The Carnivore Diet EXPLAINED! - Dr. Osborne's Zone

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you unlock this door with the key of compassion Beyond it is another world a world of science a world of Common Sense a world of Sanity you're moving into a land of both empathy and ethics of nutritional knowledge and empowerment you've just crossed over into Dr osbor Zone welcome to Dr Osborne Zone today we're going to be breaking down the carnivore diet it's risks it's benefits who might benefit what you need to check out or what you need to monitor measure if you're trying this diet who benefits most Etc so if you've been contemplating a diet change if you're struggling with autoimmune disease and you've done all the diet changes maybe you're 100% organic maybe you've gone gluten or grain-free maybe you've done um testing with functional doctors and you're still really struggling in your health we're going to be answering whether or not the carnivore diet is right for you so pay attention this carnivore diet has become more and more popular over the last several years and um I want to draw just some general observations to your attention about why this diet has been so prolifically helpful for so many um and we'll we'll first summarize and then we'll go through each one of these points but number one the carnivore diet is a gluten-free diet it's a sugar-free diet it's an oxalate free diet it's a low FODMAP diet it's plant lectin free it's lower in mold and mot toxins it also is seed oil free there's less pesticides than herbicides has a higher protein content it serves as an Elimination Diet it incorporates the benefits of organ meats and their nutritional density and it is also a diet that is free of ultr processed food so these are some of the big takeaways or the big reasons why the diet works so well for a lot of people now in contrast let's look at the US this is from the actual cdc's website on key recommendations for diets so you see here the core this is from their website the core elements that make up healthy dietary patterns and and I don't know that we would argue with every one of these things but I'm just showing you what what they have to say so number one is that vegetables of all types number two fruit especially whole fruit but what this doesn't really mention it is what about processed fruit what about dried fruit what about fruit with added sugars what about fruit with added preservatives there's no commentary on any of that um so we're left to to kind of defend on our own then they recommend grains um and this is in order of their recommendation right so again if we're hierarchically structuring this it's like this is their number one number two grains number three only at least which half or whole grain so the other half you know half could be whole grain but the other half could be processed grain and then they talk about Dairy including fat free so they want you to do fat free so take the fat free dairy that has virtually no ad e k or omega3 fat so again it's it's my opinion fat-free Dairy is potentially a problem uh and this includes milk and yogurt and cheese and other Dairy varieties as well as Pro highly processed lactose-free versions as well as fortified soy beverages for first of all soy is not dairy so why they're including it in the dairy um category is very confusing and constru to me um but at any rate they include it there and then they say protein foods now notice there's no real mention of it doesn't say meat it says protein food so it's incorporating and again keyword here lean meat so where's everything is lowfat or or or no fat in this in this guideline in this recommendation which again the observation there is that it can cause fatty nutrient deficiencies so again this this is the government's recommendation but okay lean meats poultry eggs seafood and then beans peas and lentils as well as nuts and seeds and soy products well nuts and Seed seeds are very low protein soy products very low protein generally speaking beans peas and lentils are also very low protein so why they're putting them classifying them in the high protein food again to me better delineation could be could be done and then their last recommendation is oils and so that recommendation is inclusive of processed vegetable oils uh but also inclusive of oils in food such as seafood and nuts which I don't disagree with oils and food I think you know that's that's what we call fat right oil is fat um and so to get healthy fat in the diet is not a bad idea but their recommendation is vegetable oils these are highly processed seed oils which we'll talk about why why they might be potentially problematic so again this is the governmental recommendation the carnivore diet kind of says no to this no to fruit no to grain no to Dairy no to not protein foods but no to no to lean meats it says eat fatty meats and then also it says to not eat beans peas lentils nuts seeds or soy products and then it definitely says no vegetable oils now the vegetable in meat or the or the no vegetable oils but the fat in in meat would be perfectly fine so again the differences between the governmental recommendations and uh in the carnivore diet now I think I'll also point out that you know the governmental recommendations contains a lot of what we would call ultr processed recommendations so these are recommendations where by you can get access to a lot of ultra processed foods that would be seed oils that would be processed yogurt based products that would be not eating whole grains but the nonhle grain varieties these are Ultra processed foods so we look at the newest research on uh this was recently published this was a major metaanalysis of studies uh published in the British medical journal uh and so what what they found is that Ultra processed food exposure and and adverse Health out comes and so they were analyzing all the data and what we know and that the higher the level of ultra processed food that Society consumes the greater risk that we have of obesity and being overweight and again the things in red are higher levels of evidence metabolic syndrome non-alcoholic fatty liver disease high blood pressure type 2 diabetes um and then we also have some of these other lower levels of evidence but still good evidence and that's increased risk for death um C mortality heart disease um depression wheezing adverse sleep anxiety combined mental disorders cardiovascular related mortality cancers inflammatory bowel disease again so this a brand new metaanalysis of of uh a number of research studies that show that the incorporation the more ultrapress foods you eat the more disease risk you have so again if we if we think about it from that perspective and we look at carnivore diets carnivore diet why they work is they're not inclusive of any Ultra processed food so there's no Ultra processed food now if you do it right now you can theoretically you could you could go on a carnivore diet and eat a bunch of processed carnivore junk food snacks of you know Ultra processed Meats dehydrated down and chemicals added but we're talking about just generally speaking the car diet eating whole meats and organ meats and pl and and um and animal-based Foods uh as a general rule of thumb there are no ultr processed foods there so so so now let's let's kind of go through why the carnivore Diet Works for so many people um when every other thing has failed them number one the carnivore diet is a gluten-free diet and many people including celiacs but also including what are called non-celiac Gluten Sensitive individuals um are very sick and you know we know that this is associated with the development of autoimmune disease there are about 140 different autoimmune diseases um and if you haven't read my book no grain no pain highly recommend that you do um as it makes with over 300 uh scientific references it makes um that that scientific connection between autoimmune disease and a grain heavy gluten heavy diet so we know that carnivore diets are by their nature are glutenfree and so for many people going carnivore um they're making that diet change and and what's actually happening is because they're Gluten Sensitive they're actually feeling better because there's no gluten in a carnivore diet um we also know that the carnivore diet just even Beyond being gluten-free is is a fully grainfree diet so there's you know beyond the wheat barley and Rye or what what are oftentimes referred to as the brow grains that would be barley Rye oats and wheat but um a grain-free Diet also eliminates corn rice sorghum millet so these other you know oftentimes considered to be safe grains you know for those with gluten sensitivity so um even though these can be highly inflammatory and again a carnivore diet eliminates these other grains alog together thus avoiding a major major potential source of inflammation I mean there's research studies that show that corn causes inflammatory uh issues in the bowel um many Studies have shown that corn gluten is actually just as inflammatory as as we gluten we know that rice is associated with food protein induced and teroc Colitis and we know that sorghum can actually that some studies show that there is a cross uh molecular reaction that you know it's so similar to wheat it's in Millet as well can be so similar to the glutens found in these other grains that you get what's called molecular mimicry so you get the same kind of reaction but we also know that many of these products also are cross-contaminated with gluten so again a carnivore diet there's not you don't have that issue because you don't have people running out to the kind of the gluten-free grocery store aisle and stocking up on products that contain corn rice soram Millet uh as well we also know that the carnivore diet is lower in mold and mot toxins so if we if we look at mold and mot toxins these can be you know many people are allergic to mold U it's very common mold allergy is very common and mold can be in your food but we also know that um mot toxins can contribute to uh inflammation in a number of different ways um we know that mot toxins can reduce the body's ability to replicate DNA RNA and protein we notice a lot from the animal research when animals are fed what animals being fed High grain diets are higher in mold and mot toxins and that's Again part of how we know that is that um animals being fed these high grains actually often times will get sick when the grains are contaminated with molds or mot toxins and so again going back to what we just said about cornivore diet being grainfree it's lower and molded mot toxins in part because it's absent of grain now we also know there are some other foods that contain um molden mot toxins that that are beyond the meat meat generally is not highly contaminated with molder mot toxins but a lot of your plant-based foods can be and so beyond grain we have um different legumes particularly um peanut can be contaminated that's not allowed on a carnivore diet coffee is another one that contains potential for a lot of molder microt toxins as are a number of fruits and vegetables uh can contain them and that a lot of this is how long does this sit in your refrigerator so this is like um it will start to start to uh grow mold you know especially the longer it's left over in the fridge so again that's not to say again for those of you who are eating plant-based that I want you to just have this you know paranoia about microt toxins if you eat plant-based foods but trying to draw the correlation between why a carnivore Diet Works and so being low and mold in mot toxins many people are allergic to the mold many people are reacting to MotoX and exposure in some of these foods and then when you when you couple that with many people on a carnivore diet one of the biggest reasons that I have personally observed in my own practice is that many of these people that benefit are living in mold and so they're living in mold they have mold in their home environment and those microt toxins and molds that are they're reacting to um some can also be found in their food and so when they eliminate the mold and microt toxins from their food there's actually this Improvement in how they feel because it's reducing their overall toxic burden now one of the other things that somewhat correlates with mold uh that's also part of the carnivore diet is this diet is oxil free now oxalates are predominantly found in plant Foods so where we get high oxalate for example things like spinach things like almonds and you know what happens for a lot of people they're they're going dairyfree what do they do they they they do the milks the nut milks that are high oxalate uh and so they um they start doing like green smoothies which are high oxalate and so they start driving up their oxalate status now you haven't heard of oxalates before I highly encourage you to go back and watch my crash course on oxalates we'll put a link up for that in the show notes if you want to learn more about oxalates but in a nutshell oxalates can drive up inflammation if you think about what an oxalate is it's a little tiny Crystal and these crystals are very much like little tiny glass shards and so when you have an abundance of these circulating in your system they can cause damage to your tissues they can deposit into joints they can deposit um into Stones this is actually one of the top causes of kidney stones now if you haven't had kidney stones doesn't mean that you're not bothered by oxalate it just means that you're you know that some people with high oxalate never develop kidney stones but they develop joint pain or they develop damage to other tissues and so it's important to understand that just the absence of kidney stones doesn't mean that you don't have a problem with oxalate but again go back and watch my crash course on oxalate if you want to do a deeper dive on this particular topic now again a carnivore di is oxalate free because oxalates from the diet perspective are predominantly found in plant foods but oxalate can also be found or produced by molds and so many people again going back to that mold that we were just discussing over here with the carnivore diet being mold and MotoX free many of these species of mold that you can find yourself living with or could you know if your home is contaminated one of the top species is known as aspergillis and we know for a fact that this family of molds can act can actually produce oxalates and so a lot of times we'll see people where there's an environmental mold issue they're they're actually their oxalate levels are extremely high they' become very very inflamed and that going carnivore for these individuals because it reduces their oxalate burden to a certain extent they start to feel better so again the correlation between uh mold and oxalate I want you to understand but also you know oxalate in and of itself for some can be very inflammatory and so carnivore diet is an oxalate free diet and we also know carnivore diet is a lectin free a plant lectin free diet and you know from from that perspective there are other doctors out there um you know there's the a book called The Plant Paradox among other authors that have written about lectin as a general rule of a potential that uh food item that can cause or drive inflammation for many people now this isn't true of everyone but many of you do react to lectin and so I thought I would throw this in this was published in in European Journal clinical nutrition you see here although it is common knowledge that some dietary lectins can adversely affect the growth and health of young animals again this is in reference to animals and that therefore lectins are implicated in nutritional disorders of the digestive system it has not been rigorously rigorously established that findings with animals are also directly applicable to humans however because the glycosilation state of the human gut is basically similar to that of higher animals it may be confidently predicted that the effects of dietary lectin will have similarities in both humans and animals so this is why some people do so poorly with certain types of lectin we see this very very commonly and the lectin a classic place that we see this is in night shades Nightshade uh based plant food so this would be things like Peppers or eggplant um tomatoes and potatoes Etc is they contain lectins that can be highly inflammatory for some people and again with lectins the carnivore diet is a lectin free diet now we also know that a carnivore diet is low fod map and so this is one of the things that happens for a lot of people going gluten-free um so kind of going glutenfree this is this is often times this is like a pathway that people find them they go gluten-free and they have some help so they have some improvement in their health but then they hit kind of a wall and then so then they discover my work and then they're like okay gluten-free is not enough let's go grainfree and they do really well and but some of those people also kind of hit a wall and then so then they're looking at other things and so then they discover this term called fod map and fod map is a more restrictive diet it takes away basically fod maps are in plant-based Foods so it's a more restrictive diet that produces or restricts more of the plant-based items because of these compounds um in fodmaps most of these are are like um very difficult to digest carbohydrate based compounds so they're they're kind of think of them as plant carbs that are difficult difficult to digest and so these people have a lot of gas bloating intestinal discomfort IBS when they're trying to consume them so again from grainfree to low fod map um and and so then the next kind of level would be even you know to a certain extent something called SCD which stands for specific carbohydrate diet and so some people do a little bit better and so as you gravitate through this chain of things you finally get to a place where it's like okay plant foods bother me I'm going to try this carnivore thing out maybe there's something to it and I want to pull up a a more recent study published um this was just published here in science um very recently and so um I want to pull up what these authors are saying and kind of what they're concluding but you can see here dietary fiber which is again fod maps are types of fibers um intake appears to be a key factor as high fiber diets are reported among Hoda hunter gatherers whereas lower fiber intake is observed in rural populations and the least consumption of fiber occurs in industrial societies these findings collectively imply a decline of these species in the human gut likely influenced by the shift towards westernized Lifestyles potentially impacting energy balance and uh and other health related aspects okay so kind of what these authors are saying is that people that live in more urban areas have had a change in their microbiomes and that change has led to a reduction potentially a reduction to be able to process plant-based fibers and um carbohydrate uh items found in plant-based foods and this may be again they're not making the claim that everyone should go um on a carnivore diet in this study but they're making the the observation that there's a microbiome change in these individuals and that that microbiome change may be affecting people's GI tracts and maybe affecting their ability to digest and so eating higher levels of plant-based Foods may not be the best idea for these individuals again this is early research but I I find it quite fascinating when you consider the quantity of folks who have gone on a cornivore diet and feel so much better they don't have the gas they don't have the intestinal bloating their irritable bowel syndrome can actually go away and maybe it has to do with they've lost their diversity of cellulose degrading G bacteria and so they don't do well with plant-based Foods so again this is newer research I think we'll see more of this come out I mean one of the fundamental problems with a carnivore diet is the lack of robust research so a lot of what you're seeing in the carnivore diet is based on it's based on anecdote and it's based on clinical experience from different practitioners now keep going with some of these benefits the carnivore Diet also has no seed oils so it's a seed oil free diet and if we look at you know okay what's the potential problem with seed oils so I want to give credit to the double James team here for their very robust review paper on Omega 6 vegetable oils as a driver for coronary heart disease but but we know for a fact that there's been a rise a massive rise in Omega 6 seed oils and vegetable oils and you can see here particularly soybean oil uh began to increase in the USA as far as the back as the early 1900s and so and and this was you know at a time when butter and lard was was consumption was on the the decline and this caused more than a two-fold increase in the intake of omega-6 fatty acid or linolic acid and um polyunsaturated fat found in vegetable oils which now makes up around 8 to 10% of total energy intake in the Western World so here this food from these seed oils was a very uh was a very low source of energy overall for humans now is is almost up to 10% of total energy consumed and so again what what these docks do is they do a great job of um of making the connections between the increase in linolic acid and the driving force of cardiovascular disease now I think it's important to point out that Omega 6 to omega3 fatty acids it's humans should eat these in a certain ratio and one of the reasons why is the Omega 6 to omega3 ratio regulates inflammation so if you over consume omega-6 and underc consume omega3 what happens is your body does more of this it produces more inflammation and so a 2 to one ratio is ideal now most Americans in most American diets are at a 16 to1 16 in other words for every gram of uh omega-3 they're eating 16 G of of Omega 6 16:1 ratio is bad right this is going to contribute to the potential for a heightened level of inflammation and that's going to be a driving force behind disease and and so again most of the average in the US is 16 to1 or higher I see this all the time I mean I just had somebody earlier this week theirs was 46 um their ratio was much much higher even than that 16 to1 so this is very important we want a nice flow of Omega 6 is important but over consuming omega-6 and under consuming omega-3 creates problems and so a carnivore diet eliminates the processed Ultra refined seed oils it says no we're not going to get an overaggressive amount of Omega 6 from these oils and so by doing that by default improves that ratio closer down to that 2: one and so again just another potential benefit of carnivore diets now we also know carnivore diets contain less herbicides and pesticides and um I'm going to I'm going to draw a caveat to that to that um observation the first one is that herbicides pesticides are used on Commercial crops so the things that we grow the plantbased foods now some would argue Dr Osborne you know animals eat predominantly grain right which is where we get herbicides and pesticides sprayed so by default the animal meat itself would contain herbicide and pesticide and yes this is true but the caveat I'm saying here is that if we have healthy animals and most people following a carnivore diet are not buying feed lot junk meat most people following a carore diet are not going to a fast food joint and buying garbage meat great F meat they're buying grass-fed grass finished or wild caught or organic versions and so in that regard if you're fine carnivore and you're sticking to these general rules with your meat you're getting less herbicide and less pesticide exposure and that's a good thing because herbicides and pesticides behave like antibiotics on the micro biome and create all kinds of problems now at the end of the day there's not a one siiz fits-all diet there's not a cure all diet but the carnivore diet checks a lot of boxes for a lot of people in other words it's glutenfree it's grain free it's lectin free it's oxalate free it's lower in pesticides it's lower in molds and mot toxins and we can't argue with those things now let's talk about who might consider a carnivore diet and then we'll talk about some of the potential pitfalls of a carnivore diet as well so who should consider the carnivore diet this and and a lot of this is going to come from my experience um as a clinician in practice so people who are grainfree and still struggling you might be a good candidate if this is you okay people with a history of toxic mold exposure I see this one all the time as a matter of fact I believe one of the biggest reasons people benefit so well with carnivore has to do with the reduction of molda MOT toxin exposure and then people with autoimmune disease who have tried everything and when I say tried everything I mean you've read all the books and you've attempted all the different diets and nothing's really seem like it's worked well for you so those you know that might make you a good candidate now beyond that I want to share this with you okay so again um these are just some of my observations that I wanted to put out there so number one people that benefit from the carnivore died in my experience these individuals are Gluten Sensitive and so they don't even know they're Gluten Sensitive and a lot of people don't start I showed you earlier kind of a process that many people go through which is they first go gluten-free then they go grainfree then they go low fod map Etc but there are a number of people going carnivore they're just Gluten Sensitive and and they didn't try gluten-free first they just want low they just want carnivore and because carnivore was gluten-free they experienced all kinds of benefits um other people that I've seen they before going carnivore they ate a diet heavy and Ultra processed foods uh before going carnivore they ate a diet containing excessive carbohydrates um and so they were prone to obesity and diabetes and metabolic syndrome they have a multitude of food allergies and food sensitivities because in essence what is a carnivore diet it's it's like an ultimate Elimination Diet because you're eliminating a huge array of foods from the diet and if you have a lot of food allergies by default you're eliminating those foods from the diet and so you're reaping that benefit when you're not eating foods that cause inflammation they also have major disbiosis usually the form uh what we see in that disbiosis and that abnormal growth in their intestines is they have candidiasis now again candida it technically it's a type of mold although call it a yeast um and it's normal in human guts but not overgrowths aren't normal so um we see a a shift toward high levels of yeast or candy to overgrowth and yeast one of the things they make as I mentioned earlier they make oxalates uh they also make um mot toxins different types of toxins that humans will react to and many yeast also produce substances that mimic gluten um specifically yeast makes something called an HWP that stands for hyha wall protein for those of you who um are science Geeks but this is a protein that yeast produce and it looks like gluten So molecularly speaking it can actually mimic gluten and again Gluten Sensitive is drawing the connections here right we also see again people benefiting from carnivore uh generally are being exposed to environmental mold they struggle with oxalate overload as we've discussed they react to nightshades and lectins and other plant-based chemicals and so going carnivore Cuts those out um they also have a history of poly Pharmacy and antibiotic use and so remember one of the side effects of antibiotic use one of the one of the effects of that is candida overgrowth and if we look at this you know this goes back to antibiotics in our food but also in our doctor offices right how many of you have gone to the doctor and you thought you had an infection and so they said here take this antibiotic just in case and then you're on an antibiotic and how many of you have had in your life more than five or 10 or 15 prescriptions of antibiotics I mean we have antibiotics in our water we have antibiotics in our food and our doctors hand antibiotics out like candy and so this drives in my opinion this drives that microbial change that disbiosis of uh bacteria in the intestine and again we know that in people in cities that are not exposed to animals as much that are not exposed to Nature as much generally those those individuals in overcrowded spaces will have a higher history of antibiotic use and will have as as I showed you earlier in that science research study a change in their microbiomes and maybe this is part of what's Happening um we also see that people generally that do really well with carnivore diets generally have blood type O um and so again this these are my own personal clinical observations in 20 plus years of practice now I also want to show you that's I said earlier that there's a a sparsity of research on the carnivore diet at this point meaning there's not a lot of studies that have been done that show directly benefits of carnivore why carnivore works so I'm trying to give you my own observations and my own um clinical experience but this was a study recently published on the symptoms and the outcomes of people's Health when they were going Carnival and Reporting carnivore now the the flaw to this study is that it's more of a um a self-reporting survey than it is like a double blind randomized Placebo control trial but I think it's worth discussing and it's certainly you know in my opinion is worth looking at this a lot more deeply I think we need to see a lot more research studies come out on the carnivore diet um so what you've got in this study um you can see the numbers reflect the percentage of the total par participants so here on this side and this side is Improvement so what you've got is of 1946 people 69% of those people um reported an improvement in chronic disease okay 30 reported no improvement one reported actually um getting worse and so again these are people going on a carnivore diet and you can see in their overall health you've got 95% reported Improvement 4% of no improvement 1% of worsening and hunger and food cravings 91% Improvement in mental Clarity 85% Improvement in memory 66% Improvement in Focus 83 in sleep 69 in strength 78 in endurance 76 and in energy 89 so this is pretty impressive these are pretty good outcomes I mean we'll take that right and these are just people reporting their symptomatic changes as they were embarking upon a carnivore diet and again it's not a definitive study it's not a double blind randomized Placebo control trial but it's positive enough that it should be deeper investigated and I can just speak from my own experience in helping people go carnivore um many people benefit tremendously and we can't overlooked at it's got to be studied more deeply so that we understand why they're benefiting now let's talk about some carnivore diet cautions uh the first one is the potential because it's such a restricted diet the the potential for developing nutritional deficiencies so nutrient deficiencies um is a big is a big one now I would I would argue that if it is working if you're feeling much better on a carnivore diet strongly consider the potential that you're being exposed to environmental mold I see it all the time as a matter of fact I I I can almost call it intuitively at this point after so many years of practice but um I I've yet to see the case actually where and that that doesn't mean it doesn't exist but I've yet to see a case of an individual who trem who who who was not already folling no grain no pain because a lot of a lot of people that come to see me in my practice are already folling no grain no pain they're they're doing really really well because they're falling no grain no pain but it's those that are following it that aren't getting better A lot of those people are right here they at this category almost every time and so if you are in in that category of this diet's really working well for me consider mold toxicity and potentially investigating that um one other comment I'll make is that people with type A blood are not as well suited um it doesn't mean there can't be a benefit I have taken people with blood type A on Carnivore diets but one of the things that um one of the observations you want to understand is generally speaking typas have a reduction of stomach acid and you know eating an only all animal meat-based diet requires a lot of stomach acid to break that meat down and so what happens in my experience with a lot of people with blood type A is they they get a lot of bloating and ultimately get super backed up they get constipated when they're trying to do a carnivore diet and so one of the things these people can try to do is supplement with betane hydrochloride um as a as an acid support for eating or increasing the quantity of meat in the diet but again it's not right for uh it it's not exacting right so not everyone with this blood type is going to have this problem when they attempt carnivore but it it is quite common so if you're a type A or a type AB um consider that and then again as I mentioned earlier healthy meat matters you you you don't go to fast food you don't want to do fast food and junk meat you know processed lunch and meat is not a carnivore diet if you're TR following the true tenants of a carnivore diet you know generally speaking what do you eating you're eating these things right here you're eating red meats um you're eating um non- red meats so again beef pork lamb poultry Wild game you're eating organ Meats you're eating fish of a wild Cod of you know really of any variety provided it's you know healthy wild Cod and then even some dairy in the carnivore diet so butter cheesec cream eggs again we're talking about pasture raised organic to avoid all the downfalls so you know those are the the food choices you're making you're not eating junk um that healthy meat matters now it's been my experience um up here coming back to 01 this potential for nutritional deficiencies pottassium vitamin C probably pose two of the biggest risks um at least in theory now that being said I want to I want to show you a few things um number one this nice little review was written on the nutritional attic with see of a carnivore diet and um it's written by ambro Hearn and I just want to point out a few key points you see all essential nutrients can be found in animal sourced Foods so there's not a nutrient not found in animal Source Foods so I think it's important animal Source foods do contain all of the essential nutrients again essential nutrients are the nutrients that your body requires to eat in order to sustain itself and to heal and repair itself some such nutrients are not commonly eaten in high enough amounts to meet recommended intakes and this is especially true as I mentioned a moment ago go with vitamin c um studies on individuals eating only meat did not reveal nutrient deficiencies now I'm not convinced of the studies that have been done here but um to her Point studies done so far haven't revealed that but I'm about to show you just one study one case study that is very um it's very the opposite of that statement so we also uh have here as a key Point carnivore diet nutrient profiles and effects on metabolism May reduce or increase the needs for some nutrients so again when you change your diet there's a balance with nutrients and so for example when you reduce processed foods there's a um and you're eating whole healthy foods meats that are rich in things like coq1 and B vitamins you may not need as many B vitamins if you're not eating a bunch of sugar because again empty calories and processed foods have a draw on nutritional status and can really um Rob the body of nutrients and then obviously at the end I I think very common sense here more study is warranted to understand long-term implications of plant-free diets I don't think we know enough and I think it was intelligent of Amber to to add that last statement but um all that being said I want to show you this is just one case study now I've seen uh I've seen a lot of people go carnivore over the years and um but this is probably one of the worst so what I'm showing you is not the best it's one of the worst and and it's not to scare you away from carnivore but it's to show you that a lot of people make the claim and there are a lot of Internet uh folks out there making the claim that a carnivore diet has all the nutrients you don't have to worry about nutritional deficiencies you don't have to worry about supplementation and everything will be just perfect if you just go carnivore and that's nonsense this is a case study of a girl who was on a carnivore diet for over two years and we evaluated her nutritional status now she was on a carnivore diet where she was eating healthy Meats she wasn't going to the fast food place she wasn't doing the junk she was doing it right she was on a on what we call an an accurate carnivore diet and you can see this is her level of nutritional deficiency she was low in biotin low in vitamin B2 low in vitamin B5 or pannic acid she was low in vitamin K1 low in boron calcium chromium copper iron selenium strontium vadium look at this this amino acid section now where do we get the vast majority of amino acids we get it from animal Meats but look this is where she was she was low in lysine phenol alanine Arginine asparagine cysteine Glycine histadine and Lucine now these are found in Meats but in her case she needed more her diet wasn't providing adequate quantities or there was some other issue going on internally that was creating this now we also have carnitine deficiency and choline deficiency and glutathione deficiency so as a whole there's a lot of nutritional deficit going on there and if we look at her 25ohd levels which is vitamin D you can also see that this is very low and these these blood draws were taken at the same time now we also see in her blood her fertin was very high and fertin is what's called an acute phase protein it's an indicator of inflammation so she's inflamed and then we also look in her gut so this is in her blood fertin is in her blood lacto Farin is a marker in the gut and you can see her level's High indicating gut inflammation and she also had ult blood positive so she had something going on in her GI tract now this is 2 years of a carnivore diet you again I I I use this as a case because there's so many people saying just go carnivore and everything gets better well this girl was carnivore for two years she still had gut inflammation she still had blood systemic inflammation she had multitudes of nutrient deficiencies and carnivore just didn't heal her um completely and solve all of her problems now there's no doubt about it she felt tremendously better on the diet but you can see my point that I'm trying to make is is we don't assume that just because a person feels better that there aren't potentially underlying biochemical abnormalities that are happening as a result of a restricted diet so again this is where you just want to approach it with a level of intelligence and a level level of analytics you don't want to just trust uh and and not have this analyzed because the fact of the matter is there's very little long-term data there's very little research in this area we can draw from you know from from some of the older research Arch there have been studies going back in the 1700s 1800s early 1900s and using very very low carbohydrate predominantly um meat-based diets or low low carbohydrate diets to treat diabetes before the invention of insulin we also have you know research done in in um General as Alaskan Eskimo or Inuit populations in in American Indian populations where individuals were heavier much heavier meat lower carbohydrate sustaining good health and vibrant health so I don't want to dismiss that research but we just don't have enough today in modern society and my fear for a lot of people going carnivore is if they end up like this it's going to create bigger problems for them down the road uh and so it's not hard to get to get analysis done and to get testing done and so my my advice is if you're doing a carnivore diet get your nutrition levels checked just be smart about it uh if you feel better on the diet nobody's going to argue I don't think anyone can argue if you're feeling fantastically better on the diet that you shouldn't be on the diet but also don't let that long-term diet potentially lead to some malnutrition that might increase your risk of other types of diseases again a perfect classic example is heart disease the average person that dies of a heart attack it's their first heart attack and so it sometimes it's very silent and it just comes on and nutritional deficiency can certainly contribute to that so again if you're doing carnivore you're feeling fantastically well and much much better consider checking your nutritional status um as just an intelligent maneuver to navigate some of the potential risks and consider that you know you might be in mold and you might want to get that investigated because mold toxicity is no joke and if you're in mold um you know it's going to create other problems for you down the road so that's basically carnivore in a nutshell a lot of people get better doing it a lot of people find a benefit doing it if you're one of them more power to you there's no such thing as one size fits all with diet and I encourage you to be um a good judge of how you feel based on what you eat but also to do so intelligently and so knowing that any restricted diet no matter what it is poses the risk of potential long-term nutritional deficiencies you just want to play it smart and make sure you're getting those things checked thanks so much for tuning in to Dr Osborne Zone make sure you hit the like button hit that subscribe button share this with somebody that you love and we'll see you next time thanks for tuning in to the Dr Osborne Zone don't forget to share like And subscribe for more content like this and make sure you come back next Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Central Standard Time and Thursday at :30 for more episodes [Music] oh
Channel: Peter Osborne
Views: 49,833
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Keywords: Dr. Peter Osborne, gluten free society, functional medicine, vegan vs meat eater, vegetarian diet, vegan diet, plant based, meat eater, meat eater vs vegan, vegan vs meat eater debate, should i eat meat or not, is being vegan healthy, vegans vs meat eaters - who will live longer, is eating meat healthier than vegetarian, is vegetarian healthier than eating meat, is vegan healthier, vegetarian vs meat eater debate, carnivore, carnivore diet, carnivore diet benefits
Id: wCp1xn5jef8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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