit him did he hit two million let me see oh no he didn't okay well so it didn't even work but it's okay i went from 8th to 19th big yikes i'm 25th let's go 25th yes oh my god i'm 24th all right i'm gonna i'm gonna beat you this game we'll see i don't remember using the rocket like i swear i did do they take it away have we played a game that we like yeah apart from battle box battle box is the only we've played that we like and they restarted it yeah and they researched it that we like we were 4-0 up and then they restarted every other game and we talked about forehand that we really don't like it like every game that's been played so far uh the five games it's like we're not even gonna play part four this yeah we're probably not gonna play parkour which which is what we practiced because they didn't put it up anywhere is it up on this one is it or i guess i think that is when they switch now i don't know okay okay good people are playing a boat for parkour just because they can because we should just vote parkour every time parkour yeah they're not going to do it what about survival games no no no no parker is not better more than thriving if we do really well in the next games we can probably still come second right yeah we could have chosen to receive what should i dunk what are people going to want to do should i wait to dunk it or oh i can just like attack on his team what does that mean how do i oh like i don't know but like all the players just fall out i think wait were you both people dream the ace race into i didn't mean to all right whatever oh it's gonna be ace race major is like no no we're doing ace race coincidence that he got the chicken conspiracy theory unsolved mystery unsolved mystery of the mega chicken yeah i mean like the mega chicken's there and he punched stuff in like it's definitely ace race okay i mean again this is so far out of the six games we've played four games that we've never played before george yeah i know like this is interesting oh the last couple it's fine it's fine we're going to win right now i didn't use i didn't use my rocket i didn't i guess they must take it unless it's a glitch it's just a game mechanic three laps in total 12 minute time freelance total with a 12 minute time limit run across the yellow arrows to get a speedier to get a speedier press jump on the red platforms based on where you're facing winning rings blue rings that will give flight automatically okay i feel like this is going to be really hard to get the hang of right away without having played it at all no one's playing with that needs to be boosted for yeah i'm just saying like in general mega jump pad it's orange you'll figure it out no i feel cold blind it's orange you'll figure it out i'll figure it out all right i'm going to figure it out it's fine george is george georgia's gonna figure it out adds colorblind option for build mart not for ace race it could be oh it's bedrock we can everyone knows what bedrock looks like let's just make it orange when all the other things look exactly the same let's see let's go oh what i can't even see there's too many people i can't see it nobody's invisible oh god yeah this is annoying bro wait i don't understand oh okay okay that's an interesting i missed bruh wait how do i how does don't understand how the light just works why are you kidding me oh my god i'm just getting bodybuilding i'm in 4th to 20th that's like your trident just doesn't work like 90 of the time yeah because people are in front of you what oh up here maybe hello [Music] oh no okay what is what is going on george i'm right behind you what is happening hi george i don't know what's happening oh shoot wait am i 21st yeah we're nineteen twenty and twenty first we're sorry i don't get how what the i don't like that you double tap space makes the hydra go right wait like how do i get out of here you hold down space yeah that's really annoying i did not want to do that wait what i cannot see where i'm supposed to go hey dream bye dream all right let's not block each other okay that's so good this is so annoying this is like the most annoying thing let me up wait how do i go dream we're in 89 not sure where i need to go okay there we go don't over jump bro this this part right here is so weird come on go go go that wasn't worth it run that was funny 35 seconds when he's a magician oh did i seriously miss that oh he did too so that's fine you caught what i can't fly i was saying when i was pogba wait is it two laps oh it's three laps [Music] where are you guys what position [Music] 33. not amazing [Music] what where do i go what i s press space i go off of course that i hate this just die let me out are you joking how many times am i gonna miss that what's funny laughed me why is he so good i don't know yeah i don't know he's a whole number i'm following him i'm thinking oh he has like skips i don't have skips already i don't get i don't understand the mechanics like i'm okay i think that's technically behind me let me through oh you come on it's getting pretty cool though i feel like it'd be kind of repetitive unless they change the map every day funny just lapped me well okay he didn't i don't know if he lapped me actually we finished the same laugh at like the same time i can't how's he so good wait i finished the entire thing didn't he yeah he just finished the entire thing as i finished oh this could have gone better i suppose oh my god how do i miss oh no way cheat code i you literally hear me spamming my space bar on that thing do you have to like stop when you're flying to land on the right things [Music] come on 14 14 the meme number the bad boy halo number the bad boy halo integer oh my god no there goes my hmm that is very sad i'm 29 come on georgie i just like completely through okay i'm going to stop completely no don't start completely just going no every time i do that it fails so let me up oh my god it's okay okay i want to overtake two more people i don't know how much space i've got though i need to come at least 26 wait oh come on just let me up let me up get back here shovel let me through just let me through no i hate [Music] oh no it's such a bro moment smh this game i don't like it i hate it hopefully we get parkour warrior and hello it's the last event it's really really one way no there's two more games no as the last event oh yeah okay 31st place um whatever okay and that game was cool i think that it's you'll do better like once you're used to the like i like i know there was there was jump pads that i didn't even see that i'm sure fun to use to get that time like there was those red flowers i was like going in the water and trying cause i thought that's what you're supposed to do and then i thought oh there's red flowers with red boosters right above that yes that save you like 20 percent or more than that like fifty percent of your time yeah funny did great hey funny did amazing that's crazy we're waiting on proud of you blue bats come on guys you can do it where are they there's one person in pink i'm watching one of them three people in blue and that's it oh someone's here come on little buddy i'm going back where are they i'm watching this guy he's gonna make it he's just getting to the flower part right now wait what oh i see someone he's just getting to the flowers they gave too much time they should have made the like shorter that way more people like didn't didn't like complete it i'm ready for parkour hopefully we get survival games next and then we don't even get paco we probably we probably won't get parkour there's no they put no they put parkour on it but i'm saying we'll probably get parkour because people um like people there's people that don't want it if the next two games like what games are left that we don't like if the next two games are like i want survival games i think we will as long as i think it will be good your mic's cutting out but i i feel like bruh as long as we're not lagging you cut out again but it's all right whatever bro i'm looking at the discord i'm not cutting out it's green the whole time you are cutting out definitely cut out but it's okay not a big deal i hate this one we're used to teamspeak so he doesn't you just need to adjust your mic settings well i don't know what's wrong with this i mean to be fair if it wasn't if it wasn't for um if it wasn't for if it wasn't for the laggy glitch battle box and then and then the game i didn't even want to play like i'd i'd be doing our team would probably be doing much better oh yeah maybe if you guys had the the skins on i weren't fit or that's oh that's this game we finished fifth this game we're gonna be behind funny went crazy yeah fundy went crazy okay so i wonder what's going to be next what could it be i don't know what if we get survival games we have to go free kills yeah now if you guess our games we have to go for kill so just kill as many people as we can okay so i feel like i don't let's see what games are left that i don't want oh you can't even see the games can you i can't i don't know which ones there are stanza times i don't want him i guess i don't want i don't want sound no no i'd rather i mean i like i like hole in the wall i wish you if we had played a hole in the wall like i'd prefer my last two games in such a good position yeah i'd love i'd love the last two games to be parkour warrior and then either hole in the wall or survival games dude because listen if we had hole in the wall we might get dude uh that's so bad that that game went through because i did so terribly dude i got like 90 points overall yeah there's no way we would have voted skype it's been skype hasn't voted like three rounds in a row there's no way it would have been chosen if it wasn't for the rigged pole and the thing is i mean not skyblock um what's it called uh the rocket sleeve rockets please yeah so should we vote for pogba which is dumb ultra adhesive yeah let's go for it let's go parkour well just hold your vote a little bit until i kind of last second that way your chickens don't move what do you have ultra adhesive oh it like sticks the chickens throw it in the purple warrior okay how do i i don't know what it did i think you're supposed to throw it at the i thought i did just like at the floor probably okay well unfortunately okay i don't know it looks like the chickens are leaving home mom oh wait oh my god i don't want to play this we're we're 3 000 there's no way we get the second that is this is like the worst emcee everything has gone wrong for us everything has gone bad for us and two of the things because of the event coordinators like you could have avoided that at least if it was just the games being chosen that we don't like it's like whatever that happens but you chose the game that we didn't like when it wasn't even chosen that's so dumb like my mood was just ruined ever since that happened so like i sound salty now and it's like i'm salty like i'm toxic right now but like honestly it's it's just my my mood ever since then it's just ruined everything that goes wrong since just like ah well everything's just gone wrong congrats uh all right what's this okay just don't die that's right what do i do i just run around and what around and look for i want to grab this blue key is that okay yeah okay are you going to watch time right there oh i want these coins right here you can grab them [Music] i'm going to get them don't worry we'll see we'll see we'll see i will get those coins those are mine i'm gonna get the coins well depending on oh i'm so annoyed right now i like my my like you may not probably i sound not annoyed like trust me yeah this is probably the most annoyed i've been like the only time i've ever been more annoyed playing minecraft was during the minecraft ultimate which was like it was like 10 times worse than this but it was because it like nothing worked there and this this is different though because i'm streaming on youtube and in front of 150 000 people which is like one half of the whole viewership of mcc all right if we if i if i leave then it's just going to be like is people going to be like dreaming just left like you didn't want to lose like i don't care if i if i i don't care if i lose legitimately yeah i just think it's unfair all right i'm going east guys i'm going down this way okay i'll go this way i don't know what i'm supposed to do oh my gosh vex thing do i bring the coins here to bank them no you no you have to bank them like without dying so here i'm dropping sand i'm dropping sand but i collected something or um who's doing time are we doing are you guys who's there we're doing time just just keep the sand in your inventory okay i'll keep it for now where's the mob spawner there oh no oh there's nothing there's nothing freaking i'm like completely forgetting where i came from this is not good i'm like okay get this whoa why do you guys have some complaints oh whoa um okay i'm back how do i heal like i'm so low um yeah i'm really low i don't know how to regen i was out of time why don't why is it why is my whole chat telling me to get the sand get the sound get the sand you need it yeah yeah you need to collect the sand when the sand is extra time and bring it back to the middle i'm getting all the sand around the middle i'm gonna die ah i'm gonna die where do i put the sand in the middle like doesn't know i place it place on that block yeah oh god don't kill me okay since the timer's full okay yeah we're full um okay i'm going wait what's going on where did i come from okay i came from right there i think wait where did i come from i didn't come from over there what's this nether portal what if i go in the nether portal no no no do not don't don't don't don't okay i did it that makes you leave it like makes you leave and you can never come back what is this over here only do that right at the end when you want to finish yeah right at the end who plays these torches one of you guys place these torches so i'm not i place torches get out of here real quick don't go east i'm going east don't go that way don't go that way so i'm not wait oh wait what is this okay go up there and there's parkour over here and it leads to a bunch of goals [Music] okay this is the way outside no no over here sorry how do i heal i don't know um hey george i'm going to let something kill me do you lose you have to use sand just just come back can you not make me oh it's fine i have sand i have sand that's one sand it's one cent trust me okay no i'll heal i'll heal i'll heal i guess whatever that's fine let's go put this take this thing oh we're low on time okay put it on we need someone watching the timer if we can okay we have a lot more time now but i don't know how much oh do we go up here we have okay we have like 100 seconds or something okay there's a dead end oh god okay well putting in three always keep one on you in case someone dies so that we can oh did they mean to do this what i don't know if they meant to do this i'm trapped like and they i don't think i don't know if they meant to put tnt here that traps you probably no like i'm serious i don't think they meant to you if you sold my screen you know what i'm talking about can i wait why am i even killing it doesn't do it um oh god come on did they meet do they mean i'm not going in there um oh much time do we have shoot i have some more sand i don't think we have go back and put it in i don't think we have much time i'm i don't know where i don't know how to get out of where i'm where i am wait i'm in the middle um i made it oh we have quite a lot of time actually but put it in anyway george there's a there's a i need there's a lot of good stuff that i found okay oh these i'm out okay i'm out where's the vault down there yeah it's getting the key then you can enter the ball it's a golden golden key okay it's golden where'd it go where is the vault it's emerald emerald emerald you have a golden key it's emerald i don't have a golden key i have a blue key i need to find that i need help over here the blue key is going to be far away but i don't know where the why do you how do you know that i haven't had coins in ages all right we need someone to be watching the time like george can you just stay or silly oh so he's watching silly's here so they take this stand i just dropped on the floor i'm kind of scared to go down here but okay i'm not going down there in case it's a trap or something oh i've been up here okay i'm getting out of here wait which way this way i think okay how much time do we have we have i got 90 seconds 90 seconds i have nine sand yeah 15. i don't like the look of that room oh i make sure to break the spawners do i go over here i really don't want to go down there did you do all the dispensers that spawn them right now oh i found it oh dream i found the gold key i found the gold key blue it's blue you mean blue gold gold gold i have blue one the gold vote means i found the gold vault i haven't okay well the old is at the end of a hard parkour that was where where where is the heart parkour where's the before taking down oh i don't know i don't know i don't know you you were there though which do you have any guesses no i just know that that's where it is wait what are these things okay um we still have 60 oh 70 seconds how much sand do you have right now i don't know where to go i have 11. here let me fill it up um i thought i don't know which way to go i'm like running here i have eight sand i have eight sand take this i'm dropping here i don't know you can break the spawners they break them it gives you gold did someone like cross over this lava pit okay yeah i did wait that's what lava pit is it george where are you there's like stone in the stone like pillars this is you george all right so you're right oh yeah i i passed over i passed over it you're fine okay don't go down there don't go down there uh i don't even know where else to go i feel like everybody i don't know i feel like i've looked everywhere like i feel like everything is just just like a it's all the same for everyone close it off with a marker if you think you have everything um i'm running down where someone's already went but i just feel like i don't have anywhere else to go and i might as well yeah i don't know where else to go we only have oh we have 100 seconds still like i'm just running in circles i don't know where to go is there anything in the middle is this all sand there's nothing in the middle um is this worth it might be worth it oh i found the gold door i think this is this the gold dough i found the gold boards over here not the gold toy yeah i found the gold door yeah so we didn't have the gold key get out get out get okay the perks of knowing the the blaze ai we still have a minute no i'm saying like i was telling silly get out of like she was in the area i actually don't know what i'm doing everywhere i go has been searched we have um we have 50 seconds okay i have four sand silly will you bite me can you come back and grab the sand real quick yeah you were just i dropped it in the hallway you're fine should i risk this i kind of want to risk this there's nothing else in there i have more sand should i come back and place this yeah 30 seconds we need more time we're coming buddy ah hold on oh god i came this way earlier please please please you have more sand [Laughter] just give me the scent and i'll be like the sand how do they open they've opened two vaults like where are the keys i have the blue key that's it yeah i don't know oh i found that i found the green vault key how much time do we have the green volcky come back come back to the middle come back to the middle come on come on come on come on i can leave you to where it is i'm trying to how do i get out of here i don't remember i'll go down here how much time how much time i alright i have a bunch of sand i have 12 sand let me there's still 80 seconds left drop the sand drop the sand drop the sand get this it's the it's the mother lode drop the sand drop the sand i gave it i gave it to somebody already okay okay that's fine holy crap i'm a beast for finding them yeah that's epic we need we need blue i have a blue key if we can find the blue vault that'd be like the best wait wait did we fill in all the sand because there's no there's not that much time left oh okay i bet it's most time how much time but there is a lot yeah there's a decent amount left but i just mean like it's called now so don't even worry the time is full where do i go that that's been like everywhere i look has been searched like or at least it's marked as have been searched i just kind of want the last time i ran down one and it wasn't searched fully so i went yeah there's a big thing down yeah i don't know if this is a trap i'm just going i'm going to do it do you guys have any rest there's a lot of rusty key vaults get up get up get up get up i'm trying okay that was worth it oh i need to go down there how do we get out is it this way yeah um if you're not back in time you'll lose all your coins so you need to be back in the middle of the title yeah we have 80 seconds still wins are not collected until we leave the until we leave until you go through the portal yeah all right so i need to not die as well i just did a lot of risks we have a lot of time how many coins you guys have i only have one thing left i have 2k yeah i'm trying to where where is what do i mean oh you guys found the vault though oh yeah no no before that i had a lot only like 200 from that or something yeah i have 6.78 keep track of time that's like oh no well i'm keeping track of time so that's my job um and we're out of sand i don't know where to go and um i get the swirls and you get that okay smart oh god they're telling me to break the coin no i'm not dumb i'm not thinking any i i don't know what to do like i feel like everywhere i go it's points just go in spawners that's like the best place people don't one minute one minute guys i don't think we have much more sand so is this worth it to go across what is that over there is that gold do we have the gold key do we have the gold key or no no no we only see the gold vault i have one you need to come now you guys are both really far i'm running i'm running you have 30 seconds once if we run out of time do we just like does it look like we get all our coins you lose all of them okay we okay we should just honestly just bank it i don't think we're gonna get much more no we don't bank it we have to leave don't bang because otherwise you use 20 so we're just going to be coming dream we have 30 seconds i'm coming back i'm fine we need to leave where's another portal all right let's just leave let's just leave uh yeah i'd say we just i'm staying why am i spectating i'm staying i'm not leaving georgetown i'm staying please i'm not leaving george i came to this place i was look at them they got out before us it doesn't mean much they might have just played it safe and we're like oh let's not are these teams ahead of us there's a question no they're at the bottom of the thing anyway that's just all zero okay we don't know who's on the overall leaderboard you can't check right now back in oh my right it's like that's a pretty strong team i guess fundy and tommy they were like really they like really didn't want us to team together and like we're not even doing that great and yet and they let techno see peaky and i mean phil then fails and wilbur team every week come on now let the dream let the dream team team we need it they uh don't they totally muffined us with the uh they don't like that was bad that was that was bad that was i was that wasn't even like immediately let's be fair if i happened in any other event i would have been like i would have been like whatever but because it's mcc i have higher standards i guess so i'm just like i'm just just i was just i was shocked like i was just like thinking like oh there's no way like i thought there's no way they don't reset this like i don't know you don't know how close i was to just quitting no yeah dude the only reason i didn't quit let's hopes that parkour warrior we played that was the only reason i didn't quit literally maybe we won't win dude my thought process was just like i'll stay in because if if it gets parkour warrior i'll regret leaving because i don't know like can this last team get out there what can this team like whoever's in just get out it's the thing i don't know it's um it's a oh it's uh what's their names team they do so good every time how do they how do they do i want to i want to watch their strategy oh they didn't get out or did they i don't know we came second all right well that's good on a 2.5 multiplier there's this we got a thousand five hundred more coins than techno there's this chance hey me and dream let's go dream time that's that's obviously my game we've got a lot of coins let's go let's see where we are overall now all right come on come on come on wait current event i think we're fourth we're fourth okay we're forced to do really good on this last game we're only 2k points behind we're only 2k points i feel like i can't do it right now that's fine though i want to see what they change we're only 1 900 points behind like if we just do really well with this game the thing is we need we need to have uh but the problem is like probably like technical oh techno blade it's like we'd have to hope i don't know i don't think there's any chance we get in the top two kind of sucks but i think what's kind of funny is that if we had played hole in the wall instead of uh yeah we're 100 for you thompson restart the battle box and he would have had to work and if he didn't know if we didn't get screwed twice number one probably if they took away both of those things where they screwed us we'd be number one yeah yeah that's obviously really frustrating like if we end up missing by like a hundred points then it was like either of those things all right let's make it count team three times i don't know to be fair come on listen hear me out the parkour's changed okay whereas i think survival games might be better for us to be honest no there's also a chance we get nothing we get killed right away parkour warrior it's more consistent it's more consistent what is it we can like just kill everybody and come back and get in the top two but there's also a chance vote for parker warrior no it's gonna be horrible wait you're a mega wait what oh go stand in public [Music] okay listen we've done this game oh my god and we can do well i don't know i've never played this before wait it might be parkour because a lot of the chickens are right on the side i don't know if they might cry punch just try and punch i can't wait lifted there's no way it's like three over there what are you talking about all right i don't know how to play i've never played hall in the world you just have to jump and watch out there's there's cycles you know what that is you get jump boost i don't even know i'm so scared you got jump you get jump boost there's psych wars which mean like you automatically have a jump boost yeah some of them some of the walls like sometimes there'll be like three walls that come in but only one of them will actually come from how do you know which one is the real one you don't you have to just wait until it gets close enough and then you don't look close look behind you though if the wall is coming from in front of you the wall will never come from behind you at least from the last couple of events all right we have to do like insanely well all right come on purple pandas on three one two three purple pandas that's somewhere right that summarizes this event right there that that exactly what just happened that's something that's something it never comes from behind you but like everyone's gonna be looking different directions how are you gonna do you have your own psych walls everybody has the same no it's everyone has the same no but listen if we just do really well then we can win and then we'll be in dodgeball you're not coming second no we're coming away team like technical team is good at this like the and and so is um tecno's team got the best games they could they got they literally got every single game that they wanted like every game that's the game that they were we just got it they want skyblock and they want and they won rockets belief and i was like let's just not play those they got both of those and one of them was one of them they should not have gotten not even gotten it that was so so how do you only jump that's the one that they were doing bad in yeah and they were doing really crap and they reset dude may have been if skyblock if it was the opposition skyblock parkour and rival games instead of hole in the wall parkour and survival games maybe it would have been chosen i hate how you can jump through the gaps unless you have to stop now okay okay behind you behind you which one's the which one is the it's behind behind behind behind behind behind i can't see fine there's good communication how do you know which one's the real one you don't until the last second i just jumped through it how do i know is this behind you okay barely oh god is this one no it's all right sorry i just don't know it's so it's mine there's two more games of this you're fine i gotta go up your back no sorry all right you're good blue black got eliminated i don't know were they above us i don't know i don't know look how the layers is um surrounding george okay this side oh i got stuck i didn't oh that's not good oh god it lagged hello hello yeah are we all out sorry come on dream yes guys i washed my hands nice oh oh god i need to jump through oh oh you got out last time all those people though yeah that's good sorry who's left though pete's still left he's on the top team it doesn't matter about orange we're not going to overtake orange that's true that's true actually who was below orange it was techno team that's not orange green is the top one it goes number one where do you guys like keep your like where do you guys stay like i don't know where to position myself just you just kind of run it run it around just be just be aware of all the walls and just try not and look behind you i try and position myself the furthest back i can on the opposite side of the one that comes first that way it's easy to it's easy to remember ah okay that one i would have been fine i was too scared of going through it because it was glitchy last time i hate this angle i like what i like how we can see each other wait it's north north call it out to each other oh uh east i don't even know what directions we are looking at half the time uh this one ah oh just kidding oh my you're in my face i can't see ah that's so annoying invisible we can't see oh god this one this one this one oh my god i can't see like literally these oh you shouldn't be able to see your teammates oh no which one is it it's this one same one same one oh oh shoot this one no i got through please this one is this one right here that's so useful saying it's this one right here where the hell he jumps oh what which one is it no it's all up to me boys wait crimson krakens are first were they even above us no they weren't uh we're not gonna get through we're below we're below orange ocelots we're not gonna get to we'll get third maybe but orange is above us crimson is above us those ones don't really matter but oranges as well that's what matters yeah there's two there's two of them above us oh wait green was first wait is green second yeah green was versus green second yeah it is okay we might be a bit muffy node which one's the real one oh this one there's so many are you kidding me no oh no i'm sorry okay this way this way george move let's see i can't i hate that you can see your teammates that's bad i don't like that i don't know i appreciate oh i wouldn't this one uh which way this way it's coming east east west ah oh my god north north north north uh west i hate this let me ah oh george [Music] oh well we had fine we did good we did good we acted like we didn't do good we did good so where did we come overall do you think third again i don't think we can third i think we came forward that's what you might have done i don't think crimson did enough to come ahead of us orange doesn't matter they're already ahead of us i think we finished third pete's gonna win again gg fund is going to win they haven't they haven't nerfed pete yet he's won like five well he hasn't won like five but he's been to the finals like four times oh bundy i believed in you yeah i believed in funding all right well i don't think what sucks is we did so well in this game if this was replaced with the stupid game that shouldn't have been played we never would have played that other game and we would have we would have we would have been in the finals that really that's uh eric's watching it oops [Music] someone's spamming that techno's team is invisible to him but i don't believe that there's no way whoa oh look they missed it by a hundred points i don't think even a hundred hang on let me see uh oh my god 140 points 138 i think hey i got top 10. i'm proud of that what did i get you got third i got eight i came 22nd i almost i almost passed techno what did he get he got seventh just above me all right so i think i've i have uh i finished that techno twice that's fine by me i'm fine are they ever gonna let us team again though i don't know probably not and that's kind of that's so like i'm so like guys look i finished third overall i am pissed okay i'm not like i am not pissed because i did bad i did good okay i finished third overall and i'm 50 points behind second place okay i'm not mad we shouldn't we should have won we should have been in the fight horribly it was a horrible decision twice in this one event and i would have probably finished first overall if it wasn't for that and we are our team would have gotten in the in the finances we would have been here right now first it would have been here that's so annoying yeah because i dream i literally got like 40 like 30 30 something that's kind of funny despite all of the games that have been played today like okay four games today i have never played before four of the games that were played out of the nine i have never played before and so it was neither a sapnap or one so i don't play any of them but and george hasn't played them as well like we this this was this is like the worst mcc no yeah i don't know uh i disagree those two decisions really hurt our team yeah those decisions yeah not only hurt our team but it's like it's the it's the worst decisions like it's it's like you made him a decision and then you reset it and i was like all right i was like all right whatever that's so dumb but whatever like whatever and then later you made a mistake and then you didn't recently both times went against us what a coincidence the thing is if techno wins here it doesn't matter that you placed above him no it does it totally does like last time fruit berries team won but fruit placed behind me so i didn't care like like technical team can win but it's because he has a really good team that has played in this event like tons of times so who do we think is going to win i think i think technician will win because techno did a lot of practice techno was on dodgeball practice like every day for hours how come some people have a banner i don't have a banner um you go to the the support banners oh i see i don't want one anymore do i take this off i don't want to i'm supporting techno's team get this off me now everyone's scared yeah they're just tossing the arrows to the tech now oh good shot i want pete to win pete deserves to win pete totally deserves it techno's going for pete he missed he's going for pete again oh he got him he's both arrows that's fine that's not fine [Music] they're not going to hit techno they don't need they don't shoot they should not be aiming for techno well they probably should nice shot not techno has two arrows again but techno i reckon he's gonna miss one no he'll hit both probably get a lot of practice all right this guy can clutch it up he has two arrows come on buddy there you go come on come on rhett phil's is good oh nice wow now you're complaining about rick everyone's staying on the green side i want to see from this angle what's up buddy who's gonna win who's going to win that's not good they have both arrows they're going to toss the techno again no he's not he's shooting nice pizza come on no that's not good that's not good pizza they're targeting the mess out of pete oh that's a mess that's another mess all right techno's team's taking this round there's no way so skip the iris attack now i had three in sky in the first round of skyblock i had three kills and it was techno's team it was all technician i killed a bunch of people too yeah you had a bunch of kills but i'm saying like i i i had like not that many kills but it was all technology oh wow they're they're really whipping they need pizza they're all scared like oh my god don't miss don't miss they give the arrows to techno oh that's a job okay what could happen i just need to get technology because he's like try harder to practice this this is like parkour go on pizza oh that's not true they're gonna give it yeah they're gonna give it to techno techno's gonna shoot pizza yeah oh they give them both arrows again when you think when you feed him like he's to get so many so many kills for this from this he's getting warmed up too oh come on oh nice nice pizza take technology he's a flick on techno he's not going to hit him though is the problem oh my god please oh whoever ate it up for him fine i've never wanted pete to win so bad in my life they need a body block if you need a body block for feet to 3v3 oh my god oh you should have oh they're missing uh he's got one shot he's gonna hit it oh he missed he missed all right come on take that out take them out if they lose that that could have been the arrow that would have won it got another one out come on 3v2 guys come on dodge dodge dodge they give it to you everyone's just giving their arrow to techno he's gonna get with someone guaranteed he's got one oh okay nice come on come on come on land your shots that's it all right hit your shot they're both gonna shoot techno they're both gonna shoot attack now another yeah yeah they're aiming oh they need a body block for pete yeah they need the body block for pete that's what they're doing for techno they're bodyblocking for techno and giving him all the arrows oh my god two one [Music] oh okay whatever i have two arrows now give the arrows to pete guys don't be nice there goes wilbur and there goes techno oh that was close that was close that's close body they need a body block repeat he's going to shoot pete every time hey i think pete thinks oh come on pete what the good dog is irregular oh great he was so irregular so irregular all right they got this in the bag now no they needed oh yeah oh that was not good that knows both yeah oh that was a good dodge oh okay all right come back come back no techno throwing they need to shoot techno shoot techno oh yeah they're just oh come on oh no there's gonna be two wait they don't want me to hit it oh my god oh no be fair if he misses this that's bad because he has two arrows it's not we don't practice it's not that hard he's powering up his skill right now he's typing right he's gonna get them i can just smell it yeah he's gonna get it oh he missed one oh come on oh my god he's got two shots together no he has he's irregular he's still look how irregular he is you can't predict him yet he's so not regular nothing about his movement is regular it's like irregular look at it exactly you don't know where he's gonna oh let's go jumped it he choked it he had two arrows come on come on body block for p why why don't they do that condition might be better they might be better arrows we don't actually know if if they lose this they fed the arrows to techno he missed he missed that was that was his shot that was not a good shot a good one dodge dodge dodge dodge he's going for pete again he's going to repeat there's a time pete oh no just target that could be good i think their team is better over i don't know i don't know i don't know i think tekken team is really good they're about to get two in a row double whammy okay come on come on come on let me get a 2v1 they're all so close come on shoot oh they're all right they're both running each other there shoot for the arrow nice come on come on come on come on come on just dodge dodge dodge just get one and you're good no no no that's it that's it oh she can dodge he can dodge he can die he's gonna they're gonna choke it they're gonna choke it no they're gonna do that they're not oh they're gonna aim side inside yeah he's so dead he's dead if he if they miss him i'll be very surprised wow that is like impossible they're stressed they're stressed yeah they're stressing out he's gonna get it i believe i yes that was crazy no oh my god i screamed so loud 2-1 lead and they had two arrows on one guy twice twice nice all right gotta win too that's good oh my god or i was our teammate last week or one of our teammates let's go that's crazy oh that was so good pete deserves it he totally deserves it now maybe they can break up his team because he's won too many times he's too good that redeems a little bit of the of the madness of the event yeah makes me feel a little bit better at techno didn't we all right so now now there's neither he he finished me on the leaderboard didn't win so that was fine that's that's perfectly fine i'm fine with that however it would have been we could have been in the finals we could have done that we could have won we would have won for sure that's so that's so stressed bundy oh good he's great hall of fame let's see wow h bomb dude one and two on the same team team so it's like this time our team was arguing like what did you place at george 22nd oh my god like like they should be able to keep us together like our team's not that o.p like three and eight they have and tecno's team has tech like seven and nine first of all and usually they do better and wilbur wilbur's not bad either and then h-bomb and pete are teamed together i guess those are the only teams that have people on the top ten but still oh man we could have won oh it's so frustrating i feel like like i would have won i'm i'm like oh this is like the only time you guys can team together and then now like it's like it was totally right like it was totally rigged against us like in two different run it back run it back like if those events went to happen that would have been like perfectly fine with that but yeah if we lost fan square i'm cool with it so bro we got we got screwed twice nothing yeah we gotta look so good in hole in the wall we didn't got four i should just go and complain it's not gonna do anything but at least i'll feel better that i don't tell him to let's run it back run it back i'll probably ask him if we can team again but he'll probably say no i don't know if i'll play though oh my god where's the iron on the survival world we don't oh are you on the survival world the smp yeah all right
Channel: Dream's Mom
Views: 70,298
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Keywords: georgenotfound, dream and george, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, georgenotfound livestream, georgenotfound twitch livestream, george not found, george live stream, dream and george live stream, george not found minecraft, george not found twitch stream, georgenotfound stream, georgenotfound twitch, george minecraft, george mcc, minecraft championship dream, minecraft championship 7, minecraft championship full stream, minecraft championship full, mcc full stream, mcc7
Id: ae7LxTmNGY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 0sec (11400 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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