George Janko Beautifully Explains To Andrew Tate How God Forgives

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if God will really truly forgive anything if he'll truly forgive you doing the most heinous acts you can possibly think of and you repeatedly do them and you won't learn your lesson and you'll do them over and over again is that too far is that too much Freedom let's Circle the Forgiveness the prophet that you see as Jesus do you know what he talks about forgiveness as Peter asks him how many times should you forgive a man and he says 7 time 77 and then he also describes the way Judgment Day comes and he goes you will be measured by the measurement that you gave others so the way you looked at your brothers and sisters that man wronged you but you said you're dead to me that's how you'll be measured let me Circle back repentance isn't doing the same sin over and over and enjoying it and asking for forgiveness that's why God doesn't judge your actions like I said he judges the reflection of your heart You Can't Hide Your Heart from God absolutely forgive other people and repent before it's too late
Channel: Warriors Of Christ
Views: 2,229,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kIXLy2volNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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