Alex Pagulayan vs Jerry Calderon - One Pocket - 2023 Derby City Classic rd 6

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welcome everybody to the 2023 Derby sizzy Classic one pocket division this is round six and you see on your screen two world class players one of many you might not be too familiar with Alex or AKA Jerry Calderone they flipped for the break it looks to me like Calderone won the flip and we're in for a treat I am your host Scott Frost aka the freezer this is a race to three each player gets a designated pocket first person to make eight of any balls in their pocket wins the game any foul will cost you a ball meaning if you move two or more if you scratch if you don't get a rail that will all cost you a ball alternate the break like I stated if you make a ball on the break it's a rck there is a three- foul rule in effect rarely comes up playing one pocket but if you scratch three times in a row it's loss of game lastly but not least no jump cues now here's what I'll say about this match it could be a short match it could be a long match but in my opinion we've got two of the best movers or tactical players on the planet right here Mr Calderone and I know this from experience is probably top three smartest one-pocket players on the planet he moves so well it's it's kind of scary and a lot of times he's moving and you don't realize is what all he's doing to you cuzz it looks so simple notice the QQ ball I point that out quite a bit you shouldn't catch that second ball kiss as much with the QQ ball out in the center because you're not hitting as much of the second ball when the Q balls out towards the center but he did and he scratched and he starts out owing a ball he's not real thrilled about it called rone an emotional player he's uh he's an emotional player but he's a gentleman Class Act player and he's got some class moves at the table we all are familiar with the guy at the table Alex paggy lion also in my opinion probably the smartest player to play the game all the way around is he going into the eight here wow I was a bit surprised at that can call own pocket to seven here looks like he can pocket the seven at worst he can get it the eight maybe some first game Jitters going on I guess if Alex can't get or Calderone can't get to the seven then he's going to go to the eight there's a couple options here on how he wants to play this little tricky though boy it sure looks like the seven is playable to me but I'm not at the table and this is the only angle we have which can mislead you at times maybe he's concerned about getting nothing afterwards and that's probably what will happen but he's very good with the bridge we are playing on a diamond table with four and A4 In Pockets which has tightened things up a bit and I know the top players like it yeah I was worried about that kiss I thought he would just shoot the eight away missing the 10 so couple of Errors [Music] early Alex very good at looking over the situation I think right now he's wondering do I go to the three or do I go to the 14 next I think the three is a little bit more natural is he looking at caring the 14 off the 15 now that would open everything up and he can might might be able to play the CUO between the 11 and that stripe I think he's got to take the sure route knock this 10 down oh I like the way he played that yes he is elevated over the 12 but he's opened the 13 up which is very big to have a ball up on that side of the table he might have to come over here and split the gap between the N9 and two to get on the three I don't know what okay he's elevating that tells me he's going to go to the 13 next that's what he's done but now what can he go forward and miss the 11 slow spinning the QQ ball to get behind the three or does he have to power draw through the two and 12 or can he go forward and clip the nine off the back rail okay he power drew it came up with nothing that I don't believe of unless the 9152 wired which is pretty odd don't think that's going to happen immediately going to the five the key here is protection you really need to get this QQ ball in a position where Jerry can't Force pressure well look at this he didn't get lucky as far as the five coming all the way back over but boy he played The qall Suite A little stun with inside English trickling down behind the 12 what a hit could have got a lot more out of that too if he gets the right Clips off the ball five somehow got all the way through there and back over Calderone is immediately got his work cut out for him but these balls are favoring him by quite some margin can he swerve to the eight or can he even see the eight if he could get up there to the eight that would really be nice okay and that's what he's doing this is touchy very touchy everything's doubled up the seven and four are doubled up the 5 six 12 are doubled up the 13 and three is doubled up can you kick to the 12 softly sure be nice to clear that ball if you could kick to it that's what he's done he'll take that he will definitely take that that changes everything Calderone really doesn't want to move the 15 and 11 right the way those balls lay so I wouldn't be surprised if he just Banks the nine straight across and sends the qball back up towards the eight it's kind of a stun or is he going to play a Tactical Defensive shot or is he going to be ultra aggressive and go at the seven yeah I think he's going defense here I really do like trying to just cross the nine you know just kind of below the six and stun the QQ ball up towards the eight because you've got third the 13 and the five and the Seven is blockers this is what he's great at that is what he is great at yeah he's got Alex in a bit of a pickle right here Alex could go forward off the two I think that's what he's looking at anything up table's detrimental the one passes unless you get him behind the 13 but notice that cder Ron's got him cut off from everything you utilize the blue too I will tell you nobody thinks through a situation better than the young man at the table pretty cute pretty cute I learned a shot myself there yes I knew you could go through the two but I didn't know you could go through the two utilizing an angle such as he did what are your options Alex or excuse me Jerry Calderone is more of a passive player he likes to move his way into an aggressive position there's nothing wrong with that if your abilities allow you to his abilities can get him to the shot whereas there's a lot of players that are the opposite they've got to stay aggressive in order to get to the [Music] shot notice where he put his Q I don't know what that has to do with shooting this nine yeah look at the Q ball I think he's got him cut off from the six he wanted to go into the 11 there utilizing the 15 to cut you off from everything Alex can see the s no this will give him a good Escape Calderone catches the 11 first instead of the 15 pagul Lion's in [Music] trouble yeah he he's only thing I think he's a little concerned about is where's the seven going I don't think you have to hit it that hard I think you just really right now need to get below the four I don't see anything thanking to calderon's pocket due to the position of the 15 and 11 might want to come all the way down which is fine get behind the three three would be even better so you could carry the seven into the one really try and Tuck that Q ball up h H I wish we could get a replay of that I don't know if anybody really noticed what he did there but he played a kick carum he played off of that ball watch this comes into the back of the four playing it to his side and then tucks the Q ball down behind the three he did so much at one time there it's kind of misleading to the eye but he moved everything to his side Calderone might have a similar shot coming off of B bottom of the two going into the back of the four the four might be a fraction low for it but it's close very rare that that shot even comes up let alone two shots in a row he's looking at it I don't know if this one's on though I feel like that four might be a little bit low okay he tried to come into the back of the four but just not as hard as Alex did got away with it he could have bumped the 15 a little firmer leaving pagul line straight in neither here nor there I do not think C Ron's going to like his next shot I think pagon will two rail the six try and nud nudge him up under the three [Music] how did he do he doesn't want it to fall I don't want to get yeah you heard him say I don't want it to get in that's pretty obvious I don't know that that got there called room being a fair player puts his coin up looks to me like he owes two well if that ball is not frozen then Alex can just tap it or he could go behind the 12 yeah [Music] huh okay said he didn't get a rail it's carry on we aren't at the table so I would never dispute either of their decisions you can see the people in the background everybody aware of the level of play here between these two [Music] guys very touchy shot I don't see things getting much better for callone can Alex punch through this Gap if you're going to go round first watch the eight okay he's done well now he's got options this is all personal preference do you want to punch over for the 10 do you want to draw back up for the five do you want to go forward and try and open them up I don't think that's there's any reason to go forward and try and open the 50 up I think he's got a punch over for the 10 the pro yeah he said risky and he's right there's no point in trying to go into the 15 if you catch it wrong it's going to cost you I like that play I think that's the right play he's insured himself a shot now to come over for the 12 I wouldn't have a problem with him coming one rail into the three or towards the three playing the five next but I think the 12 is the next play [Music] did he overhit this his body language tells me he didn't overhit this this angle is all I have to work with rail Birds TV bringing us the best they can so he must have a shot on the five it's a little misleading and if that's the case he's perfect cuz that carries an angle to the [Music] 12 oh he was straight he was real straight so he forced an angle now what do you do do you come up for the three here I think the three is most natural just a touch of outside English Touch of high right better to come too far than not far enough that's done excellent he actually decided to punch it a little bit pagy playing for two coming down does he have the angle to open the 15 up oh he does there you go playing for one callar rone gives it to him and pagul liion takes game number one in this round six thank you to our sponsors Bad Boys hustling USA clothing company JB custom cases Jerry Olivier Olivier custom qes and lit likes the best in the biz neither one of these players have a loss Calderone winning the lag is big but it doesn't help you out if you don't crack one of pagy allons breaks so I would say if I'm called a rone I'm thinking right now I've got to do whatever I have to do to win this game and get back on track you can't let this game slip away from you if you're called to rone take a two to nothing deficit going into this match it's just not feasible look at the break that pagul liion has put down wow this is Big Trouble in Little China what does the 32146 look like he's going to take a g he's also looking up table and here's why and he might be able to do that coming off of the one notice the 12 and 10 are doubled up The Four's also kind of doubled up I'd be afraid to use the five to do it though you do not want to hit any of those balls and the one goes yeah this is half hazard I tell you what I know calderon's game quite well and that was awfully quickly played for him I know he wanted to get to the bottom rail there oh got a good little rub coming in out to even get where he got could have caught that stripe a little thicker and been stuck definitely has the combination what does he have to follow I don't know yeah it's a little bit off angle meaning that the Eight's going to go upwards and the cuq is going to go downward so if he shoots this and wants to play some type of position might need to hit it with speed and with speed you lose accuracy they are pretty close together I think he can judge it quite well he looking to see what he can get if he's back there behind the six he might have a better angle on this combo than I think I feel like he's got to go to the bottom rail though maybe he can draw it straight back okay he went forward that's not going to work out for him a little surprised he didn't draw or punch down and back versus forward didn't know what he thought he could get neither here nor there let's move on can you see enough of the five to bring the five to his side and Barry Calderone behind the 14623 it's definitely an option sure looks like you can see enough of that I don't know what you would be risking by playing that shot and I think you put your opponent pretty bad position got a believe that pagul liion won't Overlook that so it must not be [Music] available huh okay he's bluffing he and Roberto G Gomez are two of the best bluffers in the world they'll get you to think they're going to shoot something they always go back to what you really think they're going to shoot I don't think it's intentional I think that they're just looking around feeling it out that's a quality that they have see looking to clip the stripe nearest to Cub and leave her leave uh Calderone long and straight on the five I don't know he's got to get the 12 close to his pocket if he's going to do that because you don't want to leave C room straight and allow him to roll down and bank this stripe I tell tell you what th this view must really have me stying because it sure looks like he can see all of the five and if he can he can kill two birds of one stone moving the five to his side burying him behind those balls but clearly he couldn't see the five because he put him back there anyway a different [Music] way EX quite good Q ball control was trying to three rail that ball around tight and just clip the one causing it to go in that top Corner since the beginning of this match Calderon has been on the defense pretty much ah he wants to get behind that ball I think he's going to be okay what does the six look like is it wired up to C's pocket just curious if Alex wanted to go up table banking the one back towards his hole now once again can pagul see the five if he can what's wrong with banking the five to the top left side of the table rolling the cuq one rail in behind the 6342 I guess that he's cut off from that ball if not I would think that that's automatically what he would shoot cuz you're killing several birds with one stone he's worried about the six being wired up I was wondering if he had the 11 is is the 11 available does he have to twist it yeah he might have to twist it a little bit oh he's kicking to the back of those balls huh Peggy line says is it still dead I don't know that colone can make a good hit get enough out of that Q ball and two ball so close he he would play the two off the eight into the 14 but I think he'd have to Jack straight up in the air in order to do it to get the maximum speed out of it I don't think he can play it now he's looking if he kicks two rails towards the 12 will he leave the 11 I think he's just got a bun the 10 [Music] just Peg and lion have the three ball combination is the sixwire to call the ronole Peggy lion says it's close I've got to gamble when he says that you know you're in trouble typically I know what you're going to [Music] do make it having a a little gamesmanship doing a little talking with each other Calderone likes to do that pagul line likes to do it too and I think it's a fun part of the game right typically when you play chess with another player it's not mute chess is it got to have some fun at the end of the day they both want to rip each other's heads off but sometimes a little chatter or light in the mood does the 14 have him covered on the three in some sort of fashion oh God she caught the point I was concerned about move the one paggy lion said hey that's something new utilizing the point to send the three back to his side missing the one Calderone leaves him long and up top I don't think that puline can play the 12 straight in but he could play it rail first if he chose but I also can't tell if pagul line can see the three or at least all of the three oh thank you thank you still concerned about the green six to callon's pocket think he's looking he's looking at the three I just don't know if he can see all of it if he can see all of it you could possibly stop on the three sending it two rails towards the pile but boy you risk selling out some type of cross corner he might end up going rail first on this 12 see looking to kick behind the five oh this is well played he might have left a little bit of a cut for C rone or the combination think puline one to get him a little deeper down there towards the 14 still a pretty good hit under the circumstances he was in a pretty bad position pagul said I didn't put enough spin on it I think you did just fine young man but we'll find out pretty evident that Caron's got to use the two to play this combination therefore he's got to cut the two a little bit everything's going to go to pagul side of the table so he better be sure he's going to drop it I'm afraid he thinks it might throw upwards a little bit yeah not to mention just to get a legal head out of it is asking a lot one yep pegion has one only one so it's no time to rush something and I kind of like the question right there's nothing wrong with playing somebody and asking them what they have yes it's up to you to figure out what they have but being aware of the ball count at all times is vital such an important part of the game Calderone goes back one but I'm wondering if what he did there is put Alex in a bad position what I mean by that is if Alex decides to take a foul right there is is the six wired now got a lot of experience playing pagul line as well I can tell you when he's talking you're in trouble when he's serious and quiet you might have him it might just have him he's not going to do that calderon's on the first foul so there's nothing wrong with taking a foul back right here into the stack but if he doesn't do that that's what I was leading to earlier it tells me that he's concerned about the six being wired up I just don't understand and what he can do coming off that side of the two so he's clearly concerned about the six what does the 1578 look like in other words coming into the edge of the 15 knocking the eight towards your pocket and going up in this lower left corner or is the six wired oh I got it I got it I fin figure it out so now he is looking at what I just said the 1578 he might just stop right there it all depends on what the the six is really doing that's what negates this entire shot and we don't know if it's wired or not because I don't think he knows if it's wired or not but I don't understand coming off this side unless he's just going to leave him the top left corner excuse me the bottom left corner I feel like the this is he's not going to shoot this well maybe he is well yeah I can't believe he tried to put inside English on that bring it back what do you think said he was trying to massay so maybe he wasn't trying to catch that ball on the way out colone going to survey his options I think here you've got to pocket the three and go into the 14 heavy and just try and get something to open up get a shot on the six next I mean the problem with this is if you catch the 14 low you're going to come away with possibly nothing catch it too high you really got to come into this 14 heavy I think if you come in trying to play position on this bare ball which is the 10 you're not going to get a lot and you could get yourself in trouble trying to get position on that ball I think the angle presents perfect to go into the 14 here I'm a little bit surprised at that does this ball go okay the angle and I apologize very misleading to me it clearly goes and this is okay does the five go I don't feel like the four goes so does he kill this with inside well if I were to give Calderone any weakness and he'll admit this we've talked about it many times it's his ball running and ball pocketing he plays rotation very good but one pocket he moves so much that it's hard for him to run the balls sometimes and it's one of his weaknesses and we all have weaknesses in the game he makes up for it in the moving department but with these guys you've got to be able to get out if you want to win tournaments you have to be able to get out you owe one you put it in the wrong side called does 0 one so he has one to the good he's got to be careful here I mean if he if he decides to bank this stripe clean Cubo could get away from him Peggy L talking about the four being dead I don't think he's going to shoot that with the three there I think he can follow this three even though the angle is a little steep I think the 15 helps him is he really looking at kicking into the two or the four to pocket the four wow okay it must really be laying nice watch the four oh the five he said the four I don't know that I'd like to get a replay on that if it's possible I don't know if it's possible put my team on the spot let's get a replay of that let me see the five okay yeah he was definitely playing the five Great replay thanks to robirds TV definitely playing the five so well played and very well controlled I didn't see a way to easily make the four that's what I was curious about he's got two options can play the combination or he can cut the 14 draw back for the 14 next that's what he's done everything's kind of opened up I think the 10 even goes playing for five and to take a two to nothing lead in this race to three yes I would put pagul as a favorite that's obvious but I felt like this match could go either way this is what he does and I've learned a lot from him in my older years as far as taking my time making sure I know what I'm doing with everything on the table he surveys everything it's great do he go into the balls here if he catches the 15 it's over well he didn't catch the 15 he caught the two first that's the only risk where you didn't have to do that everything played prior to that as far as the 10 and the three and the two no excuse me the 10 the three and the 13 so he didn't have to take that risk he did he gambled and he kind of lost but he's okay he's playing for four what's he doing [Music] here yeah I was going to say you're going to leave that stripe for Cerone to cut is going to utilize the stripe for cover he is but I don't know if that's any good Calderone has to bank at this he's got to get something going his way he's got to make something happen for himself I would Bank this just just all out to make it I would not follow this ball I would not worry about the Q ball and he's not either I don't think oh he did follow it wow really nice hit I didn't think he had the angle to follow through he did this is where he can often struggle let's see how he runs these balls here I'm thinking just come up into the 15 well he did what I said and he's already in trouble and I guess when I said come up into the 15 I kind of meant come towards the 15 not necessarily that speed right because that's what's going to happen if you catch it a little bit to the inside so once again another big Opportunity by the wayside for call to run unless he recovers here he can cut the 10 and avoid the side pocket with low English he might be able to cut the three as well I think the 10 is the only one that might offer another shot yeah he's I'm surprised he's actually shooting this tells me where his mind is at he might have a little Panic going on he wants to get out in the center of the table there where he can play the three he's worried about the 111 though right if he doesn't knock this 10 down the 111 looks pretty much close to wired for pagul liion yeah the three looks a little high if it was a little bit lower I think he could two rail the QQ ball out of there by cutting the three kind of surprised that he's just not to railing the seven out typically calderon's style is to play smart oh he's missed this by oh he missed cued got down on awful quick once he made the decision yeah he definitely miss CED feel like once he made the decision he was down on the ball real quick and pulling the trigger real quick Pagel line needs to drop this he's one of the best in the world with this shot oh I see some body movement but he got it down playing for three and a two- nothing lead in this race to three round six big big match for both players neither player has a loss pagy looking to torture his opponent but this is an opportunity for Calderone right like get that three down and clear the seven you're not out of the game by any means you have three balls think you can shoot the seven rail first pocketing the three clearing the seven you can always one ra kick to the three I don't think that's necessary wow I'm absolutely surprised that he played it like that cter rone concedes game number two probably out of a little bit of frustration it is his break this is a must-win game thank you so much Diamond billiard products Diamond tables the best in the business Simona's cloth also the best in the business armouth billiard Balls by far the best pool ball in the world outsville rack acats video productions and Master's Bard chalk thank you to our sponsors do us a favor like And subscribe hit that notification Bell railbirds TV on YouTube like subscribe hit that Bell for us they're doing everything they can to bring us wonderful content and you can sense the frustration of callar rone he knows that that game was uh possibly in his grasp a couple different times let let it slip away you've got to let it go you've got got to let it go pagul liion what is the four 3 12 10 doing could be the eight whatever dark solid that is there on top to the three boy that looks close and a lot of times that ball will get wired up he really doesn't want to have to take that chance though leading two to nothing in this match I think he's going to leave him in this lower left corner banking the 14 into the back of the 15 playing the Q ball down to the lower left corner doubling Calderone up on the five and seven oh he shortened it up so that tells me the 15 might not go and even if it does go it's not a hanger pagul line moved a bunch to his side wouldn't say they settled great but they didn't end up too bad on on his side and I I would say I believe that both of these players could win this tournament yes pagul in a little higher percentage but Calderone is not by any means a dog to win this tournament he could win it just about as good as anybody else he's just got to shoot well after letting that last game slip away he's got his work cut out for him if the seven doesn't excuse me if the 15 doesn't go by the seven he's in trouble because then you have to guard against leaving a bank on the seven yeah and the 15 would be free if he could shoot at it so he's elevating as he going to the three now he's going to that he pretty well done he's gotten unfortunate note the 15 and seven the way they finished Brian Roberts that's like death to a one-pocket player when something like that happens because what it allows your opponent to do is go up table with the QQ ball therefore he can be aggressive let's just say Alex could maybe two rail this nine towards the 83 and go up table he could do a lot of different things now that those balls have tied up so it's not going callar own's way at the moment and that's what he's done he's two rail the nine towards the eight and [Music] three conone can Bank this three towards his pocket I don't think he can make it but he can use use the stack to cover him up got to watch out out to leave the return Bank on the 8 n for paging line but I feel like you've got to get this three close is he worried about leaving him the eight or nine probably if he doesn't get this three close then pag line can okay he's done well that's what he needed to do well it took a big bounce but he needed to get it in front of the pocket but boy took a big bounce and I think Alex can Bank this nine and stop right there yeah yeah it might lay perfect to where pagul line can Bank this n and stop all depends on how he wants to hit it does he want to hit it with speed or does he want to hit it and hang it up if he doesn't make it doesn't want to leave the off shot meaning like the 14 off the seven oh he's drawing it back I'm a little surprised at that I'm a little surprised at how he played that because if he makes it he's trapped himself huh guess he was in that bad of a spot and he was in a pretty bad spot but the angle presented incorrectly for me so I miscalled that I I I didn't see the angle as well as I thought I could what is karon immediately going to does the 10 pass I keep looking at the eight problem with that is that pagon will have an escape off the nine well it did pass with ease okay this is another opportunity for call Deone to run some balls and you get this sense and maybe we can all learn from this I get the sense that he talks himself out of it sometimes and I've done this a bunch in my career to where I get to running balls and there all right there I know what I need to do and I just Overlook things I look too much I'm looking too much what is there to really look at you know where you need to be you know what you need to do maybe I'm talking myself out of it maybe he's talking himself out of it you know maybe we all do that at times a little too much maybe I'm just saying maybe this could be potentially one of his downfalls when he's running the ball because he plays really good nineball well he's hit this great I believe very nice stroke on that ball now what do you do do you come up and try and go into the two I think you've got to even if you hit it a little bad and going to the 11 and 8 you might move the two uh Here We Go Again little quick there right a little quick in that back swing look to me like a stroke of uncertainty so if there's anything he can possibly do better it is I think a little bit of a commitment issue once he commits follow through with the shot stay down stay fluid he wants to be able to move those balls but there's a big issue with that it's the purple four it's looming on Alex pagul side of the table I don't know what you can do here think you he's forcing something I don't see anything wrong with actually just if he can see the 13 I don't know if he can see enough of it shoot the 13 and stop I guess he can't see enough of it taking a lot of time in this situation could just roll on to the seven yeah that was really a tough ask I'm surprised he tried to do that once again I'm not picking on him we're pretty good friends but he played that really quickly right once he made his mind up he looks around looks around looks around once he made his mind up he went to the shot really quickly yeah he's a very good player paggy lions got the cross corner on the seven he's got options he can either try and hold for the 15 or come forward for the 11 even if he comes forward and just bumps into the bottom of the 15 he's going to have the 11 that opens everything up to the [Music] six oh he's hit it short wow and an race to three this is a big reprieve for Alex colone I do call him Alex they call him Jerry they call him Alex he's a man of many names he's got three balls he's playing for five that being said he's looking to shoot the five I don't know if this is the right shot but he hit it well does the one pass that's the only reason I didn't know if it was the right shot thought he might be able to come around possibly using the 15 yeah he's really quick Qui with his final stroke and this is typically not his game so I I don't know if the score has something to do with this if he's tired I can tell you everybody here at the Derby City Classic is tired right it's a grueling tournament therefore not picking on him at all I'm I tend to do the same thing but he's once he finds the shot he wants to shoot and and he's ready to commit to it he's just really quick and I think that's a big cause of what's happening right now Alex has not played a perfect match by any means and I think that's probably the most frustrating part for C toone paging line playing for six he needs to come into this 8 and 13 I [Music] believe it's tough hit here oh the 13 plays so he can clip the 14 now it looks pretty good you can go forward with a force follow here did he get hooked I think he's hooked I can't be positive but I think he's hooked and alls he needed was a little Gap can he baby jump it a little baby jump with a mass a or a twist wow I'll be surprised if he doesn't either cut the eight go at the six or play the combination I think he wants to close this match out I don't see him playing anything passive he's playing for four okay he's going to go to cut the eight obviously a heavy favorite to pocket that ball now he's looking at the combination problem with the eight is the CU ball carries away from that well he had to twist that in but he knew that the Q ball wasn't going to get very high so now he's faced with the decision of being aggressive on this 11 problem is is it's not free I don't believe and he knows that could be a little fatigue setting in with both players he had to twist that with outside so he knew the QQ ball was going to kill might have hoped he could hit it a little thinner to carry the qall a hair higher I think he's gonna go here oh he's hit it great playing for two and to advance into round seven of the 2023 Derby City Classic one-pocket division pagy liion on the eight ball didn't get to see calderon's best game here some things just kind of slipped away from him and I know how that feels especially in a race to three he's coming around three rails it's going to end up beautiful Alex pagul line to move on all right everybody that's going to do it for me I am your host Scott Frost the freezer check out railbirds TV and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: RailbirdsTV
Views: 19,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3QB2LcqwkEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 44sec (4304 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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