George Barris built THIS?! - Wheels & Deals

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boom it's tight fit here so i'm down in waxahachie again i was just recently here with my guys from meat church barbecue and i had a good time but he told me about a business in kind of the downtown square that has a horde of old mini bikes and if you've been watching the market lately mini bikes are all the rage uh you know guys my age that had these things when we were young we want them again just cool around with and have some fun so i'm gonna go in here and check it out and see if we can't get something bought now my millennials handed me something here that i need to throw out there to you because this is pretty cool we're celebrating the return of monster jam and the release of the new monster jam steel titans 2 and we got a code on every single platform for you to get the game for free all you have to do to win the free copy is subscribe to the channel like the video and most importantly comment on the platform as to which monster truck you would rock for the new game so do that whoa we're giving away free games and buying mini bikes i hope all right they do got some mini bikes they're all rad that is rad rad what are they getting for these things now sold what do you think that sold for i bet you somewhere around there you used to just throw these away when they break they were they were absolutely worthless who's the proprietor of this establishment richard how are you hey tom i'm good i guess you know me by my face i do there you go and your reputation yeah i'm trying to get better with that man uh so a friend of mine uh the guy that matt pittman that owns me church told me that you guys had a like a stash load of killer old mini bikes we do we have quite the horde in here well this is like a crazy store period what is the what's the gist of it it's like i've got sensory overload it's uh basically about five or six guys who have been hoarding cool stuff their whole lives and we just fill the shop up with our own personal stuff i have about five or six friends i need to do that with i think that would make the wives a little happier too with all this but that's pretty cool you got just a little bit of everything i love it are these monkeys they are monkeys what is is there now if you recorded something cool is there something significant value to that we can't figure out if they're drinking glasses or vices or what we've been scratching our heads about that for a while now well they look like they came from two different dye lots huh we'll have to check that out pretty neat stuff all right so where's this they said you had like hundreds come look i gotta see it these things are going crazy out there on the market holy cow [Music] that's like every brand and and make available so are most of these just diff there there were the kits you could buy well they sold them as complete bikes in the 60s and 70s and they ran about 249 289 back then but they're not anymore no they're not did you see uh what they did out in scottsdale the other day with those honda trail 70s and stuff they're quite quite valuable i just turned down one i i had one bought in a collection a honda trail 70 that he was given brand new to the guy when he was 10 years old he still had it on the original title it was super nice and everything and when we were doing the deal i just i didn't have the heart to take it from it he was willing to sell it to me but i said dude i can't do that you need to keep this and then they sell them for twenty thousand dollars right wow super stalker that one looks pretty cool that's embarrass box okay so george barris i guess he teamed up with somebody and they licensed this do we know who they teamed up with don't i don't know who the manufacturer was that he and that uh that white frame on the floor is also a barris bike well it looks like it's been painted recently this yeah it's been powder coated oh okay all original george barris looks like he had to do a little bit of fixing on it huh little it's pretty much original though that is so freaking cool what's something like this cost um he's asking 35 for it thirty five hundred dollars i remember we were hard to find in the wild when we were kids if you had something that's in it brookie just chunked it you know and somebody would come by and take the wheel because they needed a wheel or a handlebars wow i tease a lot of people when they come in and they say well my mom and dad never would buy me one of these when i was a kid they must not have loved you very much yeah and they don't love you enough now to get you one either because they're real expensive this one must have been a little rough rider no no shocks wow even the one even the ones with the shocks are pretty rough riders not much shock in those shots pretty freaking cool you know i just bought a big collection up in minnesota 60s and 70s uh mostly japanese bikes hondas kawasaki's what have you the guy ordered like the best collection and they're in a killer building it's kind of like this they're lined up next to each other these are complete running not rusty nice 237 motorcycles and a hundred ish cars and uh i can't wait to get them sold i've because of covid i've held on to them for over a year and a half now and that was not the plan the majority of this collection came out of cleveland ohio yeah a man had been hoarding them for 25 years and we found out about him and he passed away and we uh we asked the widow if she'd sell it took her a couple of years but she called us back and said if you still want him come make an offer and we did and she took it we went in the mini bike business overnight it's pretty freaking cool y'all need to call it something like a mini recycle or something you get these things running and driving they're bringing it i mean that sounds crazy to me 3 500 but where are you gonna get it especially if you had one right well we're uh we're all members of the independent order of life fellas upstairs odd fellows and um we had a mini bike patrol that we ride in parades so we already had many bikes and when this thing came along we were like this is a no-brainer we've got to get these things so we did it's super cool so uh what's the coolest one rarest one uh the barris and then i've got another one inside in the other room that's pretty cool i wonder if there's any money in the minibike business there's got to be now as well you can still find uh some barn finds and some farm finds and you can pick them up for next to nothing and yeah somebody'd be like oh yeah give me 50 bucks you know this is probably the coolest one in the in the building is this a trike it is a try and it's a george and this is a george barris also it's even got a front brake needs a little adjustment oh yeah look good on that i can see myself on this cruising around there's not much room on the back for my lady though but she's small she can fit back there so this is pretty much all original the way it came huh pretty much i think the uh chain guard is about the only thing that's not gop power sports uh i would imagine that's not yeah go power sports is over in keller yeah it looks like a pretty recent uh cut piece um i've never seen one of these things what would have went here oh that probably where the original one went that is a trip how much is this going to hurt me if i want it uh we're asking 3 500 for it it's a mini bike man where else you're gonna find one i don't know i do not know where else you're going to find them because i've never seen one in person i didn't even know george barris made mini bikes until you just told me in there that is a trip okay now this is brad too see i don't just deal with mini bikes [Music] what year is this so 1972 and it was 10 grand it's down to 7 500. i like that dude does this run or anything have you messed with it oh it's gonna need some messing with okay do we uh just know nothing or do we think the motor might be good or bad or i'm really not sure so it's like one of those barn finds i find where once you throw some gogo juice in it and uh turn it over you know what you got exactly so this is buy or beware it's pretty cool it's very cool and it seems like really all complete and original ish it's got an oil cooler on it but a little later model horn it's pretty kick-ass i love this kind of stuff what else do i have to have now that's pretty cool but what's uh what's this what's true south true south is a charity that was put together by one of our partners aaron finnen it's um it's a charity they help riders who have gone down on motorcycles and we help them with some of their daily expenses okay so it's not like uh trying to to to pay the hospital bills or whatever we're not paying their medical bills or anything but we'll help them with a light bill or a phone bill or buying dog food or just whatever immediate need they might have get through get through a month or whatever well going uh going down on a motorcycle is definitely true south so i've done it a couple times myself and luckily i came out fairly unscathed but it's not any fun and uh what have you so that's a a charity uh-huh that's a pretty good charity so i guess that that also you get to have a little one-on-one and interaction with them when you take some stuff and hang out that's a cool thing to do uh it's a real cool thing to do we've got a lot of friends who who ride and unfortunately some of them have gone down and we've had to help them out so we just uh aaron decided that it would be a good idea to go ahead and try to help him in a in a better way and he's got a 501c3 set up and it's a it's a really good and uh honorable charity super cool all right so i gotta have that trike i know i gotta have that but you know me i gotta get a deal so what is that for me like two grand okay i know i know what they're going for but you already got this and i kind of like this so this is at 7 500 and 3 500 if i'm doing a math ride is is 11. is that right yeah that's right so what's the deal of the day for both you travel with 10 in your pocket a lot don't you i do we could do 10. damn it y'all i've got to quit telling my secrets freaking putting it out there on the net for eight years i think that's got to be worth it i just don't know i don't know what i'm getting into here i would think this bike's worth 10. i thought 7 500 on the price tag was pretty good all right screw it i'll do it 10 grand right on that's very cool i'm probably gonna end up spending some more money but there's 10. i don't carry 10 anymore now i carry four let's make sure i don't crash it before i get it running yup no brakes [Music] so [Music] yeah man what's going on guys oh look at that i got fans in waxahachie excellent thank you guys be cool hey man i appreciate it and uh thanks for meeting me up here so there you go i got a really crazy george bears trike ought that i didn't even know that they made and an old flh harley and we'll get them back to see if they run and drive wax hatches a pretty cool town there's some cool people down here make sure you make it by and uh boom i'm on the road brother cool [Music]
Channel: Gas Monkey Garage & Richard Rawlings
Views: 661,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Rawlings, Gas Monkey, Gas Monkey Garage, Fast N Loud, Fast N' Loud, Classic car, cars, car, classic, Rich Rawlings, garage, hot rod, Ford, hot rods, fast n loud, Ass monkey, grease monkey, grease monkey garage, deals, wheels and deals, buy, selling a car, buying a car, buying cars, storage unit, found, George Barris, Trike, Trikes, Barris, batmobile, wheels & deals, Wheels and Deals
Id: 8gbs6LjBmaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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