GENIUS 🤯 Dollar Tree DIY Crafts using STICKERS

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do not skip in the sticker aisle at Dollar Tree this section is filled with tons of goodies that you can use for crafting these stickers some of them are 3D golden metallic rub on you name it I brought home several as always but they have beautiful designs getting ready for spring and summer and how fun are these now we're going to start with this foam ball you can find these at Dollar Tree in different sizes this is one of the larger ones we're just going to also use one of these balloon sticks these are the kind where you can put a balloon and then stick them on the ground or in a vase I'm going to cut some of it I'm just going to leave about a 10 in piece and then we're just going to put it right inside the foam ball we're going to secure it with some hot glue let it Harden for a little bit and then we're going to cover it with some Ms we're going to create a topiary and I think you're going to love love love the way this one turned out be very careful the foam does melt quite rapidly with the hot glue and it gets hot uhuh let me tell you so anyways just cover it up really carefully use a silicone finger protector like I have if you want all right so once everything is covered it's looking like a little cute little little guy huh with hair on top all right so we're just going to make sure that everything's nice and Compact and then we're going to add florals of course we want us to be a topiary remove any excess uh moss and then I like to push the leaves on my flowers all the way to the top that way it's going to get the most of it and it just fill in that a topiary so we're going to cut off all of the flowers leaving about an inch from the top and we're going to add hot glue and then just start placing them now I start placing them here and there kind of like evenly separated just to create a pattern but don't worry about that just put it wherever you [Music] want I wanted to add more colors so I did add this pink on also from Dollar Tree and they are gorgeous they compliment the yellowish greenish ones beautifully I'm just going to fill in some of those bare spots wherever I see them and you can add whatever else you want this little glass jar is actually from Target dollar spot I got years ago I still had it laying around so I'm going to use it for this I'm going to cut off a foam that's going to fit right inside but not fall through so it's going to be really snug once I had a size that will fit I'm also going to add a little bit hot glue in the rim and then just push it in I'm going to push it with my fingers and then I did have to kind of like pound it a little bit with my wire cutter just to get it in there all right so now we are going to place the entire piece right inside very carefully so it doesn't push it through but then once inside I am going to secure it with hot glue to cover out the foam I am going to add some of these leftover leaves and other pics that I had and that way it's going to be nice and flush all right so these stickers are gorgeous they're 3D butterfly design and let me tell you they're beautiful I'm going to add this one that complements the entire design beautifully right in there with some hot glue blue and look how gorgeous this looks definitely one of my favorites which is probably why I put it first love the colors but what do you think let me know down in the [Music] comments for this next Dollar Tree DIY crab we're going to take one of these hanging shelves from Dollar Tree now these are the large ones I am going to use two of the smaller ones they come together in a pack remove everything from it including the Rope and the Rings they are a little bare and a little rough to the touch so we are going to sand them down just a little bit to remove the splinters once we have that then we have to wipe them really really well I do want to stain them and you can use any stain you can also paint it if you want this is just the style that I decided so I'm going to take my Waverly chalk pain antique wax and I'm going to stain it and I spill it my friends G so of course we're not going to let it go away so you know what I did I just grabed it straight from the cutting mat and we're going to reuse it why not all right so I'm just going to stain it and it just takes a few minutes to dry I put it under a fan and it works marvelously again use whatever color stain or whatever paint you want once they were dry we're going to sand them very softly once again to smooth them out and once again wipe them so that everything every dust is removed from it now I want create kind of like a barrel shape I don't know if if I I I don't I think I did but let me know what you think so I'm just going to use this uh paint marker that I got on Amazon and I do have it on my Amazon store if you want to check it out it is linked down below and I'm just going to make some Stripes going down they're about an inch to an inch and a half thick and then we are going to make some uh horizontal lines two of them two on the top and two at the bottom with a metallic silver marker this is going to give it that Barrel look I love the way this turned out I would love to know what you think of it though all right once everything was set and dry we're going to hug GL one of these foam rounds right inside kind of like creating a sandwich we're just going to hot glue it from the top and the bottom making sure that both wood pieces are nice and even once it hardens we're going to take a j string we're just going to thread it through the holes since they're already there might as well use them so I'm just going to make a couple of ties on each [Music] one once I had all four of them nicely tied just cut off the excess and now we have a cute little Barrel style how cute is this all right we're going to add florals of course we're going to take some of these from Dollar Tree push the leaves upward and cut off leaving about between 3 and 4 in it doesn't matter it's going to go right into the foam I'm going to add hot glue to make sure they're going to stay in place and we're going to add these pink ones some blue ones the yellows we're going to add all kinds of stuff now this is a great project to do to use all of those like leftover flowers you have from other projects this is a kind of [Music] use all right so now we are going to bring in the sticker that we're going to use for this one these have a beautiful vintage style I'm going to take this uh horizontal thin one and I'm going to place it right there in the upper right hand corner and I think it turned out gorgeous you can use any florals you want if you don't have glue the florals you can change them from season to season let me know what you think of this [Music] one this next Dollar Tree DIY craft I want to take this beautiful sticker set it's perfect for Mother's Day if you want to create a custom gift now I love that they're clear because they are perfect for what I about to bake these dry flowers I got um from a maker Studio but Amazon does carry these they have beautiful purple tones and I do have them in my Amazon store like I said earlier so if you want to check that out it is linked in the description box all right so we are going to cut one of these um laminating sheets I also get this on Amazon because we don't want to waste it we only need a little bit of it I'm going to take this circular sticker and place it kind of where I think I want it and then we're going to start placing some of the dried flowers just create whatever pattern and design that you want but have fun I love using these dried flowers all right so at this point um I'm not sure if it's going to work because we of course have to laminate this in the Heat and I don't know how the sticker is going to react so let's see all right so once I have the design where I want it we're just going to cover it up and we're going to bring in the laminator this is also from Amazon and it's so easy it's a Scotch brand and you just want to place it now it goes really slow so I'm going to speed it up for you but I want to show you the process CU at this moment I am praying my friend I don't know how that sticker If it's going to melt or not but it didn't hallelujah thank you Jesus all right so I like to put it through twice I don't know why I was taught this way I put it through and then I'm going to cut off the excess because we are making a bookmark I love creating bookmark especially as gifts and this one for Mother's Day is gorgeous look how beautiful this looks this is the perfect sticker to use to create this clear bookmark so we're going to cut off the x's and we're going to angle cut those top edges pull a hole on the top you know just like a bookmark I guess and then we're going to thread a beautiful Lacy style burlap ribbon from Dollar Tree and we're just going to Simply knot it we don't need to make anything fancy I think this is gorgeous the fact that it's clear is so unique so custom great as a gift but what do you think let me know down in the [Music] comments for this next dollar Tre DIY cry we're going to take this little wooden uh it's kind of like a crafting wooden picture frame we're going to remove everything from it including the middle portion but don't worry we're going to reuse it once again all right the first thing I want to do is I want to paint the back of it because it's a little bare and I want it to look finished so I'm just going to use this very neutral paint this is sandstone by Waverly I'm going to do one coat and then leave it to the side so it dries again I just want it to look finished then we're going to take the little design that it came with and we're going to take this piece of paper from Dollar Tree and we're going to trace it because we want it to have a different color and design inside of it now you can use it as a picture frame I decided to use it more decorative I'm going to bring these uh paper again this is from a paper pack from Dollar Tree and they have different colors different textures I'm going to start ripping this one when you rip it it creates this like white border and it looks gorgeous I'm just going to rip it in different sizes and I am going to mod podge it all around the frame now it doesn't matter how you stack it how you do it as long as the frame is covered now I do want to overlap the edges because we are going to trim it [Music] [Music] afterwards once the entire frame was covered I am going to give it one more coat of mod podge all over the surface and put it to the side and let it dry this is what it it looks like now we are going to use my xacto knife you can use a blade knife as well very carefully take your time just cut around the edge on the outside as well as the inside to create a smooth [Music] edge and once it's cut this is what it looks like how beautiful you can use any paper design you want all right so now we are going to replace that middle portion that we cut out earlier and just place it right there and this is where we're going to bring in the sticker now I decided to use a black and white sticker it has a beautiful kind of like a written style design but you can use any sticker you want and again you can just post a picture that's fine I'm going to put this one right there in the center I thought it would be very fun I think the yellow really compliments the design and then of course we want to put that little uh dowal that came with the frame so that we can stand the frame and we're just going to add a little bit of hot glue and place it right there where it belongs and that's it my friends look how gorgeous this looks I think it's absolutely stunning it could be used as a gift or just for yourself as decorative purposes I would love to know what you think of this [Music] one I have another video here for you with tons more of Dollar Tree DIY crafts check it out I'll see you later and have a blessed day bye [Music] yeah
Channel: DIY Beauty On Purpose
Views: 38,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crafts, diy crafts, diy crafts for home decor, stickers, sticker crafts, dollar Tree, dollar Tree DIY Crafts, dollar Tree crafts, dollar Tree hacks, dollar Tree finds, dollar Tree Spring, easy crafts, five minute crafts, 5 minute crafts, paper crafts, crafts with paper
Id: pqnj-8MtxFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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