Ingenious Inventions That Everyone Should See

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hello everyone technological advances are constantly evolving and have already become integral parts of our lives and today you'll discover the most impressive inventions of our time expanding from the gaming and entertainment industry to automotive and medical Fields Let's Get It On imagine glancing out the window and seeing this guy right in front of you he built this massive drone and turned it into his own personal flying vehicle sure the battery only lasts for 10 minutes but that's plenty of time to soar through the sky on this incredible Contraption forget about using a ladder to climb a polar tree check out this awesome [Music] device working on railway tracks is very tough but with this technology this job will become much easier and yield better results genius genius the creators of these automatic shoe covers must have grown tired of bending down and getting their hands dirty every day with this water cannon you'll definitely dominate any water battle [Music] don't you think it would be great to wake up and have your breakfast ready and it doesn't even have to be made by a person check out this clever device that can easily take the place of a personal [Music] [Applause] [Music] cook good convenient huh it's not just impressive that they found a way to build an artificial floating island but also that they're doing it with eco-friendly materials that won't harm the [Music] environment thinkle loves like these only exist in [Music] movies you'll be surprised to learn that they've been around in real life for quite some time and they work even better than in the [Music] movie need more space in your car with this trailer you can increase it by 300% with just the push of a button seriously judging by this video the car transforms into a small studio apartment imagine how convenient that is for road trips [Music] not only does this drone look cool but it also flies at 40 mph with a payload of 44 lb just see what it can do with its pair of [Music] tentacles here's another reason to visit the West of France you can see huge metal spiders walking around [Music] town gardeners used to struggle with spreading soil or sand evenly until the arrival of this machine [Music] always dreamed of learning to fly then you'll love this ultral light single seed helicopter it can carry a passenger weighing 154 lb for an hour at a speed of 50 mph and it can soar up to an impressive maximum height of 10,000 ft [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you think this is the most technologically advanced and beautiful sink you've ever seen hit the like [Music] button good news carrying a heavy load on a cart up the stairs will no longer be a problem with these stair climbers while we're in 2024 Japan seems to be in the year 2224 just look at where they've placed these extra seats on the [Music] trains give this engineer a bonus can you guess the favorite fruit of the creators of this robotic prosthesis who would have thought bananas could be so functional [Music] we're used to truck bodies being even bigger than the cat but what if they could fold that's the idea polish Engineers had and they successfully brought it to Life by the way this folding body meets all safety standards so don't be surprised if you see it on the roads of your city [Music] soon there's now a barrier system designed for drivers who tend to miss traffic signs now stop signs will be right in the driver's line of sight and if they fail to stop in time they'll have to pass through a wall of [Music] water this unusual chair is a must have for people tired of searching for a free seat on public [Music] transportation progress in the defense industry is Unstoppable now instead of going to a special training ground the military can hone their tank skills on a mega realistic simulator [Music] everything from the movement and rate of fire to Virtual tasks is simulated here when there's not enough room to turn around a device like this will solve the problem in no time industrial Climbers no longer need to risk their lives painting walls as robots can now handle the task with ease the entire process is highly automated the robot knows exactly how much paint to apply quickly alerts you if anything goes wrong and won't leave a mess on the Windows incredibly convenient [Music] how do you like this modern way to travel along railroad tracks well it's actually a work of art but who knows maybe Engineers will take notice of this idea and seriously consider developing such transportation thanks to the corporations of the future cars are getting smarter at a rapid pace and passenger transportation is no exception take zuk's for example they've developed a concept for unmanned cabs essentially these are robots that'll navigate any route you choose plus the Comfort level in these cars rals that of a business class seat on an airplane [Music] this is a device straight out of a sci-fi movie this is a real 10 foot exoskeleton that can be operated by both adults and children [Music] [Music] it is so precise that it can even detect finger movements and it looks absolutely stunning The Future Has Arrived check out these Innovative fruit picking robots that have revolutionized agriculture in Chile the charm of this dresser lies not only in its unique design but also in the incredibly satisfying sound it makes when closing listen to this [Music] how many workers does it take to apply texture to uncured concrete on an entire street with this device just one cities prone to flooding should consider installing this type of protection it's likely much cheaper than constantly repairing flood damage [Music] if you're a fan of bicycles scooters and roller skates you'll absolutely love this device it's literally 3 in one [Music] check out this automated mechanical bike parking system it allows you to quickly Park your bike without worrying about it safety see how smoothly the mechanism Works check out this roller crane trailer it can unload and load items even in the most inaccessible places making it easier for workers to get the job done it's the little things that make all the difference and this Marvel proves it [Music] [Music] who hasn't dreamt of someone doing all the housework for them right luckily now we have robots with artificial intelligence programmed to handle these tasks would you like to have one at home [Music] flying cars that's what the future looks like in movies thanks to Urban though it's finally becoming a reality this flying car works like a drone it's no bigger than an SUV and fits easily into a parking space hopefully we'll soon forget about traffic jams and get anywhere much [Music] faster motorcycles roam on land jet skis glide on water but what about motorcycles that soar through the air it's currently just a concept but who knows it might just become a reality and check out how cool it looks having to wrap snow chains around your wheels in winter is now a thing of the past as they've proven to be extremely inconvenient and complicated it's much easier when you can activate the anti-skid mode with just the touch of a button that's exactly how this automatic chain works which is just as effective as the classic [Music] version traditional wheelchairs for people with disabilities are gradually becoming outdated as they're replaced by exoskeletons which offer greater Mobility without restricting movement let's hope technological progress in this area never stops imagine your neighbor's reaction if you start parking a homemade but realistic tank in your driveway [Music] [Music] here's a rotary cultivator with a whopping 300 HP developed by Dutch Engineers perfect for all types of [Music] [Music] soil Transformers characters are real only this one was created by humans meet this climbing crane a Marvel invented in the Netherlands it's incredibly handy for tasks like installing Towers or wind turbine blades on challenging terrain essentially the crane adds a new segment as it climbs the object it's working on [Music] these days a huge LCD advertising display might not turn heads but a 7t long 3D hologram certainly will surprisingly this effect is achieved with fans equipped with special sensors when activated they create this mesmerizing spectacle [Applause] [Music] quite impressive don't you [Music] think say goodbye to lugging a bulky ladder out of the garage just to change a light bulb telescopic ladders are here folding out to the size you need their main advantage is their compactness store them on a Shelf at home or in your car [Music] [Music] trunk imagine a personal vehicle that's not too bulky capable of driving swimming and flying sounds tempting doesn't it that's what this gyrocopter offers it can take off from both land and water and you'll feel like a secret agent while pil viting [Music] [Applause] it Engineers invent cars so people don't have to ride on animals also Engineers create mechanized animals that you can ride on [Music] finding a parking space is one of the most frustrating parts of driving that's why having a robot do it for you is a much more pleasant experience simply drive your car into a special box and the automated system will locate a free spot where the robot will carefully park your car [Music] it's always uplifting to see inventions like this chair which provide more opportunities for people with limited Mobility even without a [Music] ramp love RC car why not add a Twist to the fun this machine not only mows the lawn but is also remote controlled so while you relax on your deck the machine does the hard work it's like a dream come true [Music] [Applause] [Music] set up with your regular bike for cardio swap it out for a water bike with its bulky Wheels you'll stay afloat effortlessly [Music] finding parking for a car can be tough but parking a bus is even trickier luckily this problem is now solved with automatic parking lots that can easily Park buses without causing any damage [Music] [Music] a great solution for those who prefer to save space this seemingly small console table can quickly become a dining table for several people [Music] sometimes even the simplest objects can be reinvented or improved in this case experts transformed an ordinary ruler without compromising its accuracy [Music] [Applause] [Music] not everyone can afford a motor home so some ingenious campers have invented a special car roof tent it'll save you from almost any inclement weather and add Comfort to your adventures perfect for outdoor enthusiasts [Music] [Music] with these sneakers and this special surface you can dive straight into your favorite game and move like the main character now reaching 10,000 steps a day is a breeze it's surprising that no one has thought of such a simple idea before if you use a washing machine for clothes why not buy a special machine to wash vegetables finally the hassle of washing them is solved you can Now consume your required daily intake without any extra effort [Music] [Music] just picture the time and effort it would take to pick up all those neatly packaged apples luckily Engineers have solved this problem with a machine that can quickly collect and transport them in just a few minutes [Music] [Music] cutting tree branches ain't easy and the average worker can only trim about five trees in 1 hour but with this device they can trim about 50 trees in the same amount of time technology is evolving to make our lives easier [Music] [Applause] [Music] this guy couldn't decide whether a tank or a motorcycle was cooler so he built his own version of the krra a half trck motorcycle not only does it look incredibly spectacular but it can also Traverse the most rugged terrain [Music] [Applause] how can one person carry 100,000 lb at once no need to have Superman superpowers just use this electric yard truck it's so easy to use that even a child can operate it and it's equipped with a speed limiter and air brakes for safety plus it can even move an [Music] airplane ever face the problem of needing just a few items for a short business trip but only having a giant suitcase well now there's a solution this folding suitcase comes in three sizes making traveling much more convenient you can now choose the luggage size that suits your needs cool [Music] right when you think of Versatility park benches probably don't come to mind but in this case face [Music] [Music]
Views: 121,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: braintime, brain time, caught on camera, moments caught on camera, Ingenious Inventions, cutting-edge technology, gloves, multifunctional robots, flying cars
Id: r1ExfbrDaXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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