George Trevelyan - Adventures In Imagination And Channeling

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[Music] [Music] welcome to the reality revolution i am your host brian scott and i have just a wonderful reading for you i get so excited when you find a new author that really touches you clearly had deep spiritual insight i found george trevillian and he wrote several books in particular the book that we're exploring is a book called exploration into god there's a section in the book called adventures in imagination and channeling in which george trevillian the author discusses his adventures in imagination and channels both an angelic guide and his own guide genesis these channelings are super powerful to give you a little background on george trevelyan he was a british educational pioneer and the founding father of the new age movement in 1942 after listening to a lecture by walter stein a student of rudolf steiner he transitioned from being agnostic to a new age spiritual thinker and even studied anthroposophy in the coming years check out my episodes on rudolph steiner and it should give you some background on steiner who's amazing he first became a history teacher at gordonstown school pioneering radical education methods after world war ii he wrote numerous books including a vision of the aquarian age operation redemption summons to a high crusade and exploration into god in 1991. the reason this particular reading appealed to me so much is that he's channeling very powerful information from definite extraterrestrial intelligence and he even discusses that but the way he writes about it it's sort of intermixed with his own writing and teachings on these subjects and you come away with it having access to a higher intelligence this is part four of the book there is some amazing sections we may cover in future episodes adventures in imagination and channeling by george tabelian the escape how often warfare gives images that speak to us we are like a resistance movement in an enemy occupied country our task is to create centers and groups linked in a network we can use significant points in the countryside suitable for landing from the air the coming invasion has been announced the time is imminent we have to be in position to signal up to the invading force another image we are prisoners in a concentration camp we've descended into the world of matter captured there and cut off from all contact with our original home and sphere of activity many have come to feel there is no other plane but that of matter that it is the primary reality now continuous signals are coming through to us that such a world of light does indeed exist and that we can escape and find our way back to it now the prison camp is the time and matter-bound life we are caught by past and future regrets remorse guilt disappointment sense of opportunities mr bungled in the past we are filled with fears about the future the forces of darkness want just that so long as our thinking is tied down to past and future they have got us the prison door is the immediate now push it and walk through but obviously the now is always moving on it is the point where god's presence is contacted it is the intersection point of the timeless with time but the only way to move through it is to abandon self and lower ego with its ties and desires these must be jettisoned you can only travel very light into likeness you can't take all the baggage outside and above the invisible guide is waiting he can speak in your thinking with this still small voice he can use your faculty of intuition to suggest to you a course of action into your higher self you have in this escape got to rely entirely on this intuition and obey it implicitly there will be no time for reasoning intellect split second decisions will be essential and your intuition god filled will be your guide if we can learn to work with it as it speaks in the heart we have the ariadne thread which will lead us safely through the labyrinth the presence of god is axiomatically everywhere every situation is an aspect of the total oneness therefore it follows that the necessary information for the next step is always there the higher self obviously has an overview of the general situation and can guide you through the labyrinth one step at a time but this implies abandonment of self to self throwing yourself on providence what an adventure indeed it is the adventure of our time the situation in the prison camp is so grave grim and ghastly that it is worth the risk of attempting the escape come on let's go push that door and it swings open this is going to involve a sort of reckless gayity of response dancing with destiny moment to moment the higher self will suggest courses of action which you have never followed before since you normally revert to old habit patterns and bringing tracts so you are truly acting in the unknown faced with situations which call for reaction in ways you have never before experienced but the assurance is that the higher self which loves and watches you and truly is you the god in you is always present he it will whenever you call put a force field of light and protective power around you this if you can maintain it will give you complete protection from the guard dogs or the bullets of the guards it will even make you invisible to them for it is a sheath of very high solar frequency yet to maintain it is not easy if you revert to the old thought vibration of fear and guilt the force field will disperse you cannot operate with the two frequencies at the same time every moment of choice offers you different courses of action the way through the maze is to choose the course which makes most for wholeness your own wholeness and your conscious relation to the greater oneness of life you must be prepared to follow that course wherever it asks of you by no means will it always be what your ego thinks it likes but you are not now concerned with satisfying desire or personal pleasure you are on the adventure of escape and return home to the great oneness to which you really belong this is so exciting and rewarding that is worth sacrificing all the old habit patterns and ways of doing things you know very well that you have as a human being been granted freedom you are not like the angels integrally part of the will of god their joy is simply to serve that will all the time and to obey it yours is consciously to take control of yourself and move creatively with the new therefore you will constantly be faced with choices which in fact are situations staged by your higher self for your trial and training you are led to the point of choice and then your guides step back and leave the decision entirely to you but they are watching if in freedom you choose the course that makes for wholeness they can instantly pour energy through you and you will find you have acted in ways you have never before conceived if in fact you take the more timid choice and revert to the old habit pattern they will somehow check and reprove you and stage another opportunity the free choice is always yours but you have the assurance of their loving concern and inner guidance it all turns on the motive if this genuinely is an effort on your part to serve god and progress towards greater unity and love then the slight mistakes are of little significance if the inner motive is still self it's power and pleasure and gain then you will suffer for it and build up more bad karma to be cleared at some later stage so get moving on the escape the voyage in a little boat the sun soul and kindle us with holy fire in my head you're thinking and bear spiritual beings oh wonder here is the great truth here is the gateway speak in my thinking if we are blended then that which my mind thinks is you and behind you the great christ power we are many at one we float in that ocean of living thought we are operative yet serving we can initiate yet in so doing we enhance the one the whole our initiative is obviously vital i have to make the start i am at present drifting around in separation a little bit of life which is following its own desires and fears and sense of guilt or disappointment or its personal ambition will you know that sense of guilt and aspect of the senses there is indeed a sense of collective guilt to which we can open ourselves we have a sense of sight made by the light a sense of hearing which forms the receptive ear a sense of guilt formed by the huge all-pervading sea of guilt a sense of fear created by the great illusion but we are each this spark of divinity of god right stop in this moment this now there is only one now all the rest is the illusion of past or future now flowing into the next now continuous flowing your little boat rocking bouncing on the current look what you've been doing you've let the rudder go you've been simply washed around by currents of doubt of fear of disappointment of remorse of timidity you've let yourself be a victim of every flow that hits you get up take hold of the tiller right begin to control the direction you are in control in the now your boat is very small yes but it is buoyant we take the current and now truly flow with it in control take hold of the sheet shake out the sail and now what happens the wind comes into the sail not i not i but the wind that blows through me a fine wind is blowing the new direction of time if only i let it bear me carry me if only i am sensitive subtle oh delicate a winged gift if only most lovely of all i yield myself and embarrassed by the fine fine wind that takes its course the chaos of the world from d.h lawrence song of a man who has come through this is the game the wind of the spirit is blowing look how it is wrecking the boats driving the ships hither and tether look how some of them have taken over and have crews that control the sails the tillers some are going purposefully some are merely washed around and sinking you are responsible for your little boat the wind is the wind of the spirit the transforming cleansing power of the living christ the christ of light the christ of love the lord of light blow wind of god think in this moment you can choose to cut out negative emotions can you not for the moment as you sit you inhibit instant reaction all the fretful desires to do this or that to that you say no and you go into the relaxation of meditation then you inhibit thought by concentrating upon the breathing by drawing down serenity into your soul you exclude thoughts of fear anger disappointment alarm disturbance anxiety dislike of others for today for this little voyage you will simply exclude the negative thoughts which are all concerned with past regrets and future fears you will strive to live in this moment in your little boat controlling sheet and tiller as you cross the lake and move with the current into the greater river will you now grasp the concept of using the perfect language you will cut from your vocabulary any words or thoughts associated with the negative emotions simply refuse to use them and watch that you use only a vocabulary of courage sympathy joy tenderness love and hope remember that you are the vocabulary you use as you think so you are if you for this day do not speak any negative word or thought you are well on the way to excluding such thoughts from your mind and soul put them aside every gust of wind which hits your sail and threatens to drive you off course you meet by your control of the tiller and sheet so that you turn it into something which helps you towards your goal let the winds blow you've taken control of sail and rudder and can make use of every wind you become the thoughts you use and allow if you never make use of the negative thought you are well on the way to becoming a being of love and remember that these positive attributes are the christ love light life but begin by simply cutting out from your vocabulary all the words of negative emotion bitterness hate anger sarcasm criticism scandal and the like you open yourself to the inflow through flow of the positive qualities you'll become if you don't take the initiative nothing will happen except the uncontrolled drive towards the rocks or sand banks you have taken the tiller you've held the sheet to control the sail that which was driving you towards shipwreck now becomes a constructive force through which you advance towards your unknown goal claim your christ hood christ is the force of love of non-violence of compassion and tenderness the sense of oneness of all beings and all their diversity the life the same life that flows through every thing claim it be it let it be you just think what will happen when soul after soul has taken this step look how blended souls become groups larger boats are structured across the ocean of life a whole fleet begins to sail little boats big boats small groups great organizations dedicated to the christ power serving controlling the progress forward using the winds of god for progress a new armada indeed take control take command raise the banner of christ michael to the masthead go into action for him look at the earth with the eye of imagination and see the spreading of this consciousness of this initiative where this power of life light love is allowed to enter the human layer that layer begins to glow stand outside the planet and look at it see the earth becoming luminous this murky darkened planet in which storms of sinister emotion hurricanes of violence typhoons of terror are sweeping through the human layer of this dark and dying planet look down now with the satellite's eye at the picture of the weather do you not have two forces playing into each other one the low pressure the negative the storm forces carrying sleet and snow and hurricanes destructive and dark weather and the vertices of high pressure bringing the sun the tranquility the gentle breezes see that each human center is a tiny vortex which can join together with other vertices and can have free choice either make the low atmospheric pressure or join the high pressure it is a dynamic process part of living earth for atmospheric change is surely a picture of the breathing of the living earth drawing into itself sunlight or rain thus we are looking at a psychic atmosphere of the earth in which the human being each one of us is a factor decide to take part in the coming of the high pressure open to the glory of sunlight and fair weather as the warm front advances the earth becomes luminous and is beginning to glow imagine this it is valid that you should use creative imagination see the whole planet in which these centers of light begin to merge with each other and great areas of the dying darkened planet begin once more to be vibrantly alive the christ power is life the life that is in all things is one life one spirit and the human hierarchy is called upon to awaken to become active to take the initiative to enable this light love force to penetrate the whole of nature the initiative for force must come from the individual from each of us but an immediate response [Music] the higher intelligence the power of the christ and the angelic world can flood in energy it is a wondrous process when a certain stage has been reached the whole planet will be flooded with light it is a storm this power of the wind of god can drive the uncontrolled the negative the cruel the brutal on the shoals and the rocks humanity is the factor that points with living nature in which nature can open to the true flooding of a power of harmony a power of love which means the very particle of life in all its diversity knows itself to be working as part of the living whole everyone is of value none is too small or insignificant to take part in this wonderful operation which is nothing less than the transformation of the planet all are called on now take that rudder set sail realize that you are what you think as a man thinketh so is he in your thinking the beings of the higher world can become operative it is a wonderful process for you are not going to hear a voice which speaks out of god you are going to hear your own thoughts but those thoughts can be impregnated by the thoughts of your guide always they are your thoughts you experience the god thought in your own thinking as if you had thought it yourself therefore you have no obligation to follow it it is not interfering with your freedom do not fear being taken over by darker spirits for remember that these negative adverse beings work in the emotions of fear hate anger criticism discouragement negativity and cynicism if you have accepted and are ready to use the perfect language and are cutting out these negative words and thoughts emotions and attitudes how can the darker beings take possession of you christ is never cynical never enters into negative criticism never constrains never hates for he is love he is oneness therefore if within yourself you allow only the thoughts attitudes and emotions of joy calm tranquility serenity and non-violence you are making of yourself a channel for the living christ go forward therefore into joy invite your guide your angelic friend filled with the christ's love to come down onto this earth plane you will have made the planet glow a little lighter you will have become a luminous point and you will draw to yourself not only the groupings of human souls also on this path but you send up a little beam which draws down ethereal light and power the angelic worlds can then respond they see this light a little light which cannot be hid and they know that here they may flood into the darkened earth plane these infinite numbers of little lights together lead to the becoming luminous of the whole planet a force which is stronger than the power of darkness darkness cannot live where there is light draw down the light this is your task set forth in that little boat with joy and with the flag of christ michael at the masthead this is the message for the day fair forward traveler ufo experience there is a spaceship landed in the forest its doors are open and within its effulgent light there are beings who emerge from the depths of the light quite impregnated with its quality beings of light we are invited in we are drawn in one goes before me and the body becomes translucent glowing some will not go in there is no need to but i can see that for one who does that which is of darkness or negativity must have been expunged it is thrown out by the radiation of this light it is therefore not possible to enter unless that which is negative fear criticism guilt and hate doubt are relinquished it is a process of cleansing a kind of bath in light we are dressed in an etheric robe of seamless white we carry a golden cross hanging over the heart center and a circlet with star over the brow center my turn comes to go forward let me be worthy of this for it is an initiation i walk up to the doors of the ship which is the usual circular ufo form i'm met with a powerful radiation of warmth and light it is a cleansing on my part there can only be the readiness to let go of all let go of doubt let go of fear let go of guilt there are conditions abandoned fear all ye who enter here abandon guilt abandon time you are moving out of time you are moving through the gateway into the eternal that is outside the time scale into ethereal space i feel around me the beings who would strive to hold me back these are the darker angels who would bind the soul to past regrets and future fears but their backward downward drag is weakened and eliminated by the radiation of the light i move forward it burns out the negative i feel the blast around my temples into my throat into my heart through my limbs of course this is a kind of death death into life i'm in the group of us who have been taken and are now gathered around the central source of light a central column which is lighter than light warmer than warmth it is a presence a being it is asking a question it is playing on our consciousness what have you done for me what are you prepared to do for me will you leave all and follow me i want you you are of me you are mine but there is total freedom you may leave still before the door shuts nothing lord will take me from this i want you total you i let go of everything that i am that i was i give all that i am and will be it is for this that i came this is the gateway this is the way through i ask that i may keep this quality of light while i am still bound to a body i hear music there is sounding humming that works in my head the star in the brow begins to glow there are hands which are fixing also a golden torque over the throat center the cross on the heart in the heart glows and radiates now the power is right down into the feet life into the feet i experience the true feet the archetype of the foot i am being given the archetype of the human body the body into which i am to develop i feel i look down in through into the feet i see the articulated bones i see the beauty of the arches consciousness moves up to the head i am the head the globe of the head is floating there my consciousness is both in and around it looking at it for around my body is a great cloud of light i am the cloud of light and it is forming into the vortex of the head [Music] i see the eyes from behind from inside and i consciously look through them i can play the beam of the eye in any direction that which it touches is revealed in its essence i look out into the forest and the i-beam reveals the glowing life in the trees it reveals the life and light the one light the divine life i know the eye to be an organ of the sun it is a wound burned into the head which crystallizes into the eye organ through which i the self can look this ethereal eye sees the light in every form that is the idea the being in every form sense of sight sense of hearing another break into the globe of the head i experience the growth the development of the skeleton out of the head first a fluid vaporous form a light form i feel the shaft that is to be the spine a focal point of tremendous strength the stream the column the gray cage of the ribs holding the heart and i am a light body a life structure in which there can be no disease i am allowed forward to be embraced by the master to be blessed by the column the central flow of light energy and of love i am allowed to kneel for this is overwhelming [Music] into the beating heart is planted a power of love into the limbs strength and beauty into the head light and thought let me be worthy of receiving the christ light i claim my light i claim my christ hood strike strike down everything can be burnt out i am yours i belong to christ the lord help me to make that good help me to live out my time filled with this love this courage this light this total forgiveness forgive me lord as i forgive those who trespassed against me deliver me from evil hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven the spaceship is moving the doors are closed we return to look out the light is behind us and through us everywhere there is a sounding humming we rise musically we move up the scale with lovely chords the earth falls beneath us we watch the earth reduce in size we are falling upwards expanding lifting floating we approach up to the mother ship it is as if this is the underside of a cloud of ethereal substance the outer crust of another realm many ships are docking under this for it is a huge area it is really a surround of the earth which is small below us we are being released to walk out to walk up to walk through we walk out in our warmth bodies there's no weight no gravity we move where we direct our attention i take my hands with my companion my guide i feel the love surrounding i remain in individuality but here i experience the blending try it we can move through each other try it we are floating over a lake with wonderful forests and i am being shown the mountains i in my guide and there are others with us are drawn up a mountain valley there is forming in the plateau in the high valley a little town yes it has walls shining walls and gates the gate is thrown open for us to enter we move by thought we are where we direct our attention but i keep with my guide up the steps of the temple an angelic guide speaks you've been watching with your imagination this gives you some sense of the scope and scale of things for infinite variety you see what it means to be lifted into the mothership of course that can happen of course that will happen to those who are prepared you have moved out of time as you understand it you have spent a short time half an hour of your earth time and will shortly click back again but you experience the twofold consciousness your own earthbound consciousness and the great fact of the oneness of all being and identity with the oneness that which you form with your imagination is real how can it be the other there is this city this temple this mountain these lakes these forests you and your little group are surrounded now by the cloud of light we move in the light wisdom lives in the light now i ask you to look down from this height you're looking from an angelic level you're experiencing the wonder of our plane but look down to earth experience with me now take my hand let me blend with you i'm taking you down again zoom down to earth let the earth enlarge plunge into the earth atmosphere keep the cocoon of light around you we are simply lowering coming down the frequency bands plunging into the earth atmosphere come down and find your own waiting body approach it from above surround it with the light you are not your body but you may bless it it is a frail thing pour your light into it pour your strength into it you are a christed being who is now going to operate for the day in a body you are going to hold the light of the cloud in mind and in heart the love and the sense of oneness you are one in heart with them all see the cocoon of light the cloud of light surrounding your aura you now bring down into your physical body and into the cleansed emotional body some recollection of the light where you've been it is not like the near-death experience you are waking up you're becoming alive you've experienced that you are part of the unitary body of humanity all of you are fibers in the one body of love you're going to spend the day now on earth plain walking with christ i hold your hand i am there i shall stay with you let my thinking be your thinking as we impinge upon the events of the day know that i will put the thoughts in your mind you are now striving to live moment to moment in the now there isn't any past there isn't any future fear of the future remorse about the past are expunged this is the forgiveness of the christ he that is the lord of karma the soul is virgin again but now you are going to move through the day you'll come back into time you'll know now what the descent of the ufo means back into the little ship back down to earth back into the earth forest and the doors are thrown open you are now the radiant light being who can walk out into a physical body the physical body is itself a tiny ufo you have to have a body of some sort the body is a focal point you called it the temple which enables you to work now in the density of gravity walk lightly poised between the world of gravity in the realm of levity earth is a spaceship the body is a temple the ufo is simply a temple a spaceship a structure a body that can carry you carry a being between frequencies you've been expanded up into the mothership which you have discovered to be the whole the great oneness in which everything is now you have come back again and taken over your body but it is cleansed christed full of light full of love it can hurt no one now i'll hand you back to yourself do not doubt you move from dullness through doubt into integrity of thought blessedness of soul be blessed i am with you always the validity of channeling there is an intimate and inner relation between a higher world of living thought and being and its expression in the realm of physical appearance we are alive now in the visible tangible world we live in a body in which intelligence and intellect can manifest using the five senses for experience and interpretation with the over development of the left hemisphere of the brain and its intellectual faculties in the last few centuries we have clearly lost much of the faculties of the right brain the more sensitive poetic visionary powers that can apprehend the super sensible worlds we've established beyond doubt that the higher worlds are reality that they can be explored indeed this is one of the great adventures of our age furthermore in the light of global changes indicated from the turn of the century the bridge of contact will become vitally important channeling is a bridging between our normal consciousness and the higher worlds the fact that this field can be open to deception and misunderstanding does not mean that it is invalid to work for this inner contract between the planes of being indeed it must be achieved channeling has had an interesting history over the last century in the late 19th century mediumship held interest for many chiefly in the attempt to make contact with those who had passed on here the primary motive was to establish improved survival of death great names were associated including sir oliver lodge the seances most certainly produced some interesting phenomena but it most should be recognized that these sessions involved a lowering of consciousness in the medium which could lead to illness and breakdown in direct contact is the achieving of knowledge of higher worlds through intensifying of thinking this was the achievement of rudolph steiner whose contribution of profound significance born in 1864 with a first-rate scientific intellect he found that he possessed complete inner vision of the spiritual worlds he soon found that his fellow students could not see what was open to him the reality of the spiritual beings working everywhere throughout the natural kingdom but he recognized that this was a strange throwback to an older form of knowledge not consonant with scientific intellect of the age he therefore decided never to speak about his spiritual vision until he had so intensified his thinking that he could recover this knowledge as genuine scientific investigation of the invisible worlds with fully conscious thinking he had to make it quite clear that his spiritual knowledge was not mediumship but an achievement of intensified thinking therefore he warned his followers against what was then understood as channeling when at the turn of the century steiner launched into spiritual teaching he demonstrated an unlimited possibility of spiritual knowledge and its application to all aspects of living it was of course vital to him that no one should think that his complete width of knowledge of the higher worlds was achieved through mediumship it achieved a true intensifying of thinking to explore higher knowledge and to merge thinking with the consciousness of beings on the spiritual planes this momentous achievement of steiner's is of profound relevance to our broad picture of channeling it truly indicates the emergence of a new type of being one who has taken a deliberate step in consciously lifting and intensifying thinking so that his mind can blend with mind and being in the spiritual world our picture must be that the human entity the i am in each of us is a droplet of divinity immortal and therefore axiomatically imperishable belonging to the higher worlds of spirit but dipping into embodiment for training and experience on planet earth the greatest school for souls upon earth the human race experiences freedom of choice we may therefore be led astray by the adversary forces the tempters who inflate egoism and deny the spirit we need many lives on earth in order to go through the long training and ultimately to transform our soul and mind so that we may in freedom become co-creators with god now it becomes clear that bridging between the material and spiritual planes is vitally important we are called up in this age to develop consciousness that can rightly channel information and make direct contact with discarnate beings within our own conscious thinking this obviously has its danger since there are many evil beings who would strive to take possession of human souls in the great school of earth we are learning to master our own souls and ultimately reach the point when we can truly allow ourselves to be flooded with an all-embracing love which in truth is the power of the living cosmic christ it has been said that earth created as the planet of wisdom is now to be transformed into the planet of love this is the true meaning of the second coming and it is taking place in our generation as we approach the millennium the world is now ready for dissolving of barriers between planes of matter and spirit therefore with the new validity direct channeling emerges as a vital factor in the spiritual awakening of our time it is an essential exploration like the explorers of the first elizabethan age we must recognize the dangers inherent in our exploration while launching out into the adventures of blending in consciousness with higher worlds on the higher planes of being we are as spiritual entities instantly wherever we project our attention and where love exists between two beings we may be sure that one other is instantly there blending mind and heart when we send our thought and call once attuned we may indeed talk mentally with them a vista of possibilities open as this inner conversation is mastered and used this is a bridging operation of wonder and beauty and we are called on to cultivate this inner channeling so that we may move with courage and certainty into and through an era of change we now grasp the immense importance and validity of the true channeling the cultivation of the ability to allow the thoughts and teachings of higher mind to enter our human minds it opens a vast field which can include the heights of wisdom but also the deception of lesser beings whose motives may be dangerous seduction and the denial of spirit the basic truth is that the being from the higher world speaks to us from within our own thinking mind blends with mind it may appear that we have merely thought or spoken our own thoughts then sometimes we may know that absolute certainty that we are thinking or speaking as a channel for a being out of the body when a dear friend dies we may at first feel that he or she is lost to us then we realize that freed from the body they are very close drawn by the bond of love they are where we are but blended heart to heart and mind to mind this can become the most beautiful relationship of course it is most important to overcome the unreasoning grief which will drag the departing soul down and hamper its progress we must release it into the light and send it forth on its journey with courage and hope and then by loving thought allow it to blend with our own soul when occasion arises or the call is sent out from the other side there may be the doubt that this is simply me talking to me but we must test the spirits through the quality of the channeling obviously the process varies with everyone with some who are lightly sensitive it becomes a real inner conversation or dictation read for instance the wonderful new book by ken kerry called starseed the third millennium ken describes how he was truly taken over in fullest consciousness in the book was dictated to him chapter by chapter this is an example of channeling at its most wonderful and advanced clearly such contact is of immense significance for the coming time we have in the last century so over developed the intellectual faculties of the left brain reasoning that right brain intuition has too often fallen into disuse and become dormant yet the wonder is that mind in god is directly in touch with mind in the human being knowledge or inspiration can be given in the instant intuitive flash from the higher mind the intellectual left hemisphere will demand reason and will doubt and question and analyze the faculty of intuitive mind response has in the age of reason been too often left unused yet it holds the most marvelous secrets and guards the portals of vision blake as visionary wrote now i will a four-fold vision c and a four-fold vision is given to me fourfold is my supreme delight and threefold in soft boolula's night and twofold always may god us keep from single vision and newton's sleep single vision represented for him the reliance on left hemisphere intellect at the price of atrophying of the organ of direct spiritual perception operating through the right hemisphere with its direct inner vision blake takes newton as symbol for the high development of intellectual thinking which while being essential may preclude spiritual vision and contact so in our so-called new age thinking we take part in a general awakening of a mental activity in direct contact with spiritual and super sensible mind the result is a very wide flow of channeled knowledge how often we hear people say my guidance told me or i was given such and such information a whole vista of new potential is opening up which basically implies that right hemisphere mind is allowing the more sensitive poetic faculties so long dormant in our very intellectual culture to become operative as direct channels for spiritual thinking and apprehension thus the new age is characterized by channeling as a central feature of the present awakening of course it is at times simple since it represents the awakening of largely dormant faculties but in our time the direct contact becomes a phenomenon of immense potential and importance perhaps it is behind the remarkable melting of barriers in our western culture so notable in the last few years and symbolized by the coming down of the berlin wall let us have the courage to accept channeling as a major factor in the spiritual awakening of our time it represents the dissolving of frontiers in a true recognition that humankind is one and that every soul is a droplet of divinity immortal imperishable and interlinked and let us recognize that marvelous channeling of highest quality is now in full flood bringing vision courage confidence and joy the wonderful volumes of spiritual teaching by the arcane school come from direct channeling of the master kh by alice bailey a stream of books based on direct right hemisphere contact is now flooding the alternative bookshops at its finest channeling of spiritual knowledge through sensitive souls who can listen to the inner voice of their higher guides or link with friends out of the body is a major factor in the redemption of mankind through the rising tide of love planet earth is to be cleansed of its greed and violence through humanity is opening to the divine love impulse which is the real second coming in our time and channeling is an essential vehicle for this operation redemption while we remain wise to the dangers of to superficial contact with the higher worlds let us accept the present flood of channeling as a primal factor in the redemption of the benighted humanity coming home the i am speaks christ filled yes you are coming home home is where i am you have shut yourself off you all of you over the last centuries have built your castles of defense your strong stone walls your battlements your moats you have felt the need to protect yourselves you've been motivated by fear and all that comes from fear all the evil beings of criticism and hate doubt dislike and disappointment your city has been occupied by these enemy forces you've been enslaved in serving them you've thought it necessary to build this strong fortress with its plenty front and facade now i am calling on you to dissolve the barriers slight the castle destroy all defenses knowing that receiving me you have the perfect and only defense draw around your consciousness the cloud of golden light alive comforting warm you are surrounded by this golden glow lift lift out of the hard stone see it becoming translucent as you rise to my frequency the stone appears to melt to fade finally to disappear like your old cotsworld stone walls it finally disintegrates and returns to soil see the site of the castle now a mound in which archaeologists can dig for foundations now you are centered in the golden cloud the core the kernel glows and shines within the mind within the heart is light so simply you are come home you drive out the spirits of darkness those negative emotions you throw away all the old weapons of defense of the ego based on fear you cut from your vocabulary all words of doubt despair discouragement dislike distaste distress desperation disappointment this is the dark city of d's before your mouth a threshold be guarded let no words today come through your lips motivated by these dark forces of negativity put them all aside they have no place in the golden cloud so long as you sustain the light-filled sphere they cannot enter the two cannot live together if you let the dark in the golden light of my presence will withdraw and fade this is the one thing you can hold to you've dissolved in the bastions and fortifications they are dead mounds now you're floating above them you are the lighted cloud with its shining star center my center cut out the spoken words cut out the thoughts which these words express thought is so quick you must therefore learn to watch your thoughts like fencer you once handled the foil so beautifully what a symbol watch to parry and attacked touche touche a touch i do confess remember that whenever you consciously create the cloud and throw down those defenses you become vulnerable like a newborn creature this is both a coming home and a birth into a new tenderness a tender and gentle creature therefore my defense the christ power is absolutely vital and while i am there it gives you total protection for any missile of dark thought any projectile shot at the soul will be deflected and dissolved and rejected it cannot live in the light therefore watch the thoughts they are also the vocabulary even if unspoken they can be daggers to stab other souls therefore have you built your fortress defenses built because of fear not love at last after so long you are coming through coming home building your true interior temple in the now it is living now this ever moving flowing moment continuously in touch with me the christ and your angels you have the unit of this day to play with work with move through it enjoy it forgive yourself all that is past as you are forgiven love me wherever you see me inhuman animal bird plant angel submit surrender dissolve all protection but take me the power of the living christ so be it i want one thing i am once more outside the great bastion wall and gate through which i could not make entry there was darkness and weight in my embodiment which debarred the crossing of the threshold now i stand in my surrounding cloud of light my local defensive field around my aura but now i am joined by one that i love we blend we unite love is activated between us i bring to the threshold the love of another human being in commitment i step forward offering myself for entry i move further into the shining of the light the great rays of light which penetrate my whole being the light again fills the crown chakra spreads into head shines from the brow down to the throat down to the heart let it begin to glow down to the solar plexus the sun center and continue down with its cleansing action into the darker will area the sacral center the ajna center and onto the limbs there is a burning out of ego desire i am committed to taking the choices that make for wholeness whatever is involved to the best of my ability i reject the ego desires my intention when faced with choice is to choose always that course that makes for greater wholeness to make the world more whole to join consciously with this evolutionary drive towards wholeness whatever that involves that is my wish as from now when i choose wrongly you my guides will quickly make it clear and give me another opportunity to try again when i freely choose a right when you will flood your energy and light through me and i shall know that course is the right one it often matters very little which course is chosen what matter is to make the choice and act on it watching above all for that intuitive flash which almost always comes first at the moment of choice and is so often overlaid by the interference of rational intellect i am training myself to move into new situations under your guidance dedicated and re-dedicated to following the path of wholeness this is holism in action more and more human beings will take this course the morphogenetic field of humanity is being activated by every one of the race who adopts this course it is the endless adventure i repeat that what matters is cultivating the ability to take the conscious choices preferring always to take the bolder more difficult more exciting course rather than the more timid one which seems to satisfy personal desire i choose the course of wholeness whatever it involves however much the ego desires react against it this will help in the burning out of self i submit this and blended in love with another soul i stand directly in the beam of light acceptance i know and now we are drawn through the gate into the light a throng of beings receives us my little cloud aura is enlarged and strengthened by the blending with others i love and who love me it is therefore intensified for they also become part of my thinking they live in my thinking which now bears and carries spiritual beings i act in the certainty that my beloved friends are using my thinking what i think is them to this concept i respond in action we now move up to the square the cathedral ahead of us sufficient for now that we have made entry when i look at those accepted i can see the glowing point in the forehead in the light of heart passport to eternity i can with ease come back to the square for further exploration so we leave it now the crystal spear your original face you have entered the light and the life hold it in perfect stillness and serenity you know by direct experience that the darker emotions moods and beings are repelled by the light for them it is intolerable they may assault your interior castle but they cannot conquer it unless you surrender and give them entry of your own free will you are peering through a crystal sphere of sight and vision you experience this wonderful evolution of an organ of thought and sense which can behold the wholeness of life but you have been entirely unaware of the marvel of sheer design which makes this possible look out from your crystal sphere have now the simplicity of childhood and hold critical intellect at bay except ye become as little children what is this so-called face now go gently and stay simple you know about your face through looking in a mirror you have intellectually grasped the concept of the retina of the eye receiving messages and reversing them you've seen diagrams the amazing mechanism of the ear but unless these organs are ill and you have ear ache or eye ache or headache you are totally unaware of them in actual experience if you are childlike honest and simple your face becomes like one shining eye an opening crystal sphere through which you look out through it you see your clothes your feet the bookcase the window and beyond it the trees and the houses they are all in this crystal sphere so are the clouds and the stars where does it end [Music] it was douglas harding who first was hit by this concept i haven't got a face as a student of zen he understood why the zen masters would say cut off your head and then roar with laughter they called the crystal spear your original face in which you could perceive all that is harding wrote an enchanting and challenging little book on having no head and he saw his teaching as the kind of western zen in your real experience everyone else you see has this remarkable eight inch lump on their shoulders pierced with seven holes and with hair on top but not you you are in your own experience a unique in possessing the crystal sphere and for each one of them the experience is the same each person is unique in carrying the amazing organ of perception in which the universe is contained for be honest where does your original face stop trey hearn writes in his centuries of meditations you will never enjoy the world alright till the sea floweth in your veins till you are clothed with the heavens and crowned with the stars and perceive yourself to be the sole heir of the whole world and more than so because men are in it you who are every one sole heir as well as you it needs the simplicity of a little child to see this great truth drop all face saving all putting a bold face on things and facing up to things throw away your face and accept the crystal sphere which contains all things on which it directs its attention i take away your face and give you the universe take a little child who can enter the kingdom the design the sheer artistry of this creation is far beyond our understanding and we take it for granted there is design behind all evolution within nature has been produced a being with a nervous system and a brain through which matter can be lifted into consciousness the divine field has evolved the human being as a culminating point in nature because the universe needs this organ in the likeness of god within the field of matter the human being is that point where nature can become conscious of itself and reflect the living ideas in the mind of god and so become creative in freedom it is indeed possible for the angelic beings to enter into human consciousness and look out of the human eye in order to see what work of creation looks like from within as we reach this point in evolution they can blend with us in thought and experience their creation while we can begin to break out of limitation and separation and identify with the unitary being of humanity designed after the image of god as we reach this point the beings of the lighter worlds can blend with us in thought while we can learn to look and listen with greater refinement because our consciousness is merged with theirs the angels can then look at the forms of nature through our eyes while we can look with the eye of the mind at the being and life within the forms this is the great step in exploration into god for god is the life in all things green man experience i come directly into the garden i float as a point of consciousness and light and thought and vision i project myself and am accepted and drawn through the door of the darkness into the light into the green i become the green man the head which is one with the friends of green plants whatever i touch i am i am the green in the grass i am the life in the ferns i directly blend with the elemental being within the ferns within the daffodils within the bulb under the earth i am within the green chute the first tiny tree which is to become the great beach i'm outside time before time before the beech tree was i am vast floating bonded by nothing no matter body sense gravity nor any bond bonding i am the vast being of the imagination i am out of my body i can look down and see my body knowing that i can come back this is just like the near-death experience i have lifted clear of the body i have been drawn into the light which is of course a great presence for i experience indeed the christ powers everywhere in everything i do not need to see him as a visible being he is the light he is the being within every form what was without now works within i am one with it with him this is so beautiful and so simple death is a birth this is the equivalent of having died i am now one with all life kinship with all life there is nothing i cannot love love is the recognition of the divinity within each thing the same divinity as is in me i am instantly where i project consciousness onto the top of the mountain into the temple temple of time gateway of eternity i am out into the blue of eternity i'm in time anywhere i am back in time or forward into the future i shall be able to see what it was like i look right back into the molten world seething foaming changing forming hardening i look forward and on in time passing over the present moment of manifestation i see again a changing world rushing of waters movement of the structure shredding lifting breaking new mountains rising i see humanity then as a field of light surrounding the earth those souls lifted out of their bodies become a cloud of light or strands of darkness which are drawn out and form a darker planet they pull out through release from embodiment clouds of darkness composed of soul quality coagulate and are drawn away and form into an unlighted planet which begins to solidify again that the souls may be given the opportunity of rebirth and i see how on our planet surrounded by the luminous cloud enveloping the earth these light-filled souls one with all archetypal beings can then begin with consciousness to form and build a new world the earth is a light the earth has given birth to consciousness all those who are beyond self and into oneness are shining a light therefore the whole planet is surrounded by light glory be oh god how wonderful all the souls who before have achieved the conquest of ego and the entry to the heart of love they all join together innumerable angelic light beings winged beings sorrow and pain are transmuted into beauty agony remorse regret forgiveness lifts those the pain of all the individual souls have gone through in the struggles of embodiment this has turned into a new beauty these things shall be a loftier race than ever the world has shown shall rise with fire of freedom in their hearts and light of knowledge in their eyes so be it sacred sympathy i enter the garden i am disembodied i am a point of floating consciousness so are you my guide we meet as beings of thought you speak in my thinking there is at once a blending and with it immediately has created a responsibility to sustain this blending of thought i obviously must exercise all sympathy tolerance love otherwise the blending would be unattainable intolerable and even give opportunity for dark attack as you genesis can slide into me with such gentle ease so i enter the company of the soul group for many other beings are living in your thinking it is a christed group held together by mutual attunement and love if i came with irritation criticism hate worry cynicism negative emotion it would bring an intolerable irritant into the group and i should be rejected these are the terms on which i may stay in the garden this is not sentiment it is a simple fact that a subtle relationship remains impossible unsustainable without serenity and sacred sympathy thus once in the garden i am surrounded by the structure or cloud of light genesis you now speak to me genesis speaking listen george what you've been speaking is already me you are grasping the concept and the experience of blending thinking you have realized that fallen humanity puts itself out of the garden into the darkness if you feed on criticism fear and hate you exclude yourself from our light entirely your own choice consciousness is blending there are indeed other beings who are not of our light who are not only too happy to step into your thinking you perpetually exclude yourselves from what you call the garden you simply have no entry so long as the darker side of the ego is operative can you see how important forgiveness is forgiveness and love are two sides of the same coin that does not mean lack of discrimination it does not mean sacred sympathy an understanding of motives and reasons for people's actions and characters now you can see that human society is being infiltrated in the best sense of the word by a force which is the emergence of a new humanity look into that great ocean of christ consciousness beings innumerable blended in heart and thought light and love sympathy tolerance and forgiveness you and yours are activity in the field of battle that is what incarnation implies your souls have taken on this task of being the bridging point the fringe force the risk of course is that you in free choice are allowed to let ego dominate inevitably when desire fear criticism and dislike become dominant you then fall to a lower frequency that cuts you out from the light then you're possessed by beings of darkness you're dragged down into the gravity field so-called possession can be a terrible condition when a lost soul or dark being actually gets into a personality but realize that a condition of cynicism fear and dislike and its expression in thought and emotion is a blending of being just as you are blending being with me within your thinking and your heart all the time you are blended with much wider groupings of spirit having chosen to enter the garden then you begin a great exploration but the terms of allowing you to stay are that you watch yourself and cut out from your heart and thought all ego desires all the lower frightened angry disappointed self you've been touched by certain disappointments you must fight this no one else can have the courage to see that whatever is is right sometimes a difficult doctrine but absolutely fundamental start from where you are in my presence blessings upon you all nature is but art unknown to these all chance direction which thou canst not see all discord harmony not understood all partial evil under universal good and spite of pride and airing reasons spite one truth is clear whatever is is right affirmations and the life energy i create in imagination the luminous cloud enveloping my body and aura impregnating me with warmth and light i call upon you genesis my guide and teacher and you have given me the assurance that when i do so you are there this implies that the angelic consciousness can be anywhere and everywhere you are part of the great oneness of mind the mind of god which is omnipresent we in our human separation had to learn that the divine ocean of love and wisdom is always everywhere higher beings will speak and think in you you can think in me the impulse to speak with you is tantamount to your thinking in me i need this contact i must establish a flow with you i must get beyond the sense that i alone create thoughts imagination is the power to lift thinking into the great oneness of life beyond the limitations of the sense world then we see that the life and everything is the same life one life genesis speaking yes my friend i know that you are always part of the great oneness but you have related yourself to the separation attune now to the oneness and discover that everything is within yourself the greater self includes everything to which you give your attention you make the whole one self sacred sympathy implies recognizing with love the beauty and wonder of life in anything you see one life identify with the oneness of creation for you as a human being are part of god in the wholeness grapple with your imagination receive all within consciousness where does the within-ness begin or end it is like a glove turned inside out or that japanese fan folded and then opened to show the expanded circle identify with light and life know that the greater self is the oneness of light with which you now consciously unite that self never ends the exploration is endless and glorious rightly and inevitably you will begin to love the light within every form you meet in all human idiosyncrasies in all struggles and imperfections it is wonderful nature is very perfect in its working the body is part of nature and it is too very perfect the astral body the soul nature of man is still very imperfect and chaotic humanity in the deeper sense is that divine power of thought and light which holds everything in harmony and balance for it is the power of the spirit playing with form often the being has little or no consciousness of this plan the animal the insect the plant manifest the workings of god's plan but are not conscious of them instinct is the divine thinking the thought of the archetypes or group egos of the animals evolved to fulfill necessary actions the human being is the creature into whom the ego can fully descend in him can be chaos and disturbance and even a complete failure to work to the divine plan now you can see the profound significance of this inner movement within individual humans to make conscious constructive control of themselves of course human freedom has resulted in much egoism and desire to satisfy the lust for power and sensation and possession of wealth the true human entity exists in the mind of god he the source has thought you therefore there is no fear that you should be extinguished with dissolving of the physical body you are a strand of this whole ocean of thought which is ubiquitous god when you move over at so-called death you will enter a realm where you can experience forests rivers men and mountains and indeed anything you can imagine you're taken into a light-filled realm of infinite diversity it is a condition of consciousness and it is everywhere beyond time and space you may assume that your true identity is immortal for you are a strand of the ocean of consciousness when your physical body has been dissolved you are freed as a soul and spirit and you live now in the others you are all strands in this ocean of life that is also love on the higher planes all that you meet are also aspects of you the greater you the unified humanity you're a cell of that unitary consciousness humanity is still a pre-birth condition and is approaching the awakening to its totality of being look back on earth and see it filled with half-awake creatures all fighting with each other as beings encapsulated in ego and sense experience the ego drive as the lower self with its desires and its denial of the spirit possessed by the powers of darkness and the passions of lucifer now behold the change to the totality of your imagination let all human entities realize themselves as an aspect of the whole here i quote a passage from coleridge there is one mind one omnipresent mind omnific his most holy name is love truth of subliming import tis the sublime in man our noon tied majesty to know ourselves parts in proportions of one wondrous whole this fraternizes man toy bewitched made blind by lust disinherited of soul no common center man no common sire knoweth a sordid solitary thing mid countless brethren with the lonely heart through courts and cities the smooth savage roams feeling himself his own low self the whole when he by sacred sympathy might make the whole one self self that no alien knows self far diffused as fancy's wings can travel self spreading still oblivious of its own yet all of it possessing this faith this the messiah's destiny victory samuel taylor coleridge and this concludes the adventures in imagination and channeling there is much more in this book and some of these are amazing but i really thought that you would enjoy that this clarifies the validity of channeling but in particular it's making a very important point for us to move the planet to the next level that we must come in to terms with this ability to channel but we must understand how dangerous it can be we must envelope ourselves in love and in right thought and learn how to attract the brighter higher angelic beings and to eliminate the darker angels the section on ufos where he has this experience where he goes into the ufo maybe it's just a dream but it seemed super powerful and the part on the green man experience was just wonderful just felt like an amazing dream like experience the channelings by genesis were also very profound and reminded me of many other powerful channelings in any case i thought you might enjoy this and it really does give us this call the sense of urgency to create the new earth by attaching ourselves to these higher intelligences and that we can do this together in the act of love in any case i'd love to get your impressions of this and i can certainly explore more by this author if you'd like all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at the and welcome to the reality revolution [Music] you
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 13,480
Rating: 4.9233928 out of 5
Keywords: George Trevelyan, Sir George Lowthian Trevelyan, operation redemption, a vision of the aquarian age, exploration into god by george trevelyan, law of attraction, new earth, new age, aquairan age, channeling, channeling alien intelligence, adventures in imagination and channeling by george trevelyan, adventures in imagination and channeling, imagination, Sir George Trevelyan - Exploration into God, exploration into god, brian scott, reality revolution podcast, reality revolution
Id: fCR27YaSlwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 10sec (4450 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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