George Foreman vs Ken Norton | BRUTAL KNOCKOUT Legendary Boxing Fight | 4K Ultra HD

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Norton on the right hand side of the screen George Foreman on the left hand side Here We Go Round One the heavyweight championship of the world is at stake let's watch and see if Foreman comes on strong to this point Norton has thrown the only punch a light left on taken on the gloves by George Foreman wild left hand over the head of George Foreman both Fighters exactly the same size Foreman slightly heavier about 7even or eight lbs heavier Norton and Foreman both 6'3 in on the right hand side your screen is the champion Foreman on the left hand side is Ken Norton Norton and blue foreman and red round one just underway in baragas Venezuela Forman joying the concentration Forman looks a little bit more patient than we've seen him he knows he's got a fight cut out for him CU he's in against a real big fellow Foreman goes out with that light left taken on the shoulder by Ken Norton there's the pushing tactics Foreman starting rather slow feeling Norton out Norton that won't call it a classic style but certainly the style of dragging that right foot behind him vicious left hook was over the head of the champion pretty good straight left hand thrown by Foreman taken on the face and a right hand to the kidney that's a punch you got to watch out there's a good left hand the best right that we've seen foran pushes down in the head of Norton and landed a right hand straight left hand to the face of Ken Norton trying to jab more with his left hand this is what they say he has to do kind of a fishing left hand thrown by the champion right hand to the kidney thrown by The Champ both Fighters the best punches their left hook there the right hand again to the kidney right of Kenny Norton Norton takes the light left throws a right of his own one minute remaining in round one very even first round of this point light left hand taken wild right hand another left hand taken on the gloves by Norton Norton scores with the left hand to the side of Foreman St left hand Miss and left jab in the face of Foreman light left on the forehead pretty good left hand on the forehead of Ken Norton [Applause] Norton with his back up against the ropes this is where he can't afford to stay slips the punch and slides around to his left very important type of movement Norton hanging on with that left hand and tries to throw that wild right hand to the body Foreman is not a great boxer he's a great puncher though Norton is a good boxer as Foreman comes in and tries to hold up Norton backs up 9 seconds remaining in this round the first round former kind of feeling out Norton there we go the opening round of the heavyweight championship of the world in Caracus is history Mohammad what did you think of the first round just like I thought it would be kenon ntin boxing George fulan not throwing all those hard punches and punching them out easy like he did Joe Frasier coming up to round two first round very even maybe a slight Edge on the amount of leather landed on Norton would have to give to George Foreman Muhammad Ali is continually yelling instructions to Ken Norton this is Norton's corner here now Norton filled with concentration he's a positive thinker in fact he won the Napoleon Hill award for positive thinking a Foundation Award Here We Go Round Two the heavyweight championship Caracas Venezuela George Foreman Ken Norton on your left now watch Foreman try to cut off Norton in the corners but Norton is working the left jab much better as he slips a punch and out of that corner this is what Norton must do long right hand that lands just on the left hand side of the head of [Applause] Foreman Norton tries to jab Foreman holds those hands up and tries to push no damage done there Foreman pushed that away Foreman will try to push him he'll push his man down with his left hand and then throw the right Foreman see him trying to cut Norton off on the corners Kenny Norton has got plenty of boxing experience 24 rounds Ali is a master's degree in boxing in any man's school this is what he can't do he can't mix it up with Foreman inside referee Jimmy Rondo separates the Fighters first real clinch of the fight round two schedule for 15 a heavyweight championship of the [Applause] world oh good good right hand the left hand side of the face of Norton Norton is a bit stunned as Foreman is teing off and it looks like Norton has really been staggered as he went up against the Rope the referee is giving it the count yes he'll have to take the eight count okay 78 and here we go as Foreman comes banging on in the second round Norton goes down again a left hand on the side of the head Norton goes back he'll have to take another eight count no he doesn't his legs are rubbery as a left hand goes to the side of his head a right uper count a left jab and all vicious left sends Norton crumbling to the canvas for the second time Norton is in qu he doesn't know where he is it's up to five six I don't know if Norton can make it it might be all over right here it's up to nine 10 and they are they going to continue it or are they going to stop it it looks like it may be all over and it is all over George foran retains the heavyweight championship the world
Channel: ElTerribleProduction
Views: 264,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ClD1oWQv-Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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