George Harrison talks about his Fender Stratocaster

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and I found out some guy to strike the side by the way and stuff was gonna go the next one we can buy it and fellow who's the guitar player in the band Ringo was in called Rory storm and the Hurricanes he found out about it too and he got up earlier and went and got it by the time I got there it had gone I was so disappointed it's it scarred me for the rest of my life I didn't like the guitar sound I had and it was a Vox amp and a Gretsch guitar it was you know in those days it was like it was early days and you were lucky to have anything I could add square ones and round ones and Ferg ones you know like oh diddly I never thought it didn't know anything and you know even in the mid 60s you know people kept thinking that guitar praises finished eventually even the reluctant peoples were won over to the Stratocasters child well this was in about 1965 from during the beagle album Rubber Soul and we sent our roadie out now and he went out and bought John and I decided to get a strap and this was a pale blue while there was a pair of them and they were both pale blue there's a bit of the basic original color on the back but then doing that out and we used it quite a lot so a man was most noticeable and during 67 everybody started painting everything I decided to paint it and I got some dayglo pains which was quite a new invention in them days and this satellite one night and did it and there's a little bit of batty Boyd's eyeshadow on him and nail varnish actually and go to call rocky and it's a plated ever since I started playing slide on it around about 1969 1970 and from actually from a conversation with Wray CUDA I realized it was better to Jack the bridge up high and put some heavy gauge strings on and then I found it was a much better sound so I played it from another 1978 slide till now it was also all you need his love that was like the first satellite televised program they ever had we did all you needed live live from my practice so it's kind of quite historical so I don't know why but I was very disappointed when he sold to CBS I mean it didn't have anything to do with me and and yet I had a feeling of shame
Channel: TheCorkSniffer
Views: 1,237,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: George, Harrison, Talks, Fender, Guitars
Id: h6r25HyQSkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2010
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