George Gordon Powwow 2019 Men's Grass Special

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water peaceful have your water ready you'll be running across Yarber follow you backs that are on the outside of toxic easily out there was a long round out a middle of the sticks we're gonna do this little bit of water breaks that have your water ready we're gonna manage to reach for all the song battery about the first two songs after you're saying the bottle when I'm talking with a jet we're going to pick some winners we're gonna make some winner now each scrap sensor notice the very unique style long time will old ways old school with the grass chaps used to use whatever you did on your right leg you did on your left leg the same move what are you did on your left party it on your right body your derby look this way you look that way I'll have to move all these years by had the point where it's a hundred percent let's give it up for mandarine mandarine [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we're not gonna stop with a special little people a lot of people need to be tasting specials and that that's what I used to do these two booths and all the power that all the stressful that get into anything special but at the same kind of Monday morning I'd never get the table with them so I have to stop at KFC get that special oh man only special I need with that one we don't give them a little bit of water Brady here in Denver's hearing I'm holding up you don't criticize it attacked me to the death with dancing craft would be certain that how much did you make out is going all right are you ready to go marry someone get the manager a break dude I didn't give him coffee [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh right there reminder a man's life or something see the boys they got some TV personally and it means ha ha yeah we're gonna hang the hood recall then final is over here should have had bus ran in three separate bringing out right right Mike vampire right there that uh Patrick come on we're just I'm here with you guys that that project that rawness that we hear from several years so we'll know what's going on it there's some night world this has been all these definitely wondered eating into this powwow you deserve a big runnable blog for being here the George Gordon let's give them some gas alerting us may bother Honorable Bob we should have Ted you know what every time that especially asthma treatment there's always the eel a behavior that's right here every director for many years was always somehow there was it be a letter from guy snuck in any of they all just leave them out there to have next thing you know he wins haha same guys me all right hungry all over again oh and what are you doing in my round of applaud they watch the Asian is find yourself a beautiful spot we need the next spot for judges okay we need private math senior and we need Junior [Music] [Laughter] go for it right all right we needed one more song just one more song so why don't people know a little bit of water out there a little bit of water in each time it's a longer rod o clock these are the vodka they partner a game right here I do believe you're not married [Music] these guys hardly need to tell know they're not too smart not only the comfort is proof my beeper I'm either at photos that ooh right Brian McMahon jr. and three stomach that we need a champion we need to check it I mean that they're dead they've just been in peace water people come on bear this to the penis water people come on here one more case the horse up a little bit of break a little break no stops here in the middle they see happen up and half the harder and you're outside you see longer our man was stopped and Julio be burning all over drivers work at the next stop all right all the committee your special is next time by little special was that alike category spent by women signal Etienne over now understand by that is a huge comfort already another good to go to go to mastery three blue one battery [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and there you have some gas door for his style a big round not these dances out and they'll beat out that beautiful round of applause in form event in the world a big part of a lot of hops along here we go a 10-minute walk Brian if that senior a piece of them after whatever walk you're gonna find your 1020 but we're not walking on our ready quarter but it will straight to our champion ladies this is what you see going on applause I do believe from standing Buffalo the correlation is that by real good but let's give them a round of the log buyer in humble where you win a super cute I'm gonna try it one ear lier all right second place we under the map and merriment man bye everybody everybody wants to know everybody wants to know boy yeah first put environment first because he's that he went to jacket here on the Napa Valley he want to help didn't blanket here and he went ahead looked at ISA staff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] my boobs are popular the top that what's your name oh yeah all right yeah
Channel: Peigan Powwow Productions
Views: 33,214
Rating: 4.7639346 out of 5
Id: IBv9zhBdbCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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