GEORGE SAN SOUCI vs JOSE PARICA - 2000 World One Pocket Championship

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] accused that's video production presents world-class one pocket hi everybody I'm Nick Varner and I'm at Spot Shot Billiards in Portland Maine for the world one pocket championships with me today is my very special guest Bill Hendrickson hello Bill hi Nick thank you for the warm welcome looking forward to working with you today and we've got a great one pocket match today uh we've got yard San Souci from New York City against uh Jose perika who's Scott just introduced as the leader of the invasion of the Philippine players from Manila Philippines so this should be a great match sure should be and it looks like the players are going to the table they're getting ready to lag and we're playing race to four here at the world one pocket championships in Portland Maine and the action's about ready to begin yep sure it is from my uh section of the country I'm really uh secretly rooting for him kind of a HomeTown a reasonable favorite huh yeah I haven't seen George play any one pocket uh I've saw uh Jose play a lot of work Detroit is the one uh nine ball uh Aficionado or expert uh but he does play some one pocket he's been tutored by the best and I've seen him perform some really outstanding matches I'm looking forward to seeing him play I've seen him play plenty of nine ball but I haven't uh seen him play the one pocket yet so it should be a great match one thing about one pocket the best move of all is uh you know eight and out and I know George can do that one that's for sure especially on these tables I think they're more designed for the uh eight now player versus the uh uh chest type moving uh player yeah it's hard to pass up any reasonable shots in this game uh on this equipment and George saying Susie's one to Break he will open them up and he's breaking toward the left pocket on your screen and uh that 10 ball that corner ball kind of got away he's left Jose a shot here on the break yeah that'll tend to do that under cloth sometimes yeah sometime when I try to do Bill when that happens is I'll move more toward the center of the table more of a glancing blow you don't spread out as many balls but but uh it kind of keeps that that corner balls a dangerous ball and uh Jose's got a real easy shot here on the 10 Ball but the position uh uh like to show maybe on the screen what he may be thinking about here it looks like he might try to cut the tent in this pocket and bring the cue ball underneath and get over here on the 13. yeah um did it find typically the break is a big Advantage but uh it seems as if in this case uh it's not going to be uh going to Advantage at all I assume that sometimes people uh evaluate the breaker's worth maybe a ball he's got a pretty good shot here Bill he can cut that nine in the corner oh he's looking at the bank here and if he splits those two green balls he should push the 13 kind of to the right and if he gets a shot on that and gets the balls open he could possibly get out here it's all going to depend on if he gets a shot after this brake shot wow I don't think that's what he had in mind but he just absolutely felt perfect on that 12. this point may fit past the seven I can't tell from here he's looking at it right now I can't tell if it goes by if that seven has it blocked he's looking at it like it's real tight yeah well he could always just uh send it over to his pocket and hide behind the seven if it doesn't uh fit it looks like it's going to fit though I guess that seven had a lot of the whole blocked on that and uh so George come to the table and uh Jose got a couple balls he leads the game 2-0 we are playing a race to four here in Portland Maine and I think he's going to do here right Nick it's kind of a unusual well he has a lot of choices uh uh he could go rail first and kick that 12 in I don't like sticking there knocking at 12 away with low English because uh you could uh leave Hosea Bank on the seven right uh I think I might try to go rail first and get the ball up toward the third diamond or the side pocket on the right side of the table there where he protects on that seven uh so you can almost try and make the 12. yeah I think I would try to make the 12 just go real first and give him that ball and try to protect that seven uh get the cue ball up there close to the side okay now he won another Avenue he went on he was trying to go all the way up table and he's teasing Jose a little bit with that two ball and yeah but he does have it where Jose can't hit that seven so uh that represents a big threat I don't know if he can hit that uh he might be able to hit uh he can get a piece of seven but I don't know what he can do with it just knock it away I think and end up with the cue ball right there close to the end Rayo and uh he's uh he's left the bank on a 15 ball oh that's uh no he didn't either that's the other guy's pocket Genki might have a shot where he could probably uh Ricochet that 13 off the two uh sending across Corner absolutely that's one option that he has one thing about this game you have a lot more options than when you're playing nine ball don't you Bill absolutely actually that'll be a great shot because he'll be able to put the cue ball against the six and it'll be a free uh if he gets it close it'll be a free shot uh with a chance to run out you know that's a a great option you always have in this game is uh he can stop there on the six or he can go forward up with a five uh yeah there's so many decisions you have to make not only on how you're going to play the shot but you a lot of times you have options uh where where the white ball is going to go and uh safe here yeah he's just going to play safe and cue ball to the bottom rail are going to get to a maybe an up table kind of game where all the balls are up to the top and you'll see a lot of defense and long table Banks well Jose perrique has jumped out to 3-0 game but the game's starting to look like uh the pace may slow down this first game and we may end up with most the balls above the two Side Pockets uh well we'll learn real quick if George has learned the uh finesse part of the game or if he's strictly going to be a firing uh offensive nine ball player so far he looks like uh he uh he's played he's playing pretty conservative uh uh I haven't seen him take any risky shots or anything yeah well he's playing one of the best players alive he's not going to take too many chances no he can't get careless at all against Jose Jose is uh like you say one of the greatest players of all time I think that might have been a mistake you want to hit the fireball a little Fuller yeah he wanted to knock the five to the left so he didn't leave a shot and I guess he got it a little bit thin and he's left uh whole Hosea shot on the five I don't know if Jose uh I think he's going to try to fly ball follow down for the 11 Bank Maybe that sounds pretty good there I think that's exactly what I would try to that's uh I like that choice bill hmm I mean yeah he might have got there but he didn't want to hit that 15 I don't think he overcut that five just a little bit which kind of took him right into that 15. uh he went kind of on the scent side of the pocket whether he slided in off that long Rail and uh he's got to hold this ball across it so he he's just going to play a defensive shot put it on his side and hide the pack [Music] I anticipate that uh maybe George is going to uh kick the uh uh kick the 11 ball I'm thinking he might try to do this here and kick the 11 up there maybe the 11 will hit the rail over here and Cuba will be over here somewhere well I think uh looks like he might have hit this one right on the head bail that's exactly what he was trying to do great call Bill great call well I thought George a little bit to tell you the truth I wish I could play as good as him I'll tell you one thing he picked a shot he was going to play there without any trouble at all uh this looks like a defensive shot here probably gonna go if we can see the 14. I'll probably just go up this side of that put him against the stack trying to come in against the stack and he's uh bumped the eight and uh he's got him against that eight pretty good I don't know if you can see this 11 ball if he could uh it looks as if the eight might be in a way as you think the Eight's in a way Nick I think he's blocked out on that 11. I don't think he has a shot at the uh uh at the 11 ball so if he can hit it it's one thing but I might go up to 11 just put it on my side send the Q up by the four if not I may just roll up against affordable he doesn't look like he has the option on the 11 it looks like he's mostly uh trying to figure out how to get to cue ball I think what he's looking at is how to even get to cue ball and the rail because he's gonna try and grazing but I don't like this shot very much he's gonna leave on the wrong side of the pack is gonna have a lot of options yeah I found that this game in one pocket is uh the best way to play the game is uh decrease your opponent's options if if every shot you decreases options he doesn't have really much of a chance well that's a pretty good strategy now Jose is just going to hit the 13 knock a couple balls loose and yeah Jose's get a 4-0 lead so he can afford it yeah exactly he can afford to be a little patient and get him up table where it's harder to catch up and the strategy behind that is if you're leading four to four to uh nothing and you send them up table the man we might have to bank eight balls to your four balls and that's not really a enjoyable situation to be in versus leaving him down here making one mistake and letting them run eating out still a little bit of a cat and mouse game here with those balls yeah mostly what the two players are doing now they're just trying to play safe trying to keep their opponent from scoring any balls and they're both doing a great job of that he's just going to draw back off the one ball and hope the 14 of he might give him a little bit of a bank here a little bit of a Gamble yeah he's teasing him a little bit here with that one I think he's just going to go up to one and put it back on the bottom rail um something like this with the cue ball we'll end up maybe here one will probably end up up here maybe blocking some of his banking Lanes I'm good you know I think let's see what he does see if he let's see if he called this shot again guys you're making my job easy bill I'll just let you use a telestrator you're just picking it right on the button every time well it's the only game I know how to play Nick I can tell you about 40 years it is well I can tell you're no novice at this game we try if I had their ability I would have been a good player yeah I think he's still going to go off the 13 ball probably gonna go off the 13 ball let me uh put the cue ball here again put the 13 up on his side over here somewhere good call tell you what uh why you're calling these shots George is shooting I believe you know I think he's going to play I think he's got the earphone on their phone on uh three in a row man this is an interesting position here uh it's not so easy not to give up some sort of a bank in this position he's far away from the boys gonna have to hit it fairly hard and he doesn't want to sell out a bank yeah he just kind of drove it into the wall and helped him no he might have given up something I can't see it though no Lanes I don't think he has anything okay thank you I'd say here I don't think he has any banks 14 can't get past there huh I don't think the 14 can wow I think he's gonna probably have to come off either the three on this side I might open them balls up well I'm not touching the 11. I'd rather go up to three I like your idea better if you go up to 11 ball you'll have to open up the man's banking Lanes yeah I don't think Jose is going to have a lot of choice here I think he's gonna have to put three three yeah absolutely probably end up with the cue ball over in this area here I don't know if he's gonna hit it hard I wouldn't think he's going to I wouldn't hit it hard because if you move at eight and you could leave a bank on the 15 or the 13th sure sure that's even better I like bringing the ball down to the bottom rail makes the man hit the ball harder every time you hit the ball hard he's subject to make a little bit more likely to make a mistake with the cue ball position I would think he'd just tap the one toward the pocket here well uh does not leave a 13 bank I don't know I don't think the 13 bikes well if you whack it uh well I think they think he made him got up a little higher than uh I thought about that was a nice shot there that was real nice he cut the one went to the end Rail and uh Jose now will probably come off the 11 and come up toward uh and rail sure well we're seeing strong execution in this game with the three ball there's a foot between the 13 and 14. yeah I think it does at the same time it takes one hell of a hit because if you hit those two balls it's not going to be you probably if you don't fit it between there it's pretty narrow hole it's easy to knock a ball over to your opponent's side he's looking at that now he's doing it and uh he might he might be taking a chance at the shot yeah I believe you're right I believe he is going for this three here he's got to be careful here don't give him a shot on the six yeah oh he hit it terrible say that's too risky for me that's too risky because he's left him a pretty good shot on the seven here he's got a good shot here what it's a little hard he's jacked up right over that one it's not exactly a gimme but sure he's got pretty good but they think he can play I think it's almost free could have laid my shot on that 13 but he's a great player great players make great shots out of the eight ball goes past the 14 do you think can you see the 14th Direction I'll tell you what from here it looks like uh four teams in Hawaii but he should I say shoot I think he can I think he's shooting at it 14 I believe I shot I don't blame him he's leading 6-0 there's really no need for him to take any uh he's gonna probably go up the three ball now take the 13-3 set him up table send the cue ball back down to the bottom rail something like that oh yeah he put that cue ball and then railed it yeah I think if that's George here I might just cut the six in the parking or cut it toward the leaven and just try to roll forward right on top of that 111 something like that you can kick to the side Raya I like that I like kicking yeah I'd like to kick a d11 freeze him on the behind the six that's nice shot too you got to get him back down to send to the table because he's never going to beat him now if he has to you know make them one at a time no he wants them all down here to run a few well so you can get something uh close to his Holland block with that eight two and thirteen are getting froze over there maybe but basically you're right he has to be looking to bring balls up table and Jose is going to be trying to take him back down sure sure I'm just going to shuffle back and forth I think I just played on the side and go to the end rail off the side rail here just make sure so I shot as long as I'm scratching in play look at that ball hop I like that shot better that's a nice shot though he'll probably just go up the uh he may Bank sa there you think so I wouldn't if I was shooting I think I would just drive the sixth ball back it back up table and leave by the bottom rail again those are patience at this point yeah I kind of like your theory there because uh if George got a shot here he could get those four balls pretty easy eight two thirteen seconds six four six four is a lot different than six zero absolutely I think I just shoot into it he's gonna he's gonna exactly he's gonna try and protect the sixth ball and uh you know he'll leave the 13 and two in the way of the six so that uh suppose I can't take the six away that's the closest ball to his pocket probably just roll up against the one ball nice and easy and that's a nice shot and again he probably has a few options you could just uh it looks like he's looking at the April now uh defensively yeah he's defending his score his position is so strong now he's just defending it he's not taking any chances I don't blame him because uh George does have four balls that uh you know if George had come walk with four balls then he's a big threat on winning the game until he you know gets a few balls they don't have much pressure on Jose so Jose is going to take advantage of that it's a tricky little shot here with that April he'd like to hit the eight ball but uh I think he's gonna end up hitting the six uh if it's the eight that's something that near the point and what's he doing shooting at the 11. I think he ran out of patience oh he got a really lucky break I'll tell you what I think oh Jose if he can't play safe over there around the aid he might have to uh I mean you don't think he'd intentionally try to put the cube over there do you Nick no no yeah well what do you do here now you know you're gonna give him some kind of a shot I think I guess you want to minimize the damage right I think I would hit the four and leave him behind the 15. yeah something like that maybe looking to minimize the damage oh he's going behind the three which that's okay too well it depends you might begin to dig a deeper ditch for yourself here my bank's a forward yeah that's what I would do froze against a wand I like cut and it don't matter where the four goes there's a 13 one rail and then make it hit the 13 or make it to six it may even get closer to 11. but I would protect pretty good on the 11. I'd try yep as long as that ball is there he's got a strong threat going foreign I like that shot I don't like going over there no I don't like it either well okay I think he's uh just about terminated his position here yeah he doesn't have any to spot up I don't think yeah he's gone to uh 98 and then he'll probably it'll probably Bank the 11 over here and uh that should end it laughs is that all he needs is one I think yeah yeah he just needs one this will be the if he makes this he'll win the first game and it looks like it's a he jumps out to 1-0 lead in this match Eureka Jose played real solid that day yes he sure did he played a real great game uh well both offensively and once he got the lead the great defensive game too um whose break is it what is the procedure well it's alternate to break and that charge broke the last game and so Jose uh wins the first game and uh wins the break too and you rack Your Own Boss is that right now yes yes uh the rule in this tournament a lot of one pocket tournaments that's what they're doing today is they allow the player to Rack his own would there be an advantage to racking your own or a disadvantage to having your opponent racket the way I think it saves a lot of time and I think there's a lot less confrontation yeah when you uh rack your own balls because uh you think anybody's ever become a professional wrecker where he can anticipate how the balls are going to go or well I'm sure there's a lot of knowledge on racking them in this game but I don't think as much as nine ball nine ball the the rack and the break is uh so critical in those in that game those two things it's incredible how important that is a big part of the game it is almost as important it's a playing part of the game I have a friend of mine his name is Lodi Joe he comes from Lodi New Jersey he's uh one of the greatest records I've ever seen if you let him Rock the balls I swear he breaks them I don't know what percentage but it's a high percentage of the time he's going to make a ball and a brick yeah it makes me suspicious okay now Jose is breaking uh out in space a little bit like what I was talking about exactly didn't come out like the 10 did last time man he's made the corner ball here I don't know if he's got a shot he may have he knows Lodi Joe on a break well you know a couple matches ago I was commentating and uh uh two balls were made on two different breaks uh but they were in this opposite hole they were in the lower left toe and Jose that's the first time on this table I've seen anybody break from uh right that's made the corner Ball but uh these are Centennial pulls am I correct these are yes what kind of cable is that I think uh it's a red circle I believe okay he got pretty close to that two ball here uh he's a great straight pool player he probably knows what's going to happen once he uh executes this shot I think he'd probably predict his next shot I know I saw him years ago playing a world soap and straightforward tournament to be a situation where you'd like to know what's going to happen yeah I think he got a little closer to it than he wanted oh absolutely I think he's going to have a hard time getting away from them if he don't get a shot maybe on that 12 I don't think he may not get a shot unless he can really get away from Iraq and get over to the left yeah he doesn't have it you called it exactly right Nick the three's got him done it oh that six bolt look that looked like anything can happen with the six the three two combo or something well it's possible but boy a little risky you gotta BET The Game on that and uh he's got four balls why would he want to take any risk like that sure because if he misses it George can probably get eight and out and uh it's a shot I'd say you're only gonna make uh 30 40 percent of the time at the most I think you'll see him protect that lead one more time yeah I think you're right gotta be careful here you leave George a shot on that Aid I like like a shot here nick uh I'd like to say like George I like this kick shot here I think he can send a cue ball here and back to the eight ball and I think maybe if he hits the correct Party eight ball it might hit either seven or go in clean get close to the hole and keep one might get up in this area here and hide see what I'm saying the only thing I kind of hate about that if you push that 14 out of the way and he can hit that seven he's got a chance to get a real good shot look at a bank on the seven right I like offensive behavior in the spot I kind of like chipping the eight and coming back and freezing him on the 8 and 14. yeah I think maybe that's a great shot also but that's a little more conservative yeah I think he's kind of luxury show yeah he's probably kind of looking at your shot I guess it all depends on execution you know if he executes either shot well they'll both serve him well well my shot's a little less risk and uh uh naturally a little less reward you're not going to make a ball on my shot he's going to do what you said though well very similar I hope he doesn't have a 13 bank here does he combination Bank uh yeah you might have a possibility possibility to send it a three into the 13 and send it over here like this I think he might have that shot he's looking at it right now he's looking to see where he can make the 13 hit and he might be able to send it right yeah to go up toward the side pocket and uh uh and it looks like to me could almost take the cue ball right there where he's got position on the 12 at the same time no you had to cut it to do that but that's a nice shot though keep them as I say keep your opponent busy yeah because George is caught in the Trap here of just knocking away there's not much aggressive he can do and uh always got to be careful if he just knocks this away he may have that kick on the seven that you were talking about [Music] yeah he took away that option that option on the seven ball and uh that was very nicely done absolutely well if that's Jose my strategy I think I would uh be looking down I'd be looking at this rack and try to get them up table I don't think I'd be worried much about scoring right I think I'd be very very patient he's leading the match one zero he's got a four lead disc game and uh pressure on him one of his options is he could just hit the 14 but we'll send the cue ball here and maybe back up underneath the rack somewhere and just eliminate all the offensive options forcing George to send the ball up table or if he wants to be aggressive which maybe the score doesn't dictate uh he could always Bank the 13 balcony or you can kick Bank the eight absolutely he's got a couple aggressive options there well he's trying to try and if he can it's hard there because he can't shoot too hard or he might get up and leave him some kind of Bank sure he's trying to protect on the one and George is looking to see if there's a dead one in there then and he's coming off the stack here so maybe that ball he might have made it Dead when he shot and well he's gonna probably go up to six and try and protect the one again what do you think yeah I think you're right I think you're right trying to get the cue ball in this area maybe yeah I'd try to get it right behind the nine I'd try to not even give him the Temptation on the 13. and he protected on the wand so hard to shoot it to 13 here because you got the April can he hold that bank up and draw your cue ball into the 13 and you know even if you give them give them the one ball from here it's a long hard one from the top rail that's hard I don't even know how much of the 80 can hit but uh and that's definitely a lot of aggressive air yeah it is so George is gonna could have just protect the nine ball and it looks as if Jose is going to protect the one ball yeah I would think uh again Hosea probably end up leaving this cue ball down here again trying so he can't see the one ball when George gets up he won't be like the one maybe right in here let's see what he does what a position in the tournament are these gentlemen and is this a pressure match uh are they getting close to the semifinals or quarterfinals or yeah they're at 16 on the winter side so uh the winner of this match will move on to eight on the winter side so that's starting to get down pretty good you know so that was a pretty important match they don't want to uh you know throw it away now if George wanted to get more aggressive here might be the time uh that kick shot you're talking about tonight absolutely here hit the six and maybe the Cubo would rest in there but I can understand I'm not sure I would play it it looks nice absolutely it's easier to draw it on that board than it is to actually get it well also you can bank that six you might be able to make the sixth ball uh if you make the point of contact in there with left drawer you might be able to send it into here to keep up my open those balls up he might be able to run out I don't think he can but judge backwards yeah I think the 12 and or what was that up there judging by the way they've been uh he's looking at it though it doesn't buy the way they've been it looks like he's gonna try it I like crime just to freezing there where he can't hit the oh he's kind of looking at your shot I guess maybe she hits it if he hits it and gets a shot next it's a winner we should stop her so we don't have to lose if he don't make this bank and uh if he gets a shot here he could win the game even so if that six does have a chance to go I think I think it might be the time to go he's playing a defensive shot oh he elected he went back to a more conservative shot hey he's exhibiting a lot of patience absolutely absolutely and patience may be uh one of the stronger assets you can have in a game of one pocket hey I was out patience usually your bankroll don't last too long kicking at the nine and taking that big threat away I'll tell you what I think I would move the one now and get it on my side um it's difficult to see the exact angle I'm looking at this possibility of a nine ball Bank it may be a pretty shot I don't know I can't tell does a seven look like it has a chance or a three to uh go in his pocket here like this or like this from combination this might be able to bank that night and get on position on those balls I don't know oh like you said if I just push the one away like he looks like not either I'd move this one I think here yeah unfortunately that's what Jose would like him to do is put him under the rack because of the score yeah I think I'd like to put him closer to that right pocket there myself I don't like bringing him on this side of the rack I was always going to take the seven and the end of the uh four is that the four ball or the two ball probably hiding behind a rack again he made a shoot to three into that solid and then bump that stripe over on his side and then freeze him on that other strike the two stripes there so that'll laugh for sure I kind of like that shot here looks like it might do that my way you could possibly leave a shot with that is a long Rail and it's well he didn't have to hit anything so wow I guess he probably didn't have the angle to cut it into the solid and stick there he had to go back to 12 here Nick does it look like he packed a 12 I can't see he doesn't act like it you're just gonna move this and come underneath the stack s I don't think he has I don't care well he's got to be a little cautious here I think I cheated into the 14 try to leave him underneath these two balls you may move the ball is just a hair but well you know that's a good shot but uh you don't want to be the last uh you want to be the last one to shoot in this position after he sends those two bulls up the next person may shoot up the other two balls and freeze it to the bottom rail and that would leave you a long way to go with the cue ball um and be difficult to execute a good safe see this is good oh no if he goes off one of the balls it'll always be one next to him yeah okay she's hoping for this 12 volt bank but I don't believe her that's pretty tough I don't believe it's time to do that after all his patience no you hit that bad I think I'd rather Bank the three than that one well looks like he's gonna try something yeah it don't bounce real high that's a pretty good shot too foreign just shoot that ball and come underneath the 10 or the 14 freeze them to the bottom rail really nice nicely done I don't care everybody we're in Portland Maine we're at the Whirlwind pocket championships uh we're in action here we've got action with George saying Susie Jose pereca Jose won the first game and is leading a second game four balls to nothing and the balls are moving up the table and the pace of the second game is slowed way down absolutely [Music] this is the position I was telling you about uh Nick when he drives his pull-up table there's no more balls close to him anymore now he's got a to you know execute a good safety he's have to he's gonna have to travel uh four feet or so possibly leaving a one or two real bank I think here I just hit that 14 and drive it toward the three and one and ten and just stick right there sure sure because I don't think he can Bank the 12. no 12 will be able to be banked how about the four is that a shot can he Bank the four ball no I think the 12's in the way of that I mean it doesn't even have to go into pocket if he uh just gets it by here oops and just even gets it over to here and hides him behind these balls in that area it may be a good shot well it looks like he's going to shoot it to four let's see what he does or is he shooting it tonight I just put one over there on the other side of the table I guess he'll go up to 12 now put it up in the corner again yeah yeah I think he'll leave the cue ball close to where the 12's at here no he decided to bring him all the way back wow he's got him a little bit of trouble here I think I'd just go into the nine here uh well that's a good shot well he's getting ready to shoot so too late and leave him on top of the four is what I meant to say yeah he may have a two-railer out of 14. yeah I think what he's trying to do there's block that too right like his yard just got a really good shot here on the 14 he can play two rails it looks like it's totally free in this area here and draw the cube over toward the one so you block What's at 6'4 sure you might be able to make the eight or something get another bull down or get in trouble worse oh he got him good the problem is it didn't get to 14 where yeah it's a big threat he didn't get it very close to the hole he hit him real well Jose has to uh that looks like he's going to either go up the one or the the 10 ball and send the cue ball down into uh this area here uh that's even better of a shot I like that shot anybody anybody elect to protect that 14 ball yeah could shoot right into the one or the six yeah I don't know about shooting until the one he might have a free shot on the six if you do that but what do you think about making the eight ball and when he spots the eight it'd be such a long hard shot I don't know if you want to um put yourself in a position to shoot that ball tell you what there's not a lot of appetizing aggressive shots out there right now no it's not at least good aggressive shots uh anybody could go off the uh what's that the 10 ball up there and cover the uh it could go rail first on this three and stop the cue ball maybe send the three ball down towards the 14 or the hole or you could go behind it and kick it the other way one rail looks like he might be trying to kick his one rail and he saw he did pretty good he did hit that real good difficult shot I guess that he's if he doesn't try uh an offensive shot here he's probably going to send a three ball here and the cue ball to the bottom rail somewhere in this area maybe yeah he can do either one and uh he's not in any hurry though because when you get in a hurry he could have played that cross corner and tried to put a writing and lay Sean the cue ball and spun back to 14 for a free shot but uh he's not taking uh any chances uh he's leading this uh match in this game and he's going to make George earn it and uh George uh he's going to be getting tired of playing safe all he's done so far yeah he knows that if he gives up his safety here he's going to end up losing the game though he can't do that I mean that you can't make the three in a side so that's uh you know without scratching anyway so I don't think he has to worry about that one look I was gonna too real or seven more oh tell you what that's not a bad shot um no not bad hey y'all how bad he can do is knock the 10 over towards three on his side of the table somewhere and leave the cue ball around the end rail a little bit yeah that's absolutely the right shot it has to be a little careful here if he hits us cuts it too much you cut your scratch he's got to be sure he hits US 10 pretty full so he follows through the ball a little bit and yeah he's looking at it he don't want to lose the cue ball and the drink here you know he could play the one cross corner too looks like it's a real nice shot three can get here I'd have to look at this one pretty serious here and then you might be able to put your cue ball into the eight or sync the eight and uh create a real offensive dilemma well I don't think I'd want to make the eight here in his possession but uh I might consider playing the one but I certainly can't argue with this shot this is uh not much going to go wrong here about all that could go wrong is hit this 10 too thin and scratch I hit it perfect yeah the perfect yeah I don't like it yeah George's got a problem on his hands here yes it does he's gonna pocket 10 and go about the middle down no he's going all the way down yeah well he got a boil down table that maybe that's uh that's a positive step on his part I don't think he's going to shoot the 14 Bank I think I'll just knock the 10 to his side two rails like he did the three ball earlier yeah and go to the end rail with the cue ball I think he's he's losing the battle of uh you know object ball manipulation here I think maybe Jose is Jose is three shots yeah and Jose is better without moving him a little bit honestly that seven represents a big threat to George absolutely he really has to protect on the seventh well he did a lot of good uh it was a positive shot yes I was yeah he's cuddles they off where Jose really can't send uh anything to his pocket at least I don't think so I don't think I think the 12's too close to double kiss you know if they could bank that seven there's no path well maybe not even into the ball you know into the pocket but maybe just down towards his scoreboard over there and possibly leave him over the 12 or something yeah you could run into the 12 here and try to bank it maybe between the 10 14 just try to get it down three back too let's look at the three bank I think that's a little risky of a shot for his position though you know I actually like that one better than the seven I either like playing safe or or if I'm going to try to make at least the three will go if you hit it good unless you have to go into the one here and take a chance on scratching now I wouldn't shoot if there's any danger of that I think that's the problem with the three ball is that you may kiss that one and go toward that eight and you certainly wouldn't want to end up in the bottom of that hole you may go defense on a seven and cut it into the other man's pocket up there and then come two rails with the cue ball yeah here it comes a little bit fortunate there not to leave George a shot yeah if he would have missed those two balls it would have been a good shot George is gonna be elected here where uh he may have to play this 14 just to move the balls properly he's a good player he'll even come close to making a shot or make it oh I think he will come close to making it but I think he's an underdog on making it well if you get it close to the pocket can he get his cue ball up there behind a six or maybe over them balls up there but I've been to 14 counts pretty close here yeah I think he needed to make that one though well I'll say I'll probably just knock this away you took that out from the bottom rail first uh Nick or would you go to the side rail and stick the cue ball I think I knocked that over by the side on my side of the table I think I'd kick to the side rail and knock it up over by the side yeah well he's going all the way up a little softer try to keep by the side pocket yeah that's an advanced move Nick a lot of guys don't even think that that way I don't shot they're just glad to make a good hit oh really yeah yeah I like to keep it more where it represents a bigger threat for any Banksy shoots when it's up by the side that keeps him from shooting in one of these long railers if the pathway ever opens it'll make him think twice and kind of prevents him from doing anything now it's a great thing that was a great name at least wow nice shot beautiful shot ah George's first ball this game was a beauty well I wish we could see that one again yeah that would be a pretty one to watch again wasn't it okay now George is looking at the six I believe to play two rails across Corner sure it hadn't been done before I might be able to hide him behind the floor and leave himself a combination 410 if he happens to make it you gotta behind the floor he didn't hit it that good but it's down there with the four here Jose's got a little bit more to think about this time sure he does uh he's in a little bit tougher position to play safe this time absolutely working to see how creative Jose is I think right here and I'm sure he's very very creative he's been playing this game a lot of years plays all game he's an all-around player well maybe he can get by that ball it looked like to me on the monitor he's got him he's carving around that ball bill yeah that's a wide shot he came close to scratching there that's dangerous there he could have ended up scratching and that would really turn this game around absolutely what about this Wing is really key right here I like just protecting against any banks here just hit this six knocking on my side and just be sure yeah the floor ball or something yeah I like that and probably he's going to go off the uh well he's got to be careful here sure does George has gonna have a few options I believe if he does this wrong I mean the three ball looks like it could be a bank later on uh possibly the the four uh or the six seem loose I might just hit the 12 here and come all the way back right up over the spot that's a great shot that's a great shotgun make sure you don't make the eight by accident well if you come over the spot and then close to an rail you don't have to worry if it goes in you know what I mean yeah he's gonna have a double Bank on the spoilers with a another dangerous shot well if I was George I think I'd do the same thing what do you think about this is the six Bank I think it's too thin I think it's too close to double kiss and I think it just too hard we're just going to hit the 12 and come down table yeah I like that not bad hopefully get a ball that he can send up here I'm really astonished that for Pockets this large that we got into a real chess match here I thought there was going to be more eight and out type of playing I tell you what the last match I was on accustad's video between Shane and Dalton and Grady Matthews three out of the four games Shannon run eating out something right that was the shortest set of one pocket I've seen in quite some time I Grady's a very uh accomplished one pocket player yeah and he's pretty aggressive himself great he plays a pretty aggressive game and uh and uh Shan and three out of the four were actually run eight and out so we got a taste of offense that set sure well he didn't want that to happen yeah don't hurt anything I don't think well it's just uh I guess not by Design I don't think you get back to six ball candy no it's too risky of a hit way too risky again I will spin the balls and come down oh getting a little too close to the side for comfort yeah I think he's just gonna chip the three and come down maybe or trial gotta be careful I don't leave him a shot on the 312 here though if he does that to like uh I like Jose's pocket in this position here um I have a way that I like to play this game once I get them all corralled in the corner like he seems to be doing let's say in uh you know if they get let's say this tight in the corner and all the balls are in in there then I like to drop a ball and maybe uh get a bank something like this here and your Kubo might end up going up over those balls there and having a world of trouble I'm sort of foreseeing the shot maybe about five or six shots from now or seven shots from now when they all get corralled in the corner somebody maybe drop one foreign oh my gosh you got lucky boy Jose come a lot closer to the corner pocket there than he was trying and uh he kind of shakes his head and well does he shoot the seven well that's one of his choices I don't know whether he's going to shade it or just cut it toward the three six I have a shot and a six here too yeah I didn't really have a great chance there I don't think no he's left Jose this is a free Bank couple got Banks there is a free Bank I have a chance to make this bowl without any uh I have to worry too much about defense oh it's five balls down what's the score here now score is four balls for Jose parika and one for George Sanchez and and uh he's shooting the three what a nice set what a nice set that's a beautiful shot and uh he made it nice shot that was a beautiful shot great bike and Jose perrique has played almost Flawless so far hadn't he well I really made a mistake as he not really the one mistake he made he almost scratched the corner ended up of course in the other mandible you know yeah what do you think of Bank on the seven here maybe go two rails and kick the six towards your pocket tip well that's definitely aggressive yeah but he's left him a free shot on the seven sure is once again Jose that's where their lead comes in so strong one ball means so much to Jose at this point in the match every ball I don't think it was a free shot now I think he's got a chance to make this six ball well it turned out not to be free because of where the seven went and he definitely has a George has a pretty free shot himself here on the six wow I don't think I'd shoot to souvenir I think you gotta shoot to six here don't you well he's going to get it very close if he doesn't make it I mean he's a world championship caliber player I believe anybody of his uh offensive abilities is going to get the sixth ball within a an inch and a hole or two I would think oh he's a little soft with that yeah well the bridge will do that too sometimes yes it will won't it he he always it's amazing to me when you watch uh when you play you think you're right on top of the cue ball and you're four inches from the cue ball when you're dressing it especially when uh as we get a little older I think maybe our judgment isn't quite as good but George doesn't have that problem I think he's only about 26 years old something like that 27. oh well it's Jose does he play in a senior tour yeah keeps himself in great shape yeah he uh he plays on the senior tour he's played on a couple of events have to be over 50 years old is that right yes I think that was a great shot there because George he needs to get some balls down here in trails in this game five balls to one so uh the pressure's uncharged to try to get something going here of course right now the balls are he's got that uh six and seven that uh are real close to Jose's pocket yeah Jose doesn't make many mistakes at all hadn't made any so far you must have been trying to get over that corner yeah a chance at the eight or the nine here I can Bank the eight here he's gonna Bank the eight he doesn't even have to go for the hole you go for it to make it hit the six I went for the hole nice wow I guess he's got a free chance at the nine yeah I think I just roll this is elevated over this too if he makes this bowl the game will be over I'll have automatic position on the seven and the six he'll he'll be uh he'll be out and that'll be the end of the game I'm sure boy that was a great challenge wow what a tremendous shot and Jose pereca wins game number two we're playing a race to four we're here in Portland Maine it's a world one pocket championships and uh George San Susie comes to the table uh to break the balls uh trailing in the match two games to zero I think he had a little help with the size of the pockets on these tables they're not really designed for a defensive game I think he came with the top rail in that last shot or to it assisted him a little bit what do you think what do you mean now you you say it's all well typically uh one pocket typically one pocket you know in my section of the country they play it on smaller pockets and over here these are standard uh regulation size pockets well it definitely I think uh makes it more in a regressive game yeah because honestly if you get a 70 80 percent shot even if it's maybe going to cost you the game you've almost got to go for it I think here where on those triple Shams the shop might only be 40 50 percent right so it really changes the percentages and I think of the decisions you make when you're playing a game now once again George is broken and this corner ball is coming out and I think Jose is going to try to cut this in and go up and down two rails and get positioned you call it I think that Super Bowl is going to go it looks like this game might be a quick one well if he gets positioned after this shot well the 15 might be dead here uh what do you think about that combination in there looks like it might be lined up a little bit to the uh uh left of the pocket here I I think uh he might have to cut that a lot uh it looks like to me that position here is a little tricky I mean where do you go it looks like you're going to run into the wand almost no matter what unless you draw it and if you draw it you have no shots you've almost got to get into these three balls here somehow to or hit the one into the one end of the 13. oh that was interesting that was interesting but I'm not sure that's what he was trying there he's got the 811 that's a four confidence well he can that is an option cutting the four in but I think we'll see him play the 811. because if he fell just right if he makes the 11 and Falls just right on the eight he could get over here and get to four or two uh he might be able to draw underneath no I think he no he's gonna have to draw straight back along his Q here and get shot on that four ball for the same pocket and uh foreign he wanted to come back a couple more inches he seems to be getting the first four or five every game putting uh George on the defensive right away well what's really her charge in this match is this break shot he's left his opponent he's left Jose a shot to make a ball both time he's broke and that's that's huge uh it's hard to win when you do that for sure for sure that's one of the most important shots in the game because usually against this caliber competition he who makes a first mistake usually loses if the balls are down table if they're still on the end close to the pockets not every time I mean but I like to have the first shot in this game yeah you shot that combination for that combo and uh everybody got himself in trouble doing it let's see 48-9 he's got six and uh boy he's got tough nut to shoot here isn't it tough not to cut this thing yeah six buddy by the game might not be over yet I'll tell you what yeah we'll take care of George might get them all the thing is as lopsided as this matches looks so far it's been all Jose parika if he don't make this six we're gonna see a turn around in a hurry yeah it's a pivotal there's a pivotal shot right here because if he don't make this George is two to one he if he wins this game they're in position they're a little funny though even at that but uh uh if he don't make this uh his big Edge might go away once again he hit a great shot he just cut it in nothing but net did he uh he needs one ball to win the game I believe uh he may just park this uh close to his hole because he's going to cut this a little to make it and draw toward uh those two balls he has to be careful he don't leave anyone shooting that right now Nick I'd be taking a nine ball out of play and uh sending them up table again like he's been successful with so far I like to dance with the one that brung me you know what I mean I tell you what I might even phrase him on the 13 and knock cassavin over in front of my hole here or Draw this back close to that uh those two stripes the 13 and that stripe the 12 I think it is leave him right in there but he just going to make the ball and if it's hard enough it's going to be super close but if it's bankable it might be in a world of trouble he may regret we'll see what happens with the support charge makes us and Falls good position on the seven he could learn to regret it in a hurry here because he can definitely if he gets it up there around the side pockets possibly good shape on 13. but I tell you what this opening shot's no easy shot because that see how far the nine ball is off the rail there sure that means there's a lot of margin of error I expect the cue ball to be up in this area after the shot oh boy hit that nice that was uh that that's not a z he made it look easy but that was not an easy shot but once again he's in a tough situation to get in positions two balls a seven of the five and he's he's in horrible position to play I don't think he could uh he could maybe uh make the make the 15 in here and bring the cue ball out somewhere in this area for the seven oh he can but boy that is a very difficult shot I think this is a point though you bringing up that shot I think I'd have to go for it myself because uh if he can fall good on the seven he could run out now he's trying to draw back and get a shot on the seven or maybe bump the 12. he moved to 13. and he's got some sort of maybe he's got a bank on the seven the monitor doesn't look that way but it's very difficult from where we're at uh he's got to be more careful Jose only needs one ball so he's got to be real careful I think he's banking the seven well I think that's a pretty good shot I expect he'll make this that's a beautiful shot no I think that was a beautiful shot just went a little too far boy if he could have fallen on that 12 where he could break out that 10-1 he could run out the game so can he do it now can he make the ball go to the rail come back off and if he catches the one or the 10 uh when the hell he has to hit the one off a thin or miss the one and catch the 10. that's quite a touch um I think you got to think about banking the 13 next uh our uh play position if the 13 goes by those two balls I'd maybe bounce off this rail and come across toward that side but uh boy he has some options here he's coming all the way up well he's going for the game if he makes this ball gets out of 13 he might have a chance to win it get the man uh Jose from getting to the table again uh Jose uh that's a big um that could be a big momentum shift in this match because so far it's been all Jose parika yeah I know I wouldn't like that I wouldn't like to lose the game if I needed one because I was impatient you know yeah well nobody likes that okay now you see where George is pointing his Q that's where he's trying to pocket the five in his pocket and come across one rail for a position on that 13. and uh very difficult yeah he's really in the match a little bit thick and I think that might be his demise I think Jose will just cut the 13 in soft and won't even he might draw away from these balls but I'm not even sure I'd even draw away from them I just float that 13 right in the pockets are pretty generous no he's going to draw out of there and not break out them two balls that are tied up and don't go he's gonna no he did but uh game number three you'll notice where the red ball is and uh that got close there yeah yeah uh if George makes that last shot on the five uh uh and got a good angle on the 13 he only needs two balls so uh one thing for sure uh Jose Parikh I almost paid the price for missing that long rail bank huh well George made a good opening shot too going two rails on that bank where the ball bounced off the end rail cut that name in that was a beautiful shot what's the score now okay it's three games to zero Jose perrique is on the hill and he's got the break uh and uh he's in the driver's seat and uh last time he made a ball on the break about eight inches from the rail he's breaking yeah well it worked good last time he made a ball in the break let's see if he can make the six ball again this time I didn't make it this time it didn't get quite as good a spread but still it's a pretty effective break absolutely uh he's got he can't hit the eight there on the bottom rail the three up here high he can't hit the six and the 12 and uh uh even if he goes down in this corner the 80 could possibly leave him a bank on it he charges really in a tough spot here uh absolutely do you do here bill I might take a scratch Nick that's an option against the 13-15 maybe yeah but hope hope he sends me up table and maybe I'll have a chance to knock a couple of them balls out of there because he's in a world of trouble right here that's one of the greater breaks I've seen yeah he's just got he's got uh he's got everything he can't send him up table he's got the 12. can't push him in that corner pocket up table he can't hardly leave him over here close to Jose's hole because uh Jose or he can either freeze him on the stack or Bank the eight I tell you what George is really going to have to play strong here to get out of this this is this is uh these balls are really late favorite they're really laying in Jose's favor here even with an excellent execution here he could end up not liking it yeah yeah I don't think that 11's on either I think that he doesn't have a combination to have a split shut off to 15 with the cue baller to the 11. you think that could be possible I don't think you can get it thin enough to cut the 11 enough I think it'll go too much toward the end rail here I don't think you can cut it enough to make the the beard because at this stage of the game that would look like a hanger compared to the defensive shots yeah let me just tell you what he's going to have to unless he just cope unless he just takes a foul he's a if he shoots to play a safe here unless he leaves him against those balls around the stack he's going to have a hard time playing much of a safe here I tell you what you could try this but boy even that I don't like hit tonight and try to draw between the six and twelve but if you clip the 12 you may end up in the hole well even if you do that he may have the Eight coming back at you yeah yeah that's right you know that's right even if you hit it good and that's hard to control that speed you're looking three people undo that too you know maybe positive get in there perfect and it breaks real soft just enough to maybe not reach the rail or maybe this barely reads the rail and hide him behind a 12 you know like a baby touch that's what he's trying he's trying to get out oh boy he did a I don't know I can't see what uh here on a bank he did a pretty good shot about us he got almost often and uh what else could you do Optimum results on that shot I'll tell you what that's one of the toughest spots I've seen anybody in on the break so far that was about the most effective break I've seen him absolutely I don't like going up table here no but I like really protecting the six absolutely absolutely I like uh I might even take a foul against that kind of against 11 here because he's got him in a good spot here I wouldn't release him too easy well you could possibly uh I don't know how much of the 80 can see at least it looks like he's going to let him go up table I don't know yeah oh he shot it straight in the hole wow I don't know what's on his mind maybe he's trying to come back to reels and lay on the pack I'm not sure what it is yeah I think that might have been what he was trying to do chip that ball but I believe I've just taken a foul if I wanted to do that because he's in such a strong position now one ball doesn't mean anything absolutely now I can't tell if that three ball goes but uh Jose perika and game number four finds himself down minus one on a scratch he's on a scratch and uh and charge pretty well doesn't have much choice he's got to go for this three and maybe try to get some kind of angle on the eight or even the 12. to break them out very nice shot very nice shot I think you could break those balls open and play position for the five at the same time yeah he got a little flatter than he wanted but he can hit him and he's got a shot I think on the five uh the question is uh will he get a shot on that 11 next if he cuts the five in he goes into the 15 and four and he should have a pretty good chance to get a shot on the 11 here but he doesn't well he's drawn back I'll have a chance maybe at the bank on the 12th he hits it real easy yeah that's what he's got he's got a bank on the 12th now you guy he's looking there he's pointing where he's going to try to bank the 12 and get up for position on the sixth ball for his hole well he doesn't have a lot of angle here I don't know how much uh position he's going to be able to play wow that was a great shot that was a great shot really yeah he held that bank up with a little bit of uh inside English yes he did enabled him to uh get up high enough get up higher yeah he really hit that shot that was a great shot that was a championship shot yes it was yes it was it was a great shot and uh I tell you what it looks like to me that he could possibly get all of them here he needs uh four more he's got a good shot on the six and uh he's coming way up and uh he's got a pretty good shot on the 15 and he can probably have some choices but he could just run over and bump the four hit it in the center on top and he should get a shot on the 11th or he may go forward oh oh it's an uncharacteristic Miss yeah for George that was very uncharacteristic so uh George ends up with five balls but he got a little distance there and uh I think he was fortunate enough that he didn't leave Jose uh straight in on that four and he didn't break up the 2-1 that's the bad news but the good news is for for Hosea is that uh if he makes this combination bank or even if he makes the ten ball Bank he's going to have position and uh maybe the ability to run right out I mean I can't tell that four is a big blocker though that's not automatic you if the four wasn't there this Bank might be automatic but I'd say he's the underdog on pocketing a ball here because uh the 10's the best shot of all but the 14's got it blocked yeah if he could shoot that 10 you move at 14 out of the way I really wouldn't all I wouldn't like it at all if I was his opponent but he don't have to make this four ball here of course he doesn't have to make it uh end up leaving him in a tough spot but he did make it cool that was a heck of a she's not an easy shot he played it underneath the floor what a what just an incredible shot as it come up for the nine or the 14 I would imagine how would you play this neck you come uh one rail up are you coming around three rails too I don't think you can unless he can hit that left rail I think he's got to come all the way around two rails and uh oh what a nice touch wow wow what a touch now though where do you go I don't think you got any open balls you may have to play for a bank on the one well you could touch tap the two out can you well yeah you could but come across and try to bump the two he's going up for the 15. 15 goes through there but I could have never I could have never it's also all right at this point here if it doesn't fit through he has a two wheeler on a seven yeah right something like this here would go here here then all the way down through here foreign George has five balls this game it's gonna be a little more interesting yeah because it's going to be hard for Jose to get all the way out here he's uh he just got two balls there so far it was a great shot great shot what a great shot that was a phenomenal shot there hey he can get out now that that really opened him up if he comes with this two ball here he could get all the way out oh oh that bad roll he caught the 13 a little thick and it was a bad roll if he gets a shot there yeah on the monitor they got four five four let's see three five uh we're missing a ball somewhere yeah I only see you I think it is five five perika always won oh okay okay that's why we're ball Shard on the table whenever perika if he doesn't get all the way out there'll be an extra ball at it on the table and that makes it work out perfect so the score is five for George four for Jose and uh looks like he's gonna be forced to play a defensive shot here so there is an extra ball going to come up after his Inning on the spot what would you do here protect that one foreign I think I might take him all the way down to that chalk uh that that upper left pocket there on the screen knocked the seven over to my side of the table and uh try to get the cue ball down there close to that corner pocket I believe with reverse English yeah take it down close to the corner pocket in there and just try to get the seven on my side I think that's uh that's that's one way to look at it for sure it's uh he may not have a perfect angle to do that but I think he can get to Cuba well no he's he just stopped it so he knows there's gonna be a ball spotted there so he won't be able to hit the one okay we got a uh Dynamite game going here uh close one uh it's uh five to four with six balls on the table and uh George comes to the table after Jose plays safe and at this at this point I might send the nine back over to here and a cue ball down here on the shot yeah I don't see anything wrong with that I think that might be a good shot oh I'm anticipating he's going to shoot the seven back on me bank and I want to boil over there on my side I didn't hit it good I mean double cast it he didn't hit it good he wanted that on his side to leave there in case uh Jose missed the seven Bank he's looking to bank the seven I think he's almost got a shield to seven here even if he don't make it just leave the cue ball Frozen in Rio I think just get the seven up there within a foot of your hole and if you happen to block with the name that's he's going to have a charge in a big tough spot but look how good he hit this ball he didn't quite make it but man he hit that good sure did he held that ball out he had some uh juice on that ball I guess he's going to take the seven out would be the wise choice here wouldn't he tell you what uh a tough spot oh he could really might go to here and a Cubo might go to here foreign ER but I don't think I don't think uh he can shoot yeah I think uh if he shoots us for his pocket I think he's you know he could he I don't think this is laying so good here uh I think something uh if he doesn't hit it good uh he could possibly lose a game on this shot if he goes to try to make a seven because he can't get that cue ball up in that upper corner pocket with high Fowler because he has to cut the seven a little to make it which starts bringing him across table the other way and I don't like that he probably won't play the seven to the hole I'll probably just played a seven to go over near his side pocket or something you know anywhere near his side and maybe follow the cue ball up into the top left-hand corner and he may shoot hard and try to make endlessly the cue ball down on this end same end of the table this lower end of the table if he doesn't make it leaves it for a bank he loses the game I don't think he'll choose to do that now he just he's uh really on the safety mode here he's strictly on the safety and it's a good shot George may just have to follow the 9-2 rails yep that looks like that's a better shot Sees God that's just he's going to have to hit it pretty hard and follow the cue ball straight forward end up on the end Rail and I hope something gets on his side he needs to get this four ball cluster in here is not exactly working in his favor right now the four balls around the spot here he needs to bump one of them a little bit where uh Jose has to protect a little more a good hit here could put him in a little better shape not bad yeah I think that might change a complexion of this frame a little bit uh here on the shut here there's a lot of things you can do okay um I think judging by the store I might decide to go up the left side of the seven and same to send a cube oil maybe over here somewhere thank you seems to be a fairly safe shot depending where you put the seven foreign that's that's kind of keep keeping him alive keeping him uncomfortable he keeps kind of looking to maybe play a little more conservative but no I think he's going to play your shot bill Jose uh stop listening to me you may have to speak softer yeah it's like the one ball shot here just take it out and cover what's the score 5-4 I I think seriously I'd have to see where it spots up but I might have to think seriously about rolling the seven in the hole we're already making it right depends on where it spots up you're exactly right and if you don't shoot that uh I don't think I don't think he can hit tonight and fall enough to knock it two rails on his side obviously I like that better that's not such a bad idea because you figure I think to go pretty long and you draw your cue ball around too the way this match is going I tell you what uh I kind of like that uh these balls have really been hurting him these four balls even though he bumped a one a little bit it didn't help him a whole lot except he does have a bank now on it that he didn't have before I kind of like your I really like that I think I might even have position for the 14 if he happens to get lucky and make it maybe he'll have a shot on a 14. oh he went to 13. wow and I hope the cue ball stays on the table it did oh that was a great shot wow that was a great shot he needed that too because he needed to get that middle of the board open up because mostly that's the first time he shot at his holes since he opened up with that run in the beginning of the game absolutely shots like that it will make some one of the greatest players in a tri-state area if not the United States so he's got uh George has a 5'4 lead yeah he's ahead by one ball in this game okay so this Genki shoots his shot we're gonna change tapes very quickly bye-bye okay we're back in Action here at the uh with the Jose parika jard San Souci match and uh we just missed one shot Jose played the one the ball two rails toward his corner so uh a very good job on changing the tapes and uh that two rail bank has put Georgia where it's a little tight coming through there oh my goodness that's a great hit that was a hard hit there that was a great hit that shot it was a catastrophe there I thought it was a great execution there and uh what is he doing here is he gonna draw all the way back he's gonna try and make a winning uh shot shot going for the 13 for his haul wow wow yeah he should that's hard to beat there yeah it is that's hard to beat uh what a great bank shot that was well he's really playing good I've been impressed with how Jose's played this match he's hardly he really almost played if he gets out here he's almost played a Flawless match Bill uh it's hard to beat this kind of playing here uh okay I believe that Jose pereca is shooting uh for the winning ball right now oh and he missed wow New Life George is still alive it's seven to five and uh well I would have bet anything that game was over in the match Jose's laughing at himself he feels like he should have made it laughing on the outside crying on the inside yeah well but not crying too hard it's still three of my favorite no he needs to make one ball and George needs three in this position here George can get this game you know three balls uh you know if he can get this game it is his break next so he could get to two pretty quick here uh oh yeah oh look at this shot he tried to oh my gosh what a great shot that one would have been like a quarter of an inch closer to the rail he might have made the double rail bank okay I think we're gonna see Jose pereca Bank this 14 for the winning ball and the of the match uh very hard Bang we better get it close oh okay he didn't go for it I guess uh he was afraid that he would leave George a shot evidently he couldn't play that and get a free pop at it and uh uh George is still alive here and when you're playing a caliber a player of a George saying Susie yeah you get a chance to put him away you better go ahead and put him away because he's not the type of player that's going to give up until you pocket the winning ball this one bull go or is that a scratch shot I don't know if he can draw that and hit the point or not I uh uh I mean it's an easy defensive shot he could just follow straight through and back it up on us you know on his side of the table follow the keyboard to the bottom rail and you called it exactly bill that's exactly what he did and I guess he's gonna have to shoot the 14 ball here put on his side and try to leave him the seven or the one or the 14 very difficult maneuver man it's so close to double kiss a I don't really like this shot it's I just don't know if he can get out of that double kiss yeah he got out of it very well I like it now yeah he's has a chance he has a chance yeah he's looking at the banking this ball but let's see how the cue balls aggressive for the score yeah I couldn't play this because uh man you're going to the 14 Anything could happen I just backed the 14 up on my side near the one and leave the cue ball well he just page one there's no knees and there's no need for him to have to be that aggressive I mean same shot I might just put the 14 on my side can you get him up there behind the one wall or on the top rail on the shot without hitting the side pocket point no no he's hey if he shoots a 14 he's going to stay on this end come across toward this corner pocket where he can't Bank the wand yeah it's too real around the one he might get shape on the seven boy that's a hard shot here he's going for this ball oh man what a great hit oh what is the greatest hit there wow that'll that'll win a lot of games you know what that was a phenomenal shot there you saw just one great Bank Shot there and uh well if he can get up and Bank of 14 here he can uh he can make Jose where Jose is not going to believe he lost the game that's right they'll get a reprieve from the governor looks like here if he makes this shot and gets under 14 right I don't know if he can get it back high enough to Bank of 14 he may just have to cinch us and he got it up I think he's got a Shot For the Win here that's the first time in this match and we saw George have a shot to shoot at the winning ball in a game and uh I tell you what he's gonna you know one thing nice about this you don't have to worry about uh really losing the game on this shot he's got a nice free pop uh making this and winning boy that's nothing but Ned there almost ooh just caught a little bit of the end rail I don't know if he can even get it out now he's gonna have to try and jump the table either that or followed in one of them it's so much on the point can think he could follow that shot in I don't know I mean not predictably so I mean you might it's hard to get out of there I think I'd better uh well we got that glass working for us here thank goodness for this glass no he's just going to try to follow it in oh what did I show no problem for Jose and now Bill what do you do on this shot well I'm strictly a defensive player I'm sorry I'm gonna I'm gonna take the uh uh after the two balls are spotted I'm gonna you're just gonna cross it yeah I'm just gonna leave the cue ball on the bottom rail somewhere near here and uh those the One Bowl should end up over here any other bull should end up over here somewhere depending on the speed he hits it I'm not gonna cross I'm gonna I'm gonna hit the left side of the ball I'm not Crossing it my cue ball is going to come down here and go to here okay I can't fault that shot but boy being down 3-0 makes you want to try to make that nine ball I know that I think George is going to do what I told her what I what I uh is shooting it from a little more to the center I don't know if I would do that looks like he's trying to make the two balls I think he's trying to go for the winning shot here that's uh really not the wise shot in this in this position he's winning he only needs one you know he's now he's got both balls in play um would have been a good win tell you what he's got Jose in a tough spot yes he does yes he does he's got Jose a little uncomfortable yes he does tell you what I don't think he can shoot I think he's gonna think he has to shoot the name here myself I don't like shooting anything unless you try to make the 14. and if he shoots the Knight as he need to go to the bank out of 14 or the night I mean I don't know what he's going to do to get out of this he's going to have a hard time playing a shot here where George I think I would saw for all the nine and use it as a Blocker on the 14. I think that's the best shot myself shot excellent shot okay I think this game is over and George saying Susie looked like he was dead in this match and uh he's gonna win his first game and now the score is uh uh Jose perika with three games yard San Souci with one and uh plus he gets the break uh yeah I'm sure he'll break from a little more towards the center of the table this time he doesn't want to sell at that corner ball again well George came was uh just an incredible two-rail Bank on the one or he would have been headed for the losers bracket if he missed it that one that was just a little that's such a hard Bank from the angle he had to make uh that's one of the best bank shots I've seen made in this tournament that was just an incredible shot what do you think is going through Jose's mind now he had took a shot at the game ball I think he was made me favored to make the shot and he missed it I think I know exactly what's going through his mind uh he thought he had to match one and now he's got to play like a son of a gun still to win yeah even though he's got a little bit of a comfort zone anybody that's played a lot of competitive pool knows that when that yeah I tell you what he just keeps leave George just he's broke three times and he's left Jose that opening shot every time did he break from out in space that time I didn't I think he broke from a little closer to the center of the table and I think it didn't help he's gonna be careful he don't slide off the six here now in the corner he's got that in his mind oh boy looks like he may not have another shot I can't tell tell you what he uh got that six tooth in and I got up and I can't tell if he's uh got a shot I don't think he has one and uh if he doesn't have one he may find himself in a tough spot here to play safety George body got a break here because I expected Jose to get a at least a few balls here I say that Jose found a spot he didn't want to because it's hard for him to play a safe that two ball it's hard to protect on that cross corner to and move that six out of the way and uh kind of cue was Jose playing with you know so yeah sponsored by a Schuler or something I don't know I don't know what kind of key he's George plays with a Paul Mighty queue uh Paul Marty's from Pittsburgh is one of nicer yeah pretty cute yeah that is a pretty cute well Jose has found himself he's pocketed one ball of George's break and found himself in a hard place to uh play defense here uh the only thing I see here is try to draw the hair so he can't Bank the two I think what I would do here is I think what I'd do is shoot into this whoops I think I'd shoot from the cue ball with low English hit to six back to the center of the stack and then try to hit enough draw to get to cue ball to come back here where he can't make that bank on the two that's the only thing you know execute stretching out like that across the whole table yeah especially with the bridge uh I might go off the edge of the 14 try and pinch them between there oh he's going to try and take the six and the 14 out he's looking to take the 60s that's not easy either but that might be a sellout that might be a mistake yeah I tell you what I I think he got off the inside of 14 and pin him between the six and the rail without giving up the six the two bank forcing uh you know your opponent to go up table well you could chip the uh as we're looking at the screen you could chip the left side of the 14 and try to freeze him against the left side of the six where like you say he has to go up table that's probably the best shot it may be it looks like that might be the best shot here I think that's that's probably not the best shot you can choose but it's probably the easiest to execute compared on this case Eddie Taylor one of the greatest that ever played the game said that when you're in a really tough spot sometime that's when you should look for the simplest and easy thing to do I tell you what I think in this case now he's going to try to really get away here but he can lose the game with this shot absolutely can wow now that's incredible control I gave one ball I didn't even think of that option I like that idea I have to take off my hat to Jose parika while making the ball and getting a 14 was not so tough but putting the cue ball under the two under this too to cut off the cross Corner bank that's just incredible touch he was using the bridge I mean how strong was that chat bill that was great it was a great shot in fact that I really admire a person who's willing to give up that ball to the other person I watch a lot of players and they're very reluctant to do that and of course them inevitably across them two or three balls rather than just giving up the one right off the bat oh boy he came up with a championship safety I think that's the best safety in this match that was just an incredible shot he played today he's got him in this match and there's been a lot of safeties in this battle oh boy you're not a kid we've seen some real defense in this one haven't we oh yeah well that's the you know that's what the spectators want to see they want to they want to learn the game it's a great game uh to watch and spectate and uh this particular game you'll learn a lot from well it's basically the one pocket aficionados they love it they love it very nice touch very nice touch it's like we're under the rack we might end up sending them up table again yeah it's uh I don't think you can shoot it to 12 there it may go off the edge of the edge of the eight ball it's hard to do that and unless you come back yeah it's tough to protect on that 14. yeah are the five either one of those two it's hard to play safe and protect on those two banks that George has got uh potential Banks and he's looking at the two like he might try to spread them out a little bit and just draw toward this left counter or draw straight back but I think the bottom Lane is we're probably going to seem cut d8 shoot a little hard and come back toward the chalk or around the counter well that's an interesting shot tell you what I've already said about the table I might have to yeah he may have a double kiss I was thinking falling straight forward through on this five and leaving froze on the end rail doesn't look like such a bad shot but I don't know if he has angle here he's looking at it uh I don't think he can make the five but at least he would leave him alone oh he couldn't get out of the double kiss yeah if he got out of the kiss I think he had a real nice shot that just was laying tough I think that eight ball goes uh Nick he's looking at it like it does so he might be able to make the eight get the other side of the fourth stop on the 14th soft spin this maybe sure well Jose hits these shots real good that soft spin that's a hard shot yeah it is that's a difficult chat this bull Bank might be able to crossbank this almost scratch the cube well in the hole I can't tell if he can get a cube all the way here or not if he can get the Cuba out of the way this bank can go I don't know if he can get possession on another ball if he can get it high enough for the 14 but he's going to have to do something with this eight and try to keep from leaving him a bank on that 14. he may be just trying to kick it out of the kick it out of there foreign I don't know I don't know if he's trying to make a one or three but uh he's playing a great job shut I didn't know that one yeah I've seen that one before or three but I don't know if he was playing that but he definitely hit it almost perfect I mean his cue balls up at the top there as if he played it yeah beautiful result kind of left Jose a shot on the five but it's not an easy shot uh it might be a one blow reward and a five ball loss if he doesn't like it yeah I don't like shooting at these I don't like uh she had a one-ball rewards and five ball losses I don't like them type shots that's the opposite philosophy as you want to have in one pocket you might be to go over for the 11. no he just he made sure the five went Center Court Nice Shot maybe he can play the 12 here he's going to play the 12 here kicked the 13 that was whole well you move I don't know where he's going to draw back or he just shot a nice soft shot and now and it once again he finds himself where he's going to have to protect on that two ball Bank I'll tell you what don't get behind here can he spin it behind the eight and make the eight get in the way of the two uh I don't know if he can stop but but he's gotta pinch it in there I don't know if he can do that oh that was an intelligent shot if say that's a case where you bought up earlier I think I might have just knocked it in left him on that angle where he couldn't get out of the double kiss on the two exactly and uh I think that's a case where you're better off giving up that eight ball you know sometime it just gets too tough because what he tried to do your touch has to be perfect and just he has to stop it literally on a dime it's a lot easier for us over here Nick oh yeah I never make a mistake from the booth I don't have any pressure on my hair yeah I hope I'm able to take my uh both games are my match tonight George has two is he got a chance to get them all or what oh yeah he's got a chance he's gonna have to open something up but if I see him he's got five balls loose that puts him one in the hole I think I'd try to get everything that's open here maybe he was trying to I think bump that nine there but I think I'd just get the open balls and then try to bank one for the win unless I got a really good opportunity to break him up I don't really like going into him off this ball I like I'd rather end up with seven here than take a chance on ending up with three or four I might play the two Ball come up for the one now you know I might want to come back this way shoot the one and then maybe the 13. okay now he's going to play the 13 come around for the uh one probably next only danger when he comes around for this one if he gets straight in then he has trouble getting off the rail for the 10 so Jose only has two balls yeah if he can just get these three open balls here he'll be uh have seven balls and I think I think he gets a H I think he's gonna fall I think he wins if he gets these two balls looks like uh no no Jose has two okay so I counted wrong yeah he needs three balls absolutely he's gonna have trouble getting the next ball he's going to end up with six but unless he banks the three in maybe yeah he's very straight on the one you can't get over for the 10 he's looking at drawing back maybe for the 11 but I think I may float forward a bank of three if it goes a seven might be in the way to the seven three main bank when George has a lot of done a lot of damage at the table this inning up at the table he's called into a 5-2 lead he's shooting the sixth ball and he's going to have a nice lead when he leaves the table especially if he doesn't leave Hosea a shot off the three bull Banks now he's going to be in good shape yeah he's looking to bank his three people should be on the top rail it should be uh pretty much a free Bank yeah I might even uh I think I'd try to hit this with a level stroke if possible because if he does he'll probably come really close to making the three and if he makes it he might even get a shot to win the game oh he's trying he couldn't cut it enough I guess he had to try to kiss it off the Sabbath nicely here yeah he's got Jose in a tough spot also uh all of a sudden the layout of the balls is a little different they all of a sudden kind of favoring George instead of Jose for sure wow what a nice head beautiful shot such great control of the cue ball that looked at the results and the execution make it look like it was routine but that was a hard shot I might just hit the three real thin you know send up near the nine and make the Cubo go to the side rail I don't want to leave my bank that was a great shot nothing wrong with that that was a great shot I didn't know he could do that George only needs to send a couple of safety valves up table uh Jose is what can I think to see maybe if he could get that 10 to bank once across corner but that looks extremely difficult from here tell you what I think he's going to play a bell he'll be back in the match if this goes any tall or I could be uh I think job is going to win game number two and uh yeah I'm sure he's going to finish this game uh right here he only needs two and just stop stop so all of a sudden it looked like Jose parika was going to close George out 4-0 and all of a sudden the match is uh 4-2 3-2 3-2 I'm sorry three two and uh if George can win this game he'll get a break for the winning game of course the way he's been breaking he may be better off letting Jose break yeah he's done everything pretty good today but the break has put him in a Depot every game it's made it tough for him to win except the last one where Jose gotten well if you've been ever been in a situation like that where every time you broke the balls you couldn't no matter what you did you just couldn't figure it out oh yeah yeah that's one of the dangerous things of one pocket the most scary thing is the con that corner ball coming out on your opponent's side because I got to a point one day where I just hit the corner ball the bottom ball like the 710 split you know what I mean and just uh played the hide to one ball and I knew I couldn't sell like that you know what I mean and uh you know hey some better than selling out sometime when that ball starts coming out you know what I mean by the 710 split you bowled a little bit very little but I know what the 710 is that's about the worst split you can get yeah I'm referring to let the two Corner balls tell you what well I thought George could break like that George would be uh devastating wouldn't he I think that uh this match might be a little different if he broke like Jose has this match but I tell you what that one may not be too good because this time yes he has a strong chance to get him for us behind that four and four yeah some good things to do here this is not uh quite the uh the the last time Jose broke well that was an incredible break it was hardly any good save but this time it's a he has a few more options here he could take the 10 ball and knock the one on his side and get behind the balls of maybe with him the fireball it's like that I shouldn't have five maybe this goes I don't know ooh if it ticked that sap whoops and tell you what evidently the four don't go surely I like the shot I think there's only one good shot here but could be wrong because one pocket offers a multitude but I like kicking down to the end rail here and hitting the side rail here short of the five knock it away and linen with the cue ball right around this corner pocket not bad idea I think the results could be real good he could get George if he can block F5 going across with the cue ball where he gets at five in the way going across for George he could put him in a tough spot even though it looks at first a look like George has got him in a tough spot and uh um he doesn't look like you get too much of a chance to get over uh Jose is looking at it pretty close well he knows a mistake here and he could be hell hell on what looked like was going to be an easy match for him win has turned into a match where he cut the if it goes hill hill he could be in danger of losing because Jack was a little more uh well executed than we thought originally thought I think maybe Jose's been looking at this for a while and I think maybe it's a difficult position for him well I think he'll come out there with a good shot if he kicks to the end rail if he shoots this other way I don't know I don't really care for that you mean when you say kicking me go up table and back he goes up table I think he'll end up with a good result she took up and then back down into here well uh yeah only I would uh what I would try to do I'd like to show I would try when I come off that end rail up here I would try to catch a little more of the rail so I hit the five and get it up here with the Roy ball right in here where it makes it difficult for him to get back underneath these uh where he couldn't get on this side of the table yeah absolutely I'd like to hit that five a little Fuller yeah that would be the perfect thing you just gotta watch out for the scratch you don't want to go off the thrill well I think it's close enough to the rail that I don't think he can scratch Maybe I'm Wrong I guess if he hits it just absolutely perfect but it's almost close enough to the rail that I don't think he has to worry so much about the scratch is Miss hitting it the other way yeah I think you know too much rail or going right into the five and hanging it or something like this may be the whole uh I think he's a favorite I think uh he's a favorite on shooting at this shot now he's going to end up making it happen the worst thing that could happen happen he came straight straight off the rail and now George has a pretty good shot at the five and then boy if he can uh fall good on one of these balls where he can get them open but this looks like a tough place to get eight balls all don't it yeah it is I want to make sure if I'm shooting a five that I don't scratch up to 14 or something like that well wow if he can Bank the 14 that's all right you might be able to back to 14. they can fall on that angle where he can cut the seven in and draw back wow what do you think of a bank in the 14 off of the four knocking the four up near the six or something like that and covering the bank with the two and the eight or possibly paying position for d8 if it goes in I think I'd just Bank the 14 in my hole if it goes that's so tough to judge when you kiss off a ball I can't tell how far apart they are oh they are apart yeah I don't think I'd mess with kissing the forward yeah I couldn't play to make us oh he didn't cut it enough did he oh yes he did but he couldn't stop it in time what do you think about a double back on a four ball here I think it's uh I think it's laying real good and the only thing that try to be sure I didn't leave him across Corner if he can Bank it without leaving that cross corner I think he's got a good chance here to play that double Bank the double back Community would go to here here and then and then here right yeah yeah I think that's the shot here it usually doesn't come up much but I think uh here it uh it makes sense well he hit it pretty good uh I think I think he sold out the tent yeah I think Jose will shoot it to 10 here plus the four didn't help him it died on the end rail where he doesn't have to worry too much about defending on it but I don't think that would matter anyway if it was uh up another six inches I think Jose he's shooting it at least it's down deep enough where he's going to have our time playing it yeah yeah he came up a little too high that's a danger you got a that shot so hard to make it sometimes it's hard to control that cue ball well that's not automatic hoodie Pockets his 10 I mean this is not exactly a gimme well maybe for Jose it is there was that time but I tell you what he's got a long way from his six he's got to hit the six good to make it this is uh this is I think's harder than a 10 was sure it's going to come over for the nine Maybe it went I thought he had caught that a little too thin but uh it fell right in and I see the two goes maybe the eight the two he's a little straight on the two so uh position might be a little tricky here he's elevating so he's going to try to draw back a little forced it into the end rail he had enough angle to go down to the end Rail and he made it but uh the next ball is going to be a hard one you bet that combination any chance 12 volt tell you what I might try to come just barely across the top of that stack here and and get a shot on the nine oh the nine we're seeing a perfect angle here on that uh that eight and nine what a camera view this is look at that I'm not even sure the name goes by that seven it's tight anyway that's what I was thinking maybe the shot was it come across the top and take that cut on the ninth it does go by it may go by but it looks like that's a tight fit to me well you can roll this bowl real soft and possibly Bank the four uh come right back with a uh back in the fort no he's doing it the other way what a shot now he's trying to come across for this nine and he could use a little he'd like to see that cue ball get a little off the rail now he can play possession on the four here if he can make the nine I he might have too much angle but I think he's got a chance on cutting them he needs two balls I mean uh he gets on the four he wins the game does he oh I think he needs more don't he I think he needs more too uh we've got five on the monitor I think here five two is there eight out there three six eight yeah it's a five two Jose pereca in the lead the score oh what's George's usually they put him in a wreck over here oh they didn't get them out I guess uh so uh I think Jose here will just knock the four ball away and maybe float okay he's going up table too I was having a senior moment Nick I'm sorry about that George puts the balls over here and so the score is five to uh yeah he's not happy about playing the double bank and leaving costing him five four balls yeah no but uh to tell you the truth it was a great shot if you would have execute a little bit better it might have won the game came up about two inches too high it's all hard to mess with these six balls here isn't it yes it is well and it's the wonderful thing about pool uh it's a it's not a game of inches it's a game of fractions of inches you know you called that one right foreign point when you're making a ball is uh the actual contact point between the cube wall and the object ball when you're making it is only a you know a thousandth of an inch or something some ridiculous number okay word Spot Shot barriers in Portland Maine we're at the world one pocket championships and we're locked in heavy duty action here we got yard San Souci and hope say parika playing a match where uh George Trails Jose by one game he's behind two to three and he's he's behind two balls to five balls in this game if he can win this game then it'll go to the deciding game it'll be Hill Health Jose wins the match is over and I think he left him a little too straight in I think he can play this one here but he certainly don't want to hit the point here and break out he could break out the whole stack here if he catches that point he definitely I bet don't go inside with this ball no he didn't want it he wouldn't he didn't want to leave in that shot and now he left in the four Bank also yeah or is that the two ball well the good thing is if he can he's got a good chance even if Jose makes this ball these balls are all on the scoring end and it they're laying a little funny well he didn't make that one okay he's got six and two and now George he can knock that four over in front of his hole somewhere a block with the stack he doesn't have much of a shot to play the four but I think here all he can do is knock it two rails over I'm about a foot off the end Rail and and try to block with these six balls and try to keep all the balls down here because if Jose gets those balls at the table I don't like his odds of winning he went all the way down I don't know if I would want to do that no because now I wouldn't want it I would try to keep the balls down on this end he's opening up the possibility which is what I or Jose or anybody with a 6-2 lead would like is the ability to move these balls upstairs whoops absolutely where it's a lot easier to defend and where if you make a mistake you don't lose the game if Jose makes a mistake right now he can lose the game where these balls are on this end of the table I know you're one of the greatest uh combination players you're one of the world's greatest straight ball players and a lot of combinations come up in that game and a lot of these balls seem to be heading in the direction of uh George's pocket can you see any chances for anything to go um yeah it looks like everything for at least from where it worse it looks like everything's pretty well off but I know one thing I'd do my best to keep these balls from going up the table yeah I think I just banked this four unless that he has to protect on that 1512 if that combination's on looks like to me it's missing about three quarters or half a diamond but I think I would move to four over to my side of the table but see they're laying where it's a little tough for Jose to get these balls up table they might even come off the Sabbath and come right back on top of that 11. that's always a great shot in one pocket that limits your man's your opponent's options he doesn't really have much to do except Play Safe And it might it's hard to do that sure but it's tough to do it's tough to get him there oh yeah you gotta make a great hit I guess it's just a simple matter of distance and direction that's what they say about golf it's only two things you have to worry about golf is distance and Direction yeah has to simplify matters huh he went kind of easy yeah that seven ball looks like it might be heading towards Jose's pocket along with the 12 huh in a combination kind of way yeah it could be it very well could be George may just have to chip the seven break it up here and go over to the end rail close to Jose's pocket come off the side rail so yeah I think he's a little leery about the cue ball coming too close to the corner when he does that he yeah you have to make a real accurate hit here when I do that sometimes I'd like to graze the 13 and then the seven and it brings me down at a sharper angle as long as you hit the seven thick enough that you won't have any chance on scratching that's okay yeah that's a nice call there bill various astute observation there well I taught him that shot I wish I taught him all these shots Nick I love the playoff as good as George George is one of the most dedicated players I know very dedicated he gets up in the morning he practices I mean keeps himself fit goes out and practices in the afternoon I mean he's his life's dedicated to this game oh well he's clean liver lives clean he has no vices that I'm aware of well he definitely presents a good image for the game uh we did what guys like him and more guys like him for sure good winner and a good loser too it's hard to find a loser shake a man's hand and you know bite his tongue at home but he doesn't lose much what is it generally he's a winner good player I can't see what Jose is trying to do here he's got me snuckered he's thinking about one rail on the two maybe huh I think that'd be a bad choice with the squared away it is I think he's thinking about banking the forward toward his hoe and uh it's four I'm sorry I can't see that ball from here yeah I think he's thinking about banking the four in and drawing over towards some place in the vicinity of that left side I think it may be a free shot I think it might be worth it to especially yeah it's risky though if he leaves him the right angle on that 15 that George could yeah he's looking to go lower on it and there's always the possibility he can leave him a bank on the floor if he doesn't hit it just perfect yeah he's got to watch out for that uh 12 was it the 12 up in the corner there tell you what if it gets there it's going to be oh that was a great shot it was a great shot what do you like here well right here I'm going to hit the long Rail and try and stop my cue ball uh maybe the four will go up and uh head up near the 10 or the 12 up in the corner there that stripe ball pretty much I want to do this here and send this ball here and up to there I can't find any fault with that shot well the fault is that it's a long it's about a nine foot shot and uh you don't have to hit it exactly that way I mean that's in theory it's a great shot well the execution is always harder than the thought absolutely I don't think would hurt anything that wouldn't hurt him boy he's uh he's got he's got Jose froze on the rail here yes he does what a nice touch George executed there that was uh that was a terrific shot well because he's nine feet away he's still gotta hit it soft but hard enough to make the draw take I mean it's a it's like a perfectly hip-hop Jose is jacking up and uh he's got a chance yeah he just gave himself a chance I think did you shoot the two rail around 11. hold it for the 13. better at all I don't know if I would or would I don't like battened on this shot I don't like betting a game on this shot I might take a chance at making it and drawing it to the end Rail and try to get safe at the same time but I don't like stopping there and if you go to the end rail what good is that you can't make the next ball and as hard as he's played I I don't know anybody got a kiss shot here is that okay somebody got a double kiss there it might go might not nice he's got it a little bit thick George dodged lightning pretty good there now yeah he did can he hit this ball of banquet he's got to hit the back of it I don't think he can hit this to make it I think at 13's got him but I maybe can I think he said probably I'd rather take a chance hit the ball maybe the ball just come down and rest on this rail right here yeah that's what I like here just a soft nice soft safety kick oh it could go tell you what he uh went for it uh well he just did you look after that no no he hit the wrong side of it he hit the seven if he would have stuck here it wouldn't have been so bad but boy when he went over this way Jose parikha needs two balls and I think he's a favorite to win right here I can't blame George for gambling there though because uh that gives him a chance to get back in the match if he makes that and I think he was the favorite on that shot every time he shoots it could have changed him momentum and everything else they would have to get Jose a hand right here yeah this has been a well played match we can give both guys a hand and uh Jose pereca wins them at four games to two and uh we really saw some great One Pilots that's beautiful I tell you what she just did a sensational job of uh picking the shot thank you very much a lot of its luck uh it was a pleasure working with you uh uh you really know what's going on in this game I can tell you but definitely sweat out a lot of those one pocket knives I sure have either on the plane or you're watching a lot of them were years Nick I learned a lot of my games watching you play okay everybody this uh this was just a really great match uh both players played Just Sensational one pocket and today Jose parika came out on top four games to two I really enjoyed watching the match myself just uh two great players George San Susie Jose perika who you see on the screen and I'd like to thank my special guest today Bill Hendrickson for joining me it's been a pleasure working with you Bill and hope we can do it again sometime anytime it's my pleasure thanks a lot Nick and I'd like to thank everybody for joining us today and for a free catalog from accustadts just call us at 1-800 828-0397 thanks everybody good night
Channel: Accu-Stats Video Productions
Views: 5,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Accu-Stats, accustats, Cue Sports (Sport), Pool (Sport), Billiards, Pro Pool, George San Souci, Ginky, Jose Parica, One Pocket
Id: 4kfbhiIcSc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 52sec (8392 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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