Geodome 4V Icosahedron in Fusion 360 - Geometric solution (no math)

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hey hello everybody and welcome back to my computer it's christian and i'm playing around with fusion physique again and i'm doing geodome it's gonna be a surface body when you're finished and i've already done uh two frequency looks like this i put some colors on to make a bit easier and if you have a look here you can see the triangle here and this is a two frequency but triangular cut in two parts four frequency you can see the triangle again the same place just more edges one two three four four frequency gu dome and where does this triangle come from well that's one of the faces of an alkyl sage and which you can see here there's one triangular face and there are five and one around this point if you look here and triangle and there's five of those triangles runway i'm repeating all the way and it's going to close down this is a bit of where things come from i'm not a geodome expert in any way i'm just playing around with geometry because i like it so the basic thing when you do with you know must have understood is that you do the lines from the center out for the the triangular side of the acoustic hidden out to the sphere and in this case you split the side in four edges and do that yeah that's totally fine i can do that that's how i found the dimensions and started playing around but it's a bit hard to do it up over here so you have a look at this it's much easier to make a triangle down here so that's the way i'm gonna solve it i'm gonna make a triangle down here and then trying this on here we're going to use circular patterns and some mirrors and other stuff so let's get rid of this to get a clean slate and we're going to start a sketch let's go home so you know where we are we're going to create it on the bottom plane first thing you do is circle construction circle if you get frustrated with how i do things i have a specific video for you because this is not a beginner's video i'm sorry this is well it's not super advanced but i would work quite fast i will not tell you if all things work so do as good again first circle is the diameter of the sphere that's surrounding around the geodome i'm gonna make it three meters so that's three thousand three thousand let's move out so we can see it that's our sphere so the outer diameter is gonna be three thousand and the height of the unit was one point five meter half of this or 1 500 millimeters or whatever unit you want to use and we're going to create a create polygon i do circumscribe i'm not that specific and it's need to have a 20 size and it needs to be not a construction needs to be a real line we're going to make a coincidence with any corner out to the circle like that i have a new another polygon here let's see if i remember everything it's going to be a pentagon's and his five sides and that one was supposed to be a construction it can it doesn't matter that much it makes it easy to see things and we're going to do a coincidence between uh in corner and the center point and i mean in any of the edges of a 20-sided polygon earlier and we're going to tell it that this line is going to be vertical like that and we have sketches are open good and we have a fully defined sketch and i'm pleased with that we're going to finish sketch and now it gets a bit strange we're going to basically start the same way as it did with a 2 frequency we're going to start with a sketch on this plane we're going to project in this point center point the polygon the base and the corner out here first we do a circle construction circle from center all the way out to the outer circle so this is our spheres we know where it is so all the lines we're going to do or the poisson create going to be touching here out here and we're going to do one more circle from the base of the pentagon out to here so it helps us move a line up so the first line i'm going to do i'm going to find if i take this pentagon and spin it around the base where is this point here gonna hit up here well it's gonna hit up here line like that we're gonna use that for a mirror later and we could do we can do a line or we can use constraints immediately i'm using constraints we have because it gets bit too much lines of the while horizontal vertical constraint in this case is vertical this point to this it makes it fully defined thank you and i knew one more line this line here is going to be this point here is going to the center of the pentagon we're going to start working with and that needs to be tangent or queens of the value to use 10 this locks it nicely to this circle here circle and that and now we're gonna do some lines to help us find things the first line we're gonna do is from here we're gonna make it out to this we make sure we get the perpendicular constraint here and when we're going to find the center point we can do a line first that's much easier line from center point straight out to the circle we can make a coincident coincident and we need to find the center point and i normally hold down the shift key to find the center point of there and this line so we create a point at metallica and everything is nice and now i'm going to do one more line let's go and go from here to the earlier mate and we make sure we get the perpendicular constraint and just remind ourselves which lines we're going to use later this line here i turn off construction on and this line here i don't have a construction on we're gonna create a pentagon of this here so we're gonna construct a plane here and this is gonna be used later for a mirror plane so that's everything we need to do on this side here yes it is finish sketch construct play another angle no i don't want to do that first i'm going to do one first sorry play another angle we're going to use this line here and it plays it nicely uh so we do not touch your degrees we take ok we create sketch we created on our new beautiful plane and we're gonna do a projection of our little line we made earlier which gives us all the dimension okay we create polygon circumscribe polygon and as always it's going to be a pentagon five sides we just put it out here somewhere we make a coincidence between one of the corners pentagon and up here and by doing that we have made almost everything we need to start with now now we're going to start creating our small small triangles which is all we're going to sketch for now we're going to need some admit need to add some small things later but we just this is basically all the sketch if we need we go over the surface create we're going to do lofts we start with i'm going to do one of the triangle double it's basically the same just mirror but i don't want to use mirrors i'm going to do loft from this line to this point and i'm going to repeat loft if you let me do that from the base of a pentagon down to this point repeat this line here up to that point so these triangles are the same you just understand even because you can make a circular path like that and the last lot we're going to do is going to be from this line here at the point the important thing here is do not point t pick the center point of pentagon we pick up a point that's touching the circle out here the perimeter of the sphere like that we have done those we're going to use a circular pattern circular pattern i prefer body so it doesn't get confused one two three four bodies this axis we only created our axes we need it some axes go from here and we're playing around the pentagons of course it's going to be five times and now we're going to stitch stitch all of this together makes our life much easier we're gonna do a circular pattern to start off with i can't spell circular pattern i bought this once again this body axis we're gonna take the center body or we can just take the edge of a circle out here and once again of course five times we love five five five five five the whole time and we're going to construct plane at angle i'm going to use this line here which you made earlier i only did two three lines here so this serial grid thank you we're going to use a mirror and once again bodies this body across this plane hit okay and because we didn't sketch our plane the planes are still on so i'm going to turn it off now to stop seeing that as you can see we have basically made a lot of progress here so now we're going to create this little triangle down here once again create loft we're going to start with the base down here up to that side we're going to repeat loft from here to here and we're gonna make a loft from here to here sometimes here fusing is mad at me i don't know why if i do the edges in the wrong order it gets a bit picky you see here i did a control b to c so i'm gonna back up and see if we can do this again i don't know why it does that uh i don't like when it does that so let's see we can do it in a different order i'm going to do it in this order instead and let's see i'm going to do loft from here to here and do the same things again sorry you have to see it twice but that's who i i am like that and i hit ctrl b to recalculate i get no arrows down here it's like it doesn't like when you pick edges in a certain order i don't want any arrows ctrl b again to check for the recalculation and nothing is strange yellow or red one is or else and we will stitch these three together hit okay we do a circular pattern first of all we're going to move it around a bit we're going to take this one select the axis we're going to choose again the axis that went through this pentagon face up here so it can be that we're going to do it five times and now we don't need all them we do not need the one down here well we really need these two but i can do a secondary circular pattern to get them the right place so i'm going to remove these two and now i've got a circular pattern again these two bodies the x is going to choose is going to be the center and once again five times and we have a lot of bodies we're going to stitch them all here's one here choose the maybelline software any way you want like that and by doing that and turning off all our sketches can you hide please thank you we have made ourselves a geodesic dome and now i want to talk about one more thing because before i leave you it was fun if you for some reason want to make a sphere you can't just mirror this because you can see the pentagon here here's one of pentagon if you can't see it here's one of our triangles he's the second pentagon there's been pentagon on the top if you just mirror this the pentagon is just gonna mirror and end up down here and that's wrong because that pentagon is supposed to end up over here something like that and what we can do create the sketch on our here and we need to find we do a projection and we need to find where do we have a pentagon where we have a pentagon and the point i'm looking for this way or this way anyway is the line that goes out here here here i want this corner here do that we do a line from our center point out to the point we just created finish sketch turn on our sketches again except the last one and we do circular pattern which is just an extra thing to do when i do this bodies that one this axis and it's going to be twice and if we have a look now to another sketches we should have uh if a dab is right now we have a pentagon here we have one two three four and we have a center pick second pentagon so we have a triangle here we turn around we have a triangle on the other way let's let's take it because here it looks so this if you want to be the complete sphere of course you can stitch it together or we can remove that and just play around with this and we so now from here you can do things like cut away your faces make it solid make it a shell extrude or make pipes along things here this is just to make the basic geometry with only one where our dimensions sure dimension yeah we do only have one dimension we don't need to put in any other numbers so i hope i don't confuse you too much but this is how i have my workflow to make a full frequency geodome with that take care see you out and bye
Channel: Kristian_Laholm
Views: 2,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion 360, Geodome Fusion 360, geodome 4V icosahedron, Fusion 360 geometry, fusion 360 tutorial, 3d design, 3d modeling tutorial, how to, platonic solids, 3d printing, geodome 4 frequency
Id: MEaUsqJLq-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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