Genesis Chapter 41 Part 2

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[Music] Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson there's no doubt that pride is a great hindrance to the moving of the Holy Spirit when we act in a prideful way it is going to stop the things that God wants to be done in our life and through our life from being done now that doesn't mean that the end results are going to be impossible God can bring about some other ways but here's a very important biblical truth when you and I don't submit when you and I act prideful rather than submitting to what God is revealing and doing what God would have us to do even though in the end what God wanted to accomplish will be accomplished it will not be a blessing for us we won't be rewarded and we won't reap the outcome of that good will of God in other words God's will will be established and we will not be the recipients of it we will be pushed aside well we're going to be looking at a scripture today when one individual Pharaoh and we need to realize something in the scripture God uses a variety of individuals not just the main characters not just those of the children of Israel but God uses a variety people for a variety of purposes sometimes one is is raised up in the scripture meaning the attention of the Word of God is given to that person in order to teach us what not to do what not to say how not to behave and other times the exact opposite they are lifted up as an example to us whether these people be always of a faithful character responding properly to the Word of God or not we see that in a a multiplicity of ways with the kings of both Israel and Judah well today we're going to focus in on one very important decision that pharaoh did and it began last week now you may recall last week we know that Joseph he was still in prison having been there approximately twelve years missing his family being out of his country being in a different culture and having various accusations charged against him that were all untrue both while he was in the land of Canaan in Israel and now in Egypt but throughout the text what do you remember the Bible says God was with him meaning this all these unfortunate happenings acts of sin that were leveled against him that did not affect Joseph's relationship with God that God was with him and moving and wherever Yosef was others could see God's favor and God's God's power in his life to bless now I like the fact even in prison there were those could see God was blessing prospering Yosef now did he have a lot of money no he did not but what he was doing it was manifesting God's presence God's glory in his life and that's a very important principle that is what sin called in Hebrew and at gar a challenge for us no matter what's going on where we are what's happening to us if we do not turn away from God we do not base our relationship with him on our circumstances but rather upon the truth of Scripture we can be a powerful testimony in the midst of of being in prison being accused wrongly having your reputation reputation trampled upon by others know God's power his Providence and his purposes can still be accomplished through you in the most unfortunate circumstances well take out your Bible and look with me to the book of Genesis and Genesis chapter 41 the book of Genesis and chapter 41 what does it begin where we left off last week in verse 17 now there we at the end of our time together we remember that the the prisoner that was sent free I'm talking about the chief cupbearer of the King to Pharaoh he was restored he was back in that position and he was supposed to remember Joseph but he didn't another unkind and unfortunate occurrence but when Pharaoh had these two and I want to emphasize this those two dreams the cup Bearer he remembered his sin both what caused him to be in prison and how he was not faithful to Joseph that he did not act in a proper way to remember Joseph but he did at that time speaking about how he could interpret dreams accurately and therefore we left off last week with with Joseph being heard Lee brought before Pharaoh but in new clothes having been shaved having a transformation and that transformation of clothes and an appearance shows that God brought Joseph or at least allowed him to be in that position he went through a time of transformation and now that time had come to an end and God had another purpose for him the original purpose that those dreams that he had so long ago spoke to and that is being a savior for B'nai Israel the children of Israel so notice what happens Joseph is standing before Pharaoh and these illustrious leaders of Egypt having been brought there this young now presumably about thirty years of age when he begins to to will see rule over Egypt there's what it says verse 17 and Pharaoh spoke to Yosef now this is the retelling of what we've already learned you and I have already encountered these two dreams that Pharaoh had but now he's going to tell them to Yosef and the purpose of that is for us to have first of all an emphasis a repeating for the purpose of emphasis and paying attention to what Driss dreams are and secondly learning the significance through Joseph's interpretation that he received from from God once more verse 17 and pharaoh spoke to Yosef and now he's going to say what his dream was but he'll owe me in my dream behold I was standing on the side of the river that is the river bank on the shore of the river verse 18 and behold from the river comes up seven cows but these cows that says pirate booty up meaning healthy cows of the flesh and pleasing the word here's a foot beautiful or good in appearance and it says they were grazing eating in the meadows so there they were these seven healthy and the word here means healthy in the flesh from a physical standpoint but not only were they healthy but they were also of a very good appearance and this is emphasized and notice what happens look if you would to verse 19 and behold seven other cows what up after that and it's important it is emphatic after them the timing after them and we see here that these were poor now usually this word has to do with finances but obviously here it's meager in the sense that they didn't have much there was not much to them they were meagre or poor in comparison and also word wrote now the word wrote means evil or bad and it speaks to that which is not according to God's will and we're gonna learn something I want to step ahead we all probably have read this many times and very familiar with this story and we're going to see how these seven cows and the dream that comes after them in regard to these seven ears of corn how they speak of seven years and the important thing is this that these seven years good ears that's what God wants to do that's what when we're walking with God worshiping God obeying God being used for his purposes and that's what we can expect but when things are not according to God's will then we can expect rah oh that is evil or bad but it simply means that which is not according to God's desire and this is going to tell us something but the that be that these seven bad years are not what God desires and he's going to bring them because they are going to be going to produce what God wants the outcome to be and what is that that is to show the necessity a necessity for a savior one to rule one to reveal and one to manage and without his role being received well what's gonna happen utter disaster we'll see this clearly look again verse verse 19 we are talking about these ones coming up these cows after them that were meager and and evil in appearance and then the word very meaning exceedingly evil see Tinley bigger or poor in an unusual way and it says that they were were were empty of the flesh and peril paro he says and I have not seen as these in all the land of Egypt of evil meaning he had never seen cows that were so poor in appearance from every standpoint he'd never seen that before in this way look now to verse 20 and these thin cows and evil cows they ate up the seven first cows these first seven cows that were healthy now you wouldn't expect that that they would eat up the healthy ones you would expect that these seven cows that came after because they were meager or poor and and and not good in appearance that they would be able to overtake and consume the good ones but that's exactly what happens look now to verse 21 we see something that doesn't make sense something that says what this is is not of the normal verse 21 and they came into the midst meeting these seven healthy good in flesh cows went into and we know how they went into they were devoured they were eaten by these seven poor once but notice it says Velo know keep bow l-qurba care bay na meaning it was not able to be known there is no visible effect of these seven unhealthy thin cows having consumed these seven ones that were were better in appearance than them so at the end look at verse 21 at the end and their appearance was evil bad poor just as at the beginning so there was no effect of these seven poor cows having consumed the seven good ones you would think because they did they would be noticeably different but no there was no outcome effect of these seven good cows upon these seven bad ones and then look at the end of verse 21 it says of I eat cats meaning and I came to the end which is an idiom I woke up he came to the end of his sleep verse 22 and I saw in my dream now he's now referring the second dream to us and now I saw in my dream behold seven ears of coming up from one stock and it was they were full and good so they were plumped these these ears of corn and they were full of kernels is what it's saying verse 23 behold seven ears of corn that were withered and they were very thin and they were scorched by an Eastern when they came up after them so something very similar not with cows but with ears of corn the first seven were very exceedingly good full but the seven that came up after were the exact opposite they were scorched by the east wind now some scholars point this out to be a a metaphor for judgment they had weathered up and they were very thin in appearance verse 24 a different word instead of eating we have the word for swallowing so we read that the corn ears of corn that were thin they devoured the seven ears of corn that were good so he saw something similar but here it says Omar al ha car to meme I said to the wise men meaning I revealed this I told this dream both of them to the wise men of Egypt but notice what it says end of of verse 24 V n McGee Lee they didn't have anything to declare to me they were left speechless by this dream now this is as well interesting because once more we have something we have these wise men being given the dream now remember the Book of Daniel these same wise men of same type same words used to mean of the same source meaning from the pit of hell they said to to Nebuchadnezzar if you tell us the dream we'll give you the interpret interpretation they could always give an interpretation if they received a dream well we learn in the book of Daniel that wasn't the case once they were given a dream they had no response and likewise here the similarities between Joseph and Daniel's stand out in this same way these wise men they were told the dream very specifically but they had nothing they were speechless they had nothing to tell - Ferrell verse 25 and Joseph said to Pharaoh the dream of Pharaoh is one meaning one dream it is to Pharaoh and it says and the God does to make known to Pharaoh so which God does to make known what he's saying here the Hebrews awkward but what he says is this there's one dream and God is making it known to Pharaoh now this is significance because he's saying this is not just any dream this is a god-given dream and there's something else that that stands out of the tech on stands out from the text and that is at a share ha Elohim which God makes known to Pharaoh would probably be another but it's the guy not just a God not God makes known but he says the God and this is very important it's emphatically in the text so Yosef is saying you know those are to mean these wise men of Egypt they speak about God healing idols and such they believe in the supernatural but this is not their their idols this is the that he is making known to you Pharaoh verse 26 the seven good cows they are seven years and the Seven ears of corn which are good are seven years the dream it is one so even though he saw two manifestations with the cows and after that with the ears of corn Yosef is saying really here there's only one dream both of these two dreams they they share the same message not two different things two different dreams to speak about the same one occurrence so look again verse 26 he says the seven good cows are seven years they are and the seven good ears of corn seven years they are for one dream it is verse 27 and the Seven thin and evil cows that go up after them they are seven years so also both components are of time seven years seven cows seven years seven ears of corn seven years and he says and the Seven thin ears of corn scorched by an Eastern wind they are seven years as well but there's a key dish here what's a kaduche there's something that's made no no new some new revelation because he says they will be seven years of famine so now we know something it's just not seven years but there's going to be seven good years and then seven years of famine and the emphasis here is not upon the good years but when we look at the text what is emphasized is the seven years of famine now we talked about some time ago that a very important concept that we need to remember is God's judgment and this is one of the things that that Joseph is going to reveal to Pharaoh and to you and to me that God is a God of judgment he may be the passive for a moment he may not respond to gross sin but eventually he acts and he judges and this is what this text is speaking about that he's going to judge look now to verse 28 and this thing which I have spoken to Pharaoh which the God here again the god with the definite article it says God is making known that God does what God's going to do he shows to Pharaoh now here's something very important the implication of this text is this what Joseph wants to convey the one true God is making this known to you he's showing you Pharaoh but here's the key with a revelation there's responsibility with revelation there is accountability for what God has revealed to you and and Pharaoh this one individual he is going to be responsible for literally the lives of the people of Egypt and even beyond the famine those seven years of famine there got to be on Egypt but also upon much of the world in addition to Egypt why well biblically speaking we see a correlation between Egypt and the world in the scripture so remember that especially when you come across Egypt in prophecy but let's move on look if you would to verse twenty-nine behold the seven years are coming our seven good in all the land of Egypt so these next seven years and one of the implication of the Texas that it's all happening soon but it's only through and write this down it is only through the revelation of God can you be prepared for the future let me go off on I believe a very relevant tangent think about a moment the parable of the prodigal son or the lost son now he was given a a sum of money he left Israel he went into a far country he lived in a very unrighteous way meaning he acted based upon the enticement the desire the leadership of sin in his life and what happened having spent all and that's exactly what the text says after having spent all a famine King now the point is this this prodigal son he was totally unprepared for the famine that was coming it hit the famine hit at the worst possible time for him and here's a message when we act based upon sinful desires the the enticement of sin when we go where sin lives leads us it is going to leave us totally unprepared for the judgment of God but through the revelation of God God will provide the one that will help us and make us ready to endure and overcome and stand in the midst of God's judgment look again at verse 29 he says behold seven years are coming and it says here there's going to be Safa Gadol they call Eretz mitzraim it's Sarah think I mistranslated wrong because there's a play on word the word shaiva and the work here Savva so we read here behold seven years are coming seven good years but it's literally the word sava which is that which is satisfying that which is remember the scripture that says in Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 10 they ikata they savato of rock that hashem Aloha when you have eaten your food and are satisfied then you shall bless the Lord your God this is the word for satisfaction and what it reads here and I want to get right we read verse 29 he nay shaiva Shamim by oath Safa so we see here seven years are coming of satisfaction great satisfaction Sivaji dope seven years of great satisfaction are coming in all the land of egypt but seven years will rise up of a famine after then so in the same way there's going to be Chavous shannon Safa seven seven years of abundance there's after that seven years of a famine and notice what it says vanish Kohath sava bay Eretz mitzraim and will be forgotten all the satisfaction in the land of egypt so all of this plentiful years of abundance all of that when the judgment falls all of that is going to be forgotten so there's a problem and the problem is if one's not prepared by the revelation of God this one is going to be unprepared for when God moves in judgment press on look now to verse 30 30 30 the second half vetti la jara of etta arts and this famine the famine will make an end to the land now it's presumably the land of Egypt but doesn't say that all the other times we see the phrase Eretz mitzrayim the land of Egypt Eretz mitzraim over and over but here when we look at it we find that it's a very unusual because here it says at ha arts the land and sometimes as we have seen the word Eretz can mean not land as specifically a country but the entire world so what he's saying here the earth will come to an end life upon it it's a judgment a severe judgment very some scholars say similar in purpose as the flood meaning the flood destroyed everyone only those who took God's provision of an ark and in that same way there's a provision here and we're going to see what that is in a moment look now to verse 31 and it will not be known the the abundance the satisfaction in the land because of the famine that famine afterwards for a vet who may because heavy it is very so this famine is going to be exactly very very heavy or Grieveson in the earth like none before it and also the word famine here has the definite article the faman and the purpose of that definite article is to set it aside to show that it's different from all the other famines that struck the earth previously look now to verse 30 - and concerning the repetition of the dream now why he wants to deal with what's on Pharaohs mind some of the sages say that Pharaoh's hearing this and here again this is midrashic which means this is a interpretation base very loosely on the text but it comes from a well-respected source in Judaism so be cautious what it says here and this is similar this interpretation to what we see in the New Covenant where in the Gospel accounts we have many time some of the individuals thinking thoughts in their mind and and Yahshua responds to their thoughts this is what they say that that yes Joseph is doing because he's telling it it's one dream and probably the implication is Pharaoh's thinking well if it's one dream why did I get to accountings of it so now supernaturally the implication the interpretation goes that that Joseph is going to answer it they al ha she note ha hallo el perro Pam I'm concerning the repetition of the dream to farrell two times why was it two times key Nahanni devar may aim high Elohim because correct is this thing this manner from the god verse 32 part 2 now we have instructions he says and quickly God will do it so there's no time for delay this in a quick fast manner God's going to bring it about verse 33 now verse 33 has something that shouldn't surprise us it's the word a tie with an EIN meaning now once more the linguistic scholars they say that the word a tie is like the Hebrew word but it has a greater urgency to it so the word now in Hebrew always comes with a significant urgency placed upon it now let Pharaoh see a man who is wise and wise now it's two words the word navona means very intelligent wise and also the word hokhmah or calm here in the adjective form so he says this guy you need to see now this is important because most translations miss out on it there is something very subtle I believe most English translation says let Pharaoh a point or let Pharaoh see to this manner but what it literally says is let Pharaoh see and if you pay attention to the text let's look at it closely let pharaoh see a wise and intelligent man and place him upon the land of egypt or over the land of egypt now this has something that's very very extraordinary what it literally says is let pharaoh see a wise intelligent man who's that wise an intelligent man it is Yosef and then he says let him be a point we'll come to this in a moment what Yosef is saying is this this famine is coming and it's coming soon seven years of it now prior to that there's going to be seven good years but if we don't manage the good years properly this famines going to destroy the world so you need to see a wise and intelligent man you know what that implies what Yosef is saying to Pharaoh you're not wise enough you're not intelligent enough to deal with this you need to choose someone else you need to see a man who is now remember what we began this message we talked about pride and probably you thought what does it have to do with this section and the answer is everything because Pharaoh he is the king of Egypt and more than that this word Thoreau it has to do they saw him as not just a mere man but above humanity of a kind of deity figure and now what Yosef is telling him is this you're not wise enough and intelligent enough you need to appoint a man ferrozzo I'm a deity no you can't handle this Pharaoh you're not wise enough you're not smart enough you don't have the intelligence you don't understand the revelation of God therefore you need to appoint a man now this to most pharaohs and people in very high position dictators rulers to be told us they would become very angry and if pharaoh acted in pride in this situation it would have brought about sheer destruction at least of Egypt if not much of the world of course God was not going to destroy the world totally because he had a plan but notice what it says here once more now let Pharaoh see a man who is wise and intelligent and placed him over the land of Egypt and let Pharaoh do and let him him appoint officers not the same word Pakula very important word in Hebrew use in a variety of ways but it's it's the word for let Pharaoh make a order and put officers what are officers those who are faithful to the order that's implication this word can also be a charge a command so let him put people who he has commanded over this command and he says there over the the land and he says look at verse 34 in the middle 50 mesh at arts kamesh is a fifth so he's saying let's take 20% of the land each year of this great abundance let's take it and set it aside so let him take 20% of the land of Egypt in the seven years of abundance seven years of satisfaction and let them over look at verse 35 and that they shall be gather all the food meaning these leaders these officers let them gather all the food of the good years that are coming these good years and let them we would say here set aside grain under the hand of Pharaoh meaning Pharaoh it's under your authority that this is being done you are the one who controls these seven years of of plentiful harvest you control that 20% each year that's going to come into to being and he says let them be placed this this accusation of corn and grain in these good years let them be under the authority of Pharaoh and let them be food in the cities and let them be kept meaning kept in reserved verse 36 and it came about that the food shall be deposited of the earth of for the earth for the land of the seven years of these let me read this paper and it shall come about the food shall be for a deposit for the land for the seven years of famine so this food that's being deposited it's for the seven years of famine verse 36 second half which should be meaning that these years of famine are coming in the land of Egypt and ordered that the land should not be cut off by the famine verse 37 and this thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh and in all the eyes of all his servants now this is quite remarkable because as Joseph this this young Hebrew man approximately thirty having come from the prison that's same day now he's speaking before the most illustrious leaders in Pharaoh's Egypt and he's telling them what's going to happen that this is divine revelation and that you can't handle it Pharaoh someone else needs to be appointed and this is what they should do in their new position appoint leaders officers in order to store up in the years of plenty the years of satisfaction 20% of the harvests in cities for food under the authority of a pharaoh and pharaoh and all of his officers in one Accord agreed with this it says and the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of all and this is emphasized his servants verse 38 and pharaoh said to his servants can there be one found as this a man which here it is the Spirit of God is in him he's saying here is it possible to find a another man in whom the Spirit the Spirit of God dwells now this is important because what makes Joseph fitting appropriate for the is that the Spirit of God dwells within him and that began to be revealed to us all the way back when when Yosef had these dreams and there's a connection it is because of the revelation that Yosef received and that he was willing to speak of it no matter how it was going to be received he suffered greatly for speaking God's truth revealing God's revelation and now we see something God is positioning him having prepared him for 12 years of enduring false accusations hardships difficulty of life never less all of that was preparing him for what to take the position that Pharaoh and his officers that they had just reached can there be found anyone else in whom the Spirit of God dwells it was that fact and he was the only one but the Spirit of God was dwelling within in this situation it was that fact that called him into service now the last thing I want to say is this Joseph had proven himself faithful he was faithful to share those dreams he was faithful when he was in Potiphar's house he was faithful in present no matter where he was his relationship with God did not change God's favor was upon him and the evidence of that was seen it was seen by Potiphar and was seen by the jailer it was seen now by Pharaoh and his servants in other words he had a testimony a testimony that he was what that he was faithful to God so let me close and ask you this simple question when people look at your life do they see the spirit of the one true God dwells in you if they do they are going to be moved by that fact it is through our obedience to God being led by the Spirit that we're going to have a testimony that causes others to make right decisions well will regather next week when we press on and conclude this 41st chapter of the book of Genesis Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
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Keywords: Bible & Teaching, Creation, Israel, Missions & Ministry, Religion, Spiritual Growth, Education
Id: lyNnKEElPEk
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Length: 45min 43sec (2743 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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