George Harrison : Hall of Fame Video and speech by Tom Petty & Jeff Lynne

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well now ladies and gentlemen the moment you've all been waiting for mr. George Mason I thought you would understand if it was you know three thousand four for people that don't just be sitting on $50 do you think you might have been the most anxious of the four to get out I get that impression from reading a bed maybe maybe you know when he was well because over the years you know I had such a lot of songs mounting up that I really wanted to do but I only got my quota of one or two tunes per album and that way I would have had to recorded about a hundred beat Louden's just to get out the tunes I had in 1965 Shankar was from Bangladesh he was trying to do a benefit and he was trying to raise people's awareness but he didn't know how to do John you know he made me more aware of using the beetle power to make more money and that's what I did I'm not really a serious as people think or of thought you know they always thought that I was the serious one but really galleys kind of a mask to hide the madman inside of me which is really like a Monty Python lunatic just for me I could sort of look at it as though I wasn't in it and just think wow look at all this luck you know it's amazing you see little boy oldest and seniors over your right shoulder it just gives you goose proposition when I'm standing with George Jackson sir Lajja paying the price with the spin of the wheel the roll of the dice ah you pay a fare and if you don't know where you're going any road will take you there it was important to me rather than pursuing another million dollars or another hit record was to find out who am I where have I come from and where going now to end up short hair well some years ago George asked me to speak and present him with the Billboard Lifetime Achievement Award and he began his acceptance speech by saying I'm sure being in the Beatles has not been a hindrance to my solo career he was first inducted into this great Hall as a member of the Beatles and tonight he receives the second nomination as a solo artist having stood on stage and off between Lennon and McCartney is a really tough spot for an aspiring songwriter yet learning his craft he grew into an excellent writer coming up with classics like something here comes the Sun many more he became so prolific that he began to stockpile large amounts of unreleased songs and this would become the basis for his first album all things must pass which is the first number-one album by an ex Beatle many more hits would come he he often said he wasn't pursuing a solo career at all he never heard a manager had an agent he just loved playing music with his friends and they loved guitars and he loved rock and roll and he left Carl Perkins any love Little Richard and he loved Annie and Olivia they'd have this day up all night long and play the ukulele till dawn till the kids were all in bed and tucked away throughout the 80s he hit number one again with his cloud9 LP and then he he formed what he called his other band the Traveling Wilburys and that was with Jeff Lana and myself and some other guys but George really was a man who lived every single minute of his life he really filled a room he was very upbeat person had a very keen sense of humor very keen sense of spirit he was never preachy he led by example years before Live Aid George invented the idea of rock-and-roll giving back to the people and I know as I look around I know many of you in the room knew him and he was my dear friend and yours and the world he achieved much more than being a successful artist he was a truly great man and so we're gonna put him in the Hall of Fame we're gonna induct him I'm gonna just push him right in there but I need y'all to say hottie Krishna he's in there hello George is a great friend of mine and we used to hang out a lot and make lots of records known George as well as I did he's probably watching tonight and saying get on with it so I just like to say well done mate you're in the Hall of Fame where you belong and it's a bad time now we're gonna bring up Olivia and Danny Harris dad actually came back in 1987 from wedding he got the last one of these and I never told you this but I broke it and I glued the bit back in but no one noticed he made a great or actually Mick made a great speech in 87 where he referred to the Beatles as the four-headed monster and when they were all inducted and he told me lots of great stories my dad about that night and I just like to say thanks to all of his mates you know who we love to see all the guys for coming and playing and to the Hall of Fame for you know having him in again and yeah to everyone who's ever liked his music good on you Cheers here I go again I could talk about George you know forever but I won't there was a quote by the Indian poet Tagore that George read to me one day he said blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth here we are in the Hall of Fame but the induct these are not chosen because of their fame but because they express their truth through their music George said that he tried to write songs that would still mean something years from now and I think it's safe to say that in spite of his immense fame his truths will never be outshined or forgotten if you were here you know she'd get a kick out of tonight he'd be fine done see everybody in party but there probably would be a lot of people that he would think and uh you know if you think it was the span of this entire career there just be so many people were in this room tonight that he may want to mention that I'm going to mention one that I'm sure of and it's the person in this room that George knew the longest in his life but he met behind the air-raid shelter when he was sneaking off to have a ciggy in school and someone who looked after him and all of them from the time they were 13 so for George the end of his life and that's the mysterious Neil Aspinall Vedran yell for holding it together for all these years because really the whole phenomenon might not have happened to stay together as long as it did without it you know he helped us he's helped his family and George loved him dearly and and many of you as well so thank you very much and let's let George's music
Channel: fromfareast05
Views: 373,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: George, Harrison, hall, of, fame, video, speech, tom, petty, jeff, lynne
Id: 6CZHlIdw3XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2011
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