Geography Now! Sweden REACTION

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welcome back to boring reviews boring land blasphemer hello foreign [Music] reviews take care Journey there and we are here and excited to check out another geography Now video and we've been putting this one off not to I'm gonna be completely honest it's a longer video okay so we had a really sketch some time aside for this but Jody which country are we excited to check out today Sweden and I am so excited I have a student from Sweden in my class and then I read that's sweet and I read this book about like how the Swedish of their life and like the things they do it's like I don't want to say like a self-help book but yeah it's supposed to be a self-help book like you know some things that they're doing that's like really weird that might be a bunch of good ideas yeah where are you from constantly outside even in the cold and it's like slightly cold here like 56 degrees and I will not go outside we're not we're not built for certain things okay or not and uh so with that being said she's excited I'm excited we're gonna go ahead and check this out if you like our reaction anyway please hook us up bye like and subscribing and hitting that notification Bell so you can be aware of our next uploaded videos and you can check out mini geography now reactions if that is your thing but we are going we are go ahead we are going ahead no I don't know but we're gonna go ahead and check this out there we go it's just gonna say fast ly and we'll be able to do it I'm going to shut up absolutely not quickly quickly here we Shmo I don't have to give much of an introduction I'm sure you've all heard of this one we've scaled the treacherous Danish peaks of moolahoy stomach the ammonia flavored Icelandic how [ __ ] and our wallets were viciously attacked by Norwegian prices of anything but now it's time welcome to the final boss of Scandinavia Sweden oh it's hot I'm all hot and sweet Yeti right now kick it oh oh yeah uh no it was back by the way here we are yep it's time to learn geography hey everybody I'm your host barbs and get a geography now t-shirt or geography network not selling out if it's your brand anyway all right you guys this is it our last but what about your constituents but what about you're an unincorporated territory but what about me we already did your video I even went there okay anyway I actually wanted to go to Sweden for this episode at the last minute Sweden was like dude we're gonna close off our borders to anyone outside the EU but you know how it goes The Show Must Go On And if we can't go to Sweden we're gonna bring Sweden to us and in the best possible way with real Swedish people and I mean like real swedes not those fifth generation Minnesota swedes that eat ludafisk once a year and so with that say hi to Jonas and Carolina come on in I got two swedes so you guys are the real deal Swedish straight up right I uh I was born in Sweden and lived there for 10 years and then my mom moved me to the enemy to Norway oh so you're half normal wow yeah and I'm from skona so we might have some angry people out there claiming I'm Danish but um it was La you guys were the best I could find so uh anything you want to say to the Swedish subscribers now I'm excited for you guys to learn more about your country our country again that's awesome by the way where are you guys from I'm from Helsingborg and I'm from now there are many ways you can divide Europe you know like you have the Mediterranean tomato the post Iron Curtain yes the Balkans but everyone knows the further north you go things start to get skin delicious and sweet anyway lots to cover let's look at the globe Sweden lies in the region of Scandinavia in northern Europe and is the largest of all the Scandinavian countries if you're largest in Europe and the third in the EU the country is bordered by Norway to the west and north and Finland in the Northeast separated by the Gulf of Bosnia otherwise between them in this gulf you can also find Sweden's two largest Islands Ireland and gotland otherwise in the South the only other physical connection they technically have is with Denmark via the partially submerged and partially above ground erisand bridge that connects malmer the third largest city to Copenhagen I'm trying my best with these pronunciations bear with me the country's largest city though and capital is Stockholm located on the east side of the country and it actually sits on 14 islands with over 50 Bridges at the drainage of lake malare with over 20 lakes and countless streams this is why it is sometimes referred to as the Venice of the north the country is divided into 21 counties each abbreviated by a letter or double letter known as a country code for the EU statistical system though the counties are grouped into eight rixom Roden or national areas to address things like population data and so forth but they in themselves do not have any administrative function otherwise if you ask a Swede they might revert back to the three traditional lands of Sweden Norland sveiland and yotelan technically there was a fourth usterland which was basically South Finland when it was under Swedish rule but that term hasn't been used since the 15th century anyway Stockholm is also the central Hub of economic activity and transportation the largest and busiest airport is Stockholm's Orlando International which like so many European international airports is located super far from the actual City it takes a 20-minute Express train or 45 minute car drive to downtown the second largest airport Lan feta International is located in the second largest city yatabori or Gothenburg for the misguided English speakers yet the bori actually also has the largest shipping port in the country and the largest in all of Scandinavia taking in about a third of all Swedish trade activity it lies on the katigat and skagarak the shallow Straits that open up Scandinavia to the rest of the world with other are major cities like Oslo and Copenhagen within radius here about 70 percent of all industry and commerce through Scandinavia happens it's a busy spot to say the least finally the country has quite an organized system of roads and rail networks that more or less parallel each other there are two main north-south highways the E4 that hugs the entire Bosnia coast and the e45 the longest road in the country that goes along the mountains Inland from yet just gonna deposit real quick because I'm curious that E4 if that's like in California the Pacific Coast Highway where it's like slower speed limits it's a very nice scenic view but it takes forever to go down there and that e45 is more like any other main freeway that's not really on the the coast there don't know according all the way to the border with Finland in the north also it's important to note that Sweden claims to have the most islands out of any other country in the world at over 260 000 in any case Sweden's domain houses confined to these borders for starters Sweden being Scandinavian obviously have Viking history if you know anything about Vikings you'll know that they went places they were literally in the Americas 500 years before Christopher Columbus and when they couldn't conquer an area they still left their Mark somehow even the Haggis of FIA in turkey has runic inscriptions hidden on it it was like Viking graffiti like Vikings were here on top of that in the 1600s Sweden started to become a European Powerhouse and like many other countries took an attempt at settling and colonizing places outside of Europe at one point Sweden had fortresses and colonies in the Americas Africa mostly and what now is Ghana further of which it's more within Sweden you even have a few Nations we don't have time to get into each of them but they're pretty interesting one of the was made as a protest by an artist to protect those wooden sculptures anyway the developmental structure behind Sweden has a lot of history behind it like wispy on gotland island probably the best preserved medieval city in Scandinavia it's the old town Stockholm neighborhood of gamlastan was built as a fortress to protect against Pirates later on one of your kings would actually become a pirate but that's another story in fact the country has 15 UNESCO Heritage sites and actually here's fellow Geographic Rebecca to explain a little bit more about the top notable sites of Sweden Rebecca take it away hi everyone my name is Rebecca and if you're ever in Sweden here are some of the most notable sites there are plenty of notable castles fortresses and Cathedrals such as threatening home Castle Gibson Castle other Castle whispy Town wall uppsala Cathedral and Saint Mary's Cathedral Sweden also has the highest concentration of room stones in the world with the most famous one being Rex Diana there's also many historical Viking sites such as birkavating Village trellaborian old uppsala and augustiana if you're looking for more excitement check out the theme parks Lisa Barry granola notable museums in Sweden are the Vasa Museum Alba Museum photographers and the Museum of Natural History in Stockholm you can find the newly renamed Avicii Arena it also acts as the sun in the largest scale model of our solar system thank you and I hope you come to visit Sweden someday thank you Rebecca Las Vegas is building an attraction uh what do they call it I always call it a sphere but that's what they're calling but it's a sphere just like that so one of them speaking of Swedish places like other Nordic countries trees we have Alamance which is the legal right to roam anywhere in nature have you guys ever taken advantage of that Island that's the most dropping thing nice I mean do you just like pick berries and like hey yeah I mean most places are owned by the country so you're allowed to be there can you just like walk in someone's backyard and be like hey no um well speaking of roaming in nature there's lots of things in Sweden which brings us to there's a huge misconception [Music] each country kind of has their own trademark physical traits you know Norway has the mountains and fjords Denmark has the flat grassy Farms Finland is the land of lakes and Iceland is basically just one big volcano and then you get to Sweden it's like a little bit of everything yes there's even a small sand volcano in simulation all right Sweden lies on the Scandinavian peninsula of Northern Europe shared with Norway on the east side of the Scandinavian mountain chain that separates them here you can also find the tallest peak kepnakaisa in the far north this means that Sweden gets most of its River runoff from the mountains that mostly flow down into the Gulf of Bosnia and the longest river shared with Finland being the tornae or tornual river the longest river fully within Sweden though being the Dolvin River amongst these Rivers is an abundance of lakes and ponds peppering the flatter hilly valleys below the largest of these Lakes being Vernon and Veteran in the South the reason Sweden has so many of these pockety Lake zones and eroded rivets is because they sit on a post-glacial rebound Zone basically during the Ice Age all this land was crushed by heavy ice but after the ice melt like a sponge Sweden started to slowly spring back up again this means every year Sweden recovers on average about four millimeters of land from the sea in some places even more this is why you might see extended Piers from old homes that once used to be situated on the shore the country has four general climate zones the oceanic zone has the South by the Baltic Sea this is also where most of the agriculture is situated the Continental zone is in the middle part of the country and finally the sub-arctic in the north just above that these areas have the highest Forest concentration in the country also the peaks of the mountains are classified as Tundra the top 15 percent of Sweden lies just north of the Arctic Circle where the coldest temperatures and highest snowfall happens otherwise in the South they might not even get any snow at all in the winter just cold depressing rain numbers fluctuate depending on which source you study but somewhere around or above 60 percent of the country is forested making it the second most forested country in Europe after Finland it's also important to note that Sweden has April weather or April weather in which uh well it's pretty crazy yeah pretty much anything can happen yeah yeah well the sun is finally out after six months of Darkness so clothes come off let's sit in the sun oh whenever you see a sweet too expect this facing the sun eyes closed and then all of a sudden a storm hits or snow comes or out of nowhere yeah out of nowhere the interesting thing though is that Sweden in the past was great much like what they are today yeah right at the beginning of the 20th century much of Scandinavia was struggling with widespread poverty however much like Germany's they had the record Orem in which Sweden's economy bursted with now Industries and Innovation and today you have the largest economy and most powerful nation in northern Europe to explain a little bit more on the way Sweden takes what it has and flourishes here's Noah he's back well here we are once again let's get to it despite having lush green lands only about seven percent of the country is arable therefore agriculture isn't exactly their main focus today much of Sweden's open market economy is heavily based on exports especially in the timber and Mining sectors the largest mine in kiruna is actually so large they are currently in the process of moving the town and residents to make more in the 21st century became the world's sixth largest iron ore exporter and third largest stainless steel exporter and of course Lumber the swedes love trees so much that a long time ago during Fama times they would put crushed tree bark into their rye bread which was actually good because the bark had lots of minerals and fiber go figure the lumber industry plays a huge role in their world renowned Furniture Commerce we've all heard about Ikea having over 450 stores in about 60 countries I actually studied that in design school is that true Noah that is true not that I do it but here we are you might be familiar with other Swedish companies like Electrolux Ericsson h m Saab Scania Spotify and of course the largest domestic company and only one on the Fortune 500 list Volvo great cars I might say and that is uh that is that is that until we meet again thank you Noah now going off of business talk domestically Sweden does have a pretty complex system when it comes taxes that plays into their fiscal structure as of 2021 their individual digital tax rates range from about 32 to 52 based on income bracket margins and that's not even including other factors like corporate value added taxes which can be up to 25 when you add them you get the second highest total tax revenue behind Denmark as a share of its country's income yeah that's uh you guys kind of have high taxes well we also have Healthcare and good schools and good roads they do have very good schools in any case another interesting thing about Sweden is it's wild sorry I would say they have really good schools it's the number one in scandinia as far as they pay teachers right but yeah but they're also like they they're they're citizens are educated they again and I'm not trying to stereotype America but in this country oh my goodness gracious could you imagine 30 to 50 tax rate No but no but you also got to be able to trust your your government officials that they're going to be able to and it sounds like they do they're going to put it back into the country well yeah again Healthcare alone is a lot is a lot it's a lot of life and with that here's Gary Harlow to explain guess she's back as a Nordic country Sweden is obviously a Place full of cold climate animals in fact they have the third highest number of their national animal the most or the Eurasian elk after Russia and Canada there's so many moose that they actually have to hunt around a hundred thousand every year to maintain population control killing your national animal because there's too many go Sweden there are 30 national parks and nature prediction zones and the most famous being in the north Lapland areas where reindeer Max Ox gray owls and brown bears can be spotted roaming freely fun fact reindeer have climate adapted feet in the summer their spongy foot pads are more exposed which help with traction but in Winter a pads shrank and the hoof is exposed which helps cut into the ice when moving finally Sweden is one of the few places in the world with a real taxidermized whale the mouth used to be open for visitors to walk into but it was closed off to the public because a couple was caught having sex out speaking of making babies I made one myself here's a photo of my daughter she's beautiful thank you Gary yeah meatballs you guys love your reindeer what's your favorite dishes in Sweden it probably is reindeer meatballs yeah yeah oh yeah and you guys know FICO right yeah FICA it's funny because coffee was actually banned from Sweden like five times in the 1700s but that's another story to explain a little bit more about fika and the food here's Johan and Ricard all right guys well this is a fika and to explain here is Johan so in Sweden FICA is a huge tradition it's something you do daily it's a part of a work day break where you kind of like gather you sit down and you have coffee historically it's been that seven types of cookies minimum plus minimum rolls and cardamom rolls and um then pastries such as princess cakes and other things every day but not necessarily this many sorts I wanted to give you a cross-section of what it could be so and then the most famous on the bottom would be the princess cake so if I'm gonna try some I have to have some marzipan so many layers I know wow hello there my name is Dick and I'm here to talk about some of the foods we have Club coco or pulse if you are from the North or the South Seattle or as you will call it Herring we have reindeer pea soup cauliflower soup superstorming or sour Herring but it at your own risk all this foods can be eaten at the traditional smorgas board or smorgasbud basically a Swedish Buffet we also or Charles caviar it's a Swedish style of smoked Cod row not that super expensive and of course we have [Music] Sweden Swedish tacos over to some drinks from Sweden we have acrobit or a flavored Caraway liquor you must on Christmas and past musk most on Easter egg we have and of course my personal favorite punch is made by the mixing of spirits like Eric brandy or Rum with arak tea with some sugar and water very sweet very strong and very nice thank you Johan Anthony yeah you guys also have something about like the alcohol in Sweden can you guys explain what is that it's called the sustainable which is like the Swedish system of selling heavily regulated alcohol at state-owned stores at set prices so you have you can be 18 and go to a bar to get liquor but you can't buy it at a store until you're 20. correct logic logic yeah the way it goes is that Norwegian people go to Sweden to buy alcohol Swedish people go to Denmark to buy alcohol and danish people go to Germany to buy alcohol you guys all have a system yeah we have a system for cheap alcohol so there's probably a bunch of 16 year olds taking a ferry over to Denmark the ferry itself is a party I've been on that Ferry I've been on that Ferry with my mom between Helsingborg and helsingo on a funny story I was told uh when potatoes were introduced to Sweden it was kind of like this what are these things well obviously liquor so what's that thing about candy on Saturdays explain you get to eat candy on Saturdays so when we were kids we got a little amount of money we got to run through the store and pick our favorite candy it's amazing best in the world I mean yes good ingredients when you come here pretty much half the ingredients of American candy is illegal in Sweden we do that same thing here but it's every day she said half the ingredients allowed in America is not allowed in Sweden let's see the money we got to run through the store and pick our favorite candy it's amazing best in the world I mean yes good ingredients when you come here pretty much half the ingredients of American candy is illegal in Sweden yeah we do that well that's very small little Traditions let's explain a little bit I asked geography Johan to explain Swedish people and what they're like and he described it something like this a Swedish person is pretty reserved they will definitely help you but probably won't take the immediate initiative to help you the way I see it it's kind of like oh no I hope I don't fall oh I'm falling oh and I dropped my wallet and I got the results of the test pack I definitely have breast cancer foreign taboos in Swedish culture what do you think I guess uh when you get on the bus if there is another available seat and you go sit next to someone don't do that it's just dumb and don't have too much eye contact in general preferably none explain what is uh Logan it's a law that basically tells you that don't think you're better than anyone it's like don't tell people that you got good grades just get them and move on but yes kind of let them see it on yeah it's definitely based on status logom is this word that does that's the books in English and it basically means not too much not too little just the perfect I would say that person is generally intelligent is that full of myself saying that nah it's just a result of our educational system that's what part of your culture uh yante alone you're not allowed to do that right well we're not allowed to brag no but now we're in America so well that was a discussion any case let's break down the population of Sweden Sweden has a population of about 7.25 million and has one of the oldest populations in the world at about 41 years of age on average about 75 of the country claims to be ethnically Swedish and this is where things get a little complicated for the remaining 25 percent the Swedish government doesn't have any official statistical data on foreign background but what we do know is that of these people about 2 million of them were born abroad and about 600 000 were born in Sweden as second generation with foreign parents we also know that as of 2020 due to the refugee crisis the largest immigrant communities had Origins mostly from Syria and Iraq which surpassed Finland and Poland in the 21st century for the largest foreign-born communities yeah we'll talk about the refugee thing later but in the meantime Sweden uses this Corona as its currency and we use the type C and F plug outlets and we drive on the right side of the road but we used to drive on the left side until September 3rd 1967. when the herga graphics on legnian was instituted and it was a crazy time people were all confused and jamming into each other in Sweden yeah it's always been spoken natively in Sweden Swedish actually only became official in the country in 2009 yeah wow yeah they kept kind of arguing about it it was like no it might be seen as more difficult for international issues it might be seen as discriminatory maybe for those who don't speak Swedish god so let's break this down the country is called Sweden what the [ __ ] do you think people should speak in Sweden and that's how Swedish became the official language of Sweden we've explained this before but the three Scandinavian countries can all more or less understand each other if you learn one you can pretty much kind of communicate with the others it's just you know when they hear Danish it's like oh hey Denmark interesting and the interesting thing is that the Swedish language has pitches here is geography Marcus to explain a little bit more so yeah Swedish is a very hard language to learn we also have pitch dialect some words look and are pronounced exactly the same but have different meanings so the word clone it can mean a plan like having a bread plan it can also mean a pitch like a football pitch football splawn which means banana but if you pronounce it means the track thank you Marcus in any case on top of that there are also five protected languages in Sweden Finnish men Sami Romani and Yiddish also Sweden has a lot of regional accents if she spoke her native language right now or you don't even say die like you say language Native dialect I wouldn't understand a word say the most difficult uh Southern Swedish thing you can say okay this is not my accent okay disclaimer's it is easy but difficult to drive a roller coaster wheelbarrow but that was really good right yeah all right all right all right you thought wheelbarrow was roller coaster whoa in any case Christianity was introduced in the 9th century today most swedes regardless of their level of religious devotion or lack thereof are at least registered with the Swedish Lutheran Church and like the Danes the Norwegians they have their confirmation ceremonies at age 14 or 15. in Old Times ancient swedes and the Norse people follow the asatro religion you know where Tor Odin Loki all of them were from otherwise sweet Eden is a constitutional monarchy although they are mostly seen as just figurehead celebrities with almost no actual legislative power and today the royal family is actually French descended for what it's worth being the largest of the Scandinavian countries Sweden has a lot on its plate in general most people would say that the system works yes we do have one of the highest life expectancies in the world at over 82 years people get paid to go to schools they are accepted in healthcare is free for people under 18. Dental is free for anyone under 23. otherwise there are price caps for medical and pharmaceutical services and they are usually cheap however for the population there is a bit of a shortage in medical facilities and like most States subsidized Healthcare Systems wait times can be an issue sometimes and they follow the 0 30 90 rule this rule states that a person cannot wait more than 90 days to see a specialist and 90 days after diagnosis to receive surgery unless it is deemed an emergency this means that the worst case scenario potentially it could take almost half a year to get treated this is one reason why one out of 10 swedes actually prefer private insurance which was you know made available in 2010 rather on top of pain almost 50 in taxes yeah well that they're saying like they I'm assuming you're going to say like if you pay for private insurance you might get like ahead of the line type of thing like a fast pass from Disneyland or whatever that's crazy it's actually preferred private insurance which was you know made available in 2010 rather than relying on Universal Health Care System otherwise we aren't going to fully sugarcoat this episode everyone knows that Sweden has seen quite a few drastic changes in the past decade or so during the 2014-15 Refugee crisis Sweden saw a wave of Asylum Seekers mostly from Syria and Iraq obviously this unexpected influx in such a short time you know barely allowing the new immigrants time to integrate kind of played out in many ways that made international news now this is where the narrative kind of steps on thin ice because you want to be seen as compassionate but you also can't avoid the fact that statistically problems that quiet Sweden had never really seen before obviously kind of started to arise we've seen the newest features riots multiple cities crime Rising but at the same time you also want to be seen as compassionate but without sidestepping the issues so the question was how well it's not an easy question to answer so I don't know what do you guys think of that whole situation of the drama you can see it as either win-win or lose loose in many ways because if you're completely against in immigrants you're basically considered a racist and if you're trying to turn a blind eye to the fact that you know crime has risen a lot the last years then that's not great either so I think this is a fairly new problem and and it takes some time to really figure it out it's difficult it's kind of of yeah kind of a discussion of how to help people you know integrate into the society in general Swedish Society I think integration is keyword you know half the people are going to argue for all the benefits of opening our country up and helping people and those are huge as well yeah see this is kind of part of the complication of Sweden there's always like a dichotomy of ethics and consequences within their story for example they've been neutral or at least on paper for 200 years yet that neutrality has always kind of been tested throughout the time in World War One our choice not to intervene pretty much costed us a chance to integrate the Orland islands and in World War II Sweden took like almost all of Denmark's Jewish refugees however they did trade with Nazi Germany and let them use the railroad but it's like what other choices they have when they just witnessed and saw Denmark getting demolition attacked and occupied in like six hours it's like do you stay neutral yet technically cooperate or fight back with no chance and lose everything so many heavy choices with no simple answers well that was fantastic and uplifting in any case we must move on one thing Sweden definitely does actually feel uplifted by would be their Heavy R heavy involvement in sports and with that uh art usually fills in for the sports part but uh again he's still on vacation with his family so I don't know uh Noah why don't you feel it all right Noah you got to be art this time he's gone so uh yeah uh no no you missed the do and you go too oh yeah Sports in Sweden fun fact they actually won a half medal at the 1900 Olympics technically they teamed up with Denmark in the tug of war event yes they're actually used to be horror event in the Olympics which does sound pretty cool why would why would you get rid of that I go to the Olympics if you take a war that'd be pretty awesome you could just be your own team Noah there are two sports that kind of originated in Sweden brand bowl and floorball run ball is kind of like baseball and floorball is basically like hockey so you think about Sweden is that each of their neighbors is kind of like their biggest rivals in a certain Sport and of course we can't mention football without mentioning their biggest players Zlatan Ibrahimovic but depending on who you ask and many people might say that ice hockey is a national sport in 2006 they became the first and so far only team to win build tournaments in the same calendar year Olympics and World Championships they're part of the big six that are considered the best ice hockey teams in the world including Canada czechia Finland Russia and the United States uh that's the sports parts thank you Noah so much culture in Sweden actually if you want to learn more about it just Frida The Adventures of Niels he rides at Goose around Sweden and learn some life lessons along the way or something with that here's random Hannah with culture stuff hey guys I'm back whew in Sweden you'll find that every region has its unique identity for example the Sami people of Lapland in the north they have their reindeer herding tents and cult or yucky clothing if you go to the south in skoda though you'll find a radically different culture of glass blowing and silversmithing stuff like that of course we don't have time to dive into all the regions but one thing you'll realize is that they all have a traditional costume or photor one thing you will see all over Sweden is a typical Redwood Farmhouse they also have the Dallas a wooden horse usually painted red with patterns and speaking of iconic animals sweets actually like love Donald Duck even more than Mickey Mouse and every year during Christmas they show Donald Duck and his friends wish you a Merry Christmas on the TV Sweden also has many notable individuals in the Arts and literature department and probably the most critically well known is Andrew zorns who is commissioned to paint numerous high profile figures sweets are known for their crime fiction drama and litter picture they love the complex Moody scenarios many people attribute this guy I'm not even gonna try and say his name as a founder of modern Scandinavian crime fiction but the number one best-selling Swedish author of all time is actually Astrid lindren you've probably heard of her Pippi Longstocking series and speaking of consumable media if you want to learn about culture history and geography through film check out filmography now where we talk about people like ingmar Berman who is a huge influential person in the film industry and he was from Sweden finally Sweden is known for having a ton of inventions and discoveries such as nicotine gum the pacemaker the three-point seat belt GPS the ultrasound dynamite and Celsius temperature scale and four elements on the periodic table were named after the town I give up guys too many strange vowels and sounds and one thing you should give up on is Keith and his music segment take it away Keith wow so we're finally talking about this country that I have like totally not any sort of bias towards oh wait hold on I think I'm forgetting something I hope everybody recognizes my favorite Swedish band right here let's talk about Sweden shall we technically Sweden doesn't have a national anthem so they have this one song it's called dugama dufria I guess it's the de facto Anthem but not the official one there's tons of really great Swedish folk songs accompanied by the Swedish nickel harp kind of looks like a keyboard mixed with like a violin who likes strandberg guitars I do just so many great guitar players para Nelson greatest guitar player I think out of Sweden um there's also Yngwie Malmsteen olaoglund Michael ackerfelt I don't understand why Scandinavia has produced some of the world's greatest guitar players anyways Sweden has also a very pop Centric side who doesn't know Abba I want to be a dancing queen Ava won in 1974 for the Eurovision contest also now AB is actually going to be making a new album after doing 40 Years of basically nothing since then Sweden has been kind of the pioneers of like Electro pop and dance music more well-known artists might be like Avicii the karnigans Swedish House Mafia Roxette funny thing is there's a lot of American pop songs were written by swedes Max Martin has hundreds of songs before I go some of the bands that I really do enjoy are Opeth Meshuggah pain of Salvation Sabaton uh there's beard fish I wish I could name them all anyways you guys have a great one love y'all [Applause] suggestions for Swedish music Robin she has a she's a great musician Benjamin ingrasso is killing it well uh oh speaking of which Carolina is a musician and an artist and uh you can follow her Spotify at this link right here no well I will promote it I will promote your Spotify don't be all Logan or yantolo and whatever that is on me you got to promote yourself this is America so if I release three Swedish songs one English one you want to promote anything you have a website anything no you were in a Norwegian movie and it got an Emmy Award yeah yeah your music has touched the world in so many ways and another way Sweden has made its name across the world is by interacting with it so let's move on to the friend zone oh different song now Sweden has an interesting way of dealing with the rest of the world they kind of have a hands-off unless really necessary approach to International Conflict for one their security Doctrine states that they have a non-partisan stance in regards to military alliances however it permits cooperation with threats against peace security with their military yes Sweden has a military nonetheless they joined the EU in 1995 which some criticized as being against neutrality but Sweden decided to see it as an extension of economic activity that had already been going on with the EU and they also hold the right to not participate in EU defense today they have 79 embassies abroad on all inhabited continents in Asia Iraq actually has had relations way before conflict years dating back to the 30s when members of the royal family visited Baghdad to see King Ghazi of Iraq in the 80s Swedish companies opened up in Iraq trade was developing well for a while and after conflict years many Iraqis chose Sweden as their destination as refugees the USA and Canada have always been close as the U.S has the largest Swedish diaspora community at over 4 million people most heavily concentrated in Minnesota Canada having just about half a million with a huge community in Manitoba between 1820 to 1930 about 1.3 million swedes immigrated to the Americas which was at that time about one-third of the entire country and today these nations not only had a close historical Bond but in almost every diplomatic measure aside from military conflict they have cooperated bringing it closer to home Sweden is actually one of the top donors of Moldova in regards to Aid and development they set a strategy of cooperation in 2007 which gives 11 million euros dedicated to good governance economy and rural development now we go even closer to the Inner Circle the nordics every single one of these five nations and their territories has an opinion about Sweden and the gossip is heavy Finland is of course really close as for about 600 years they were actually a part of Sweden and today Finns are one of the largest non-swedish communities with a protected language and Pockets throughout the country for Iceland it's like eh we're cool with them nothing against them they talk like our ancient Norse ancestors but otherwise they're totally our distant cousins then we get to the last two Denmark and Norway here's the thing each one kind of has a small historical gripe with Sweden Denmark as you know has had more Wars with Sweden than any two Nations on Earth constantly fighting over influence for northern Europe Norway was kind of pissed that Sweden's neutrality prevented them from intervening in war times when they thought the Swedish were like really close and Norway was even part of Sweden this was especially evident in World War II it was like the moment of tension nonetheless at the end of the day you cannot separate the Scandinavian Trio they just get each other too well they share too much they have the same general Scandinavian minds they have that Viking Blood they are truly people of the North after the insults have been hurled they will probably say okay yeah yeah we love each other Denmark and Sweden though will probably first hug Norway before hugging each other but otherwise yeah Inseparable Trio alright and in conclusion you are the swedes I'm gonna Step Out Hold the Flag in the background while you speak freely from the heart I want to say in conclusion sweetie and like we mentioned if you meet a Swedish person he or she might be a little reprehend like a little bit I'm not sure about you but lead on with a smile and some love and you'll get the exact same back I promise you I like that that was good all right well thank you guys so much for being in this episode and stay tuned Switzerland is coming up next I will say she has worked on her abs for sure she got those abs muscles they're not easy to do this was great to learn about this um having Danish um ancestry myself you know I don't feel any animosity obviously but it's uh it's interesting to know that the Danish and the Swedish had so many wars against each other well especially for such a good news you can see why they would have issues with other countries because it it's so hard because it's like I get not wanting to get involved and being like it's no offense that it's not really my problem proximity like you're right there like are you looking at me the wrong way right but I think like sometimes it's hard because I mean I know you feel like do you step in do you not step in do you help do you not help like I can I can understand that I think it's super super impressive that they took in so many refugees um we've talked about that a lot in class this year going over like different books about them and we even like analyzed a few songs when we were like learning poetry and how songs are just sung poetry um and so I think it's awesome that they welcome so many without hesitation it is sad that they have more crime because of it um that the thank you you get is increased crime yeah that's or at least issues that weren't there before yeah that's sad um it's hard and but I still I think it's super awesome that they welcome them um because that was a lot of people walking in yeah he said 15 of Sweden was in that northern part like the tundra and all that Arctic area I'm not sure if you meant population or just like land but I'm curious I mean I'm sure there's people that live up there but man alive that's gotta be tough and it's crazy that the southern part it rains a lot doesn't even snow sometimes but it's cold like I'm sure it's cold but like once I get to a certain degree it kind of has to snow so that's crazy that they have that kind of difference in temperature just from yes it's it's a tall long whatever you want it long country a lot of land there um anyways this is a lot of fun this is great to watch this and it was great to save it for now to enjoy it let us know what you thought about our reaction to this please don't forget to like And subscribe and until next time goodbye
Channel: Boring Reviews
Views: 13,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SUYoP6hk0tU
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Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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