Living in Sweden: 18 Culture Shocks That Blew My Mind

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hello everyone my name is Lex and I'm an American that just moved to Sweden I'm here with another great video for you today today in this video I'm going to talk about 18 things that are mindblowing to me here in Sweden as an American if it's your first time here to my YouTube channel and you don't know anything about me I'm an American that just moved to Sweden a little over two years ago and I share my experiences here in this channel if you feel like that's for you go ahead and subscribe to my channel and for those who've already been here with me already welcome back now in this video the 18 things that I will be mentioning that are mind-blowing to me as an American is a personal experience of mine so please don't kill me if I said something wrong if you feel like I forgot something go ahead and drop it in the comments and I'll be more than happy to read it over and reply back as soon as I can now let's get straight into it number one on my list is the fact that sweds are so punctual when it comes to timing sweds are so punctual with the timing I don't even think they leave time for being spontaneous at all this is all mind-blowing to me as an American because we just wing it whenever we say a time that we're going to hang out for example I'll be like yo we'll hang out sometime next Thursday I don't know and then from there we'll just wait until Thursday comes around if it does come around and just hang out if the time is right but sweds are on another level with it man if you decide to ask a swed for a time or a place to be somewhere they will be so accurate with it to the point where they'll be like yeah we'll hang out on March 23rd uh on Thursday at 3:55 p.m. there're those type of people sweds basically plan for everything number two on the list kids get free prescription that just sent me into a coma right there because in America that don't exist it might have existed back then when we had Medicare and medic and all that good stuff but if we're talking about now there is no chance in hell that the United States provide free medication for the kids and for those who really need it number three on the list your job cannot fire you if you have a problem with drug or alcoholic addictions which is crazy to me this is mind-blowing to me as an American because if you have either or or problems and the employer notices it on you they will fire you immediately and the crazy thing is I believe that they do have the right to do so with no intent to help you at all here in Sweden if they notice that you have a problem with any drug or alcohol addictions then they'll try to help you or help you seek for Help number four on the list if you are struggling with drug or alcohol problems then rehab is completely free here in Sweden not only did this blow my mind but what put me in a coma is the fact that you get assisted with housing after you've cleared 2 months of rehab which is amazing and it's mind-blowing to me number five on the list if you have lost any items whatsoever 90% chance you'll find it where you last lost it at and if you don't find your belongings the other 10% most likely it'll end up in the PO police station if it's Val valuable like Keys wallet cell phone ETC number six on the list this one blew my mind but black licorice ice cream no no no no no no this blew my mind as an American because first of all I just started my mind like licorice to me is not a good tasting candy but the fact that they made an ice cream out of it it just Su me in a coma no I'm not going to try by the way if you're going to add number seven on the list the fact that here in Sweden when I first moved here people have two bed comforters on the bed this blew my mind as an American because all my life living in your United States me and my significant other or whenever I was in a bed I only had one cover that was good for both of us and of course this is confusing to most like it was for me the fact that we why would we have two bed covers on a bed one of them is I no longer have to fight with my partner over who's cold and who needs to sheet every time I have to turn around number eight on the list they have Acker BR purse that costs more than 2,000 CR now for those of you guys watching this video and don't know what ker is but it's like a hard bread but the company that makes them also made a purse for this not only that it costs over $200 I told my wife if she ever wants something like that man we get in a straight up divorce there's no questions that and I said even if I had the possibility of buying this purse for my wife that better be making KCK birad or crackers out of gold I'm not play number nine they have caviar and tubes mindblowing to me and from what I know they mostly use this for the breakfast whenever you need to uh squeeze that on your eggs number 10 people go ice swimming here in Sweden if the temperature is below zero and the lake is frozen some people will cut a hole where the ice is on that Lake and take a quick dip in there and come out that blew my mind as an American I still haven't built the courage for it and I don't think I'll ever try it but yeah that's mind-blowing to me number 11 the toys and the games here for kids are extremely expensive not only are they expensive but it's a limited amount of toys and games that you can have here in Sweden number 12 the fact that there is little to no school shootings here in Sweden this blew my mind as an American and I am so happy I made the right choice to start a family and live here in Sweden because of this yes in Sweden they do have problems in the school yes I know this as well but this is way better than what's going on in the United States to be honest with you number 13 here in Sweden they take care of their citizens those who are hopeless or those who are homeless as well now I'm not saying that there isn't any homeless people here in Sweden but throughout the two years that I live here on one hand I can count how many homeless people here I've seen in swed this country isn't perfect but they do a better job taking care of their people than the United States do number 14 mostly everyone here in Sweden take the same vacation days as far as the week and that's from week 29 through 32 and anywhere in between that that just blew my mind as an American because in the United States people travel whenever they want from what I heard most sweds take these weeks off due to the fact that the school is going to be closed and of course they have to take care of the kids number 15 the fact that Sweden consumed so much Dairy is mindblowing to me they consume so much Dairy to the point where they have an owl for every one of their dairy products for example you would have the milk in one section you would have the yogurt in one section hell they even got sour cream in one section or one aisle to itself that's crazy in the United States you probably have one aisle with all of that in there number 16 the fact that no one here in Sweden or rarely anyone knows what blood type they have this was mind-blowing to me because the fact that uh the government holds all of this information and they don't have any knowledge of it was mind-blowing to me as an American on the other hand I believe that it is best for the doctors to know this information because you don't want to mess up and say the wrong things and put someone's else's life in jeopardy of course number 17 the fact that whenever you riding in public transportation here in Sweden it is completely quiet for the most part from what I know of course it is so quiet and this blew my mind as an American because every day I went to work I had peace and quiet to myself to think about what I wanted to do today at work or whenever I got home it wasn't like New York where you had people break dancing on the Subways and all of that playing music talking loud on the phone none of that so this was mindblowing to me to see the complete transition behind and last of all of course the one that's my least favorite snooze and if you guys don't know what snooze is snooze is like a tobacco that you put in your mouth here in Sweden this was mind-blowing to me the fact that a lot of people hear snooze especially the younger generation they snooze a lot the United States the closest thing to this is probably buying chewing tobacco and that's very rare that you'll ever see people do that in the US personally I just think that snooze is very nasty and people spit it all over the place and I think it's gross but what was mind-blowing about this is the fact that mostly all the younger kids and their teens could start snoozing and that's that's nuts to me well that wraps it up I hope you guys enjoyed the 18 things that were mind-blowing to me in Sweden as an American if you guys enjoyed this video go ahead and like And subscribe to my YouTube channel for future updates about my experiences here in Sweden please also take the time to check out my social media which will be listed in the description below until next time I'll see you guys later hey though
Channel: Lexx In Sweden
Views: 55,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lexx in Sweden, Moving to Sweden, American in Scandinavia, Sweden Travel Guide, Expats In Sweden, Sweden Cultural Insights, American Expats, Sweden Relocation, Discovering Sweden, Sweden for Americans, Sweden Living Guide, Expatriate Journey, Sweden Move Checklist, Swedish Lifestyle, Scandinavia Life, Travel and Relocation, Sweden Tips And Tricks, American Swedish Life, American in Europe, American in Sweden, American living in Sweden, American living in Europe
Id: o0RflHw00oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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