George Muller The Man of Prayer

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in the mid-1800s in Bristol England these buildings became home to more than 2,000 homeless boys and girls a man named George Mueller smoked them on prayer and faith trusting God alone to provide food and shelter he never made an appeal for money here in Bristol England discovered the remarkable story of a man who became a father to thousands of orphaned children the legacy of George Mueller on this day of discovery [Music] Bristol England a busy industrial commercial and business city well isn't bad Kingdom Brunel created the very first propeller to drive a sea ship across the oceans where he created the first suspension bridge to cross a gorge and even in recent years Bristol gave birth to the fastest passenger commercial airline existence the Concord and yet Bristol wasn't always like that there were times when this city was Dickensian Oliver Twist type of a society dusty streets dark streets a waterfront shipping area lots of Claim and above all lots of unwanted children just thrown out onto the streets with nowhere to go and nobody wanting and into that pitiful Society of what houses and tore hoses stepped a man that changed that entire society and his name was George Muller and here Ashleigh Downes is the remains of his complex of massive buildings that housed up to 2,000 orphans at one time I want to tell you about George Muller and about faith principles that he believed in in order to help them to accomplish all of us through God and we're better to do it than in your house at the Muller Museum this is the George Mueller Museum it's filled with the memories of one of Bristol's most renowned sons more than a century ago George Mueller and his wife Mary set out to help the homeless children of their community in their day there were no laws protecting children from the labor houses and factories living and working conditions especially for street children were unimaginable the Muellers believed that as they reached out to these unloved children and embrace this overwhelming challenge their God and Heavenly Father would provide all they would need they never once asked for money I gladly pass through all these trials of faith with ricotta means if hear me might be glorified in his church and the world benefited I commit the whole work to him and he will provide me with what I need in future also I know not whence the manger to come and the needs of the children were met at just the right time and sometimes at the last moment one morning as the children gathered for breakfast they were unaware that there was no food left in the orphanage as they waited for their morning meal mr. Mueller calmly said children you knowing must be in time for school lifting his hand he said dear father we thank thee for what thou art going to give us to eat and as he finished praying there was a knock on the door a baker entered having sensed God was urging him to do so he had baked bread through the night for the children then there was a second knock at the door it was the milkman he announced that his milk cart had broken down right in front of the orphanage he gave the children his Kansas fresh milk so its wagon to be emptied and repaired throughout all his years of service at the orphanage the needs of those mueller shelters were always met today the buildings of Ashley downs stand as a lasting reminder of what God can do through a man completely dependent on him a wonderful room full of so many things about one man who had such a terrific effect upon this city as well as the country as well as the world so much about impune even this his original desk and when I think of George Mueller as the man of prayer and faith and think of him sitting here at this desk and seeing just a prayer to God and they're waiting for it to be answered the staggering who was he he was actually a German as a very young man and a host group in Germany he found faith in Christ and without hesitation he knew he was committed to making Christ known and actually volunteer to be a missionary and he left Germany and came here to Britain primarily to work amongst Jewish people in London but his health broke down things would that happen in the Christian life that are part of God's purpose even at the time you don't think about it and they moved him to this part of the world for health but it took on being the pastor of a little church and it was there he had his first collision with faith and the needs of faith to be met and he decided not to be paid by people paying for the seeking Church but just a box of the back and then he went from there it was in the course of all of that ministry that he became a man confronted with a tremendous needs of those children we discussed here in Bristol orphans throwaways people that people didn't want and they were just chucked out into the streets went to work houses and they did have to work every child labor and just for a burdensome grill and existence and he felt that the vests out better than that and set his heart because he was challenged by just a simple text in the Epistle of James that you should be looking after the orphans and widows in their affliction and he saw not only an affliction of physical need he saw every one of those children were people and they needed this emotional needs met as well as spiritual needs met and it was a time like that that meal had decided I have to do something about those children that's where all this began and that foundation still exists today he was born 1805 started his work here in 1835 and they even presented them with that desk there on his 90th birthday they often skated to him because they loved him for everything that he ever did he learned so much about the principles of faith and prayer at that desk and even here in this case you find his Bibles well-worn and used and with his own handwriting bells that the children used in their services to play hymns and even over here things that speak of a man that they love eating teas glasses a lock of his hair and pictures keys and here the pictures children all ages that came from nothing right off the streets millander here we discovered the original records every piece of paper that had to do with any child that ever came through here from 1855 on is still here total records of a man that knew what it was to care for those that were not wanted orphans they needed everything in life they needed to be adopted yes sir may you long be spared to be a father to the fatherless and a friends the often often do I look back on my childhood spent in the orphan house and feel grateful I was one of the numbers to find shelter and so good her home yes George Miller was quite a man a man of devotion a man of very deep prayer and even when I became a Christian he was one of the first characters I ever heard about that really impressed me a man who prayed in total dependence upon God and his prayers were answered and just to think that over a hundred years ago that man sat at this very desk and here with his Bible reading learning getting to know God intimately and his notes are still written in the pages Jacob is my servant I will help him having written that and underlined that they obviously spoke to him because he knew that God would help him because he was his servant the first and primary object of the work was to show before the whole world and the whole Church of Christ that the Living God is ready to prove himself as the Living God by being ever willing to help comfort and answer the prayers of those who trust in him the marvelous thing about Mueller's dependence upon God for everything is that that spilled through they began to affect the lives of the children and v2 began to see that you could depend on another and an actual fact they ended up depending on George Mueller he became their father figure this wasn't a dream for an institution it was a home it was a place where these unwanted street urchins people from the pure house and the workers could find a home and a father and he knew that he was dependent on his father in heaven and they depended on him and he taught them the principle of going beyond him to discovering they too could be adopted by God and that they could be belong to God and not just a George Mueller then that prayers of dependence was like everything that education that upbringing new buildings and here at this desk with a bowed head and a closed eye he simply told his Heavenly Father and the kids saw happening all around them and they began to feel at last that they belonged they had at home they had lost their fur I thank you for the education food clothing and for every comforts but above all for the instruction from God's Word which I received in that happy or from house where it was there that I was brought to know Jesus as my savior I hope that you will be spared many more years to care for poor destitute children like me I had to prosper in my trade and thereby show my gratitude for all your kindness with all my kind love I am dear sir yours gratefully yes we're a long way removed from Georges méliès day when he ran his homes and in that time he looked after almost 10,000 or more orphans and had a house big enough to host two thousand at one time can the amazing thing is that that involves some seven million dollars in cash and every penny was received by faith and total dependence upon God and not asked for and yet today his kind of faith and praying in dependence upon God with many of the Christian institutions and other institutions to shame today as to how they go about their provision but he depended on God but there was one thing that's still the same today as then has the children and not only children today even goes through to people and not Adil hood children and people that don't belong that have no home that have no penalties and some even go through life like that but today we don't need orphanages we don't have the children to put in them we get new methods we just abort and get rid of them or we create government welfare schemes clinical means of taking care of the unwanted until the day of the 18th birthday when the foster interworld and still manero's inner needs and personal needs having been cared for they've created a fostering system and even the foster parents and the preparation to be foster parents and made clinical tends to just keep them and look after them with government monies intially regime this I've been taught by your life that they are champing truly Noble and grand for a man to live for there is nothing more noble than the cause for which you have spent and are still spending your valuable life which cause I hope to spend mine namely the cause of Christ and as I go through all these archives of pictures and handwritten letters by the children more than the years some of them even have their marriage pictures here and the faces of each one of them there is a happiness because they belonged and I don't disparage to these efforts by foster parents to look after children no no that every foster pimp that does does it with all the heart and wants to do the best I know because my wife and I we were registered for the Lancashire County Council as foster pens but I can also remember the training we were given and we were told quite definitely never to become attached to the child there was state property and of course I can see the need for that the child needed the love the child needed more than just a place to stay in food clothes than off the school in an education until they were 18 they needed that belonging they needed love they needed spiritual needs met and he did everything of that kind and I knew that that's what the child needed but I can understand them making us not have an attachment because I was away one weekend and when I come home find my wife distraught the boy had gone where they came and took him away he was their property took us 19 years before we found him again and discovered that he still looked upon my wife and I as his mum and dad but when we asked them what has happened because we were never given an explanation we were never allowed to keep in touch we done our duty we found that it was some half connected relative that decided they wanted him and the knows day as the law was on their side they could come and rip them out of your home and your heart and just hand them over technically to our relative the last moment they needed they needed total adoption they needed to have someone to hold on to well all these homes are gone now but our world is still full of people even adults that will long to have those things security love a home belonging to be wanted and they don't have it and what they really do need is not just a place to stay they need to be adopted has just been sitting back in George's desk so here they gave it to him on his 90th birthday the whole desk is just full of memories of the provision of God it means Bibles indications of the varic provision of a wife records one book after another some of them very very old lists of names this one here list of names of folks that belong in villas homes even a box here and this says on it for the awesome I mean those of you watching the program today wouldn't you like to have your name and a book like this as a proof that you belong are you looking at the high fairly tight or for the orphans and wondering what is there for me I mean don't you have forms yes of course is it some of you who feel unwanted and longed for some sort of adoption you have nice homes wealthy homes you've been brought up by parents to have your own room your own credit card your own car you've been trained to be independent actually that means not to belong and in some cases pimps hope that your hurry up move out to 18 so that they can go and do their own thing which in some cases is usually divorced but at least you're off the hands the my own dad died and I was in my 50s some things people misunderstood that didn't break down and cry and that was because I had done all my client when he made me leave home many many years before but I almost found it amusing because I suddenly discovered in my fifties even I was still looking for that daddy someday that would just pick me up put me on his knee hug me tell me he loved me and I've ever got that myself so I do know what this is all about I do love mining to have been recorded here that I belong that there was something for this often and yet like Muller and my own utter dependence upon God I've discovered that God has been my father and taking care of everything you see it's what we've been trying to tell you fall through this program that there is still an adoption agency that is in existence but it's not in buildings in rooms and people and provision nowadays it's God who's doing the adopting he has his own agency for allowing a person to become his child and have their name in his book the Lamb's Book of Life God's adoption agency I'd like to tell you about that do you know what's in here I couldn't believe when I opened this it is the complete records all the books were their names and details and case histories of every child that ever came through Neela's homes when they came when they left it's all in here flew this one number one Charlotte Hill April the 11th 1836 all handwritten details about the history of every child and that vast are quoted about revelations book of life just shot right back through my head again all the records of those that were adopted into mueller's homes and God has his record of all those that were adopted into his family not only that but I found it in opening them up it not only had the details of when the child was born when he came here when he left but also whether he went to a home whether he got married but one interesting detail a believer at another child the last detail not even with an exclamation mark yes they even detailed whether or not during the course of the stay in Mueller's homes they put the faith and trust in Christ and got adopted him to his family Hey when that biggest book is opened in the heavens is your name recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life because you have acknowledged your need of God as a father and believe what the scripture says that there's only one way for that to happen for jesus said i am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by me and it's only as we recognized Christ as our redeemer the one who died in the cross for us took the punishment for our sinfulness rose again from the dead to come into our hearts and lives together the power of new living every emotional physical spiritual need satisfied through him but above all allowing us to be adopted into his family and knowing with absolute confidence that in the Judgment Day when the books are opened our names are going to be in his book of life will your name be there quite honestly will your name be in the Lamb's Book of Life or would it be written under your record not do you realize what it's like to go into our last eternity never belonging when you can for all eternity belong to the biggest heavenly family in the world all of existence God's family and in that family he's my father is he yours and if he isn't all it takes is a moment your time right now to say father I want to be a child please adopt me Christ thank you for making that possible be my Redeemer Savior and Lord go on do it and be adopted just in time George Mueller's needs were met as he prayed in total dependence on God his requests were answered in amazing ways [Music]
Channel: Christian Library
Views: 12,448
Rating: 4.9740262 out of 5
Keywords: George, Muller, Man, Prayer, Orphans, England
Id: c5w-5REqRmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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